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Index to Volume 242 A Chicken CHRISTER ERSEUS. See GUSTAVSSON, LENA M. Acrosomal Vesicles and Their Differentiation Dur- Cleaning ing Spermiogenesis in Ascidia zara and Ascidia (Columba livia), Morphologic Study of the Efferent gemmata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata), Multiple Ductules of the Pigeon Acrosome Comparison of Isometric Contractile Properties of the Tongue Muscles in Three Species of Frogs, AcuNA, O. See FUENZALIDA, M Litoria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti, and Bufo Allometry HOUR Ons s 4 oS dae Ree ox Anatomy of the Laryngeal Apparatus of the Pygmy Contractile properties... 5... ceeic es Right Whale, Caperea marginata (Gray 1846) . . 67 Craniofacial Sutures: Morphology, Growth, and In Anura 107 Vivo Masticatory Strains ................ EP MREMNENEMEE 5 6k sone ohs ays 31rd vw 40,4 isms 189 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda), Reexamination of He- Ascidia gemmata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata), Multiple mocytes in Brine Shrimp Acrosomal Vesicles and Their Differentiation Cyclicity During Spermiogenesis in Ascidia zara and... . 101 Cytoskeleton Ascidia zara and Ascidia gemmata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata), Multiple Acrosomal Vesicles and Their Differentiation During Spermiogenesis in 101 (Ascidiacea, Tunicata), Multiple Acrosomal Vesicles (Decapoda, Penaeidae): Description and Experi- and Their Differentiation During Spermiogen- mental Testing of Function, Gill-Cleaning Mecha- esis in Ascidia zara and Ascidia gemmata nisms of a Dendrobranchiate Shrimp, Rima- PCHMIDNG BUINNEIE 5 6 5 dns kG yn Aha Pern ea Dendrobranchiate Shrimp, Rimapenaeus similis (Decapoda, Penaeidae): Description and Experi- mental Testing of Function, Gill-Cleaning Mecha- nisms of a BARALDI-ARTONI, SILVANA M. See STEFANINI, Description of the Chondrocranium and Osteogen- UNE AH Oise Ss holga! Ola ne aie meet ws Sons esis of the Chacoan Burrowing Frog, Chacophrys BAUER, RAYMOND T. Gill-Cleaning Mechanisms ofa pierotti (Anura: Leptodactylidae) Dendrobranchiate Shrimp, Rimapenaeus similis Description of the Postcloacal Glands of Plethodon (Decapoda, Penaeidae): Description and Experi- cinereus, the Red-Backed Salamander, During mental Testing of Function Bouts of Scent Marking Best, P.B. See REEB, D. Development of the Genital Ducts and Spermathe- BiTroNDI, MARCIA MARIA GENTILE. See BOLELI, ISA- cae in the Rhyacodrilines Rhyacodrilus coccin- BEL CRISTINA eus and Monopylephorus rubroniveus (Oligo- BOLELI, ISABEL CRISTINA, ZILA LUZ PAULINO-SIMOES, chaeta, Tubificidae) AND MARCIA MarIA GENTILE BITONDI. Cell Death Developmental osteology in Ovarioles Causes Permanent Sterility in Frie- Dyscophus guinetti, and Bufo marinus, Compari- seomelitta varia Worker Bees son of Isometric Contractile Properties of the Bone strain Tongue Muscles in Three Species of Frogs, Lito- Brine Shrimp (Crustacea, Branchiopoda), Reexami- ria caerulea nation of Hemocytes in Bufo marinus, Comparison of Isometric Contrac- tile Properties of the Tongue Muscles in Three Species of Frogs, Litoria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti, and Efferent Ductules of the Pigeon (Columba livia), Morphologic Study ofthe ................ 247 Elasmobranchii Epipods Caperea marginata (Gray 1846), Anatomy of Esponpba, P. See GUERRA, R. the Laryngeal Apparatus of the Pygmy Right Exopods Extracellular matrix Cell Death in Ovarioles Causes Permanent Steril- Extrafusal fiber types ity in Frieseomelitta varia Worker Bees Ceratophryinae Cerra, ANNA. Lectin Histochemistry of the Hyaline Layer Around the Larvae of Patiriella Species (Asteroidea) With Different Developmental Fascicles FELGENHAUER, BRUCE E. See SIMONS, RICHARD R. Chacoan Burrowing Frog, Chacophrys pierotti Formica (Anura: Leptodactylidae), Description of the (Formica nigricans, Hymenoptera): I. Structure of Chondrocranium and Osteogenesis of the the Ileum, Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Hindgut of the Ant 320 INDEX (Formica nigricans, Hymenoptera) II: Structure of ILLANES, J. See FUENZALIDA,M. ............. 