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IS 15173: Methods of Test for Tars and Bituminous Materials - Determination of Breaking Point for Cationic Bitumen Emulsion PDF

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Preview IS 15173: Methods of Test for Tars and Bituminous Materials - Determination of Breaking Point for Cationic Bitumen Emulsion

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15173 (2002): Methods of Test for Tars and Bituminous Materials - Determination of Breaking Point for Cationic Bitumen Emulsion [PCD 6: Bitumen Tar and their Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Is 15173:2002 3?kfa@tizmT@wT rllf m da@-mmw$ ti-wm %1-=mawmw-hw Indian Standard METHODS OF TEST FOR TARS AND BITUMINOUS MATERIALS —DETERMINATION OF BREAKING POINT FOR CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION Ics 75.140 (3 BIS2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 . August 2002 Price Group 3 Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee, PCD 6 FOREWORD This Indian Standard wasadopted bytheBureau ofIndian Standards, afterthedrafi finalized bythe Bitumen,Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Products Division Council. Bitumen emulsions areheterogeneous two-phase systems consisting oftwo immiscible liquids, that is,bitumen and water. The bitumen is dispersed throughout the continuous water phase in the form of discrete globuIes typically 0.1 – 5.0mm in diameter which again areheld in suspension by electrostatic charges stabilized by an emulsifier. Neutralization of these electrostatic charg~s is known as breaking of the bitumen emulsion. The individual bitumen pa~icles coalesce andjoin together to form a deposition or coating once the charge isneutralized by contact with the aggregates. In surface dressing construction, the spreading of stone aggregates isresorted to only when the emulsion fiIm turns from brown to black. At this point, it is assumed that the bitumen emulsion has broken. The breaking point of bitumen emulsion can, however, be established more precisely by the addition of silica powder under controlled conditions. The amount of silica powder needed to induce the breaking of bitumen emulsion isthen correlated with the breaking time. The breaking point not only helps incaseof construction but alsodistinguishes the rate of breaking of different types of emulsion. The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation ofthis standard is given in Annex A. In reporting the results of a test or analysis in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated, istoberounded off, itshallbedone inaccordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rulesforrounding offnumerical values (revised)’. 1’ Is 15173:2002 Indian Standard METHODS OF TEST FOR TARS AND BITUMINOUS MATERIALS — DETERMINATION OF BREAKING POINT FOR CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION 1 SCOPE Before starting the test, the silica fines shall be dried inan oven at 120°Cand kept ina sealed container. This standard covers method for determination of breaking point of a cationic bitumen emulsion with 5APPARATUS respecttomineral fines.Itappliestoemulsion ofpure bitumen and toemulsion made of cut-back or fluxed 5.1 Conical shaped pan with a non-stick surface, bitumens. having an opening of 2.5 mm diameter such that the flowoffinesisbetween 0.3to0.5g/sorsandpouring 2NORMATIVE REFERENCE cylinder device with which itispossible toobtain the samerate of flow. An example of theapparatus tobe The following Indian Standard contains provision used is shown inFig. 