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Preview Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2007: Vol 51 Index & Table of Contents

Contents Part I Special Issue Mental Health and Intellectual Disability: XXI Editorial Melatonin and sleep disorders associated with intellectual disability: a clinical review S. G. Sajith & D. Clarke An evaluation of Beck’s cognitive theory of depression in adults with intellectual disability A. F. Esbensen & B. A. Benson What symptoms predict the diagnosis of mania in persons with severe/profound intellectual disability in clinical practice? 7. L. Matson, M. L. Gonzalez, C. Terlonge, R. T. Thorson & R. B. Laud The course and outcome of psychiatric illness in people with Prader—Willi syndrome: implications for management and treatment S. Soni, 7. Whittington, A. ¥. Holland, T. Webb, E. Maina, H. Boer & D. Clarke Risk factors for psychiatric disturbance in children with intellectual disability 7. Koskentausta, M. livanainen & F. Almqvist Behavioural equivalents of anxiety in children with fragile X syndrome: parent and teacher report Kelly Sullivan, Stephen Hooper & Deborah Hatton Integrative treatment in persons with intellectual disability and mental health problems A. Dosen Queensland psychiatrists’ attitudes and perceptions of adults with intellectual disability N. Edwards, N. Lennox & P. White Prevention of clozapine-induced granulocytopenia/agranulocytosis with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in an intellectually disabled patient with schizophrenia G. Rajagopa!, 7. G. Graham & F. F. A. Haut Book reviews Editorial Acknowledgements Part Il Rapid assessment of severe cognitive impairment in individuals with developmental disabilities D. M. Walsh, 7. Finwall, P. E. Touchette, M. R. McGregor, G. E. Fernandez, I. T. Lott & C. A. Sandman Longitudinal analysis of inpatient care utilization among people with intellectual disabilities 1999-2002 C.-H. Loh, ¥.-D. Lin, I.-C. Choi, C.-F. Yen, S.-W. Hsu, 7.-L. Wu & C. C. Tang Predictors of care-giver stress in families of preschool-aged children with developmental disabilities K. M. Plant & M. R. Sanders Pain’s impact on adaptive functioning L. M. Breau, C. S. Camfield, P. ¥. McGrath & G. A. Finle oivdnnoEaeineuuea hen uluits iee es Trends in residential policies and services for people with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan Y. C. Chou & R. L. Schalock Supported employment improves cognitive performance in adults with Autism D. Garcia-Villamisar & C. Hughes A multidisciplinary approach to the management of individuals with fragile X syndrome Y. Alanay, F. Unal, G. Turanh, M. Alikasifoglu, D. Alehan, U. Akyol, E. Belgin, C. Sener, D. Aktas, K. Boduroglu, E. Utine, B. Volkan-Salanc1, §. Ozusta, A. Geng, F. Basar, $. Seving & E. Tungbilel Verbal working memory in children with mild intellectual disabilities M. 7. Van der Molen, 7. E. H. Van Luit, M. F. Fongmans & M. W. Van der Molen Book review Erratum Part Ill Carer reports of health status among adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities in Taiwan living at home and in institutions K.-Y. Wang, K. Hsieh, T. Heller, P. W. Davidson & M. P. Fanicki Characteristics and experiences of children and young people with severe intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour attending 52-week residential special schools N. Pilling, P. McGill & V. Cooper Sexual relationships in adults with intellectual disabilities: understanding the law A. C. O’Callaghan & GCG. H Murphy Variations in the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in supported living schemes and residential settings R. McConkey [emperament in velocardiofacial syndrome K. M. Antshel, K. Stallone, N. AbdulSabur, R. Shprintzen, N. Roizen, A. M. Higgins & W. R. Kates lhe profile and incidence of cancer in Down syndrome S. G. Sullivan, fF & A. H. Bittles Person-centred planning: factors associated with successful outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities 