PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(1), 2007, pp. 66-74 INTRODUCED APIONIDAE AND BRENTIDAE (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONOIDEA) IN THE MARITIME PROVINCES OF CANADA Christopher G. Majka, Robert S. Anderson, and Eric Georgeson (CGM) Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3A6 (e-mail: [email protected]); (RSA) Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIP 6P4 (e-mail: [email protected]); (EG) Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 130, Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, Canada BON 2H0 (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The introduced Apionidae and Brentidae in the Maritime Provinces of Canada are surveyed. Perapion curtirostre (Germar) is recorded for the first time in Canada from specimens collected in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Rhopalapion longirostre (Olivier) is recorded for the first time in Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada. Changes in the range of Omphalapion hookerorum (Kirby) in Nova Scotia are discussed, and a Nova Scotia record of an intercepted specimen ofArrenodes rnimitus (Drury) is noted. All records are briefly discussed in the context of introduced Coleoptera in the region. Key Words: Coleoptera, Apionidae, Brentidae, Perapion, Rhopalapion, Omphala- pion, Arrenodes, Maritime Provinces, introduced species, new records, biodiversity The literature pertaining to introduced pion hookerorum (Kirby), and Rhopala- species found in Atlantic Canada con- pion longirostre (Olivier) - within the tinues to grow. Brown (1940, 1950, larger context of introduced insects in 1967), Lindroth (1957), Johnson (1990), North America. Wheeler and Hoebeke (1994), Hoebeke Conventions and Wheeler (1996a, 1996b, 2000, 2003, 2005a, 2005b), Majka (2005), Majka and Abbreviations of collections referred Klimaszewski (2004), Majka and LeSage to in this study are: (2006), and Majka et al. (2006b) are some of the studies that have contributed to ACNS AgricultureandAgri-FoodCa- this topic. Although the treatments by nada, Kentville, Nova Scotia. Brown and Lindroth dealt with intro- CBU Cape Breton University, Syd- duced weevils in the region, compara- ney, Nova Scotia. tively little attention has been given to CUIC Cornell University Insect Col- introduced and adventive Apionidae and lection, Ithaca, New York. Brentidae. In this paper we discuss recent CGMC Christopher G. Majka collec- records of four adventive species in the tion, Halifax, Nova Scotia. region - Arrenodes minutus (Drury), JOC Jeffrey Ogden Collection, Perapion curtirostre (Germar), Omphala- Truro, Nova Scotia. VOLUME 109, NUMBER 1 67 NSAC Nova Scotia Agricultural Col- 7.viii.2005, C.G. Majka, CGMC; Mid- lege, Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. dleton, 5.viii.2001, E.R. Hoebeke and NSMC Nova Scotia Museum, Hali- A.G. Wheeler, CUIC; Bridgetown, fax, Nova Scotia. 5.viii.2001, E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. NSNR Nova Scotia Department of Wheeler, (24), CUIC. Colchester Co.: Natural Resources, Shubena- Bible Hill, 29.vii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke cadie. Nova Scotia. and A.G. Wheeler, (8), CUIC; Bible RPWC Reginald P. Webster collec- Hill, 3.viii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. tion, Charter's Settlement, Wheeler, (61), CUIC; Bible Hill, New Brunswick., K. Aikens, (2), CBU; Bible Hill, 14.V.2005 & 31.V.2005, S. Town- The number of specimens is noted in send, (44), CBU. Digby Co.: Brier parentheses. If not specified, it is as- Island,, J. Ogden & K. Good- sumed to be one. win, (2), JOC. Hahfax Co.: Point Pleas- & ant Park, 15.xi.2001, C.G. Results Majka, CGMC; south-end Halifax, & Brentidae 20.V.2002, 23.V.2002,, C.G. Majka, (18), CGMC; Herring Cove, Arrenodes minutus (Drury 1770) ll.viii.2002, C.G. Majka, (2), CGMC; NOVA SCOTIA: Halifax Co.: Hali- West Dover, 7.ix.2003, C.G. Majka, (7), burton, 10.ii.2005, M. Knapp, NSMC. CGMC; Dartmouth, 27-28.vii.2003, E.R. A specimen of this species was inter- Hoebeke and A.G. Wheeler, (35), CUIC. cepted after it emerged from wooden Hants Co.: Ellershouse,, C.G. furniture imported to Nova Scotia from Majka, CGMC; Noel Shore, 2.vii.2002, Indiana, U.S.A. Although a Nearctic A.J. Hebda, (3), NSMC. Inverness Co.: species, it is not native to Atlantic Port Hawkesbury, 31.vii.2003, E.R. Hoe- Canada. Generally distributed in the beke and A.G. Wheeler, CUIC. Kings eastern United States (Anderson and Co.: Sheffield