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Boy Available online at www.sciencedirect.com pr LUMINESCENCE x ¥ ELSEVIER Journal of Luminescence 110 (2004) 423-424 www.elsevier.com/locate/jlumin List of Contributors Agranovich, V.M. Ferraris, J. 396 Lalov, I.J. 342 167, 364 Forrest, S.R. 378 Langner, A. 275 Al-Amri, M. 181 Franke, H. 413 Ledoux-Rak, I. 389 Argyrakis, P. 246 Fritz, T. 253, 354 Lee, S. 396 Artemyev, M.V. 23 Frob, H. 354 Lee, Y.-I. 11 Artoni, M. 174 Fuhrmann, T. 413 Leo, K. 165, 253, 309, 354 Fukuhara, S. | Lepnev, L.S. 232 Babiker, M. 181 Lidzey, D.G. 347, 354 Bag, B. 85 Gallos, L.K. 246 Litinskaya, M. 364 Balamurali, M.M. 147 Garditz, C. 200 Liu, H.-G. 11 Barvik, I. 258 Gehlhaar, R. 354 Liu, S. 95 Basche, Th. 217 Gesland, J.Y. 135 Lobanov, A. 246 Basko, D.M. 359 Gorbatsevich, S.K. 23 Lay ¥. 1 Bassani, F. 174 Goto, T. | Lyssenko, V.G. 354 Gouveia-Neto, A.S. 79 Bauerle, P. 225 Grimm, B. 303 Baughman, R.H. 167 Makhov, V.N. 135 Bednarz, M. 225 Hartmann, E. 407 Martin, M.-O. 407 Bergenti, I. 384 Hartschuh, A. 315 Maskevich, S.A. 23 Bharadwaj, P.K. 85 Hasegawa, F. | Mena-Osteritz, E. 225 Boher, P. 407 Herman, P. 258 Metivier, R. 217 Borghesi, A. 212 Heilig, M. 290 Mikhnevich, S.Yu. 23 Bradley, D.D.C. 347 Hoffmann, M. 165, 309, 354 Miozzo, L. 207 Bueno, L.A. 79 Moret, M. 207 Holzer, W. 303 Burenkova, N.S. 232 Huang, S. 95 Millen, K. 217 Murgia, M. 384 Campione, M. 212 Itskos, G. 347 Murray, R. 347 Chakradhar, R.P.S. 65 Chen, W.-J. 17 Jang, K. 11 Nabiev, I.R. 23 Christ, Th. 217 Jolivet, L. 407 Naidu, D.T. 65 Clément, R. 389 Juzeliunas, G. 181, 185 Negodin, E. 135 Colle, M. 200 Neviere, M. 373 Kamchatnov, A.M. 373 Connolly, L. 354 Kaputskaya, I.A. 23 Cross, J.P. 101, 113 Ohberg, P. 185 Kawazu, Y. | Ohkuma, S. | Ketterson, J.B. 125 da Costa, E.B. 79 Khotina, I.A. 232 Oztas, M. 31 Dadabhoy, A. 113 Kim, S.S. 11 Darmanyan, S.A. 373 Kirikova, N.Y. 135 Paez, B. 296 Dediu, V. 384 Kirm, M. 135 Painelli, A. 332 Defranoux, Ch. 407 Knoester, J. 239 Papagni, A. 212 Didraga, C. 239 Koschorreck, M. 354 Park, S. 11 Dienel, T. 253, 309 Krupa, J.C. 135 Penzkofer, A. 303 Dogra, S.K. 147 Kulzer, F. 217 Perschke, A. 413 Domhan, M. 290 Petelenz, P. 325 La Rocca, G.C. 174 Port, H. 290, 315 Engelmann, A. 271 Laicini, M. 207 Proehl, H. 253 424 List of Contributors Qin, J. 39 Shen, Y.R. 167 Vitukhnovsky, A. 246 Skipsey, S.C. 181 Vitukhnovsky, A.G. 232 Raimondo, L. 207 Sokolowski, M. 275 Vragovic, I. 284 Ramesh, K.P. 65 Soos, Z.G. 332 Ratnakaram, Y.C. 65 Spearman, P. 207, 212 Watanabe, T. | Reineker, P. 165, 225, 264, 271, 342, Stavrinou, P.N. 347 Weil, T. 217 364 Strekal, N.D. 23 Weiser, G. 189 Reinke, N. 413 Sun, Y. 125 Wenus, J. 347, 354 Reiter, M. 258 Supritz, C. 271, 342 Whittaker, D.M. 347 Ribeiro, S.J.L. 79 Williams, C. 396 Riminucci, A. 384 Taliani, C. 384 Wong, G.K.L. 125 Ruani, G. 384 Tancrez, N. 389 Rudowicz, C. 39 Tang, G.