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Preview IS 15773: Sodium dichloroisocyanurate

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15773 (2008): Sodium dichloroisocyanurate [PCD 9: Organic Chemicals Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediates] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 1Sn3 : 2008 'J"f7'?rf)4 JOf/rtC/5 ~~~-~ Indian Standard SODIUM DICHLOROISOCYANURATE SPECIFICATION ICS 71.100.80 CBIS2008 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DE LHI 110002 April 2008 PriceGroup 5 Organic Chemicals, Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediate Sectional Committee, PCD 9 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Organic Chemicals,Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediate Sectional Committeehad been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Products Division Council. Organic chloramines, sodium dichloroisocyanurateiswidely used as adisinfectant, industrial deodorants,textile bleaches, purificationofwater,hospitals,railways, public sanitationplaces, etc.The material also finds itsusage inmanylaboratoriesfordisinfectionofequipment,indairycattle and poultry farms,and aqua culturefarms.The products like feeding bottle, nappy clothes, bedspreads, feeding spoons,etc,requiring disinfection can also use it.It hasaverybroad spectrumofdisinfectionsagainst bacteriaandotherharmful pathogens. Chlorineproduced isusedfordisinfectmunicipal waterforpublic supply,hospitals,railways, swimmingpools, etc, invarious ways. This is an effective disinfectant and produces hypochlorous acid (HOCI) directly on dissolving in water. It is advantageousbecause ofitsbettershelf-life, efficientrelease ofavailablechlorineandstabilityinwater.Besides, being less corrosive, the compound dissolves with effervescence leaving no residue and hence no sludge is formed. This compound isalso used foreffluenttreatment purpose,buteach timeaneffluent isletout inrivers or ponds, ithastobetested forchlorinecontent init.Sinceallchlorine compoundsaredangeroustoaquaticorganisms,the chlorine (free chlorine)contentintheeffluent hastobenullified by various processeslike longstorage, aeration, etc, before letting out the effluent. Normally this can be avoided by treating the effluent to the break point chlorination.It also finds use for sewage treatment. This standard however, prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for sodium dichloroisocyanurate(NaDCC) meant for treatment ofwater intended for human consumption. Itsmanufacture inthecountry would substitute import. ConsiderableassistancehasbeenderivedfromEuropeanStandardEN 12931:2000 'Sodiumdichloroisocyanurate, anhydrous', and IS 12932 :2000 'Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate' inthe formulation ofthis standard. In respect ofpotential adverse effects on the quality ofwater intended for human consumption, caused by this product, any restrictions laid down by the Food and Drugs Authorities for its usage should be followed. Two informative annexes (see Annexes Fand G) have been given for guidance purpose. For the purpose ofdeciding whether a particular requirement ofthis standard is complied with, the final value,observedor calculated,expressingthe result ofatestor analysis, shall be rounded offinaccordance with IS2: 1960 'Rules forrounding offnumerical values(revised)'.The numberofsignificantplacesretained inthe rounded offvalue should bethe sameas that ofthespecified value inthis standard. IS 15773:1008 Indian Standard SODIUM DICHLOROISOCYANURATE SPECIFICATION I SCOPE 3 TYPES This standard prescribes the requirements and This standard covers sodium dichloroisocyanurate, methods of sampling and test for sodium dihydrateasType I andsodiumdichloroisocyanurate, dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) meant for treatment anhydrousasType2. ofwater intended for humanconsumption. 4 REQUIREMENTS 2REFERENCES 4.1Identification The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions, The material is organic chloramines, organic which through reference in this text, constitute compound with amine having one, two or three provisionofthisstandard. Atthetimeofpublication, chlorine atoms attached to it (Chloramine) as the the editions indicated were valid. All standards are functionalgroup. subjecttorevisionandpartiestoagreementsbasedon this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityofapplying themostrecent editionsofthe standards indicated at Annex A. Characteristic Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Dihydrate (lYpe 1) Anhydrous(lYpe2) Chemical name l-sodium- 3,5- dichloro I-sodium - 3,5 - dichloro I,3,5-triazine - 2,4,6-trione dihydrate 1,3,5-triazine- 2,4,6-trione Molecular mass 256.02 219.98 Empirical formula C]Np]CI .2Hp C]Np]CI 2Na 2Na pHofI percent solution 6.0-7.0 6.0 -7.0 Commercial form Availableinvariousgranular forms Available in various granular forms Chemical formula Na 10 0 ~ ,....N....... ? C c I I N N N N CI"" <,C,.... 