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Inverse Compton Scenarios for the TeV Gamma-Ray Emission of the Galactic Centre J. A. Hinton Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, P.O. Box 103980, D 69029 Heidelberg, Germany Landessternwarte, Universita¨t Heidelberg, Ko¨nigstuhl, D 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 7 0 School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK 0 2 F. A. Aharonian n a Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland J Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, P.O. Box 103980, D 69029 Heidelberg, Germany 3 2 3 v ABSTRACT 7 5 The intense Compton cooling of ultra-relativistic electrons in the Klein-Nishina regime in 5 radiation dominated environments, such as that found in the Galactic Centre, may result in 7 radicallydifferentelectronspectrathanthoseproducedbySynchrotroncooling. Weexplorethese 0 effects and their impact onthe X-ray and γ-rayspectra produced in electronacceleratorsin this 6 0 region in comparison to elsewhere in our galaxy. We discuss the broad-band emission expected / fromthenewlydiscoveredpulsarwindnebulaG359.95 0.04andthepossiblerelationshipofthis h − p X-ray source to the central TeV γ-ray source HESSJ1745 290. Finally we discuss the possible − - relationship of the Galactic Centre INTEGRAL source IGRJ1745.6 2901to the TeV emission. o − r Subject headings: pulsar wind nebulae: general — pulsar wind nebulae: individual(G359.95−0.04, t s G0.9+0.1) a : v 1. Introduction There is no evidence for variability on hour • i toyeartime-scales(Rolland & Hinton2005; X The detection of TeV γ-rays from the Galac- Albert et al. 2006) r tic Centre (GC) by several groups, Kosack et al. a (2004); Tsuchiya et al. (2004); Aharonian et al. The centroid of the γ-ray emission lies (2004b);Albert et al.(2006),canbeconsideredas • within1′ ofSgrA⋆ (Aharonian et al.2004b; oneofthemostexcitingdiscoveriesofrecentyears Rolland & Hinton 2005) in High Energy Astrophysics. After initial dis- The rms size of the emission regionmust be agreements,thebasicpropertiesoftheTeVsource • ′ less than 3, equivalent to 7 parsecs at the (HESSJ1745 290) now seem to be firmly estab- − GC distance (Aharonian et al. 2004b) lished, withthe valuesfromthe H.E.S.S.(Hinton 2004) instrument providing the highest level of The implied 1–10 TeV γ-ray luminosity of the accuracy. The key experimental findings are: source is 1035 erg s−1. A wide range of possi- ble counterparts and mechanisms have been put The energy spectrum in the range 0.15– • forward to explain the γ-ray emission. These in- 20 TeV can be described by a power law: dN/dE = k(E/1TeV)−Γ cm−2 s−1 TeV−1 clude the annihilation of dark matter (unlikely due to the measured spectral shape, see Profumo with k = 1.8 0.1 0.3 ,Γ = 2.29 ± stat ± sys ± (2005)) and the astrophysical objects Sgr A⋆ 0.05 0.1 (Rolland & Hinton 2005). stat sys ± (Aharonian & Neronov 2005) and Sgr A East 1 (Fatuzzo & Melia 2003; Crocker et al. 2005). A of electrons in time-steps much shorter than the hadronic origin of the γ-ray emission seems plau- age of the system. Synchrotron and IC energy sible,originatingeitherwithinthesesourcesorin- losses are calculated using the formalism devel- directlyviatheinjectionofhadronsintothedense oped by Blumenthal & Gould (1970). centralparsecregion(Aharonian & Neronov2005; Theirregularspectralshape ofelectronsshown Lu et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2006). Indeed, there in Fig. 1 is reflected differently in the syn- is strong evidence for the existence of a pro- chrotron and IC radiation components (see e.g. ton accelerator close to the GC (at least in the Khangulyan & Aharonian 2005; Moderski et al. past) in the form of the recently discovered TeV 2005). Another interesting feature of these con- emission of the GMCs of the central molecular ditions is that due to enhanced IC losses, the zone (Aharonian et al. 2006). Nevertheless, an