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The A.P.I.C. Series No 33 Integrated Project Support Environments The Aspect Project Edited by ALAN W. BROWN Department of Computer Science, University of York, Heslington, England ACADEMIC PRESS Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers London San Diego New York Boston Sydney Tokyo Toronto ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX United States Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. San Diego, CA 92101 Copyright © 1991 by ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED This book is printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publishers British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Is available ISBN 0-12-136740-1 Printed in Great Britain by T. J. Press (Padstow) Ltd., Padstow, Cornwall Foreword An important plank of the Alvey Programme on IT Research and Development was the proposition that the use of Software Engineering Tools and Methods would be advanced by producing a series of Integrated Project Support Environments. These would provide integrated support throughout the software life-cycle for the designers, implementors and eventually for the systems maintainers. Three genera- tions of IPSEs were planned, respectively to be file based, data based, and knowledge based systems, and it was expected that full development of these pro- jects would need up to ten years to come to fruition. The eventual outcome was that three major projects were launched, each of four years duration; Aspect, Eclipse, and IPSE 2.5. Each investigated different approaches to the issue of building a useful IPSE; in the case of Aspect the central design choice was to base the system around a relational database. We are now in the post-Alvey era and it is time to evaluate what has been achieved in order to derive the maximum possible benefit from the substantial investments made in the Alvey Programme. It is important to publish the results as widely as possible. I welcome this book as a substantial contribution to this task. Publication as a book gives a valuable opportunity to study the project as a whole in a coherent way which separate papers would not achieve. The co-operation necessary to produce it demonstrates the continuing benefits of the style of co-operative working between partners both from industry and academia which was brought about in large meas- ure by the Alvey programme. It is, in my opinion, well worth study by all con- cerned with the development of large software systems. Professor J.N. Buxton Director, Systems Engineering Information Technology Division Department of Trade and Industry Preface Over the past twenty years many large scale software development projects have been notorious for being behind schedule, over-budget, and producing a low quality end-product. Indeed, it has been suggested [14,42] that: • at least 15 per cent of all software projects never deliver anything; that is, they fail utterly to achieve their established goals; • overruns of 100 and 200 per cent are common in software projects; • the cost of maintaining a software system is typically more than twice the ori- ginal development cost. Given the large amounts of money which are being spent on software development (for example, it is estimated that in the USA over 50 billion dollars were spent on software development and maintenance in 1987), there is clearly a need for a better approach to building such systems. One approach which seems to offer hope to large scale software developers is to provide automated support for the development process whenever possible. The aim of this approach is to develop an Integrated Project Support Environment (IPSE) which helps control and coordinate the many tasks which must take place within a large software project. The Aspect project, started in 1984, was directly concerned with investigating issues involved in realising a practical, cooperative IPSE. This book provides an overview of the work carried out on the Aspect project, with particular attention focussed on a prototype IPSE implementation which was developed in order to evaluate some of the Aspect concepts. The Organisation of the Book The book starts with a discussion of the software crisis, and introduces IPSE tech- nology in general as a possible solution. This is followed by an overview of the approach taken by the Aspect project to building an IPSE, illustrated by a demons- tration of a prototype Aspect IPSE. Each technical area studied by the Aspect pro- ject is then discussed in depth. Finally, the achievements of Aspect are put into a wider software engineering context by comparing them with other work in the IPSE 8 Integrated Project Support Environments: The Aspect Project area. Due to the large, diverse, and collaborative nature of the Aspect project, the book is organised as a collection of individual papers describing many of the speci- alised areas which were examined in the project. Note that the use of a large number of authors in writing the chapters of this book has inevitably resulted in a variation in the styles and approaches used for each chapter. However, far from being a drawback of the multi-author approach, we believe that this has encouraged the use of a style which is most appropriate to the material being discussed. Hence, each chapter conveys its subject matter in the most the suitable format, ranging from high-level descriptions in Chapters 1, 2 and 3, to formal definition in the Ζ specification