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Volume 69, Numbers 1-6 July-December 1995 Journal of Personality and Social Psycholo ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION ARIE W. KRUGLANSKI, Editor University of Maryland, College Park ICEK AIZEN, Associate Editor University of Massachusetts at Amherst SUSAN M. ANDERSEN, Associate Editor New York University JAMES M. OLSON, Associate Editor University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND GROUP PROCESSES NORMAN MILLER, Editor University of Southern California JOHN G. HOLMES University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada JERRY M. SULS, Associate Editor University of lowa PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES RUSSELL G. GEEN, Editor University of Missouri—Columbia ROBERT M. ARKIN, Associate Editor Ohio State University CAROLYN E. CUTRONA, Associate Editor lowa State University ISSN 0022-3514 Published monthly by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 Copyright © 1995 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Consulting Editors ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION Craig A. Anderson, University of Missouri-Columbia Antony Manstead, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Richard P. Bagozzi, University of Michigan Leonard L. Martin, University of Georgia Mahzarin R. Banaji, Yale University Dale T. Miller, Princeton University John A. Bargh, New York University Judson Mills, University of Maryland John N. Bassili, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Walter Mischel, Columbia University Galen Bodenhausen, Michignn State University Paula M. Niedenthal, Jndiana University Bloomington John T. Cacioppo, Ohio Sve University Stuart Oskamp, Claremont Graduate School Richard E. Petty, Ohio State University Donal E. Cariston, Purdu:: University Shelly Chaiken, New York University MBayrrroyn R.R oStchhblaerntk,e r,U niUvneirvseirtsyi toyf oOfr eFgloorni da Leslie F. Clark, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia Norbert Schwarz, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor William D. Crano, University of Arizona Steven J. Sherman, Jndiance University Bloomington Patricia Devine, University of Wisconsin—Madison Eliot R. Smith, Purdue University Alice H. Eagly, Purdue University Mark Snyder, University of Minnesota Nancy Eisenberg, Arizona State University Richard M. Sorrentino, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Ralph Erber, DePaul University Canada Russell H. Fazio, Indiana University Bloomington Charles Stangor, University of Maryland, College Park Susan T. Fiske, University of Massachusetts—Amherst Claude M. Steele, Stanford University Daniel T. Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin Fritz Strack, Universitat Trier, Germany Thomas D. Gilovich, Cornell University Wolfgang Stroebe, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands Peter M. Gollwitzer, University of Konstanz, Germany Shelley E. Taylor, University of California, Los Angeles David L. Hamilton, University of California, Santa Barbara Abraham Tesser, University of Georgia Miles Hewstone, University of Wales, United Kingdom Yacov Trope, New York University E. Tory Higgins, Columbia University Daniel M. Wegner, University of Virginia Edward R. Hirt, /ndiana University, Bloomington Bernard Weiner, University of California, Los Angeles David A. Kenny, University of Connecticut Timothy D. Wilson, University of Virginia Stanley B. Klein, University of California, Santa Barbara Wendy Wood, Texas A & M University Jon A. Krosnick, Ohio State University Mark P. Zanna, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Diane M. Mackie, University of California, Santa Barbara Assistant to the Editor—Jennifer E. Ireland INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND GROUP PROCESSES Arthur Aron, State University of New York at Stony Brook Norbert L. Kerr, Michigan State University Robert S. Baron, University of lowa Brenda Major, State University of New York at Buffalo Kim Bartholomew, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Geoffrey M. Maruyama, University of Minnesota Canada Joseph E. McGrath, University of Illinois C. Daniel Batson, University of Kansas Charles E. Miller, Northern Illinois University James K. Beggan, University of Louisville Richard Moreland, University of Pittsburgh Ellen S. Berscheid, University of Minnesota Brian Mullen, Syracuse University James J. Blascovich, State University of New York at Buffalo Edgar C. O'Neal, Tulane University Niall Bolger, New York University Steven Penrod, University of Minnesota Marilynn B. Brewer, Ohio State University Stephen J. Read, University of Southern California Ross W. Buck, University of Connecticut (Storrs) Harry T. Reis, University of Rochester Laurie Chassin, Arizona State University Frederick T. Rhodewalt, University of Utah Michael R. Cunningham, University of Louisville Diane N. Ruble, New York University Kenneth L. Dion, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Caryl Rusbult, University of North Carolina John F. Dovidio, Colgate University Mark Schaller, University of Montana Francis D. Fincham, University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom Phillip R. Shaver, State University of New York at Buffalo Donelson R. Forsyth, Virginia Commonwealth University Jeffry A. Simpson, Texas A & M University Alan J. Fridlund, University of California, Santa Barbara Garold Stasser, Miami University Sam Gaertner, University of Delaware Walter G. Stephan, New Mexico State University Dale W. Griffin, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Louis G. Tassinary, Texas A&M University Stephen Harkins, Northeastern University John C. Turner, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Rick Hoyle, University of Kentucky Territory, Australia William Ickes, University of Texas at Arlington Harald G. Wallbott, Justus-Liebig Universitat, Federal Republic of Germany James Jaccard, State University of New York at Albany Rand R. Wilcox, University of Southern California Lee Jussim, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey Thomas A. Wills, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology James P. Kahan, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California Toshio Yamagishi, Hokkaido University, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan Assistants to the Editor—-Ann Holsti, Casey Kramer, and Pamela Young PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Carolyn M. Aldwin, University of California, Davis Herbert W. Marsh, University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown, New South Craig A. Anderson, University of Missouri—Columbia Wales, Australia Carol Ford Arkin, Ohio State University Robert R. McCrae, National Institute on Aging Gerontology Research Center, Roy F. Baumeister, Case Western Reserve University Baltimore, Maryland Paul H. Blaney, University of Miami, Coral Gables John L. Michela, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Nathan Brody, Wesleyan University Lynn Carol Miller, University of Southern California Jonathan D. Brown, University of Washington Suzanne M. Miller, Temple University Ross W. Buck, University of Connecticut (Storrs) W. Morris, Middle Tennessee State University Jerry M. Burger, Santa Clara University John H. Mueller, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada Brad J. Bushman, /owa State University Joseph P. Newman, University of Wisconsin—Madison Jennifer D. Campbeil, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Stephen Nowicki, Jr., Emory University Columbia, Canada