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IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 79. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Pseudohalides Jiri Ha´laa(cid:133) DepartmentofInorganicChemistry,MasarykUniversity,Brno,CzechRepublic Contributors *Evaluator (cid:132) (cid:133) Jiri Ha´la* MasarykUniversity,CzechRepublic H. Akaiwa GunmaUniversity,Japan ~Received23August2002;accepted4November2002;publishedonline13February2004! Thisvolumepresentssolubilitydataofazides,cyanides,cyanates,andthiocyanatesof alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and ammonium. Covered are binary and ternary systemsinallsolvents.Nosolubilitydatahavebeenfoundforsomeofthecompoundsof alkali metals, alkaline metals, and ammonium. These include beryllium and magnesium azides, lithium, rubidium cesium, ammonium, and alkaline earth cyanates and cyanides, and beryllium thiocyanate. Likewise, no solubility data seem to exist for selenocyanates ofthementionedmetalsandammonium.Theliteraturehasbeencovereduptothemiddle of2001,andtherewasagreatefforttohavetheliteraturesurveyascompleteaspossible. The few documents which remained unavailable to the editor, and could not be included in the volume, are listed in the Appendix. For some compounds it was not possible to show the Chemical Abstracts registry numbers since these have not been assigned. For this reason, the registry number index is incomplete. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. @DOI:10.1063/1.1563591# Keywords: alkali metals; alkaline earth metals; ammonia; azides; cyanides; cyanates; organic solvents; thiocyanates;solid-liquieequilibrium;solubility;water. Contents 3.3.1. Evaluation of the KN –H O 3 2 System........................... 15 3.4.RubidiumAzide........................ 17 1. Preface................................... 3 3.5.CesiumAzide.......................... 18 2. Introduction to the Solubility Data Series: 3.6.AmmoniumAzide....................... 18 Solubility of Solids in Liquids................. 3 3.7.CalciumAzide.......................... 20 2.1.The Nature of the Project................. 3 3.8.StrontiumAzide........................ 21 2.2.Compilations and Evaluations............. 3 3.8.1. Evaluation of the Sr~N ) –H O 3 2 2 2.2.1. Compilations...................... 3 System........................... 21 2.2.2. Evaluations....................... 3 3.9.BariumAzide.......................... 24 2.3.Quantities and Units Used in Compilation 3.9.1. Evaluation of the Ba~N ) –H O 3 2 2 and Evaluation of Solubility Data.......... 5 System........................... 24 2.3.1. Mixtures, Solutions, and Solubilities... 5 4. The Solubility of Cyanides................... 25 2.3.2. Physicochemical Quantities and 4.1.Lithium Cyanide........................ 25 Units............................ 5 4.2.Sodium Cyanide........................ 26 2.4.References for the Introduction............ 7 4.2.1. Evaluation of the NaCN–H O 2 3. The Solubility ofAzides..................... 8 System........................... 26 3.1.LithiumAzide.......................... 8 4.2.2. Evaluation of the NaCN–NaOH–H O 2 3.2.SodiumAzide.......................... 9 System........................... 29 3.3.PotassiumAzide........................ 15 4.3.Potassium Cyanide...................... 33 4.3.1. Evaluation of the KCN–NH 3 a!Electronicmail:[email protected] System........................... 36 © 2004AmericanInstituteofPhysics. 4.3.2. Evaluation of the KCN–Ethanol 0047-2689(cid:213)2004(cid:213)331(cid:213)1(cid:213)176(cid:213)$39.00 1 J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 (cid:132) (cid:133) 22 IUPAC-NIST SOLUBILITY DATASERIES System........................... 37 6. Sodium cyanate–ammonia system............. 46 5. The Solubility of Cyanates................... 46 7. Sodium cyanate–diethylether–methanol 5.1.Sodium Cyanate........................ 46 system.................................... 49 5.1.1. Evaluation of the NaOCN–NH3 8. Lithium thiocyanate–water system............. 52 System........................... 46 9. Sodium thiocyanate–water system............. 60 5.2.Potassium Cyanate...................... 50 10. Sodium thiocyanate–ammonia system.......... 64 6. The Solubility of Thiocyanates................ 52 11. Sodium thiocyanate–acetone system............ 67 6.1.Lithium Thiocyanate..................... 52 12. Sodium thiocyanate–methylthiocyanate–water 6.1.1. Evaluation of the LiSCN–H O 2 system.................................... 80 System........................... 52 13. Potassium thiocyanate–water system........... 82 6.2.Sodium Thiocyanate..................... 59 14. Potassium thiocyanate–water system........... 85 6.2.1. Evaluation of the NaSCN–H O 2 15. Potassium thiocyanate–ammonia system........ 88 System........................... 