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Is Tityus uruguayensis (Buthidae) an araneophagic scorpion? An experimental analysis of its predatory behaviour on spiders and insects PDF

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Preview Is Tityus uruguayensis (Buthidae) an araneophagic scorpion? An experimental analysis of its predatory behaviour on spiders and insects

256 Bull.Br.arachnol.Soc.(2006)13(7),256–264 Is Tityus uruguayensis (Buthidae) an araneophagic have studied particularly the prey capture behaviour of scorpion? An experimental analysis of its predatory buthid scorpions. behaviour on spiders and insects Tityus uruguayensis Borelli 1901 (Fig. 1) is a small Neotropicalbuthid(approximately5cminbodylength) Carlos A. Toscano-Gadea which inhabits Uruguay, the south of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and Entre Rios Province, Argentina SectionEntomology,FacultyofSciences, Iguá4225,11400Montevideo,Uruguay;and (Lourenço & Maury, 1985). Its food preferences are LaboratoryofEthology,EcologyandEvolution,IIBCE, poorly known: San Martín (1961), Zolessi (1985) and Av.Italia3318,11600Montevideo,Uruguay Toscano-Gadea (2001) stated that under laboratory conditions this species eats only flies, crickets, spiders and and pieces of mealworms (Table 1). The first author of the current paper has reared several specimens, Fernando G. Costa feeding them mainly with spiders, because they often LaboratoryofEthology,EcologyandEvolution,IIBCE, rejected entire mealworms or cockroaches, which are Av.Italia3318,11600Montevideo,Uruguay frequently used as prey in the laboratory. Potential prey of T. uruguayensis, such as cockroaches, crickets, Summary grasshoppers, insect larvae and spiders, were found co-occurring with this scorpion in pitfall traps in three The predatory behaviour of the buthid scorpion Tityus uruguayensis Borelli was studied under laboratory con- localities near Montevideo (Pérez-Miles et al., 1999; ditions.Sixtypesofpreyofthesamesize—threetypesof Toscano-Gadea, 2002; Pérez-Miles et al., 2005). insectsandthreeofspiders—wereofferedtojuvenileand Taking into account this background, we tested the adult female scorpions. The insects used in experiments hypothesis that T. uruguayensis is mainly araneophagic were cockroaches, mealworm larvae and crickets; the by experimentally studying the prey-capture success of spiders were lycosids, amphinectids and dysderids. The scorpionswerefoundtobemainlyaraneophagic,attempt- the scorpion on three types of insects and three types of ingtocaptureallthespidertypes,whereasthecricketswere spiders. The results provide the first knowledge of prey theonlyinsectsattacked.Scorpionsalwaystriedtostingthe preferences in this buthid species. preyandfrequentlyreleasedthemafterstinging.Dysderid spiders were rarely captured, showing an effective anti- predatory display which consisted of opening their large Methods fangs.Otherspidersattemptedtoescapeorperformedleg autotomy as their main defensive behaviours. Stung prey Two categories of scorpion individuals were used: died quickly and scorpions located the prey and dragged adults and juveniles. Adults were collected as pregnant and carried them before ingestion. Sagittal and lateral tail females at Estacio´n Trinidad and Puntas de Cun˜apirú, movementswereobservedaftercapture.Theresultsclearly twoneighbouringlocalitiesintheDepartmentofRivera, suggest a preference of this species for spiders, although cricketswerealsoattacked.Scorpionsrecognisedthenon- northern Uruguay (approximately 31(03#S, 55(37#W). native and well-armed Dysdera crocata as a spider, but All juveniles used were broods from these females and failed to capture it. Scorpion poison seems to be very had moulted twice after birth (T. uruguayensis reaches effective,inagreementwiththeobservedtactic‘‘sting-and- maturity after 5 moults according to Zolessi, 1985). release’’oftheprey. Adults were housed in individual glass jars of 9cm diameter; juveniles were kept in individual small petri dishes of 4cm diameter. In both cases, we used damp Introduction sand as a substrate and source of water. During the Scorpions are polyphagous predators with a wide wholeperiodofstudy(fromNovember2001toOctober foodrange,fromannelidstosmallvertebrates(Stahnke, 2002),theywerefedwithassortedlivingspiders(mainly 