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IS/ISO 14853: Determination of ultimate aerobic diodegradability of plastic materials in and aqueous medium - Method by Measurement of biogas production PDF

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Preview IS/ISO 14853: Determination of ultimate aerobic diodegradability of plastic materials in and aqueous medium - Method by Measurement of biogas production

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/ISO 14853 (2005): Determination of ultimate aerobic diodegradability of plastic materials in and aqueous medium - Method by Measurement of biogas production [PCD 12: Plastics] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ISIISO 14853 : 2005 ett ~ - ~ ~ if ~ ~I~m 3ffifq (~) et \3l1CRft *r ~ ~ ~ '3(q1~1' ChFlI - tfrCR &m~ Indian Standard PLASTICS - DETERMINATION OF THE ULTIMATE ANAEROBIC BIODEGRADATION OF PLASTIC MATERIALS IN AN AQUEOUS SYSTEM - METHOD BY MEASUREMENT OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION ICS 83,010,01 e SIS 2009 BUREAU OF IND IAN STANDARDS MANAK SHAVAN. 9 SAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI110002 January 2009 PriceGroup10 Plastics SectionalCommittee.PCD 12 NATIONALFOREWORD This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 14853 :2005 'Plastics - Determination of the ultimate anaerobicbiodegradation ofplastic materials inanaqueoussystem- Methodby measurementofbiogas production'issuedbytheInternationalOrganization forStandardization(ISO) wasadoptedbytheBureauof IndianStandardsontherecommendationofthePlasticsSectionalCommitteeandapprovaiofthePetroleum, CoalandRelatedProductsDivisionCouncil. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certainconventions are, however, not identical to thoseused in Indian Standards.Attentionis particularlydrawn tothe following: a) Whereverthewords'InternationalStandard'appearreferringtothis standard,theyshouldbe readas 'IndianStandard'. b) Comma(,)has been used as adecimal markerwhile inIndian Standards,the currentpractice isto use apoint(.)as the decimal marker. . Thetechnicalcommitteeresponsibleforthepreparationofthisstandardhas reviewedthe provisionsofthe following lnternational Standardsand has decided that they are acceptablefor use inconjunction with this standard: InternationalStandard Title ISO8245:1999 Waterquality- Guidelinesforthedeterminationoftotal organiccarbon(TOC) and dissolvedorganic carbon(DOC) ISO 13641(allparts) Water quality - Determination of inhibition of gas production of anaerobic bacteria In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value. observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for roundingoffnumericalvalues(revised)', ISIlSO 14853: 2005 Indian Standard PLASTICS - DETERMINATION OF THE ULTIMATE ANAEROBIC BIODEGRADATION OF PLASTIC MATERIALS IN AN AQUEOUS SYSTEM - METHOD BY MEASUREMENT OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION WARNING- Sewage and activated sludge may contain potentially pathogenic organisms. Therefore appropriate precautions should be taken when handling them. Digesting sewage sludge produces flammable gases which present fire and explosion risks.Care should be taken when transporting and storing quantities of digesting sludge. Toxic test chemicals and those whoso properties are not known should be handled with care and in accordance with safety instructions. The pressure meter and microsyringes should be handled carefully to avoid needle stick injuries. Contaminated syringe needles should be disposed ofinasafemanner. 1 Scope ThismternationalStandard specifies amethodforthe oeterrmnanon ofthe ultimateanaerob.cbl()degradablhty of plastics by anaerotnc rmcroorqarusms The condrnons described In trus rntemauonat Standard do not necessanly correspond to the opt.mum condrnons for Ihe maximum degree of biodegradation 10 occur The lest calls for exposure of the test material to sludge for a penod of up to 60 days. which .s longer than the normal sludge retention lime (25 10 30days) In anaerobic digesters.though digesters at Industnal sites can have muchlongerretentrontimes Themethod applies tothe follOWingmatenals Naturaland/or synthehcpolymers.copolymers ormixtures thereof. Plasticmaterialswhich containadditives such as ptasnozers.colorantsorothercompounds: Water-solublepolymers, Matenals which. under the test conditions. do not Inhibit the microorganisms present 10 the inoculum lntubrtorveffectscan be determined uSIOganmhlbltlon control or byanotherappropnate method (seeeg ISO 13641) Ifthe test