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IS 2548-2: plastic seats and covers for water-closets, Part 2: Thermo plastic seats and covers PDF

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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2548-2 (1996): plastic seats and covers for water-closets, Part 2: Thermo plastic seats and covers [CED 3: Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 2548 (Part 2) : 1998 mm $kqjdirm* &+af&dkm---rnk m2 rn~m*m m=Qmw Indian Standard PLASTICSEATSANDCOVERSFOR WATER-CLOSETS-SPECIFICATION PART 2 THERMOPLASTIC SEATS AND COVERS ( Fifth Revision ) ICS 91.140.70; 83.140 0 BIS 1996 BUREAU OF INDIAN STGNDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1996 Price Group 7 yratinaS secnailppA and retaW sgnittiF lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CED 3 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS traP( )2 htfiF( )noisiveR was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht yratinaS secnailppA and retaW sgnittiF lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht liviC gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1963. ehT tsrif noisiver fo eht standard was issued no an ycnegreme basis ni 1966 ylniam ot edivorp etaidemmi evitanretla lairetam elbaliava ylsuoenegidni rof tnenopmoc parts rof hcihw ylno suorref-non and stainless leets had neeb deificeps .reilrae ehT dnoces noisiver was issued ni 1967 retfa gniweiver eht ycnegreme standard ni eht thgil fo rehtruf .ecneirepxe nI eht driht noisiver ni 1980, eht seats and srevoc erew deifissalc no eht basis fo eht epyt fo lairetam tuo fo hcihw yeht era ,dedluom ,yleman gnittesomreht and .citsalpomreht slairetaM rof gnignih secived erew osla .deifidom ehT eettimmoC elbisnopser rof eht htruof noisiver tlef that eht stnemeriuqer rof tesomreht and -reht citsalpom seats and ,srevoc reilrae deificeps ,rehtegot dluohs eb nevig ni etarapes parts fo eht standard os that eht tnemnrevoG stnemtrapeD and rehto dezinagro ,sremusnoc elihw gniredro eht scats and ,srevoc dluoc yletairporppa yficeps eht SI .oN htiw traP and dluoc teg eht lairetam fo rieht .eciohc sihT standard traP( )2 slaed htiw citsalpomreht seats and srevoc elihw tesomreht seats and srevoc evah neeb tlaed htiw ni traP 1. ehT eettimmoC elihw gniraperp eht htruof noisiver dediced ot edulcni lanoitidda stnemeriuqer and stset rof retteb noitaulave fo eht ytilauq fo eht seats and .srevoc roF citsalpomreht seats and ,srevoc tlaed nihtiw this standard traP( ,)2 retaw ,noitprosba tcapmi ,ytidigir,ecnatsiser ,noitrotsid staining and ecafrus hardness stset evah neeb .dedulcni A esualc no evitamrofni gnillebal has osla neeb .dedda ehT eettimmoC elihw gniraperp this htfif noisiver dediced ot ezinomrah snoisnemid htiw SI 2556 traP( )2 : 1994 ; ot weiver and etaroprocni stnemdnema issued ot etad and ot edulcni ecnarudne tset rof retteb noiitaulave fo eht ytilauq fo seats and srevoc htiw .sreffub roF laicremmoc and lanoitutitsni ,esu hcus as latipsoh gnidliub and ,syawliar erehw yvaeh and hguor esu fo seats and srevoc is a nommoc ,nonemonehp ti is dednemmocer that eht edisrednu fo eht taes dluohs