1966;Casper,1985;Polis,1990).Literatureonthistopic lycosids and amphinectids) and pieces of mealworm is abundant but mainly anecdotal, reporting casual larvae. Room temperature averaged 22.4(C (!2.6SD, findings in the field or data from scorpion breeding range: 12–30). underlaboratoryconditions.Moreprecisestudiesonthe The prey used in all the experiments had approxi- feedingbehaviourofsomescorpionswerecarriedoutby mately the same weight as the scorpion individuals (see Schultze (1927), Baerg (1954), Main (1956), Cekalovic Table 3). The insects used were: cockroaches Blaptica (1967), Hadley & Williams (1968), Alexander (1972), dubia (Serville, 1839) (Blaberidae), mealworm larvae Lourenço (1976), Eastwood (1978), Harington (1978), Tenebrio molitor (L.) (Tenebrionidae) and crickets Polis (1979), Bub & Bowerman (1979), Cushing & (Eugryllodes sp., Pteronemobius sp. and Argizala sp.). Matherne (1980), McCormick & Polis (1982), Shachak Spiders were: lycosids (Schizocosa malitiosa (Tullgren), & Brand (1983), Polis & McCormick (1986), and Polis Lycosa thorelli (Keyserling) and L. carbonelli Costa (1990). These authors analysed species of Bothriuridae, & Capocasale), amphinectids (Metaltella simoni Scorpionidae and Vaejovidae. Not unexpectedly, the (Keyserling), a cribellate web builder), and dysderids most common scorpion prey are listed as insects, (Dysdera crocata C. L. Koch). arachnidsandmyriapods.Theavailableliteratureabout For the experiments, scorpions were placed into petri the prey of species of buthid scorpions is listed in dishes of 8.7cm diameter and 1.4cm height for adult Tables 1 and 2, which also show a wide range of females, and 3.4cm diameter and 0.9cm height for potentialprey.LeBerre(1979)andrecentlyRein(2003), juveniles. The volume of the petri dishes for adult C.A.Toscano-Gadea&F.G.Costa 257 Scorpionspecies Preyused Reference AmanteriscoineauiLourenço,1982 Cricketsandspiders Lourenço&Cuellar,1999 ButhusoccitanusisraelisShulov&Amitai,1959 Arachnids,cockroaches,moths,beetles,Neuropteraandtermites: Skutelsky,1995,1996 Anacanthotermessp. Centruroidesgracilis(Latreille,1804) Periplanetaamericana,P.australasiae,Blattellagermanicaand Teruel,2004 Pycnocellussurinamensis(Dictyoptera) CentruroidesinsulanusThorell,1877 Crickets,cockroaches,grasshoppers,andTenebriosp.larvae Baerg,1954 (Coleoptera) Isometrus(R.)besuchetiVachon,1982 Crickets,spidersandTenebriosp.larvae(Coleoptera) Huberetal.,2002 Isometrus(I.)maculatus(DeGeer,1778) Crickets,spidersandTenebriosp.larvae(Coleoptera) Huberetal.,2002 IsometroidesvescusKarsch,1880 Spiders:Theridiidae Main,1956 Parabuthusleiosoma(Ehrenberg,1828)and Tenebriomolitorlarvae(Coleoptera)andLithobiusforficatus Rein,2003 P.pallidusPocock,1895 (Centipede) TityusfasciolatusPessoa,1935 Grasshoppers,termites,cockroachesandTenebriosp.larvae Britto-Knox,1997 (Coleoptera) TityusmetuendusPocock,1897 Cricketsandspiders Lourenço&Cuellar,1999 TityusserrulatusLutz&Mello,1922 Grasshoppers,termites,cockroachesandTenebriosp.larvae Britto-Knox,1997 (Coleoptera) TityusserrulatusLutz&Mello,1922 Gryllussp.(Orthoptera),PeriplanetaamericanaandPcynocellus Candido&Lucas,2004 sp.(Dictyoptera) TityusuruguayensisBorelli,1901 Muscasp.(Diptera) SanMartin,1961 TityusuruguayensisBorelli,1901 Drosophilasp.,Muscasp.(Diptera)andcrickets Zolessi,1985 TityusuruguayensisBorelli,1901 Spiders(Selenopssp.,Lycosasp.,Metaltellasp.)andTenebriosp. Toscano-Gadea,2001 larvae(Coleoptera) UroplecteslineatusC.L.Koch,1844 Isopods,beetlesandmealworms Eastwood,1978 Table1: Listofreportedpreyofbuthidscorpionsinlaboratoryconditions. scorpions was approximately ten times that of the petri the introduction of new scorpions, which were weighed dishes for juvenile scorpions, maintaining the same and replaced 24–72h before the introduction of prey. ratio observed between the weights of these scorpions Prey were weighed immediately before the experiments. (Table3).Thecoverofeachpetridishhadacentralhole When the prey was introduced, interactions were (1cm diameter), allowing us to introduce the prey directly recorded and timed: each experiment took without disturbing the scorpion. This hole was closed 15minfollowingthefirstcontactbetweenbothanimals. withaplug.Scorpionsweredeprivedoffoodforatleast Two consecutive series of experiments were carried out one week before the experiments. Compressed humid using the same scorpions, with at least one month soil was used as substrate. The soil was renewed before interval between them. In the first series, captured Scorpionspecies Preyused Reference AlayotityusdelacruziArmas,1973 Cubacubanadecui(Thysanura) Teruel,1997 AlayotityusdelacruziArmas,1973 Blattidae(Dictyoptera),Nicolettidae(Thysanura)and Teruel,1997,2001 Tenebrionidae(Coleoptera) AlayotityusjuraguaensisArmas,1973 Rhytidoporusidentatus(Heteroptera) Teruel,1997 Alayotityusnanus(Karsch,1879) Diplopods(Myriapoda) Teruel,1996 Alayotityusnanus(Karsch,1879) Odontomachussp.