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Investigation of the Usage of Artifacts in Agile Methods PDF

63 Pages·2013·2.29 MB·English
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Preview Investigation of the Usage of Artifacts in Agile Methods

FAKULTÄT FÜR INFORMATIK DERTECHNISCHENUNIVERSITÄTMÜNCHEN Master’s Thesis in Computer Science Investigation of the Usage of Artifacts in Agile Methods Matthias Gröber FAKULTÄT FÜR INFORMATIK DERTECHNISCHENUNIVERSITÄTMÜNCHEN Master’s Thesis in Computer Science Analyse der Verwendung von Artefakten in Agilen Methoden Investigation of the Usage of Artifacts in Agile Methods Author: MatthiasGröber Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.ManfredBroy Advisor: Dr.MarcoKuhrmann Submissiondate: January15,2013 Iassurethesinglehandedcompositionofthismaster’sthesisonlysupportedbydeclared resources. Munich,January15,2013 MatthiasGröber Acknowledgements I like to express my honest gratitude to all the people who supported and encouraged meduringtherealizationofthisthesis. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Marco Kuhr- mannwhowelcomedmewellattheChairforSoftware&SystemsEngineeringandpro- vided me a good introduction to the topic. I am very thankful for his confidence, opti- mism, advice and guidance I got whenever we met. All the consultations we had were veryinspiringandmotivatingforme. I also would like to thank my co-advisor Dr. Daniel Méndez Fernández for taking the time to equip me with the necessary expertise and knowledge about study methods. FurtherIamverygratefulfortheinsightfultalksaboutartifactorientationandmodeling. I would like to thank him for all the support he provided when we met or by studying hispublications. Myverysincerethanksgotomyfamily,myparentsandmysister,fortheirconstantsup- portandencouragement.Theywere,andare,alwayssupportingmeasgoodaspossible. Myspecialthanksgotomyfatherforproofreadingandhishelpfulremarksonthethesis. FinallyIwanttoexpress mygratefulnesstomygirlfriendformotivatingmeevery time when it was necessary. Moreover I thank her for help me to elaborate and stick to my schedule. Also I am grateful to my flat mates for not complaining about missing check marks on thecleaningrosterinthelastweeksbeforesubmittingthisthesis. Withouttheeffortofallofyou,thecompletionofthethesiswouldnothavebeenpossible. Abstract BACKGROUND:Thereisalackinformalismregardingartifact-orientationinagiledeve- lopment. Even though artifacts support the values stated in the Agile Manifesto, they attractlittleattention.Artifactsarepoorlydefinedforagilemethods.Thisthesisstartsto closethisgap. AIMS: The target is to investigate the state of the art in artifact-orientation in agile soft- waredevelopment.Findandanalyzeartifactscommonlyusedinagiledevelopmentand the relationships between them. Generalize artifacts and relations over different agile methods. The aim of this study is to create an artifact model supporting various agile developmentmethods. METHODS:AsystematicreviewtechniquecombiningaSystematicLiteratureReviewand a Systematic Mapping Study is used to extract data about artifacts from literature. The data was extracted from literature in digital libraries with the help of an automated ap- proachfollowingastrictresearchprotocol. RESULTS:Artifact-orientationisnotverycommoninagiledevelopmentbutthenumber ofpublicationsisincreasinginthelastyearsandtheresearchismaturing.76of489ana- lyzed publications qualified to contribute to the study. 19 commonly used artifacts and theirrelationshipscouldbeextractedfromawell-chosensetofagilemethods. CONCLUSION: The resulting artifacts and relations were composed to an artifact model for agile development that is independent of any specific agile method. It is completely new to the field of agile development to have an empirically generated artifact model. Theartifactmodelcouldberefined,extendedandvalidatedasfurtherwork.

Find and analyze artifacts commonly used in agile development and the relationships .. all what is called "agile" today. interesting to understand witch artifacts contribute to working software. facets are explained in Section 3.4.
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