eb talf htiw dilos .gnidluom nI eht noitalumrof fo this standard eud egathgiew has neeb nevig ot lanoitanretni noitanidro-oc gnoma eht standards and secitcarp gniliaverp ni tnereffid seirtnuoc ni noitidda ot gnitaler ti ot eht secitcarp ni eht dleif ni this .yrtnuoc sihT has neeb tem yb gnivired assistance morf SB 1254 : 1981 noitacificepS‘ rof WC seats ,‘)scitsalp( issued yb eht hsitirB Standards .noitutitsnI ehT snoitisopmoc fo eht lacinhcet eettimmoc elbisnopser rof eht noitaraperp fo this standard is nevig at xennA .P roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav .‘)desiver( ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. AMENDMENT NO. 1 JUNE 2003 TO IS 2548 (PART 2): 1996 PLASTICSEATS AND COVERSFOR WATER-CLOSETS- SPECIFICATION PART 2 THERMOPLASTICSEATSANDCOVERS (FifthRevision) ( Page 4, clause 8.1.1 )- Insert the following at the end of Note 1along withnewFigure 2andrenumber the subsequentfigures: 'ThedistanceshallbemeasuredasshowninFig.2.' FIG. 2 POsmONOFBUFFER (CED3) ReprographyUnit,815,NewDelhi,lndia Indian Standard PLASTICSEATSANDCOVERSFOR WATER-CLOSETS-SPECIFICATION PART 2 THERMOPLASTIC SEATS AND COVERS ( Fifth Revision ) 1 EPOCS ISN o. Title sihT standard traP( )2 srevoc stnemeriuqer rof SI 13360 scitsalP - sdohteM fo gnitset citsalpomreht seats and srevoc rof .stesolc-retaw ceS/StraP( )2 : traP 5 lacinahceM ,seitreporp 1996 noitceS 2 noitanimreteD fo 2 SECNEREFER elisnet seitreporp - tseT -idnoc snoit rof gnidluom and snoisurtxe ehT gniwollof lndian Standards era yrassecen plastics stcnujda ot this standard: SI 13360 scitsalP - sdohteM fo :gnitset IS No. Title ceS/StraP( )4 : traP 5 lacinahceM ,seitreporp 1996 noitceS 4 noitanimreteD fo dozI 867 : 1963 dohteM fo tset rof cilonehp tcapmi htgnerts gnidluom slairetam )desiver( 1068 : 1993 snoitacificepS rof detalportcele 3 SEDARG gnitaoc fo lekcin plus muimorhc and reppoc plus lekcin plus desaB no eht noitcelfed scitsiretcarahc ees( 9.4.1 muimorhc (third revision) and )2.4.9 citsalpomreht seats and srevoc evah neeb detangised as edarG 1 and edarG 2. 1868 : 1982 noitacificepS rof cidona sgnitaoc no muinimula and its syolla 4 SLAIRETAM (second revision) 2267 : 1972 noitacificepS rof enerytsylop 4.1 Seats and Covers gnidluom slairetam tsrif( revision) lairetaM rof eht erutcafunam fo seats and 2556 traP( )2 : noitacificepS rof suoertiv sani- 4.1.1 1994 yrat secnailppa suoertiv( :)anihc srevoc shall eb rehtie fo eht :gniwollof traP 2 cificepS stnemeriuqer fo )a enerytsyloP gnimrofnoc ot epyT 2 ro epy‘? 3 nwod-hsaw stesolc-retaw htruof fo SI 2267 : 1972, revision) : )b enelyporpyloP gnimrofnoc ot stnemeriuqer 4218 traP( )6 : 0SI cirteM wercs :sdaerht traP 6 deificeps ni xennA A. 1978 stimiL fo sezis rof laicremmoc stlob and nuts retemaid( egnar 1 4.2 Hinging Device ot 52 )mm @rst revirion) SI 13360 scitsalP - sdohteM fo :gnitset lairetaM rof gnignih ecived shall eb eno fo eht :gniwollof ceS/3traP( )1 : traP 3 lacisyhP and lanoisnemid 1995 ,seitreporp noitceS 1 -animreteD )a eznorB ro brass htiw lekcin muimorhc -talp noit fo ytisned and evitaler ytisned gni gnimrofnoc ot SI 1068 : 1993, fo ralullec-non