(Formicidae) Teruel,1996 Alayotityusnanus(Karsch,1879) Geophylomorpha(Chilopoda) Teruel,1997 AlayotityussierramaestraeArmas,1973 Pycnoscellussurinamensis(Dictyoptera:Blattidae) Teruel,1997 Buthusoccitanus(Amoreaux,1789) Ants(Messorsp.),beetlesandMauremysleprosa(Chelonia) Bejarano&Pérez-Bote,2002 ButhusoccitanusisraelisShulov&Amitai,1959 Arachnids,cockroaches,moths,beetles,Neuropteraand Skutelsky,1995,1996 termites:Anacanthotermessp. CentruroidesanchorellusArmas,1976 Apismellifera(Hymenoptera:Apidae) Teruel,1997 CentruroidesarctimanusArmas,1973 Blattidae(Dictyoptera) Teruel,1996 Centruroidesgracilis(Latreille,1804) Periplanetaaustralasiae(Dictyoptera:Blattidae)and Teruel,1997 Scolopendrasp.(Chilopoda) Centruroidesgracilis(Latreille,1804) Anolisporcatus(Squamata:Polychrotidae) Armas,2001 Isometroidesvescus(Karsch,1880) Spiders:MygalomorphaeandLycosidae Main,1956 RhopalurusgarridoiArmas,1974 Byrsotriasp.(Dictyoptera) Teruel&Diaz,2002 Rhopalurusjunceus(Herbst,1800) Byrsotriasp.(Dictyoptera),Heteropodavenatoria(Araneae) Teruel,1996,1997 andMygalomorphae Rhopalurusjunceus(Herbst,1800) Sphaerodactyluselegans(Squamata:Gekkonidae) Armas,2001 Rhopalurusprinceps(Karsch,1879) Ameivalinelato(Squamata:Teiidae) Armas,2001 Tityusobtusus(Karsch,1879) Eleutherodactyluscoqui(Anura:Leptodactylidae) Armas,2001 TityusquisqueyanusArmas,1981 Eleutherodactyluspatriciae(Anura:Leptodactylidae) Armas,2001 TityustrivittatusKraepelin,1898 Spidersandcockroaches Maury,1997 Uroplectesotjimbinguensis(Karsch,1879) Gandanamenoechinatus(Araneae:Eresidae) Polis,2001 Table2: Listofreportedpreyofbuthidscorpionsinfieldconditions. 258 Preycapturebyanaraneophagicscorpion (2) Orientation: In the same position as Alert, the scorpion orientates itself towards the moving prey. (3) Graspattempt:Thescorpionmovestothepreyand attempts to grasp it with its pedipalps. (4) Sagittal tail oscillations: Oscillations of the lifted tail with alternating rapid and discontinuous forward movements and slow backward move- ments in the sagittal plane, ending in a final forward movement of the telson (until it reaches thechelicerallevel).Thismayoccurbeforeorafter prey capture. (5) Lateral tail oscillations: Slow oscillations of the liftedtailinthetransverseplane,atvariableampli- tude. This behaviour may be performed before or after prey capture. (6) Rejection tail movements: The scorpion orientates itself in relation to the prey with the tail curved laterally, and knocks the prey horizontally one or more times with the ventral face of the vesicle, driving the prey away. (7) Eating lost prey leg: The scorpion eats a pulled-off orautotomisedleg,andfrequentlysearchesforthe living prey while eating the leg. (8) Stinging the prey: First, the scorpion catches the prey with one or two pedipalps, tries to sting in a softpartoftheprey,andthenextendsthetailwhile maintaining the grasp with one or both pedipalps. Fig.1: AdultfemaleofTityusuruguayensisanddetailofoneslender Immediately, the scorpion stops stinging and pedipalp.PhotographbyGonzaloUseta. relaxes the tail, keeping the prey as far away as possible grasped by one extended pedipalp. Some- times, the scorpion repeats the sting. prey were removed (to avoid the food influencing the (9) Pseudo-stinging: While grasping the stung prey, scorpionsforthesecondseries);inthesecondseries,the the scorpion softly taps the prey with the dorsal scorpions were allowed to eat the prey. Each scorpion and/or ventral face of the telson, but without was confronted with two different types of prey (one stinging it. insect and one spider, which were randomly assigned). (10) Wait-and-search for stung prey: After stinging, the Twenty-four adult females and 72 juveniles were preymayescapeorbefreedbythescorpion,which used for each series, totalling 48 and 144 experiments, remains immobile for some seconds and then respectively. apparently searches for the prey with its pedipalps Room temperature during the first series averaged extended and opened, and with the tail raised. 