Mills,, K. Neal, NSMC; & Kissinger 2002), it ranges north into Sheffield Mills, southern Ontario and Quebec (McNa- 3.vii.2005, S. Westby, ACNS; Upper mara 1991). Adults are found under the Canard, 10.viii.2004, C. Sheffield, (5), bark of oaks {Quercus spp.) (Fagaceae); ACNS. Lunenburg Co.: Elmwood, larvae bore into the wood (Buchanan l.xi.2005, Moore & LeBlanc, (3), NSNR. 1960). Pictou Co.: Pictou, 30.vii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. Wheeler, (2), CUIC. Apionidae PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Kings Co.: Caledonia, 12.vii.2002, C.G. Majka, Perapion curtirostre (Germar 1817) CGMC; Woodville Mills, 25.viii.2003, NEW BRUNSWICK: Albert Co.: C.G. Majka, (3), CGMC. Queens Co.: Mary's Point, 8.ix.2002, C.G. Majka, St. Patricks, 14.vii.2002, C.G. Majka, (2), CGMC; Mary's Point, 13.ix.2006, CGMC; Princeton-Warburton Rd., C.G. Majka, (2), CGMC. Queens Co.:, C.G. Majka, CGMC. Canning: Scotchtown near Indian Point, Whitehead (1980) first reported this, R.P. Webster, margin of lake: Palearctic species from specimens col- oak-maple forest on sandy soil, RPWC. lected in 1968, northwest ofBar Harbor, NOVA SCOTIA: Annapolis Co.: Annap- Maine, and from Suffolk County, New oHs Royal,, C.G. Majka, York. Until recently it had not been CGMC; Granville Ferry,, further reported in North America. C.G. Majka, (7), CGMC; Hampton, Downie and Arnett (1996) Hsted it from PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 68 New Brunswick Cape Breton Island ^==^ Perapion curtirostre Fig. \. Distribution oiPerapion curtirostre in the Maritime Provinces. Indiana; however, no source is provided Several specimens of P. curtirostre for this report and it is almost certainly were collected from the foliage ofbalsam in error. Recent research in the Maritime fir {Abies balsamea (L.) Mill) (Pinaceae) Provinces has shown that this species is that had been cut and stored in a field in common and generally distributed except preparation for export to the United for Cape Breton Island (Fig. 1). In States as Christmas trees. One of us Europe, it is associated with Rumex (R.S.A.) also recently received specimens spp., including R. acetosa L., R. acet- of P. curtirostre which had been inter- osella L., R. crispus L., and R. obtusifo- cepted in Panama on Canadian balsam lius L. (Polygonaceae) (Hoffman 1958), firs exported as Christmas trees. This is all of which have been introduced to the a hitherto undocumented mode of dis- Maritime Provinces. In Bible Hill, Nova persal for this species. The association Scotia, it has been sweep-netted in fields may be fortuitous, the weevils having where R. acetosella, R. crispus, and R. simply climbed into the foliage of trees. obtusifolius are present. Most specimens Christmas trees are often stored for collected by E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. extended periods lying prone in fields Wheeler, Jr. in Nova Scotia were swept before being shipped to markets. Anoth- from R. acetosella although at Bible Hill er possibility may be that adults over- some were also collected from R. crispus winter in the foliage of A. balsamea. In (E.R. Hoebeke, pers. com.). the case of the chrysomelid, Oulema VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 69 melanopus (Linne), adults beetles some- Richmond Co.: Arichat: Isle Madame, times overwinter in the foliage of Pinus viii.1992, G. Sampson, NSAC. resinosa Ait., P. sylvestris L., and P. Peschken et al. (1993) and Sampson nigra Arnold, a behavior which has led and McSween (1993) reported this spe- to a quarantine of Christmas trees of cies as new for North America from these species in some jurisdictions specimens collected in 1990 in Antigon- (Royce and Simko 2000). ish. Nova Scotia. Subsequently it was The Christmas tree industry, which is found during 1991 in surveys in northern sizeable in Nova Scotia, began in 1922- Nova Scotia (Colchester, Pictou, Anti- 23 and peaked in 1957 when 3.8 million gonish, and Inverness counties) in 13 trees were exported (Nova Scotia De- localities on scentless chamomile, Tri- partment of Natural Resources 2002). pleurospermwn rnaritima inodorurn (L.) Currently (2003 figures) Nova Scotia Applequist (Asteraceae) (formerly Ma- exports 0.8 million trees and New Bruns- tricaria rnaritima (Less.) Porter; see wick 0.4 million (Natural Resources Applequist (2002)) Peschken et al. Canada 2005). The Christmas Tree (1993b). Additional records are reported Council of Nova Scotia (representing above and are shown in