295 the Rectum, Light and Electron Microscopic In Vivo Masticatory Strains, Craniofacial Sutures: Study of the Hindgut ofthe Ant............ 205 Morphology, Growth, and................ 167 WES hr fine narrokiea ith olaeus, B are 125 WMCOIUBAD MOOR TIBOR <b. 6 as 6s he os esas 157 NISI Frieseomelitta varia Worker Bees, Cell Death in Isometric Contractile Properties of the Tongue Ovarioles Causes Permanent Sterility in. ..... 271 Muscles in Three Species of Frogs, Litoria caeru- Frogs, Litoria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti, and lea, Dyscophus guinetti, and Bufo marinus, Com- Bufo marinus, Comparison of Isometric Contrac- SE ii 8SS ee Dele a Lee Gare in. 107 tile Properties of the Tongue Muscles in Three Liolaemus gravenhorsti, Microscopic and Histo- RCS GE, 95 ais haps by cals eda are ae BL ane 107 chemical Study of Odontoclasts in Physiologic FUENZALIDA, M., J. ILLANES, R. Lemus, A. GUER- Resorption of Teeth of the Polyphyodont Lizard, 295 RERO, A. OYARZUN, O. ACUNA, AND D. LEMUS. Microscopic and Histochemical Study of Odonto- clasts in Physiologic Resorption of Teeth of the L Polyphyodont Lizard, Liolaemus gravenhorsti .. 295 FuJil, KAZUE AND MAkoTo Fukumoto. Multiple Acrosomal Vesicles and Their Differentiation Laryngeal Apparatus of the Pygmy Right Whale, During Spermiogenesis in Ascidia zara and As- Caperea marginata (Gray 1846), Anatomy of cidia gemmata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata)........ 101 ENE ca eae cel thecdoars Phe at nee NOES Tee aE 67 FUKUMOTO, MAKOTO. See FuJII, KAZUE......... 101 BE WIIN iib od ad cle ins ee ie 67 Lectin Histochemistry of the Hyaline Layer Around the Larvae of Patiriella Species (Asteroidea) G With Different Developmental Modes. .... . . PRMD OPN a cree sno RPe eves er ous es aoe ee eae eatee 91 GarRAYOA, M., A.C. VILLARO, M.J. LEZAUN, AND P. LEMUS, D. See FUENZALIDA, M............... 295 SEsMA. Light and Electron Microscopic Study of Lemus, R. See FUENZALIDA,M. .............. 295 the Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hy- ARNE 5 5.5 fa FREa b aie Sd, Sete Ruse eo Rape 229 menoptera) II: Structure of the Rectum. ...... 205 LEZAUN, M.J.See GARAYOA,M. ............. 205 GaRAYOA, M. See VILLARO, A.C. ............. 189 LEZAUN, M.J.See VILLARO,A.C. ............. 189 MGOUIENE CCL Shs Poe Ine He es wlo aie Vek ON 141 Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Hind- ZERMAN, R.Z. See STEWART, S.A. ............ 57 gut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hymenop- Gill-Cleaning Mechanisms of a Dendrobranchiate tera): I. Structure ofthe Ileum............. 189 Shrimp, Rimapenaeus similis (Decapoda, Penaei- Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Hind- dae): Description and Experimental Testing of gut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hymenoptera) PONIES retaiN Sieee aen een see ee ve 125 Ii: Structure of the Rectum... i. 6 cee ss 205 RUN ene necro eof pe ee iting See mee R aha 125 Lin, HAN-MING JOSEPH. See MARTIN, GARYG. ... . 283 GREGORIO, ELISA A. See STEFANINI, MAIRAA. .... 247 Litoria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti, and Bufo PORE yore oc sha cheese ener tl ep eee Soa cas 167 marinus, Comparison of Isometric Contractile Growth pattern Properties of the Tongue Muscles in Three Spe- GUERRA, R. AND P. EsponpDé. Structure, Cytoskel- RUSE ye Si Sosa ele es SEREa earn ease oh etree 107 eton, and Development of the Acrosome of Platy- MMAR ah Raie eal isch bik pons GAGT aNE ene a 295 cleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).. 47 Luc, CHau. See MARTIN, GARYG. ............ 283 GUERRERO, A. See FUENZALIDA, M. ........... 