7. Robertson, E. Emerson, C. Hatton, F. Elliott, B. McIntosh, P. Swift, E. Krinjen-Kemp, C. Towers, R. Romeo, M. Knapp, H. Sanderson, M. Routledge, P. Oakes & T. Fo Che provision of psychological therapy to people with intellectual disabilities: an investigation into some of the relevant factors 7. Mason Book review Part IV Prevalence of fractures in women with intellectual disabilities: a chart review S. Schrager, C.K & A. W. Fu Assessing the balance capabilities of people with profound intellectual disabilities who have experienced a fall L. Hale, A. Bray & A. Littmann reliminary study of screening for risk of autism in children with fragile X syndrome: testing two ut-offs for the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers D. 7. Scambler, S. L. Hepburn, R. 7. Hagerman LR Understanding distress in people with severe communication difficulties: developing and assessing the Disability Distress Assessment Tool (DisDAT) C. Regnard, Joanna Reynolds, Bill Watson, Dorothy Matthews, Lynn Gibson & Charlotte Clarke Organizational and individual factors associated with breakdown of residential placements for people with intellectual disabilities S. Broadhurst & F. Mansell Quality of life and psychological well-being in GH-treated, adult PWS patients: a longitudinal study L. Bertella, I. Mori, G. Grugni, R. Pignatti, F. Ceriani, E. Molinari, A. Ceccarelli, A. Sartorio, R. Vettor & C. Semenza Natural history of thyroid function in adults with Down syndrome — 10-year follow-up study V. Prasher & G. Gomez Language comprehension in boys with fragile X syndrome and boys with Down syndrome ¥. Price, 7. Roberts, N. Vandergerift & G. Martin Erratum Part V Deletions of VCX-A and NLGN,: a variable phenotype including normal intellect M. Maca M. Zeigler, ¥. P. Newman, D. Strich, V. Sury, A. Tennenbaum & V. Meine Operationalizing quality of life for people with profound multiple disabilities: a Delphi study K. Petry, B. Maes & C. Vlaskamp A neuropsychological assessment of frontal cognitive functions in Prader-Willi syndrome 7. Jauregi, C. Arias, O. Vegas, F. Alén, S. Martinez, P. Copet & D. Thuilleaux Policy, service pathways and mortality: a 10-year longitudinal study of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities 7. Hogg, K. Fuhlberg & L. Lambe A preliminary study of the validity of memory tests recommended by the Working Group for individuals with moderate to severe intellectual disability G. Pyo, K. Kripakaran, K. Curtis, R. Curtis & S. Markwell Gender differences in repetitive language in fragiie X syndrome M. M. Murphy & L. Abbedut Specific language impairment as the prominent feature in a patient with a low-level trisomy 21 mosaicism A. Paoloni-Giacobino, N. Lemieux, E. Lemyre & J. Lespinass« Book review Part VI Predictors, costs and characteristics of out of area placement for people with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour D. G. Allen, K. Lowe, K. Moore & S. Brophy Intellectual and adaptive behaviour functioning in pantothenate kinaseassociated neurodegeneration K. Freeman, A. Gregory, A. Turner, P. Blasco, P. Hogarth & S. Hayflick Developing health indicators for people with intellectual disabilities. The method of the Pomona project H. van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk, C. Linehan, M. Kerr & P. Noonan-Walsh Parenting children with and without developmental delay: the role of self-mastery E. Paczkowski & B. L. Bake Correlates of maternal behaviours in mothers of children with fragile X syndrome A. Wheeler, D. Hatton, A. Reichardt & D. Bailey Fifteen-year follow-up of 92 hospitalized adults with Down’s syndrome: incidence of cognitive decline, its relationship to age and neuropathology M. L. Margallo-Lana, P. B. Moor D. W. K. Kay, R. H. Perry, B. E. Reid, T. P. Berney & S. P. Ty The relationship between compulsive behaviour and academic achievement across the three genetic subtypes of Prader—Willi syndrome 7. Zarcone, D. Napolitano, C. Peterson, F. Bretdbord, S. Ferraioli, M. Caruso-Anderson, L. Holsen, M. G. Butler & T. Thompson Part Vil School’s Out: pathways for young people with intellectual disabilities from out-of-area