22.0(C (!0.02SD) for the adults and 21.9(C (!0.2, If the scorpion pulled legs off the prey, it searched range: 21.5–22.0) for the juveniles; during the second while carrying the legs with the chelicerae or series it averaged 21.0 (!1.0SD, range: 20.0–22.0) for pedipalps. theadultsand22.7(!0.75SD,range:22.0–24.0)forthe (11) Dragging the prey: The scorpion briefly drags the juveniles. stung prey forwards and/or backwards, while Chi-square tests for one, two and multiple indepen- grasping it with the pedipalps and/or chelicerae. dent samples, ANOVA, Kruskal–Wallis tests and (12) Carrying the prey: The scorpion walks forward for regression lines, were used for statistical analysis. some seconds, grasping the stung prey with one or both pedipalps. (13) Drinkingbodyfluid:Suctionondropsoffluidatthe Results wounds of the prey. (14) Eating: Chewing movements of the chelicerae on Scorpion predatory behaviour the prey. During the prey–predator encounters, fourteen behavioural units for the scorpions were recognised. Sequences and success of capture on each prey type Cleaning movements using the mouthparts were sporadically observed, but were not quantified. Cockroaches: Adult scorpions were mainly ‘‘indiffer- (1) Alert:Thescorpionextendsitspedipalpsforwards, ent’’ to this prey type, limiting their behaviour to alert opensthechelaeandraisesthetail(initiallycurved) and orientation at the beginning of the experiment. fromthehorizontaltotheverticalposition(sagittal Juveniles were more active and attempted to capture plane). or reject the prey, in a few cases. When disturbed, C.A.Toscano-Gadea&F.G.Costa 259 cockroaches curved their body (ventral flexion) and Amphinectids: Juvenile scorpions showed all the remained resting on the substrate. described behaviours, while sagittal and rejection tail Mealworms: Adult scorpions showed only alert movements,carryinganddrinkingwerenotobservedin behaviour in a few cases. Juveniles were also basically the adult scorpions. These spiders showed low ability ‘‘indifferent’’, but attempted to capture the prey in four for escaping, walking slowly in relation to lycosids cases. Mealworms walked continuously, but wriggled but losing legs easily. A single sting was sufficient to when they were grasped. immobilise the spider, except for one adult scorpion Crickets:Adultscorpionsfrequentlyshowedalertand whichstungtwice.Onlyoneadultscorpiondraggedthe orientation, as well as attempting to capture the prey in captured spider. Juvenile scorpions dragged prey in five seven of the eight cases. Only two prey were captured cases, carried in twelve and drank fluid in seven cases. and carried. One cricket was stung once and the other Dysderids: These spiders exhibited a typical threat twice, both being eaten head first. Juvenile scorpions displaywiththeirlongfangsopenedandforelegsraised, showednearlyallthedescribedbehaviours.Tailoscilla- and used the second pair of legs for grasping the tions were observed in six cases, rejection and pseudo- opponent.Thespidercouldalsoescapequickly.Inthree stingingintwocases,andstingingwasperformedinten cases, the spider bit a juvenile scorpion (in two cases on cases (single sting in seven cases, two stings in one case the chelae of the pedipalps and in the other one on the andundetermined(twoormore)intheothertwocases). tail) but no damage was observed. Only five captures Two scorpions stung their prey, freed them, and by juvenile scorpions were observed. Most of the searchedforthemlater.Eightjuvenilescarriedtheprey, behavioural repertoire was observed. Orientation and and two of them had previously dragged the prey. Nine rejection tail movements were particularly frequent in juveniles started eating at the head of the prey, and bothadult(sixandfourcases,respectively)andjuvenile the rest started at the abdomen. Five scorpions bit the scorpions(fifteenandtencases).Juvenilescorpionsalso cricketinvariousplacesbeforeeatingit.Inonecase,the displayedlateraltailmovementsinfourcases.Whenthe scorpion first drank body fluid from a wound on a spiderswerecaptured,thescorpionsdraggedthepreyin third leg of the prey. All crickets