295 GUSTAVSSON, LENA M. AND CHRISTER ERSEUS. Devel- opment of the Genital Ducts and Spermathecae M in the Rhyacordrilines Rhyacodrilus coccineus and Monopylephorus rubroniveus (Oligochaeta, DNIRMEANIY ove eee aN. Be re te 141 MAIER, ALFRED. Proportions of Slow Myosin Heavy Chain-Positive Fibers in Muscle Spindles and Adjoining Extrafusal Fascicles, and the Position- H ing of Spindles Relative to These Fascicles .... 15 ~l1 MakrtTIN, GARY G., HAN-MING JOSEPH LIN, AND CHAU Hemocytes in Brine Shrimp (Crustacea, Bran- Luc. Reexamination of Hemocytes in Brine chiopoda), Reexamination of.............. 283 Shrimp (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) ......... 283 HERRING, SUSAN W. See RAFFERTY, KATHERINE L. . . 167 PORNO 5 0%). 53S Pole cee. Pca ete ee 167 RRC iS oi Soe So RN Qea kac e.a te eta eeee ehecane 57 Microscopic and Histochemical Study of Odonto- Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hymenop- clasts in Physiologic Resorption of Teeth of the tera): I. Structure of the Ileum, Light and Elec- Polyphyodont Lizard, Liolaemus gravenhorsti . . 295 tron Microscopic Study ofthe ............. 189 WUPMOUNIE ENR nck tari 0:.5 i letlaca ates, © Gia enoee 47 Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hymenop- NEARED WINGS 65 Sos: ¢.< 5 dares GR bo wees 167 tera) II: Structure of the Rectum, Light and Monopylephorus rubroniveus (Oligochaeta, Tubifici- Electron Microscopic Study ofthe .......... 205 dae), Development of the Genital Ducts and PRR a3 ea ielera% elaeta ln es ee nets 1 Spermathecae in the Rhyacodrilines Rhyacodri- Rm NS6 68. Sep a Gore ws Aw es oR ele Shae ae 295 PUA COPCUNOIOEEER e625 6 ERR RR 141 RAG MUI MAM ss6 %. SR ease Sole ee eee 91 EE, 80 55 sb can au ee aoe ES 141 Morphologic Study of the Efferent Ductules of the Pigeon (ConmimOG via)... kekaeR ak es 247 I Multiple Acrosomal Vesicles and Their Differentia- tion During Spermiogenesis in Ascidia zara and ee aE Tee OC REP Perce 189 Ascidia gemmata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata)...... 101 Ileum, Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Muscle spindle locations .................. 157 Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hymenop- RI 5 PE il c BOS De ee Ee 57 tera): T.Structure othe... 66s os Se es 189 PCO sso Sunt ese retern ae ae 4 Mere a oh eiee eee 67 INDEX 321 N Rattus norvegicus, Sexual Dimorphism and Onto- genetic Allometry of Soft Tissuesin ......... 57 NISHIKAWA, KiISA C. See PETERS, SUSANE. ...... 107 RN ee oie ene ath eriet atric ce nie dha aa 205 Rectum, Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hy- O menoptera) II: Structure ofthe ............ 205 Red-backed salamander .................. 257 NN I 6 0028 Sexe hk ee Sie eras, 1 REEB, D. AND P.B. Best. Anatomy of the Laryngeal Occipital Spine of Orthacanthus (Xenacanthidae, Apparatus of the Pygmy Right Whale, Caperea Elasmobranchii): Structure and Growth...... 1 pictur (Grey DEAD). 5 5 no kc ewes 67 CNN SS 50505 Bes Grae a orca ea ee 295 Reexamination of Hemocytes in Brine Shrimp Odontoclasts in Physiologic Resorption of Teeth of (Crustacea, Branchiopoda)............... 283 the Polyphyodont Lizard, Liolaemus graven- oe 141 horsti, Microscopic and Histochemical Study of . - 295 Rhyacodrilus coccineus and Monopylephorus ru- IN scree isons Sia sends ota 6GG Baan: Uae ee a 141 broniveus (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae), Develop- NE ag Faiths ok ¢)r ato wiaNansaalea faidia acen wo eters 57 ment of the Genital Ducts and Spermathecae in OrsI, ANTONIO M. See STEFANINI, MAIRAA. ..... 247 CS TPCOGIO ck ck cee eke enedw e 141 RINE ee ese eta a cate Od SyS oars, Go 1 SOMNN riur aa aici a)c ecil a evgn Saal okin alate aaa eeiick-a 271 Ovarioles Causes Permanent Sterility in Friese- Ss omelitta varia Worker Bees, Cell Deathin..... 271 OYARZUN, A. See FUENZALIDA, M. ............ 295 ROM IIUNNIIIINO. oo) a.d ue uo: S cles Sie wa ei calor 257 SESMA, P. See GARAYOA, M. ................ 