synchrotronradiationofelectronswillbe strongly ◦ origin of the central 0.1 γ-ray emission in suppressed (by an order of magnitude or more), ≤ the interactions of TeV electrons remains a com- unless the magnetic field in extended regions of pelling alternative. Several scenarios have been GC exceeds 100 µG. This situation is in stark discussed in which the persistent TeV emission contrast to that in the GD. where IC emission is is explained by inverse Compton (IC) scattering strongly suppressed for magnetic fields > 10 µG. of electrons in the central parsec. The termina- In Fig. 2, we compare the fractional energy dis- tion shock of a hypothetical wind from the su- tribution resulting from the injection of the same permassive black hole (Atoyan & Dermer 2004), power-law spectrum of electrons for two values stellar wind shocks (Quataert & Loeb 2005) and of the mean magnetic field in the source (10 µG ′′ the newly discovered X-ray nebulae 8 from and 100 µG) for 3 locations in our galaxy: (i) the Sgr A⋆ (Wang et al. 2006) have all been proposed central1 pc, (ii) at 100 pc from GC, and (iii) in a as acceleration sites for these electrons. standardsite inthe GD. The radiationfields used Whilst the formation of synchrotron and IC in Fig. 2 and throughout this paper are given in nebulae around sources of multi-TeV electrons Table 1. proceeds in general in the GC as in other regions Some of these effects have been discussed by of the galactic disk (GD), the very high density Wang et al. (2006) in the context of a possible of low-frequency radiation in GC leads to signif- identification of HESSJ1745 290with the candi- icant deviations from the typical disk scenario. date Pulsar Wind Nebula (P−WN) G359.95 0.04. The high radiation density (out to 10 pc from In this paper, we present the results of n−umer- ∼ Sgr A⋆) not only provides copious targets for γ- ical calculations based on time-dependent treat- ray production, but also creates rather unusual ment of the formation of the energy spectrum of conditions for the formation of the spectrum of electrons. We discuss the case of G359.95 0.04 TeVelectrons. Formagneticfieldslessthan 100 and show that indeed this PWN can explai−n the ∼ µG, the energydensity of radiationappearsmuch TeV γ-ray emission from the GC. The implied B- higher than the energy density of the magnetic fieldinthisscenarioappearstobearound100µG. field, thus eveninthe modestKlein-Nishina (KN) Remarkably,PWNe similar to G359.95 0.04(i.e. regime,TeVelectronsarecooledpredominantlyby with similarly large B-field and compar−able ener- IClosses. Thisleadstohardening ofthespectrum getics)locatedintheconventionalsiteswithinthe (notsteepeningasinthetypicalGDenvironment) GD would be undetectable with any current or up to very high ( 100 TeV) energies (the deep planned TeV γ-rayinstrument. The conversealso ≥ KNregime),wherethe synchrotronlossesstartto holds: typical TeV γ-ray PWNe (with B-field of dominate over IC losses. Figure 1 illustrates the about10µGorless)wouldnotbedetectableinX- cooling time for electrons in the presence of both rays if located in the central 1 pc region. Finally, strong radiation fields and magnetic fields (lower we discuss the conditions implied by the inter- panel) and the modification of the injected elec- pretation of the hard X-ray emission detected by tron spectrum after cooling (upper panel). The INTEGRAL (Neronov et al. 2005; B´elanger et al. time-evolution of the electron spectrum (in Fig- 2006) as synchrotron emission of multi-TeV elec- ure1andthroughoutthispaper)iscalculatednu- tronsinthecontextofthesevereIClossesofthese merically, considering energy losses and injection electrons. 