Edgar C. O'Neal, Tulane University William F. Chaplin, University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) Daniel J. Ozer, University of California, Riverside Jonathan M. Cheek, Wellesley College Delroy L. Paulhus, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Susan D. Cochran, California State University (Northridge) Columbia, Canada Bruce E. Compas, University of Vermont (Burlington) Gregory R. Pierce, Hamilton College Anne Constantinople, Vassar College Mary E. Procidano, Fordham University Richard J. Contrada, Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey Steven P. Reise, University of California, Riverside Christine Dunkel-Schetter, University of California, Los Angeles Daniel W. Russell, Jowa State University Robert A. Emmons, University of California, Davis Craig A. Smith, Vanderbilt University David C. Funder, University of California, Riverside Timothy W. Smith, University of Utah Lewis R. Goldberg, University of Oregon Joseph P. Stokes, University of Illinois at Chicago William G. Graziano, Texas A&M University Lawrence J. Stricker, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey Lisa L. Harlow, University of Rhode Island (Kingston) Michael J Strube, Washington University, St. Louis Kenneth Heller, Indiana University Bloomington June Price Tangney, George Mason University Stevan E. Hobfoll, Kent State University Howard A. Tennen, University of Connecticut (Farmington) Charles J. Holahan, University of Texas at Austin Dianne M. Tice, Case Western Reserve University Michael Kernis, University of Georgia Anita Vangelisti, University of Texas at Austin Eric S. Knowles, University of Arkansas (Fayetteville) Gifford Weary, Ohio Siate University Janice Langan-Fox, University of Melbourne, Clarkville, Australia Raymond Wolfe, State University of New York College at Geneseo Mark R. Leary, Wake Forest University Rex A. Wright, University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistants to the Editor—-Tamara K. Pope, Lucille D. Salerno, and Susan M. Williams APA Journal Staff Susan Knapp, Executive Editor; Leslie A. Cameron, Director, Journals Program; Journal Production; Andrea Phillippi, Production Editor; Kathleen A. Savadel, L. Keith Cooke, Manager, Journal Production; Kathleen P. Baker, Supervisor, Production Editor; Jodi Ashcraft, Advertising Sales Manager. Author Index to Volume 69 Key to Pagination Issue No Month Pages Issue No. Month Pages July 1-208 4 October 585-792 August 209-392 5 November 793-1008 September 393-584 6 December 1009-1250 ARTICLES Bonanno, George A., Keltner, Dacher, Holen, Are, and Horo- witz, Mardi J.—When Avoiding Unpleasant Emotions Acker, Michele—see Malamuth, Neil M. Might Not Be Such a Bad Thing: Verbal-Autonomic Re- Ager, Joel—see Oyserman, Daphna sponse Dissociation and Midlife Conjugal Bereavement Agronick, Gail—see Helson, Ravenna Brauer, Markus—see Judd, Charles M. Agronick, Gail S.—see Duncan, Lauren E. Brendl, C. Miguel, Higgins, E. Tory, and Lemm, Kristi M.— Almagor, Moshe, Tellegen, Auke, and Waller, Niels G.—The Big Sensitivity to Varying Gains and Losses: The Role of Self- Seven Model: A Cross-Cultural Replication and Further Ex- Discrepancies and Event Framing ploration of the Basic Dimensions of Natural Language Brennan, Robert T.—see Barnett, Rosalind C. Trait Descriptors Brewer, Marilynn B., Weber, Joseph G., and Carini, Barbara— Ambady, Nalini, Hallahan, Mark, and Rosenthal, Robert—On Person Memory in Intergroup Contexts: Categorization Judging and Being Judged Accurately in Zero-Acquain- Versus Individuation tance Situations . Brown, Stephanie—see Kenrick, Douglas T. Andersen, Susan M., Glassman, Noah S., Chen, Serena, and Bryan, Angela—see Kenrick, Douglas T. Cole, Steve W.—Transference in Social Perception: The Bushman, Brad J.