59 16. Potassium thiocyanate–potassium carbonate– 6.2.2. Evaluation of the NaSCN–Ethanol water system............................... 107 System........................... 65 17. Potassium thiocyanate–urea–water system....... 111 6.2.3. Evaluation of the NaSCN–Acetone 18. Potassium thiocyanate–water–acetone system.... 113 System........................... 67 6.3.Potassium Thiocyanate................... 82 19. Potassium thiocyanate–polyethylene~1500!– 6.3.1. Evaluation of the KSCN–H O water system............................... 115 2 System........................... 82 20. Potassium thiocyanate–polyethylene~6000!– 6.3.2. Evaluation of the KSCN–Ethanol water system............................... 116 System........................... 90 21. Potassium thiocyanate–methylthiocyanate–water 6.3.3. Evaluation of the KSCN–Acetone system.................................... 116 System........................... 91 22. Potassium thiocyanate–ethylthiocyanate–water 6.3.4. Evaluation of the KSCN–2-Butanone system.................................... 117 System........................... 93 23. Ammonium thiocyanate–water system.......... 122 6.3.5. Evaluation of the KSCN–1-Butanol 24. Ammonium thiocyanate–water system.......... 124 System........................... 94 25. Ammonium thiocyanate–ammonia system....... 127 6.3.6. Evaluation of the KSCN–Pyridine 26. Ammonium thiocyanate–ammonium nitrate– System........................... 95 water system............................... 132 6.4.Rubidium Thiocyanate................... 119 27. Ammonium thiocyanate–potassium thiocyanate– 6.5.Cesium Thiocyanate..................... 121 water system............................... 134 6.6.Ammonium Thiocyanate.................. 122 28. Ammonium thiocyanate–potassium thiocyanate– 6.6.1. Evaluation of the NH SCN–H O 4 2 water system............................... 136 System........................... 122 29. Ammonium thiocyanate–ammonium sulfate– 6.7.Magnesium Thiocyanate.................. 146 water system............................... 139 6.8.Calcium Thiocyanate..................... 148 30. Ammonium thiocyanate–triethylamine–water 6.9.Strontium Thiocyanate................... 154 system.................................... 141 6.10. Barium Thiocyanate.................... 155 6.10.1. Evaluation of the Ba~SCN) –H O 31. Ammonium thiocyanate–urea–water system..... 142 2 2 32. Ammonium thiocyanate–methylthiocyanate– System.......................... 155 water system............................... 143 7. Appendix.................................. 162 8. System Index.............................. 164 33. Ammonium thiocyanate–aniline–water system... 144 9. Registry Number Index...................... 168 34. Calcium thiocyanate–sodium thiocyanate–water 10. Author Index............................... 170 system.................................... 150 35. Calcium thiocyanate–potassium thiocyanate– List of Tables water system............................... 151 1. Interconversions between quanties used as 36. Calcium thiocyanate–ammonium thiocyanate– measures of solubilities...................... 7 water system............................... 152 37. Calcium thiocyanate–methylthiocyanate–water system.................................... 152 List of Figures 38. Barium thiocyanate–sodium thiocyanate–water 1. Lithium azide–water system.................. 8 2. Sodium azide–water system.................. 10 system.................................... 156 3. Potassium azide–water system................ 16 39. Barium thiocyanate–potassium thiocyanate– 4. Ammonium azide–ammonia system............ 19 water system............................... 157 5. Sodium cyanide–sodium hydroxide–water 40. Barium thiocyanate–methylthiocyanate–water system.................................... 31 system.................................... 159 J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 JIRI HA´LA 33 1. Preface Dr.H.J.M.Gru¨nbauer,Amsterdam,TheNetherlands;Dr.A. Maczynski, Warsaw, Poland; Professor P. Paoletti, Florence, Italy; Professor V. M. Valyashko, Moscow, Russia; and Pro- This volume presents solubility data of azides, cyanides, fessor B. A. Wolf, Mainz, Germany. Without their help the cyanates, and thiocyanates of alkali metals, alkaline earth volume would not be complete. metals, and ammonium. Covered are binary and ternary sys- tems in all solvents. No solubility data have been found for 2. Introduction to the Solubility Data Series: someofthecompoundsofalkalimetals,alkalinemetals,and Solubility of Solids in Liquids ammonium.Theseincludeberylliumandmagnesiumazides, lithium,rubidiumcesium,ammonium,andalkalineearthcy- 2.1. The Nature of the Project anatesandcyanides,andberylliumthiocyanate.Likewise,no solubility data seem to exist for selenocyanates of the men- The Solubility Data project ~SDP! has as its aim a com- tioned metals and ammonium. The literature has been