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Integrating CFD and Experiment in Aerodynamics An international symposium to celebrate the career of Prof. Bryan E. Richards th th 8 /9 September, 2003 Kelvin Gallery, University of Glasgow http://www.aero.gla.ac.uk/integration Background Bryan Richards retires in September, 2003 following forty years of research and teachinginaerodynamics. His career has involved both experimental work at Imperial College and Von Karman Institute and CFD at University of Glasgow. The symposium is dedicatedtotheimportanttopicofhowtouseCFDandexperimentstowardsthe goalofimproved understandingofaerodynamics.Itisintendedtobringtogether international experts in these fields to look forward to new ways of integrating thetwodisciplines,andintheprocesscelebratethevariedcontributionsofBryan Richardstoaerodynamics. Scientific Rationale CFDpractitionersandexperimentalistshaveacommongoalofunderstandingaerodynamics.Itistherefore surprising that the disciplines often only interact for the validation of CFD. This provides a very limited formofintegrationbutoftenthereisnointeractionbetweentheexperimentalistandtheCFDpractitioners. Thissituationisunsatisfactoryfrommanypointsofviewincluding(a)the needto have anappreciationof the flow before deciding what should be measured, (b) the desirability of having checks in place on the experimentalmeasurementsastheyaretaken,(c)thedifficultyinmakingcertainimportantmeasurements, (d) the need to assess the influence of the experimental techniques on the measurements, (e) the abilityof CFD to provide detailed flow information and sensitivityat a reasonable cost for some cases, (f) the large cost of CFD calculations for other cases, and (g)the lack of credibility for the CFD results for some flow categories. It could be argued that the process of aerodynamic investigation would be significantly enhanced if the integration of CFD and experiments was much stronger. In particular, the design and reliability of experiments could be significantly enhanced by CFD, the scope of experimental measurements extended through CFD and the credibility of the simulation results enhanced by the availability of suitable measurementsfromexperiments.Thissortofcloserintegrationishoweverrare.Theaimofthesymposium is to bring together leading researchers from both fields to initiate more careful consideration of these issuesandtostimulatenewwaysofapproachingaerodynamicstudies. Local Organisers KenBadcock GeorgeBarakos, DepartmentofAerospaceEngineering DepartmentofAerospaceEngineering UniversityofGlasgow UniversityofGlasgow GlasgowG128QQ GlasgowG128QQ UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Phone:+44(0)1413304106 Phone:+44(0)1413304106 Fax:+44(0)1413305560 Fax:+44(0)1413305560 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.gla.ac.uk/Research/CFD http://www.gla.ac.uk/Research/CFD Scientific Committee Prof.NingQin Prof.DanielFavier Prof.RichardHillier DepartmentofMechanicalEng. LABM DepartmentofAeronautics UniversityofSheffield UniversityofMarseilles ImperialCollege UK France UK Experimentalist(cid:146)s requirements for a safe methodology in CFD code validation Jean DØlery ONERA (cid:150) Centre deMeudon, France, [email protected] predicting flows that cannot be presentable as clearly identified solutions of well known mathematical Keywords:experimentaltechniques,code problems.Atthisstage,comparisonwithexperimental validation,database dataismandatory. In the past, predictive methods were validated by Abstract comparison of the computed results with some measured global quantities, such as forces and moments, and with wall properties, namely the In spite of the spectacular progress in CFD there is pressure and the heat-transfer for hypersonic still a strong need to validate the computer codes by applications. The skin friction was more rarely comparisonwithexperiments.Thefirstvalidationstep available, this quantity being difficult to measure is the assessment of the code numerical safety and (even now) in compressible flows. However, the flow the physical models accuracy. This validation step prediction landscape has completely changed over requires carefully made building block experiments. the past 40 years with the advent of numerical To be calculable, such experiments must satisfy methods solving the Navier-Stokes equations or conditions such as the precise definition of the test approaches such as DSMC to predict rarefied flows. set-up geometry, the absence of uncontrolled However,intheirpresentstatetheCFDcodesarestill parasitic effects, a complete information on the flow far from being free of critics, since many difficulties conditions and indication on the uncertainty margins. persist both on the numerical and physical sides. Under these conditions, the experiment can be put There is thus a strong need to validate CFD codes, into a database which will be precious to help in the more particularly from the physical point of view development of reliable and accurate codes. The beforetheirroutineusefordesignpurposes3. paper provides also an overview of modern measurement techniques