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Preview Journal of Field Archaeology 2006: Vol 31 Index & Table of Contents

Published Quarterly by Boston University Journal of Field Archaeology Volume 31, 2006 Editor, Curtis Runnels; Managing Editor, Al B. Wesolowsky; Art Journal Fellows, Ellen Spensley, China P. Shelton, and Marta E. Ostovich tor, Norman Hammond; Editorial Assistant, Priscilla Murray Editorial Advisory Board: Gina L. Barnes, Peter Bogucki, Richard L. Burger, Ricardo J Elia, Thomas R. Hester, Richard G. Klein, Mohammad Rafique Mughal, Mehmet Ozdogan, Catherine Perles, David W. Phillipson, Robin Torrence, Tjeerd H. van Andel, Oscar White Muscarella, T. J. Wilkinson Ihe reader should note that the main index for Volume 3] (2006) is a complete listing by author for all articles appearing in that volume; book reviews are listed here by the author of the review. The books themselves are listed by their main authors in the section entitled “Book Reviews” after the main index. Entries for “The Antiquities Market” and “News and Short Contributions” are also repeated, under those rubrics, after the main index. Abbott, David R., Scott E. Ingram, and Brent G. Kober, “Hohokam Exchange and ] Early Classic Period Or- ganization in Central Arizona: Focal Villages or Lin ear Communities?” 285-305 , review of Entering America: Northeast Adovasio, J. M., review of Woodland Period Systematics sia and Beringia Before the Last Glacial Maximum in the Middle Olio Valley edited by Darlene Apple lit Madsen, and The Settlement of the gate and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., and Archaeology of lmmerican Cont nts: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Middle Green River Region, Kentucky edited by Human Biogeography edited by C. Michael Barton, William H. Marquardt and Patty Jo Watson, and The G. A. Clark, D. R. Yessner, and G. A. Pearson Hoko River . 1rchaeological Site omple G The Ro kesh nds, Peter, see Kamp, Kathryn A. ter (45CA21), 1,000-100 z.p by Dale R. Croes, with contributions by Barbara Stucki and Rebecca Wigen 331-33: surton, Margie M., see Levy, Thomas E. Allen, Peter S., review of A Historical and Economic Ge- hauchat, Claude, Jean Guftroy, and Thomas Pozorski, ography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in Excavations at Huaca Herederos Chica, Moche Val- the 18th Century by Fariba Zarinebaf, John Bennet, E 1 y 2 4 " and Jack L. Davis , , hicoine, David, “Early Horizon Architecture at Allen, Susan E., review of Plants and People in Late Ne uambacho, Nepena Valley, Peru” i l.it hic es anda Ea£4 rl¥y Bro( nze€ Aaggee NoNrotThIeerrIn GrreVeCCcCeE: An 4 A} Matthew, see Pluckhahn, _T homas z. chaeobotanical Investigation by Soultana Maria Velasnne; 109 ret, itonio, Lee A. Newsom, and Susan D. de a ic Social and Cultural Changes at Aveni, Anthony F., review of The Geoglyphs of Palpa, Pt ru: Documentation, Analysis, and Interpretation by Karsten Lambers 333-33 s, Jack L., see Gerke, Tammie L. Bogucki, Peter, review of Smakkerup Huse: A Late agan, Kathleen, review of The Archaeology of Colonial Mesolithic Coastal Site in Northwest Zealand, Denmark Encounters: Cr mparative Perspectives edited by Gil J. edited by +T . Douglas Price and Anne B'i rgitte ttceli n 333388--: 340 Gebauer 336-338 rance, Susan D., see Curet, L. Antonio > = 7 —— co > is. 2 : : : : ; Bonhage-Freund, Mary Theresa, see Pluckhahn, lgado, James P., review of Deep-Water Shipwrecks off Thomas J. Bank: The 1997 Survey edited by Anna Mar- Brady, Liam M., “Documenting and Analyzing Rock gucrite McCann and John Peter Oleson Dietsch, Craig, see Gerke, Tammie L. Levy, Thomas | Margie M. Burton, and Yorke M. Rowan, “Chalcolithic Hamlet Excavations neat Fitzpatrick, Scott M., Michiel Kappers, and Quetta Shiqmim, Negev Desert, Israel’ 41-60 Kaye, “Coastal Erosion and Site Destruction on Car- rriacou, West Indies” Limp, W. Fredrick, review of Ground Penetrating Radar for Archaeology by Lawrence