plastics )b Mild leets htiw lekcin muimorhc gnitalp SI 13360 scitsalP - sdohteM fo :gnitset gnimrofnoc ot SI 1068 : 1993, ceSWraP( )1 traP 5 lacinahceM ,seitreporp -ceS 1996 noit 1 noitanimreteD fo elisnet )c muinimulA yolla htiw cidona gnitaoc -noc seitreporp - lareneG selpicnirp gnimrof ot SI 1868 : 1982, and 1 6991:)2traP(8452SI )d elbatiuS citsalp htiw( ees()tnemecrofnier ,noitanimat gnikaerts and dednetninu ruoloc -airav .)etoN .noit yehT shall eb elbapac fo gnieb ylisae denaelc and shall ton eb ylesrevda detceffa yb dlohesuoh ETON - scitsalP gniyfsitas eht gniwollof stnemeriuqer era .srenaelc erehT shall eb on sharp .segde ehT deredisnoc sa :elbatius sgnidluom shall eb evitprosba-non and eerf morf a) retaW noitprosba no noisremmi rof 42 sruoh dluohs ton deecxe 6.0 tnecrep yb ;ssam ,skcarc seciverc and lanretni .sdiov b) noitagnolE dluohs eb 51 ,tnecrep Min; dna 5.3 ruoloC c) ehT lairetam dluohs eb elbapac fo gnidnatshtiw erutarepmet pu ot C°55 tuohtiw gniogrednu -amrofed noit ro gninetfos dna gnimoceb yrotcafsitasnu ni ehT seats and srevoc shall eb deilppus ni sruoloc as .ecnamrofrep deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht -rup .resahc 5 ERUTCAFUNAM 6 SNOISNEMID 5.1 sepahS 6.1 taeS 51.1 taeS ehT taes shall mrofnoc ot eht snoisnemid nevig ni ehT edisrednu fo eht seats yam eb rehtie talf ro elbaT 1 and .giF 1. nI eht esac fo nepo tnorf ,ngised .dessecer erehW eht edisrednu is ,talf eht taes shall eht ,taes rehtegot htiw yna elbanosaer noisnetxe fo eb a dilos ,gnidluom and erehw eht edisrednu is its eniltuo ni a plan weiv yrassecen ot ecudorp eht ,dessecer eht noitces shall eb ton less than 3 mm at eniltuo plan nwohs ni .giF 1, shall mrofnoc ot eht yna .tniop ehT seats yam eb fo eht desolc ro nepo snoisnemid nevig ni elbaT 1. tnorf nrettap ees( .giF .)1 ehT ngised shall edivorp rof gnixif fo eht taes no tesolc-retaw yb gnignih 6.2 revoC .ecived ehT taes shall eb eerf morf .egapraw ehT revoc shall mrofnoc ot eht snoisnemid nevig ni derreferp ngised elbaT 1 and .giF 1. ehT derreferp ngised fo eht taes shall eb hcus that 7 GNIGNIH ECIVED eht edisrednu is .talf 7.1 ehT rerutcafunam shall ylppus htiw hcae taes Otherpermitted design owt stlob edam fo yna eno fo eht slairetam deificeps rof gnignih ecived ees( .)2.4 ehT stlob shall evah a ehT edisrednu fo eht taes shall evah as wef sessecer muminim shank htgnel fo 65 mm and a esraoc as .elbissop ehT ylno secnarebutorp morf eht daerht fo MS ezis ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 4218 traP( lareneg ruotnoc fo eht dewolloh trap fo eht taes )6 : 1978 nihtiw 25 mm fo eht egnalf rof gnixif ot shall eb rof eno ro erom fo eht gniwollof :snosaer eht pan. hcaE tlob shall eb dedivorp htiw owt )a oT edivorp ro ecrofnier trap fo eht gnignih ylbatius depahs washers fo rebbur ro rehto ecived ees( )7 tnelaviuqe lairetam rof adjusting eht level fo eht taes nehw gniruces ti ot eht pan. ehT mumixam b) oT edivorp sreffub ees( ,)1.1.8 lanretxe tnemerusaem fo yna hcus washers dexif no c) oT edivorp ecnatsid seceip -ot etavele eht eht edisrednu fo eht pan shall eb ton retaerg than taes morf eht tesolc-retaw mir ees( ,)2.8 