allowing a precise and A comparison restricted to the wall properties is in thorough description of complex separated flows. general insufficient to validate the most advanced Recommendation for the constitution of experimental predictive methods. In particular, information on the databasesareprovidedasaconclusion. Mach number, temperature, density fields is essential to elucidate the cause of discrepancies affecting, for example, the wall quantities distribution. Such a Introduction requirement is still more demanding in hypersonic flows where one has to represent complex thermo- Methods for verifying the capabilityofa codeto solve chemical processes and/or strongly interacting and given equations have been the object of close shock-separated turbulent flows. In this case, examinations. Identification and elimination of various information on turbulence quantities is also needed, types of errors and use of precision criteria, methods which is a formidable challenge in high Mach number for convergence testing, rules for establishing grid flows! The prediction of shock/shock interferences convergence,areallrequiredwhenonehastoassess which can have destructive effects on a nearby thequalityofthenumericaltool.Thevariousstagesof structure necessitates an accurate prediction of the the general process of verification that will give to the complex structures resulting from shock intersection. codeaconfidencelabelpermittingtouseitfortesting The problem of code validation is crucial in three- theoreticalmodelshave beensummedupbyRoache dimensional applications where the Navier-Stokes with references to many authors1. The ERCOFTAC approachbecomesmandatory. Due tothecomplexity association has issued Best Practice Guidelines of such flows, it is clear that the consideration of the giving strict recommendations to asses code quality surfacepressurealoneisinadequate,thisinformation for industrialcomputational fluid dynamics2. The code giving a very partial view of the flow (in three- verification process constitutes by itself a complex dimensional flows, it is no longer possible to infer program often partially carried out but that should be separation from an inspection of the wall pressure completelysatisfiedintheidealcases.Asecondstep distributions). is devoted to the validation of models aimed at 1 In these conditions, the validation of computer codes solution algorithms. A further step is to run the code requires well documented experiments providing not on a configuration for which reliable experimental only wall quantities but also flowfield measurements. resultsareavailable.Thispointisfarlessobviousthat Itisremarkablethatthebreakthroughinourpredictive it would appear at first sight, since the experimental capacity has been paralleled by spectacular datashouldallowtodrawclearconclusions. developments in measurement techniques over approximately the same period, mainly with the Secondstep:Validationofthephysicsimplementedin advent of laser based optical methods, optical the code on elementary configurations. This is the techniques having operated a true revolution in our mostimportant pointfor the specialist in flowphysics, capacity to investigate flows containing shock waves, the first step being only a preliminary step simply concentrated expansions, thin shear-layers and aiming at verifying the tool. In the second step, the recirculatingregions4. code is used to compute what can be considered as the elementary components of an aerodynamic flow: Thevalidationmethodology attached boundary layer, laminar-turbulent transition on a flat plate, separation induced by an obstacle, Coderequirements:reliabilityoraccuracy? flow past a base, shock wave/boundary layer interaction, start and development of a vortex Before considering a validation action, the aim of the structure,vortexbreakdown,shock/shockinterference calculationmustbeclearlystated. or shock crossing, etc. Two-dimensional - preferably (cid:1) If calculation is used to predict the performance axisymmetric - as well as three-dimensional basic of a system or a sub-system, accuracy is situations have to be considered. For this first mandatory. validation step, the numerical results are compared (cid:1) In the design of devices involving complex flows withbuildingblockexperimentsfocusingonaspecific whose experimental simulation is not possible a elementaryphenomenon. calculation showing the flow field topology is of greathelp.Inthiscase,accuracyisnotessential, Third step: Validation on more complex sub-systems. but reliability is crucial since one must be Once the code and its physical model(s) have been confident on the physical features of the validated on basic cases, a more complete computedfield. configuration must be considered consisting in a sub- (cid:1) The physical understanding of complex flows system of a complete vehicle, where several must be based on a theoretical analysis whose elementary phenomena are combined. This is the aim is to help in the interpretation of the case of a profile on which one encounters laminar- phenomena and in the establishment of a turbulent