B. Conyers 105-107 Galanidou, Nena, “Analytical and Ethical Issues Con cerning Organic Residues on Paleolithic Chipped Lindsay, Ian, and Adam T. Smith, “A Histor Stone Tools from Nw Greece” chacology in the Republic of Armenia’ 165-184 Gerke, Tammie L., Sharon R. Stocker, Jack L. Davis, J. Luke, Christina, “Editorial Introduction” (to the An Barry Maynard, and Craig Dietsch, “Sourcing Vol- tiquities Market canic Millstones from Greco-Roman Sites in Alba- “Editorial Introduction” (to the Antiquities nia Market . see Roosevelt, ¢ hristopher H Greenfield, Haskel J., “Slicing Cut Marks on Animal 1 McAnany, Patricia A., see Parks Bones: Diagnostics for Identifying Stone Tool Type and Raw Material” McLean, Kimberly, see Kamp, Kathryn A Gremillion, Kristen J., review of People of the Shoals: Maynard, J. Barry, see Gerke, Tammie |] Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley by Ken- Meltzer, David J., review of Paleoamerican Origins: Be neth E. Sassaman yond Clovis edited by Robson Bonnichsen, Bradley T Lepper, Dennis Stanford, and Michael Waters 441-443 Guerra Awe, José V., see Kamp, Kathryn A. Murata, Satoru, see Parks, Shoshaunna Guerra, Rafael, see Kamp, Kathryn A. Najjar, Mohammad, see Simmons, Alan H Gutftroy, Jean, see Chauchat, Claude “New Archaeological Books and Journals 9 7-101 Hogue, S. Homes, “Evaluating the Reliability of Fluo 203-208 ride Dating at Two Prehistoric Mound Sites in Mis- sissipp1” 329-330 433-435 Hoopes, John W., review of K’axob: Ritual, Work, and Family in an Ancient Maya Village edited by Patricia Newsom, Lee A., see Curet, L. Antonio A. McAnany Osborne, Robin, review of Excavations at Ancient , review of San Jacinto 1: A Historical EcologicalA p Halieis Volume 1. The Fortifications ma Adjacent proach to an Archaic Site in Colombia by Augusto Structures by Marian H. McAllister, and The Excava Oyuela-Caycedo and Renée M. Bonzani tions at Ancient Halieis Volume 2. The Houses: The Houston, Stephen, review of Human Sacrifice at Teoti Organization and | € Of 1 Jomestu Space by Bradley A huacan by Saburo Sugiyama Ault 443 , review of The Body as Material Culture: A Theo- Parks, Shoshaunna, Patricia A. McAnany, and Satoru retical Osteoarchaeology by Joanna R. Sofaer Murata, “The Conservation of Mava Cultural Het Ingram, Scott E., see Abbott, David R. itage: Searching for Solutions in a Troubled Region” 425 Insoll, Timothy, review of African Archaeology: A Criti Pendergast, David M., review of Dialogues in Cuban Ar cal Introduction edited by Ann Brower Stahl chaeolog) edited by |] Antonio Curet, Shannon Lee Dawdy, and Gabino | a Rosa Corzo 107 Kamp, Kathryn A., John C. Whittaker, Rafael Guerra, Kimberly McLean, Peter Brands, and José V. Guerra Perlés, Catherine, review of Fi st Farmers: The Origins of Awe, “A Ritual Spindle Whorl Deposit from the Agricultural Societic s by Peter Bellwood 109 Late Classic Maya Site of El Pilar, Belize” Pluckhahn, Thomas J., J. Matthew Compton, and Mary Kappers, Michiel, see Fitzpatrick, Scott M. rheresa Bonhage-Freund, “Evidence of Small-Scale Feasting from the Woodland Period Site of Kolomo Kaye, Quetta, see Fitzpatrick, Scott M. ki, Georgia” 263 Kersel, Morag “Editorial Introduction” (to the Antigq Pozorski, Thomas, see Chauchat, Claude uities Market) , and Raz Kletter, “Heritage for Sale? A Case Roosevelt, Christopher H., “Tumulus Survey and Mu- Study from Israel” scum Research in Lydia, Western Turkey: Determin- Kletter, Raz, see Kersel, Morag ing Lydian- and Persian-Period Settlement Patterns” 61-76 , and Christina Luke, “Mysterious Shepherds and Kober, Brent G., see Abbott, David R. Hidden Treasures: The Culture of Looting in Lydia Knapp, A. Bernard, review of The Plain of Phaistos: Cy- Western Turkey” 185-198 cles of Complexity in the Mesara Region of Crete by L. Rowan, Yorke M., see Levy, Thomas E Vance Watrous, Despoina Hadzi-Vallianou, and Harriet Blitzer 220-225 Simmons, Alan H., and Mohammad Najjar, “Ghwair I: \ Small, Complex