2 Rad. Field / Component (kT) UV/optical NIR FIR CMBR (3 eV) (0.3 eV) (6 10−3 eV) (2.35 10−4 eV) × × R1 - 0.2 0.2 0.26 R2 - 9 1 0.26 R3 5000 5000 500 0.26 R4 50 50 5 0.26 Table 1: Energydensity (in eVcm−3)ofthe thermalcomponentsofradiationfieldsusedfor the calculation of electron cooling and γ-ray production via inverse Compton scattering. Field R1 represents the typical galactic disk environment. R2 reflects the situation in the inner 100 pc and R3 is a model of the intense ∼ fieldofthecentralcubicparsecofourgalaxy. R4isascaleddownversionofR3toapproximatethesituation 10 pc from the GC. 2. Pulsar Wind Nebulae error circle of the γ-ray source HESSJ1745-290. The possible connection between these two ob- Pulsar Wind Nebulae are perhaps the most ef- jects was pointed out by Wang et al. (2006), who ficient astrophysical particle accelerators in our discuss in some detail the important physical as- galaxy. The best studied PWN, the Crab Neb- pects involved in the relationship between the X- ula, accelerates electrons up to 1016 eV de- ray and γ-ray emission. One of our aims here is ∼ spite the rapid synchrotron losses of these parti- to make a full time-dependent calculation to in- clesinits160µGmagneticfield(Aharonian et al. vestigate more deeply the likelihood of an associ- 2004a). The recent detections of extended TeV ation of these two objects. A major difficulty in emission from several PWNe, including MSH- ◦ such an association is the 0.1 angular resolu- 15 5-02 (Aharonian et al. 2005b) and G18.0- ∼ tion of H.E.S.S. In this scenario, the γ-ray signal − 0.7/HESSJ1825-137(Aharonian et al.2005c)with wouldbe point-like andnon-variableandthe only the H.E.S.S. instrument suggestthat such objects available informationfor modelling is the spectral are copiousTeV γ-rayemitters. In this context,a data in the X-ray and γ-ray bands. However, the PWN may provide a natural explanation for the X-ray morphology provides some clues to the en- GC TeV emission. Here we discuss, in detail, the vironmentofthePWN.Forexample,thefactthat case of the new PWN candidate G359.95-0.04. X-ray spectrum softens rather than hardens away from the (nominal) pulsar position indicates that 2.1. The case of G359.95-0.04 the X-ray emitting electrons are cooled by syn- TheX-raynebula G359.95-0.04wasdiscovered chrotronradiation(orICradiationintheThomp- indeepChandraobservationsoftheGalacticCen- son regime) rather than by IC radiation in the tre (Wang et al. 2006) and lies at a projected dis- Klein-Nishina (KN) regime as might be expected tance to Sgr A⋆ of 0.3 pc. The nebula exhibits in the dense GC radiation fields. This fact alone a cometary morphology with a projected size of places a lower limit on the magnetic field in the 0.07 0.3 pc. The overall energy spectrum of PWN of 100 µG. × ∼ this object is purely non-thermal, with a power- Due to KN suppression, it is likely that the law index of 1.94+−00..1174 and an unabsorbed 2–10 dominant target for IC radiation at a few TeV is keV X-ray luminosity of 1034 erg/s. The Chan- the far infrared background. Matching the flux of ≈ dra data reveal a softening of spectral index with HESSJ1745 290 at these energies with a nomi- distancefromthe “head”ofthe nebula,apossible nalFIRradi−ationenergydensityof5000eVcm−3 signatureofcoolingofelectronsawayfromtheac- (Davidson et al. 1992) requires a B-field of ≈ celerator. Wang et al. (2006) have suggested that 105 µG. In the case that HESSJ1745 290 and − the head of the nebula contains a young pulsar G359.95-0.04 are not associated, this value pro- and that G359.95-0.04 is likely a ram-pressure- vides a lower limit on the average magnetic field confined PWN. in the PWN. Fig. 3 shows a model spectral en- G359.95-0.04 lies within the 68% confidence ergy distribution (SED) for G359.95 0.04 with − 3 Qe 1 B = 10 m G / Lg 10-1 R3 b.) 103 ar Without IC cooling dE ( 102 10-2 dN/ R2 3 E 10 10-3 R1 1 With IC cooling 10-1 10-4 10-2 H.E.S.S. Chandra 10-5 R1, R2 s) g Time (year 110056 1 TeV IC 5 keV Sync. 10-6 R3 olin Bremsstrahlung 10-7 Co 110034 Ionization Synchrotron IC - NIR Qe 1 10-6 10-4 10-2 1 102 104 106 B10 =8 1100E100n me1Gr0g12y (1e0V14) 102 Synch.