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Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm: The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems PDF

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Preview Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm: The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems

Darius Plikynas Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm Darius Plikynas Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems 123 DariusPlikynas Research andDevelopment Center Kazimieras Simonavičius University Vilnius Lithuania and Institute of Mathematics andInformatics Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania ISBN978-3-319-39039-0 ISBN978-3-319-39040-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39040-6 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016940118 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAGSwitzerland Foreword by Prof. Andrea Omicini Whathappenswhenonetriestolinktogethertheresearchonneuroscience,artificial intelligence,multi-agent systems,andsocialnetworks?Afterdecadeswhenmulti-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary research were mostly the result of scattered, isolated activity, or, the rare consequence of some specific, application-oriented research project,researchoncomplexsystemsdemonstratedhowalltheissuesandproblems arising from the diversity of the conceptual landscapes, the methods, and the peculiar languages could (and should) actually be resolved. Two decades ago, the emergenceofcomplexnetworksmadeitapparenthowasinglecommonviewpoint overheterogeneousfieldssuchasbiologicalsystems,computerscience,economics, and social sciences, to name a few, could lead to spectacular results. Nowadays, social systems represent a novel frontier for inter-disciplinary stud- ies, as witnessed, for instance, by the surprisingly successful application of statis- tical mechanics to economics. Generally speaking, their multi-faceted articulation first primarily motivates regrouping of models and methods across all of those disciplines involving complex systems. Also, the huge access to data, along with the lack of reliable models allowing for actual predictability in other words, an abundance of evidence devoid of clear explanations motivates combining and integrating a spectrum of approaches, models, and methods from the hard and soft sciences. Then, the many diverse interpretations to which social systems are amenable, encourage the applications of different methods from a heterogeneous collectionoffields:forinstance,socio-technicalsystems,likesocialnetworks,areat thesametimesoftwaresystemsaswellassocialsystemsintheirownright,butthey could also be modeled as economical systems, statistical mechanics systems, organizational type, and so on. Well-placed along this train of ideas, the book Introducing the Oscillations-Based Paradigm: the Simulation of Agents and Social Systems, by Prof. Darius Plikynas, provides us with quite an original viewpoint towards social system simulation, by exploiting a mixture of research methods and approaches to generate the desired mechanisms. The aim of the book is to create an oscillation-based paradigm for simulation of agents and multi-agent systems that v vi ForewordbyProf.AndreaOmicini shares some of the features that are typical of realizable social systems. The objectiveofthebookisextremelyambitious,andinvitesthereadertobewillingto cross disciplinary boundaries, as well as to establish connections that may some- times appear to be somewhat counterintuitive. Thefirstpointofinterestofthisbookisthatitreviewsawiderangeoftheories across various disciplines, while looking for some common field-theoretical ele- ments. In this way, it outlines the fundamental principles of coordination and self-organization as they emerge at the quantum, cellular, and social levels. The findings bring to the forefront a number of principles deemed to be universal, and which are further adopted to formulate the main premises and postulates for the proposed OSIMAS (oscillation-based multi-agent systems) simulation paradigm. When I first met the author, during his visit in Cesena in November 2014, the firstthingthatstruckmewastheoriginalityofhiswayofthinking.Inthisbook,the reader will find that sort of originality, at least from two different perspectives. On theonehand,thebookcanbeproperlyreadasa(muchwelcome)callforasurvey of cross-disciplinary work, providing the research-oriented reader with some tools forsimulationforavarietyoftopics.Ontheotherhand,thisworkconnectsseveral disciplinary domains that can be very difficult to interconnect, in general. In doing so, the author has produced an impressive intellectual accomplishment that seems quite remarkable within the landscape of contemporary social science. The book draws specifically on artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuro- science, quantum physics, finance and economics, and mathematics. Despite the traditionaldifficultyindealingwithsuchhighlyformalizedfields,theauthordoesa commendablejobinmakingmostofthetechnicalcontentofthebookaccessibleto scientists, in a way that can be more or less independent of their disciplinary background. Notwithstanding the appealing empirical power of the currently applied meth- ods, modern social research is still fragmented with a lack of a cohesive modeling media for understanding and simulating the highly complex nature of social behavior. This book addresses that problem the lack of a multidisciplinary con- necting paradigm by bringing together a mosaic of research in the fields of neu- roscience, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and social network domains. The need for a common multidisciplinary research framework arises essentially becausethesefieldsshareacommonobjectiveofinvestigationandsimulation,that is, the study of individual and collective behavior. The tremendous advance in computationalpoweroverrecentyearshasgreatlywidenedthescopeofsimulation options available to social scientists: since it is quite apparent that many of them have not realized this yet, this book could also be seen as a way forward to demonstrate the significant potential that lies right at their fingertips. First of all, the book includes a number of introductory chapters aimed at establishing the groundwork for the OSIMAS approach; then it moves to appli- cations,drawingupondifferentapproachesandadiversityofdisciplines,whichare exemplified in the later chapters. The appendices appear particularly valuable in thattheydescribeanumberofkeytheoreticalparadigmsthatareembeddedintothe scopeoftopics.Itisworthnotingthattheseappendicesreadverywell,eventhough ForewordbyProf.AndreaOmicini vii they cover quite a broad range of topics that are at the same time philosophically dense and somewhat off the mainstream. Originality, indeed, has its price: setting thetheoreticalbackboneofthebookintheappendicesandnotatthebeginningwill not appear familiar to most readers; thus some may be a little unsettled. The most common approach, of course, is to first establish the theoretical/conceptual framework, and then construct within that framework. But originality can pay dividendsaswell:afterreadingthebook,Ifoundthecurrentarrangementoftopics to be working quite well since much of the conceptual content is stationed outside of the main text, so as to leave the necessary space to cover technicalities, thus adding to the fluency of reading. From the viewpoint of methodological approaches, this book has a lot to offer, not only to social scientists but also to a much broader audience. The current fragmented state of our science is more and more challenged by multimodal complexity and inter-relationships of concepts: as such, it implies a vital need for the deeper and the simultaneously wider understanding of how common funda- mentalorganizationalprinciplesmayestablishinter-disciplinaryconnections.Such aformidablechallengehasbeenundertakeninthismultidisciplinarywork,whichat the same time incorporates the qualities of a novel, conceptually integrative, and experimentally based simulation research framework. Prof. Andrea Omicini Alma Mater Studiorum—Università di Bologna Bologna/Cesena, Italy Foreword by Prof. John T. Cacioppo Oscillations-basedparadigmstartsfromareviewofawiderangeoftheoriesacross various disciplines in search of some common field-like fundamental principles of coordination and self-organization existing on the quantum, cellular, and social levels. Findings that are described as suggesting universal principles are employed to formulate main premises and postulates for the proposed OSIMAS (oscillation-based multi-agent system) simulation paradigm. The OSIMAS draws on three conceptual models—oscillating agent model (OAM), pervasive informa- tion field (PIF) and wave-like interaction mechanism (WIM)—as well as work on the oscillating nature of brain activity and of the nonlocal field-like self-organization properties of modern information societies. Arguments based on conceptualanalyses,experimentalevidence,andsimulationsareusedtosupportthe premises underlying the OSIMAS paradigm. This book is not for the reader who seeks a well-developed and empirically supported overview of the science of social behavior. This book is controversial, provocative, speculative, and sometimes maddening, but it is also stimulating. For instance,OSIMASisbasedonthenotionthatthephysicalbasisofconsciousnessis a bioelectromagnetic field that exhibits wave-mechanical dynamics. It is certainly the case that any electrical current produces a magnetic field. The neural activity underlying human thought produces a bioelectromagnetic field, and the miniscule