Instability of interfaces in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain at zero temperature 3 0 Nilanjana Datta 0 2 Statistical Laboratory n a Centre for Mathematical Sciences J University of Cambridge 7 1 Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB30WB 2 email: [email protected] v 6 2 Tom Kennedy 0 8 Department of Mathematics 0 2 University of Arizona 0 / Tucson, AZ 85721 h p email: [email protected] - h t a m February 7, 2008 : v i X Abstract r a For the antiferromagnetic, highly anisotropic XZ and XXZ quantum spin chains, we impose periodic boundary conditions on chains with an odd number of sites to force an interface(orkink)intothechain. Weprovethattheenergyoftheinterfacedependsonthe momentum of the state. This shows that at zero temperature the interface in such chains is not stable. This is in contrast to the ferromagnetic XXZ chain for which the existence of localized interface ground states has been proven for any amount of anisotropy in the Ising-like regime. 1 1 Introduction Interfaces or domain walls in classical spin systems have been the subject of mathematical study for several decades. Dobrushin proved [12] that in the three-dimensional Ising model at low temperatures, under suitable (Dobrushin) boundary conditions, there is a stable interface orthogonal to the 001–direction. These boundary conditions hence yield a non-translation invariant Gibbs state at low temperatures. However, Gallavotti proved [14] that the two– dimensionalmodelshowsaverydifferentbehavior; thermalfluctuationsdestabilizetheinterface and the corresponding Gibbs state is translation invariant. Interfaces in quantum-mechanical systems can exhibit a much richer and more complex behavior than their classical counterparts. A review of some of this behavior may be found in [24]. For example, quantum fluctuations may lift a classical degeneracy and, in doing so, sta- bilize an interface (against thermal fluctuations) that is unstable in the corresponding classical system. Such a stabilization is an example of the phenomenon of ground state selection [16]. It is expected to occur for the 111–(or diagonal) interface in the three-dimensional ferromagnetic, anisotropic XXZ model [see e.g. [5, 6]], and has been proved to occur for the 111-interface in the three-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model [11]. These models can be viewed as quantum perturbations of the classical Ising model. In contrast to these quantum–mechanical models, the diagonal interface in the three–dimensional classical Ising model is expected to be unsta- ble at non–zero temperatures. This is due to the massive degeneracy of the zero-temperature configurations compatible with the boundary conditions which favor such an interface [see [17]]. Another interesting feature of interfaces in quantum-mechanical systems is the diverse na- ture of the low–lying excitations above the interface ground states for different models and for different orientations of the interface. For example, there are gapless excitations above the con- jectured diagonalinterface statesin thespin-1/2 ferromagnetic, anisotropic, XXZ model. These excitations were described in the two-dimensional case by Koma and Nachtergaele [6, 20, 21], and proved to exist in all dimensions greater than one by Matsui [23]. In contrast, it is ex- pected that there is a gap in the spectrum above a ground state that describes an interface perpendicular to a coordinate direction. For quantum-mechanical systems, the stability of an interface is a nontrivial question even in the ground state, since quantum fluctuations can destabilize the interface at zero tempera- ture. In this case quantum fluctuations play a role analogous to that of thermal fluctuations in classical systems. In one dimension we expect interface states to be unstable for generic Hamiltonians. However, there are notable exceptions, e.g. the anisotropic ferromagnetic XXZ chain. In addition to its two ferromagnetically ordered, translation invariant ground states, this model has ground states corresponding to an interface between two domains of opposite magnetization. The stability of this interface was proved independently by Alcaraz, Salinas and Wreszinski [1] and Gottstein and Werner [15]. This stability is a direct consequence of the conservation of the total z-component of the spin. There are no terms in the Hamiltonian that can simply move the interface across one lattice spacing. To conserve the spin, one must at the same time create a new excitation in the chain, thus raising the energy of the state. 