residential schools or colleges P. Heslop & D. Abbott ssinsatalla m i den Lifestyle and health behaviours of adults with an intellectual disability B. E. McGuire, P. Daly & F. Smyth ae Prevalence of people with intellectual disability in the Nethcriands M. Wuillink, H. M. F. van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk, G. ¥. Dinant & F. F. M. Metsemakers Mortality in adults with moderate to profound intellectual disability: a population-based study F. Tyrer, L. K. Smith & C. W. McGrother Drug administration errors in an institution for individuals with intellectual disability: an observational study P. M. L. A. van den Bemt, R. Robertz, A. L. de Fong, E. N. van Roon ett e & H. G. M. Leufkens Parenting by persons with intellectual disability: an explorative study in the Netherlands D. L. Willems, F.-N. de Vries, ¥. Isarin & F. S. Reinders Symbols can improve the reading comprehension of adults with learning disabilities F. W. Jones, K. Long & W. M. L. Finlay Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology 7. G. Wishart, K. R. Cebula, D. S. Willis & T. K. Pitcairn Letter to the editor Book review Part Vill he sterilisation of people with in‘ellectual disabilities in England and Wales during the period 1988 to 1999 A. F. Stansfield, A. F. Holland & I. C. H. Clare Autism: tactile perception and emotion E. Pernon, R. Pry & A. Baghdadli The Sentence Completion and Three Wishes tasks: windows into the inner lives of people with intellectual disabilities E. Dykens, K. Schwenk, M. Maxwell & B. Myatt Applied behaviour analysis: does intervention intensity relate to family stressors and maternal well-being? A. Schwichtenberg & F. Poehlmann Predictors of depressive symptoms in primary caregivers of young children with or at risk for developmental delay M. Feldman, L. McDonald, L. Serbin, D. Stack, M. L. Secco & C. T. Yu An individual with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and Smith—Magenis microdeletion syndrome: is chromosome I7pI1.2 a candidate region for Tourette syndrome putative susceptibility genes? B. P. Shelley, M. M. Robertson & F. Turk Challenging behaviours: prevalence and topographies K. Lowe, D. Allen, E. Jones, S. Brophy, K. Moore & W. Fame Silenced grief: living with the death of a child with intellectual disabilities S. Todd Part IX Part |: SSBP Abstracts, Guest Edited by Chris Oliver and Randi Hagerman Editorial Keynote Presentations Oral Presentations Poster Presentations Part 2: Original Articles Intellectual abilities in a large samplt e of children with Velo—Cardio—Facial Syndrome: an update B. De Smedt, K. Devriendt, ¥.-P. Fryns, A. Vogels, M. Gewillig & A. Swillen The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: a study of 56 individuals E. Basile, I ‘lla, A. Selicorni & M. Moltent Siblings of individuals with autism or Down syndrome: effects on adult lives G. I. Orsmond f M. M. Seltzer Infant attentional behaviours as prognostic indicators in Cornelia-de-Lange syndrome K. Sarimski Evidence of resilience in families of children with autism M. Bayar Prevalence of intellectual disability: a comprehensive study based on national registers H. Westerinen, M. Kaski, L. Virta, F. Almqvist & M. Iivanainen Symptoms of dementia among adults with Down’s syndrome: a qualitative study S. Deb, M. Hare & L. Prior Erratum Part X Special Issue Mental Health and Intellectual Disability: XXII "TTsh e im= pact of all1 eged abuse onr m b-\e ha“Tt viteo urTt amti n| adu1l1 ts rwainutthh sev* ere- intelleocTt ual | disabi~lsilettis es G. H. Murphy, A. C. O’Callaghan & I. C. H. Clare The effectiveness of antidepressant medication in the management of behaviour problems in adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review S. K. Sohanpal, S. Deb, C. Thomas, R. Som, L. Lenétre & G. Unwin The effectiveness of antipsychotic medication in the management of behaviour problems in adults with intellectual disabilities S. Deb, S. K. Sohanpal, R. Soni, L. Lené.tre & G. Unwin Emotional and behavioural problems in offenders with intellectual disability: comparative data from three forensic services 7. FE. Hogue, P. Mooney, C. Morrissey, L. Steptoe, S. John W. R. Lindsay & F. Taylor Profiles and correlates of aggressive behaviour among adults with intellectual disabilities A. G. Crocker, C. Mercier, 7.