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Preview Jesus Lopez - The Sabbath and the Shadow: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Healing of Shame.

‘THD SARPATIT AND TIE SIADOW: ANTNTTRDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO THE HEALING OF SHAM 8 Digsertuiom presenta to ve Facaley ofthe (Claremont School af Ihenlogy in Patial Fulfilment cof he Reyuirauonts fr the Degree Dactor of Philosophy by Gerardo James de esis-Topex May 2087 e207 GTRARDO [AMES DE JESS-LOPEY ALL RIGHTS RTSTRYTD. This dissertation completed by GERARDO JAMES DE JESUS-LOFEZ Thay been presente in smd aecepted by the Ieulty of Clureranet Schesl of Theology i partial Flliiment of the requirements oF the DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Faculty Caumittes William M, Clements, Chalrpersoo ‘Kathleen J. Greider ‘Deauis &. MacDonald Dean of the Faculty Sum [Nelson May 2007 Dedication Fo my daughter Stovtso}.. Leal von in every heartbear. Mion. siempre sara mi inspreacion v adowacton. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: My paronis, From nevi Blur Tris se Tesos eid the loundations of my Coischanfaieh and seumebieal spirits my broftiry, Prankle and Edgar, taught me the value of comunitmet éo just causes. The lallewing persans ané communstics have sneourayod me tlxoaghow bs yours of this wring, and rewriting. They have belped shape nic’ of my thinking and their loving tovestmer in my life has va set iis encase, [would like to nukes also My cousins Ll, Col Rov, ols Harvey Eldes, MD, or the mvinyTinchos andl cmeursatins aspie/ual eneouragement: Rev. Lx. Lewis ambo, whose Eicoship is most cherishal, Dr. Marvin Rodrigues, vollege fied ru both, the late ev, Dr, Orlinde T. Caslus, who “tupired the pursuit of ecademic excellence and tae gespel’s mausane te the opprestcak Rev, Dr. Ray Sherman Anderson, (rend and theological mentor who ingpized a ‘ove for the sukly of lnvalogys and The lale Rev. Dr, Juhu A. Safin, Bpiscopal priest and pastoral psychornuyst, wha prvaded a Tagunge for my som, showed ree that drzams are «language from: oyend und inspired my study of luegian psychology Mlondes, fr hove eerly yeuns oU Jove and Chrstan witness ‘The Benedictine Mars ofthe Prince of Pesce Ahi, Deca place io relect, conteruplate and discuss te inner life Unrouphoul my 23 y CAL his prow dell ge ears in Califone “The minisny of Worship Compuny Christin Fellowship, where 7 seivad as ix pascor and whore Sabbach Zellowship was 4 p'ags of meaninslil wlebration, To the prychianrie aff atthe Lema Linda Uncversity Bohvioral N-edicine Coaler, whe cernbruced iy methodology to reat patsets, ore ths eax for much of my research exer ‘ohne patients wece my’ atcatestteaeiers, st, and Lhe msmbsrs of my docigral cormitiza, Dr. Kuthleen Greider, Ds. William Clements, I Dennis MsDonald, ane Flaine Walla, why vbullenged rue lo we'te a scholarly piece and helped shape ‘my infsml voies, For the lisulship and support af astote limos Senits and Wetsea de Tesus, whore love mover inches. ‘Twu dear personal friends, Susen Hagerman-Dichl. cline? social worker, ane] Dan Rec, wha weld ane up in uns of the darkest momeouts of my life. Tam ulso przte“ul we T's Garman shepleré dos aah," whe acconmpanice me For long, wall rou aniwatain Lain the San Besnardico Nacicusl My wun noel uncle and ty Lxey and Angel, and ett and oto Carmen Delis und Mochi for Uheir love and support The cs and! yoo momorios hetpel hea’ che soul ol a Prot bolic parish of St Callicrine of Siena, Kiswinnrtoe, Placid; « congicgation whos9 ‘ove at who never Ick b's Cahalie rants. “De Colaras” Ihe Rev, Dr. Muck Xing Carter, one of the most eloquent aud bxillian biblial expository | have ever heard und snior pusiar ol the eongeegation of the New Monat Olivs Baptist Churel'n Fort Tauilerdale, Torida an Afiiean-American comnuniny shat cabyacod and inspired we lo prev: and win. aya ‘Mari and Emily, with who I or.co fot Ins fectiny. a” Iimily und whose faces will forever be Jadgod in u:y neat; and, Jo, emifia Contes, wltn gave me precious "ternories af Te and layeh Finally. «30m of yal tuie ti twa son suited Itiends whose honest editorial fovdback in reading ‘as msnnosesipl