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Preview JBB VOL. 5 N.2 Maio/Agosto 2015

ISSN 2236-1006 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Volume 5 – Número 2 – Mai / Ago 2015 Campus Chácara Flora Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Volume 5 – Número 2 – Mai / Ago 2015 ISSN 2236-1006 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Universidade Ibirapuera 2015 - Universidade Ibirapuera Reconhecida pela Portaria Ministerial MEC nº. 11.198/92 – DOU de 14/04/92 Reitor Consultores Científicos José Campos de Andrade André Mallmann – UFSM, Santa Maria Antonio Carlos de Campos - FOUSP/SP Bárbara Pick Ornaghi - Universidade Positivo, Curitiba Pró-Reitor Administrativo Carla Castiglia Gonzaga - Universidade Positivo, José Campos de Andrade Filho Curitiba Carlo Henrique Goretti Zanetti – Universidade de Brasília/UnB Diretor Acadêmico Carlos Gil - FOUSP/SP Alan Almario Carmem S. Pfeifer - University of Colorado at Denver (EUA) Décio dos Santos Pinto Júnior - FOUSP/SP Coordenadora do Curso de Mestrado em Edgard Crosato - FOUSP/SP Odontologia Francesca Monticelli – Universidad de Zaragoza Profa. Dra. Susana Morimoto (Espanha) Geraldo Bosco - UFPE Ivone Lima Santana – UFMA Coordenador do Curso de Odontologia João Batista de Paiva - FOUSP/SP Prof. Dr. Guilherme Teixeira Coelho Terra José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato - FOUSP/SP José Ferreira Costa - Técnico do Ministério da Saúde / UFMA Diretora Científica Katia Regina Hostilio Cervantes Dias - UFRJ Profa. Dra. Fernanda Calabró Calheiros Laura Primo - UFRJ Márcia Daronch - New York Universtity (EUA) Mario Sérgio Soares - FOUSP/SP Comitê Editorial (Universidade Ibirapuera) Marlene Fenyo S. de Matos Pereira - FOUSP/SP Profa. Dra. Anna Carolina V. Mello-Moura Michel Nicolau Youssef - FOUSP/SP Prof. Dr. Carlos Martins Agra Newton Sesma – FOUSP/SP Profa. Dra. Flávia Gonçalves Paulo G. Coelho - New York Universtity (EUA) Prof. Dr. Guilherme Teixeira Coelho Terra Rafael Yagüe Ballester - FOUSP/SP Profa. Dra. Karen Müller Ramalho Reinaldo Brito Dias - FOUSP/SP Profa. Dra. Leila Soares Ferreira Roberval de Almeida Cruz - PUC-MG Prof. Dr. Marcelo Yoshimoto Profa. Dra. Maria Stella Nunes Araujo Moreira Prof. Dr. Sérgio Allegrini Jr. Profa. Dra. Susana Morimoto Profa. Dra. Tamara Kerber Tedesco Equipe Técnica Bibliotecário - Thiago M. Barreto CRB-8/9340 SUMÁRIO GLASS IONOMER CEMENT ON CLINICAL PRACTICE: A STUDY REVIEW Marina Maués Tuma, Leila Maués Oliveira Hanna, Yuji Kawamura Barcelos de Albuquerque......................................................................................... 06 PROTOCOLO DE TRATAMENTO DE HIPOMINERALIZAÇÃO MOLAR- INCISIVO EM ODONTOPEDIATRIA: RELATO DE CASO CLÍNICO Laís Cardoso Arruda Côrtes, Isabela Floriano, Tamara Kerber Tedesco, José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato......................................................................... 21 CELULITE PERIORBITÁRIA. UMA COMPLICAÇÃO POR VIA ASCENDENTE DO ABSCESSO ODONTOGÊNICO: RELATO DE CASO CLÍNICO Guilherme Teixeira Coelho Terra, Gabriela Barbosa dos Santos, Vanessa Ferriello, Renato Rossi Junior..................................................................... 30 RECURSOS UTILIZADOS NA CORREÇÃO DE MALOCLUSÕES DE CLASSE II: REVISÃO DE LITERATURA E DESCRIÇÃO DE CASO CLÍNICO COM O APARELHO ERTTY SYSTEM® Fernanda Calabró Calheiros, Luciana Piccioli Neves Mazzilli, Vanda Beatriz Teixeira Coelho Domingos, Adelaide Lacava, Gennaro Napolitano Neto.................................................................................................... 38 FIBROMA OSSIFICANTE PERIFÉRICO: RELATO DE DOIS CASOS COM HISTÓRICO DE RECIDIVA Mauricius Tadao Nonaka, Thais Sakamoto, Sandra Estringhe, Nelise Alexandre da Silva Lascane, Fabio Daumas Nunes, Priscila Lie Tobouti..................................................................................................... 60 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Artigos Científicos GLASS IONOMER CEMENT ON CLINICAL PRACTICE: A STUDY REVIEW Cimento ionômero de vidro na prática clínica: revisão da literatura Marina Maués Tuma1 Leila Maués Oliveira Hanna2 Yuji Kawamura Barcelos de Albuquerque3 1Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Brasil 2Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil 3Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Brasil Autor para correspondência Marina Maués Tuma Rua Eça de Queiroz, 720 04011-033 São Paulo, SP, Brasil e-mail: [email protected] Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials 2015;5(2) 6 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Artigos Científicos ABSTRACT RESUMO Há mais de 40 anos o cimento For over 40 years, the glass ionomer ionômero de vidro vem sendo cement has been utilized in dentistry. introduzido na Odontologia e desde Since then it