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Preview Journal of Animal Ecology 1996: Vol 65 Table of Contents

Vv Contents Volume Contents Volume 65 Number 1 January 1996 | Environmental and social determinants of winter fat storage in the great tit Parus major A. G. GOSLER 18 The nutritional ecology of African ruminants: a reinterpretation I. J. GORDON & A. W. ILLIUS 29 Temporal variation in growth performance in six species of tropical, pelagic seabirds R. E. SHEA & R. E. RICKLEFS 43 State-dependent life histories, Mountford’s hypothesis, and the evolution of brood size D. W. MORRIS 52 Relationships between abundances and life histories of British birds T. M. BLACKBURN, J. H. LAWTON & R. D. GREGORY 63 Predicting species interactions based on behaviour: predation and competition in container-dwelling mosquitoes C. P. GRILL & S. A. JULIANO 77 Priority effects in temporary pools: nature and outcome of mosquito larva—toad tadpole interactions depend on order of entrance L. BLAUSTEIN & J. MARGALIT 85 Spatial synchrony and asynchrony in butterfly population dynamics O. L. SUTCLIFFE, C. D. THOMAS & D. MOSS 96 Nest predation and delayed cost of reproduction in the great tit R. H. MCCLEERY, J. CLOBERT, T. JULLIARD & C. M. PERRINS Tawny owl (Strix aluco) predation in a pristine deciduous forest (Biatowieza National Park, Poland) W. JEDRZEJEWSKI, B. JEDRZEJEWSKA, A. SZYMURA & K. ZUB Forum papers 121 Spatio-temporal patterns of home range use by foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in urban environments P. C. L. WHITE, G. SAUNDERS & S. HARRIS 126 Intraspecific variation in movement behaviour of foxes (Vulpes vulpes): a reply to White, Saunders & Harris C. P. DONCASTER & D. W. MACDONALD 128 Obituary: George Dunnet 130 Book reviews 134 Instructions for Contributors Volume 65 Number 2 March 1996 137 Relationship between migration and latitude among west European birds I. NEWTON & L. DALE 147 The risk of parasitism in relation to the distance from reed warbler nests to cuckoo perches I. J. OIEN, M. HONZA, A. MOKSNES & E. ROSKAFT 154 Carnivorous plant-slug interaction: a trip from herbivory to kleptoparasitism R. ZAMORA & J. M. GOMEZ 161 Dispersal and chaos in spatially structured models: an individual-level approach G. D. RUXTON 170 Regulation of seed and pollinator in the fig—fig wasp mutualism R. J. C. NEFDT & S. G. COMPTON 183 Habitat-specific demography of breeding black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens): implications for population dynamics R. T. HOLMES, P. P. MARRA & T. W. SHERRY 196 Dynamics of an entire population of the subtidal snail Umbonium costatum: the importance of annual recruitment fluctuation T. NODA & S. NAKAO 205 Ants as selective agents on herbivore biology: effects on the behaviour of a non-myrmecophilous butterfly A. V. L. FREITAS & P. S. OLIVEIRA 211 Patch-marking and optimal search patterns in the parasitoid Venturia canescens C. BERNSTEIN & G. DRIESSEN 220 Predation on competing rodent species: a simple explanation of complex patterns I. HANSKI & H. HENTTONEN 233 Species richness of reef-building corals determined by local and regional processes H. V. CORNELL & R. H. KARLSON Relationship of host coloniality to the population ecology of avian lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) L. ROZSA, J. REKASI & J. REICZIGEL Forum papers Cyclic population dynamics and random perturbations V. KAITALA, E. RANTA & J. LINDSTROM Book ‘Reviews vi Volume 65 Number 3 May 1996 Volume 255 The Eleventh Tansley Lecture: Phylogenies for ecologists Contents P. H. HARVEY 264 Seasonal variation in the incidence of double broods: the data hypothesis fits better than the quality hypothesis N. VERBOVEN & S. VERHULST Random walks in a metapopulation: how much density dependence is necessary for long-term persistence? I. HANSKI, P. FOLEY & M. HASSELL ; Female mating status and reproductive success in the great reed warbler: is there a potential cost of polygyny that requires compensation? S. BENSCH Aggregation and coexistence. I. Theory and analysis J. G. SEVENSTER Aggregation and coexistence. II. A neotropical Drosophila community J. G. SEVENSTER & J. J. M. VAN ALPHEN An experimental study of incubation effort in high-Arctic barnacle geese I. M. TOMBRE & K. E. ERIKSTAD Reproductive demands and mass gains: a paradox in female red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) M. M. HUMPHRIES & S. BOUTIN Asymmetries, compartments and null interactions in an Amazonian ant-plant community C. R. FONSECA & G. GANADE The effects of beam-trawl disturbance on infaunal communities in different habitats M. J. KAISER & B. E. SPENCER The numerical response of great horned owls to the snowshoe hare cycle: consequences of non-territorial ‘floaters’ on demography C. ROHNER Spatial analysis of the distribution of tsetse flies in the Lambwe Valley, Kenya, using Landsat TM satellite imagery and GIS U. KITRON, L. H. OTIENO, L. L. HUNGERFORD, A. ODULAJA, W. U. BRIGHAM, O. O. OKELLO, M. JOSELYN, M. M. MOHAMED-AHMED & E. COOK Regulation of food provisioning in the Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica S.