and 25 .mm nI ,noitidda eno rehsaw edam fo yna rehto lairetam deificeps rof stlob and ton gnideecxe 25 4 roF gnikram sesoprup ees( .)41 mm ni retemaid shall eb dedivorp htiw hcae .tlob 5.1.2 Cover 7.1.1 evitanretlA gnignih ecived fo elbatius ngised ehT revoc shall yletelpmoc revoc eht erutrepa fo as deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht eht taes and shall eb os dengised that ti is elbapac resahcrup yam osla eb desu rof .gnixif fo gnieb desiar ylisae morf eht .taes ehT ngised 7.1.2 gnigniH pins, erehw ,desu shall eb ton less shall elbane ti ot eb detcennoc ot taeseht yb gnignih than 5 mm ni .retemaid .ecived ehT revoc shall eb ton less than 3 mm ni ssenkciht at yna .tniop ehT edisrednu fo eht revoc 7.1.3 ehT gnignih ecived shall ton eb dehcatta yb shall ton evah yna noitcejorp rehto than eht retuo swercs detresni tcerid otni eht citsalp lairetam fo mir ro .sreffub ehT revoc shall eb eerf morf -raw eht taes ro .revoc .egap 8 SREFFUB AND ECNATSID SECEIP 5.2 hsiniF 8.1 sreffuB ehT secafrus fo eht seats, srevoc and stnenopmoc shall eb ,htooms eerf morf sretsilb and -animaled 8.1.1 hcaE taes fi( ton dedivorp htiw ecnatsid noit and ylbanosaer eerf morf ,senilwolf ’-noc )seceip shall eb dedivorp htiw ton less than eerht 2 IS254s(Part2):19% 01 mm DalnI RUBBER OR PLASTIC wrrLR COVER eo m loo mm WIOTH or POSlTK)W OF COVER OPENINQ POR OPEN -I FRONT SEAT SEAT FIG. 1 PLASTICS EATA ND COVER Table 1 Dimensions of Seats and Covers (Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 and Fig. 1) llA snoisnemid ni .sertemillim IS Dtscriptlon noisnemiD No. ?Y---z? (1) )2( (3) (4) 9 ecnatsiD morf ertnec enil fo egnih 544 574 stlob ot emertxe egde fo mir ta ,tnorf A ii) htgneL fo gninepo ta tsegnol ,tniop B 052 092 iii) htdiW fo gninepo ta tsediw ,tniop C 512 042 )vi llarevO htdiw ta tsediw ,tniop D 083 - )v ecnatsiD neewteb renni dna retuo ,smir E 55 - )iv ertnec-ot-ertneC ecnatsid fo taes tlob ,seloh F 541 571 )iiv ecnatsiD morf ertnec enil fo egnih stlob ot 5.8 - renni mir fo taes ta eht ,kcab G )iiiv sscnkcitll fo taes ta tsenniht tniop 3 - )xi ssenkcihT fo revoc ta tsenniht tniop 3 - emoS-ETON gnignih secived era edam os sa ot edivorp tnemtsujda ni eht lanidutignol .noitcerid sihT si ton dedulcerp yb eseht .serugif 3 6991:)2traP(8452SI rebbur ro citsalp sreffub fo ezis 25 mm X 40 mm 9.3.2 srevoC x 10 mm rof desolc tnorf seats and ton less than 4 nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,E eht rof nepo tnorf seats, hcihw shall eb yleruces dexif ot ,revoc revoc segnih and revoc sreffub shall wohs on eht edisrednu fo eht .taes elbisiv .egamad NOTES 9.4 Rigidity 1 The dimension ‘10 mm’ refers to the clear projection from the base. 9.4.1 Seats nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,F eht 2 Buffer size specified above is the minimum size. Buffers larger than the size specified shall be permitted mumixam noitcelfed shall eb as nevig woleb and no with a provision that thy do not protrude beyond the seat. lausiv noitcepsni retla eht daol is ,devomer eht seats ehT sreffub shall eb os detacol that eht taes shall ton wohs yna :erutcarf \_ is ylreporp