Fig. 2. This 2,500 growers) exports trees to Bermuda, introduction was coincidentally discov- Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Puerto ered as part of a program to investi- Rico, the United States, and Venezuela gate the suitability of this weevil as (Christmas Tree Council of Nova Scotia a biocontrol agent for T. rnaritima; the 2005). Given the abundance and wide adults and larvae feed on the flowers distribution of P. curtirostre in the and seeds of the plant. Deliberate intro- Maritime Provinces, the long history of ductions into the Truro-Bible Hill area, export of trees from this region, and the from stock collected in northern Nova scale of the past and present export Scotia, have also been made (G. Samp- trade, its is possible that the Maine and son, pers. com.). The specimens col- New York populations might have orig- lected by E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. inated in the Maritime Provinces. In the Wheeler, Jr. were all collected from Old World, P. curtirostre is found stinking mayweed, Anthemis cotula L. throughout Europe, east to the Caucasus (Asteraceae). (Hoffmann 1958). Peschken et al. (1993) proposed that fishing or pleasure boats calling at the Omphalapion hookerorum (Kirby 1808) ports of Pictou or Antigonish may have NOVA SCOTIA: Cape Breton Co.: been responsible for the introduction. Glace Bay, l.viii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke Another possibility, however, is that this and A.G. Wheeler, (19), CUIC; Sydney, species was introduced via dry-ballast as 31.vii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. proposed by Brown (1940, 1950) and Wheeler, (7), CUIC. Colchester Co.: Lindroth (1957). In a survey of eight Truro, 29.vii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke and principal sites in Great Britain where A.G. Wheeler, (15), CUIC; Truro, dry-ballast destined for Atlantic Canada 3.viii.2003, E.R. Hoebeke and A.G. originated, Lindroth (1957) found T. Wheeler, (43), CUIC; Bible Hill, maritima at both Poole and Appledore, K. Aikens, CBU; Tatama- and collected O. hookerorum at the latter gouche, viii.1992, G. Sampson, NSAC. site. Although specific historical data are HaHfax Co.: Point Pleasant Park, lacking, the important ports of Pictou, 24.viii.2002, C.G. Majka, (4), CGMC. Port Hawkesbury, and Sydney all lie Pictou Co.: Pictou, 22.vii.1994, E.R. within the area where the species has Hoebeke and A.G. Wheeler, CUIC. been found, and many other coastal PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 70 New Brunswick Cape Breton Island ^=^ • Omphalapion hookerorum ® Rhopalapion longirostre Fig. 2. Distribution of Omphalapion hookerorum and Rhopahipioii longirostre in the Maritime Provinces. towns in this area had important ship- particularly between Cape George and building and timber exporting enter- Antigonish (G. Sampson, pers. com.). prises during the nineteenth century. The records cited above indicate the Given that Brown (1940, 1950, 1967) species is now found further east (Sydney and Lindroth (1957) documented many and Glace Bay) and south (Halifax) than other species of Coleoptera introduced reported by Peschken et al. (1993) and into North America via this pathway, O. occupies a much larger portion of the hookerorum may also be a member of province. Whether this simply adds to this suite of insects. the knowledge of its distribution in the Omphalapion hookerorum has been province, or indicates that the species is introduced into portions of British Co- expanding its range, remains to be de- lumbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and termined; however, it appears that the Manitoba (Harris and McClay 2001). It latter may be the case. There has been appears to favor a continental climate, extensive prior collecting for weevils and and in Alberta has been naturally dis- other Coleoptera by many researchers persing at a rate of 2.8 km/year (Harris interested in adventive species in Sydney and McClay 2001). In Nova Scotia the (Harrington 1891, Lindroth 1957, Brown species is abundant in coastal localities 1967, McCorquodale et al. 2005) and on the northern shore of the province, Halifax (Brown 1950; Lindroth 1957; VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 71 Hoebeke and Wheeler 1996a, 1996b; and Crimea to Turkistan and Iran, and Majka et al. 2004) and this species had that consequently its persistence in cool- not been found. er climates may be transitory. It is not Offurther interest are the Wheeler