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n Integrable Systems in -dimensional Riemannian 3 0 Geometry 0 2 n Jan A. Sanders and Jing Ping Wang a J Vrije Universiteit 0 Faculty of Sciences 2 Department of Mathematics De Boelelaan 1081a ] P 1081 HV Amsterdam A The Netherlands . h t February 1, 2008 a m [ Abstract 1 v Inthispaperweshowthatifonewritesdownthestructureequations 2 for the evolution of a curve embedded in an n-dimensional Riemannian 1 manifoldwithconstantcurvaturethisleadstoasymplectic,aHamiltonian 2 and an hereditary operator. This gives us a natural connection between 1 finitedimensionalgeometry,infinitedimensionalgeometryandintegrable 0 systems. Moreover onefindsa Lax pair in on+1 with thevectormodified 3 Korteweg-De Vries equation (vmKDV) 0 h/ ut =uxxx+ 23||u||2ux t a as integrability condition. We indicate that other integrable vector evo- m lution equations can be found by using a different Ansatz on the form : of the Lax pair. We obtain these results by using the natural or parallel v frame and we show how this can be gauged by a generalized Hasimoto i X transformation to the (usual) Frenˆet frame. If one chooses the curvature tobezero,asisusualinthecontextofintegrablesystems,thenoneloses r a information unless one works in thenatural frame. 1 Introduction The study of the relationship between finite-dimensional differential geometry and partial differential equations which later came to be known as integrable systems, started in the 19th century. Liouville found and solved the equation describing minimal surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space [Lio53]. Bianchi solved the general Goursat problem for the sine-Gordon equation, which arises in the theory of pseudospherical surfaces [Bia53, Bia27]. 1 Much later Hasimoto [Has72] found the relation between the equations for curvature and torsion of vortex filament flow and the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation,whichledtomanynewdevelopments,cf. [MW83,LP91,DS94,LP96, YS98, Cal00]. The similaritybetweenthe structureequationsforconnectionsindifferental geometry and Lax pair equations for integrable systems has intrigued many researchers from both fields of mathematics. We refer the interested reader to the following books: [BE00, Gue97, H´el01, H´el02, RS02]. A good introductory review is [Pal97]. Recently,weshowedin[MBSW02]thatifaflowofcurvesina3–dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature κ follows an arc–length preserv- ing geometric evolution, the evolution of its curvature and torsion is always a Hamiltonian flow with respect to the pencil E +D+κC, where E,D and C are compatible Hamiltonian structures. However, the close geometric relationship remainshere: thetripletisobtainedsolelyfromtheintrinsicgeometryofcurves on 3–dimensional Riemannian manifolds with constant curvature. Once one has two compatible Hamiltonian operators, one can construct an hereditaryoperator,fromwhichahierarchyofintegrableequationscanbecom- puted. They are all Hamiltonian with respect to two different Hamiltonian op- erators, that is, biHamiltonian as defined in [Mag78]. Thus Poisson geometry is very important in the study of integrable systems, cf. [Olv93, Dor93]. The goal of the present paper is to generalize this analysis to arbitrary dimension and see how much of the infinite dimensional geometric structure is still present in this case. The Hasimoto transformation is a Miura transformation, which is induced by a gauge transformation from the Frenˆet frame (the obvious frame to choose fromthetraditionaldifferentialgeometrypointofview)totheparallelornatural frame,cf. [DS94]. Onthebasisofloc.cit., LangerandPerline[LP00]advocated the use of the natural frame in the n-dimensional situation in the context of vortex-filament flow. Weshowinthispaperthattheappreciationoftheexactrelationshipbetween the underlyingfinite dimensionalgeometryand the infinite dimensionalgeome- try has been complicated by the use of the Frenˆet frame. In fact, the operators that lead to biHamiltonian systems naturally come out of the computation of the structure equations. This fact is true