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John Bland at Eighty ·A Tribute . .... . . . > ...:_._-~~~;.~~~~ . ~-·~--.---:-~:".;:·. :::::: -~. .~ ---:~;. >... -"t ~~~irii"7W1 err~- ""~t.~Z,"';....,..;..c;~-;,;.. .. ,,.. ...... _ - ---- John Bland at Eighty A Tribute edited by lrena Murray and Norbert Schoenauer © McGill University, Montreal, 1991 Editorial Note: The editor att mpted to comply with the contributors' wishes to preserve all texts in their original form. Ho we r, minor corrections to do with typos and stylistic inconsis tenci had to be introduced. I. M. and N. S. Blackader-Laut rman Library of Architecture and Art, ho 1 f Archit ctur , McGill Univ rsity, Montreal, 1991 ISBN:077170244-2 CONTRIBUTORS Maureen Anderson B. A. (McGill), Administrative Officer, School of Architecture, McGill University Marilyn Berger M. L. S. (McGill), Reference Librarian. Blackader-Lauterman Library of Architecture and Art, McGill University R. David Bourke B. Arch. (McGill), M. Arch. (Harvard), Secretary-General, McGill University Cindy Campbell M. L. I. S. (McGill), Curatorial Assistant, Canadian Architecture Collection, McGill University Guy Desbarats B. Arch. (McGill), L. L. D. (Hon. Concordia), F. R. A. I. C., R. C. A. Derek A. Drummond B. Arch. (McGill), F. R. A. I. C., Macdonald Professor of Architec ture, McGill University Arthur Erickson C. C., B. Arch. (McGill), D. Eng. (Nova Scotia Technical College), L. L. D. (Hon. Causa, Simon Fraser), L. L. D. (Hon. Causa, Manitoba), L. L. D. (Hon. Causa, Lethbridge), Doctor of Letters (Hon. Causa, British Columbia), F. R. A. I. C., F. A. I. A. (Hon.) Julia Gersovitz B. Arch. (McGill), M.Sc. (Historic Preservation, Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Architecture,McGill University Roy Lemoyne B. Arch. (McGill), F. R. A. I. C., Architect and Urbanist Harry Mayerovitch B. Arch. (McGill ), F.R.A.I.C., R.C.A., Adjunct Professor of Architecture, McGill University Carnpbell Merrett B. Arch. (McGill), F.R.AJ.C. IrenaMurray M.L.S. (Western Ontario),M.Arch. (McGill), Head, Blackader-Lauterrnan Library of Architecture and Art, McGill University Moshe Safdie B. Arch. (McGill), S.C.D. (Hon. Causa, Lava]), L.L.D. (McGill), D.F.A. (Hon. Causa, Victoria), F.R.A.I.C. Norbert Schoenauer M. Arch. (McGill), R.C.A., F.R.A.I.C., Emeritus Professor of Architecture, McGill University Howard Schubert M.Phil. (Toronto), Assistant Curator, Centre Canadien d' Architecture Douglas Shadbolt B.Arch. (Oregon), D.Eng. (Hon. Nova Scotia Technical College), D.Eng. (Hon. Carleton), F.R.A.I.C., Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, University of British Colombia Harold Spence-Sales L.L.D. (Hon. Causa, Simon Fraser) Susan Wagg M.F.A. (Concordia), F.R.S.A., Architectural Historian Jeanne M. Wolfe M.Sc. (Western Ontario), M.A. (McGill), Director, School of Urban Planning, McGill University TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Derek A. Drummond Introduction lrena Murray 2 Interview Howard Schubert & Students 4 Contributions Harry Mayerovitch 18 Harold Spence-Sales 19 Campbell Merret 23 Douglas Shadbolt 26 David Bourke 28 Moshe Safdie 31 Maureen Anderson 33 Roy Lemoyne 35 Jeanne M.Wolfe 40 Guy Desbarats 47 Julia Gersovitz 52 Norbert Schoenauer 56 Susan Wagg 59 Postscript Arthur Erickson 61 Projects Cindy Campbell 62 Bibliography Marilyn Berger 92 List of i/1/ustrations University of Windsor Library cover John Bland frontespiece University of Windsor Library 37 Jeanne-Mance Housing Development 38 Chancellor Day Hall 38 Ottawa City Hall 39 Town of Port-Cartier 39 Plan of Deep River 45

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