rumercus limes over helped bring it into its inal shape: Genevieve Boonm and Rev Dr. -Kranceges Dobor Nuzplese. ANSTRACT THE SABBATH AND IBE SHADOW: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO TIE IIEALING OF SHAME. by Gerardo James de Jesis-Lopez This diseerition uddresses how shame-based membaus of Advenlig. soramunity in particular and others within Une Chris Faith eommunity in alan Ene, chrough olincal atonal counseling, the power of thoi rospoetive religious symbols tssward ibe healing of shame. ‘he dosis is (hay the Subhauh, as vel as otbx archetypal syzuoals wilhin Ihe Christin Ih wradtiens, oan be understood in Light oF its ianer log to bring veloase, sodenaption andl sn invilation fo=inclus.veness to all who suffer from: share, Therughoul this resea-eh, “nospbiu aealiny from sher2-hesed, goa, as Ihe pastoral ecunselor kulps the shame based client engays those r symbols chat have an archetypal quilily ond shel can he cettamed toward the releesng of shame, The results are prodaced through the construction ofa pastoral counseling methodology. ich ‘elles on the intogratioa of thooretical material and elinieal application. The msin tbeovetice] resources ved in the eonsuraorion ofthis 1% ate Ihe depth pycholaical approach of Cacl Iuag, specifically Ihe notions oF archetype and shadow: the developmental paychalogy ef Michael Lewis, nso is apoual oF ansbutin Cry ad the concept of the inemporscoal bége ax deserbed hy Graham ‘caution: snd ke theyll untbropotags oF Ray S, Aadrson, based on Karl Burts theolawy whi contributes lots Lacostivl formation a he copy, couse tie hsumeasntical fens of Jacob Fact, the deplb-pyshologies uppreuches of Fuyere Paswhal, Ann Bsltord Llaney. Sl Mesh and Jean Shinoda Bolen contribute te the cinisil application the counseling methodology, CUAPTER L ANTRODUCTION Twas during our tind session in pastoral counscling tks Grey, a slulva. iv the psschuingy petra, ameram at an Adventist Luivorsty, anvlrstood his problema az shame: During dat seveata session, Greg was able to artculaly his ver-Mhoting esporiunces af juilgment and grace, OF pudgmtat, ia the sense thar ho felt evaluated mud shamed 3y au ‘rmer evive thal ead Tived with since childhood. He stated chat he flt an ongoing seruliay by Gwil und farsily, ss i'be were an anomaly. wit the vesul dat spiritual unrest hud haunted his le, QF grace, in that. within the havsn 9° tho pas! sounseTing ‘eaperience, he founs] an environment that for the fist cae made it safe to sticulate anal eve a name Lo Fisinner seins. Cieg, who loves the chor, is 9 ‘is tthor ul grandfthor wre on high regain the Attican-American Advent prow:iny circuit we, the nent in Hog, he appeared sare. co cary tho baton. Gee war gifed in erory is si faud Damnboyant personality, hs combination woul make him, his Caoiy assessed, quite the charismatic pregehst. However, Greg's nlxes wasn formal sis, but aes in dretatic as Ife seas able to acknowledge Ceving Ihe counse "Iherapy Ibu his interest in aecing could be taead > pate toa uzed to unvlersne! hi wv inner eoulliets, Clawever, his chatcs of sty 6a nal sill ith ‘hig Ran:Ly, That unpopular lecision Tas already’ seated some stinin betwcep hinn an them Greg eaperienved both shock and so.isfas he acknow eyed that he was guy. [eseemed te Greg, Usat his poyehogpirtual! worl Jost is footing. Fs foul him oa ind in relation fo his fit, ccommanity. family, ad self. "1 ise ini 9thb wah peyshogpiina” io bxond eens, noes fe ineranmeataden be-weo0 persed yp She cls ad spi bee an tetcoauected goa. heenppling of one inci ats te ofist Thrmgh she does act descnbe hss srk Ar leon! Tar pode of eer Touaeaednes te cll ener se Tesi enna nce, Tho hs rit te wpe a ae cml! of aes densi ie po a is SIF ‘What he ince camsideved a stable world had not only proven fe br insecuns in terms ane Iuseat howe init, be tha: Coumenty friend 1 work would heneeforh identi hinv as semething sheesh, What ance held in: ops od ate he hiblival mslaghons wn stories on which he was ea ‘he fait: chat kad kept hiv esmioral ae Jnveatered by an cststental lemma he eeu no Ton dong. the auticipation of sharing tes wew sovareness with bis fami. and tke dread oF ineuring their