Neolithic Community in South wad the Beginnings of Human ern Jordan” Donald O. Henry Smith, Adam T., see Lindsay, Ian The Antiquities Market Smith, Marvin T., review of Hunting for Hides: Dee skins, Status, and Cultural Change in the Protobistori HRISTINA LUKE AND MORAG KERSEI Appalaclians by Heather A. Lapham | Introduction” T Heritage for Sale? A Case Stocker, Sharon R., see Gerke, Tammie L. Stuart, George E., review of The Florida Journals of Morag Frank Hamilton Cushing edited by Phyllis E. Ko Editorial Introduction” lianos and Brent R. Weisman, and The Lost Florida Manuscript of Frank Hamilton Cushing edited by Phyllis E. Kolianos and Brent R. Weisman, and The iristopher H. 1) chaeology of € Jemulgee Old Fields, Macon, Georgia by McAnany, Patrici: : arks, Shoshaunna Carol I. Mason Murata, Satoru, see Parks, Shoshaunna Tanyeri-Erdemir, Tugba, “Archaeology as a Source of Parks, Shosh: 1a, Patricia A. McAnany, and Satoru National Pride in the Early Years of the Turkish Re Murat The Conservation of Maya Cultural Her- public” itage: Searching for Solutions in a Troubled Region” 425-432 Tourtellot, Gair, review of Ancient Maya Commoner Roosevelt, Christopher H., and Christina Luke, “Mys- edited by Jon C. Lohse and Fred Valdez, Jr. terious Shepherds and Hidden Treasures: The Cul- oting in Lydia, Western Turkev” 185-198 Irvon, Christian A., “The Destructive Potential « Earthworms on the Archaeoboranical Record” News and Short Contributions Verhoeven, Geert, see Vermeulen, Frank Irvon, Christian A., “The Destructive Potential of > Vermeulen, Frank, “An Integrated Survey of Roma Earthworms on the Archaeobotanical Record” 202 Urbanization at Potentia, Central Italy” Vranich, Alexei, “The Construction and Reconstruct Book Reviews of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia Applegate, Darlene, and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., edi- 500-1000)” tors. Woodland Period Systematics in the Middle Ohio Walter, Marni Blake, review of Heritage Values in Site Valley (reviewed by M. Adovasio Management: Four Case Studies by Marta de la Torre, Ault, Bradley , The Excavations at Ancient Halteis Vol- Margaret G. H. Maclean, Randall Mason, and David ume 2. The Houses: ' The Organization and Use of Do- Myvers mestic Space (reviewed by Robin Osborne) Whittaker, John C., see Kamp, Kathryn A. Baker, Brenda J., Tosha L. Dupras, and Matthew W. Whittle, Alasdair, review of The Avebury Landscape: As Tocheri, The Osteology of Infants and Children (re- pects of the I ield Archaeology of the Marlborough Downs View ed by ( issad\ ] Yoder edited by Graham Brown, David Field, and David Barton, C. Michael, G. A. Clark, D. R. Yessner, and G. McOmish \. Pearson, editors, The Settlement of the American Wilcox, David R., review of A Space Syntax Analysis of Continents: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Human Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico: Community For Biogeography (reviewed by Bruce A. Bradley) mation in the Northern Rio Grande by Jason S Baxter, Jane Eva, The Archaeology of Childhood: Children, Shapiro Gender and Material Culture (reviewed by Jean Wil- Wilson, Jean, review of The Archaeology of Childhood: son Children, Gender and Material Culture by Jane Eva Bellwood, Peter, First Farmers: The Origins of Agricul- Baxter tural Societies (reviewed by Catherine Perlés) Yoder, Cassady J., review of The Osteology of Infants and Bonnichsen, Robson, Bradley T. Lepper, Dennis Stan- Children by Brenda J. Baker, Tosha L. Dupras, and ford, and Michael Waters, editors, Paleoamerican Matthew W. Tocheri 447 Origins: Beyond Clovis (reviewed by David J. Zender, Marc, review of Maya Dwellings in Hieroglyphs Meltzer 441 and Archaeology: An Integrative Approach to Ancient Brown, Graham, David Field, and David McOmish, Architecture and Spatial Cognition by Snannon E. editors, The Avebury Landscape: d Aspects of the Field Plank Archaeology of the Marlborough Downs (reviewed