cov- prehensivereviewofpublisheddataforsolubilitiesofgases, ereduptothemiddleof2001,andtherewasagreateffortto liquids, and solids in liquids or solids. Data of suitable pre- have the literature survey as complete as possible. The few cision are compiled for each publication on data sheets in a documents which remained unavailable to the compiler, and uniform format.The data for each system are evaluated and, could not be included in the volume are listed in the Appen- where data from independent sources agree sufficiently, rec- dix. For some compounds it was not possible to show the ommended values are proposed. The evaluation sheets, rec- Chemical Abstracts registry numbers since these have not ommended values, and compiled data sheets are published been assigned. For this reason, the registry number index is on consecutive pages. incomplete. In addition to documents that published numerical data, 2.2. Compilations and Evaluations some papers that presented data in graphical form only were includedaswell.Theywereconsideredforthevolumeeither The formats for the compilations and critical evaluations if no other data were available for the system, or if the data have been standardized for all volumes. A description of were published in difficult to obtain older literature. These these formats follows. criteria led the compiler to include sometimes papers in which the authors failed to specify conditions such as tem- 2.2.1. Compilations perature, equilibrium time, or methods of analysis. Phase diagrams have been included for some of the ternary sys- Theformatusedforthecompilationsis,forthemostpart, tems. For binary eutonic systems, phase diagrams were in- self-explanatory. Normally, a compilation sheet is divided cluded only if no numerical data were reported in the origi- into boxes, with detailed contents described below. nal documents and the diagrams were the sole source of Components information. Of the many systems covered by the volume, relatively few were studied by more than one laboratory. Each component is listed according to IUPAC name, for- Thus the opportunity to carry out evaluations has been lim- mula, and Chemical Abstracts ~CA! Registry Number. The ited, and only 20 systems have been evaluated. However, ChemicalAbstractsnameisalsoincludedifthisdiffersfrom because of some uncertainty in most of the evaluated sys- the IUPAC name, as are trivial names if appropriate. IUPAC tems, only tentative solubility values could usually be rec- and common names are cross-referenced to Chemical Ab- ommended. stracts names in the System Index. Only those published results that report meaningful data TheformulaisgiveneitherintermsoftheIUPACorHill1 were considered for the volume. Papers that reported quali- system and the choice of formula is governed by what is tativeresultswithstatementslike‘‘sparinglysoluble’’or‘‘in- usual for most current users: i.e., IUPAC for inorganic com- soluble,’’ etc., were not considered. However, some docu- pounds, and Hill system for organic compounds. Compo- ments reported solubility data which, although not included nents are ordered on a given compilation sheet according to: in the volume for one reason or other ~e.g., single values of ~a! saturating components; uncertain quality without any supporting information, ~b! non-saturating components; sketches of phase diagrams!, may nevertheless be of some ~c! solvents. informativevaluetothepotentialuserofthisvolumeincase In each of ~a!, ~b! or ~c!, the components are arranged in theyrepresenttheonlyinformationavailableforagivensys- orderaccordingtotheIUPAC18-columnperiodictablewith tem. For this reason, a list of systems for which only such two additional rows: data exist has been included in theAppendix. Columns1and2: H,alkalielements,ammonium,alkaline The editor wishes to express his thanks to the following earth elements colleagues from IUPAC for their effort in proving copies of Columns 3 to 12: transition elements publications,whichwouldotherwisenotbeavailabletohim: Columns 13 to 17: boron, carbon, nitrogen groups; chal- Professor H.Akaiwa, Gunma, Japan ~also for translating the cogenides, halogens Japanese papers!; D. J. J. Counioux, Lyon, France; Dr. P. G. Column 18: noble gases T. Fogg, London, U.K.; Professor Fu Jufu, Beijing, China; Row 1: Ce to Lu J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 44 IUPAC-NIST SOLUBILITY DATASERIES Row 2: Th to the end of the known elements, in order of originalgraphandthelimitationsofthedigitizingtechnique. atomic number. In some cases graphs have been included, either to illustrate The same order is followed in arranging the compilation data more clearly, or if this is the only information in the sheets within a given volume. original. Full grids are not usually inserted as it is not in- tended that users should read data from the graphs. OriginalMeasurements References are abbreviated in the forms