actively avoided the twocases,carrieditinfouranddrankbodyfluidintwo scorpionsbyjumpingandwalkingabout;theydefended cases. themselves by using their hindlegs when grasped by the We compared the overall performance of the scorpion. scorpions in the first and second series of experiments Lycosids: Scorpions frequently attempted to capture (Table 4). We did not observe qualitative differences wolf spiders, displaying a rich repertoire of behaviours, between the behavioural units of these series. Neither but the spiders avoided them in several cases owing to did we find significant differences between the series in their ability to perceive the predator and to escape either capture or capture attempts on insects or spiders rapidly. Furthermore, lycosids autotomised legs in using the Chi-square test (captures of insects by adult nearly half of the cases, distracting the scorpion. In one scorpions !2=0, p=1, and capture attempts !2=0, p=1; casealycosidbitanadultscorpionononepedipalp,but captures of spiders by adults !2=0, p=1, and capture apparently did not harm it. Usually, a single sting was attempts !2=0, p=1; captures of insects by juvenile sufficient to immobilise the spider. Juvenile scorpions, scorpions !2=1.72, p>0.10 and capture attempts but not the adults, performed tail movements: rejection !2=0.98, p>0.30; captures of spiders by juveniles (two cases), sagittal oscillations (one case) and lateral !2=0.54, p>0.30, and capture attempts !2=1.05, oscillations (eleven cases). Two adult scorpions dragged p>0.30). We therefore grouped the data from the two the stung prey and three others carried their prey. In series for further comparisons. juvenile scorpions, these behaviours were rare (two When we compared the overall efficacy of capture of dragged and one carried). Drinking of body fluid insects and spiders (Table 5), we found no difference in before eating was observed in two cases in adult adult scorpions (!2=3.16, p=0.076), but a significant scorpions.Eatingalostpreylegwasobservedinhalfof difference in juvenile scorpions (!2=7.13, p=0.0076). the experiments. When we compared capture attempts on insects and on Largeprey Smallprey Mean SD Range n Mean SD Range n Insects Cockroaches 0.24 0.06 0.16–0.34 8 0.04 0.02 0.02–0.09 24 Mealworms 0.16 0.02 0.13–0.20 8 0.03 0.01 0.01–0.04 24 Crickets 0.27 0.09 0.13–0.39 8 0.06 0.03 0.02–0.12 24 Spiders Lycosids 0.22 0.05 0.18–0.29 8 0.05 0.01 0.02–0.07 24 Amphinectids 0.17 0.05 0.12–0.25 8 0.04 0.01 0.02–0.06 24 Dysderids 0.13 0.03 0.11–0.19 8 0.03 0.01 0.01–0.05 24 Scorpions 0.27 0.05 0.15–0.37 48 0.03 0.01 0.01–0.05 144 Table3: Meanweights(g,SDandranges)ofprey(insectsandspiders)andpredators(scorpions)usedintwotypesofexperiments(adultfemale scorpionsonlargepreyandjuvenilescorpionsonsmallprey);n=numberofexperimentalindividuals. 260 Preycapturebyanaraneophagicscorpion Firstseries Secondseries Captures Captureattempts Captures Captureattempts Adultscorpions(n=12) Insects 1 3 1 4 Spiders 4 10 4 9 Juvenilescorpions(n=36) Insects 8 15 3 10 Spiders 15 33 11 29 Table4: Effectivecapturesandcaptureattemptsbyadultandjuvenilescorpions,discriminatedbyfirst andsecondseriesofexperimentsoninsectsandspiders. spiders, a significant difference was found in both adult Two sets of duration data were analysed: capture (!2=10.15,p=0.0014)andjuvenilescorpions(!2=37.63, duration and poison latency. We considered capture p<0.0001). duration to be the time between apparent perception of We found no significant differences in prey capture the prey by the scorpion (which performed mainly alert efficiency (!2=0.23, p>0.50) or in capture attempts and orientation behaviours) until the stinging of the (!2=0.86, p>0.30) when we compared the performance prey.Poisonlatencywasrecordedfromthefirststinging of adult versus juvenile scorpions. When we combined tothefirstattemptateatingbythescorpion.Resultsare the data sets from adult and juvenile scorpions, signifi- shown in Table 6. Capture durations showed a wide cant differences were found between insects and spiders dispersion of values, while poison latency showed less in both capture efficiency (!2=11.27, p<0.001) and variation compared with capture duration. Considering capture attempts (!2=53.77, p<0.001). only captures by juvenile scorpions (because of larger Analysing the performance of scorpions on each prey