and known if the Nova Scotia collections Hoebeke's collections of O. hookerorum represent an ephemerally adventive pop- on Anthemis cotula. This differs from ulation introduced via the horticultural previous findings. Peschken et al. (1993) trade or an established population. sampled T. maritima, Matricaria matri- Windsor does lie within a comparatively carioides (Less.) Porter, A. cotula, and warmer portion of the province, one of Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. (Aster- only three pockets in Nova Scotia where aceae) finding O. hookerorum only on T. the number ofannual degree-days above maritima. Peschken and Sawchyn (1993) 5°C exceeds 1,800 (McCalla 1988). concluded that only T. maritima and M. Nonetheless, its presence in Nova Scotia matricarioides would be suitable field indicates that the species is continuing to hosts for O. hookerorum. In Europe, O. expand its range, either by dispersion, hookerorum is reported only from T. the assistance of human agency, or maritima (Dieckmann 1977). Thus it a combination of both processes. would appear that O. hookerorum is Discussion diversifying its food-plant preferences in the New World environment. In the Old The above accounts illustrate a broad World, it is found throughout Europe range of circumstances, which apply to (including Great Britain), east to western introduced species, including inadver- Siberia and the Caucasus, and south to tent and deliberate introductions, a vari- Algeria and Morocco (Hoffmann 1958, ety of mechanisms of introduction, and Peschken et al. 1993). a variety of pathways of subsequent dispersal. Both O. hookerorum and P. Rhopalapion longirostre (Olivier 1807) curtirostre are well established in large NOVA SCOTIA: Hants Co.: Wind- areas of the region and may be increas- sor, 21.xi.2002, G. Oikle, (10), NSMC. ing their ranges. The status of JR. long- Sleeper (1953) first reported this Pale- irostre is uncertain. More research is arctic species from specimens collected in required to determine if it will persist in Georgia, U.S.A., in 1914 and 1922. Nova Scotia. Arrenodes minutus was Brown (1967) subsequently reported that intercepted in Nova Scotia and does it from New York and Ontario, south to not persist. Arkansas and North Carolina, and in The situation with introduced Apioni- California. O'Brien and Wibmer (1982) dae in the Maritime Provinces parallels expanded the range to include Massa- that ofother groups ofColeoptera in the chusetts, Oregon, Washington, and Col- region. Bousquet (1992) listed 45 taxa of orado. Bright (1993) added British Co- exotic Carabidae established in north- lumbia and Quebec to the Canadian eastern North America. Of these, 32 are range. The species is associated with found in the Maritimes and 15 were first hollyhock, Althea rosea L. (Malvaceae), recorded in North America from the where adults and larvae feed on flowers region. Overall 12% (35 of285 species) of and seeds. The specimens collected in carabids in Nova Scotia and 15% (24 of Nova Scotia (Fig. 2) were found on A. 159 species) on Prince Edward Island are rosea growing in a horticultural setting. introduced (Majka et al. 2006). Majka et Brown (1967) remarked that in Eur- al. (in press) summarize the weevil asia the species is found primarily in (Curculionoidea) fauna ofthe Maritimes warmer climates from Italy, Hungary, and document 59 introduced species. 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON which comprise 21% ofthe weevil fauna. Acknowledgments In Nova Scotia, 23 of 172 species (13%) We thank Peter Harris, Karen Saw- of Chrysomelidae are introduced species chyn, Cory Sheffield, and Susan Westby (C.G. Majka, unpublished data). In (Agriculture and Agri-food Canada); the case of Apionidae four of the 13 Kathleen Aikens, Clayton D'Orsay, and species (31%) recorded in the region Sheena Townsend (Cape Breton Univer- are introduced Majka et al. (in press), sity), E. Richard Hoebeke (Cornell double the overall proportion of 14.6% University), Glen Sampson (Nova Scotia introduced species of Coleoptera in Agricultural College); Jeff Ogden (Nova Nova Scotia (C.G. Majka, unpubhshed Scotia Department of Natural Re- data). sources), and Reginald P. Webster for Both O. hookeronnii and P. cwtirostre their assistance. Particular thanks to can be considered potentially beneficial Charles CBrien (University of Arizona) species; they feed on, and may have and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. (Clemson Uni- biocontrol potential against