has undergone então sua fórmula inicial tem passado modifications in an attempt to improve por modificações na tentativa de the products used by oral and dental melhorar os produtos utilizados pelos surgeons, and to improve oral Cirurgiões Dentistas, favorecendo as conditions favoring the world's condições bucais da população population in order to develop new mundial com o propósito de materials and restorative techniques. desenvolver novos materiais e técnicas The aimed of this present study was to restauradoras. A presente pesquisa update the dentists about new teve por objetivo atualizar os concepts and trends of glass ionomer odontólogos acerca dos novos conceitos cement in clinical practice. An e tendências do cimento ionômero de integrative literature review was vidro na prática clínica. Foi realizada performed and publications were uma revisão integrativa baseada na selected from a search in the following literatura onde as publicações foram databases was: PUBMED, EBSCO, selecionadas a partir de uma pesquisa AND BIREME applying the following nas seguintes bases de dados: search terms: glass ionomer cements pubmed, ebsco e bireme, aplicando os and dental materials, comprising the seguintes termos de busca: cimentos period from 2001 to 2014. There dentários; cimentos de ionômeros de already exists considerable knowledge vidro; material dentário; uso about the glass ionomer cement and terapêutico, compreendendo o período despite its continual use in dental de 2001 a 2014. Já existe offices; there is still a need for more conhecimento considerável acerca do knowledge and technical improvement cimento ionômero de vidro e apesar da by professionals so that we can sua constante utilização nos generate satisfactory long-term consultórios odontológicos ainda existe outcomes. a necessidade de mais conhecimento e aprimoramento técnico por parte dos profissionais para que se possa gerar resultados satisfatórios a longo prazo. Descritores: cimentos dentários; Key words: dental cements; glass cimentos de ionômeros de vidro; ionomer cements; dental material; material dentário; uso terapêutico therapeutic use Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials 2015;5(2) 7 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Artigos Científicos INTRODUCTION many researchers, and it has evolved to The glass ionomer cement is a an extremely versatile material3-7. material based on an association of two Due to this evolution of glass cements, the silicate glass powder and ionomer cement, a large number of the zinc polycarboxylate. This materials were included in its formula. association combines the best properties There is not product that is chemically of these two restorative compounds to and mechanically equal to this suppress the needs of modern dentistry, cement8-10. which aims for the development of new Daily, dentists face several materials and new restorative clinical issues, and have to choose the techniques. The biocompatibility, the dental material wisely. The glass adhesion to the dental structure, and the ionomer cement has an important role ability to release fluoride make this in the dentistry practice; therefore, it is material unique and demanding in essential that the dentists are familiar Dentistry, especially on the Pediatric with recent studies, so that they can be field. aware of the right technique, the The Restorative Dentistry aims an indication, the contraindication, and evolutionary standard that fulfills three it´s properties. The aim of this review bases: biocompatibility, resistance and study was to update the dentists on the esthetics. The biocompatibility of the new concepts and trends of glass material is related to the dental ionomer cements on the clinical adhesion, which provides a better practice. incorporation of the material with the dental tissue. The resistance includes METHOD the anti-cavity properties that prevent To conduct this review study, a tooth decay, as well as the achievement cautious research was performed of quality in the restoration, that should based on the following database: be able to resist the oral environment. PUBMED (23), EBSCO (05) e BIREME Finally, the esthetics is a requirement of (07). The key words used were “glass many patients1,2. ionomer cement” and “dental It is important to highlight that materials”. The reason why just this since its discovery, the glass two search terms were used is that they ionomer cement has been the target of were related to the theme and were part Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials 2015;5(2) 8 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Artigos Científicos of the key words of Ciências da Saúde they are easy to remove, in case of site (http://decs.bvs.br). excesses. Furthermore, its properties The articles included presented also include low