amountsofdata)wetestedwhethertherewerestatistical typeseparately,wefoundsomedifferencesinbothinsect differences in the two sets of duration data for and spider groups. Cockroaches, mealworms and crickets, lycosids, amphinectids and dysderids. No dysderids were rarely captured by adult and juvenile differences were found either in capture duration scorpionscombined,whilecrickets,lycosidsandamphi- (ANOVA: F=0.096, p=0.962) or in poison latency nectids were captured more successfully (Fig. 2). How- (Kruskal–Wallis: H=4.812, p=0.186). ever, when we compared capture attempts, dysderids Capture duration and poison latency for each prey seemed to be initially attractive for scorpions. When we type also varied according to predator stage (adult, tested capture attempt frequencies for all scorpions, we juvenile). To estimate the role of relative prey weights founddifferencesininsects(!2=43.33,p<0.001)butnot and predator weights in the duration data, we made in spiders (!2=0.47, p>0.70). When we tested capture linear correlations between the index of weight (prey/ frequencies, we found differences in both insects scorpion) and durations. Non-significant regression (!2=23.83, p<0.001) and spiders (!2=13.75, p<0.01). values were obtained for capture duration of juvenile Using pair-wise comparisons, we found that capture scorpions on crickets (r=0.134, p=0.711), lycosids attempts on crickets were different from cockroaches (r=0.100, p=0.850) and amphinectids (r=0.102, (!2=20.16, p<0.001) and from mealworms (!2=17.83, p=0.727), and for poison latency (r=0.028, p=0.937; p<0.001), but cockroaches and mealworms were similar r=0.130, p=0.806; r=0.314, p=0.274, respectively). (!2=0). We also found that captures of crickets were Dysderids showed no variation in weight index. different from cockroaches (!2=9.65, p<0.01) and from mealworms (!2=12.41, p<0.001), but cockroaches and mealwormsweresimilar(!2=0).Onspiders,capturesof Discussion dysderids were different from amphinectids (!2=11.27, Prey preference and capture tactic p<0.001) but not from lycosids (!2=1.39, p>0.20), and wefoundnosignificantdifferencesbetweenlycosidsand We consider Tityus uruguayensis to be mainly an amphinectids after Bonferroni correction (!2=4.04, araneophagic scorpion, based on its observed prefer- p>0.02). ences for spiders compared with insects in both capture Adultscorpions Juvenilescorpions n Captureattempts Captures n Captureattempts Captures Insects Cockroaches 8 0 0 24 3 1 Mealworms 8 0 0 24 4 0 Crickets 8 7 2 24 18 10 Spiders Lycosids 8 7 4 24 20 6 Amphinectids 8 6 4 24 22 15 Dysderids 8 6 0 24 20 5 Table5: Captureattemptsandeffectivecapturesbyadultandjuvenilescorpionsonthreetypesofinsect preyandthreetypesofspiderprey;n=numberofobservations. C.A.Toscano-Gadea&F.G.Costa 261 (1995), Costa & Simó (1999), Pérez-Miles et al. (1999) and Costa et al. (2003). Curiously, these authors also found adult females and juveniles in pitfall traps and not only adult males, as is usual for web-building spiders. These unusual locomotory characteristics make M. simoni a potential prey species for these scorpions. Although T. uruguayensis seems to be a typical sit- and-wait predator, it showed an active but cautious approach to the prey (alert, orientation and grasp attempt units) after detecting it. Taking into account the poor visual capacity of scorpions, detection of prey Fig. 2: Number of capture attempts and effective captures by adult is probably achieved by means of mechano- and/or and juvenile scorpions combined. Thirty-two trials were per- chemoreception,becausethesesensesarewell-developed formedoneachtypeofprey:cockroaches(Coc),mealworms intheseanimals(seeBrownell,2001;Gaffin&Brownell, (Mea),crickets(Cri),lycosids(Lyc),amphinectids(Amp)and 2001). This species has very delicate chelae (Fig. 1), dysderids (Dys). Open bars represent capture attempts and suggesting that its capture tactic would be that of an solidbarssuccessfulcaptures. obligatestinger(Casper,1985).Otherscorpions,suchas Hadrurus and Paruroctonus spp. (Vaejovidae), Pandinus attempts and effective captures. The scorpions attacked imperator(Scorpionidae)andalsobuthidspeciesbelong- all spider types (including the exotic and well-armed ing to Buthus and Parabuthus, have stronger chelae and Dysdera crocata), whereas they ignored some insect