currentsproducedbyneuronalactivityproduceminisculemagneticfieldsthatexert forces and torques on each other. We do not live in isolation but rather we live in the context of and interact with other people. Professor Plikynas argues that fields produced by individual brains can be modeled as a system of bioelectromagnetic fields. I found more controversial the contention that the miniscule bioelectro- magnetic fields produce societal-level bioelectromagnetic fieldthat form some sort ofcoherentfieldofcommonmentalactivity,andIsuspectmanyreadersmayshare this skepticism. However,thisbookisnotdesignedtocommunicate theestablished;itspurpose is to stimulate novel conceptual and methodological approaches to the scientific study of the physical basis of social cognition and behavior. There are risks when ix x ForewordbyProf.JohnT.Cacioppo new scientific fields are explored or at least new connections between academic fields are pursued. Hints for applications are provided, which need to be tested. The goal of the simulation framework outlined in this book is to provide a common platform for addressing prospective applications in the field of social neuroscience, distributed cognition, multi-agent systems, computational intelli- gence, team neurodynamics, neuroeconomics, etc. The lack of an integrative research framework is one of the core problems in social theory. Agent-based modelingsystemsforinvestigatingsocialbehaviorexist,butnonetomyknowledge that attempt to span as many disciplines as OSIMAS. The perspective adopted by the author is absolutely original. Although the results it seeks to describe and organize are drawn from the extant scientific liter- ature,theapproachisreallynewandprovocative.Ithoughtthebookwassounique in its viewpoint that I found it well worth reading even though I repeatedly found myself disagreeing with premises and details. There is an important role for con- troversialbookslikethisoneinscience.Whetherornotyouagreewiththespecific processesdescribedinthisbook,theoriginalityofsomeoftheideasaboutmaterial basis for behavior at the societal level may well leave you ruminating about new questions and possibilities. And, to me, that is the strength of this book. Prof. John T. Cacioppo, Ph.D. Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience and Director Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience The University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA Preface This book presents a conceptually original, oscillations-based paradigm aimed at the modeling of agents and their systems as coherent, stylized, neurodynamic processes. Putting into perspective the various pathways of research as they are interrelated, the book provides a philosophical underpinning, experimental back- ground and some modeling tools. In this effort, some general fundamental design principles of the field-theoretical view of the oscillating agent are outlined, as well as of coherent economic or social systems in general. The conceptual insights presented here are employed for the formulation of the main postulates and principles of the proposed Oscillation-Based Multi-Agent System (OSIMAS) simulation paradigm.1 The OSIMAS provides a foundation for the creation of an oscillations-based social simulation research framework. It explores various stylized oscillating agent models (OAM), which can be further expanded to the multi-agent system (MAS) simulation model. For that reason, a canonical pervasive information field (PIF) and wave-like interaction models (WIM) are also employed. Consequently, this study not only discusses the major conceptual assumptions oftheproposed(OSIMAS)paradigm,butalso presentsanelectroencephalography (EEG)-basedexperimentalvalidationframeworkandsomepriorempiricalresultsto validate or disprove the OSIMAS assumptions. Based on the conceptual, experi- mental and simulation findings, a modeling framework is constructed aimed at the prospective development of the proposed pioneering paradigm.2 This book also systemizes some other studies and applications, which were most relevant to the work presented here. However, this is a challenging multidisciplinary research area, which is only starting to evolve following recent technological advances. The major problem concerning these fundamental and applied research areas is related to the lack of a 1TheOSIMASproject’swebsiteisavailableathttp://osimas.ksu.lt. 2The OSIMAS simulation platform and interactive models are available at http://vlab.vva.lt; for login,entertheusernameGuestandpasswordguest555. xi

The book presents a conceptually novel oscillations based paradigm, the Oscillation-Based Multi-Agent System (OSIMAS), aimed at the modelling of agents and their systems as coherent, stylized, neurodynamic processes. This paradigm links emerging research domains via coherent neurodynamic oscillation
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