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Investigation of the Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on MBE Grown GaAsBi/GaAs PDF

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Preview Investigation of the Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on MBE Grown GaAsBi/GaAs

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AArrkkaannssaass,, FFaayyeetttteevviillllee SScchhoollaarrWWoorrkkss@@UUAARRKK Graduate Theses and Dissertations 12-2013 IInnvveessttiiggaattiioonn ooff tthhee EEffffeeccttss ooff RRaappiidd TThheerrmmaall AAnnnneeaalliinngg oonn MMBBEE GGrroowwnn GGaaAAssBBii//GGaaAAss HHeetteerroossttrruuccttuurreess ffoorr OOppttooeelleeccttrroonniicc DDeevviicceess Perry C. Grant University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uark.edu/etd Part of the Electrical and Electronics Commons, Electronic Devices and Semiconductor Manufacturing Commons, Nanotechnology Fabrication Commons, and the Semiconductor and Optical Materials Commons CCiittaattiioonn Grant, P. C. (2013). Investigation of the Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on MBE Grown GaAsBi/GaAs Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Devices. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from https://scholarworks.uark.edu/etd/957 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UARK. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UARK. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Investigation of the Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on MBE Grown GaAsBi/GaAs Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Devices Investigation of the Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on MBE Grown GaAsBi/GaAs Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Devices A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Microelectronics/Photonics by Perry C. Grant Southern Arkansas University Bachelors of Science in Engineering Physics, 2011 December 2013 University of Arkansas This thesis is approved for recommendation to the Graduate Council. __________________________________ __________________________________ Dr. Shui-Qing Yu Dr. Hameed Naseem Thesis Director Committee member __________________________________ __________________________________ Dr. Gregory Salamo Professor Ken Vickers Committee member Ex-Officio Member The following signatories attest that all software used in this thesis was legally licensed for use by Perry Grant for research purposes and publication. __________________________________ __________________________________ Perry C. Grant, Student Dr. Shui-Qing Yu, Thesis Director This thesis was submitted to http://www.turnitin.com for plagiarism review by the TurnItIn company’s software. The signatories have examined the report on this thesis that was returned by TurnItIn and attest that, in their opinion, the items highlighted by the software are incidental to common usage and are not plagiarized material. __________________________________ __________________________________ Prof. Ken Vickers, Program Director Dr. Shui-Qing Yu, Thesis Director Abstract High efficiency optoelectronic devices rely on high quality materials making up the device structure. The scope of this thesis investigates the effectiveness of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at improving the material quality of GaAsBi/GaAs heterostructures. During the fabrication of a device, the contacts of the device had the rapid thermal annealing process accomplished to produce ohmic contacts and this research explored if this annealing treatment degraded the quantum wells that made up the active region of a device. To investigate these effects, a system to measure the photoluminescence of the material system was constructed utilizing Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. The photoluminescence intensity of the grown heterostructures was measured before and after RTA to see if there was any gain in the luminescence of the heterostructures. Measured gain is attributed to the reduction in non- radiative defects within the GaAsBi/GaAs material system. For the annealing time of 60 seconds, it was shown that the photoluminescence intensity does increase to a maximum at the 500°C annealing temperature. The maximum gain in photoluminescence intensity was 2.2 times that of the non-annealed intensity at room temperature. Over this temperature the optical quality of the material system began to degrade. The structure of the quantum well remained well formed until an annealing temperature of 750°C at which point the quantum well was destroyed. X-ray diffraction measurements were also performed to investigate the structural effects of rapid thermal annealing on the heterostructures. The post growth rapid thermal annealing process was shown to moderately improve the photoluminescence of GaAsBi/GaAs heterostructures by increasing the peak intensity by 2.2 times. The structure of the heterostructures under investigation displayed structural stability up to 750°C, proving that the structural stability could be maintained during the device fabrication process. Acknowledgement I would like to first thank my advisor Professor Shui-Qing Yu, for taking me under his wing and supporting my study and research at the University of Arkansas. From the moment I met him, I knew that this research was what I wanted to do and he was who I wanted to work with. He has driven me to complete this research, while his guidance has illuminated the way. His unwavering commitment to me and my son have made all this possible. I am thankful to Professor Hameed Naseem who not only collaborates with our research group, but took time from his busy schedule to be on my thesis committee. His feedback on the work that I have accomplished has helped me to focus on areas in which I needed to improve. I would also like to thank Dr. Gregory Salamo, for not only taking time out of his extremely busy schedule to be part of my thesis committee, but also giving me a chance to learn the MBE growth of Bi materials for my future study. I would like to thank Professor Ken Vickers for him giving me this opportunity and for keeping my feet to the fire when it got crunch time. His dedication to his students has been unyielding. I would like to extend a tremendous amount of thanks to Dr. Dongsheng Fan. Not only did he grow the structures needed for this research, but he assisted me anytime I needed him during my research. He is truly an inspiration that I hope to emulate to the best of my ability. His guidance in helping me start my research as well as discussing ways to improve my research has always been invaluable. His commitment to me has extended after he graduated and I am honored to have worked with him for the time that he was here. Special thanks go out to Ben Conley for his help in understanding the way the FTIR system works and Amir Ghetmiri for all his help on