transition, attached boundary layers, consistent topological description. In this case, transonic shock wave/boundary layer interaction, accuracy is not needed since theoretical separation, wake development, etc. The wing analyses are most often derived from simplifying constitutes a three-dimensional extension with the assumptions rendering quantitative results additional problems of the vortices emanating from questionable. the wing and control surfaces extremities. The (cid:1) Inthelastissue,acodeisusedasatooltotesta supersonic air-intake involves shock/shock newphysicalmodel.Then,numericalaccuracyis interference, shock wave/boundary layer interactions, mandatory since it would be vain to implement a corner flows with vortex development. After-bodies goodmodelinaninaccuratecode. combine supersonic jets with complexshock patterns (Mach disc formation), shock induced separation, Themethodologydifferentsteps either inside the nozzle (overexpanded nozzle) or on the fuselage (jet pluming at the exit of an The verification/ validation procedure has to be underexpandednozzle).Manyotherexamplescanbe submittedtoafourstepmethodology. cited: propulsive nacelle, compressor/turbine cascade,helicopterrotor,etc. First step: Assessment of the code numerical accuracy.Aconclusiveassessmentofthispointisnot Fourth step: Validation on the complete vehicle or astraightforwardissueinthesensethatthenumerics object. This is the ultimate target in which the code is involves many aspects. When possible, a first firm appliedtoacompletevehicle. answer can be obtained from comparison with analytical solutions in laminar flowor well established Each of the above steps implies an iterative empirical results. In turbulent flow, the question is not procedure between computation and experiment to so clear since numerical and physical modelling adapt or correct the code from inspection and problems are closely linked. Verification by interpretation of the discrepancies between the confrontation with other codes is not always computed and experimental results. This exercise is conclusive since the codes may use different not entirely safe for the experimentalist, since a numerical techniques, discretization schemes and 2 persistent discrepancy may be due to measurement The first one is a double cone configuration used to errorsorilldefinedexperimentalconditions. produced shock-induced separation at high Mach number, the second one is a model used to validate Requirementsforgoodtestcasesconstitution codes predicting the flow past an axisymmetric afterbodyequippedwithapropulsivejet. Definition of the geometry. A first condition for an experiment aiming at code verification/validation is to Boundary conditions. The boundary conditions must focus on a configuration whose geometry is be well identified and accurately known. This representative of a typical situation, precisely defined concerns the upstream flow conditions (Mach and as simple as possible while avoiding singularities number, velocity, pressure, density) when a uniform leading to meshing difficulties. When possible, an incoming flow exists. In transonic experiments analyticaldefinitionofthecontourshouldbeprovided. executed in a channel type arrangement, one often It is preferable to give the dimensions in metric units considers phenomena taking place on the channel toavoidriskofconfusioninthereferencelengthused walls, the test section itself being the model. In this to compute a Reynolds number. When possible, a case, a well defined origin with a uniform state at two-dimensional geometry should be adopted - even upstreaminfinitydoesnotexist.Then,thedatashould for three-dimensional problems - since it offers many provide all the flow conditions in a section located advantages to visualise the phenomena and to sufficiently far upstream of the region of interest, execute measurements, in addition of the lower cost includingtheboundarylayerproperties(meanvelocity ofthetest-setupfabrication.Furthermore,theoriginal profile, turbulent quantities). If LDV measurements set-upmustfrequentlybemodifiedbeforearrivingata now permit to know with a good approximation the fully satisfactory flow; such modifications are far Reynolds stress profiles in moderate supersonic easier on a two-dimensional/ axisymmetric flows,amethodmustbeconceivedfordeducingfrom arrangement.TwotypicalmodelsareshowninFig.1. these data the dissipation rate of two-equation turbulencemodels. In all cases the stagnation conditions (pressure, temperature) and the incoming stream thermodynamic properties must be given. Downstream boundary conditions leading to a well posed problem must be provided. If the flow leaving the zone of interest is supersonic, then no-conditions have to be imposed to perform the calculation. The question of the downstream conditions is more delicate if the configuration is such that the flow leavingthetestregionissubsonic.Whentheoutgoing flow is again uniform, most often a downstream pressure is given, since this quantity is easily obtained.Itisfarmoredifficulttoprovidethepressure field in a complete plane, as some theoreticians