in general, but only when one uses the parallelor naturalframe does this conclusioncome out automatically. This will be the first ingredient of our approach. To relate our results to the classical situation in terms of the curvatures of the evolvingcurve in the Frenˆetframe we canof course saythat this relationis obvious since there must exist a gauge transform between the two connections, defined by the Cartan matrices specifying our frame. Nevertheless, we give its explicit construction, and produce a generalized Hasimoto transformation in arbitrary dimension, with complete proof, as announced in [Wan02]. This insures that anything that can be formulated abstractly can also be checked by direct (though complicated) computations. Since the equations are derived from the computation of the curvature tensor which behaves very nicely under 2 transformations,we feel that these direct calculationsare the very lastthing to try. In this kind of problem the abstract point of view seems to be much more effectivecomputationally. WithhindsightonemightsaythatHasimotowasthe firsttoexploitthenaturalframetoshowtheintegrabilityoftheequationsforthe curvature and torsion of a curve embedded in a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Here we should mention the fact that the generalization of the Hasimoto also plays a role in [LP00], but it is in a different direction; the focus is on the complex structure and this is generalized to the 2n-dimensional situation. Asecondingredientinourapproachisthe factthatweassumethe Rieman- nian manifold to have (nonzero) constant curvature. If one takes the curvature equaltozeroandoneusesthenaturalframe,thenonecanstillrecoverthesym- plectic and cosymplectic operators which give rise to a biHamiltonian system. But if one uses another frame, then information gets lost and one is faced with the difficult task of recreating this information in order to get the necessary operators and Poisson geometry. In our opinion, this has been a major stum- bling block in the analysis of the relation between high-dimensional geometry and integrability. A third ingredient is the study of symmetric spaces. The relation between symmetric spaces and integrability was made explicit in the work of Fordy and others [AF87a, FK83], There it is shown how to construct a Lax pair using the structure of the Lie algebra. This construction does not work in the semidirect product euc , but there we use the fact that we can map the elements in the n n-dimensional euclidean algebra to the n+1-dimensional orthogonal algebra. ThisleadsimmediatelytotheconstructionofLaxpairs,combiningthemethods in [TT01] and [LP00]. Puttingtogetherthesethreeelements,naturalframe,constantcurvatureand extensiontoasymmetricsemisimpleLiealgebra,givesuscompletecontrolover all the integrability issues one might like to raise. We have tried to formulate thingsinsuchawaythatitisclearwhattodoinothergeometries. Thetheory, however, is not yet strong enough to guarantee success in other geometries, so this will remain an area of future research. Ifwetrytounderstandthesuccessofthenaturalframeinthiscontext,then it seems that the key is the natural identification of the Lie algebra euc /o n n with the adjoint orbit of o∗. In the natural frame, this identification is simple n to seeandcanbe performedby putting a complexstructure ono . Togivea n+1 geometricalexplanation of this, one may have to formulate everything in terms of Poisson reduction of the Kac-Moody bracket of SO(n), but we make no attempt to do so here. The main point we will make in this paper is that the wholeconstructioncanbe explicitly computed. Oncethis is done,onecanthen choose a more conceptional approach later on. We have indicated the general character of the approachwhere appropriate. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we derive the structure equations, using Cartan’s moving frame method, and find that the equation is of the type ut =Φ1h+κΦ2h, Φ2 =Idn−1. 3 In section 4 we show that Φ is an hereditary operator, and we draw the con- 1 clusion that if we had been computing in any other frame, resulting in the equation u¯ =Φ¯ h¯+κΦ¯ h¯, (1) t 1 2 then Φ¯ Φ¯−1 is also hereditary. 