these intro- versity) for their constructive reviews of duced weeds. Rhopalapion longirostre the manuscript. The first author thanks can itself be considered a "pest" because his colleagues at the Nova Scotia Muse- it feeds on a desirable horticultural plant um, Calum Ewing and Andrew Hebda, (hollyhock). These categories are, of for continuing support and encourage- course, relative to their impact on human ment. This work has been assisted by activities. The impact of such species on a research grant from the Nova Scotia native faunas and environments has been Museum of Natural History. little investigated. Introduced taxa sometimes have com- Literature Cited plex impacts on ecosystems. For in- Anderson, R. S. and D. G. Kissinger. 2002. stance, Maerz et al. (2005) examined Brentidae Billberg 1820, pp. 711-719. In the role of introduced invertebrates on ArneU, R. H., Jr, M. C. Thomas, P. E. Skelley, populations of red-backed salamanders and J. H. Frank, eds. American Beetles, {Pletlwdon cinereus (Green)). Weevils Volume 2: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. CRC Press, Boca Raton, comprised the largest proportion offood U.S.A. items for salamanders in upland forests Applequist, W. 2002. A reassessment of the and the second largest proportion (after nomenclature of Matricaria L. and Tripleur- earthworms) in lowland forests. Ofthese, osperinwn Sch. Bip. (Asteraceae). Taxon 51: the introduced weevil Barypeithes pellu- 757-761. cidus (Boheman) accounted for more Bousquet, Y. 1992. Benibidion feinoratuin Sturm than 90% of prey items, leading the and Anuira communis (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) new to North America. Journal of authors to conclude that "the seasonally the New York Entomological Society 100: hyper-abundant Barypeithes pellucidus 503-509. had a strong effect on seasonal fluctua- Bright, D. E. 1993. The Weevils of Canada and tions in P. cinereus diet," and to further Alaska: Volume 1: Coleoptera: Curculionoi- dea, excluding Scolytidae and Curculionidae. hypothesize that the "influence of in- Agriculture Canada: Research Branch, Publi- troduced prey on temporal and geo- cation 1882. 217 pp. graphic food resources contributes to Brown, W. J. 1940. Notes on the American temporal and geographic demographic distribution of some species of Coleoptera and phenotypic variation among P. commontotheEuropeanandNorthAmerican cinereus populations." Any such effects continents. The Canadian Entomologist 72: 65-78. oefnvitrhoesnemenitnstrionduNcoerdthweAevmielrsician rneamtaiivne spe.ci1e9s50.ofThCeoleexotprtaelriami.taTlhdeistCraibnuatdiioannofEsnotmoe- to be investigated. mologist 82: 197-205. VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 73 . 1967.Notesontheextralimitaldistribution Hoffman, A. 1958. Coleopteres. Curculionoides of some species of Coleoptera. The Canadian (Troisieme Partie). Faune de France. Vol 62. Entomologist 99: 85-93. Federation Frangaise des Societes de Science Buchanan, W. D. 1960. Biology of the oak Naturelles, Paris, pp. 1209-1839. timberworm, Arrlienodes miniitiis. Journal of Johnson, P. J. 1990. Notes on the naturalization of Economic Entomology 53: 510-513. two species of European Byrrhidae (Coleop- Christmas Tree Council ofNova Scotia. Available tera) in North America. Journal of the New from (accessed 14 April York Entomological Society 98: 434-440. 2006). Lindroth, C. H. 1957. The Faunal Connections Dieckmann, L. 1977. Beitrage zur Insektenfauna between Europe andNorthAmerica. Almqvist der DDR: Coleoptera-Curculionidae (Apioni- & Wiksell, Stockholm, Sweden. 344 pp. nae). Beitrage zur Entomologie (Berlin) 27: Maerz, J. C, J. M. Karuzas, D. M. Madison, and 7-143. B. Blossey. 2005. Introduced invertebrates Downie, N. M. and R. H. Arnett, Jr. 1996. The are important prey for a generalist preda- Beetles ofNortheastern North America. Sand- tor. Diversity and Distributions 11(1): 83- hill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. 1721 pp. 90. Harrington, W. H. 1891. Notes on a few Canadian Majka, C. G. 2005. The Palearctic species Bembi- Rhyncophora. TheCanadian Entomologist23: dion femoratimi and Amara communis (Co- 21-27, 114. leoptera: Carabidae): newrecordsandnoteson Harris, P. and A. McClay. 2001. Oiriphalapion modes ofintroduction to North America. The hookeri Kirby. Seed-headed weevil. Avail- Canadian Entomologist 137: 532-538. ablefrom Majka, C. G. and J. Klimaszewski. 