-H. LORENTSEN Bird predation and vegetation structure affecting spruce-living arthropods in a temperate forest B. GUNNARSSON Book Reviews Erratum Editorial Announcement Vii Volume 65 Number 4 July 1996 Volume 401 Body mass variation in breeding mountain bluebirds Sialia currucoides: evidence of stress or adaptation for flight? Contents M. S. MERKLE & R. M. R. BARCLAY 414 Refuge availability structures assemblages of tropical reef fishes M. J. CALEY & J. ST JOHN 429 Variation in the feeding success of sperm whales: temporal scale, spatial scale and relationship to migrations H. WHITEHEAD 439 Intraseasonal variation in the development of sexual size dimorphism in a precocial bird: evidence from the lesser snow goose E. G. COOCH, D. B. LANK & F. COOKE The dynamics of bovine tuberculosis in possum populations, and its eradication or control by culling or vaccination M. G. ROBERTS Habitat fragmentation and extinction thresholds in spatially explicit models J. BASCOMPTE & R. V. SOLE Horizontal transmission and reproductive rates of hen fleas in great tit nests P. HEEB, I. WERNER, H. RICHNER & M. KOLLIKER Multiple mechanisms of reversed hatching asynchrony in rockhopper penguins C. C. ST CLAIR The effects of stochasticity and seasonality on model dynamics: bovine tuberculosis in badgers G. D. RUXTON Variability in parasitoid community structure B. A. HAWKINS & N. J. MILLS Density-dependent feeding success in a field population of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis D. W. KELLY, Z. MUSTAFA & C. DYE Forum paper Correct calculation of Dirichlet polygon areas J. A. BYERS Book Reviews Volume 65 Number 5 September 1996 539 Increased daily work precipitates natural death in the kestrel S. DAAN, C. DEERENBERG & C. DIJKSTRA 545 Effects of egg size and parental quality on early nestling growth: an experiment with the Antarctic petrel T. AMUNDSEN, S-H. LORENTSEN & T. TVERAA 556 Density dependence: are we searching at the wrong spatial scale? C. RAY & A. HASTINGS 567 Distribution, abundance and oviposition patterns of four coexisting Chiastocheta species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) J. JOHANNESEN & V. LOESCHCKE 577 Fishing and the ground-fish assemblage structure in the north-western North Sea: an analysis of long-term and spatial trends S. P. R. GREENSTREET & S. J. HALL Energy maximization vs. time minimization in the foraging of the limpet Patella vulgata G. SANTINI & G. CHELAZZI Do ungulates exhibit a food density threshold? A field study of optimal foraging and movement patterns S. FOCARDI, P. MARCELLINI & P. MONTANARO Metapopulation dynamics of the tephritid fly Urophora cardui: an evaluation of incidence-function model assumptions with field data S. EBER & R. BRANDL The relationship between parasitoid size and fitness in the field, a study of Achrysocharoides zwoelferi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) S. A. WEST, K. E. FLANAGAN & H. C. J. GODFRAY The role of dispersal in predator-prey metapopulation dynamics M. HOLYOAK & S. P. LAWLER Climate, plant phenology and variation in age of first reproduction in a temperate herbivore R. LANGVATN, S. D. ALBON, T. BURKEY & T. H. CLUTTON-BROCK Book Reviews Erratum viii Volume 65 Number 6 November 1996 Volume 675 Population fluctuations, reproductive costs and life-history tactics in female Soay sheep Contents T. H. CLUTTON-BROCK, I. R. STEVENSON, P. MARROW, A. D. MACCOLL, A. I. HOUSTON & J. M. MCNAMARA 690 Sex allocation and sexual asymmetries in intra-brood competition in the parasitic wasp Bracon hebetor P. J. ODE, M. F. ANTOLIN & M. R. STRAND 701 Global scale macroecology: interactions between population size, geographic range size and body size in the Anseriformes K. J. GASTON & T. M. BLACKBURN 715 Habitat use and ecological correlates of home range size in a small cervid: the roe deer J. TUFTO, R. ANDERSEN & J. LINNELL 725 Effects of habitat patch size and isolation on dispersal by Hesperia comma butterflies: implications for metapopulation structure J. K. HILL, C. D. THOMAS & O. T. LEWIS 736 Foraging in a social antelope: effects of group size on foraging choices and resource perception in impala H. FRITZ & M. DE GARINE-WICHATITSKY 743 The effect of egg limitation on stability in insect host—parasitoid population models K. SHEA, R. M. NISBET, W. W. MURDOCH & H. J. S. YOO 756 Post-invasion amphipod communities of Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland: influences of habitat selection and mutual predation J. T. A. DICK 768 Landscape ecology of the wart-biter Decticus verrucivorus in a patchy landscape D. O. HJERMANN & R. A. IMS 781 Phenotypic plasticity of growth and survival in the common lizard Lacerta vivipara G. SORCI, J. CLOBERT & S. BELICHON 791 An experimental study of migration in the Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia M. KUUSSAARI, M. NIEMINEN & I. HANSKI 802 Effects of density dependence, feedback and environmental sensitivity on correlations among predators, prey and plant resources: models and practical implications R. LEVINS & B. B. SCHULTZ 813 Shape of the interference function in a foraging vertebrate R. A. STILLMAN, J. D. GOSS-CUSTARD, R. T. CLARKE & S. E. A. LE V. DIT DURELL 825 Sibling competition affects nestling growth strategies in marsh tits J-A. NILSSON & M. SVENSSON 837 Food patchiness, territory overlap and social systems: an experiment with dunnocks Prunella modularis N. B. DAVIES & I. R. HARTLEY Forum papers Chaos or quasiperiodicity in laboratory insect populations? P. ROHANI & O. MIRAMONTES Adding to the Nee—May model B. HANNON Book Reviews Index

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