+IC IC - FIR / Lg 10-1 10 R3 10-2 1 107 108 109 1010 1011 10E12lectro1n01 3Ener1g0y1 4(eV) 10-3 R1, R2 R2 Fig. 1.— Toppanel: energyspectrumofelectrons 10-4 with continuous injection with dN/dE E−α R3 (with α = 2) and cooling over a 104 y∝ear pe- R1 10-5 riod. The dashed line shows the cooled spectrum for electrons suffering only synchrotronlosses (for B = 100 µG). The solid line shows the spec- 10-6 trum after synchrotron and IC cooling on radi- ation fields typical of the central parsec of our 10-7 10-6 10-4 10-2 1 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 galaxy. The shaded regions show the range of Energy (eV) electron energies contributing to to signals seen in the energy ranges of the Chandra and H.E.S.S. Fig. 2.— Fraction of the total power injected instruments. Bottom panel: cooling time via IC in electrons radiated in different spectral bands (dashed lines, FIR and optical radiation fields) for B = 10 µG (top) and B = 100 µG (bot- and synchrotron radiation (solid blue line). The tom). In each case three radiation fields are con- lower heavy line shows the overall cooling time sidered: R1, a typical galactic disk environment; for IC and synchrotron radiation. The approx- R2, 100pcfromtheGCandR3,withinthecen- imate energy loss time-scales for ionisation and tral∼parsec. Continuous injection (over a 104 year bremsstrahlung(inaneutralenvironmentofnum- berdensity1000cm−3)areshownforcomparison. period) with dN/dE E−2 and an exponential ∝ cut-off at 100 TeV are assumed in all cases. The synchrotron curve for R2 lies underneath that for R1. 4 IC ona FIR field. The injection spectrum of elec- trons is assumed to begin at 1 GeV and be of 2-1) s HCEhaSnSd rJa1 7G4355-92.9905-0.04 the form dN/dE E−αe−E/E0 with α = 2 and -m10-11 Inverse Compton E0 = 100 TeV. A∝source age of 104 years is as- erg c Synchrotron sumedandatotalpowerof6.7 1035erg/sinjected E ( imnteoasruerleadtivXis-triacyeflleucxtro(ansssuismrien×qguiareddisttoanmcaetctho tthhee 2 dN/dE10-12 galactic centre of 7.6 0.4 pc (Eisenhauer et al. 130 m G ± 2005)). As the cooling time of the electrons re- 105 m G 85 m G sponsible for the observed X-ray and γ-ray emis- 10-13 sion is much shorter than the age of the pulsar in this scenario, possible evolutionary effects on the injectionpower(relatedtothe breakingofthe pulsar spin) can safely be neglected, we therefore 10-14 assumeaconstantinjectionrateinthesimulations presentedhere. Fig.3 demonstratesanimportant aspect of IC cooling: the KN effect acts twice on 10-6 10-4 10-2 1 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 the IC spectrum (firstly by distortion of the elec- Energy (eV) tron spectrum through cooling, and secondly in the production of IC emission), but only once on Fig. 3.— Spectral energy distribution for in- the Synchrotron spectrum. This means that the verse Compton scattering on a single tempera- hardening effect of cooling in the KN regime is ture FIR radiation field of density 5000 eVcm−3. masked in the IC spectrum but clearly visible in The three line styles indicate the effect of chang- the Synchrotron emission. ing magnetic field strength (with all other pa- Theeffectofaddingdifferenttemperaturecom- rameters fixed). The assumed injection spectrum ponents to the GC radiation field is shown in is described in the main text. H.E.S.S. data Fig. 4. Optical (kT = 0.3 eV), and ultravio- are taken from (Rolland & Hinton 2005), Chan- let (kT = 3.0 eV) energy densities of 5 104 dra data from (Wang et al. 2006). eVcm−3 are assumed, consistent with the×val- ues expected within the central parsec of our point-likeorextendedsourceisobservedatthepo- galaxy (Davidson et al. 1992). The injected elec- sition of G359.95-0.04in 6 cm observationsand a tron spectrum is identical to that in Fig. 3. On threesigmaenergyfluxupperlimitof5 10−17erg such a compound field, low energy electrons are cm−2 s−1 has been derived (Yusef-Zad×eh 2006). cooled by IC scattering on optical seed photons, This limit lies