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IS 14846: Sluice Valve for Water Works Purposes (50 to 1200 mm Size) - PDF

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Preview IS 14846: Sluice Valve for Water Works Purposes (50 to 1200 mm Size) -

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14846 (2000): Sluice Valve for Water Works Purposes (50 to 1200 mm Size) - [CED 3: Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14846 : 2000 (SupersedingIS780:1984andIS2906:1984) REAFFIRMED 2010 (50 1 200 Indian Standard SLUICE VALVE FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES (50 TO 1 200 mm SIZE) — SPECIFICATION ICS 23.060.30 -, © BIS 2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 2000 Price Group 8 AMENDMENT NO. 1JULY2001 TO IS 14846 : 2000SLUICEVALVE FORWATERWORKS PURPOSES ( SO TO J200mm SIZE)- SPECIFICATION [Page 2, TableI, SINo. (i), col 8]- Substitute'soon' for '260·300112 or 500/2' against IS 1865and add '230-450W' againstIS 1030. [Page 2, Table 1,SINo. (iii), col 5) - Substitutetheexistingby '12Cr13/04Crl8NiIO/04crI7Ni12Mo2'. (Page4, Table2)- SubstitutetheexistingTable2withtheTable2appearing.onpage 2. (Page 5, Table 3)- SubstitutetheexistingTable3withtheTable3appearingonpage3. (Page 7, Clause7.7.3.. line1and 3)- Substitute'nut'for 'net'. ~:~. ~:g. (Page7,Table3A,SINo.2, col3)- Substitute'16 for' 16S (Page 7, Table 4)- Add'Min' belowA, B, CandD. (Page 8,Fig.4)- SubstitutetheexistingFig.4bythe following: SETSCREW FlO 4 VALVE CAP (Page 8,clause7.14)- Insertthefollowingattheendoftbeclause: ,NominalSizeofSluice SizeofByPass Yalw(mm) Arrangen.en-t(mm) 200 2S (Page 9, clause 9.1, lines 3and 4) - Delete '(both inside and outside)'. Price Group 2 h e ngtofuar e q IL S ofom~ ISizeBott ofdel ISi7,eHanWhe b c p e D I ofa·s o.In NPi -, PackingSize Min . e 1.05) nsidDia Nd I n PureB,4a DepthofNut Min forTable1DimensionsofSluiceValvesNomiaalPress7.J2~lA~7.9,(CJouses7.2.4,7.7.1,7.11,7.13andFig.IAUdimensionsmiUimetreS.in D\'u:r'.leD&thDiaColt.Ov~11Squ_1DiaofLengthIfromFJancesWidlboverofThick·CoIl..CoIl.areSquareHeight'AtStemness PDHMaXT~aL2t manufacturer'sperAsdesign NOTESPIdaredI-PDdimc:asioas(shortbody).IcIimcnsioos2-ALTIAIIeIaIc(Iooabody).AbaBaIcdimaasioIIS.D3-ALTII.pyea4-$dddedDimeAsioasAhanIlceffectfrom11IMbUwiDstaDdwith012005.April,-notified.dimcnsioaswiDbeAs...these5-wbaJISOstipulllCS,(SS)hctinac:ascofcaseofsquareIUdsidesizediImcterinillrouodpackinp.shapedRpleseots'AtOdluToierucaTeImuIca_~mmUplAdiDdudiDl300_2TolctanccsX±square,•andnunto:1:0.5OIliPdudiD&JaIIdIonlad:l:l.Omm~3006003CoJeraac:esofTsquare,AboveIIIIIlIIIID*%S.Ommwhc:e~6OO.adindUclillllOO..DsizeAbove4Toter.ccsofblodmIDOIlofIcn&dtindudiD&100I000SToIerIDccs'V'ladsquareAbove:t:O.Smm:I:1DIDlIDOIl1OOOmm*6...Above N t i ....2:~ ~gFiii..i h e gtf ar IUn 0 Squ CAP Sizeofottomquare X BS SizeofHandWbcd D h pt F e D X GBO No.ofPack-ing J I TUFfL" Packing Size Min J.6 d5) S •e PN an nsidDia e 4 I ur 8, h ss 1 eptofNut re A, D P l Table3DimeasionsofSluiceValvesforNominal and7.2.4,7.7.1,7.9,7.11,7.12,7.13Fig.