given by Chemi- Method cal Abstracts Service Source Index ~CASSI!. Names origi- Theapparatusandprocedurearementionedbriefly.Abbre- nally in other than Roman alphabets are given as transliter- viations used in Chemical Abstracts are often used here to ated by Chemical Abstracts. In the case of multiple entries savespace,referencebeingmadetosourcesoffurtherdetail ~for example, translations! an asterisk indicates the publica- if these are cited in the original paper. tion used for compilation of the data. Variables SourceandPurityofMaterials Ranges of temperature, pressure, etc., are indicated here. For each component, referred to as ~1!, ~2!, etc., the fol- lowinginformation~inthisorderandinabbreviatedform!is Preparedby provided if available in the original paper: source and speci- fied method of preparation; properties; degree of purity. The names of all compilers are given here. ExperimentalData EstimatedError Components are described as ~1!, ~2!, etc., as defined in If estimated errors were omitted by the original authors, the ‘‘Components’’box. Data are reported in the units used and if relevant information is available, the compilers have in the original publication, with the exception that modern attemptedtoestimateerrors~identifiedby‘‘compiler’’orthe names for units and quantities are used; e.g., mass percent compiler’s name in parentheses or in a footnote! from the for weight percent; moldm23 for molar; etc. Usually, only internal consistency of data and type of apparatus used. onetypeofvalue~e.g.,masspercent!isfoundintheoriginal Methods used by the compilers for estimating and reporting paper, and the compiler has added the other type of value errors are based on Ku and Eisenhart.4 ~e.g., mole percent! from computer calculations based on 1989 atomic weights.2 Temperatures are expressed as t/°C, Commentsand(cid:213)orAdditionalData t/°F or T/K as in the original; if necessary, conversions to T/K are made, sometimes in the compilations and always in Many compilations include this section which provides the critical evaluation. However, the author’s units are ex- shortcommentsrelevanttothegeneralnatureoftheworkor pressedaccordingtoIUPACrecommendations3asfaraspos- additional experimental and thermodynamic data which are sible. judged by the compiler to be of value to the reader. Errorsincalculations,fittingequations,etc.,arenoted,and where possible corrected. Material inserted by the compiler References is identified by the word ‘‘compiler’’ or by the compiler’s name in parentheses or in a footnote. In addition, compiler- The format for these follows the format for the Original calculated values of mole or mass fractions are included if Measurements box, except that final page numbers are omit- the original data do not use these units. If densities are re- ted.References~usuallycitedintheoriginalpaper!aregiven portedintheoriginalpaper,conversionsfromconcentrations whererelevanttointerpretationofthecompiledata,orwhere to mole fractions are included, but otherwise this is done in cross-reference can be made to other compilations. the evaluation, with the values and sources of the densities being quoted and referenced. Details of smoothing equations ~with limits! are included 2.2.2. Evaluations if they are present in the original publication and if the tem- The evaluator’s task is to assess the reliability and quality perature or pressure ranges are wide enough to justify this of the data, to estimate errors where necessary, and to rec- procedure and if the compiler finds that the equations are ommend ‘‘best’’ values. The evaluation takes the form of a consistent with the data. summaryinwhichallthedatasuppliedbythecompilerhave The precision of the original data is preserved when de- been critically reviewed. There are only three boxes on a rived quantities are calculated, if necessary by the inclusion typical evaluation sheet, and these are described below. ofoneadditionalsignificantfigure.Insomecases,compilers note that numerical data have been obtained from published Components graphs using digitizing techniques. In these cases, the preci- sion of the data can be determined by the quality of the The format is the same as on the Compilation sheets. J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 JIRI HA´LA 55 Evaluator ~f! Units. While the original data may be reported in the unitsusedbytheinvestigators,thefinalrecommendedvalues Thenameandaffiliationoftheevaluator~s!anddateupto are reported in SI units3 when the data can be accurately which the literature was checked. converted. CriticalEvaluation 2.3. Quantities and Units Used in Compilation and ~a! Critical text. The evaluator checks that the compiled Evaluation of Solubility Data data are correct, assesses their reliability and quality, esti- 2.3.1.Mixtures,SolutionsandSolubilities mates errors where necessary, and recommends