2004. Phloeo- agents/aomphook_e.htm (accessed 16 April charissubtilissima Mannerheim (Staphylinidae: 2006). Phloeocharinae) and Cephemuum gallicum Hoebeke, E. R. and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1996a. Ganglbauer (Scydmaenidae) new to North Meligetlies viridescens (F.) (Coleoptera: Niti- America: a case study in the introduction of duhdae) in Maine, Nova Scotia, and Prince exotic Coleoptera to the port of Halifax, with Edward Island: diagnosis, distribution, and new records of other species. Zootaxa 781: bionomics ofaPalearctic species newto North 1-15. America. Proceedings of the Entomological Majka, C. G. and L. LeSage. 2006. Introduced Society ofWashington 98: 221-227. leaf beetles of the Maritime Provinces, 1: 1996b. Adventive lady beetles (Coleoptera: Sphaeroderma testaceum (Fabricius) (Coleop- . Coccinellidae) in the Canadian Maritime tera: Chrysomelidae). Proceedings of the En- Provinces, with new eastern U.S. records of tomological Society of Washington 108: 243- Harmonia quadripunctata. Entomological 247. News 107: 281-290. Majka, C. G., R. S. Anderson, and D. B. 2000. Telmatophilus typhae (Fallen) (Co- McCorquodale. In press. The weevils of the . leoptera: Cryptophagidae), a Palearctic cattail MaritimeProvincesofCanada, II: newrecords specialist established in the Canadian Mari- from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island time Provinces. Proceedings of the Entomo- (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). The Canadian logical Society ofWashington 102: 398^02. Entomologist. . 2003. Sphaeroderma testaceum (F.) (Co- Majka, C. G., J. Cook, and S. Westby. 2006a. leoptera: Chrysomelidae), a Palearctic flea IntroducedCarabidae(Coleoptera)fromNova beetle new to North America. Proceedings of Scotia and Prince Edward Island: new records the Entomological Society ofWashington 105: and ecological perspectives. The Canadian 990-994. Entomologist 138: 602-609. 2005a. First records of adventive Hyme- Majka, C. G., C. Noronha, and M. Smith. 2006b. . noptera (Argidae, Megachilidae, Tenthredini- Adventive and native Byrrhidae (Coleoptera) dae, and Vespidae) from the Canadian Mar- newly recorded from Prince Edward Island. itimes and the United States. Entomological Zootaxa 1168: 21-30. News 116: 159-165. McCalla, R. J. 1988. The Maritime Provinces 2005b. Establishment of three European Atlas. Maritext Ltd., Halifax, NS. 96 pp. . flea beetles in Nova Scotia: Longitarsus gang- McCorquodale, D. B., B. L. Musgrave, S. Atkins, Ibaueri Heikertinger, L. jacobaeae (Water- C. Majka, and R. S. Anderson. 2005. New house), and L. rubiginosa (Foudras) (Coleop- records ofnative and introduced weevils (Co- tera: Chrysomehdae: Alticinae). Proceedingsof leoptera: Curculionidae) for Nova Scotia from the Entomological Society ofWashington 107: Cape Breton Island. The Coleopterists Bulletin 319-322. 59: 27-34. 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON McNamara, J. 199L Family Brentidae: brentid Peschken, D. P., K. C. Sawchyn, and D. E. Bright. beetles, pp. 327. In Bousquet, Y. ed. Checklist 1993. First record of Apion hookeri Kirby of Beetles of Canada and Alaska. Agricul- (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in North Amer- ture Canada: Research Branch, Publication ica. The Canadian Entomologist 125: 629-631. 1861/E. Royce, L. A. and B. Simko. 2000. Cereal Leaf Natural Resources Canada. 2005. The State of Beetle: Identification, Control, and California Canada's Forests 2004-2005. Available from Quarantine Alert. Oregon State University, Extension Service, publication EM8762. 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First the West Indies (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). recordsfromtheCanadian Maritimeprovinces Memoirs of the American Entomological In- of three European insects injurious to orna- stitute (Gainesville) No. 34. 382 pp. mental plants. Proceedings ofthe Entomolog- Peschken, D. P. and K. C. Sawchyn. 1993. Host ical Society ofWashington 96: 749-756. specificity and suitability of Apion hookeri Whitehead, D. R. 1980. The weevil Apion (Per- (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a candidate for apion) curtirostre Germar in North America, the biological control of scentless chamomile, and the systematic position of Perapion Matricaria perforata Merat (Asteraceae), in Wagner with a review ofthe North American Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 125: species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Apioni- 619-628. dae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 34: 397^00.