-F. Allaire & M.-E. Roy Assessment and treatment units for people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour in England: an exploratory survey N. Mackenzie-Davies & F. Mansell Does operational diagnosis of schizophrenia significantly impact intellectual deficits in psychotic disorders? H. Kitamura, T. Shioiri, M. Itoh, Y. Sato, K. Shichiri & T. Someya Validation of the Mood and Anxiety Semi-structured (MASS) Interview for patients with intellectual disabilities L. Charlot, C. Deutsch, A. Hunt, K. Fletcher & W. Mclilvane Part Xl Adults with mild intellectual disabilities: can their reading comprehension ability be improved? K. P. van den Bos, H. Nakken, P. G. Nicolay & E. F. van Houten Self-determination, social abilities and the quality of life of people with intellectual disability L. Nota, L. Ferrari, S. Soresi & M. Wehmeyer Poverty, socio-economic position, social capital and the health of children and adolescents with f intellectual disabilities in Britain: a replication E. Emerson & C. Hatton Q<u ality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities who live with families in Taiwan Y. C. Chou, R. L. Schalock, P. Y. Tzou, L. C. Lin, A. L. Chang, W. P. Lee & S. C. Chang Use of the Interact Short Form as a tool to evaluate emotion of people with profound intellectual disabilities K. P. Y. Liu, T. Lee, A. Yan, C. W. M. Siu, F. W. Y. Choy, K. L. K. Leung, T. Y. Siu & A. C. S. Kwan Validation of the Subjective and Objective Family Burden Interview (SOFBI/ECFOS) in primary caregivers to adults with intellectual disabilities living in the community A. Martorell, A. Pereda, L. Salvador-Carulla, S. Ochoa & F. L. Ayuso-Mateos Cognitive-behavioural treatment for men with intellectual disabilities and sexually abusive behaviour: a pilot study G. Murphy, S. Powell, A.-M. Guzman & S.-7. Hays Hearing aids: expectations and satisfaction of people with an intellectual disability, a descriptive pilot study A. Meuwese-Fongejeugd, H. Verschuure & H. M. Evenhuts Part XIll Special Issue on Down Syndrome Editorial Working memory and Down syndrome A. Baddeley & C. Farrold Implicit memory is independent from IQ and age but not from etiology: evidence from Down and Williams syndromes S. Vicari, L. Verucct & G. A. Carlesimo Visual-spatial processing in children and adolescents with Down’s syndrome: a computerized assessment of memory skills L. Visu-Petra, O. Benga, I. Tincas & M. Miclea Persons with and without Down syndrome use similar strategies when using visual instructions for £ bimanual drumming S. D. (Robertson) Ringenbach, G. M. Mulvey & C. Beachy Learning motor synergies by persons with Down syndrome M. L. Latash Interhemispih eric transmission time in Ip ersons with Down syndrome M. Heath, L. Grierson, G. Binsted & D. Elliott Magnetoencephalographic analysis of cortical activity in adults with and without Down syndrome N. Viri-Babul, T. Cheung, D. Weeks, A. T. Herdman & D. Cheyne Frontal electroencephalogram asymmetry during affective processing in children with Down syndrome: a pilot study N. 7. Conrad, L. A. Schmidt, A. Niccols, C. P. Polak, T. C. Riniolo & ¥. A. Burack Socio-cognitive understanding: a strength or weakness in Down’s syndrome? 7. G. Wishart Examining the Down syndrome advantage: mothers and fathers of young children with disabilities Zz Ston man Adult siblings of individuals with Down syndrome versus with autism: findings from a large-scale US survey R. M. Hodapp & R. C. Urbano Hospitalizations of infants and young children with Down syndrome: evidence from inpatient person-records from a statewide administrative database S. A. So, R. C. Urbano & R. M. Hodapp Factors predicting mortality in midlife adults with and without Down syndrome living with family A. F. Esbensen, M. M. Seltzer & F. S. Greenberg

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