a(cid:150)doubleconemodelforhypersonicseparation sometimes ask for. In transonic channel experiments study where a shock is produced by the choking effect of a second throat, the best way is to provide the geometryof the second throatand, in the calculation, to impose downstream conditions insuring the chokingofthisthroat.ThephotographinFig.2shows a test set-up which has been extensively used to analyse shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a transonic channel5. The entrance of the test section has a converging-diverging upper wall constituting a first sonic throat. At this location, the flow conditions, including the boundary layer profiles, are provided. In the present arrangement, an oscillating shock is produced by a rotating shaft placed in the b(cid:150)Axisymmetricmodelforpoweredbaseflow downstreampartofthechannel.Theshafthasalsoa Investigation choking effect, thus providing well defined downstreamconditions. Fig.1:Twotypicalsimplemodelsforcode validationpurposes 3 modelshowninFig.4,whichhasbeenmuchusedto validate both laminar and turbulent shock wave/boundary layer interactions6. Even in this case, the flow adopts a three-dimensional structure at a (cid:147)microscopic(cid:148) scale, as it can be seen in the surface flowpatterninFig.5. Fig.2:Testsetuparrangementfortransonic interactionstudies Parasitic effects. Side effects or uncontrolled perturbations must be avoided, except if they can be takenintoaccountbythecalculation.Thesideeffects due to the finite span of any experimental arrangement strongly affect the flow when separation occurs. Then, the experimented flow can be very Fig.4:Hollowcylinder-plus-flaremodelfor differentfromtheassumedidealtwo-dimensionalflow axisymmetricflowinvestigation whichwouldcorrespondtotheinfinitespancondition. Fig.3:Surfaceflowpatterninanominally2D transonicchannel(IMP/PAMdocument) As an illustration Fig. 3, shows a surface flow Fig.5:3Dmicrostructuresinanaxisymmetric visualisation realised in a nominally two-dimensional reattachmentregion transonicchannel.Inthevicinityoftheside-walls,two foci which are the traces of two tornado-like vortices When the goal of an experiment is to reproduce are clearly visible. Confrontation of such an closelythebehaviourofanaircraft,thecoincidenceof experiment with a planar two-dimensional calculation the wind tunnel’s Reynolds number with that of real can be deprived of any signification and lead to flight tests is a condition often hard to satisfy. Even if erroneous conclusions. When the boundary layer is this condition is fulfilled, premature transition can attached or weakly separated this effect is small and occuronthemodel.Theboundarylayersonthewalls 2D calculations remain acceptable. If one desires to of classical wind tunnels are generally turbulent and keep the mathematical simplicity of two space unsteady perturbations radiate from the wall to the dimensions, the best is to compute an axisymmetric whole test channel. Such perturbations lead to flow, as the one past the hollow cylinder-plus-flare transition of the flow around the model at Reynolds 4 numberssignificantlylowerthanthosewhereitoccurs the present context, any experiment should satisfy a in real flying tests. The conception of quiet wind calculability criterion meaning that the experiment is tunnels, at NASA, ONERA and Purdue University7, notusefulifitcannotbecalculated. has been undertaken to overcome this difficulty. Inversely,whenaplainlyturbulentregimeissearched Validation of experiment by calculation. Calculation is for code validations, it is preferable that the wind alsousedbytheexperimentalisttocontrolhisresults. tunnel be naturally turbulent without the help of There are simple situations where theory can be auxiliary means like transition strips. The transition in considered as safe and accurate, so that a good way general is indeed far from being treated satisfactorily tocheckanewexperimentalmethodistocompareits by the methods of calculation presently at our results with the theoretical ones. In situations where disposal and transitional effects are often present the calculation cannot be considered as entirely safe, whenturbulenceissetupartificially. an important, persistent and unexplained discrepancy should provoke a reconsideration of the experimental Experimental needs. The description of the flowmust results. In hypersonic flows, measurements executed be as complete as possible to provide all the withopticaltechniqueslikeLaserDopplerVelocimetry information useful to understand its physics and to (LDV), Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering help in the elucidation of disagreements. Flow (CARS), Electron Beam Fluorescence (EBF) have visualisations are desirable to give a precise idea of been in great part validated by comparison with the flow topology. Surface flow visualisations are theoretical results, no other techniques being mandatory in three-dimensional flows to indicate the availabletoperformsuchmeasurements. locationofseparation/attachmentlines. Anoverviewofmodernmeasurement Measurements reliability and accuracy. The techniques experimental