1to 4. which, through reference in this text, constitutes provision of thisstandard. Atthetimeofpublication, 5.2Enameldishmeasuring 20cminsidediameter and the edition indicated was valid, All standards are 10cm high. subject torevision andparties toagreementsbasedon 5.3 Nickel spatula, 20 cm long. this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition ofthe 5.4 Thermostat regulated tank. standard indicated below: 5.5 Balance capable of weighing to an accuracy ISNo. Title of0.1g. 334:2002 Glossmyoftermsrelatingtobitumen and tar (third revision) 6 PREPARATION OF THE SAMPLE 3 TERMINOLOGY 6.1Asample of bitumen emulsion isfiltered through a mesh of the size of 600 pm and made thoroughly Forthepurpose ofthis standar~ thedefinitions given homogenized by stirring. inIS 334 and the following shall apply. 6.2 The amount of reference fines necessary for the 3.1 Breaking Point test is taken from a stock that has previously been The amount of reference fines requi red to induce the homogenized. breaking point of 100 g of emulsion is to be added 7 PROCEDURE steadily to the emulsion according to a conventional procedure. The breaking point isthen calculated. 7.1Keeptheemulsiontobetestedand 1kgofreference fines in sealed containers in a thermostat controlled 4 REAGENTS tank, regulated to a temperature of 25 * 1‘C for one hour before carrying out the test. 4.1 Silica Fines 7.2 Weigh to an accuracy of 0.1 g mass (ml) of the Natural silica fines having silicon oxide (SiOJ enamel dish containing the nickel spatula. percentage of more than 98 pet$ent and density of 2.65g/mlwithneutralpH value.Therangeofparticle 7.3Weighapproximately 100gtowithin 0.1 gofthe sizeshall beasgiven inTable 1. emulsion sample into the dish. The mass of the dish, spatula and emulsion together, determine to within Table 1Range of Particle Size 0.1g (m*). ResidueonSieve,~m Percentage 7.4The massof added emulsion(E) isequal to (1) (2) 100 lto5 E=m2–m, 80 5to 10 63 15t025 7.5 Placetheenameldishinthethermostatwontrolled 50 loto20 tankinwhichthewater ismaintained atatemperature 40 25to35 of25 * lot. Passing40 17t030 Is 15173:2002 I I \ ( I I I i t’ L SCREW F/90 N3X 15, STAINLESS STEEL NOTE—Pan,TrayandPlateareofnon-PlasticizePdVC FIG. 1GENERALVIEW OFTHECONICALPAN r Alldimensionsinmillimetres FIG. 2 THE PAN 2 Is 15173:2002 2X27 I 4-1 tl t // a U, WA I 1 1 1! I A 14w T 4 CHANNEL 5 X 5 — —.— .—-— .— m —-— .- — % -zJ 45 73 - Alldimensioninsmillimetres. FIG. 3THE TRAY I I I I I L ( \ I I II 4dn 1- 35 7’ k z’ TO BE PIERCED 4 Tr 03.2 -/ ON MOUNTING COUNTERSUNK 90” prf 1.5 Alldimensionsinmillimetres FIG. 4 THE PLATE 3 \ I I IS 15173:2002 7.6Fillthepanwiththereference finesthathavebeen 8.LI Interpretation of Results kept at 25°C. The grades of emulsion sitall be identified based on 7.7 Put the pan containing approximately 500 g of the breaking point (Ic)values obtained at8.1 asgiven reference fines on itssupport. below: 7.8 open the pan trap, The fines then drop through a) If 1=is less than 20, it shall be identified as steadily into the dish. At the same time, thoroughly rapid setting (RS)grade; mix 1turn per second, using the spatula. b) If 1=is 20-40, it shall be identified as medium setting (A@ grade; and 7.9 Close the trap when the mixture becomes pasty and anisolated clotforms not adhering tothe sidesof c) Iflcisabove40, itshaIlbeidentified asslow the dish. This clot formation is characteristic of setting (SS) grade. breaking of emulsion. 