numerical valuesbasedonallthepublisheddata~includingtheses,pat- Amixture5 describes a gaseous, liquid or solid phase con- ents and reports! for each given system. Thus, the evaluator tainingmorethanonesubstance,wherethesubstancesareall reviewsthemeritsorshortcomingsofthevariousdata.Only treated in the same way. published data are considered. Documented rejection of A solution5 describes a liquid or solid phase containing some published data may occur at this stage, and the corre- more than one substance, when for convenience one of the sponding compilations may be removed. substances, which is called the solvent, and may itself be a The solubility of comparatively few systems is known mixture, is treated differently than the other substances, withsufficientaccuracytoenableasetofrecommendedval- which are called solutes. If the sum of the mole fractions of uestobepresented.Althoughmanysystemshavebeenstud- the solutes is small compared to unity, the solution is called ied by at least two workers, the range of temperatures is a dilute solution. often sufficiently different to make meaningful comparison The solubility of a solute 1 ~solid, liquid or gas! is the impossible. analytical composition of a saturated solution, expressed in Occasionally, it is not clear why two groups of workers terms of the proportion of the designated solute in a desig- obtained very different but internally consistent sets of re- nated solvent.6 sults at the same temperature, although both sets of results ‘‘Saturated’’ implies equilibrium with respect to the pro- wereobtainedbyreliablemethods.Insuchcases,adefinitive cesses of dissolution and precipitation; the equilibrium may assessmentmaynotbepossible.Insomecases,twoormore be stable or metastable. The solubility of a substance in setsofdatahavebeenclassifiedastentativeeventhoughthe metastable equilibrium is usually greater than that of the sets are mutually inconsistent. samesubstanceinstableequilibrium.~Strictlyspeaking,itis ~b! Fitting equations. If the use of a smoothing equation is theactivityofthesubstanceinmetastableequilibriumthatis justifiable the evaluator may provide an equation represent- greater.! Care must be taken to distinguish true metastability ing the solubility as a function of the variables reported on from supersaturation, where equilibrium does not exist. all the compilation sheets, stating the limits within which it Either point of view, mixture or solution, may be taken in should be used. describing solubility. The two points of view find their ex- pression in the reference states used for definition of activi- ~c! Graphical summary. In addition to ~b! above, graphical ties, activity coefficients and osmotic coefficients. summaries are often given. Note that the composition of a saturated mixture ~or solu- ~d! Recommendedvalues.Dataarerecommendedifthere- tion!canbedescribedintermsofanysuitablesetofthermo- sults of at least two independent groups are available and dynamiccomponents.Thus,thesolubilityofasalthydratein theyareingoodagreement,andiftheevaluatorhasnodoubt water is usually given as the relative proportions of anhy- astotheadequacyandreliabilityoftheappliedexperimental drous salt in solution, rather then the relative proportions of andcomputationalprocedures.Dataarereportedastentative hydrated salt and water. if only one set of measurements is available, or if the evalu- ator considers some aspect of the computational or experi- 2.3.2.PhysicochemicalQuantitiesandUnits mental method as mildly undesirable but estimates that it Solubilities of solids have been the subject of research for shouldcauseonlyminorerror.Dataareconsideredasdoubt- a long time, and have been expressed in a great many ways, ful if the evaluator considers some aspect of the computa- as described below. In each case, specification of the tem- tionalorexperimentalmethodasundesirablebutstillconsid- perature and either partial or total pressure of the saturating ersthedatatohavesomevaluewheretheorderofmagnitude gaseouscomponentisnecessary.Thenomenclatureandunits ofthesolubilityisneeded.Datadeterminedbyaninadequate follow, where possible, IUPAC Green Book.3Afew quanti- method or under ill-defined conditions are rejected. How- tiesfollowtheISOstandards7ortheGermanstandard;8seea ever, references to these data are included in the evaluation review by Cvitasˇ9 for details. togetherwithacommentbytheevaluatorastothereasonfor their rejection. ANoteonNomenclature ~e! References.All pertinent references are given here, in- cludingallthosepublicationsappearingintheaccompanying The nomenclature of the IUPAC Green Book3 calls the compilation sheets and those which, by virtue of their poor solute component B and the solvent component A. In com- precision, have been rejected and not compiled. pilations and evaluations, the first-named component ~com- J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 66 IUPAC-NIST SOLUBILITY DATASERIES ponent 1! is the solute, and the second ~component 2 for a 5. Solvent mole fraction of sYubstance 1, xv,1: two-component system! is the solvent. The reader should p ( bear these distinctions in nomenclature in mind when com- xv,15x1 xs. ~8! s51 paring equations given here with those in the Green Book. 1. Mole fraction of substance 1, x or x~1! ~condensed Here, p is the number of solvent components in the mixture. 