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IS 12131: Textiles - Worsted Suitings (Amalgamating IS 12132:1987) PDF

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Preview IS 12131: Textiles - Worsted Suitings (Amalgamating IS 12132:1987)

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 12131 (2005): Textiles - Worsted Suitings (Amalgamating IS 12132:1987) [TXD 4: Wool and Wool Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS12131:2005 (Amalgamating IS12132: 1987) wR#hTwFP- m – q@&/jfaT – fmli% (9m7ylawT) Indian Standard TEXTILES — WORSTED SUITINGS — SPECIFICATION (First Revision) ICS 59.020 0 BIS 2005 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 2005 Price Group 4 Wool and Wool Products Including Floor Coverings Sectional Committee, TX 04 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) wasadopted bytheBureau ofIndian Standards, after the drafl finalized by the Wool and Wool Products Including Floor Coverings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Textile Division Council. This standard was first published in 1987. This revision has been taken up to update the standard on the basis of experience gained during itsuse to cover the following major changes: a) Keeping inview the similarity inrequirements and end use, IS 12132 : 1987 ‘Specification for polyester wool blended worsted suitings’ has been amalgamated with this standard. Accordingly, the title of this standard has been modified to cover polyester wool blended worsted suitings also. b) Sampling and criteria for conformity have been modified. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard isgiven in Annex C. For the purpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement of this standard iscomplied with, the fhal value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with 1S2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. Thenumber ofsignificant places retained inthe rounded off value should be the same asthat of the specified value inthis standard. IS 12131:2005 Indian Standard TEXTILES — WORSTED SUITINGS — SPECIFICATION (First Revision) 1 SCOPE t) Prominently noticeable thick and thin places; g) Cuts and holes; and This standard prescribes the requirements of worsted suitings. h) Dyeing defects (streaks, patches). 2 REFERENCES 6 MARKING The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions 6.1 The cloth shall be marked with the following: which through reference in this text, constitute a) Name of the material; provision of thisstandard. Atthetimeof publication, b) Manufacturer’s name, initials or oftrade-mark the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreement based on ‘ c) Yearofmanufacture; this standard are encouraged to investigate the d) Length and width of the piece; and possibility of applying the most recent editions of e) Blend composition inaccordance with IS 1793. the standards. 6.2 BIS Certification Marking 3 TERMINOLOGY The worsted suitings may also be marked with the For the purpose of this standard, the following Standard Mark. definitions along with those given in IS 11206 shall apply. 6.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by theprovisions ofBureau ofIndian Stan&r& Act, 1986 3.1 All Wool Worsted Suiting — Fabric made from and the Rules andRegulations made thereunder. The virgin wool spun on combed fibre spinning system. details of conditions under which the license for the 3.2 Worsted Spun Yarn —Yam spunfromlongfibre useofStandard Markmaybe granted tomanufacturers slivers after removal of short fibres in the combing or producers may be obtained tlom Bureau of Indian process. Standards. 