2 More precisely, it was proved in [1, 15] that, under suitable boundary conditions, there exists a family of interface ground states which describe a localized domain wall. The localization length depends on the anisotropy of the model and diverges in the limit of the isotropic model. Alternative proofs of the stability of this interface were given in [4], by using the path integral representation of interface states, and in [3], by employing the principle of exponential localiza- tion [13]. The above results show that in the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic, anisotropic XXZ model, an arbitrarily small amount of anisotropy is sufficient to stabilize the interface against quantum fluctuations. Quantumperturbationsdonotalwayshavethedrasticeffect ofeitherstabilizing anunstable classical interface or destabilizing an interface at zero temperature. There exist quantum lattice models which are quantum perturbations of suitable classical systems such that an interface in the classical system remains essentially unchanged under the quantum perturbations. For example, if we add a quantum perturbation to the three dimensional Ising model, then the so- called Dobrushin condition induces a stable interface in the system, in the sense that there is a low temperature non–translation invariant Gibbs state describing an asymptotically horizontal interface. This was proved in a more general setting by Borgs, Chayes, and Fr¨ohlich [8] for systems in dimensions d ≥ 3, by using a quantum version of the Pirogov Sinai theory [7, 9]. One expects that adding a quantum perturbation to the two-dimensional Ising model at low temperatures will not stabilize the 10-interface in this model but we are not aware of any proof of this. In this paper we consider the stability of the interface states in the anisotropic, antiferro- magnetic(AF) XXZ and XZ models at zero temperature. We prove that in these models the interface is not stable in one dimension. We study the question of stability by analyzing the dispersion relation for the energy of the interface, i.e., its energy as a function of its momentum. For the AF models we can force an interface into the system by imposing periodic boundary conditions on a chain with an odd number of sites. We can study the energy of the interface by comparing the energies for chains with an even and odd number of sites. The AF Hamilto- nians that we consider are invariant both under lattice translations and global spin flips. The combined symmetry of translating by one lattice spacing and then performing a global spin flip, which we denote by T, is a useful symmetry for studying the interfaces since it leaves the N´eel states invariant. We refer to the eigenvalue of this symmetry operator as a “generalized e momentum.” We study the difference between the lowest energy of an eigenstate with gener- alized momentum k for a chain with an odd number of sites and that with an even number of sites. We take this difference to be the definition of the dispersion relation for the interface. If the interface is stable, then there should be an eigenstate |Ψi of the Hamiltonian (for a chain with an odd number of sites) which has some localized structure. So the states Tl|Ψi should be linearly independent. By taking linear combinations of these states, e |Φ i = eiklTl|Ψi, (1) k l X e we can form eigenstates of the Hamiltonian with different generalized momenta. Since T e 3 commutes with the Hamiltonian, these states all have the same energy. Thus the dispersion relationisindependent ofthegeneralizedmomentumifthereisastableinterface. Weprovethat in the infinite volume limit the dispersion relation for the AF chain depends on the generalized momentum, andso thechaindoesnotadmit groundstatesthatcorrespond toastable interface. In contrast, for the anisotropic, ferromagnetic XXZ chain, we prove that the dispersion relation is “flat” (i.e., k–independent) in the infinite length limit. This provides another approach to studying the stability of the interface in this model at zero temperature to complement the approaches of [1, 15, 4, 3]. The XZ chain is exactly solvable, and Araki and Matsui used this to prove the absence of non-translationally invariant infinite volume