1 phases!, y ~gases!: Y Solvent mass fraction of substance 1, wv,1, is defined analo- 1 c gously. ( x 5n n ~1! 1 1 s 6. Molality of solute 1 in a solvent 2, m : s51 1 m 5n /n M ~9! wheren istheamountofsubstanceofs,andcisthenumber 1 1 2 2 s of distinct substances present ~often the number of thermo- SI base units: molkg21. Here, M is the molar mass of the 2 dynamic components in the system!. Mole percent of sub- solvent. stance 1 is 100 x . 1 7. Aquamolality, Solvomolality of substance 1 in a mixed 2. Ionic mole fractions of salt i, xi1, xi2: For mixture of solvent with components 2, 3,13 m1(3): s binary salts i, each of which ionizes completely into ni1 m~3!5m M¯ /M ~10! cations and vi2 anions, with vi5vi11vi2 and a mixture of 1 1 3 p nonelectrolytes k, of which some may be considered as SIbaseunits:molkg21.Here,theaveragemolarmassofthe solvent components, a generalization of the definition in solvent is Robinson and Stokes10 gives: M¯ 5x M 1~12v !M ~11! v,2 2 v,2 3 x1i5 (sv1ix1i , x2i5v2vi1xi1i i51...s ~2! atenrdmxivs,uissedthmeossotlfvreenqtuemnotllyeifnradcitsicounssoifngcocmompopnaeranttiv2e.sTohluis- 11 ~v 21!x j51 j j bilities in water ~component 2! and heavy water ~component 3! and in their mixtures. x x 5 j , k5~s11!...c. ~3! 8. Amount concentration of solute 1 in a solution of vol- ok s ( ume V, c : 11 ~v 21!x 1 j51 j j c15@formula of solute#5n1/V ~12! The sum of these mole fractions is unity, so that, with c5s SI base units: molcm23. The symbol c1 is preferred to @for- 1p, mula of solute#, but both are used. The old terms molarity, (s (c molar and moles per unit volume are no longer used. i51 ~x1i1x2i!1i5s11 xoi51. ~4! 9. Mass concentration of solute 1 in a solution of volume V, r: General conversions to other units in multicomponent sys- 1 r5g /V5c M /V ~13! tems are complicated. For a three-component system con- 1 1 1 1 taining nonelectrolyte 1, electrolyte 2, and solvent 3, SI base units: kgm23. 10. Mole ratio, r ~dimensionless!:9 x15v122v~1v22x2o11!x12 x25v122~xv1222 1!x12. ~5! A,B rn,125n1/n2. ~14! Mass ratio, symbol z , may be defined analogously.9 Theserelationsareusedinsolubilityequationsforsalts,and A,B for tabulation of salt effects on solubilities of gases. 11.Ionicstrength,I ~molalitybasis!,orI ~concentration m c 3. Mass fraction of substance 1, w or w~1!: basis!: Y 1 1( 1( w 5g (c g ~6! Im52 i mizi2, Ic52 i cizi2 ~15! 1 1 s s51 wherez isthechargenumberofioni.Whilethesequantities i where g is the mass of substance s. Mass percent of sub- arenotusedgenerallytoexpresssolubilities,theyareusedto s stance 1 is 100 w . The equivalent terms weight fraction, expressthecompositionsofnonsaturatingcomponents.Fora 1 weight percent and g(1)/100g solution are no longer used. single salt i with ions of charge numbers z1 and z2, 4. Solute mole fraction of substance 1, x : Im5uz1z2uvmi, Ic5uz1z2uvci. ~16! Y Y v,1 c8 c8 Moleandmassfractionsandmoleratiosareappropriateto ( ( xs,15m1 ms5x1 xs ~7! either the mixture of the solution point of view. The other s51 s51 quantities are appropriate to the solution point of view only. where c8 is the number of solutes in the mixture. These Conversions between pairs of these quantities can be carried quantities are sometimes called Ja¨necke mole ~mass! out using the equation given in Table 1 at the end of this fractions.11,12 Solute mass fraction of substance 1, w , is Introduction. Other useful quantities will be defined in the s,1 defined analogously. prefaces to individual volumes or on specific data sheets. J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 JIRI HA´LA 77 TABLE1. Interconversionsbetweenquantitiesusedasmeasuresofsolubilitiesc-componentsystemscontainingc-1solutesiandsinglesolventc~r—density ofsolution;M—molarmassesofi.Forrelationsfortwo-componentsystems,setsummationsto0.! i x w m c i i i i H 1 J 1 1 S D S D S D xi5 xi M 1 (c21 M w 1 (c21 m 1 r (c21c M 11 i 211 c21 j 11 1 j 11 2M 1 j 12 j Mc wi j(cid:222)1 Mj wi miMc j(cid:222)i mi Mc ci i j(cid:222)i ci Mc H 1 S D J S 1 D ciMi wi5 M 1 (c21 M x wi 1 (c21 r 11 c 211 j21 j 11 11 mM Mi xi j(cid:222)i Mc xi miMi j(cid:222)i j j S 1 D S 1 D S 1 D mi5 1 (c21x 1 (c21w mi 1 (c21 M 212 j M 212 j r2 cM 2M c xi j(cid:222)i xi i wi j(cid:222)i wi ci j(cid:222)i j j i H r S D J rwi S r D ci5 M1M 1211(c21 Mj21 xj Mi 1 11(c21mM 1M ci i c xi j(cid:222)i Mc xi mi j(cid:222)i j j j Salt hydrates are generally not considered to be saturating based on established thermodynamic methods. Specific pro- componentssincemostsolubilitiesareexpressedintermsof cedures used in a particular volume will be described in the the anhydrous salt. The existence of hydrates or solvates is Preface to this volume. noted carefully in the critical evaluation. Mineralogical names are also quoted, along with their CA RegistryNumbers,againusuallyinthetextandCARegistry 2.4 References for the Introduction Numbers ~where available! are given usually in the critical evaluation. 