1 2 We then proceed, by taking h = u , the first x-derivative of u, to derive 1 a vector mKDV equation. In [DS94] it was predicted (or derived by general considerations) that the equation should be a vmKDV equation, but there are two versionsof vmKDVequation, cf. [SW01b], andthe prediction does not say which version it should be. That question is now settled. In section 3 we state explicitly the formula for the generalized Hasimoto transformation, which transforms the Frenˆet frame into the natural frame and in Appendix B we prove this. We concludeinsection5byconstructingaLaxpairwhichhasthis equation as its integrability condition. This is done as follows. The geometric problem is characterized by two Lie algebras, o and euc . The usual Lie algebraic n n construction of Lax pairs starts with a symmetric Lie algebra h0+h1, with [h0,h0]⊂h0,[h0,h1]⊂h1,[h1,h1]⊂h0. (2) If we think of o as h0, then we cannot take euc as h0 +h1, since h1 is then n n abelian. Althoughit trivially obeys allthe inclusions, this triviality kills all the actions we need to construct the Lax pair. But if we take o =h0+h1, then n+1 things fit together nicely and we can simply copy the construction in [TT01]. Of course, we can identify h1 with euc /o as vectorspaces, and this should be n n themainconsideration(apartfromtherequirementsin(2))inothergeometries whenonetriestofindsuchasymmetric extensionofthegeometricallygivenh0. Acknowledgment The authors thank Gloria Mar´ıBeffa for numerous dis- cussions, which both influenced the questions that we asked ourselves as well as some the methods we used. The work was mainly carried out at the Isaac NewtonInstitute forMathematicalSciencesduringthe IntegrableSystemspro- gramme in 2001 and we thank NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) for financial support and the Newton Institute for its hospitability and support. Thanks go to Hermann Flaschka for reminding us of [DS94] and to Sasha Mikhailov for his help with Lax pairs. 2 Moving Frame Method Our approach, although restricted to the Riemannian case, is also suitable for arbitrary geometries. As a general reference to the formulation of geometry in terms of Lie algebras, Lie groups and connections we refer to [Sha97]. We consider a curve (denoted by e if we want to stress its relation to the 0 other vectors in the moving frame, or γ, if we just want to concentrate on the curve itself), parametrized by arclength x and evolving geometrically in 4 time t, which is imbedded in a Riemannian manifold M. We choose a frame eso1,t·h·a·t,eτn(eas)a=baδsji.sfCorhoToes0iMng,aanfdraamdeuiaslebqausiivsaolfenotnetofocrhmosoτsi1n,g··a·n,τenle∈men1tMin, i j i V 1 e g ∈ G = Euc(n,IR) = O(n,IR)⋉IRn. We write g = 0 . Let Γ(TM) 0 e be the space of smooth sections, that is, maps σ :M→(cid:18)TM such(cid:19)that πσ is the identity mapon M,where π is the natual projectionofthe tangent spaceon its base M. We consider the e as sections in TM, at leastlocally, that is, elements i inΓ(TM),varyinge . WeassumethatthereisaLiealgebragandasubalgebra 0 h such that Te M⋍g/h as vectorspaces. 0 Wenowdefineaconnectiond: pM⊗Γ(TM)→ p+1M⊗Γ(TM)asfollows. Let ω ∈ pM. Then V V V dω⊗σ =dω⊗σ+(−1)pω⊗dσ. Notice that we use d as a cochain map from pM to p+1M, p ∈ N in the ordinary de Rham complex. We extend the connection to act on e as follows. 0 V V 1 de = τ ⊗e , τ ∈ M 0 i i i i X ^ withτ =(τ ,··· ,τ )∈C1(g/h,g/h)adifferential1–form. Wenowsupposethat 1 n de = ω ⊗e , with ω ∈ 1M, that is, ω ∈ C1(g/h,h). This connection i j ij j ij naturally extends to a connection d: pM⊗Γ(G)→ p+1M⊗Γ(G). We may P V write our basic structure equations as V V 0 τ dg =Ag = g (3) 0 ω (cid:18) (cid:19) where A is the vector potential or Cartan matrix. We remark that dτ(X,Y)= Xτ(Y)−Yτ(X)−τ([X,Y]). Differentiating both sides of (3), we have 0 dτ 0 τ 0 de d2g = g− 0 0 dω 0 ω 0 de (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 0 dτ 0 τ 0 τ = g− g 0 dω 0 ω 0 ω (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 0 dτ−τ ∧ω = g =Fg 0 dω−ω∧ω (cid:18) (cid:19) We draw the conclusion that 0 T 0 dτ−τ ∧ω d2 =F= = , 0 Ω 0 dω−ω∧ω (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) whereF∈C2(g/h,g),ofwhichthe2–formΩ∈C2(g/h,h)iscalledthecurvature, the 2–form T is called torsion and ω∧ω is often denoted by 1[ω,ω]. 