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Internet of Things (IoT)-Systems and Applications PDF

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Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) Systems and Applications edited by Jamil Y. Khan Mehmet R. Yuce July30,2019 12:54 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims Publishedby JennyStanfordPublishingPte.Ltd. Level34,CentennialTower 3TemasekAvenue Singapore039190 Email:[email protected] Web:www.jennystanford.com BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. InternetofThings(IoT):SystemsandApplications Copyright(cid:2)c 2019JennyStanfordPublishingPte.Ltd. Allrightsreserved.Thisbook,orpartsthereof,maynotbereproducedinany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recordingoranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystemnowknownorto beinvented,withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not requiredfromthepublisher. ISBN978-981-4800-29-7(Hardcover) ISBN978-0-429-39908-4(eBook) July30,2019 12:54 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims Contents Preface xiii 1 IntroductiontoIoTSystems 1 JamilY.Khan 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 OverviewofIoTApplications 5 1.2.1 Healthcare 5 1.2.2 UtilityServices 7 1.2.3 Automotive/VehicularIoT 9 1.2.4 SmartAgriculture 10 1.2.5 SmartCity 11 1.3 IoTSystemArchitecturesandDesignApproaches 13 1.4 IoTStandards 17 1.5 Summary 21 2 BigDatainIoTSystems 25 FayeemAziz,StephanK.Chalup,andJamesJuniper 2.1 Introduction 25 2.1.1 TheDigitalEconomyandUbiquitous ComputingSystems 25 2.1.2 TheInternetofThings 28 2.2 TheoreticalApproachestoUCS 31 2.2.1 CategoryTheory 31 2.2.2 ProcessAlgebras 31 2.3 CoreDigitalTechnologiesforUCS 32 2.3.1 SemanticTechnologies 32 2.3.2 CognitiveComputingandDeepLearning 34 2.4 BigDataandItsSources 37 2.4.1 RadioFrequencyIdentification 38 August1,2019 18:4 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims vi Contents 2.4.2 WirelessSensorNetworks 39 2.4.3 Machine-to-MachineCommunications 39 2.4.4 CloudComputing 40 2.5 BigDatainIoTApplicationAreas 40 2.5.1 HealthcareSystems 40 2.5.2 FoodSupplyChains 42 2.5.3 SmartEnvironmentDomain 43 Smartpowersystem 43 Smarthome 43 Smartenvironmentcontrol 43 Safetyandsurveillance 44 Smartcity 45 2.5.4 SaferMiningProduction 45 2.5.5 TransportationandLogistics 45 2.5.6 Firefighting 46 2.6 ChallengesofBigDatainIoTSystems 47 2.6.1 BigDataMining 47 2.6.2 ProposedBigDataManagementandAnalysis Techniques 48 2.7 NewProductDevelopmentandUCS 49 2.8 OrganizationalandPolicyImplications 52 3 BasicsofCommunicationNetworks 65 JamilY.Khan 3.1 Introduction 66 3.2 BasicNetworkingTechniques 68 3.2.1 NetworkArchitecture 69 Wideareanetwork 72 Localareanetwork 72 Personalareanetwork 73 Infrastructureandadhocnetworks 73 3.3 PacketCommunicationProtocols 74 3.3.1 CommunicationProtocols/SoftwareModels 74 3.3.2 DataLinkLayerProtocols 77 LLCsublayer 78 Forwarderrorcorrectiontechniques 81 MACsublayer 84 Staticchannelization:TDMA 85 July30,2019 12:54 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims Contents vii Dynamicmediumaccesscontrol techniques 86 Pollingaccesstechnique 86 Randomaccesstechnique 88 Networkprotocols 91 3.3.3 TransportProtocols 93 3.4 WirelessNetworkingBasics 95 3.4.1 RadioPropagationEnvironment 100 3.5 TrafficModeling 101 3.6 Summary 103 4 Low-PowerWide-AreaNetworks 