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International Medicines Regulations: A Forward Look to 1992 PDF

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International Medicines Regulations A Forward Look to 1992 CMR Workshop Series Monitoring for Adverse Drug Reactions Editors: S.R. WalkerandA. Goldberg Long-Term Animal Studies Their Predictive Value for Man Editors: S.R. Walker and A.D. Dayan Medicines and RisklBenefit Decisions Editors: S.R. Walker and A. W. Asscher Quality of Life: Assessment and Application Editors: S.R. Walker and R.M. Rosser International Medicines Regulations - A Forward Look to 1992 Editors: S.R. Walker and J.P. Griffin Animal Toxicity Studies - Their Relevance for Man Editors: C.E. Lumley and S.R. Walker ~ Workshop Series International Medicines Regulations A Forward Look to 1992 EDITED BY Stuart R. Walker Director of the Centre for Medicines Research Carshalton, and Honorary Professor, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff and John P. Griffin Director, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, London Formerly Professional Head of the Medicines Division, DHSS, London Proceeedings of the Centre for Medicines Research Workshop held at the elBA Foundation, London, 20th/21st September 1988 ~ KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS ••~ - DORDRECHTI BOSTON I LONDON Distributors for the United States and Canada: K1uwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358, USA for all other countries: K1uwer Academic Publishers Group, Distribution Center, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Centre for Medicines Research. (Workshop: 1988 : elBA Foundation). International medicines regulations: a forward look to 1992 : proceedings of the Centre for Mediciines Research Workshop held at the CIBA Foundation, London, 20th/21 st September 1988. - (CMR workshop series, 5). 1 Drugs. Regulation I. Title II. Walker, Stuart R. (Stuart Russel), 1944 III. Griffin, John P. IV. Series 363.1'946 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-6873-4 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-0857-4 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-0857-4 Copyright © 1989 by K1uwer Academic Publishers Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1989 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers, K1uwer Academic Publishers BV, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Published in the United Kingdom by K1uwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 55, Lancaster, UK. K1uwer Academic Publishers BV incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Contents Preface ix Notes on Contributors xi SECTION I HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT AND ROLE OF REGULATIONS 1 The historical development of medicines regulations RDMann 3 2 Setting the scene - the role of regulation LLasagna 19 3 An international comparison of medicines regulations MNGDukes 27 Discussions points 35 SECTION II OBJECTIVES AND ACHIEVE:MENTS OF REGULATIONS 4 Objectives and achievements of regulations in West Germany G Lewandowski 39 5 Objectives and achievements of regulations in West Germany RBass 47 6 Objectives and achievements of medicines regulations in the BENELUX countries P Claessens and J Muschart 59 7 Objectives and achievements of regulations in The Netherlands C A Teijgeler 67 8 Objectives and achievements of regulations in the UK J PGriffin 73 v INTERNATIONAL MEDICINES REGULATIONS 9 Objectives and achievements of medicines regulations in the UK MDRawlins 93 10 The Swedish medicines regulatory system - with some notes on the Scandinavian situation LEBottiger 101 11 Objectives and achievements of medicines regulations in the Nordic countries J Idanpiiiin-Heikkiia 111 12 Objectives and achievements of regulations in the USA JR Crout 117 13 Objectives and achievements of regulations in the USA R Temple 125 14 Objectives and achievements of regulations in Japan CN Roberts 135 15 Objectives and achievements of regulations in developing countries D C Jayasunya 149 Discussion points 163 16 Overview of objectives and achievements of medicines regulations H HTilson 167 SECfION III FUTURE PERSPECTIVES OF REGULATIONS IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES 17 Future perspectives of regulations in Japan KUchida 173 18 Future perspectives of regulations in the United States RTemple 185 19 Future perspectives of regulations - industry viewpoint CCLeighton 195 Discussion points 203 SECfION IV FUTURE PERSPECfIVES OF REGULATIONS IN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 20 The role of the CPMP in the EEC C A Teijgeler 207 vi CONTENTS 21 Future perspectives of regulations - internal market by 1992? F Sauer 219 22 Future perspectives of regulations - harmonization of data requirements B A Gennery 235 23 Future perspectives of regulations - national authorities' relationship with the EEC D Poggiolini 243 24 Future perspectives of regulations - the concept of a European medicines office TMJones 249 25 Mutual recognition or a central European office? Y Juillet 261 Discussion points 265 Final round table discussion 267 Appendix 1 The future systems in Europe ABPI Steering Group for Europe 271 Appendix 2 Memorandum on the future system for the authorization of medicinal products in the European Community Commission of the European Communities Memorandum 289 Index 307 vii Preface As 1992 looms on the horizon and preparation is made for the completion of the internal market in Europe, the CMR realised the value of addressing some of the issues involved and defining the objectives and achievements of medicines regulations in a number of EEC countries in comparison with Japan and the USA. The overall aim was to use the lessons of past experience to determine the most appropriate way forward. The final debate focused on two possibilities for assessing and granting marketing authorisations for Europe, namely mutual recognition or a centrally organised European Med icines Office. These two views were discussed in detail at both the workshop at the Ciba Foundation and the international symposium at the Royal College of Physicians. It is hoped that this sharing of ideas and the publication of the proceedings of this fifth CMR Workshop will have encouraged all concerned to continue the debate so that the final outcome will be the establishment of an efficient system in the community for the benefit of patients, the practising physician and the pharmaceutical industry. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Brenda Mullinger for the considerable amount of scientific and editorial work that she carried out on the manuscripts, Sheila Wright for providing the secretarial support which allowed the proceedings to be submitted to Kluwer Academic Publishers on disk and Sandra Cox who organised the administrative aspects so vital to the successful running of a Workshop and major international symposium. S.R. Walker J.P. Griffin ix Notes on Contributors Professor R Bass MD is Head of Toxicology, Director and Professor at the Institute for Drugs of the Federal Health Office, Berlin and since 1984 has been Ausserplana biger Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Free University Berlin. His current research interests are in reproduction and short-term -tests in toxicology. He has had over 90 papers, articles and books published in this area on formaldehyde, animal experiments and protection and regulatory toxicology. Professor L E Biittiger MD FRCP is Vice President and Head of Medical Affairs, KabiVitrum Ltd., Stockholm, Sweden. He has been Professor and Head of the pharmacotherapeutic Division of the Department of Drugs (1972-1974) and Pro fessor and Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine, Karolinska Institute and Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (1974-1984). He has published more than 400 articles in internal medicine, clinical pharmacology and related areas. Mr P Claessens Dr Juris MBA is Managing Director of the Association Generale de I'Industrie du Medicament, Belgium. He is a Member of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries' Associations, a Member of the Pricing Committee of the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Belgian National Institute for Social Security. In the past he has held the post of Director at the Belgian Federation of the Chemical Industry and Assistant to the Managing Director of BASF, Belgium. Dr J R Crout MD is Vice President, Medical and Scientific Affairs, Boehringer Mannheim Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Rockville, Maryland, USA. Prior to as suming this position he was Director, Bureau of Drugs, US Food and Drug Admin istration, Rockville, Maryland and later Director, Office of Medical Applications of Research, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. His research interests are in clinical pharmacology, hypertension, autonomic pharmacology, new drug development, clinical trial design and management and drug regulatory policy. Professor M N G Dukes MD MRCS LRCP MA LLM (International Law) is Professor of Drug Policy Science at the University of Groningen, Regional Officer for Pharmaceuticals at the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen and Editor in Chief of the Side Effects of Drugs volumes and database. His research interests include the scientific basis of pharmaceutical drug policies, the sociology of drug utijization, adverse reaction monitoring, the influence of clinical pharmacology and the apportionment of responsibility for drug-induced injury. Dr B A Gennery MB ChB Dip Pharm Med is Group Medical Director for Europe for Lilly Research. He qualified in medicine at the University of Bristol. After nearly ten years in clinical medicine he joined Boehringer Ingelheim where he was re sponsible for clinical research and medical services for rheumatological, cardiovascu- xi INTERNATIONAL MEDICINES REGULATIONS lar and respiratory products. He has published papers on cardiovascular and rheuma tological products and research in biotechnology. Dr J P Griffin BSc PhD MB BS MRCP FRCPath has been Director of The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry since 1984 and is Honorary Consultant at the Lister Hospital, Stevenage, Herts. Formerly he was Professional Head of Medicines Division, Department of Health, UK representative to the EC Committee of Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) and Chairman of the CPMP's Working Party on Safety Requirements (1977-1984). He was also a Mem ber of the Editorial Board of British National Formulary between 1976 and 1984. Dr Griffin is the author of four books and over 150 scientific papers. Professor R Hurley LLB MD FRCPath DUniv(Surrey) DipLit of the Inner Temple Barrister-at-Law is Professor of Microbiology at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School's Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of London, and Chair man of the Medicines Commission. Her current research interests include studies on the diagnosis, incidence, aetiology, management and prognosis of serious infec tions of the central nervous system, infections, particularly viral infections, during pregnancy, and the mycoses caused by Candida albicans, She has written two books on the latter and has contributed many chapters in standard textbooks of Medicine and of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on various topics, as well as publishing research papers. Dr J Idanpaan-HeikkiJa MD is Medical Officer for Pharmacology and New Drug Evaluation at the Health Directorate of Finland in Helsinki, Finland. He is a member of the WHO Advisory Panel for Drugs and Therapeutics and Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Helsinki Medical School. His main research interest has been in psychopharmacology, drug utilization and drug regulations. Dr D C Jayasuriya LLB PhD is an international consultant on health policy and legislation and has recently established an Institute of Comparative Health Policy and Law. He is the author of 12 books, six monographs and over 100 articles. Professor T M Jones BPharm PhD FPS CChem FRSC MCPP is currently the Director of Research, Development and Medical, Wellcome Foundation Ltd and also Director of Wellcome's Beckenham site. He is responsible for all R&D and medical activities in the UK and overseas (excluding the USA) and is a Main Board Director. Professor Jones is Visiting Professor of Pharmacy, University of London and Adjunct Professor in Pharmaceutics, University of North Carolina, USA. He is a member of many academic and industrial committees, sits on the editorial boards of a number of pharmacy and pharmaceutical journals and has authored numerous publications throughout his career. He was appointed by the UK Minister of Health to the Medicines Commission in 1982. Dr Y Juillet MD is a specialist in internal medicine, cardiology and pharmacology and has been Deputy Managing Director of SNIP since 1988. Prior to this appoint ment he was Director of Scientific & Technical Affairs of SNIP and Associate Professor and Departmental Head at Hopital Broussais, Paris. He is a Member of the official registration Committee (AMM) , Transparency and Post Marketing Committee of the French Health Ministry where he represents Industry and is currently Vice President of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries' Association's Working Party 1. Professor L Lasagna MD is Dean of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Academic Dean of the School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Professor Lasagna's research interests have included analges ics, the placebo response, clinical trial methodology and drug development and xii

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