-Q. 17 Xiong, Y. 17 Tao, Y. 95 Salvan, G. 296 Tavazzi, S. 212 Yamashita, T. | Sammes, P.G. 101, Totani, K. | Yazici, A.N. 31 Sassella, A. 212 Trabattoni, S. 207 Yi, T. 389 Scheuing, A. 264 Tsiper, E.V. 332 You, F. 95 Schneider, M. 275 Scholz, R. 284 Umbach, E. 275 Zahn, D.R.T. 296 Schrader, S. 303 Zakhidov, A.A. 167, 396 Schreiber, M. 284 Valetsky, P.M. 232 Zhang, G.-L. 17 Schulz, M. 418 Velagapudi, R. 303 Zhang, L.Z. 17 Schiippel, R. 309, 354 Vijaya kumar, A. 65 Zyss, J. 389 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr: LJOUURNMALI NOFE SCENCE Journal of Luminescence 110 (2004) 425-426 www.elsevier.con/locate/jlumin Subject Index 5d—4f luminescence 135 Electrical properties 407 Absorbance and luminescence 232 Electroabsorption 189 Absorption 65 Electroabsorption spectroscopy 325 Absorption spectrum 147 Electroluminescence 378, 396 Acceptor dopant 396 Electromagnetically induced transparency Additional waves 167 Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) Aggregates 389 Electronic excitation energy transfer 23 Anion sensitivity 113 Electronic interactions 217 Atomic Bose-Einstein condensates 185 Emission cross section 65 Aza-crown complex 101 Energy transfer 79, 95, 359 ESIPT 147 Biexciton 174 Eu’* 101 Blue emission Europium complex 11 Boson peak 41 Exciton 125, 174 Exciton diffusion 309 Cavity polaritons 364 Exciton dispersion 284 Cavity QED 181 Exciton resonances 167 CdSe/ZnS quantum dot 23 Exciton transfer 258 Charge transfer excitons 342 Exciton transport 246 Charge transfer transitions 189 Excitonic strings 315 Charge-transfer interactions 325 Coherent and localized states 364 Exciton—phonon coupling 342 Exciton—phonon interaction 264 Compatibility and reliability of CFPs 39 Excitons 217, 264, 271, 354 Composite 11 Cryptand receptors 85 Crystal (ligand) fields 39 Fluorescence 65, 258, 378 Cyclothiophenes 225 Fluorescence enhancement 85 Fluorescence spectrum 147 Dark states 185 Fluoride crystals 135 Decay 396 Fluorides 95 Delayed fluorescence 200 Dendrimers 271 Gd** 101 Density matrix theory 258 Grating coupler 413 Density of states 418 Guided wave organic laser 303 Dichroism 239 Dielectric response 332 Heat treatment 31 Dielectric tensor 207 Holmium 79 Diindenoperylene 290 Hybrid-states 347 Directional dispersion 212 Hydrothermal synthesis 95 Disorder 189 Hyperbranched polyphenylenes 232 Disordered materials 418 Hyperpolarizability 389 Distributed feedback 413 Effective magnetic field 185 Inner-transition metals 85 EIT 174 Isomers 200 426 Subject Index J-aggregates 347, 354 Quantum cutting effect 95 Quantum information processing 181 Kerr nonlinearity 373 Quantum interference 181 Quantum-wells 347 Layer thickness 407 Quenching 275, 396 Light harvesting 239 Lipophilic complex 101 Radiative lifetime 65 LiYF4:RE** 39 Rare-earth complex 101 Luminescence 11, 23, 79 Relaxation dynamics 364 Luminescence quenching 309 Self-organization 389 MCM-41_ 17 Semiconductor microcavity 373 Methyl 2-hydroxynicotinate 147 Single-molecule spectroscopy 