'CI CI"" <,C,.... 'CI II II o N~ber CAS Registry - 5I580·86.() 2893-78-9 EPARegistrationNo. - 935-36 935-38 IS 15773:2008 4.2 Description and Physical Properties Physical Properties Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Dihydrate Anhydrous Appearanceand odour The product iswhitegranular solid The product iswhite granular withchlorinousodour solidwithchlorinous odour Density The bulkdensityisapproximately The bulk density is 0.9g/cm' approximately 0.9g/cm' Solubilityinwater 291 gilat25°C 250 gilat 25°C 4.3 Chemical Properties Chemical Properties Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, Dihydrate Anhydrous Hydrolysis Theproduct isstrongoxidant.Sodium The product is astrongoxidant. It dichloroisocyanuratedecomposes into is corrosive and hygroscopic. hydrochloricacidandcyanuricacid. It Sodium dichloroisocyanurate librateschlorinebyhydrolysis decomposes intohydrochloricacid andcyanuricacid. Whendissolved in excess of water it liberates chlorine byhydrolysis Composition The product shall contain at least 55 The product shall contain at least percent by mass (percent, m/m) of 62 percent by mass (percent, available chlorine. The procedure for m/m) of available chlorine. The determination ofavailable chlorine is. procedure for determination of giveninAnnexB available chlorine is given in Annex B Impuritiesand main The sodium chloride content shall be Thewatercontentshallbelessthan by-products less than 0.05 percent by mass (m/m) 3 percent (m/m) of the product of the product when tested as per when tested as per procedure proceduregiveninAnnexD given in Annex C and sodium chloride content shall be less than 0.05 percent bymass(m/m) ofthe product when tested as per procedure given inAnnex D Toxicsubstances Limits of impurities and toxic Limits of impurities and substanceswhicharelikelytobepresent toxic substances which are likely in significant quantities from the to be present in significant current production process and raw quantities from the current materials are given in Table I. The production process and raw content of toxic substances shall materials are given in Table I. conformto therequirementsspecified The content oftoxic substances inTable I. shall conform to the requirements specified inTable I 2 IS 15773: 2008 Table 1 ToxicSubstances (Clause4.3) SI Element LimitinPPM.mg/kg MethodofTtSt.Reflo No. ofProducl (I) (2) (3) (4) i) Arsenic(As),Max 0.05 IS3025(Part37) ii) Cadmium(Cd),Max 0.01 IS3025(Part41) iii) Chromium(Cr),Max 0.05 AnnexJoflS13428 iv) Mercury(Hg),Max 0.001 IS3025(Part48) v) Nickel(Ni),Max 0.02 AnnexLofiS13428 vi) Lead(Pb),Max om IS3025(Part47) vii) Antimony(Sb),Max 0.005 AnnexGens13428orIS15303" viii) Selenium(Se),Max 0.01 IS3025(Part56)orIS15303" NOTES 1 Cyanidewhichdoesnotexistinastrongoxidizingmediumsuchassodiumdichloroisocyanurateisnotarelevanttoxicsubstance.Pesticides andpolycyclicaromatic hydrocarbonsarenotby-productsofthemanufacturingprocess. 2 Ifachangeintheproductionprocessorrawmaterialsleadstosignificantquantitiesofotherimpuritiesorby-productsbeingpresent,this shallbenotifiedtotheuser. 3 Incaseofdispute,themethodindicatedby'1)'shallbethereferencemethod. 5SAMPLING 7.3 Marking Representativesamplesofthematerialshallbedrawn The containers shall be securely closed and marked and their conformity to this standard shall be with the following information: determined inaccordance withthemethodprescribed a) Nameofthe material, inAnnex E. b) Net mass, 6SAFETY PRECAUTIONSAND HAZARDS c) Monthandyearofpacking, d) Indicationofthesource ofmanufacture, Some ofthe basic hazards and precautions related e) Batchnumber toenable the lotofmanufacture to this material are mentioned in Table 2 for tobetraced fromrecords, and guidance. f) Expirydate. 7PACKING AND MARKING 7.3.1 Aleaflet containing instruction for useshall be 7.1 Packing enclosed. Besides. information on nature ofspecial risks attributed to dangerous substances may be The granular/powder material shall be packed in an provided suchas: air-tight plastic drum. a) Contact with combustible material may cause 7.2Storing fire; The material shall be stored in shade, at room b) Harmful,ifswallowed; temperature awayform sourceofheat andmoisture. c) Contactwithacids liberates toxicgas; 7.2.1 Storage Incompatibilities d) Irritatingto eyesand respiratory system; e) Keepcontainer dry; Storethe product onitsown. Keep itawayfrom: f) Incaseofcontactwitheyes, rinse immediately a) water; withplenty ofwater and seek medical advice; b) nitrogenated products; and c) organic solvents; g) Incase offireand/or explosion do not breathe d) hydrocarbons; fumes. e) peroxides; 7.3.2 BISCertification Marking f) hypochlorites; and The packages may also be marked withthe Standard g) oils, greases and organic materials. Mark. 3 IS 15773: 2008 The useoftheStandardMarkisgovernedby 8 QUALITY OFREAGENTS theprovisionsofthe BureauofIndian StandardsAct, Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and 1986andthe Rulesand Regulationsmadethereunder. distilledwater(see ~S 1070)shall beused intests. The details ofconditions under whichthelicencefor of the use Standard Mark may be granted to NOTE- 'Purechemicals' shallmeanchemicalsthatdonot containimpuritieswhichaffecttheresultofanalysis. manufacturersorproducersmaybeobtainedfromthe Bureau ofIndian Standards. Table 2 HazardslPrevention Measurefor Useof Material (Clause 6) SI TypeofHazards AeuteHazardslPrcvention No. (I) (2) (3) i) Fire Notcombustible,contactwithcombustiblematerialmaycause fire.Keepaway from moistureandlight ii) Physicalcontacts(eyecontact, Cough,sorethroat,rednessandirritatingtoeyesandrespiratorysystem.Usefacemask, skin,inhalation) protectivegloves,protectiveclothing,eyeglasses,etc.whileusingthematerial iii) Ingestion Harmfulifswallowed,burningsensation,sorethroat.Drinking. eating, andsmoking duringhandlingthematerialisprohibited iv) Spillage Air-tightcontainers,toavoidspillageduringtransport,nottobetransportedwithfood andfeedstuffs.Keepspilledmaterialdry.Sweep,scoop,orvacuumthespilledmaterials andplaceinclean,drycontainersfordisposal v) Contactwithacid Liberatestoxicgas ANNEX A (Clause 2) LISTOFREFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. Title is No. Title 695: 1976 Specification for acetic acid (third (Part56) :2003 Selenium (first revision) revision) 4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling 1070: 1992 Reagentgradewater(thirdrevision) 7163 : 1989 Potassium iodide, pure and 3025 Methods of sampling and test analytical reagent (first (physical and chemical) for water revision) andwaste water: 13428: 1998 Packaged natural mineral water (Part37) : 1988 Arsenic(first revision) Specification (first revision) (Part41) : 1992 Cadmium (first revision) 15303: 2003 Determination ofantimony ironand (Part47) : 1994 Zinc (first revision) selenium inwater byelectrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric (Part48) : 1994 Mercury(first revision) method 4 IS 15773: 2008 ANNEX B (Clauses 4.3 and E-4) DETERMINATION OF AVAILABLE CHLORINE v B-1 PRINCIPLE = volume, ofthe sodium thiosulfate standard volumetric solution used, in ml. The available chlorine is determined by measuring active chlorine in the sample. The oxidizing chlorine 49.031 7isthemolar mass,ing/moleofpotassium reacts with potassium iodide releasing iodine, which dichromate. is then titrated with sodium thiosulfate standard B-1.1.4 Starch Solution, I Percent (mlm) - Make a volumetricsolution inthe presenceofstarchindicator slurry with I ± 0.1 g/mole starch and 5 ± I ml water. solution. Add 90 ± 5 ml boiling water to the slurry. Stir to B-1.I Reagents dissolve itand cool the solution. This solution needs refrigeration toavoid the decompositionofthe starch, All reagents shall be ofanalytical grade. which results ina vague end point. Keep the solution B-1.1.1 Potassium Iodide Crystals (KI), See cool and use itwithin one week. IS7163. B-2 PROCEDURE B-I.l.2 Glacial AceticAcid, See IS 695. Weightothe nearest0.1mg,0.25 gofthe sample(m) B-1.1.3 Sodium Thiosulfate Standard Volumetric into a tared stoppered weighing bottle. Transfer Solution(Na J.5HP) = 0.1 mol/l the material to a 200-ml volumetric flask. Add 10 ml ZSp ofwaterand 10mlofglacialaceticacid,stir for5min Dissolve 24.8 g of NazSPr5HzO with water. Add and then add 100 ml of water and 2 g of 0.5mlofchloroformaspreservative.Dilutetovolume potassiumiodide,mixtodissolveand wait for 10min. with water in a I OOO-mione-mark volumetric Titrate with the sodium thiosulfate standard flask and mix thoroughly. Tostandardizeit,weigh, to volumetricsolutiontoa lightyellowcolour. Add 5ml the nearest 0.1 mg [160 ± 10 mg(m)] of primary ofthe starch solution and continue titration to the standard potassium dichromate into a tared glass disappearance ofthe blue black colour. Record the beaker. Place the contents ofthe beaker in a 500-ml volume (VI) of the sodium thiosulfate standard stoppered conical flask, add 100 ml ofwater and volumetric solution used. 2 ± 0.5 ofpotassium iodide and stirto dissolve.Add 15± I ml ofhydrochloric acid solution (diluted I + B-3 CALCULATION I by volume) swirl and allow to stand for 5 min. The chlorine rcr, ) content, C , expressed as a Titrate with the sodium thiosulfate solution until I percentage by mass (percent, mlm), is given by the solution is pale yellow. Add 5 ± I ml ofstarch the following equation: solution and titrate to the end point that is to the disappearance ofthe blue-black colour. Record the volume(v) used. VI x 0.003 545 x c x 100 m The concentration, c, of the sodium thiosulfate o standard volumetric solution (Na where zSzOj"5HzO), expressed in moles per litre isgiven by the following equation: VI= volumeofthesodiumthiosulfatesolutionused for the titration, in ml; and m c V x 49.031 7 mo= mass ofthe test portion. ing;and where c = actual concentration, expressed in mole/litre m= mass, of potassium dichromate (KzCrp7) ofthesodiumthiosulfatestandardvolumetric weighed, in mg;and solution. 5

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