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ConiMONTiEALTHOF PERREVANEA, POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY 4 ‘COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA “AD: Het BLAIBELARETOROA, vS Fest oinsiate 09219 DEFENDANT: poe owas: !addoe: 0 WAMBINGTON ROAD Iwan JESUS "ORGASTA-GOUZ TSU, PA 1528 ee "00 TEXAS AVENUE PITISBURGIIOA 45218 ener Domenanny [Poe mers] =I — ARCO NOK UNICPALD TECOLGR BRO ROHR ESE ELE SRR Ge Te ToT Oana cause anna epa Grnwoentinay nade Rabe angler awe arsine at ioe Heaney iw Gaara ‘ng SoPacom oT ae aD Tanna = 1 austin SHATTER a Tae ak Pavan aeescaebbame ete “OL ATTORNEY GENERAL usin: SBN LES “Tam wnematorxeeryirweenntien Bentin) — Qelesgeey FAM) coterey set: (eck apropistbax) 1. lecebethe lane namedcfeniaat fsa th ada ft above Teese te dee se reme erdroxm 0 matt bois daca as 2 seuss tha defendant hes rome and pope ussgralo ut icine are unkown tome and whem hve, ‘tre, dex puaed seo Dow Jane Doe withing tepor!IvaoflheCommarmealtictPenrsywanlast ap ponwowr Bono hn Megey Coury once skout tazea0's 1827 i POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT FARE TR <a TE ie Slt Eis [Btcwsr-coez “Tas ant commie the aco are Jaw wit neh Ac ot Astorby er staurallegeely vlad, sepsyae, en laser. cher sha runbaecenonaene, Gihitiare seaatie tesmnmet cre nn vhe gases andes ela an arcane Sng SEU euittabretbaeead menor lna madre lomet tip a sb nar ata, Py Po teennooerter aan) x, RAE mos ama far tees vse Es Sal Despont socal aired avo O Tiiiice ‘u soajayycmmaL CONSPIRACY F 1 COUNT “Tatra fat of porotg or ling In line of: 78011 AO consind and oer ‘ih Foie ets Ceara tat ay one or meee of hem would epsom in enue ot “ta ran eter or ecitaten eco sch ee, ants ihoance thereat dd coemien ove oct Invioaion of P65. $8080 eS Par “Sintte Deseipionlct of fre accused wesoceled wih ts Cen, 95 70-119490 PROFHRIIEL ACIS- POSSESSION WMH INTENT TO DELIVER. SCHEDULE T-WE 2 “Ta clr, not blngewleea wader a Voted Subst, Dog, now wel Cs el, Ast of wi, 1872 nora prectonor ried o eneotby apr Stat oe. psuaacad wll inert dao coring sukunee, nana, Coca, noaden of 6 P6701 13) CM, “Ts al, bln egaeed andra Cente Sutetnen, Dog. Dlr el Cosi al, Act of ay 1012, nor eine ogee or ensadby 8 appopris Sar Heed, pagorsed th inn tc canted ubetance, rare, Cocln, a otaien oF 6. OUT) EM, 26 Pouce CRIMINAL COMPLANT hi Rina Da OT ACRES HH ienaris4 - Ta Eats i Satao Dein ol be aa] anaRTST AT Geis 28700-11941 PROMBITED ACTS -POSSESSIONNN _ZcOUNTS “The avr hn only pasteaad Sls ene cabrlance,rary, Cena tha out aahar net then or hee sing eet ut tho Coneaod Suntan, Dag, Davis ae “ast ck, el ft, 1972, or rsBlense raed or Inset bythe appropoe Sle Bean, Invelaton of SSP. G/804T3(0K 1). ho oct kona oriniraariy setae conve a count substance namely, Gossine ‘hea acer nat anand there berg rglteres in he Coal Suastonce, Dil, Dac an Cosme Act Ast of Apt, 1872, oF 9 tibet yaad or Kono bythe appre Sts Boa, invisolon a 257. S7aU1Sfa ‘Salle Docerpion Aci of tie wrcised uascaeed wih is ene: 98 760-115A82 PROMIGMED ACTEM 1 OOUNT hese, noting we cer tne Ceuta Sustanes, Uru, Devaar Coemtc. A, Ato ‘os 14, 572, orn raclonar gered or Yersed cyto apatite Sale Oat, upd or repcocoes ‘an ten ue dg parece Imorufckrin, competing, aoielny, pocuong, oozes, papain ela. nang eng, ‘epackng. ormg contain, conceal ig, ine, halo chants nba no 2c ‘avon body. antl’ suatanee wlan of 364°, $4041) (2) ta re pps of ale, pogagsthp catering, crowing, hares, ' Tope «Ban Rav. 08708 48 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Deol: | FFT MBB —— SERA Oeasris4 phere na eats SRowwera-cower 2, Leslethatawastant of aaestura summon be ised an thal ha defordantba equied te anewer the charges dave made, 8.1 yesh he facts sft in his empl are ue ard core oe bast of my kro a information and bt. This veticalon i made atect fo he ronan of Seclon 1H ofthe Cran Cod (18 PACS. 50304), rating to unsweomn flsicaton ta auton. 