detroppus yb eht pot ecafrus fo eht edarG ,noitcelfeD mm .tesolc-retaw lateM sgninetsaf fo eht ,sreffub erehw 1 12.5 ,desu shall eb os dessecer that yeht od ton emoc ni 2 20.0 tcatnoc htiw eht mir fo eht .tesolc-retaw 9.4.2 srevoC 8.2 ecnatsiD seceiP nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,G eht fI eht taes is ton dedivorp htiw sreffub as deificeps mumixam noitcelfed shall eb as nevig woleb and no ni 8.1.1, ti shall evah ruof laidar ribs, nwonk as lausiv noitcepsni retfa eht daol is ,devomer eht ecnatsid ,seceip dedluom yllargetni htiw ti ot esiar revoc shall ton wohs yna erutcarf and on trap fo eht ton less than 3 mm morf eht reppu ,ecafrus fo eht it fo eht revoc shall eb dehsup hguorht eht taes mir fo eht .tesolc-retaw ehT bir shall eb ton less edge :gninepo than 45 mm ni eht laidar ,noitcerid tub ton less than 3 mm ediw no plan. ehT tcnatsid neewteb owt mm Grade Deflection, tnecajda ribs shall eb ton less than 100 .mm 1 25 2 40 8.2.1 hcaE revoc shall eb dettif htiw eht emas -mun reb fo sreffub as dedivorp rof eht taes ees( .)1.1.8 9.4.3 nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,H ehT sreffub woleb eht taes and revoc shall eb decalp eht mumixam noitrotsid shall eb 3 .mm yllacitrev revo hcae .rehto 9.5 Staining by Seats and Covers 8.2.2 ylevitanretlA eht taes and revoc yam ton eb nehW detset ni htiwecnadrocca xennA ereht,J shall dedivorp htiw sreffub ro ecnatsid .seceip nI that ton eb yna elbisiv ruoloc refsnart ot eht etihw .htolc esac eht ngised fo taes shall eb hcus that edisrednu tcatnoc ecafrus is talf and srevoc eht elohw mir fo 9.6 Staining and/or Other Surface Deterioration tesolc-retaw pan and is .elbats of Seats and Covers 9 TSET STNEMERIUQER nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,K ereht 9.1 htgnertS shall ton eb yna egnahc fo ruoloc ro rehto esrevda egnahc ni ecafrus .scitsiretcarahc ehT seats shall withstand, tuohtiw tnenamrep dis- noitrot fo eht taes ro eht egnih sgnittif ro egamad 9.7 Surface Hardness ot yna ,hsinif a daol fo 1 150 N deilppa ni eht nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,L a rennam debircserp ni xennA B rof a doirep fo muminim eulav fo llewkcoR ssendraH rebmuN 30 .setunim )RH( shall eb .’54L‘ 9.2 retaW noitprosbA 9.8 Endurance Test for Seats, Covers and Buffers nehW detset gnidrocca ot xennA C, eht esaercni in mass shall cb 0.75 ,tnccrcp Mnr and no lausiv -ni nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA M rehtien noitceps retfa ,noisremmi ti shall wohs on -riapmi ,taes revoc ro reffub dluohs eb degamad ro -olsid tncm ni tccpscr fo eht scitsiretcarahc spccificd .detac sihT is a epyt tset ot eb enod ecno ni xis under 5.2. .shtnom 9.3 tcapmI ecnatsiseR 10 YLPPUS SNOITIDNOC 9.3.1 sraeS elihW gniredro ro ,gniylppus eht resahcrup 10.1 nehW dctsct ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA D, eht ,taes and eht rerutcafunam/reilppus shall ylraelc yfitnedi segnih and ecnatsid/sreffub seceip shall ni eht redro ro ni eht ylppus ,tnemucod eht epyt fo show no elbisiv .egamad eht seats and srevoc ot eb gnieb/deilppus deilppus 4

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