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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1997: Vol 531 Table of Contents

Ourmal 0 etalli Chemistry ELSEVIER Volume 531, Numbers 1-2, 15 March 1997 Contents Regular Papers Convergent synthetic routes to heterobimetallic compounds: crystal and molecular structure of 1-(14°-cyclopentadieny] manganese tricarbony])-1 - (~°-phenyl chromium tricarbony1) ethanol a AC, Bis CO 5 FR. ee ee HOD: 8 8 OS 8 we EN 6 SU ee ee ww | Bimolecular reactions of alkyl halides and acylgermanes: formation of ketones, diketones, and Other products by radical~radical reaction ir: EE Ce GR: EE se) as wa oe i er ee ee Veg Oe 8 Ske Oe een hae Wek tea oe kee Oe ee ee ele eas 9 Rhodium()-, iridium(1)-, and ruthenium(])-catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of ketones using diferroceny! dichalcogenides as chiral ligands YW. Nesliey}e.5Di. lSi,me , Y. Agee, S. Vemmabae ME. EEC“ 8 i eh wt tie wee ete ey wae tae ue as 13 Alane complexes of divalent ytterbocenes. Bimetallic mechanism of styrene polymerization S.Ya. Knjazhanski, ES. Kal yuzhnaya, L.E. Elizalde Herrera, B.M. Bulychev, A.V. Khvostov and Al. Sizov . .-.. 2.2... 02 ee 19 Reactivity of [Cp * Re(7’-C 3H; XCO), ][BF,] towards oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon nucleophiles Y.-X. He, RJ. Batchelor, F.W.B. Einstein, L.K. Peterson and D. Sutton . .. 2... 1. ce tt tte te et tt we te ete tt ete 77 Reactivity of the maleimidato ligand in CpFe(CO),(y!-N-maleimidato) in Diels-Alder reaction with 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran. The crystal structure of [CpFe(CO),(y!-N-1.,4-diphenyl-1,4-epoxy- 1,4-dihydronaphthalene-2,3-diycimairdabtoox)] A. Tosik, M. Bukowska-Strzyzewska,B . Rudolf andJ. Zakrzewski. 2. 2 1. we ek ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee es 41 Erzeugung, Stabilisierung und Reaktivitat des Silaethens Me, Si=C(SiMe,)\Si'Bu;) ee en as rr I ts UII Sg oy wea oe Wi ae te A eS ee Sie eA ee Ow oe ek ee 47 Bipyridyl podands in a 1,1’-disubstituted ferrocene es en ee he - ae Sn aye Se ee eye a a OG we ea re MER be we ee ee 61 Intermediacy of surface silylene in the direct synthesis of methylchlorosilanes M. Okamoto, S. Onodera, T. Okano, E.Suzukiand Y.Ono ..-.. 2.21. ee ee ee ee ee es ; - 67 Di-2-(2-methoxyetyh eothxy l phthalate as a bi-brachial podand: complex formation with mono- and divalent cations a a a, gg a i ea ag a gt Nua ge Lele ey RA Re We we A ee Pe Ae eae aw 73 Structural variations in the organo-potassium derivatives of triphenylmethane with PMDTA: a new modification of [Ph 3CK -(N,N.N’,N’,.N”- pentamethyldiethylenetriamine)],, eis. Seen, as ee, Veen, E,W bo 5 ce ek 8 dee RK we a wes wes Be Oe ee ees 81 Synthesis of the first organometallic gold(I) derivatives of m-carborane: crystal structure of [Au,(y-1,7-C,B 10H, oA PPA )o]+1 "2 CH »Cl, Cee e, ee. Ce, ek, ee FS I, ek ae Cyr hee ee eee Ae ee eee ee ee 8 5 ee 87 The (°-cyclopentadienyl)Fe(CO), complex of the (L)- and (p)-tryptophan methy! ester N-anion: synthesis and acylation of the amino function ee a Dk eo ek 8 oe a 8 ee Oe SE Oe OO Sieh f)n a ae aaa ec eo 91 Reduction of iridocenium salts [In°-C 5 Mes Xn?-L)]* (L =C 5H. C;Me,, C,H); ligand-to-ligand dirmerisation induced by electron transfer O.V. Gusev, M.G. Peterleitmer, M.A. Ievlev, A.M. Kal’sin, P.V. Petrovskii, L.1. Denisovich and N.A. Ustynyuk . BS eames 95 A facile one-pot synthesis of alkylarylcarbinols from a@,a-dichloroarylmethanes and trialkylboranes in the presence of magnesium or lithium a oi ag ca ek kg: ody gale eae BE LEE Wwc m Se Sk kn koe car ae 101 Reactions of [IrCl(Bu‘, PH);] with [M,(CO),>] (M= Fe, Ru): synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of the metal clusters [Ru,(CO),(u-H),(pe3- PBu' XBu‘, PH)] and [Ru Ir€CO)>(u-H), (p-PBu',),(Bu', PH dina eg Ee ee a ee ee ee 107 Synthesis of cationic Group 4 metal compounds by protonolysis of amide precursors: crystal structure of [TiCNMe,),CNC,H,), IBPh,] C. Boisson, J.C. Berthet, M. Ephritikhine, M. Lance and M. Nierlich .. - 2. 