injection while he wresilad with selCasveptanee, added 10 his alroacy condiciat feelings. Trecuive he enjnsied the arts, had, vivid imagination, sel often identifed oth fim ebavacters as a way 9 plaining what he fell, [ondero iT could uflize this nateral gift for story telling and myth malitng in counseling, Specifically, es Eh, riuat, and Biblical story meaut so.much 10 9'm, Tsvonened swat we mighl discover in Jungian psychailagy to assist us. “tscomed au appropriate dinection ke late Jrecinne [Tew thut one of the reasons be did enjoy church anu ad preaching was the ele that a vied imagination and dramatse stovytel.iny so nalurally plsyed in the Afrioan-Ame-leaa honiletie wadicio, Adrvittey, it sas not only Lis active incupinn'ion Ghat inspire ein the diection of Jung, but my own. My sntecest in Jorgian taoughl helped le un‘ock much shout myself ther othsr psych olayicel sppraches ie no, mel (fella sony sense that Gree could bonetit fra lis appre? aie pat of epee. ian ey Ie eset quay a ls pEsnemeAoE. whch ap proving eam ir hve wansortne, isch Hwee se spo open espai Te Oe Dra pajehorpna oes ose oes ers Ucn ns mon ith omy Leu ad aie sr os lkesuce pgchosp a: see 10 is Innrscnnowre poerontenna Az sie ld chal wii ovis a ace ef werona enti oy the sti, veal cede plum ul sues hea ee needs choowsd ir Ty, sie lath somatic ad Scie ie catlougee, aud the se clang emelinal rslaton ey £0 Yi zee. pital rp, She 40 elt aun, he Rasetoming Pamseadent 4 Std in S0ay0e Poni (ive, Ts Cisse Pubiations, 96}, nae * ve ioret is tho pate of Cal Ara eal: nase ae Cleremnnt Sahel 32 Theol tht Ee Plaga halos Cer els "hang and Fe "Av oe when ales in a Rowan Cathe basse centered into 3 Psvtsceral Git alla: Lp Cullgs ae las kod tran Ades sanz. Ldscovea lowe ha» estat lagnage al pts he many eslngeal vce amd eve rv sig ah taitlon, Te pace vais: nt gnc and tal 8 La eee fs Inconel sad arcerype elped axe erpre Inch ty inne ie ode onv iggy Cli psenppeekias oo hs sels Thee ices ooking pao Frscararsin ith lote De. oA, Setar, smspeianes that sbaped and coz on uma sll Hlawsewer, malsing sense of his shame was ne sary, Jungvatincory alam righ leew im sinpendad without a sense of understimding how lhe shine cmergal incl a tle nelwovk oF inlerpersaal vations chat contribute to ity oxislenee, To supplement Junyian thesry, | researehed developmental ychalogiaGs Michel Lewi? atuibution theory" and Gershon Kaufusan’s psychology ef shame.’ Teacis ‘explaien the sutle ways inner cules acquitod tuoughout ous's lif, cspscially but nol exclusively rom ‘one’s family of origin, dbosors destructive selFantbetions, Fe helps ua nderstand the rare 0” same and its imped in daily Wife ® Gurshun Koaufiin helps us et view shaine’sinitcence ehrongh gender issnos, cules and society, Saoeifically, his work on the rile oF Intepersenal relations, iatemalizaion and ideutication, would, Thmew, huly me ancl Grey to understand how stame emerges by way of er sil ne. yracks and its iteapersonal bridges For inca, Sabloath Keeping was tke sacred space, or penker shore his theoloyical-niTssgieal consciousness was provessed, vile a weith of biblical shares gave hi the i and veabulary ont 2 whict he wie late his personal meaning. Coney ently, lecudeavoured te .notade in counss.ines prices whereby ‘ might help him re imagine the Sabbah fiom anew perspective: a penpective that sought to bring inner res fen his shems-bascl resllesnens. Greg’ personal Sabbath conseionsness ‘vas joined with a Sabbsth-keoping ritual rooted in he Adventist dition. ‘This joining, Kantinso is rooted in.a:e0d to belong 49 rominuls us, es be character in seligions lie or sociale stiscaresy vert la le yes eater mason on Tana, canta glen aoa, mde vo Ceoraily wor san ericaton as Jug aualst at fa Pisce ng Pe le > wihael ewer the hrpeart SlffNow Yue, Fae ros. 198) * Sendun Raativan, The Pyahsicgs of Shona: Hhecey el tte of en. acd Spans Springer Psshing Company 1896) evoke and Ter 5 sci tess coc af petit sulogyaibe Robest Wed Sulton Wiis Ss tla Unive of Meviome al Dewalt ershen Kura spor is Co anzliag Cs at: at Mioigha Sr Univenty wheeler ia prong pisebolienmpenic erica bs stadees,

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