by Zilhao, Joao, review of Neanderthals in the Levant: Be- Alasdair Whittle 349. Conyers, Lawrence B., Ground Penetrating Radar for Culture of the Savannah River Valley (reviewed by Archaeology (reviewed by W. Fredrick Limp) Kristen J. Gremillion Croes, Dale R., with contributions by Barbara Stucki Shapiro, Jason S., A Space Syntax Analysis of Arroyo and Rebecca Wigen, The Hoko River Archaeological Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico: Community Formation in Site Complex: The Rockshelter (45CA21), 1,000-100 the Northern Rio Grande (reviewed by David R. . (reviewed by J. M. Adovasio) Wilcox) Curet, L. Antonio, Shannon Lee Dawdy, and Gabino Sofaer, Joanna R., The Body as Material Culture: A The La Rosa Corzo, editors, Dialogues in Cuban Archae- oretical Osteoarchacology (reviewed by Stephen ology (reviewed by David M. Pendergast) Houston) Henry, Donald O., editor, Neanderthals in the Levant: Stahl, Ann Brower, editor, African Archaeology: A Crit- Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Hu- ical Introduction (reviewed by Timothy Insoll) man Modernity (reviewed by Joao Zilhao) Stein, Gil J., editor, The Archaeology of Colonial Encoun Kolianos, Phyllis E., and Brent R. Weisman, editors, ters: Comparative Perspectives (reviewed by Kathleen The Florida Journals of Frank Hamilton Cushing and Deagan) The Lost Florida Manuscript of Frank Hamilton Cush- Sugivama, Saburo, Human Sacrifice at Ti ing (reviewed by George E. Stuart) viewed by Stephen Houston Lambers, Karsten, The Geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru: Docu- de la Torre, Marta, Margaret G. H. Maclean, Randall mentation, Analysis, and Interpretation (reviewed by Mason, and David Myers, Heritage Val Site Anthony F. Aveni) Management: Four Case Studies (reviewed by Marni Lapham, Heather A., Hunting for Hides: Deerskins, Sta Blake Walter tus, and Cultural Change in the Protohistoric Ap- Valamoti, Soultana Maria, Plants and People in Late Ne palachians (reviewed by Marvin T. Smith) olithic and Early Bronze Age Northern Greece: An Ar Lohse, Jon C., and Fred Valdez, Jr., editors, Ancient chaeobotanical Investigation (reviewed by Susan E. Maya Commoners (reviewed by Gair Tourtellot) Allen McAllister, Marian H., The Excavations at Ancient Watrous, L. Vance, Despoina Hadzi-Vallianou, and Halieis Volume 1. The Fortifications and Adjacent Harriet Blitzer, The Plain of Phaistos: Cycles of Com Structures (reviewed by Robin Osborne) plexity in the Mesara Region of Crete (reviewed by A Bernard Knapp McAnany, Patricia A., editor, K’axob: Ritual, Work, and Family in an Ancient Maya Village (reviewed by Zarinebaf, Fariba, John Bennet, and Jack L. Davis, A John W. Hoopes) Historical and Economic Geography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in the 18th Centurn McCann, Anna Marguerite, and John Peter Oleson, (reviewed by Peter S. Allen editors, Deep-Water Shipwrecks off Skerki Bank: The 1997 Survey (reviewed by James P. Delgado) Madsen, D. B., editor, Entering America: Northeast Asia and Beringia Before the Last Glacial Maximum (re- viewed by Bruce A. Bradley) Marquardt, William H., and Patty Jo Watson, editors, Archaeology of the Middle Green River Region, Ken tucky (reviewed by J. M. Adovasio) Mason, Carol I., The Archaeology of Ocmulgee Old Fields, Macon, Georgia (reviewed by George E. Stuart) Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto, and Renée M. Bonzani, San Jacinto 1: A Historical Ecological Approach to an Archaic Site in Colombia (reviewed by John W. Hox pes ) Plank, Shannon E., Maya Dwellings in Hieroglyphs and Archaeology: An Integrative Approach to Ancient Ar- chitecture and Spatial Cognition (reviewed by Marc Zender) Price, T. Douglas, and Anne Birgitte Gebauer, editors, Smakkerup Huse: A Late Mesolithic Coastal Site in Northwest Zealand, Denmark (reviewed by Peter Bogucki) Sassaman, Kenneth E., People of the Shoals: Stallings

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