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Instant Appeal: The 8 Primal Factors That Create Blockbuster Success PDF

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More Advance Praise for InstantAppeal ‘‘I was truly blown away after reading Vicki Kunkel’s new book. Not only doesshesupplystrategiesthatalmostanybusinesscanimmediatelyusein its marketingefforts, sheexplains whythey work in a deep,satisfying way. Moreimportantly,theinformationinthisbookisevergreenandnotbased on some new marketing fad. This is the kind of book that ends up dog- eared with yellow highlights all over the place in a very short period of time!’’ —MichaelLovitch,CEO,TheHypnosisNetwork, www.hypnosisnetwork.com ‘‘Reading Vicki Kunkel’s Instant Appeal is a must. Whether you want to marketyourself,yourproducts,oryourbusiness,youhavetoreadthisbook. She has mastered the understanding of what gets a person to act when it comes to making a purchase. If you want to increase your profits, you’ll makethisbookyourmarketingbible!’’ —KurekAshley,internationalpeakperformancecoachandbest-selling author,HowWouldLoveRespond? ‘‘Ifyourbusinessispersuadingpeople,changingminds,buildingbrands,or creating consensus, this book will change your life. Instant Appeal reveals thescientificallyprovensecretsofhumanbehaviorthatmakeyoursuccess in advertising, marketing, sales, and negotiation simple, predictable, and profitable.’’ —DaveLakhani,author,Persuasion:TheArtofGettingWhatYouWant andSubliminalPersuasion:InfluenceandMarketingSecretsTheyDon’t WantYoutoKnow. ‘‘Spellbinding. This book includes strategy after strategy that you can immediatelyusetounderstandwhypeopledowhattheydoandapplyitto develop your own persuasive power. An incredible read. You won’t be able toputitdown.’’ —KenrickCleveland,persuasioncoach ‘‘Vicki Kunkel has done a great job with this book. It is fresh, insightful, andentertainingtoread,butmostofallitispracticalwithapplicableinfor- mation that will make a dramatic difference for you in your journey to success.’’ —DouglasVermeeren,achievementexpert,filmproducer,andcreatorof themovieTheOpus ‘‘If you’ve been looking for ways to attract more business, more influence, ormorekudos,youjustfoundsomeexcitinganswers!’’ —RichFettke,author,ExtremeSuccess ‘‘Clearly, VickiKunkelisateacherateasewithhersubjectassheconvinc- ingly provides her readers with an entirely new way of looking at the root causes of human interaction. This is a must-read for any aspiring elected official.’’ —MichaelD.Bishop,SenateMajorityLeader,MichiganStateSenate ‘‘Amazing, outstanding, and exceptional. The information in this book totally blew me away. Vicki Kunkel not only understands primal appeal completely, but can also communicate it in such a way that the rest of us canunderstandandbenefitfromit.Everyonewhosellsaproduct,aservice, anidea,orevenjustthemselves(inotherwords,allofus)shouldownthis book. Those who do will make more money, serve others more effectively, andhavemorefriendsandalotmorefun.’’ —BobBurg,author,EndlessReferrals,andcoauthor,TheGo-Giver ‘‘Vicki Kunkel gives us the science, insights, and statistics behind what it takes to create instant appeal and make the factors of attraction work for youandyourbusiness.Thisbrilliantbookisinteresting,informative,based onsolidresearch,andamust-readforanyonewantingtogaininfluenceand attractotherstotheirofferingslikeamagnet.’’ —Dr.JoeRubino,founder,CenterForPersonalReinvention.com,and creator,SelfEsteemSystem.com ‘‘Instant Appeal is both brilliantly insightful and entertaining. It will show youhowtouseprimalpersuaderstomakeyourselfstandoutinacompeti- tivemarketplaceandenhanceyoursuccess.It’samust-read!’’ —DebbieAllen,author,ConfessionsofShamelessSelfPromoters ‘‘Thisbookteachesyouaboutevolutionarypsychologyasitappliestobusi- ness today. By cultivating the characteristics of instant appeal, you can prettymuch guaranteethat you’ll neverexperiencerejection again.Vicki’s bookisinteresting,engaging,and,well...appealing.Youoweittoyourself andyourbusinesstoreadit—andAPPLYit—today.’’ —RachnaD.Jain,Psy.D.,author,OvercomeRejection:TheSMARTWay (cid:1) I N S TA N T A P P E A L (cid:1) 8 The Primal Factors That Create Blockbuster Success Vicki Kunkel American Management Association New York • Atlanta • Brussels • Chicago • Mexico City • San Francisco Shanghai • Tokyo • Toronto • Washington, D.C. SpecialdiscountsonbulkquantitiesofAMACOMbooksare availabletocorporations,professionalassociations,andother organizations.Fordetails,contactSpecialSalesDepartment, AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Tel:212-903-8316.Fax:212-903-8083. E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.amacombooks.org/go/specialsales ToviewallAMACOMtitlesgoto:www.amacombooks.org Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritativeinformationin regardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththeunderstandingthatthe publisherisnotengagedinrenderinglegal,accounting,orotherprofessionalservice. Iflegaladviceorotherexpertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetent professionalpersonshouldbesought. Variousnamesusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirsoftwareandotherproductscan beclaimedastrademarks.Alistoftradeandservicemarksinthisbookcanbefound onpagevi.AMACOMusessuchnamesthroughoutthisbookforeditorialpurposes only,withnointentionoftrademarkviolation.Allsuchsoftwareorproductnamesare ininitialcapitallettersorALLCAPITALletters.Individualcompaniesshouldbe contactedforcompleteinformationregardingtrademarksandregistration. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Kunkel,Vicki. Instantappeal:the8primalfactorsthatcreateblockbustersuccess/ VickiKunkel. p. cm. Includesindex. ISBN-13:978-0-8144-0946-6(hardcover) ISBN-10:0-8144-0946-6(hardcover) 1.Successinbusiness. 2.Success. 3.Consumerbehavior. 4.Interpersonal relations. I.Title. HF5386.K8794 2009 658.4(cid:1)09—dc22 2008033513 (cid:1)2009VickiKunkel Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thispublicationmaynotbereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted inwholeorinpart,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recording,orotherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionof AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation,1601Broadway,New York,NY10019. Printingnumber 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TO MY PARENTS Ralph and Darlene Kunkel TradeandservicemarksfoundinInstantAppeal 1-800-COLLECT Epcot Pepsi AbsolutVodka Frys PillsburyDoughboy Amazon Garfield PizzaHut America’sNextTopModel Google Playboy AmericanGirl HarryPotterandthe PowerPoint AmericanIdol DeathlyHallows Pringles AMPAgency Heroes PTCruiser AOL iPod Risk Apple Ixquick Rocky Barbie JamesBond Scott Barnes&Noble Jaws Scrabble BeautyandtheGeek Jericho ShowtimeRotisserie BestBuy Jumbotron Shrek Billboard KFC Snickers Borders Levi’s StarTrek Budweiser LongJohnSilver’s Starbucks BurgerKing LordoftheRings Subway CabbagePatchKids M&M’s Survivor CampbellSoupKids MagicKingdom TacoBell CapSnaffler MarthaStewart TelePrompTer Charmin Mattel TheApprentice ChicagoCubs McDonald’s TheGameofLife(Life) CircuitCity MichelinMan TheTonightShow Compete.com MickeyMouse Time Craigslist Microsoft TopChef DancingwiththeStars Monopoly Trikke Disney MountainDew TrivialPursuit DonaldTrump MSNBC UglyBetty Dr.Phil MySpace Uglydolls Dramamine NewBalance Wendy’s E.T.:TheExtra- Nike WholeFoodsMarket Terrestrial Oprah YouTube Ellemagazine PaneraBread Yum!Brands Contents CHAPTER 1 AnIntroductionto InstantAppeal 1 CHAPTER 2 Ducklings,Defects,and Devotion:The ConspicuousFlawFactor 19 CHAPTER 3 DoesIt LookLike a Duck?TheVisual PreprogrammingFactor 51 CHAPTER 4 SmallDogs,BigSUVs,and theFailure ofEpcot:The ReptilianComfortFactor inConsumer Choices 77 CHAPTER 5 GainingPower andLoyaltyThrough Attraction andRepulsion:TheSacredCowandJackass Factors 117 CHAPTER 6 Words,Names,andStoryLineswithAddictive Appeal:TheBiology ofLanguageFactor (OrWhy Agatha ChristieNovels,GreenEggsandHam,andTheYoungandthe RestlessGet UnderOurSkin) 151 CHAPTER 7 GoodVibrations:The Biotuning Factorfor CareerSuccess 182 CHAPTER 8 WhatOurMindsReallySee:TheMentalReal EstateFactor 224 CHAPTER 9 TheLessons ofInstantAppeal:HowMoral EntrepreneursUsethe EightPrimalFactorsto Engineer a Crisis 253 viii Contents NOTES 260 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 283 INDEX 287 C H AP T E R 1 An Introduction to Instant Appeal J udywasdepressed.Sherecentlylefthersix-figureC-suiteexecutive job at a large downtown financial services company that she held for over 15 years to start a boutique furniture store. It boasted high-end, ultramodern couches, chairs, tables, end tables, nightstands, and art in a hip section of the city. As we sat eating lunch, she told me the reason for being so bummed: Six weeks after her grand opening, she hadn’t solda singlepieceoffurniture. ‘‘I don’t know what’s wrong!’’ Judy sighed. ‘‘I did my market research and the products and pricing should be right in line. The people who come into the store seem to be the right demographic. What’s going on? I know the economy isn’t the greatest right now, but my customers have a pretty healthy disposable income. I can’t affordnot tohave thiswork out! Iputeverything Ihaveinto this.’’ Asshetalkedon,shetoldmethatcustomerswouldcomeintothe store, walk around the entire space, even stop and, as she said, ‘‘look at something, pretending to be interested,’’ then would ultimately leavewithoutbuyinganything. BecauseIhadhelpedherformercompanysuccessfullyimplement primalbrandingtechniques—marketingstrategiesthatalignwithour innate preferences and fixed primal triggers—she thought I may be able to offer some advice. But the first thing I needed to do was visit herstore. On a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon, I walked up the sidewalk toherstorefront.Thesignagewasfantastic,thecurbappealwasgreat, and the window displays were well done. As I stepped across the

What do the runaway success of E.T., Oprah, and the Cabbage Patch Kids have in common? How come Scrabble was a flop when first introduced, but became an instant hit when re-introduced just three years later? According to extensive research, the secret to who gets heard, what gets our attention, and
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