205 SBsMA, P See VELARO, AC. . 2. 6... eee ee 189 e ee, de 57 Sexual Dimorphism and Ontogenetic Allometry of PENI SOS rsa eae snd Eats a Oe og 91 Soft Tissues in Rattus norvegicus........... 57 PAULINO-SIMOES, ZILA Luz. See BOLELI, ISABEL CRiS- RAN id rani ula ira eters Sed a a eae a etn et 125 MINS ta sot seR es dete aya ac ba Raia oars Y 271 SIMONS, RICHARD R., BRUCE E. FELGENHAUER, AND Permanent Sterility in Frieseomelitta varia Worker TREVONNE THOMPSON. Description of the Postcloa- Bees, Cell Death in Ovarioles Causes........ 271 cal Glands of Plethodon cinereus, the Red- PETERS, SUSAN E. AND KIIsa C. NISHIKAWA. Compari- Backed Salamander, During Bouts of Scent son of Isometric Contractile Properties of the Marking ..... usG i hee eaaea ee ee 257 Tongue Muscles in Three Species of Frogs, Lito- NE ood ars Ware a a eeu ewe eels 167 ria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti, and Bufo mari- Soft Tissues in Rattus norvegicus, Sexual Dimor- MN Aen Se AEs kai Bass aoeet Ae eM oie Re ate 107 phism and Ontogenetic Allometry of......... 57 Ne, EE ECCT TIO 67 SOLER-G1JON, RopRIGo. Occipital Spine of Orthacan- Physiologic Resorption of Teeth of the Polyphy- thus (Xenacanthidae, Elasmobranchii): Struc- odont Lizard, Liolaemus gravenhorsti, Micro- ee reer eer ee 1 scopic and Histochemical Study of Odontoclasts PEC 3. .oo ovale ra mare rene eaeemena 189 Soo ot eee eee ee ao ea 295 TIN N ya. oc 3 oo as ale veren a ere Bel « 141 Pigeon (Columba livia), Morphologic Study of the RES ka wok cbbee ecee e e ens 47 Efferent Ductules ofthe................. 247 ee reer ee eeer e oe ree 47 Platycleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoni- Spermiogenesis in Ascidia zara and Ascidia gem- idae), Structure, Cytoskeleton, and Develop- mata (Ascidiacea, Tunicata), Multiple Acrosomal ment of the Acrosome of................. 47 Vesicles and Their Differentiation During.... . 101 Plethodon cinereus, the Red-Backed Salamander, STEFANINI, Maina A., ANTONIO M. OrsI, ELISA A. During Bouts of Scent Marking, Description of the Postcloacal Glands of ................ 257 GREGORIO, MARIA JOSE S. VioTTO, AND SILVANA RE ai erel 2k Giai s one's vam elo oe ereae © 8 295 M. BARALDI-ARTONI. Morphologic Study of the EM, ets, for thers ie, aa tts ward tow ane 189 Efferent Ductules of the Pigeon (Columba livia). 247 POMPEMON MIMI, 5555s occ ava dem va dues 257 Stewart, S.A. AND R.Z. GERMAN. Sexual Dimor- Postcloacal Glands of Plethodon cinereus, the Red- phism and Ontogenetic Allometry of Soft Tissues Backed Salamander, During Bouts of Scent WUIIGES MOFUERUENS. . 5. 5 ee Sk hee es 57 Marking, Description ofthe .............. 257 PN siu y ta dala wee ee a ease es 271 Proportions of Slow Myosin Heavy Chain-Positive Eee eae erS ee aes eet perenne 1 Fibers in Muscle Spindles and Adjoining Extra- Structure, Cytoskeleton, and Development of the fusal Fascicles, and the Positioning of Spindles Acrosome of Platycleis albopunctata (Orthop- Relative to These Fascicles............... 157 ONT RGN o.oo cn vs oe hn es we das 47 PIG CH UI one ee eee Kees es 67 NS hs ha Sore aida sea aed So eos 167 Tt RAFFERTY, KATHERINE L. AND SUSAN W. HERRING. THOMPSON, TREVONNE. See SIMONS, RICHARDR. .. 257 Craniofacial Sutures: Morphology, Growth, and er ee a ea ol aa 107 In Vivo Masticatory Strains THAPOSG-DOMMIVE CONS... 2 5. ias ce ne 295 RE 4 ofa a, 6 ulsie Soe wea se nue es 141 Ultrastructure Water resorption PEAR or ee Cee aes Toate Ghee eS Water/ion resorption proposed route V nium and Osteogenesis of the Chacoan Burrow- ing Frog, Chacophrys pierotti (Anura: Leptodac- tylidae) VILLARO, A.C., M. GARAYOA, M.J. LEZAUN, AND P. SESMA. Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Hindgut of the Ant (Formica nigricans, Hy- menoptera): I. Structure of the Ileum VILLARO, A.C. See GARAYOA, M. VioTTo, MARIA JOSE S. See STEFANINI, Maira A. Xenacanthidae

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