—Moderating Role of Trait Aggressiveness in Role of Chronic Accessibility in Significant-Other the Effects of Violent Media on Aggression Representations 4) Butler, Jennifer L.—see Tice, Dianne M. Aron, Arthur, Paris, Meg, and Aron, Elaine N.—Falling in Love: Prospective Studies of Self-Concept Change Cacioppo, John T.—see Uchino, Bert N. Aron, Elaine N.—see Aron, Arthur Campbell, Jennifer D.—see Lavallee, Loraine F. Aronson, Joshua—see Steele, Claude M. Cantor, Nancy—see Harlow, Robert E. Arroyo, Carmen G., and Zigler, Edward—Racial Identity, Aca- Carini, Barbara—see Brewer, Marilynn B. demic Achievement, and the Psychological Well-Being of Carlston, Donal E., Skowronski, John J., and Sparks, Cheri-— Economically Disadvantaged Adolescents 903 Savings in Relearning: II. On the Formation of Behavior- Attridge, Mark, Berscheid, Ellen, and Simpson, Jeffry A.—Pre- Based Trait Associations and Inferences dicting Relationship Stability From Both Partners Versus Chaiken, Shelly—see Pomerantz, Eva M. 254 Chen, Serena—see Andersen, Susan M. Choi, Sang-Chin—see Kashima, Yoshihisa Baltes, Paul B.—see Little, Todd D. Cialdini, Robert B., Trost, Melanie R., and Newsom, Jason T.— Banse, Rainer—see Hess, Ursula Preference for Consistency: The Development of a Valid Barnes, Gordon—see Malamuth, Neil M. Measure and the Discovery of Surprising Behavioral Barnett, Rosalind C., Raudenbush, Stephen W., Brennan, Rob- Implications ert T., Pleck, Joseph H., and Marshall, Nancy L.—Change Cohen, Sheldon—see Coriell, Marilee in Job and Marital Experiences and Change in Psychologi- Coie, John D.—see Boivin, Michel cal Distress: A Longitudinal Study of Dual-Earner Couples Cole, Steve W.—see Andersen, Susan M. Barr, Alicia—see Kenrick, Douglas T. Comey, Gail—see Kirsch, Irving Benbow, Camilla Persson—see Sanders, Cheryl E. Cooper, M. Lynne, Frone, Michael R., Russell, Marcia, and Mu- Benet, Veronica, and Waller, Niels G.—The Big Seven Factor dar, Pamela—Drinking to Regulate Positive and Negative : Model of Personality Description: Evidence for Its Cross- Emotions: A Motivational Modei of Alcohol Use Cultural Generality in a Spanish Sample Coriell, Marilee, and Cohen, Sheldon—Concordance in the Face Correction to Benet and Waller (1995) of a Stressful Event: When Do Members of a Dyad Agree Berscheid, Elien—see Attridge, Mark That One Person Supported the Other? ............. 289 Blackman, Melinda C.—see Funder, David C. Costa, Paul T., Jr., and McCrae, Robert R.—Primary Traits of Blackstone, Tami—see Simpson, Jeffry A. Eysenck’s P-E-N System: Three- and Five-Factor Solutions 308 Bodenhausen, Galen V.—see Macrae, C. Neil Coté, Stephane—see Moskowitz, D. S. Boivin, Michel, Dodge, Kenneth A., and Coie, John D.—Indi- Crandall, Christian S.—see Schaller, Mark vidual—Group Behavioral Similarity and Peer Status in Ex- perimental Play Groups of Boys: The Social Misfit Degoey, Peter—see Tyler, Tom R. Revisited Diener, Carol—see Diener, Ed Bolger, Niall, and Zuckerman, Adam—A Framework for Study- Diener, Ed, Diener, Marissa, and Diener, Carol—Factors Pre- ing Personality in the Stress Process dicting the Subjective Well-Being of Nations iv AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Diener, Ed, Wolsic, Brian, and Fujita, Frank—Physical Attrac- Harlow, Robert E., and Cantor, Nancy—To Whom Do People tiveness and Subjective Well-Being 120 Turn When Things Go Poorly? Task Orientation and Func- Diener, Ed, Smith, Heidi, and Fujita, Frank—The Personality tional Social Contacts Structure of Affect 130 Harmon-Jones, Eddie—see Wright, Rex A. Diener, Marissa—see Diener, Ed Heavey, Christopher L.—see Malamuth, Neil M. Dodge, Kenneth A.