viscosity and excellent methodological quality, had external flowing. When compared to the other validity, and a little or none bias. types of cement, this resists better to Articles containing overlay were compression than the lining glass excluded. ionomer cement that is worse Three Criteria were established restoration type. However, as a to narrow down the results: the timing disadvantage, it is the glass ionomer of the studies (defined between the cement with the longest setting years of 2001 and 2014), the language time10,12. (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and This kind of glass ionomer the methodology applied. cement is most indicated to cementing of chromed steel crowns and TYPES OF GLASS IONOMER orthodontic bands. It is the best choice CEMENT material for orthodontics, independently if it is the conventional Glass ionomer cement cementing or the resin modified13. That is due to According to Lad et al.11 the its excellent adhesion to the dental glass ionomer cement cementing type structure and to its fluoride release, functions are fulfill the emptiness on which is a property that both glass the interface of dental restorations, ionomer cement own11. block the restoration so there will be no In a systematic study review, the displacement during the chewing, and efficacy of the glass ionomer cement connect orthodontic devices or crowns. adhesive systems fixing orthodontic The cementing type can be considered bands on teeth during the orthodontic as definitive (long-term) or provisory treatment was evaluated. The (short-term). The glass ionomer cement conclusion was that the efficacy was cementing type has a thinner not enough to it could be considered granulation of the powder, which gives the best material for this propose. the mixture a better fluidity. Thus, However, an advantage of the glass those cements chemically bond to the ionomer cement is the capacity of dental structure; and since it is fluoride release and the good compatible with the oral environment, Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials 2015;5(2) 9 Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials Artigos Científicos relationship between the tooth enamel material is very useful on cavities and and the unoxidized steel 13. on low-tension areas such as the cervical and front faces17. Glass ionomer cement restorative The conventional glass ionomer Nowadays the patients require cement is indicated for restorations more esthetic restoration and less class I, II, III, e V. The resin modified invasive procedures14. Because of that, glass ionomer cement is most indicated the glass ionomer cement used in for class II of small and medium dentistry has grown and it is an extension. On the other hand, class III extremely helpful material on Dental cavities present a better prognostic Care12. when the conventional glass ionomer On previous studies, the metal cement is used. That is due to its or the resin hybrid of glass ionomer fluoride release, which is essential on cement were denominated as the best the contact point. The conventional materials for restorations. For glass ionomer cement is also indicated instance, resin modified glass ionomer to restorations class V, because it cement or silver modified glass ionomer increases the duration of these cement have a better resistance to restorations. This kind of cement is chewing forces10,11,15. widely used on the Atraumatic The restorative glass ionomer Restorative Treatment technique and cement is a high-density cement; also on restorations class II, because it therefore, both its solubility and its preserves the marginal anatomy and setting time (about 6 minutes) are low. avoids the loss of healthy tissue In addition, its final resistance (after 24 adjacent to the cavity lesion1,13. hours) and dentine adhesion are higher than the other types of glass ionomer Glass ionomer cement lining cements11,16. This material were the first The conventional glass ionomer ionomeric material ever to be used. The cement is mentioned on literature only goal was to use it as a base of for its use on provisory restorations on restorations, due to its good sealing10. complex cavities, because it is low Furthermore, it also offers protection to resistance to loss and cohesion, which the dentine reminiscent. Its working limits the use of it on areas where there time is the smallest, and its solubility are chewing forces13. However, this the higher, when compared to the other Journal of Biodentistry and Biomaterials 2015;5(2) 10

Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization treatment protocol in Pediatric. Dentistry: Clinical Case The treatment protocol for moderate to severe lesions .. Molar-Incisiva (MIH) em niños com diferente Muse DS, Fillman MJ, Emmerson.
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