1E.A.Hill,J.Am.Chem.Soc.22,478~1900!. In addition to the quantities defined above, the following 2IUPAC Commission onAtomic Weights and IsotopicAbundances, Pure Appl.Chem.63,975~1989!. are useful in conversions between concentrations and other 3I.Millsetal.,eds.Quantities,UnitsandSymbolsinPhysicalChemistry quantities. ~theGreenBook!~BlackwellScientificPublications,Oxford,U.K.,1993!. 12. Density, r: 4H.H.Ku,p.73;C.Eisenhart,p.69;inH.H.Ku,ed.,PrecisionMeasure- (c ment and Calibration, NBS Special Publication 300 ~NBS,Washington, r5g/V5 r ~17! 1969!,Vol.1. s s51 5V. Gold etal., eds., Compendium ofAnalytical Nomenclature ~the Gold Book!~BlackwellScientificPublications,Oxford,U.K.,1987!. SIbaseunits:kgm23.Heregisthetotalmassofthesystem. 6H.FreiserandG.H.Nancollas,eds.,CompendiumofAnalyticalNomen- 13.Relativedensity,d5r/r°: theratioofthedensityofa clature ~the Orange Book! ~Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K.,1987!,Sect.9.1.8. mixture at temperature t, pressure p to the density of a ref- 7ISO Standards Handbook, Quantities and Units ~International Standards erence substance at temperature t8, pressure p8. For liquid Organization,Geneva,1993!. solutions, the reference substance is often water at 4°~C!, 1 8GermanStandard,DIN1310,ZusammensetzungvonMischphasen~Beuth bar.~Insomecases1atmisusedinsteadof1bar.!Theterm Verlag,Berlin,1984!. 9T.Cvitasˇ,Chem.International17,123~1995!. specific gravity is no longer used. 10R.A.RobinsonandR.H.Stokes,ElectrolyteSolutions,2nded.~Butter- worths,London,1959!. ThermodynamicsofSolubility 11E.Ja¨necke,Z.Anorg.Chem.51,132~1906!. 12H.L.Friedman,J.Chem.Phys.32,1351~1960!. Thermodynamic analysis of solubility phenomena pro- 13J. W. Lorimer, in Alkali Metal and Ammonium Chlorides in Water and vides a rational basis for the construction of functions to Heavy Water (Binary Systems), edited by R. Cohen-Adad, and J. W. represent solubility data, and thus aids in evaluation, and Lorimer,IUPACSolubilityDataSeries,Vol.47~Pergamon,Oxford,U.K., 1991!,p.495. sometimesenablesthermodynamicquantitiestobeextracted. Both these aims are often difficult to achieve because of a Thissectionwaswrittenby: lack of experimental or theoretical activity coefficients. R.Cohen-Adad J.W.Lorimer Where thermodynamic quantities can be found, they are not Villeurbanne,France London,Ontario,Canada M.Salomon M.-T.Saugier-CohenAdad evaluated critically, since this task would involve examina- SeaBright,N.J.,USA Villeurbanne,France tion of a large body of data that is not directly relevant to December,1995 solubility. Where possible, procedures for evaluation are J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 88 IUPAC-NIST SOLUBILITY DATASERIES Components:OriginalMeasurements:@#~!A.P.RolletandJ.Wohlgemuth,Compt.Rend.199,1772–4;19597-69-41Lithiumazide;LiN3@#~!~!O;7732-18-51934.2Water;H2 Variables:PreparedBy:´Temperatureandcomposition.J.Hala ExperimentalDataaPhasediagramoftheLiN–HOsystem32 LiNSignificantTemperatureLiN332bc1(100w/mass%)(m/molkg)Solidphasepoint(t/°C)11 2661E47.50.526.00.47.176AB266131.00.533.50.310.29BCT166168. a~!ResultswerepresentedingraphicalformFig.1.Numericalvalueswerereportedforthreesignificantpointsinthephasediagram.bCalculatedbycompiler.c@#@#@#@#A:Ice;HO;7732-18-5;B:LiN4HO;;C:LiNHO;34204-05-2;D:LiN;19597-69-4.232323(cid:149)(cid:149) @~!~!F.1.PhasediagramoftheLiN–HOsystemfullcirclespolythermalmeasurements,opencirclesisothermalmeasurements,IG321#~!includedbyauthors.trianglesdatafromCurtiusandRissom, 3.TheSolubilityofAzides 3.1.LithiumAzide Components:OriginalMeasurements:@#~!~!;19597-69-4T.CurtiusandJ.Rissom,J.Prakt.Chem.58,261–3091898.1Lithiumazide;LiN3~!2Solvents Variables:PreparedBy:´T/K:283–289J.Hala ExperimentalDataainwaterorethanolatdifferenttemperaturesSolubilityofLiN3 TemperatureLiNLiN332b!1Solvent(t/°C)(g/100gsolvent(m/molkg)1 @#Water;HO;7732-18-51036.127.377215.562.0712.681666.4113.56@#HO;64-17-51620.264.14Ethanol;C26 aSolidphaseswerenotinvestigated.bCalculatedbycompiler. inwatershowedalkalinereaction.Additionalinformation:SaturatedsolutionsofLiN3 AuxiliaryInformation