—see Boivin, Michel Helson, Ravenna, Roberts, Brent, and Agronick, Gail—Endur- Doosje, Bertjan, Spears, Russell, and Koomen, Willem—When ingness and Change in Creative Personality and the Predic- Bad Isn’t All Bad: Strategic Use of Sampie Information in tion of Occupational Creativity Generalization and Stereotyping 642 Helson, Ravenna, Stewart, Abigail J., and Ostrove, Joan—Iden- Duncan, Lauren E., and Agronick, Gail S.—The Intersection of tity in Three Cohorts of Midlife Women Life Stage and Social Events: Personality and Life Hershberger, Scott L., Plomin, Robert, and Pedersen, Nancy Outcomes L.—Traits and Metatraits: Their Reliability, Stability, and Dunning, David, Leuenberger, Ann, and Sherman, David A.— Shared Genetic Influence A New Look at Motivated Inference: Are Self-Serving The- Hess, Ursula, Banse, Rainer, and Kappas, Arvid—The Intensity of Facial Expression Is Determined by Underlying Affective Dunton, Bridget C.—see Fazio, Russell H. State and Social Situation Higgins, E. Tory—see Brendl, C. Miguel Esses, Victoria M., and Zanna, Mark P.—Mood and the Expres- Hilsman, Ruth, and Garber, Judy—A Test of the Cognitive Di- sion of Ethnic Stereotypes athesis—Stress Mode! of Depression in Children: Academic Stressors, Attributional Style, Perceived Competence, and Fazio, Russell H., Jackson, Joni R., Dunton, Bridget C., and Control ee Williams, Carol J.—Variability in Automatic Activation as Hirt, Edward R., and Markman, Keith D.—Multiple Explana- an Unobtrusive Measure of Racial Attitudes: A Bona Fide tion: A Consider-an-Alternative Strategy for Debiasing Feldman, Lisa A.— Valence Focus and Arousal Focus: Individ- Hodges, Sara D.—see Wilson, Timothy D. ual Differences in the Structure of Affective Experience . . Holen, Are—see Bonanno, George A. Fernandez-Dols, José-Miguel, and Ruiz-Belda, Maria-Ange- Horowitz, Mardi J.—see Bonanno, George A. les—Are Smiles a Sign of Happiness? Gold Medal Winners at the Olympic Games Ickes, William—see Simpson, Jeffry A. Frone, Michael R.—see Cooper, M. Lynne Jackson, Joni R.—see Fazio, Russell H. Frost, Alan G.—-see Littlepage, Glenn E. Joiner, Thomas E., Jr., and Metalsky, Gerald I.—A Prospective Fuhrman, Robert W., and Funder, David C.—Convergence Be- Test of an Integrative Interpersonal Theory of Depression: tween Self and Peer in the Response-Time Processing of A Naturalistic Study of College Roommates Trait-Relevant Information Judd, Charles M., Park, Bernadette, Ryan, Carey S., Brauer, Fujita, Frank—see Diener, Ed Markus, and Kraus, Susan—Stereotypes and Ethnocen- Funder, David C., Kolar, David C., and Blackman, Melinda C.— trism: Diverging Interethnic Perceptions of African Ameri- Agreement Among Judges of Personality: Interpersonal Re- can and White American Youth lations, Similarity, and Acquaintanceship Funder, David C.—see Fuhrman, Robert W. Kameda, Tatsuya, and Sugimori, Shinkichi—Procedural Influ- ence in Two-Step Group Decision Making: Power of Local Gant, Larry—see Oyserman, Daphna Majorities in Consensus Formation Garber, Judy—see Hilsman, Ruth Kappas, Arvid—see Hess, Ursula Gelfand, Michele J.—see Kashima, Yoshihisa Kashima, Yoshihisa, Yamaguchi, Susumu, Kim, Uichol, Choi, Gerrard, Meg—see Gibbons, Frederick X. Sang-Chin, Gelfand, Michele J., and Yuki, Masaki—Cul- Gibbons, Frederick X., and Gerrard, Meg—Predicting Young ture, Gender, and Seif: A Perspective From Individualism— Adults’ Health Risk Behavior Collectivism Research Giesler, R. Brian—see Gilbert, Daniel T. Keefe, Richard C.—see Kenrick, Douglas T. Gilbert, Daniel T., Giesler, R. Brian, and Morris, Kathryn A.— Keltner, Dacher—see Bonanno, George A. When Comparisons Arise Kenrick, Douglas T., Keefe, Richard C., Bryan, Angela, Barr, Gilovich, Thomas—see Medvec, Victoria Husted Alicia, and Brown, Stephanie—Age Preferences and Mate Glaser, Ronald—see Uchino, Bert N. Choice Among Homosexuals and Heterosexuals: A Case for Glassman, Noah S.—see Andersen, Susan M. Modular Psychological Mechanisms 1166 Gollwitzer, Peter M.