almost three orders of magnitude with higher energies cooled by IC on the FIR. below the curve shown in Fig. 3. There are two This effect leads to rather different shapes for the factors which may both act to mitigate this ap- IC spectra from these two components. It can be parent contradiction: seen in this figure that the contribution of UV is likely to be small because of strong KN suppres- 1. the electron energy spectrum has a low en- sion. This optical/UV domain can in principle ergy cut-off. Figure 5 shows the impact of be explored by the GLAST satellite (Thompson a low energy cut-off in the electron spec- 2004), but such measurements may be rather dif- trum on the IC and synchrotron spectra. ficultduetothestrongdiffusebackgroundandthe If the radio emission region is considered modest angular resolution of the instrument. As to be identical to that of keV X-rays (see isclearfromFig.1,Bremsstrahlunglossesareun- point 2 below) then there is an implied likelytobe importantinthe PWNastheambient density is likely 1000 cm−3. low energy cut-off at ∼ 1 TeV and rather ≪ poor agreement with the lowest energy γ- Thespectralandspatialdistributionoflowen- raydata points. Indeed a low energy cut-off ergy electrons in the PWN can in principle be in the electron spectrum is expected within traced using radio observations. However, no the PWN paradigm. For example, in the 5 1) HESS J1745-290 proportional to pEα/tcool. For a value of -2- sg cm10-11 CSIICCyh na-- cnTFhdoIRrrtoaat lrGon359.95-0.04 nsαiizt=eud0ise.5∼rtehd3euce(txiimponepcltyineindsguraratfaioocneoefbrorairgddhieotrnteoosfsX)m.-raaIgny- er IC - Optical E ( IC - UV this case a low energy cut-off at 50 GeV N/d is still required. Larger values of∼α (for ex- 2 dE ample Bohm diffusion, α = 1) appear to be 10-12 excluded by the observed energy dependant morphology at X-ray wavelengths. Regardless of the nature of the TeV source, it seems that one or both of these effects must oc- 10-13 cur to explain the radio to X-ray behaviour of G359.95-0.04. Fig. 1 (top panel) illustrates the electron en- ergies contributing to the H.E.S.S. and Chandra 10-2 1 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 signals for a 100 µG magnetic field. As the γ- Energy (eV) rayemissiontakesplacepredominantlyinthe KN regime, the energy range of electrons probed by Fig. 4.— Spectral energy distribution for a real- H.E.S.S. is extended by an order of magnitude istic GC radiationfield with FIR, optical and UV relative to the Thompson regime case. In con- components. The magnetic field strength is fixed trast, the narrow energy range probed by Chan- at 105 µG. Details are given in the main text. dra reflects the standard ǫγ √ǫe case. As syn- ∝ chrotronemissionbelow1keVisheavilyabsorbed intheGC,VHEγ-rayemissionrepresentstheonly case of the Crab Nebula, Kennel & Coriniti way to study the 200 GeV – 20 TeV electrons. (1984) suggest a minimum injection energy From the lower panel of Fig. 1 it is apparent that of 1 TeV at the wind termination shock. the X-rayemitting electronshaveextremely short ∼ Wang et al. (2006) suggested a minimum lifetimes ( 20 years). This fact, coupled with low energy cut-off of at 5 GeV derived from the known∼projected size of the PWN in X-rays the radio data available at that time. ( 0.3 pc), implies that the propagation speed of ∼ electrons down-stream from the pulsar should be 2. the cooling time of the radio emitting elec- 10%ofthe speedoflight,consistentwithexpec- trons is almost three orders of magnitude ∼ tations for PWN (see for example Blondin et al. longer than that of the X-ray emitting elec- (2001) and Kennel & Coriniti (1984)). trons. Depending on the transport mecha- nism of particles in the nebula the angular It is clear from Fig. 4 that the shape of the diameter of the radio emission may be ex- H.E.S.S.andChandraspectracanbeexplainedin pectedtobemuchlargerthantheX-rayneb- broad terms in this scenario. G359.95 0.04 may − produce 100 GeV γ-raysvery efficiently despite ulaandwithacorrespondinglylowersurface ∼ brightness. We envisage two general trans- its highB-field. Fine-tuning ofthe modelandad- portscenarios: a)energy independent advec- justment of radiation fields would be required to fit all H.E.S.S. spectral data points but we con- tion. In this case the PWN size is inversely proportionaltothe coolingtime ofelectrons sider such tuning unjustified given the possibility andtheratioofradiotoX-rayangularsizeis ofthecontributionofothersources(thesupernova 1000andthefluxwithintheboundsofthe remnant Sgr A East, Sgr A⋆, etc) to the H.E.S.S. ∼X-ray nebula is a factor of 106 lower than signal,andsincetherearelargersystematicerrors on the H.E.S.S. spectrum close to threshold. It that presented in figures 4 and 5. Clearly there is no contradiction to the radio limit therefore appears that G359.95-0.04 is a promis- in this case. b) diffusion with D Eα and ing counterpart to the TeV GC source. As can r = √2Dt. In this case the PW∝N size is be seen from Fig. 2, a PWN like G359.95 0.04 − 6 0.04. With a projected distance from GC of 1) 2- s10-11 100pc,radiationfieldsclosetoG0.9+0.1arelikely -m afactor10–100higherthanlocaldensities,asrep- c g resented by radiation field R2 in Table 1 (see for er10-12 E ( example Moskalenko et al. 2006). Indeed an in- N/d creased energy density of 8 eVcm−3 in optical 2 dE10-13 pwhhoetroenas wtiamsei-ninvdoekpedenidnenAthIaCronmiaondeelt1awl.a(s20fi0t5tao) the X-ray and γ-ray data. Here we revisit the 10-14 SED of G0.9+0.1 from the perspective of a time- dependent evolution of the electron spectrum. In 10-15 the following we assume that G0.9+0.1is located at the same distance as the GC (7.6 kpc). 10-16 1) -s HESS J1745-290 2 10-5 10-3 10-1 10 103 105 107 109 E10n1e1rg1y0 1(13e0V14) -g cm10-11 E (er G0.9+0.1 XMM d Fig. 5.— As for Fig 4 but showing the ef- N/ d fect of a low energy cut-off in the injected elec- 2 E tron spectrum (and with an expanded flux scale). 10-12 The corresponding minimum energies are 1 MeV (solid line), 100 GeV (dashed line), 300 GeV dio G359.95-0.04 Chandra (6dcomttreaddiloinfleu)xaunpdpe1r TlimeVit(fodrotG-d3a5s9h.e9d5-0li.n0e4).fromA 10-13 G0.9+0.1 Ra Yusef-Zadeh (2006) is shown. G0.9+0.1 HESS could not be detected by any current or planned γ-ray detector if located in a standard region of 10-6 10-4 10-2 1 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 the galactic disc. The existence of extended re- Energy (eV) gions with comparable radiation densities outside of the GC, for example in the central regions of Fig. 6.— Comparison of the G359.95-0.04 youngstellarclusters,seemsunlikelysince 1000 SED shown in Fig. 4 (dotted model curves) ∼ O-stars would be required within 1 cubic parsec with G0.9+0.1 (solid and dashed curves). The to reach this energy density. solid and dashed curves differ only the as- sumed age of the source. Model parameters are 2.2. Comparison with G0.9+0.1 given in the main text. Radio data are taken G0.9+0.1isacompositeSNRwithabrightra- from Helfand & Becker (1987), XMM data from dio shell and a compact core (Helfand & Becker Porquet et al. (2003). 1987). ThecentralobjectwasidentifiedasaPWN based on its X-ray properties (Mereghetti et al. Using values of the optical and FIR densities 1998; Porquet et al. 2003). VHE γ-ray emission of 9 eVcm−3 and 1 eVcm−3 respectively, as sug- associatedwiththePWNhasbeenreportedbythe gested by (Moskalenko et al. 2006) for the wider H.E.S.S. collaboration (Aharonian et al. 2005a), GC region, we find that a model with α = 2 , with energy flux comparable to that emitted in Le = 7 1036 erg/s, B = 10 µG and a pul- × X-rays ( 3 10−12 cm−2 s−1). The PWN in G0.9+0.