thestingisselective,accordingtothesize,resistanceand prey such as mealworms and cockroaches. Mealworms type of prey (Cushing & Matherne, 1980; Casper, 1985; and cockroaches are captured by a wide range of Rein, 1993, 2003). However, T. uruguayensis always scorpion species belonging to the families Scorpionidae stung the offered prey, independently of its type and (Alexander,1972),Vaejovidae(Bub&Bowerman,1979; level of resistance, and its poison was very effective. Cushing & Matherne, 1980) and Buthidae (Rein, 1993, These scorpions always sting small prey or dead prey 2003). However, crickets were frequently attacked and moved with forceps when they are fed in the laboratory captured by T. uruguayensis, as happens with many (Toscano-Gadea, pers. obs.). The need for stinging other scorpions (Schultze, 1927; Bub & Bowerman, possiblyreflectsaspecialisationforcapturingbypoison- 1979; Cushing & Matherne, 1980; Casper, 1985). ing.Theslenderchelaewouldbeverysensitive,function- Changes in scorpion food preferences related to age or ing for a quick grasp accompanied by a vigorous sting, developmental stage were not suggested by the results, butwouldnotbeusedtomechanicallysubduetheprey. which showed similar preferences for juvenile and adult This is supported by the fact that the scorpions fre- female scorpions. However, Casper (1985) found differ- quently released the prey after stinging. Delicate chelae encesinthecapturetacticsofPandinusimperator(C.L. would be useful to grasp the thin, long and numerous Koch)(Scorpionidae)oncrickets,accordingtoitsdevel- legs of spiders (and crickets); on the contrary, the opmental stage: small juveniles always stung the prey cockroaches and mealworms we used are compact/ but large juveniles only grasped it. Possibly, this last round prey and it would be difficult for these scorpions species is capable of capturing prey mechanically by to grasp these insects with their chelae. Additionally, using its strong pedipalps, and uses poison only when Tenebrio larvae can wriggle as a defensive mechanism, thepreyisverylarge,unlikethepredatorybehaviourof but this tactic was rarely used because the scorpions T. uruguayensis. usually did not attempt to capture them. The pedipalps Asstatedabove,allpreytypesusedinthisworkwere of T. uruguayensis are also long and are used to hold selected because of their sympatry with the scorpion. dangerous prey as far as possible from the scorpion Metaltella simoni is a cribellate web-builder, but this during the brief sting. In some cases, the scorpion species is usually a good walker and frequently falls in continued to hold the stung prey, grasping it with only pitfall traps, as reported by Costa et al. (1991), Costa one extended pedipalp. However, the slender chelae Captureduration Poisonlatency n Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Adultscorpions Cricket 2 213.5 191.6 78–349 86.0 45.3 54–118 Lycosids 4 150.3 158.8 26–383 36.6 16.3 23–60.2 Amphinectids 4 299.4 403.8 4–870 47.5 23.4 23–73 Juvenilescorpions Crickets 10 164.5 234.6 0–711 78.3 81.8 13–267 Lycosids 6 150.3 195.9 0–484 68.5 95.0 14–253 Amphinectids 15 140.8 222.6 0–628 42.2 35.5 0–144 Dysderids 5 103.2 121.4 4–309 96.0* 29.0* 70–124* Table 6: Durations (s) of capture and poison latency of adult and juvenile scorpions preying on one type of insect and three types of spiders. Asterisksindicatedatabasedonfourcases,becauseonejuvenilescorpionstungadysderidbutdidnotfeedonit. 262 Preycapturebyanaraneophagicscorpion seem to be resistant to spider bites (three cases showed then adapts the poison dose, cannot be discarded. no observable damage). However, the high variation of latency values observed onallpreydoesnotsupportthislasthypothesis,itbeing more probable that this variation is related to the parts Antipredatory behaviour of the body where the prey were stung. Thecloseddishesobviouslyfavouredpreycaptureby Escape was the main antipredatory behaviour scorpions. However, we do not make inferences here shown by prey attacked by scorpions, but leg autotomy about real frequencies of capture but only comparative was also an effective mechanism of defence used by assumptions about capture attempts and effective amphinectids and especially by lycosids, as stated captures on different types of prey under the same also by Klawinski & Formanowicz (1994) and Punzo conditions, estimating