—see Taylor, Shelley E. Keyes, Corey Lee M.—see Ryff, Carol D. Goodwin, J. Steven—see Wright, Rex A. Kiesler, Donald J.—see Wagner, Christopher C. Gorassini, Donald R., and Olson, James M.—Does Self-Percep- Kim, Uichol—see Kashima, Yoshihisa tion Change Explain the Foot-in-the-Door Effect? ...... Kirsch, Irving, Silva, Christopher E., Comey, Gail, and Reed, Green, Joseph P., and Lynn, Steven Jay—Hypnosis, Dissocia- Steven—A Spectral Analysis of Cognitive and Personality tion, and Simultaneous Task Performance Variables in Hypnosis: Empirical Disconfirmation of the Gruber-Baldini, Ann L., Schaie, K. Warner, and Willis, Sherry Two-Factor Model of Hypnotic Responding L.—Similarity in Married Couples: A Longitudinal Study Kjelgaard, Margaret M.—see White, Paul H. of Mental Abilities and Rigidity-Flexibility Kolar, David C.—see Funder, David C. Gurtman, Michael B.—see Pincus, Aaron L. Komorita, S. S.—see Miller, Charles E. Koomen, Willem—see Doosje, Bertjan Hallahan, Mark—see Ambady, Nalini Kraus, Susan—see Judd, Charles M. Harkins, Stephen G.—see White, Paul H. Kuiken, Don—see Wild, T. Cameron AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 69 LaFleur, Suzanne J.—see Wilson, Timothy D. Murphy, Sheila T., Monahan, Jennifer L., and Zajonc, R. B.— Lane, julie D., and Wegner, Daniel M.—The Cognitive Conse- Additivity of Nonconscious Affect: Combined Effects of quences of Secrecy Priming and Exposure Lavallee, Loraine F., and Campbell, Jennifer D.—Impact of Per- sonal Goals on Self-Regulation Processes Elicited by Daily Neuberg, Steven L.—see Schaller, Mark Newsom, Jason T.—see Cialdini, Robert B. Negative Events Lee, Hoon K.—see Rhee, Eun Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan—see Lyubomirsky, Sonja Lemm, Kristi M.—see Brendl, C. Miguel Oettingen, Gabriele—see Little, Todd D. Leuenberger, Ann—see Dunning, David Olson, James M.—see Gorassini, Donald R. Linz, Daniel—see Maiamuth, Neil M. Ostrove, Joan—see Helson, Ravenna Linz, Daniel—see Mullin, Charles R. Oyserman, Daphna, Gant, Larry, and Ager, Joel—A Socially Lippa, Richard—Gender-Related Individual Differences and Contextualized Model of African American Identity: Possi- Psychological Adjustment in Terms of the Big Five and Cir- ble Selves and School Persistence cumplex Models Little, Todd D., Octtingen, Gabriele, Stetsenko, Anna, and Pantaleo, Giuseppe—see Simon, Bernd Baltes, Paul B.—Children’s Action—Control Beliefs About Paris, Meg—see Aron, Arthur School Performance: How Do American Children Com- Park, Bernadette—see Judd, Charles M. Park, Bernadette—see Maurer, Kristin L. Littlepage, Glenn E., Schmidt, Greg W., Whisler, Eric W., and Paulhus, Delroy L., and Reynolds, Shawn—Enhancing Target Frost, Alan G.—An Input—Process—Output Analysis ofI n- Variance in Personality Impressions: Highlighting the Per- fluence and Performance in Problem-Solving Groups. . . . son in Person Perception Lubinski, David—see Sanders, Cheryl E. Pedersen, Nancy L.—see Hershberger, Scott L. Lynn, Steven Jay—see Green, Joseph P. Pelham, Brett W.—Further Evidence for a Jamesian Model of Lyubomirsky, Sonja, and Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan—Effects of Self-Worth: Reply to Marsh (1995) 1161 Self-Focused Rumination on Negative Thinking and Inter- Pelham, Brett W.—Self-Investment and Self-Esteem: Evidence personal Problem Solving for a Jamesian Model of Self-Worth 1141 Pelham, Brett W., and Wachsmuth, Jeff Orson—The Waxing and Waning of the Social Self: Assimilation and Contrast in Macrae, C. Neil, Bodenhausen, Galen V., and Milne, Alan B.— Social Comparison The Dissection of Selection in Person Perception: Inhibi- Petty, Richard E.—see Wegener, Duane T. tory Processes in Social Stereotyping Pincus, Aaron L., and Gurtman, Michael B.—The Three Faces Madey, Scott F.