105 JamilY.KhanandDongChen 4.1 Introduction 106 4.1.1 IoTCommunicationRequirements 107 4.2 IoTNetworkDesignFundamentals 110 4.3 LPWANStandards 112 4.3.1 Long-RangeWide-AreaNetwork(LoRaWAN) 112 4.3.2 SigFox 115 4.4 OpenShort-RangeNetworkingTechniques 116 4.4.1 IEEE802.11Standards 117 4.4.2 IEEE802.11ahStandard 118 4.4.3 IEEE802.15.4Standard 124 4.4.4 ExtensionoftheIEEE802.15.4Standard 127 4.5 AHeterogeneousIoTNetworkArchitecture 129 4.5.1 MFDRRArchitecture 132 4.5.2 TheBlankBurstAlgorithm 133 4.6 PerformanceEvaluationoftheHeterogeneous Network 135 4.7 Conclusions 143 5 Energy-HarvestingIoTNetworks 147 ThienD.Nguyen,JamilY.Khan,andDuyT.Ngo 5.1 ReviewofEnergyHarvestingTechniques 147 5.1.1 Solar-BasedEnergyHarvestingTechnique 149 5.1.2 ThermalEnergyHarvestingTechnique 151 5.1.3 Vibration-BasedEnergyHarvestingTechnique 151 July30,2019 12:54 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims viii Contents 5.1.4 RadioFrequency(RF)EnergyHarvesting Technique 152 5.2 Energy-HarvestedSensorNetworkArchitecture 153 5.2.1 RadioFrequency(RF)EnergyHarvesting Technique 153 5.2.2 AnEnergyConsumptionModelfortheIEEE 802.15.4EHWSN 155 5.3 AProposedAlgorithmforKineticEnergy–Based EnergyHarvesting 157 5.3.1 SystemModel 158 5.3.2 VehicleEnergyGenerationModel 160 5.3.3 PiezoelectricRoadwayEnergyHarvester 162 5.3.4 AnAdaptiveBeaconOrder,SuperframeOrder, andDutyCycle(ABSD)Algorithm 164 Incomingtrafficloadestimation 165 Node’squeuestateestimation 165 Algorithmdescription 166 5.3.5 EH-ABSDAlgorithm 168 Energyback-offprocess 169 Algorithmdescription 170 5.4 AProposedModelforRF-BasedEnergyHarvesting 171 5.4.1 SystemModel 172 5.4.2 RFEnergyHarvestingProcess 174 5.4.3 RF-AASPAlgorithm 175 IncomingharvestedRFenergy estimation 175 Algorithmdescription 175 5.5 AProposedModelforSolar-BasedEnergyHarvesting 178 5.5.1 SystemModel 178 5.5.2 EnergyConsumptionModel 179 5.5.3 EnergyHarvestingPrediction 180 5.5.4 EnergyHarvestingProcess 181 Case1:Level3≤ Ei ≤ Level2 181 r Case2:0< Ei < Level3 181 r 5.5.5 ProposedRoutingAlgorithm 183 5.6 PerformanceAnalysisofEnergy-HarvestedWireless SensorNetwork 183 5.6.1 EH-ABSDAlgorithm 184 July30,2019 12:54 JSPBook-9inx6in 00-IoT-Prelims Contents ix Vehiculartrafficsimulation 184 Harvestedenergyatsensornodes 185 5.6.2 RF-AASPAlgorithm 189 5.6.3 Solar-BasedRoutingAlgorithmPerformance 194 5.7 Conclusion 197 6 Wide-AreaWirelessNetworksforIoTApplications 203 JasonBrown 6.1 Introduction 203 6.2 EvolutionofWide-AreaWirelessStandards 205 6.3 LTE,LTEAdvanced,andLTEAdvancedProOverview 207 6.3.1 OverallRoadmap 207 6.3.2 LTE 208 6.3.3 LTEAdvanced 214 6.3.4 LTEAdvancedPro 215 6.4 M2M/IoTChallengesandOpportunities 215 6.5 EmployingLTEAdvancedandLTEAdvancedProfor M2M/IoTApplications 217 6.5.1 RandomAccessOverload 218 6.5.2 PDCCHSaturation 221 6.5.3 ExploitingSpatialandTemporalCorrelation 224 6.5.4 LTE-MandNarrowbandLTE-M 226 6.6 Summary 228 7 Low-PowerDesignConsiderationsforIoTSensors 231 FanWu,MdShamsulArefin,Jean-MichelRedoute,and MehmetR.Yuce 7.1 Introduction 232 7.2 TransmissionFrequencyofIoTWirelessSensors 234 7.3 IoTHardwarePlatform 237 7.4 IoTWirelessSensorNetworkPlatforms 241 7.4.1 Waspmote 241 7.4.2 MySignals 243 7.4.3 MEMSIC 243 7.4.4 WiSense 244 7.5 IoTSensorNodewithEnergyHarvesting 246 7.6 ASelf-PoweredIoTSensorNodeDesign (ACaseStudy) 249

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