language in the case of Chapter 10. The Structure of the Book The book divides into five main parts. Parti The first part comprises Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 and provides an introduction and overview of IPSE technology in general, and the work carried out by Aspect in par- ticular. • Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the Aspect project, describing the back- ground, funding and organisation of the project. • Chapter 2 argues the need for an IPSE, and describes the basic architectural principles of current work on IPSEs. The basic requirements for an IPSE are reviewed, and previous attempts at tool development are briefly discussed. The issue of tool integration is then developed in more detail. • Chapter 3 provides an overview of the main aims and approach of the Aspect project, and describes the architecture adopted for the Aspect IPSE. • Chapter 4 gives details of the demonstration example which is used to illus- trate some of the later descriptions of the Aspect IPSE technology. Part 2 The next three parts of the book deal with the technology of building an Aspect IPSE. Each part concentrates on the details of the conceptual design and implemen- tation of the component Aspect technologies. Part 2 is concerned with the central database, or information base, which forms the heart of an Aspect IPSE. • Chapter 5, the Information Base Engine, describes how the information base is built on top of a relational database using Codd's extended relational model RM/T to provide the enhanced semantic features required. • Chapter 6, the Information Base Superstructure, describes facilities to sup- port the software development process which we believe will be common to any IPSE that might be configured within the Aspect framework. These include task (or, activity) definition and planning, the view mechanism which provides an object-oriented abstract environment, the rule mechanism, the publication mechanism, configuration management, and version control. Preface 9 Part 3 In the third part of the book, the important user interface work of the Aspect project is discussed in detail. • Chapter 7, Human Computer Interface Perspectives, describes the overall philosophy of that part of the architecture which handles the interface to users. • Chapter 8 describes in detail the user interface component of the Aspect IPSE known as the Presenter. • Chapter 9 describes the Doubleview tool. This is an interactive tool for quickly developing user interfaces using the Aspect Presenter. Part 4 The fourth part of the book examines the work on supporting host/target software development which was an important component of the Aspect project. • Chapter 10 describes the work on host/target debugging of distributed Ada programs. The development of real-time application software (such as avion- ics systems) is a major driving force of much of the current work in IPSEs. Part 5 The final part of the book summarises the achievements of the Aspect project, and attempts to place the Aspect work in the context of current IPSE developments. • Chapter 11 examines work on PCTE, CAIS and ATIS, relating it to the work that was carried out in the Aspect Project. • Chapter 12 summarises the achievements of the Aspect project, and draws comparisons with other Alvey-funded IPSE projects. Acknowledgements As a large collaborative project, there have been many people who have had a direct influence on the Aspect Project. In addition to the contributors to this book, we ack- nowledge the work of a number of others: • At SD-Scicon, Anthony Hall (now with Praxis Ltd.) and Dave Robinson were particularly influential. Both acted as technical architects for the project, and as such made major contributions to the success of the Aspect project. Peter Rusling (now with Systematica) smoothed the running of the project by deal- ing with much of the administration, and was responsible for overseeing much of the work on Perspective Kernel. • At MARI, work on the distribution of the information base was carried out by a large number of people over the lifetime of the project. These included Phil Fisher, Anirban Bhattacharyya, Rachel Wilmer, Anthony Davies, and Sidney Burness. • At York, Ben Dillistone (now with Praxis Ltd.) was responsible for much of the early work on the Aspect version control and configuration management system. 10 Integrated Project Support Environments: The Aspect Project • Ian Wand was in overall charge of the work carried out at York, and Brian Randell performed a similar role at Newcastle. The work described in this book was supported by the Science and Engineer- ing Research Council (SERC) through the Alvey Software Engineering Directorate under a number of grants, including: GR/C/98092 - Research and Development Leading to a Distributed Integrated Pro- ject Support Environment (1st July 1984 to 31st October 1987). GR/E/05353 and GR/E/06398 - Aspect Two: Centrally procured equipment (1st November 1986 to 31st October 1987). GR/D/86041 - SE Computing Facilities to Support Additional Research in IPSE's (1st February 1986 to 31st January 1987). GR/E/42303 and GR/E/42082 - SE/170 Aspect Change II (1st July 1987 to 31st March 1989). Finally, my thanks to Alison Pearcy and Robert Stroud who were particularly active in providing me with help during the editing process for this book. The final form of the book has been greatly enhanced by their work, particularly Robert's diligent reviewing of the final drafts of the book. Alan W. Brown