4, thls complaints compris othe procactg payots) mused Hvala 5. Leer that hs frg comple ah th povlios fhe Case Records Hule Acores Paley othe Unie nen! System of Penta tet rece Min conden eoaton sal decurnrts ifr Inn reer coin Infomation ano doctront, “Thad oovnnited by ino accused Ist und oot, were gall ta peRoe and gn of he Commerveai cf Pannylvris and wera contrary otha Ac() ofthe Asari orn wlan of ho sleue clad, {Bototo a warrant of roel can ue issued, an affidavit of probabla cause must be complated,suom to hefore the Lady Fie ‘Bie nae) arionavcsnviesis | 272 2 *t Bsa satnecennbethoshecurrset comteed aes ‘a aso peoatl suse musta cphadtore 3 want en be ae “Pace! TNT RIE TT Ce Tosa Raber) 4oPC 2A Rew. 09/06 Fagedora 485 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT aa Kone SERS TT oars fect rasa ree = Ta i ea TEs Gtomsracomez AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE 4 sams: 1) Tuo Af ese inematin bb ile wine ouoru aaa Poe, Ieee, Wei, Caaf Tei, ese ila! razr 2 mow 1M: fin neh aispenn sami sn: gon sot, ad iin, 1) lob sonse ofontn kamen hipaa etme es: 6} Meow ah i sar te ta tm a pcr aie a een ie: Pana Chuarveline 2. SHAT CRIES ss Toa Ate BED ACTS POSSESSION | 25 e117 6 FROMNBPED ACTS POSSESSION Be an taste ROMBITED ACTS | {am ai cana, CavanACY | 28 eo. baa moth acre - POSSESSION HOTHNEN! Z0DELNVER “SCHEDULE : $5 011154 TPOMENTED ACTS POSSEBSIOV NTI WENT FOOELWER-SCHEEULE IV : 4, ae casas conn z A: NaC LOCK WEST UBERTY VENUE ATTEBURGH, PX 240 4, HALL ARELANT HELIN HF oA OH CUM ATION: 2X Braeiepremmed alec alice QU jews, Vt ois Sn rei so la ede mi cei “hin re me den it an pnt ke aa ofan Xacti ee ig Oe nae ai raion Poon 40S #88 POLICE CRIMNAL COMPLAINT CRE SE te Sa ie 2 a eas Sriaanteraccnez -sppratvtely $890 hows, Agni fom Pennsylvania fe of Arne Genera Offre setup susie on SON Te ‘seu, Pts, PA YSZ. Al spony 127 halts, (gent Shaver) observed en Oger (DOE! 111977) onto ‘xcand sor sparnanl dri 208 Teas Avenue, Pitabuagh, PA E216, Ogonsia cere We ooh Chee Talszet {PA Regetaon FVY-250) an pied mony ae Fo Tena vee, gansta eraste to make let hand im emo eda veo without ogeng atthe apn In 2400 block of Wet Lb Ave ak Fico Otter Boars conducted a reap oe ail, A slang dain ‘gana eemvad dng at aslo rae of epee for coxa '5 acsuls en sbeped avec. ALT ne, heoned Oras rench fora the el soreungee veal loa el spear oconoel rete en har, need Tesk Free ‘Orb Beare and gant Sh of my abearatone and Organise asked sept of ie ese. Orel stepped aut bth yi |etvarcd vitabaa ad buthad aden nepseseoae ra et Orparotansy hve eleahed ‘agen ifs while bag lopaned tia bay aed ekaavarec (2) Yop aman Nendo bags, Ono bag ctetatod a rede ee ‘her bag sna apprantate 4) omnoae of ocalne. Mh ra, RN Was Wangpona tno Wrntvoad Paes Sate, ants hen kan sed area", Seach Warr fr 8 essonebe moo no bofro alana arb an sceng [R20 Tonas Fura, Pltabugh, PA 1528, Load nia wae abi ome Gngnt (ODS: 1/204506} na ao juveae ‘age soon and tree, Therapie lr ana tld a earch waa for raeidenos OF 276 Tez ven, Pichi PA TB. At ‘soproimetty 195% ours, Agen gana estar hy eee a eecosered tha long = Aeprnimealy pound Mecharchetnmine Dining Rona & Main Bick ices lrg amount US Curency nastier Goa Sth 2 pytalzeso/ unig Roar coon 2 lngram Worse Kote Kanogle 1 gece ner tenen /Kosopan 1 Agneineny 1 ingame cf roclns Manet Deatoon Skntah ilar bob Organs ont Doverea Mel et plone Rencuid bono tht both Orne ty Dems onl ess a ke encaiteanattarphstanine.1he acute ccalne sli ta of 9 sd reuse psrapharaala was oosted acl hs edonce Ants 9 recover aghel acl, Klowrecpars. tan wes rer wr ecm dee Ly kg eMC o oak den Due mount of ware one sani orm, la bln a Hor Mande Qh gad etatng tat they undartsed bol ‘igen and Crane eared icin about reli rsklv, Ong wa able adsense Ws uc ‘hp oncananewellastho acon, Dore il ewe rnalto Calfloas te prchace 2 kara of ocaho and) fund ot Methantearine, 28% POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT. ‘ora users bet { is "Bficwustasccuirz , IUSTIN SHarEER BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY ‘THAT THE FACTS SETFORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND GORREOT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. CERTIFY THAT THIS FILING COMPLIES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CASE RECORDS PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY OF THE UNIFIED JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF PENNSYLVANIA THAT REQUIRE FLING CONFIDENTIAL. INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS DIFFERENTLY THAN NON-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS, ‘sancti cembonenisnanadtvensts — ) “Fowar Dee 20/18 vase S rg ce ge taycommson cp today onan j SEAL

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