—see Medvec, Victoria Husted of Interpersonal Dependency: Structural Analyses of Self- Malamuth, Nei! M., Linz, Daniel, Heavey, Christopher L., Report Dependency Measures Barnes, Gordon, and Acker, Michele-—Using the Conflu- Pleck, Joseph H.—see Barnett, Rosalind C. ence Model of Sexual Aggression to Predict Men’s Conflict Plomin, Robert—see Hershberger, Scott L. With Women: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study Pomerantz, Eva M., Chaiken, Shelly, and Tordesillas, Rosalind Malarkey, William—see Uchino, Bert N. S.—Attitude Strength and Resistance Processes Markman, Keith D.—see Hirt, Edward R. Pulkkinen, Lea—see ROnka, Anna Marsh, Herbert W.—A Jamesian Model of Self-Investment and Self-Esteem: Comment on Pelham (1995) Raudenbush, Stephen W.—see Barnett, Rosalind C. Marshall, Nancy L.—see Barnett, Rosalind C. Reed, Steven—see Kirsch, Irving Maurer, Kristin L., Park, Bernadette, and Rothbart, Myron— Reynolds, Shawn—see Paulhus, Delroy L. Subtyping Versus Subgrouping Processes in Stereotype Rhee, Eun, Uleman, James S., Lee, Hoon K., and Roman, Rob- Representation ert J.—Spontaneous Self-Descriptions and Ethnic Identi- McCrae, Robert R.—see Costa, Paul T., Jr. ties in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures Medvec, Victoria Husted, Madey, Scott F., and Gilovich, Roberts, Brent—see Helson, Ravenna Thomas—When Less Is More: Counterfactual Thinking Roman, Robert J.—see Rhee, Eun and Satisfaction Among Olympic Medalists Rosenthal, Robert—see Ambady, Nalini Metalsky, Gerald I.—see Joiner, Thomas E., Jr. Rothbart, Myron—see Maurer, Kristin L. Mikulincer, Mario—Attachment Style and the Mental Repre- Roénka, Anna, and Pulkkinen, Lea—Accumulation of Problems sentation of the Seif in Social Functioning in Young Adulthood: A Developmen- Miller, Charles E., and Komorita, S. S—Reward Allocation in tal Approach .. ares Task-Performing Groups Ruiz-Belda, Maria-Angeles—see Fernandez-Dols, José-Migue! Milne, Alan B.—see Macrae, C. Neil Russell, Marcia—see Cooper, M. Lynne Monahan, Jennifer L._—see Murphy, Sheila T. Ryan, Carey S.—see Judd, Charles M. Morris, Kathryn A.—see Gilbert, Daniel T. Ryff, Carol D., and Keyes, Corey Lee M.—The Structure of Psy- Moskowitz, D. S., and Coté, Stephane—Do Interpersonal Traits chological Well-Being Revisited Predict Affect? A Comparison of Three Models Mudar, Pamela—-see Cooper, M. Lynne Sagiv, Lilach, and Schwartz, Shalom H.—Value Priorities and Mullin, Charles R., and Linz, Daniel—Desensitization and Re- Readiness for Out-Group Social Contact sensitization to Violence Against Women: Effects of Sanders, Cheryl E., Lubinski, David, and Benbow, Camilla Pers- Exposure to Sexuaily Violent Films on Judgments of Do- son—Does the Defining Issues Test Measure Psychological mestic Violence Victims Phenomena Distinct From Verbal Ability?: An Examina- Mummendey, Amélie—see Simon, Bernd tion of Lykken’s Query Muraven, Mark B.—see Tice, Dianne M. Schaie, K. Warner—see Gruber-Baldini, Ann L. vi AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Schaller, Mark, Crandall, Christian S., Stangor, Charles, and thetic Controi Predict Endocrine and Immune Responses Neuberg, Steven L.—‘“What Kinds of Social Psychology to Acute Psychological Stress Experiments Are of Value to Perform”: A Reply to Wallach Uleman, James S.—see Rhee, Eun and Wallach (1994) Schmidt, Greg W.—see Littlepage, Glenn E. Wachsmuth, Jeff Orson—see Pelham, Brett W. Schmidt, James A.—see Wagner, Christopher C. Wagner, Christopher C., Kiesler, Donald J., and Schmidt, James Schopflocher, Don—see Wild, T. Cameron A.—Assessing the Interpersonal Transaction Cycle: Con- Schwartz, Shaiom H.—see Sagiv, Lilach vergence of Action and Reaction Interpersonal Circumplex Sedikides, Constantine—Central and Peripheral Self-Concep- tions Are Differentially Influenced by Mood: Tests of the Waller, Niels G.