their capacity to elicit and avoid (1997). However, why did T. uruguayensis not capture capture. The scorpions had a standardised hunger rate dysderids?Dysderacrocataisacosmopolitanspiderthat owing to the similar previous period when they were has invaded anthropic environments in Uruguay. deprived of food. We also simulated the situation of a Its conspicuous threatening display (Bristowe, 1941) sit-and-wait predator, first placing the scorpion into the appears to be an effective antipredatory behaviour; experimental dishes and introducing prey after at least moreover,itsmechanicalandperhapschemicaldefences 24h, thus allowing the predator to ‘‘acclimate’’ to the (Pollard et al., 1995) additionally make D. crocata a capturearena.Standardisationofprey–predatorweights formidable opponent. Also, it is an ‘‘unknown’’ spider and hunger rate, and the situation of predator as for this scorpion, which could not adapt to capture it. resident (avoiding immediate previous manipulation) These characteristics possibly confused the scorpions, are conditions where we tried to improve on previous that recognised a spider and initially tried to capture it. experimentsonpreycapture,aswaspointedoutbyRein However,somejuvenilescorpionsmanagedtoovercome (2003). these defences and capture dysderids, and fed without Twobehaviourswherethescorpionsmovedthestung any negative consequences. Therefore, it would seem prey (dragging and carrying) are possibly useful for thattheputativechemicaldefencesofD.crocataarenot eliciting responses from the prey and estimating the effective on T. uruguayensis. Summarising, D. crocata is progressofpoisoning.Carryingwouldalsobeusefulfor recognised as a spider and attacked, but frequently the finding a protected site for eating the prey: this unit of scorpions desist owing to its strong defences. behaviour (also called travelling with the prey) was Cricketswereattackedandconstituteanexceptionfor reported by Bub & Bowerman (1979), Le Berre (1979), the araneophagic scorpion. Like spiders, crickets have McCormick & Polis (1990) and Rein (2003). On the long legs (mainly the hindlegs) that can be easily other hand, we could not find in the available literature grasped, and the relatively soft skin allows the scorpion any previous reports of dragging of the prey by to sting easily. Coincidently, crickets are usually scorpions. attacked by buthids and other scorpions (Bub & Sagittal tail oscillations resemble manoeuvres Bowerman, 1979; Cushing & Matherne, 1980; Casper, preceding the stinging behaviour and perhaps denote 1985). Stung crickets were eaten starting at the head in intentional movements (Alcock, 1975) towards a poor almostallcases,ashasbeenobservedinotherscorpions. but persistent stimulus (the subdued prey). Lateral tail Bub & Bowerman (1979) and Cushing & Matherne oscillations, on the contrary, resemble advertisement (1980), stated that this behaviour would help the movements, which are visually conspicuous and scorpion by avoiding leg defences by poisoned crickets, generate attention, conversely to what would be becauseofthedestructionofthecentralnervoussystem. expectedinapredatorycontext.Theywerefrequentand However, Rein (1993, 2003) stressed that the cricket hadnotpreviouslybeenreportedinrelationtoscorpion defence depends on ganglia located outside the brain predation. The first author of this paper observed a and head destruction would not necessarily stop this similar display performed by young scorpions when kickingbehaviour.Possibly,startingfeedingatthehead bred together, sharing the same prey. However, the would simply permit this delicate scorpion to avoid interpretation of this behaviour remains obscure. as far as possible the hindlegs of the cricket, which constitute the cricket’s main defensive weapon. Acknowledgements Poisoning success Thanks to Federico Achával for collecting the adult The toxicity of T. uruguayensis venom seemed to be femalescorpions,andtoEstrellitaLorierforidentifying high for the arthropods used, as prey died quickly after thecrickets.AnitaAisenbergsubstantiallyimprovedthe beingstung.Preywereoftenreleasedafterasinglesting, English. F. Pérez-Miles critically read the first draft. which would support this assumption. We expected to A. Bouskila, P. Brownell, V. Fet, A. 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