∼1 can×be considered an intermediate case 1i.e. amodelforthepresent-dayelectronspectrumwithout considerationoftheinjectionspectrumrequiredtoproduce between a ‘standard’ disk PWN and G359.95- suchaspectrumaftercooling 7 sar age of 40 ky, is consistent with the H.E.S.S. Of these three fits, BPL and PLEC represent the and X-ray data (see Fig. 6). This value is signif- extremesandareusedheretoillustratetheimpact icantly larger than the 6800 year age of the rem- of the X-ray spectral shape on the interpretation. nant estimated assuming expansion in the Sedov If this emission has a synchrotron origin, then phase (Mereghetti et al. 1998). Pulsar ages much the broken power-law fit suggests a change in the shorter than 40 ky are excluded by the absence of electron spectral slope of 3, incompatible with ∼ aspectralmaximum(producedbyacoolingbreak theeffects ofcoolingorescape,andwithstandard in the electron spectrum) within the H.E.S.S. en- acceleration scenarios. It therefore seems that ergy range. Recently, Porter et al. (2006) have fit the INTEGRAL data represent the end of the the’prompt’electronspectrumofG0.9+0.1using X-ray spectrum of this object or objects. Fig. 7 theradiationfieldofMoskalenko et al.(2006)and shows approximate error boxes corresponding to derive a magnetic field of B = 9.5 µG very close the spectral fits BPL and PLEC. The difference (as expected) to the value given here. inlowenergyslopeofthesetwofitshasimportant A second component of lower energy elec- implicationsfortheinterpretationofthissignalin trons is required to explain the radio emis- a synchrotron scenario. In either case an abrupt sion (Helfand & Becker 1987) unless an age of end to the electron spectrum is required to pro- 6 105 years is assumed (see dashed lines in duce an exponential cut-off in the synchrotron ≈Fig. ×6). Sidoli et al. (2000) used the break energy spectrum. The PLEC fit implies an extremely implied by the combination of radio and X-ray hard electron spectrum. datatoestimatetheageofthepulsartobe 3000 Althoughconsiderableuncertaintyexistsinthe ∼ years(assumingB =67µG).Themuchlargerage radiation density 10 pc from the GC, it seems ∼ derived here is a consequence of the lower mag- likely that the average energy density within the netic fieldvalue establishedbythe combinationof 40pc diameter INTEGRAL sourceis roughlytwo X-ray and γ-ray data. orders of magnitude lower than that within the central parsec (see for example Yusef-Zadeh et al. 3. A central 10 parsec source 1996). For the calculation of the inverse Comp- ton emission we therefore assume the radiation The recently detected hard (20–100 keV) X- field R4 given in Table 1. With this radiation ray source IGRJ1745.6 2901 (B´elanger et al. density, the association of HESSJ1745-290 with 2004), is located within 1−′ of Sgr A⋆ and coin- IGRJ1745.6-2901 implies a B-field of 100 µG. cident with HESSJ1745 290. The angular res- ∼ In the case that these objects are not associated − ′ olution of INTEGRAL (12 FWHM) is compa- this B-field can be considered as lower limit on rable with that of H.E.S.S. and similar difficul- the mean value within the source or sources con- ties exist with the identification of a counter- tributing to the INTEGRAL signal. Conversely part. However, a combination of the INTEGRAL if the γ-ray emission has an inverse Compton ori- data with that of XMM suggests that the IN- gin within a 10 pc scale source then the B-field TEGRAL source represents the sum of the emis- in this region must be < 100 µG to avoid over- sion of the central 20 parsecs, either from a dif- producing synchrotron emission. For a 100 µG ∼ fuse component or the combinationof severaldis- magnetic field, 20 keV synchrotron photons are cretesources (Neronov et al.2005;B´elanger et al. producedby 70TeVelectrons. Thecoolingtime 2006). The combined XMM/INTEGRAL X-ray ∼ oftheseelectronsinsuchafieldisextremelyshort spectrumofthecentralregionhasbeenderivedby ( 18 years). The time required for electrons to both groups, but with somewhat different results. ∼ diffuse outof the central10parsecsis comparable Neronov et al. (2005) provide a broken power-law ( 10 years) if a diffusion coefficient close to that fit with Γ1 = 1.85+−00..0026 and Γ2 = 3.3±0.1 with a∼ppropriate for 70 TeV galactic cosmic rays is as- a break at 26 1 keV (hereafter the BPL fit). sumed (i.e. D 6 1030 cm2 s−1). It therefore ± B´elanger et al.