—-see Almagor, Moshe Differential Sensitivity Hypothesis Waller, Niels G.—see Benet, Veronica Sherman, David A.—see Dunning, David Weber, Joseph G.—see Brewer, Marilynn B. Silva, Christopher E.—see Kirsch, Irving Wegener, Duane T., Petty, Richard E., and Smith, Stephen M.— Simon, Bernd, Pantaleo, Giuseppe, and Mummendey, Amélie— Positive Mood Can Increase or Decrease Message Scrutiny: Unique Individual or Interchangeable Group Member? The The Hedonic Contingency View of Mood and Message Accentuation of Intragroup Differences Versus Similarities as an Indicator of the Individual Self Versus the Collective Wegner, Daniel M.—see Lane, Julie D. Whisler, Eric W.—see Littlepage, Glenn E. Simpson, Jeffry A., Ickes, William, and Blackstone, Tami— White, Paul H., Kjelgaard, Margaret M., and Harkins, Stephen When the Head Protects the Heart: Empathic Accuracy in G.—Testing the Contribution of Self-Evaluation to Goal- Dating Relationships Setting Effects Simpson, Jeffry A.—see Attridge, Mark Wild, T. Cameron, Kuiken, Don, and Schopflocher, Don—The Singh, Devendra—Female Judgment of Male Attractiveness and Role of Absorption in Experiential Involvement Desirability for Relationships: Role of Waist-to-Hip Ratio Williams, Barry J.—see Wright, Rex A. and Financial Status Williams, Carol J.—see Fazio, Russell H. Skowronski, John J.—see Cariston, Donal E. Willis, Sherry L.—see Gruber-Baldini, Ann L. Smith, Heidi—see Diener, Ed Wilson, Timothy D., Hodges, Sara D., and LaFleur, Suzanne Smith, Stephen M.—see Wegener, Duane T. J.—Effects of Introspecting About Reasons: Inferring Atti- Sparks, Cheri—see Cariston, Donal E. tudes From Accessible Thoughts Spears, Russell—see Doosje, Bertjan Wolsic, Brian—see Diener, Ed Stangor, Charles—see Schaller, Mark Wright, Rex A., Tunstall, Ashley M., Williams, Barry J., Good- Stasser, Garold—see Stewart, Dennis D. win, J. Steven, and Harmon-Jones, Eddie—Social Evalua- Steele, Claude M., and Aronson, Joshua—Stereotype Threat tion and Cardiovascular Response: An Active Coping and the Intellectual Test Performance of African Approach Stetsenko, Anna—-see Little, Todd D. Stewart, Abigail J.—see Helson, Ravenna Yamaguchi, Susumu—see Kashima, Yoshihisa Stewart, Dennis D., and Stasser, Garold—Expert Role Assign- Yuki, Masaki—see Kashima, Yoshihisa ment and Information Sampling During Collective Recall and Decision Making Zajonc, R. B.—see Murphy, Sheila T. Stillwell, Arlene M.—see Tice, Dianne M. Zanna, Mark P.—see Esses, Victoria M. Sugimori, Shinkichi—see Kameda, Tatsuya Zigler, Edward—see Arroyo, Carmen G. Zuckerman, Adam—see Bolger, Niall Taylor, Shelley E., and Gollwitzer, Peter M.—Effects of Mindset on Positive Illusions OTHER Tellegen, Auke—see Almagor, Moshe Tice, Dianne M., Butler, Jennifer L., Muraven, Mark B., and American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Information Stillwell, Arlene M.—When Modesty Prevails: Differential 105, 236, 407, 777, 1215 Favorability of Self-Presentation to Friends and Strangers Call for Nominations 497, 655, 1119 Tordesillas, Rosalind S.—see Pomerantz, Eva M. Instructions to Authors 204, 392, 580, 789, 1245 Trest, Melanie R.—see Cialdini, Robert B. Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Affiliates Tunstall, Ashley M.—see Wright, Rex A. 68, 226, 529, 788, 1068 Tyler, Tom R., and Degoey, Peter—Collective Restraint in Social New Editor Appointed Dilemmas: Procedural Justice and Social Identification New Editors Appointed, 1997-2002 Effects on Support for Authorities 1996 APA Convention Call for Programs Uchino, Bert N., Cacioppo, John T., Malarkey, William, and Correction to Pelham and Neter Glaser, Ronald—Individual Differences in Cardiac Sympa- Special Editor for Andersen etal. ...........22cceeee-

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