data mustbe reliable, which means that the experiment is not "polluted" by an extraneous The purpose of this section is to briefly present phenomenon due to a bad definition of the test modern measurement techniques which are used (or arrangement or an ill functioning of the facility. The could be used) to investigate complex flows, mare riskisatitsmaximumwhensuchaninfluencehasnot particularly at high Mach number. The classical and been identified and is interpreted as a proper basic well proven methods will not be mentioned, even if featureoftheflowunderinvestigation.Measurements theyarestillroutinelyused! must be safe, as for the calculations, this aspect being distinct from the problem of accuracy which Flowvisualisations must also be carefully assessed. Measurement accuracy must be in proportion with the calculation Fortunately, most flow phenomena can been purposes and the modelling present status. Precision visualised, which is a great help for their physical has a very high cost; in most circumstances what is understanding and modelling8. Flow visualisations importantistobeconfidentintheexperimentalresults must be attempted in all circumstances where they and to known (even approximately) the uncertainty are possible, specially on three-dimensional margins. configurations for which they are nearly mandatory. Thefirststepconsistsinmakingavisualisationofthe The physical interpretation. Constitution of safe data surface flow pattern in order to localise the critical base is not restricted to the execution of hopefully points that it contains and the accompanying good experiments in relation with code development. separation/ attachment lines9. The photograph in Fig. The experimentalist must also be a physicist able to 6a shows the complex surface flow pattern produced interpret its findings and to understand the physics of by the impingement on the central body of the 24 the investigated flow field. This interpretation, which primary jets of a plug nozzle. Flow field visualisation must be based on theoretical arguments, is essential can be achieved by several techniques, including the toinsurethesafetyoftheresults.Itmustprecedeany laser sheet method (both in low and high speed numericalexploitation. streams, see Fig. 6b), shlieren, shadowgraph of interferometry in compressible flows (see Fig. 6c), Theaboveconditionsleadtorejectofalargequantity electron beam fluorescence (EBF) in low pressure of existing experiments for validation purposes. In high Mach number flows (see Fig 6d). Particle Image particular, nearly all the two-dimensional ramp flow velocimetry (PIV, see below) can also be considered experiments have to be considered with suspicion as a sophisticated visualisation method for separated when separation occurs. Also, in a large number of flows. publishedexperimentssomeinformationismissingto executethecalculationortheboundaryconditionsare not clean in the sense that the conditions on the frontiers of the zone of interest affect the phenomenoninacomplicatedandunclearmanner.In 5 d - EBF visualisation of the flow past a double code modelatMach10 a(cid:150)surfaceflowonthecentralbodyofanaerospike nozzle Fig.6:Differenttechniquesofflowvisualisation Wallmeasurements Pressure Sensitive Paint. This method (known as PSP) which allows to determine the complete pressure distribution over a model, is based on the fact that some compounds emit light (luminescence) when excited by a suitable source, the emitted light having a longer wave-length than the excitation light10,11. The quantityof light emitted depends on the oxygen diffused into the paint because oxygen quenchesanddeactivatestheexcitedmolecules.The internal concentration of oxygen being a linear functionoftheexternalpressureofthesamegas,one can measure the pressure acting on the paint by detecting some of its luminescent parameters. A difficulty with PSP(cid:146)s is their simultaneous response to b(cid:150)lasersheetvisualisationofthevorticespastan changeintemperature,whichcouldrestrictstheiruse elongatedbody in hypersonic flows. The difficulty can be circumventedeitherbyusingapaintnearlyinsensitive to temperature or by making a correction from measurement of the wall temperature. Convincing PSP measurements have been performed at high Mach number on a plug nozzle with a PSP component having a low sensitivity to temperature12 (seeFig.7). Skin-friction measurement. In a recent technique, the skin-friction is determined by measuring the rate of deformation of a thin oil film deposited on the model surface13-15. If the film of oil is thin compared to its length, its surface takes the shape of a small wedge whose thickness y at any time t can be accurately measured by an interferometric technique (see Fig. 8). Knowing the location x of the measurement point and the time t, the determination of the wall shear c(cid:150)interferogramofatransonicshockwave stressisinprinciplestraightforward. 