ground states [2]. This shows the interface is unstable in this model since infinite volume ground states containing an interface would be non-translationally invariant. The XXZ model is also exactly solvable, so one might be able to use this solvability to study the dispersion relation we study. We emphasize, however, that in our approach we do not use the exact solvability of either of these models. The techniques that we use to study the interface are based on a novel approach to the analysis of ground states of quantum spin systems, introduced by Kirkwood and Thomas [18]. They considered spin–1/2 models, but their approach was applied to some higher spin models by Matsui [22]. Their method originally required a Perron-Frobenius condition on the Hamiltonian. We removed this condition and simplified the proof of convergence of the expansion in [10]. Although we restrict our attention to the XZ and XXZ models in this paper, we expect the methods and results to be applicable to a much broader class of models. The paper is organized asfollows: To keep the paper self–contained, we first give a summary of our version of the Kirkwood–Thomas approach (as developed in [10]) by using it to study the ground state of the AF anisotropic XZ Hamiltonian. This is done in Section 2 for a d– dimensional lattice under periodic boundary conditions. The results of this section, for the case d = 1, are used later in our analysis of interface states in the AF anisotropic XZ chain. If the number of sites N in such a chain is even then the ground state does not have an interface. However, if N is odd then the periodic boundary conditions force an interface in the chain. The latter situation is studied in Section 3. We prove that the dispersion relation for the energy of the interface depends non–trivially on the generalized momentum k even in the limit N → ∞. This allows us to conclude that the ground state of the AF anisotropic XZ chain does not have a stable interface. In Section 4 we prove a similar result for the AF anisotropic XXZ chain. In contrast, in Section 5, we prove that for the corresponding ferromagnetic model the energy of the interface does not depend on k in the limit N → ∞. 2 XZ ground state : the Kirkwood–Thomas approach We consider the following antiferromagnetic Hamiltonian defined on a finite lattice Λ ⊂ Zd H = σzσz +ǫ σxσx, (2) i j i j hiXji⊂Λ hiXji⊂Λ f 4 where the sums are over all nearest neighbor pairs (denoted by hiji) in Λ. We impose periodic boundaryconditionsandassumethatΛhasanevennumberofsitesineachcoordinatedirection. The Hamiltonian H acts on the Hilbert space H = (C2)⊗|Λ|, where |Λ| denotes the number of Λ sites in the lattice Λ. The Hamiltonian and most of the quantities that follow depend on the f volume Λ. However, for notational simplicity, we often suppress this explicit dependence. The above Hamiltonian commutes with the global spin flip operator given by P = σx. (3) i i∈Λ Y e The above form of the Hamiltonian seems natural for perturbation theory in ǫ since the ǫ = 0 Hamiltonian is diagonal. However, following Kirkwood and Thomas, we study a unitarily equivalent Hamiltonian obtained by a rotation about the Y–axis in spin space caused by the operator π R = exp i σy . (4) 4 j j∈Λ X Hence, RσxR−1 = σz ; RσzR−1 = −σx, i i i i and therefore RHR−1 = σxσx +ǫ σzσz. (5) i j i j hiXji⊂Λ hiXji⊂Λ f The global spin flip operator transforms into RPR−1 = σz. (6) i i∈Λ Y e Finally, we perform a unitary transformation to change the ǫ = 0 Hamiltonian from antiferro- magnetic to ferromagnetic. Define U = σz (7) j j∈Λ Y jodd where jodd means that the sum of the components of j is odd. Since Λ has an even number of sites in each coordinate direction, the transformed Hamiltonian, H, is given by H = URHR−1U−1 = − σxσx +ǫ σzσz. (8) i j i j hiXji⊂Λ hiXji⊂Λ f Since [H,P] = 0, the state space of the Hamiltonian H can be decomposed into two subspaces corresponding to the eigenvalues +1 and −1 of P. We refer to these two subspaces as the even and odd sectors respectively. The transformed global spin flip operator, RPR−1, remains unchanged under the action of the unitary operator U: e P = URPR−1U−1 = σz. (9) i i∈Λ Y e 5 We emphasize that eq.