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Java Programming on Linux PDF

732 Pages·2000·4.328 MB·English
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This book is outdated and provides very little real information on programming in Java. As other reviewers have stated, it is primarily a list of (outdated) Java programming resources. The author also makes the mistake of assuming throughout the book that the book will be read from cover to cover. As I tried, however much in vain, to use the book as a reference, as I thinks most readers do, I constantly ran into unexplained references to "phenomena" and had to go back through the book looking for the initial explanation of said phenomena. Of course, we should always expect that a book nearly three years old would be somewhat outdated, but it would be nice, for a change, to find a publisher driven by more than mere greed who would recognize the diminishing utility of a book like this and adjust the price accordingly. After reading quite a bit of the book, in retrospect I would not even pay half of the [price] when I bought this book, but at least a 50% price-reduction would have meant a little less of my hard-earned dinero wasted and thus available to buy a truly useful book on Java Programming on Linux, if one truly exists...This book should be pulled from the eShelves and replaced with something useful. SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!
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