2 5 We are now in a position to compute a few things explicitly. Let X = e0∗∂∂x = Dx and Y = e0∗∂∂t = Dt, that is, the induced vectorfields tangent to the imbedded curve of ∂ and ∂ , respectively. ∂x ∂t Then, using the fact that [X,Y]=0, we obtain F(X,Y)= 0 T(X,Y) 0 dτ(X,Y)−τ(X)∧ω(Y) = = 0 Ω(X,Y) 0 dω(X,Y)−ω(X)∧ω(Y) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 Xτ(Y)−Yτ(X)−τ(X)∧ω(Y) = 0 Xω(Y)−Yω(X)−ω(X)∧ω(Y) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 D τ(Y)−D τ(X)−τ(X)∧ω(Y) = x t (4) 0 D ω(Y)−D ω(X)−ω(X)∧ω(Y) x t (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 τ(X) 0 τ(Y) = [D + ,D + ] (5) x 0 ω(X) t 0 ω(Y) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 3 Hasimoto transformation In1975,BishopdiscoveredthesametransformationasHasimotowhenhestud- iedthe relationsbetweentwodifferentframestoframeacurvein3-dimensional Euclidean space, namely the Frenˆet frame and parallel (or natural) frame, cf. [Bis75]. Moreexplicitly, let the orthonormalbasis {T,N,B}alongthe curve be the Frenˆet frame, that is, T 0 κ 0 T N = −κ 0 τ N .      B 0 −τ 0 B x      The matrix in this equation is called the Cartanmatrix. Now we introduce the following new basis T 1 0 0 T N1 = 0 cosθ −sinθ N , θ = τdx . (6)      N2 0 sinθ cosθ B Z      Its frame equation is T 0 κcosθ κsinθ T N1 = −κcosθ 0 0 N1 .      N2 −κsinθ 0 0 N2 x      We call the basis {T,N1,N2} the parallel frame. This geometric meaning of Hasimoto transformation was also pointed out in [DS94], where the authors studied the connection between the differential geometry and integrability. Inthissection,wegiveexplicitformulaofsuchatransformationinarbitrary dimension n, which has the exact same geometric meaning as the Hasimoto transformation. Therefore,wecallitgeneralizedHasimototransformation. The 6 existenceofsuchatransformationisclearfromthegeometricpointofview,and wasmentionedandimplicitly usedinseveralpaperssuchas[Bis75]and[LP00]. First we give some notation. Denote the Cartan matrix of the Frenˆet frame e¯ by ω¯(D ) ( e¯ = ω¯(D )e¯ ) and that of the parallel frame e by ω(D ) ( x x x x e =ω(D )e ), i.e., x x 0 u¯(1) 0 ··· 0 −u¯(1) 0 u¯(2) ··· 0 ω¯(D )= ... ... ... ... ...  x  0 −u¯(n−3) 0 u¯(n−2) 0     0 0 −u¯(n−2) 0 u¯(n−1)     0 0 0 −u¯(n−1) 0      and, letting u =(u(1), u(2),···u(n−1))⊺, 0 u⊺ ω(D )= . x −u 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) The orthogonal matrix that keeps the first row and rotates the i-th and j-th row with the angle θ is denoted by R , where 2 ≤ i < j ≤ n. For example, ij ij when n=3, the orthogonal matrix 1 0 0 R = 0 cosθ sinθ 23 23 23   0 −sinθ cosθ 23 23   isthe transformationbetweentwoframes,i.e.,e¯ =R e,comparingto(6). Let 23 us compute the conditions such that ∂R 23 ω¯(D )R − =R ω(D ). x 23 23 x ∂x Then we have u¯(2) = D θ , u(1) = u¯(1)cosθ and u(2) = u¯(1)sinθ . This is x 23 23 23 thefamousHasimototransformation,i.e.,φ=u(1)+iu(2) =u¯(1)exp(i u¯(2)dx). Therefore, the generalized Hasimoto transformation, which by definition R transformstheFrenˆetframeintothe naturalframe,canbe foundbycomputing theorthogonalmatrix,whichgaugestheCartanmatrixoftheFrenˆetframeinto that of the parallel frame in n-dimensional space. Theorem 1. Let n ≥ 3. The orthogonal matrix R gauges the standard Frenˆet frame into the natural frame, that is, ω¯(D )R−D R=Rω(D ), x x x where R=Rn−1,n···R3,n···R34R2,n···R24R23. This leads to the components 7 of u satisfying the Euler transformation u(1) =u¯(1)cosθ cosθ ···cosθ , 23 24 2n u(2) =u¯(1)sinθ cosθ ···cosθ , 23 24 2n  u(3) =u¯(1)sinθ ···cosθ ,  ············ 24 2n u(n−2) =u¯(1)sinθ2,n−1cosθ2n, and the curvatures inu(snt−an1)da=rdu¯(F1r)esninˆetθ2fnra,me satisfying n cosθ u¯(i) = i,j A , i=2,3,··· ,n−1, (7) i cosθ i+1,j j=i+2 Y where the A are generated by the recursive relation i Ai =Dxθi,i+1+sinθi−1,i+1Ai−1, A1 =0, 2≤i≤n−1. (8) There are 1(n−2)(n−3) constraints on the rotating angles: 2 j j−1 cosθil cosθi−1,l Dxθij = sinθi+1,jAi− sinθi−1,jAi−1, (9) cosθ cosθ i+1,l i,l l=i+2 l=i+1 Y Y where 4≤j ≤n, 2≤i≤j−2. 