matenat ISmhlbltory to the Inoculum,a lowertest concentration,another Inoculum orapre-exposed Inoculumcan beused 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the apphcation of trus document FOf dated references. only the edition Cited apphes. For undated references. the latest edit,on 01 the referenced document(indudlngany amendments)applies ISO8245, Water quality - Guidetmes for the determmatton of total organic carbon (TOG) and dissotve<1 organiccarbon (DOC) ISO 13641 (allparts).Waterquality - Detemxnstiot:ofinhIbitionofgasproductton ofanaerobicbactena 1 ISIISO 14853: 2005 3 Terms and definitions Forthe purposesofthisdocument,the followingterms anddefinitions apply. 3.1 ultima..anaerobic: biodegradation . . breakdownofanorganiccompoundby microorganismsinthe absenceofoxygen tocarbon dioxide.methane. water andmineralsaltsof any other elementspresent (mineralization)plus newbiomass 3.2 primaryanaerobicbiodegradation structural change (transformation) of a chemical compound by microorganisms, resulting in the loss of a specificproperty 3.3 diges1IIdsludge mixtureofsettledsewage and activatedsludge which have been incubated in an anaerobic digesterat about 35·C toreduce the biomassand odourandtoimprovethe dewaterabilityofthe sludge NOTE Digested sludge contains an associationof anaerobic fermentative and methanogenic bacteria producing ca1bondioxideandmethane 3.4 cor....nb.tIonofsuspendedsolidsIn digestedsludge amount of solids obtained by filtration or centrifugation of a known volume of activated sludge and drying at about105·Ctoconstantmass 3.5 d6se0fvedorganiccarbon DOC organiccarbon inthe waterphase which cannot be removed by specified phase separation, for example by centrifugation at40000 ms-2for 15min or by membranefiltration using membranes with pores of 0,2 IJmto 0,045~diameter 3.' inorganiccarbon IC Il'lOfganiccarbonwhich is dissolvedor dispersedinthe aqueousphaseofa liquid and is recoverablefrom the supernatantliquid aft8fthe sludgehas beenallowed to settle 3.7 total drysolids !he amount of solids obtained by taking a known volume of test material or inoculum and drying at about l05·Ctoconstantmass U theoreticatamountofevolvedbiogu ThbIoplI maximl.m theoretical amount of biogas (CH. + CO2) evolved after complete biodegradation of an organic malllriel under anaerobic oonditions, calculated from the molecular formula and expressed as millilitres of biogasewMldpermilligramoftestmaterialun<l8fstandardconditions U thecntIAIamountofevolwdcarbon dioxide ~ maxml.m ttleon!ticaI amount of carbon dioxide evotvedafter complete oxidation of an organic rnatenal. cak:'II.....d fromthe molecular formula and expressed as milligrams of carbon dioxide per mHligram of test material II 2 ISIISO 14853: 2005 3.10 theoreticalamountofevolvedmethane ThCH" maximum theoretical amount of methane evolved after complete reduction of an organICmatenal,calculated fromthemolecularformula and expressedasmilligramsofmethaneevolvedper milligramoftestmatenal 3.11 lagphase lag period time, measured in days, from the start of a test until adaptation and/or selection of the degrading microorganismsisachievedand the degreeof biodegradation of a chemical compound or organicmatterhas increasedtoabout 10%ofthe maximumlevel ofbiodegradation 3.12 plateauphase time, measuredindays, from the end ofthebiodegradationphaseuntil the end ofthetest 3.13 biodegradationpha.. time, measured in days, from the end of the lag phase of a test until about 90 0,4of the maximum level of biodegradationhas been reached 3.14 maximumlevelofbiodegradation degree of biodegradation, measured in percent. of a chemical compound or organic matter in a test. above whichnofurtherbiodegradationtakesplace duringthe test 4 Principle The biodegradability of a plastic material is determined using anaerobic conditions in an aqueous system Test material with a concentration of 20mgll to 200 mgll organic carbon (OC) is incubated at (35 t 2)·C In sealed vessels together with digested sludge for a period normally not exceeding 60 days Before use. the digestedsludge iswashed so that it containsvery low amounts ofinorganic carbon (IC) and dilutedto 1gJllo 3giltotal solids concentration.The increaseinheadspacepressureor the volumetricIncrease(dependingon the method used for measuring biogas evolution) in the test vessels resulting from the productton of carbon dioxide (C02) and methane (CH,,) is measured. A considerable amount of CO2will be dissolved in water or transformed to bicarbonate or carbonate under the