217 Microcavities 347, 354, 359 Singlet 378 Molecular aggregates 217 Slow light 185 Solitary wave 373 Nanoparticles 17 Spatial dispersion 167 NdGaO,; 39 Spectroscopic ellipsometry 407 Near-IR 253 Spin injection 384 Negative group velocity 167 Spontaneous emission 181 Negative refraction 167 Spray pyrolysis 31 Nonlinear optics 389 Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy 296 Nonlinear polarization 264 Surface polaritons 167 Surfaces 275 OLED 407 Oligothiophenes 225 Tb** 101 Optical absorption 225, 271 Temperature dependence 200 Optical indices 407 Terbium luminescence 101 Optical properties 212 Theoretical calculations 147 Optical spectra 207 Thermoluminescence 31 Optical spectroscopy 39 Thin films 31, 290, 332, 384 Organic light emitting devices 413 Time resolved luminescence 113 Organic microcavities 364 Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy 290 Organic molecular aggregates 264 Time-resolved luminescence 309 Organic semiconductors 384 Trapping parameters 31 Organic thin films 309 Travelling-wave lasing 303 Oxygen sensitivity 101 Triplet 200, 378 Trivalent cerium and lutetium 135 Peierls transition 332 Two-photon absorption 1 Phenylene dendrimers 232 Two-photon-induced polymerization 1 Phosphorescence 200, 253, 378 Photoinduced electron transfer 85 Upconversion 79 Photoluminescence 17, 125, 253, 275, 347, 354 PMMA 11 Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) 95 Polariton 174 Vibrational spectra 418 Polarization 332 Vibronic spectra 342 Polarized transient absorption 315 Vitroceramic 79 Polaron 396 PrGaO; 39 Waveguide 413 Prototropic equilibrium 147 PTCDA 284, 296 Zinc oxide 17 Pyrido-phenol donor 101 ZnS 31 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @joinecr: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Journal of Luminescence 110 (2004) 427 www.elsevier.com/locate/jlumin Materials Index Ag 296 Manganites 384 Alkyl sulfinyl precursor 303 Material edges and corners Mg 296 Bis-styryl-benzene 1 Molecular aggregates 239 Molecular crystals 284 Chromophore 1 CT crystals 315 Nanoparticles 389 CT excitons 325 Cu,0 174 Oligothiophenes 207, 212 CuCl 174 Organic molecular crystals 332 : Organic nanostructures 290 Degenerate Fermi gases 185 Donor and acceptor molecules 342 Polaritons 347, 373 Dopant molecules 407 Polyparaphenylenevinylene 303 ; 189. 239. 378. 396 Porphyrin 253 Excitons » 239, 378, PTCDA (perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracar- Fluorides 95 wa 309 Frenkel excitons 246, 284 vi Heavy main-group metals 85 Quaterthiophene 275 Holmium 79 . eee ys Tetracene 275 nn Ie Transition metals 85 Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum 200 J-aggregates 246 Ultra-cold atomic gases 185 Left-handed materials 167 Light-emitting diodes 384 Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) 95 Luminescent lanthanide complexes 113 Vitroceramic 79

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