3.3 Virgin Wool —Pureandnewwool, commercially 7 PACKING it means wool that has not be en processed or used 7.1 Packing may bedoneeither inthe form ofa‘bale’ before andisthus distinctly differen t fromreprocessed or ‘case’ asrequired by the buyer. wool or reused wool. 7.2 Bale Packing 4 MANUFACTURE Eachpiece offabric shallbefolded tohalf of itswidth Yam used inthemanufacture ofthese fabrics shall be over a cardboard or straw board of suitable size and spunoncombedfibrespinningsystemtiom virginwool thickness. Each piece shallthen bewrapped with low- or with itsblend with other fibres. density polyethylene film of minimum 40 micron 5 REQUIREMENTS thickness and conforming to IS 2508. A suitable number of such pieces shall again be covered with 5.1 The worsted suitings shall meet the requirements another layer of polyethylene film of the same type asgiven inTable 1. followed byawaterproof packing paper conforming to IS 1398 and then be enclosed in an outer layer of 5.2 The worsted suitings shallbe generally free from hessian cloth/HDPE woven fabric, preferably objectionable flaws such as: conforming to Type 1 of IS 2818 (Part 2)/IS 6899 a) Missing ends and picks; respectively, in the form of a bale. The bale shall be b) Floats; finally strapped with metallic/synthetic straps. c) Stains; 7.3 Case Packing d) Weft bars and warp section marks; Each piece of fabric to be packed shall be fwstfolded e) Big slubs, knots and specks unless they are a tohalf of itswidth over acardboard or straw board of part of the design; suitable size and thickness. Each piece shall then be 1 IS 12131:2005 TabIel Requirements for Worsted Suitings (Clause 5.1) SI Characteristic Requirement MethodofTest, No. Refto (1) (2) (3) (4) O Length,m tolerance Asagreed/declared/markednonegative Is 1954 tolerance ii) Width,cm tolerance AS agreed/declared/marked *1.25 1s1954 percentsubjecttoam&imum of2cm iii) Mrrss,g/mz tolerance Asagreed/declared/marked+3pereent 1S1964(seeNote I) iv) Creaserecoveryangle,J4in: 1S4681 a) Warpway 140” b) Weftway 14cr’ v) Bendingrigidity,mgcm: IS6490 a) Warpway lloto 170 b) Weftway 85to100 vi) Drape,percent 40to55 IS8357 vii) Pillingresistance 4orbetter 1s10971 viii) Fibrecontent: IS8476 a) AllWOOsIuiting Woolcontent,percent 100 Tolerance Up to 0.3 percent for inadvertent fibre upto 5 percent for decorative/ technicalreasonbyusingnon-celhrlosic tibres b) Blendsuiting: IS2006 1) Wool,percent Asdeclared+3units 2) Polyesterorothertibres,percent Asdeclared+3units ix) Breakingstrengthon5cmx 20cmN(kgf),A4irr: IS1969 a) Warpway 200(20) b) Wefiway 200(20) @ Relaxationshrinkage,percent,M u AnnexB a) Warpway 2.0 b) Wetlway 2.0 xi) Colourfastnessto: a) Light 4orbetter IS2454 b) Washing:Test2 I) Changeincolourofthetestspecimen 4orbetter IS3361 2) Stainingontheadjacentfabrics 4orbetter c) Dry-cleaning: IS4802 I) Changeincolourofthespecimen 4orbetter 2) Stainingofthesolvent 4orbetter d) Dry-heattreatment IS4636 1) Changeincolourofthetestspecimen 3-4orbetter 2) Stainingontheadjacentfabrics 3-4orbetter xii) pH valueofaqueousextract 5.0to7.5 IS1390 xiii) Solventextractablematter,percent,MUX 1.0 IS4390(seeNote2) NOTES 1 Incaseofoven-drymethod,themoistureregainvaluesforwoolandotherfibresshallbeasgiveninIS13157. 2 Whiletestingthisrequirement,petroleumethersolventshallbeusedinplaceof benzene-methylalcoholmixture. 2 IS 12131:2005 wrapped with low density polyethylene film of 8.2 The conformity of alottothe requirements ofthe minimum 4(I micron thickness conforming to standard shall be determined on the basis of the tests IS 2508. A suitable number of such pieces shall then carried out on the samples selected from the lot. be covered with a layer of kraft paper conforming to IS 1398and then enclosed inawooden case.The case 8.3 Unless otherwise agreed to between the buyer shallbefinally strapped withmetallic/synthetic straps. and the seller, the number of pieces to be selected at random shall be in accordance with co] 2 and 3 of 8 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR Table 2. To ensure randomness of selection, IS 4905 CONFORMITY may be used. 8.1 Lot 8.4 Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity The quantity of cloth delivered to abuyer against one 8.4.1 Thenumber oftests and criteria for conformity despatch note shall