clarifying the optical necessities needed for the PL measurement system. I would like to thank Aboozar Mosleh for his work on helping me complete the HRXRD measurements needed for this research. I would like to thank the rest of Dr. Yu’s research group for their support and encouragement from week to week in questioning the research that I have done so that I work to understand it better and for being the good friends that they have come to be. I would like to thank Dr. Omar Manasreh, for use of the RTA in his laboratory. I would like to thank Dr. Mourad Benamara for his training on the TEM even if I have not used it yet in the research, his expertise will be invaluable in the future. I would also like to thank Mike Hawkridge for training me and helping on HRXRD measurements that were needed for this research. I would like to thank my father, James W. Grant for his ever extending support no matter what I needed. I would also like to thank his fiancée, Judy Hudman, who has been a blessing, both to my dad and to me. Thank you so much for being there for us. I would like to thank the rest of my friends both near and abroad for their support of what I am accomplishing. I would like to thank all the funding agencies that saw this work to completion. This work is supported by NSF MRSEC Program (DMR-0520550), NSF Career Award (DMR- 1149605), NSFC-51272038, and Arkansas Biosciences Institute. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Arkansas Biosciences Institute. Dedication This thesis is dedicated to my son J.B. Grant. He has been the driving force behind my working to improve myself. His love and support of his dad has been a rock when I have needed it. His excitement at the research I am accomplishing shows just how much a child can be involved with this process. Through the good times and the hard ones, during my study at the University of Arkansas, he has always had a smile on his face to brighten my day. To see him playing keeps me reminded what it is to have fun and no matter how stressful things get to find a way to have a bit of fun to reduce the stress away. I am grateful that he is with me as we both pursue our educations. We started school on the same day in Fayetteville, with me beginning graduate school and him entering kindergarten. We have done this together and have had a great time doing it. Here is to my son, may he do more than his daddy every thought of. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Current telecommunication laser diodes .......................................................................... 2 1.2 GaAsBi material for temperature insensitive infrared laser diodes ................................. 4 1.3 Material Improvement Using Post Growth Thermal Treatments................................... 12 1.4 Scope of thesis ................................................................................................................ 14 Chapter 2 Experimental Design and measurements ................................................................ 15 2.1 Experimental Design of Annealing Treatment............................................................... 15 2.2 Sample measurements .................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 19 Chapter 3 Rapid Thermal Annealing ....................................................................................... 20 3.1 Heatpulse Rapid Thermal Annealer ............................................................................... 20 3.2 Annealing Recipes.......................................................................................................... 22 3.3 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 24 Chapter 4 Photoluminescence (PL) ......................................................................................... 25 4.1 PL system construction .................................................................................................. 26 4.2 PL system testing ........................................................................................................... 34 4.3 Pre-Annealing PL Measurements .................................................................................. 41 4.4 Post annealing PL measurements ................................................................................... 45 4.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 51 Chapter 5 X-ray Diffraction .................................................................................................... 52 5.1 Equipment Utilized and Measurement Procedure .......................................................... 52 5.2 Composition and Thickness of Heterostructures ........................................................... 54 5.3 Post annealing measurements......................................................................................... 57 5.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 60 Chapter 6 Summary, Conclusion, and Future Work ............................................................... 61 References ..................................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix A Description of Research for Popular Publication ..................................................... 69 Appendix B Executive Summary of Newly Created Intellectual Property .................................. 72 Appendix C Potential Patent and Commercialization Aspects of Listed Intellectual Property Items .............................................................................................................................................. 73 Appendix D Broader Impact of Research ..................................................................................... 74 D.1 Applicability of Research Methods to Other Problems...................................................... 74 D.2 Impact of Research Results on U.S. and Global Society ................................................... 74 D.3 Impact of Research Results on the Environment ............................................................... 74 Appendix E Microsoft project for MS MicroEP Degree Plan ...................................................... 75 Appendix F Identification of All Software Used for Research and Thesis Generation ................ 79 Appendix G All Publications Published, Submitted, or Planned Journals: .................................. 80 G.1 Journals ............................................................................................................................... 80 G.2 Conferences: ....................................................................................................................... 80

I would like to first thank my advisor Professor Shui-Qing Yu, for taking me . Annealing Recipes. These materials have transformed the radio and TV from replaced by the smart phone and the typewriter has been replaced by
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