2. 2 1. eee eee te ee oe rae ‘ 115 Elsevier Science S.A. Vi The cleavage of tetrahydrofuran by cyclopentadienylphenylnickel species ep eEnC Weis, ‘We . MU OICR DIN PR. POUUIEIOWEEED, fi Sk ee ee ee wt ete ewe tb eee ts wes eve ts enw ee § FZ Metallation reactions. XXII. RegioseJective metallation of (trifluoromethy])(alkyI thio)benzenes MG. Cabiddu,8 .C abiddu, E. Cadoni, R. Corrias, C. Fattwoni, C. Floris andS. Melis. .. 2... 2... ee ee ee te ete ee ew et e)©=6 «125 BisCarene) ruthenium(I]) complexes containing 7°-coordinated phenylalanine derivatives Oar cas ids ae ye sik ag Gee Gen Hs@ 8 ee ely hg Ok eee ee 8 eee oe ee ee! Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumour activity of tripbenyl- and tri-n-butyltin benzoates, phenylacetates and cinnamates R. Willem, A. Bouhdid, B. Mahieu, L. Ghys, M. Biesemans, E.R.T. Tiekink, D. De Vos and M.Gielen .. .. 2... ..2...-.2+. +e... I51 Synthesis of (R)-2-dipheny Iphosphino-2'-diphenylphosphinomethy 1-11, ’-binaphthy! and its use for asymmetric hydrogenation of Apensirse no rrr COE ay ek Se ee tN wr i Ww beet Sew Re wi ee we ct one te! ER Ruthenium butterfly boride clusters with (7°-arene) ligands J.R. GalswoCEr.t Hohusyecr,oft , DM. Nixon and A.L.Rheingold. .. 2.1. 1. ee ee ee ee te eee te eee te 165 1,3-Si-to-Si migration of a methyl group. Ratio of rearranged and unrearranged products in the reactions of the iodide (Me 3Si),CSiCCD, ),I with ICI a We See Os Ns PR bg we ne ee Oe ee Hh wwe ee ee Oe ee ee win ey)« TR o-Thienyl complexes of palladium(II), ¢ransH-,_ P,,Bdr, B,S(—CXCPP,h,) , (n = 1—4), from oxidative addition of bromothiophenes to Pd(PPh,),. X-ray structural identification of key intermediates of catalytic debromination of 2-bromothiophene and tetrabromothiophene ec ee es es ee, . , . Sc a h ee eh ete wi ces ets wee veers oe) TG The synthesis of chiral ferrocene ligands and their metal complexes M.C.B. Colbert,J .L ewiN.Js. ,Lon g, P-R. Raithby, DA. Bloor and G.H. Cross 2. 1. ee ee ee te ee te ee ee © 183 Syntheses, structures and spectroscopic propesties of a novel series Of metal—metal bonded complexes Ru(E)CE’ (CO), (Pr—DAB): (E= Br, E’ = Mn(CO),; E= SnPh,, E’ = Mn(CO),, Re(CO),, Co(CO),; E= Me, E’ = Re(CO),; E = E’ = Mn(CO)<, Re({CO);; 'Pr-DAB = N.N-diiso- propy]-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene) M.P. Aarnts, A. Oskam, D.J. Stufkens, J. Fraanje,K .G oubitz, N. Veldmanand A.L. Spek... 2 6. ee ee te ee te ee ee) = «19S Photo-reversible isomerisation of trarts- to cis-{W(CO),(7’-alken)e, ] complexes in low-temperature matrices T. Szymafska-Buzar, M. Jaroszewski, A.J. Downs, T.M. Greene and LJ. Morris . 1. 21. e. ee e e t eee t ee te ee = 207 P,- und C,,Ph ,,-Komplexe (7 = 2,4) des Rheniums RE ee re ee a eee a ee rer re ee ee rr oe ar | Structural chemistry of organotin ferrocenecarboxylic esters, []. The crystal structure of dibutyltin fertocenecarboxylate oxide Cg eee eee See ee ee ae ee ee ee ee ee re ee eer were Carbonylation reaction of alkyl compJexes of irom and molecular structure of cis,trans-[Fe(CO),(PMe;),(CH,I ] and trans,trans- G. Bellachioma, G. Cardaci, A. Macchioni, G. Reichenbach, E. Forestiand P. Sabatino... 61. 1 ee ee ee ee te ete © 227 Isomer differentiation by tri-osmium cluster cormplexation of substituted 1,3-cyclohexadienes ee, ee ee, Pea COE a ee, US kk a ce ee es we es a ele ta ee we ete bets tee tees LE EE ET POE PT) eee Se Te eee CEES RP a See Ne a Pee EY LPR Se ae ee ee EE AN EME aS ees OARS a RMN Sa or he Pe eR SN ge eo, CO CRs eee ee ee Nr erga ais ny cE a a aoe PNG *G A a Aa ON ee RK Ne ORL ER a MRK Ae! 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