MethodApparatusProcedure:SourceandPurityofMaterials:(cid:213)(cid:213)~waspreparedfromLiSOandBaN)ascolorlessLiNAnisothermalmethodwasused.Excesssaltwaskeptin32432hygroscopiccrystals.Theproductwasrecrystallizedfromwater,contactwiththesolventforseveralweeksunderoccasionalSOinandanalyzedafterprolongeddryingoverconcentratedHstirringinaroomwithconstanttemperature.Equilibrium24avacuumdesiccator.Found/calculatedforLiN(%):N85.67–temperaturewasmeasuredinthesaturatedsolutionsprior386.02/85.71,Li14.09–14.18/14.29.Thebariumazideusedwaswithdrawalofthesamples.Aweighedamountofthesaturated~in8%aqueoussolutionofpreparedbydissolvingBaOH)solutionwasthenevaporatedinaplatinumdish,anddriedina2.ThelatterwasobtainedbydistillationwithdiluteHSOHNdessicatoruntilconstantweightwasattained.3241~ofeitherPbN)orNHNaccordingtoCurtius.Purityof3243waternotspecified.Absoluteethanolwasused. EstimatedError:Temperature:notreported.Solubility:insufficientdatagiventoallowforerrorestimate. References:1~!T.Curtius,Ber.24,33411891. J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 JIRI HA´LA 99 3.2.SodiumAzide Components:OriginalMeasurements:@#~!~!;26628-22-8T.CurtiusandJ.Rissom,J.Prakt.Chem.58,261–3091898.1Sodiumazide;NaN3~!2Solvents Variables:PreparedBy:´T/K:283–290J.Hala ExperimentalDataainwaterorethanolatdifferenttemperaturesSolubilityofNaN3 TemperatureNaNNaN332b!1(t/°C)Solvent(g/100gsolvent(m/molkg)1 @#Water;HO;7732-18-51040.166.178215.240.76.2611741.76.414@#HO;64-17-5160.31530.0485Ethanol;C26 aSolidphaseswerenotinvestigated.bCalculatedbycompiler. inwatershowedalkalinereaction.Additionalinformation:SaturatedsolutionsofNaN3 AuxiliaryInformation MethodApparatusProcedure:SourceandPurityofMaterials:(cid:213)(cid:213)waspreparedbyneutralizing8%aqueoussolutionofHNNaNAnisothermalmethodwasused.Excesssaltwaskeptin33withNaOH.Thesolutionoftheacidwasobtainedbydistillationcontactwiththesolventforseveralweeksunderoccasional~SOofeitherPbN)orNHNaccordingtowithdiluteHstirringinaroomwithconstanttemperature.Equilibrium2432431Curtius.NaNwasrecrystallizedfromwater,anddriedovertemperaturewasmeasuredinthesaturatedsolutionsprior3SOinavacuumdessicator.Analysis,found/concentratedHwithdrawalofthesamples.Aweighedamountofthesaturated24~!calculatedforNaN%:Na35.31–35.35/35.38.Purityofwatersolutionwasthenevaporatedinaplatinumdish,anddriedina3notspecified.Absoluteethanolwasused.desiccatoruntilconstantweightwasattained. EstimatedError:Temperature:notreported.Solubility:insufficientdatagiventoallowforerrorestimate. References:1~!T.Curtius,Ber.24,33411891. ~!1898. 261 nformation SourceandPurityofMaterials:Nodetailsreported. EstimatedError:6~!Temperature:0.1–0.5Kauthors.6~!Solubility:100w:0.3%–0.4%authors.1 References:1T.CurtiusandJ.Rissom,J.Prakt.Chem.58, I Auxiliary MethodApparatusProcedure:(cid:213)(cid:213)Freezingcurvewasobtainedbypolythermalmethod.Thesolubilitycurvewasobtainedbyisothermalmethod.Excesssaltwasequilibratedwithwaterinathermostatfor1dayinclosedvessels.Inthesaturatedsolutions,azidewas,andsubsequentlydeterminedprecipitatedwithAgNO3gravimetricallyasAgCl,lithiumwasdeterminedSO.CoolingcurveswereobtainedbygravimetricallyasLi24polythermalmethod,thetimenecessarytoreachequilibriumwasnotspecified.Itwasstatedthatequilibriumwasattainedveryslowly,andthatthesystemsshowedconsiderabletendencytosupersaturationevenwheninoculated. J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004 1100 IUPAC-NIST SOLUBILITY DATASERIES estimate. ~!58,2611898. nformation SourceandPurityofMaterials:Nodetailsreported. EstimatedError:Insufficientdatareportedtoallowforerror References:1T.CurtiusandJ.Rissom,J.Prakt.Chem. I Auxiliary MethodApparatusProcedure:(cid:213)(cid:213)Thefreezingcurvewasobtainedbypolythermalmethod.Thesolubilitycurvewasobtainedbyisothermalmethod.Excesssaltwasequilibratedwithwaterinathermostatfor1dayinclosedvessels.Insamplesofthesaturatedsolutions,azidewas,andsubsequentlydeterminedprecipitatedwithAgNO3gravimetricallyasAgCl,sodiumwasdeterminedSO.CoolingcurveswereobtainedbygravimetricallyasNa24polythermalmethod.Equilibriumtimewasnotspecified. )NaN3 m. ments; Components:OriginalMeasurements:~!@#~!J.Wohlgemuth,Compt.Rend.198,601–31934.;26628-22-81Sodiumazide;NaN3@#~!O;7732-18-52Water;H2 Variables:PreparedBy:´TemperatureJ.Hala ExperimentalData TemperatureNaNNaN332c1(t/°C)(100w/mass%)(m/molkg)Note11 212026.85.63metastableeutecticpoint(ice215.121.64.24eutecticpoint22.127.85.92transitionpoint0285.9810035.68.50 a~!ResultswerepresentedingraphicalformFig.2.Numericalvalueswerereportedforfivesignificantpointsinthephasediagrab@#22@#2SolidphaseswerereportedtobeNaN3HO,,between15.1°Cand2.1°C,andNaN,26628-22-8,above2.1°C.323(cid:149)cCalculatedbycompiler. @~!~!F.2.PhasediagramoftheNaN–HOsystemfullcirclespolythermalmeasurements;opencirclesisothermalmeasureIG321~!#trianglesdatafromCurtiusandRissom,includedbytheauthor. J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Vol.33,No.1,2004

alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and ammonium. Covered are binary and ternary systems in all solvents. Tetraethylammonium perchlorate; C 8 H 20 ClNO 4; @
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