(8) is not true if Λ has an odd number of sites in any lattice direction. This fact plays a key role in our study of interfaces in the one dimensional case [see e.g. Section 3]. Let us introduce some definitions and notations. Aclassical spin configuration on the lattice is defined to be an assignment of a +1 or a −1 to each site in the lattice. Hence, for each i ∈ Λ, σ = ±1. We will abbreviate the classical spin configuration {σ } by σ . For each such σ i i i∈Λ we let |σi be the state in the Hilbert space, H , which is the tensor product of a spin–up state Λ at each site with σ = +1 and a spin–down state at each site with σ = −1. Thus |σi is an i i eigenstate of all the σz with σz|σi = σ |σi. The states |σi form a complete orthonormal basis i i i of H . Any state |Ψi can be written in terms of this basis: Λ |Ψi = ψ(σ)|σi (10) σ X where ψ(σ) is a complex-valued function on the spin configurations σ. For a single site, the vectors (|+1i+|−1i) and (|+1i−|−1i) are the eigenstates of σx with eigenvalues +1 and −1, respectively. Thus the (unnormalized) ground states of the Hamiltonian, H, [(8)] for ǫ = 0 are given by (10) with ψ(σ) = 1 and ψ(σ) = σ . We define i∈Λ i σ(X)Q= σ (11) i i∈X Y and use the convention that σ(∅) = 1. Note that σ(Λ) is equal to +1(−1) in the even (odd) sector. In the Kirkwood–Thomas method one expands the ground state with respect to the basis {|σi}, as in eq. (10), and writes ψ(σ) in the form 1 ψ(σ) = exp[− g(X)σ(X)] (12) 2 X X for some real g(X). As in [10], we justify the above exponential form of ψ(σ) by a two–step procedure: First, we consider (12) to be an ansatz and prove that it satisfies the Schr¨odinger equation. This ensures that there is an eigenstate of the form (12). Next we give an argument to show that this eigenstate must in fact be the ground state. Consider the Schr¨odinger equation HΨ = E Ψ (13) 0 The operator σzσz is diagonal in the chosen basis, so i j σzσz ψ(σ)|σi = σ σ ψ(σ)|σi. (14) i j i j σ σ X X The operator σxσx just flips the spins at sites i and j, i.e., σxσx|σi = |σ(ij)i, where σ(ij) is the i j i j spin configuration σ but with σ replaced by −σ and σ replaced by −σ . Hence i i j j σxσx ψ(σ)|σi = ψ(σ)|σ(ij)i = ψ(σ(ij))|σi. (15) i j σ σ σ X X X 6 The last equality follows by a change of variables in the sum. We now see that if we use (10) in the Schr¨odinger equation (13) and pick out the coefficient of |σi, then for each spin configuration σ we have − ψ(σ(ij))+ǫ σ σ ψ(σ) = E ψ(σ). (16) i j 0 Xhiji Xhiji Henceforth, the condition hiji ⊂ Λ will be implicit in all our sums on hiji. Dividing both sides of (16) by ψ(σ) we have ψ(σ(ij)) − +ǫ σ σ = E . (17) i j 0 ψ(σ) Xhiji Xhiji Now σ(ij)(X) is σ(X) when both of i and j are in X, and when both of them are not in X. If exactly one of i and j is in X, then σ(ij)(X) is −σ(ij)(X). We will let ∂X denote the set of nearest neighbor bonds which connect a site in X with a site not in X. (Henceforth, we will always use the word bond to denote a nearest neighbor bond.) Then the condition that exactly one of i and j belongs to X may be written as hiji ∈ ∂X. We will often abbreviate this condition as X : hiji. Thus 1 ψ(σ(ij)) = exp[− g(X)σ(X)+ g(X)σ(X)] (18) 2 XX XX:hiji and so the Schr¨odinger equation is now − exp[ g(X)σ(X)]+ǫ σ σ = E . (19) i j 0 Xhiji XX:hiji Xhiji As in [10], we refer to this equation as the Kirkwood-Thomas equation. We expand the exponential in a power series. The contribution from the linear term may be rewritten as g(X)σ(X) = |∂X|g(X)σ(X) (20) Xhiji XX:hiji XX where |∂X| is the number of bonds in ∂X, i.e., the number of bonds that connect a site in X with a site not in X. Hence the Kirkwood Thomas equation becomes ∞ 1 n |∂X|g(X)σ(X)+E +d|Λ| = − g(X )σ(X )+ǫ σ σ . 0 k k i j n! XX XhijinX=2 X1,X2,X···,Xn:hijikY=1 Xhiji (21) Here d|Λ| is the number of bonds in the lattice. Since σ2 = 1, σ(X)σ(Y) = σ(X△Y) where the symmetric difference X△Y of X and Y is i defined by X△Y = X ∪Y \(X ∩Y). Thus n σ(X ) = σ(X △···△X ). If we equate the k=1 k 1 n Q 7 coefficient of σ(X) on both sides of eq. (21), we obtain, for X 6= ∅, 1 ∞ 1 g(X) = − g(X1)g(X2)···g(Xn) + ǫ1nn(X). (22) |∂X| n! XhijinX=2 XX1,1X△2·,·X···△·,XXnn:=hiXji, where 1nn(X) is 1 if X consists of two nearest neighbor sites and is 0 otherwise. If X = Λ, then ∂X = ∅. So the coefficient of g(Λ) on the LHS of equation (21) is zero. This looks like a fatal problem since the RHS of the equation will contain a multiple of σ(Λ). We solve this problem by exploiting the decomposition of the state space into even and odd sectors (as in [18]). We look for eigenstates of the form |Ψ i = ψ(σ)|σi (23) e σ:even X and |Ψ i = ψ(σ)|σi (24) o σ:odd X where the sums are only over configurations σ for which the number of sites i with σ = −1 i is even or odd, respectively. (Equivalently, σ(Λ) := σ = +1, or −1.) The Schr¨odinger i∈Λ i equation is still equivalent to (19), but now to find an eigenstate in the even (respectively, odd) Q sector, this equation need only hold for σ with σ = +1 (respectively, −1). Thus the terms i∈Λ i on the RHS of (21) which contain σ(Λ) may be included in the equation for X = ∅. So for Q X = ∅, we obtain the equation ∞ 1 E +d|Λ| = − g(X )g(X )···g(X ) ± 1 2 n n! XhijinX=2 X1,X2,X···,Xn:hiji, X1△···△Xn=∅ ∞ 1 ∓ g(X )g(X )···g(X ). (25) 1 2 n n! XhijinX=2 X1,X2,X···,Xn:hiji, X1△···△Xn=Λ Here and henceforth, the upper (lower) sign corresponds to the even (odd) sector. We have replaced E by E since the eigenvectors in the even and odd sectors have different eigenvalues. 0 ± We will see later that the difference between the two eigenvalues is exponentially small in the number of sites in the lattice Λ. Note that eq. (19) for the two sectors can be combined into the single equation N N E +E E −E + − + − − exp( g(Y)σ(Y))+ǫ σ σ = + σ(Λ). (26) j j+1 2 2 j=1 Y:j j=1 X X X We let g denote the collection of coefficients {g(X) : X ⊂ Λ,X 6= ∅, X 6= Λ}, and think of eq.(22) as a fixed point equation, g = F(g). We define a norm by ||g|| = |g(X)||∂X|(|ǫ|M)−w(X), (27) X:b X 8 where b is a nearest neighbor bond and w(X) is defined as follows: We consider two bonds to be “connected” if they share an endpoint or if the distance between them is 1. We consider a set of bonds to be “connected” if we can get from one bond in the set to any other bond in the set by going through a sequence of connected bonds in the set. Then w(X) is the cardinality of the smallest set of bonds which contains X and is “connected.” Note that the symmetries of the lattice imply that the norm ||g|| does not depend on the choice of b. Theorem 1 There exists a constant M > 0 which depends only on the number of dimensions of the lattice, such that if |ǫ|M ≤ 1, then the fixed point equation (22) has a solution g, and ||g|| ≤ δ for some constant δ which depends only on the lattice. Proof: We will prove that F is a contraction on a small ball about the origin, and that it maps this ball back into itself. The contraction mapping theorem will then imply that F has a fixed point in this ball. For the sake of concreteness, we prove it is a contraction with constant 1/2, but there is nothing special about the choice of 1/2. Define 4(2d−1) δ = (28) M We will show that 1 ||F(g)−F(g′)|| ≤ ||g −g′|| for ||g||,||g′|| ≤ δ, (29) 2 and ||F(g)|| ≤ δ for ||g|| ≤ δ. (30) The proofof(29) proceeds asfollows: Fixa bondbtouse inthe definitionof ||F(g)−F(g′)||. Then ∞ 1 ||F(g)−F(g′)|| ≤ |g(X )···g(X )−g′(X )···g′(X )|(|ǫ|M)−w(∆), 1 n 1 n n! XhijinX=2 X1,···,XnX:hiji,b∈∂∆ (31) where ∆ = X △...△X . If b ∈ ∂∆, then b is in at least one ∂X . Using the symmetry under 1 n k permutations of the X , we can take b ∈ ∂X at the cost of a factor of n. We claim that if k 1 hiji ∈ ∂X for k = 1,2,···,n, then k n w(X △···△X ) ≤ w(X ). (32) 1 n k k=1 X To prove the claim, for k = 1,2,···,n, let C be sets of bonds such that X ⊂ C , |C | = w(X ) k k k k k and C is connected in the sense used to define w(X ) [see discussion after (27)]. Define k k C = ∪n C . Since X contains exactly one of the sites i and j, C contains at least one of k=1 k k k 9 the sites i and j. Since C ,...,C are connected this implies that C is connected. Clearly, 1 n X △···△X ⊂ C. So 1 n n n w(X △···△X ) ≤ |C| ≤ |C | = w(X ), (33) 1 n k k k=1 k=1 X X which proves the claim (32). Using n n n k−1 n | g(X )− g′(X )| ≤ |g(X )||g(X )−g′(X )| |g(X )| (34) k k i k k i k=1 k=1 k=1i=1 i=k+1 Y Y X Y Y we have ∞ 1 n k−1 ||F(g)−F(g′)|| ≤ |g(X )|(|ǫ|M)−w(Xi) i (n−1)! nX=2 XX1:b hijiX∈∂X1 X2,..X.,Xn:hiji kX=1(cid:16)iY=1 (cid:17) n ×|g(X )−g′(X )|(|ǫ|M)−w(Xk) |g′(X )|(|ǫ|M)−w(Xi) k k i (cid:16)i=Yk+1 (cid:17) ∞ 1 n ≤ ||g −g′|| ||g||k−1||g′||n−k (n−1)! n=2 k=1 X X ≤ K||g −g′||, (35) where ∞ n K = δn−1 = eδ −1+δeδ, (36) (n−1)! n=2 X and we have used the fact that both ||g|| and ||g′|| are bounded by δ. By choosing δ to be sufficiently small we obtain K ≤ 1/2. To prove (30), we use (29) with g′ = 0. From (22) it follows that ||F(0)|| ≤ ǫ 1nn(X)(|ǫ|M)−w(X) X:b X δ ≤ 2(2d−1)ǫ(|ǫ|M)−1 ≤ 2(2d−1)M−1 = . 2 (37) Hence, 1 1 ||F(g)|| ≤ ||F(g)−F(0)||+||F(0)|| ≤ ||g||+ δ ≤ δ (38) 2 2 10