(2006)provideabrokenpower-law ≈ × seems rather difficult to produce a truly diffuse fit: Γ1 = 1.51+−00..0069 and Γ2 = 3.22+−00..3340 with a 20 pc source in the presence of such rapid energy breakat27.1+−24..84 keVandalsoacut-offpowerlaw losses. This cooling-time problem was previously fit: Γ=1.09+−00..0035,Ecut =24.38+−00..5756keV(PLEC). discussed by Neronov et al. (2005). A model sim- 8 two scenarios illustrates the importance of better 1) HESS J1745-290 2- s XMM 10-10 constraints on the X-ray spectrum and highlights -m INTEGRAL thevalueofcombinedX-ray/γ-raymeasurements. c XMM/INTEGRAL erg 10-10 E ( 4. Summary d N/ d The central 10 pc of our galaxy provides a 2 E 103 104 105 unique environm∼ent in which high radiation en- 10-11 ergy densities lead to efficient inverse Compton γ-ray production, and also, due to the Klein- Nishina effect, to substantial modifications to the form of cooled electron spectra. This region appears to be the only location in our galaxy 10-12 in which pulsar wind nebulae with high mag- netic fields and moderate spin-down luminosi- ties can produce detectable γ-ray emission. In this context, the candidate PWN G359.95 0.04 10-2 1 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 − Energy (eV) provides a plausible counterpart to the γ-ray source HESSJ1745 290. The interpretation of − IGRJ1745.6 2901andHESSJ1745 290interms Fig. 7.— Spectral energy distribution for − − of synchrotron/IC emission in a diffuse 20 parsec a central 10 pc XMM/INTEGRAL/H.E.S.S. source is difficult due to the rapid energy losses source. Separate XMM andINTEGRAL data are of electrons in the region, but remains a viable taken from (Neronov et al. 2005), the combined alternative hypothesis. Finally, hadronic models XMM/INTEGRAL fit is that of B´elanger et al. for the TeV emission, while beyond the scope of (2006). Model curves are shown for two scenar- this paper, provide equally viable explanations ios: a very young source with B = 50 µG, elec- for the current experimental data. Improved γ- tronspectrumwith α=0.3andasharpcut-offat ray data should be available in the medium term 100TeV(solidcurve),anoldsourcewithB =110 from the GLAST (Thompson 2004) and H.E.S.S. µG and an injection spectrum with α = 1.5 and Phase-2 (Punch 2005) instruments and will pro- anexponential cut-offat 150TeV (dashed curve). vide important constraints on the origin of the The inset panel provides an expanded view of the high energy emission. X-ray part of the SED. JAH acknowledges the support of the Ger- ilar to that of Quataert & Loeb (2005), with ac- man BMBF through Verbundforschung Astro- celeration occurring at stellar wind shocks, could Teilchenphysik (05CH5VH1/0). We are grateful avoidthisproblembydistributingtheacceleration to Farhad Yusef-Zadeh for providing a radio up- sites of electrons over the emission region. per limit for G359.95-0.04. We would also like to Fig. 7 shows two model curves illustrating the thank Mitya Khangulyan for many useful discus- relationship between the X-ray and γ-ray emis- sions and Karl Kosack for his careful reading of sion. Thefirst(solid)linematchesthePLECfitto the manuscript. theX-rayspectrumbutcanexplainonlythehigh- REFERENCES est energy H.E.S.S. points. This scenario requires bothanextremelyyoungsource(toavoidacooled Aharonian, F.A., et al. (HEGRA coll.), 2004a, spectrumintheXMMdomain)andaveryhardin- ApJ, 614, 897 jection spectrum. The second curve (dashed line) is similar to that given in Neronov et al. (2005) Aharonian, F.A., et al. (H.E.S.S. coll.) 2004b, and provides marginal agreement to the BPL fit A&A, 425, L13 andreasonableagreementwith the H.E.S.S.spec- Aharonian, F.A., et al. 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