9 TEST REPORT NOTE—Withcertainemulsionstheformationofaclotisnot Thetestreportshallincludethefollowing information: clearanddoesnotallowaproperresulttoberecorded.Ifthisis thecase,itshallbementionedinthetestreport. a) Thetype ofemulsions tests; 7.10 Re-weigh the dkh with the nickel spatula to b) The results obtained, notably if the forma- within 0.1 g after having wiped the spatula. This is tionofclotisditlicult anddoesnotprovide a referred to asm3. clear test resttlc c) Grade of emulsion; and 7,11 The added mass of fines (m) isequal to d) Anydetailsnotdealtwithinthestandard and m=m, –mz any incidents likely to have htfluenced the results. 8 CALCULATION 10 PRECISION 8.1 The breaking point (IJ of emulsion iscalculated asfollows: 10.1 Repeatability Theresults obtained by the same operator shall not Ic=:XIOO differ bymore than 0.03 IC. 10.2 Reproducibility where E = mass of emulsion; and Preliminary laboratory test results have led to this repeatability value.Other testsaretobecarried outto m = mass of reference fines added. confirm this value and also to add a value for When presenting the results, give the breaking point reproducibility. in relation to silica fines. The breaking point is the mean of the results of three tests. 4 IS 15173:2002 ANNEX A (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee, PCD 6 Organization Representative(s) CentralRoadResearchInstitute,NewDelhi PROFP.K.Won (Chsw”nnan) SmuSum BOSE(AlternateI) DRP.K.Jm (AlternateII) BharatPetroleumCorporationLimited,Murnbai SmuJ.A.Jmut ~ Nozm~ORGE(~/ternate) BuildingMaterialsandTechnologypromotionCormcil,NewDelhi SsmtRK.Cl!tLY SmuB.Am Kw(Ahernafe) CentralFuelResearchInstitute,Dhanbad D@remmr) A.BHAmAaYA SmrU.BHAnACIiARY(AAlternate) CentralPublicWorksDcpartmengNewDelhi SummmmsmEtwuwm Exzctmw Exarma (Alternate) CochinRefineriesLimited,Co&in SmuvP.ArLY SrmrR.Vmtroom-(Altsrrrate) DirectorateGeneralofSuppliesandDkposals,NewDelhi fhF.CTOR DkectorateofGeneralBorderRoads,NewDelhi Smus.s.PGRWAL SstruA.K.GrmA(Alternate) DrUppal’sTestingandAnalyticalLaboratory,Ghaziabad SmrRS.S~ DurgapurProjectsLimited,Durgaptsr EmH.$.S~ Engineer-in-chiefs Branch,ArmyHeadQuarters,NewDelhi COLV.K.P.S- LTCOLR.S.Bwuwvw (Alternate) HighwayResezuchStation,Chennai DrREcroR Dmrrv Dtro3xrR(Alternate) HindustanColasLimited,Mumbai SHSPU.RAtENDRAN SmrrH.P.mratwam (Abnate) HirrdustarrPetroleumCorporationLimited,Mumbai Sm S.K.BHATNAGAR ‘.. . .%rrrAt.S.Prwwuwr (Alternate) IndianInstituteofPetroleum,DebraDun klt U.c. GUFTA SmuMosmAtwm(Ak-rrate) Indian011CorporationLimited(MarketingDWision),Mumbai Star R.S.StSODIA SrrrulkmKw (Alternate) Indian0]1CorporationLimited[(R&D)Centrc],Faridabrrd SmuB.R.TYAGI SmtM.P.lb~ (Afterrrde) IndianOilCorporation(R&P),NewDelhi SrmrU.K.BMW SrmtS.K.Prwmo(Alternate) IndianRoadCongress,NewDelhi SsrtuK.B.R.uom SssarA.V.Smm(Afternate) LloydInsulations(India)Limited,NewDelhi SrsroMGMTKHANNA SWK.K.- (Alternate) MadrasRefineryLimited,Chennai SmrrM.S.SwYm Srrrmmt SW B.S~ (Alternate) MinistryofDefence(DGQA),NewDelhi SmuK.H.G.mom SmuA.K.SW (Alternate) MinistryofSurfaceTransport(DepartmentofSurfaceTransport),NewDelhi SrnuC.C.BHAmACHARYA StarrS.P..%rms(+Alternate) NationalBuildingOrganization,NewDelhi SsrruA.K.L& SrmA.G.DHONGAD(AElterrrde) . NationalTestHouse.Kolkata .%ttuA.K.Cswm.moaW SsiruS.K.AGARWA(LAlternate) (Continued onpage 6) 5

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