6 Heat flux measurements. Over the past 20 years, quantitative infrared thermography has experienced a strong development in a large number of laboratories16-18. As it is well known, a body emits a radiative signal whose intensityis a strongfunction of its temperature. In infrared thermography, the model is observed by an infrared camera containing a detector element sensitive to infrared radiations at a certain wave-length. By processing a series of picturestakenatknowntimeintervals,itispossibleto construct the time history of the model temperature and to deduce the surface heat flux distribution by means of the heat equation. The example of infrared image (in false colour) in Fig. 9 shows the heat flux distribution on a hemisphere in a Mach 5 flow. Infrared pictures also provide a convenient way to detectlaminar-turbulenttransition. Fig.7:PSPmeasurementsonaplugnozzle centralbody t = 0 mn 2 mn Fig.9:Infraredmeasurementsoftheheatflux 4 mn distributionoveranhemisphereinaMach5 flow. Fieldmeasurements Measurement of field quantities such as velocity, temperature,density,gasspeciesconcentration,etcis 6 mn a difficult task. However, the advent of laser sources in the early 60s has given a dramatic impetus to the development of non intrusivemethods allowing an in- situdeterminationofthepropertiesofagas,including itsvelocity LaserDopplerVelocimetry Fig.8:Skinfrictionmeasurementbythethinoil The basic idea underlying LDV, which is now a well filmtechnique known technique, is to measure the velocity of tiny particlestransportedbytheflow19-21.Iftheseparticles aresmallenough,theirvelocityisassumedtobethat 7 of the stream and LDV provides a measure of the supersonic air-intake and in Fig. 10b, the instant PIV local instantaneous velocity. A statistical treatment of velocityfieldinarotatingjet). a sample acquired at one point permits to determine the mean velocity as well as the turbulent quantities. ThebasicpostulateofLDVisnotalwaystrueinhighly decelerating or accelerating flows in which the particlesdonotinstantaneouslyadjusttheirvelocityto that of the fluid. The problem of particle lag is at the heartofLDVandoneshouldbecautiousintheuseof results obtained in regions where the velocity undergoes a large variation over a short distance, situationsfrequentlymetinhypersonicflows.Reliable LDV measurements have been obtained in shock- separated flows up to Mach number 5; above measurementsbecomehazardous. Developed since 1991, Doppler global velocimetry (DGV) - alsocalledplanar Doppler velocimetry(PDV) - is a particle based velocity measurement system giving the velocity of particles injected in the flow, as LDV. The difference is that LDV determines the velocity at one point in space, whereas DGV has the capacitytogivethevelocityatamultitudeofpointsin 0 50 100 a given region of space22-24. The basic principle X(mm) consists in determining the Doppler shift of the light a(cid:150)LDVmeasurementinthebleedregionofa scatteredbyamovingparticle. supersonicairintake(averageMachnumber) ParticleImageVelocimetry The principle of PIV is to illuminate particles injected in the flow by a laser sheet and to observe the scattered light24-26. In order to perform velocity measurements, two laser pulses, separated by a short and known time interval Dt, are emitted to provide two images recorded on the same photographicplate(inpractice,thephotographicplate isreplacedbyaCCDcameraprovidingtheimageina numerical form). During the interval Dt, each particle has moved over a distance proportional to its velocity (assumedtobethatoftheflow)givingtwoimageson the plate. The velocity components contained in the plane of the image are deduced by measuring the displacement of the particles which is done by automatedproceduresusingsophisticatedalgorithms. b(cid:150)PIVvelocityfieldinarotatingjet Particle image velocimetry is a very powerful techniquesinceitprovidesacompletevelocityfieldin Fig.10:Velocitymeasurementsbylaser a large number of points for a whole region of space, techniqueswithflowseeding whereas LDV is restricted to measurements at one point. PIV is very precious for the study of unsteady LaserSpectroscopicFlowDiagnostic phenomena since it allows to freeze the velocity field at a given instant. On the other hand, the access to These methods are based on fundamental physical the averaged field quantities (mean velocity) processesrelatedtotheinteractionbetweenlightand necessitates to operate an averaging procedure over matter an do not need seeding by heavy particles of a large quantities of pictures. This can become relativelybigsize.Laserspectroscopicmeasurements problematic for the Reynolds tensor components arebasedontheradiativeinteractionofalaserbeam whose determination requires averaging several with spectroscopic propertiesof the investigated flow. thousands of instantaneous values. In this case LDV Depending on the interaction process, the laser light if stillmoreeffective (seein Fig. 10aan average LDV is either absorbed or scattered by those species velocity field in the vicinity of the bleed system of a whichareradiativelyactiveatwave-lengthused. 8

Jean Délery. ONERA – Centre de Meudon, France, [email protected] . combine supersonic jets with complex shock patterns .. The X-ray radiation at.
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