conditIOnS of the test. This inorganIc carbon (IC) IS measured at the end of the test. Theamount of microbiologicaHy produced biogas carbon is calculated from thenet biogas production and the net IC formation in excessof blank values.The percentage biodegradatton is calculated from the total amount of carbon transformed to biogas and IC and the measured or calculated amount of carbon added as test material. The course of biodegradation can be followed by making intermediate measurements of biogas production.As additional information.the pnmary biodegradability can be determinedbyspecificanalysesatthe beginning and end of the test This test methodisdesignedtodetermine thebiodegradabilityof plasticmaterials underanaerobiccondmons Optionally,the assessmentofthe recoveryrate mayalso beofinterest(see AnnexG) 5 Reagents and materials 5.1 Distilledordeionizedwater,free oftoxic substances.containinglessthan 2mgllofDOC. 5.2 Testmedium.preparedusingonly reagentsofrecogniZedanalyticalgrade Prepare the test mediumto containthe followlng constituents10thestatedamounts Anhydrouspotassiumdihydrogenphosphate 0.27g 3 ISilSO 14853 :2005 Orsoounn hydrogen phosphatedodecahydrate Na2HP04·12Hp 1,12 9 Ammoniumchloride NH4CI 0,539 Calcium chloride dihydrate CaCI22H20 0,0759 Magnesium chloridehexahydrate M9CI26H20 0,109 Iron(lI)chloride tetrahydrate FeCI24H20 0,029 Resazurin(oxygenindicator) 0,0019 Oisodium sulfide(see note) 0,19 Stock solution oftrace elements(optional) 10 ml Stocksolutionsofvitarnlns (optional) Vitamin solution No. 0,5ml Vitaminsolution NO.2 O,Gml Addwater(5.1)(oxygen-free)to 1I Adjust the pH ofthemediumwith dilutemineralacidoralkali.ifnecessary,to 7±0,2. Toensureo~en-freeconditions,purge thewaterwith nitrogenfor about20 minimmediatelybeforeuse. Use freshlyprepared sodium sulfide,orwash and dry it before use.to ensure sufficient reductive capacity.In ordefto ensure strictly anaerobic conditions,it is recommended that a small amount of sodium dithionite be added to the medium after it has been prepared until it becomes colourless.Do not use more than 10mgll. becausehigherconcentrationsmayproduce inhibitory effects. 5.3 T~ntsolution (optional). It is recommended that the test medium be supplemented with the following trace elements to improve the anaerobicdegradationprocess,especiallyiflowinoculum concentrationsare used: Manganesechloridetetrahydrate MnCI2·4H2O 0.059 Boricadd H3B03 0,005g Zincchloride ZnCI2 0,005g Copperchloride CuCI2 0.003g Disodiummotybdatedihydrate Na2Mo04·2H20 0,001 9 Cobaltchloridehexahydrate CoC12·6H2O 0.19 Nickelc:Noridehexahydrate NiC~·6H20 0,01 9 0iI0dUn .... ~3 0,0059 0iI0diumtungIIaIe Na2W04·2H2O O,002g Add....(5.1)(oxygenfree)to 1I lIM10mIoftracHllementsotution perlitreottestmedium. 1511SO 14853: 2005 5.4 Vitamin solutions(optional) 5.4.1 Vitamin solution No.1 4-Amlnobenzolcacid 40 mg 10mg Dissolve inhotwater (5 1) SOOml Allow tocool andadd D-Pantothenicacid.calcium salt 50mg Pyridoxaminedihydrochloride ,50mg Thiaminedichloride 100mg Filter the solution through a membrane filter (pore size 0.45pm) tnat neither adsorbs nor releases organic carbon insignificantamounts.and store inthedark at4 ·C Use0.5mlofvitamin solutionperlitre oftestmediurn. 5.4.2 Vitamin solution No.2 Cyanocobalamin(vitaminB12) 10mg Dissolve inwater (51) 100ml Filter the solution through a membrane filter (pore size 0.45urn) that neither ad50rbs nor releases organic carbon in significantamounts.and store inthedark at4·C. Use0.5ml ofvitamin solutionper litre oftestmedium 5.5 Barriersolution NaCI 200 9 Dissolve inwater (5 1) 1000ml Acidify with citricacid 5g Add apH·Indicator such as bromophenolblue or methyl orange In order to be able to verify that the solution remainsacidduringthe test 5.6 Testmaterial The test material is usually added directly as solid to give a concentration of 20mgl1to 200mg.o1 organIC carbon Thetest material (plastic) should be used inpowdered form ifpoSSible The biodegradability of plasticmaterials which are not inhibitory to microorganisms can be determined using concentrations higherthan 200 mgllorganiccarbon.tnthis case,ensurethat the buffercaPaCItyand mtneral saltcontentofthemediumaresufficient 5.7 Referencematerial. Use a well-defined anaerobically biodegradable polymer. eg poty-13·hydroxybutyrate. cellulose or poly(ethyleneglycorJ400 asareferencematerial Ifpossible. the form, size. solubilityand concentrahon ofthe reference materialshould be comparable10that ofthetest material. 5

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