(Clauses Alldimensionsinmillimdres. maLengthfromOverallCoil.SquareOilLcogtbofCol...HciIbtofofThick-nessStall~Collar Aspel'IDM1IJ6acbIl'Cl"sdesip stIDddddcdwillApri1200S.dIect1iomwith01 uesidecascofmuDdsquareIIuIpcdinIDdpactiDp.of TolerucaOdterTelenaccsIUdX0.5....squR,•:l:OIl*IcaIIbToIa'aDccsC1.0_ofsquIIC,00mewbccI.sofhmdToIcnnc:csD5.0....00IaJ&dtsquare'V'ofT0.5oIcnDcaODIBID:t IlcDgthWHbhFlangesOvcr6A' NOTES PIdcmdeli....body).1-PD(sbort 2-ALTIdimNk8(Joncbody).~I n3-ALTUAJIcmIIc"iewwioafJiftIlDimensionsUDderS0AltcmaIeof-PKtiaI*cilldiImaersize5-IqRICII&I Lacti'A'T*ruca..IDdiDcludinl3002Up±tomillIDJD*iDdudiD&6eD..3003AboYe-.dIDID*-sAboYeind......6001004millDUD*iDchIdiaaIDeS100I000SAboveI11IIIImJlAboYcI0006:t:IDIDIDIIl ni:l~'-' ~ !&:Il~:5'~::r~o~~..::pft•o=..'<..o~. ZB~~~~ AMENDMENT NO. 2 JUNE 2004 TO IS 14846: 2000 SLUICE VALVE FOR WA'fER WORKS PURPOSES (50TO 1200 mm SIZE) SPECIFICATION I Page 2. Table 1, Sf No. (iii), col 5 (see also Amendment No.1) ] Substitute '12Cr12'for '12Cr13'. ( Page 15)- Substitute 'IS 6603 :2001'for 'IS 6003 :2000'. ((~ED 3) ReprographyUnit,81S.NewDelhi. India AMENDMENT NO. 3 AUGUST 2010 TO IS 14846 : 2000 SLUICE VALVES FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES (50 TO 1 200 mm SIZE) — SPECIFICATION [Page 2, Table 1, Sl No. (v), col 8] — Insert ‘04 Cr17 Ni12 Mo2’ after ‘04 Cr18 Ni10’. [Page 4, Table 2, col 18 (see also Amendment No. 1)] — Insert ‘Min’ after ‘No. of Packing’. [Page 5, Table 3, col 18 (see also Amendment No. 1)] — Insert ‘Min’ after ‘No. of Packing’. (Page 7, Table 3A, Sl No. 4) — Insert ‘holes’ after ‘bolts’. (CED 3) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India Sanitary Appliances and WaterFittings Sectional Committee, CEO 3 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. after the draft finalized by the Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. IS780wasfirstissued in 1956andthefirst,second, third, fourth, fifthandsixth revisions wereissued in 1963, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1980 and 1984, respectively. In this revision, the committee. following the practices at International leveldecided to merge IS2906 in this standard. Forconnections of sluice valves toa pipeline,certain situations may require the useof fittings like tail pieces and adapters. The requirement of these fittings arecovered in IS 1538. WhileformulatingtheStandardanattempthasbeenmadeofmakingthisstandard inlinewithotherInternational as. Standards formulated on thesubject. Guidance hasbeen taken from AWWA,DIN,lIS andISOstandards. Atthesame time the practices followed inthisfield inthecountry have been kept in view. The information tobesupplied withenquiry andorder by the purchaser is given in Annex. D. The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex F Forthe purposeofdeciding whetheraparticularrequirementof thisstandardiscomplied with thefinalvalue. observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2: 1960'Rules forroundingoffnumericalvalues(revised)'. The numberofsignificantplacesretained inthe rounded off valueshould be thesame as thatof thespecified value in this standard.

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