1 0 Proof. It is obvious that R = , where T is an orthogonal (n−1)× 0 T (cid:18) (cid:19) u⊺ (n−1)-matrix and the first row of T equals is , that is, u¯(1) (cosθ cosθ ···cosθ ,sinθ cosθ ···cosθ ,··· ,sinθ ). 23 24 2n 23 24 2n 2n This implies that v¯⊺T = u⊺, where v¯⊺ = (u¯(1),0,··· ,0). Since TT⊺ = I, we 0 v¯⊺ have Tu =v¯. Rewrite ω¯(D )= , and compute x −v¯ ω (cid:18) (cid:19) ω¯(D )R−D R−Rω(D ) x x x 0 v¯⊺ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 u⊺ = − − −v¯ ω 0 T 0 D T 0 T −u 0 x (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 0 u⊺ 0 0 0 u⊺ = − − −v¯ ωT 0 D T −v¯ 0 x (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 0 = 0 ωT −D T x (cid:18) (cid:19) Therefore, to prove the statement, we only need to solve ωT = D T, that is, x the matrix T gauges ω into zero, which is proved in Appendix B. 8 4 Hereditary operator in Riemannian Geometry In this section, we present a hereditary operator that arises in a natural way from the geometric arelength-preserving evolution of curves in n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature. The operator is the product of a cosymplectic (Hamiltonian) operator and a symplectic operator. Theorem 2. Let γ(x,t) be a family of curves on M satisfying a geometric evolution system of equations of the form n γ = h(l)e (10) t l l=1 X where {e ,l = 1,··· ,n} is the natural frame of γ, and where h are arbitrary l l smooth functions of the curvaturesu(i),i=1,···n−1 and their derivatives with respect to x. Assume that x is the arc-length parameter and that evolution (10) is arc- length preserving. Then, the curvatures u =(u(1),··· ,u(n−1))⊺ satisfy the evolution u =ℜh−κh, h=(h(2),··· ,h(n))⊺, t where the operator ℜ is hereditary and defined as follows: n ℜ = D2+hu, ui+u D−1hu, ·i− J uD−1hJ u , ·i, x 1 x ij x ij 1 i<j X and where the J are anti-symmetric matrices with nonzero entry of (i,j) being ij 1 if i < j, that is, (J ) = δiδl −δiδj. Moreover, ℜ can be written as HI, ij kl k j l k where I is a symplectic operator defined by I = D + uD−1u⊺, and H is a x x cosymplectic (or Hamiltonian) operator, defined by n−1 n H=D + J uD−1(J u)⊺. x ij x ij i=1j=i+1 X X Proof. In the Riemannian case, h is o and g is euc . By fixing the frame, we n n know the value of ω(D ) and τ(D ). We assumed our frame to be the natural x x (or parallel) frame, see [Bis75]. So we have e = X. Due to de = τ ⊗e, we 1 0 know τ(D )=(1,0,··· ,0). x The Cartan matrix of the natural frame is by definition 0 u(1) u(2) ··· u(n−1) −u(1) 0 0 ··· 0 ω(Dx)= .. .. .. .. .. , . . . . .    −u(n−1) 0 0 ··· 0      9 that is, ω (D )=δiu(j−1)−δju(i−1). ij x 1 1 Now we use the moving frame method in section 2 to derive the evolution equation of the curvatures of a smooth curve γ(x,t) in n-dimensional Rieman- nian manifold satisfying a geometric evolution of the form n γ = h(i)e , (11) t i i=1 X where {e ,i= 1···n} is the natural frame and h(i) are arbitrary smooth func- i tions of the curvatures u(i),i=1···n−1, and their derivatives with respect to the arclength parameter x. The given curve (11) implies h(i) =τ (D ). So the equation (4) reads i t n T (D ,D ) = D h(i)−ω (D )+u(i−1)h(1)−δi h(j)u(j−1) i x t x 1i t 1 j=2 X and we find n n ω (D )=D h(i)+u(i−1)h(1)−δi h(j)u(j−1)− T (D ,e )h(j). (12) 1i t x 1 i x j j=2 j=2 X X We redefine ω by ω˜ =ω +T (D ,·). 1i 1i i x This does not influence our previous calculations since ω(D ) = ω˜(D ), and x x reflects the fact that we can define the torsionless connection, i.e., Riemannian connection. It is customary to call the geometry Riemannian if the torsion is zero. We now write ω for ω˜ to avoid the complication of the notation and 1i 1i rewrite (12) as n ω (D ) = D h(i)+u(i−1)h(1)−δi h(j)u(j−1). (13) 1i t x 1 j=2 X We need ω =0 for the consistence, i.e., 11 n 0 = D h(1)− h(j)u(j−1). x j=2 X Geometrically it means that the evolution is arc-length preserving. By elimi- nating h(1) in (13), we obtain, taking the integration constants eequal to zero, n ω (D )=D h(i)+u(i−1)D−1 h(j)u(j−1) =Ih, 1<i≤n, 1i t x x j=2 X 10

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