constitute a lot. shall be as given in Table 3. Table 2 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity 0 (Clause 8.3, and Table 3) S1No. LotSize SampleSize AcceptanceNumber Sub-sampleSize (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) O up to 50 8 0 5 ii) 51 - 150 20 1 5 iii) 151 - 280 32 2 5 iv) 281 - 500 50 3 5 v) 501-1200 80 5 5 vi) 1201 -3200 125 7 5 vii) 3201 and above 200 10 5 3 IS 12131:2005 Table 3 Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity (Clause 8.4.1) , S1No. Characteristics No.ofPieces CriteriaforConformity (1) (2) (3) (4) O Length AccordingtoCOI3ofTable2 Lengthofeachpiecenottomeasureless thanthedeclaredormarkedlength ii) Width do Width of each piece to remain within +2cmofthedeclaredwidth iii) Masspersquaremetre do Mass per square metre of each piece to remainwithin*3percentofthedeclared vahre iv) Relaxationshrinkage AccordingtoCOI5ofTable2 (Z) +0.4R<specifiedvahre(seeNote) v) Pillingresistance do All the test specimens to satisfy the relevantrequirements vi) Creaserecoveryangle Accordingtocol5ofTable2 (i) -0.4 R> specifiedvalu~see Note) (warpwayandwettway) vii) Bendingrigidity do All the test specimens to satisfy the relevantrequirements viii) Drape,percent do do ix) Blendpercentage do do x) Breakingload do do xi) Colourfastness do do xii) Solventextractablematterand do do pHvalueofaqueousextract NOTE (i) = averagevalueobtainedbydividingthesumoftheobserved valuesbythenumberoftestresults. R= range,thatis,thedifferencebetweenthemaximumandminimuminasetofobservedvalues. 4 IS 12131 :200s ANNEX A (Clause 2) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS 1 >. Title IS No. Title 1390: 983 Methods for determination of 4390:200 Textiles — Method for value of aqueous extracts estimation of solvent soluble DH Df textile materials (first matter in textile materials @st revision) revision) (Amalgamating IS 5152) 1398: 982 Packing paper, water-proof, bitumen laminated (second 4636:1988 Method for determination of revision) colour fastness of textile materials to dry-heat treatments 1793:1973 Guide for marking textile (excluding pressing) (first materials made of wool @rst revision) revision) 4681:1981 Method for determination of 1954:1990 Determination of length and recovery fkomcreasing oftextile width of woven fabrics — fabrics by measuring the angle Methods (second revision) of recovery (first revision) 1964:2001 Textiles — Methods for 4905:1968 Methods for random sampling determination of mass per unit 4802:1988 Method for determination of length and mass per unit area of colour fastness of textile fabrics (second revision) materials to dry-cleaning @rst 1969:1985 Methods for determination of revision) breaking load and elongation of 6359:1971 Method for conditioning of woven textile fabrics (second textiles revision) 6490:1971 Method for determination of 2006:1988 Method forquantitative chemical stifl%essof fabrics — Cantilever analysis of binary mixtures of test protein fibres with certain other 6899:1997 Textiles — High density non-protein fibres (second polyethylene (HDPE) woven revision) fabrics — Specification (second 2454:1985 Methods for determination of revision) colour fas t ness of textile 8357:1977 Method for assessment of fabric materials to artificial light drape (Xenon lamp) @st revision) 8476:1977 Method for determination of 2508:1984 Specification for low density wool content in woollen textile polyethylene films (second materials revision) 10971:1984 Method for determination of 2818 (Part2) :1971 Indian Hessian: Part 2 305 and pillfng resistance of fabrics 229 g/m2at 16percent contract 11206:1984 Glossary of textile terms — regain (fhst revision) Wool and other animal fibres, their processing and products 3361:1979 Method for determination of colour fastness of textile 13157:1991 Textile fibres — Commercial materials to washing, Test 2 moisture regains — (first revision) Specification

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