University of York List of Contributors Ian D. Benest University of York Alan W. Brown University of York Anthony N. Earl Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Peter Hitchcock University of York Sylvia J. Holmes University of York Andy D. Hutcheon University of York Alison Pearcy University of York Ann Petrie University of Newcastle upon Tyne David S. Snowden University of York Robert J. Stroud University of Newcastle upon Tyne Roger K. Took University of York Ray A. Weedon Open University Andy J. Wellings University of York Richard P. Whittington Hand, Whittington and Associates The work reported in this book was carried out while the above contributors were employed by the Universities of York and/or Newcastle upon Tyne. Chapter 1 Introduction P. Hitchcock and AW. Brown 1.1 Project History The Aspect project had its origins in March 1982, when Mr. Kenneth Baker, the Minister for information technology in the United Kingdom, set up a committee to advise on the scope of a collaborative research programme in Information Technol- ogy (IT). This committee was formed as a direct result of the unveiling, in October 1981, of the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Programme, which was seen to pose a major competitive threat to the UK IT industry. The Committee, chaired by John Alvey, produced its report in the summer of 1982, which became known as the Alvey Report. The Alvey report recommended a five-year programme to mobilise the UK's technical strengths in IT by setting up collaborative projects between industry, the academic sector and other research organisations. The cost would be 350 million pounds with the Government contributing two-thirds of the direct cost of the pro- gramme. Four areas of work were identified: software engineering, man-machine interfaces, intelligent knowledge based systems and very large scale integration. Within these areas of work the emphasis was to be on the core enabling technolo- gies. For software engineering this was the concept of the Information Systems Factory (ISF). The ISF would provide an integrated set of tools for producing IT systems using software engineering techniques and would be developed from suc- cessive generations of Integrated Project Support Environments (IPSEs), start- ing with a consolidated set of the tools that were currently available. 14 Integrated Project Support Environments: The Aspect Project The Alvey Report identified three generations of project support environment: 1. The first generation IPSEs consisted of separate tools which interacted at the file level. The Unix operating system and its associated tools was a good example of this approach. 2. Second generation IPSEs were to be developed around suitable database sys- tems. Information would be shared at a finer granularity than was possible with the file based technology used by first generation IPSEs. In addition, it would be possible to hold in the database descriptions of the data as well as the actual data itself. 3. The third generation IPSE was the Information Systems Factory which would introduce the more powerful facilities of a knowledge base to a second gen- eration IPSE. The time-scale was that the ISF should be available by year 6 of the pro- gramme. The Alvey Report was accepted by the Government and three IPSE projects were started. These were Aspect, Eclipse [17], and IPSE 2.5 [93]. Both Aspect and Eclipse are examples of second generation IPSEs. Eclipse was developed using the Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) [27], an Esprit project funded by the European Economic Commission. IPSE 2.5, as its name suggests, is a further step- ping stone along the route towards an ISF, in this case investigating support for for- mal methods and the incorporation of knowledge based system techniques. The Aspect project itself started in January 1984. It was a collaborative ven- ture between four industrial companies and two Universities, and was the first con- tract to be awarded by the Alvey Software Engineering Directorate. The proposed work plan for the first three years of Aspect amounted to 80 person years, for which an initial grant of over two million pounds was awarded.* System Designers PLC (now SD-Scicon) led the Aspect project as the prime contractor during its primary three year term. The other industrial partners were International Computers Limited (ICL), GEC Computers Limited, and MARI Advanced Electronics Limited. The academic partners were the Universities of York and Newcastle upon Tyne. 1.2 The Aim of the Aspect Project The aim of Aspect was to carry out research into second generation IPSE technol- ogy, and to demonstrate and evaluate the results of the research through a number of prototype IPSEs supporting the distributed development of large scale software sys- tems. Aspect was particularly interested in support for multi-language program- ming, host-target working, and any prototype would give support to all stages of the software development process. Aspect has produced two such environments. The first is a prototype IPSE framework embodying advanced research in key areas. This is the prototype which forms the basis for discussion in this book, and is subsequently referred to as "the Aspect IPSE". The second is an exploitable commercial IPSE framework, called * The Alvey funding rules were that the Universities received all of their direct costs, and the industrial partners, one half.

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