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Preview insights into the GPCR system at the early divergence of animals

Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 DOI10.1186/s12862-014-0270-4 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The GPCR repertoire in the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica: insights into the GPCR system at the early divergence of animals Arunkumar Krishnan1†, Rohit Dnyansagar1,2†, Markus Sällman Almén1, Michael J Williams1, Robert Fredriksson1, Narayanan Manoj2 and Helgi B Schiöth1* Abstract Background: Gprotein-coupledreceptors (GPCRs) play a central rolein eukaryotic signal transduction.However, theGPCR component of this signalling system,atthe early origins ofmetazoans is notfully understood.Here we aim to identify and classify GPCRs inAmphimedonqueenslandica(sponge),a member ofan earliest diverging metazoan lineage (Porifera). Furthermore, phylogenetic comparisons ofspongeGPCRs with eumetazoan and bilaterian GPCRs will be essential to our understanding ofthe GPCR system at therootsof metazoan evolution. Results: We present a curated list of 220GPCRs inthesponge genome after excluding incomplete sequences and false positivesfrom our initial dataset of 282 predicted GPCR sequences obtained using Pfam search. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that thesponge genome contains members belonging to four ofthefive majorGRAFS families including Glutamate(33), Rhodopsin (126), Adhesion (40) and Frizzled (3). Interestingly, thesponge Rhodopsin family sequences lack orthologous relationships with those found ineumetazoan and bilaterian lineages, sincethey clustered separately to form spongespecific groups in the phylogenetic analysis. Thissuggests that sponge Rhodopsins diverged considerably from that found inother basal metazoans. A few sponge Adhesionsclustered basal to Adhesion subfamilies commonly found inmost vertebrates, suggesting some Adhesion subfamilies may have diverged prior to theemergenceof Bilateria. Furthermore, atleast eight of the sponge Adhesionmembers have a hormone binding motif (HRM domain) in theirN-termini, although hormones have yet to be identified in sponges. We also phylogenetically clarified thatsponge has homologs of metabotropic glutamate (mGluRs) and GABAreceptors. Conclusion: Our phylogenetic comparisons of sponge GPCRs withother metazoangenomes suggest that sponge contains a significantly diversified set of GPCRs. This is evident atthefamily/subfamily levelcomparisons for most GPCR families, in particular for theRhodopsin family of GPCRs. Insummary, this study provides a framework to perform future experimental and comparative studies to further verify and understand the roles of GPCRs that predates the divergence of bilaterian and eumetazoan lineages. Keywords: Neurotransmitters, Gprotein-coupledreceptors, Adhesion,Signaltransduction,Porifera,Eumetazoa *Correspondence:[email protected] †Equalcontributors 1DepartmentofNeuroscience,FunctionalPharmacology,UppsalaUniversity, BiomedicalCenter,Box593,75124Uppsala,Sweden Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2014Krishnanetal.;licenseeBioMedCentral.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycredited.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomain Dedicationwaiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle, unlessotherwisestated. Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page2of16 Background repertoire with 890 and 420 GPCR coding genes, re- The G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily is spectively[17,18]. one of the largest families of integral transmembrane Although several studies including genome-wide ana- proteins in vertebrates and plays a dominant role in sig- lysis of the sponge demonstrated the presence of several nal transduction in most eukaryotes. GPCRs, which me- GPCRs, a comprehensive overview of sponge GPCR diate most of the cellular responses through hormones, families is still lacking and their relationship to the ver- neurotransmitters and environmental stimulants are thus sions found in eumetazoans and bilaterians is largely major drug targets, with approximately 36% of current unknown. This is important because sponges and the clinical drugs targeting these receptors [1,2]. In humans, eumetazoans (Nematostella and Trichoplax) are known there are around 800 genes coding for GPCRs, and we to lack most of cell types found in bilaterians. For ex- earlierclassifiedthemintofivemainGRAFSfamilies:Glu- ample,spongesaresimpleporebearinganimalsthatlack tamate, Rhodopsin, Adhesion, Frizzled and Secretin [3,4]. gut, a nervous system and muscle, but constitute an in- Subsequent GPCR mining studies have suggested that ternalnetworkofcanalsandciliatedchoanocytechambers GRAFS families are present in most bilaterian species that pump water to extract food [19-21]. Placozoans [5-8]. In addition, our earlier studies demonstrated that (Trichoplax) are flat animals consisting of a lower and fourofthefiveGRAFSfamilies(excludingSecretin,which upper epithelium, which sandwich layers of multinucle- evolved after the divergence of cnidarians) are found in atedfibre cells [17,22]. Similarly, nerves, sensorycells and basalfungi,indicatingthattheGlutamate,Rhodopsin,Ad- muscle cells are apparently absent in placozoans. In con- hesion,andFrizzledfamiliesevolvedbeforethedivergence trast, Nematostella is regarded as one of the first animals ofmetazoanlineages[9]. possessinganervoussystem.InNematostella,anectoder- Although the four GRAFS families first evolved in the mal and endodermal nerve net constituting of a simple basal fungi, only a few sequences were unambiguous ho- and diffuse nervous system runs throughout the animal’s mologs of metazoan representatives [9]. For example, body[23,24]. only a few homologues of the Rhodopsin family were In order to better understand the components of the found in basal fungi and Rhodopsin GPCRs were not GPCR system and its evolution at the early origins of found in choanoflagellates (Monosiga brevicollis and Sal- Metazoa, we aimed to curate a complete set of GPCRs pingoeca rosetta) and filasterean Capsaspora owczarzaki in sponge, as well as provide a comparative analysis with [9,10]. Moreover, these closest metazoan relatives are GPCRsfound ineumetazoans (NematostellaandTricho- limited to only a few genes coding for Adhesion and plax) and bilaterians (humans and sea urchin; Strongylo- GlutamateGPCRfamilies.Theseobservationsclearlyin- centrotus purpuratus). Utilising the sponge genome, we dicate that the first large expansions of Rhodopsin sought to answer questions such as, 1) does one of the GPCRs, as well as other families of GPCRs, occurred at mostancientmetazoanlineagehaveorthologsofmamma- the early origins of metazoans. This model is well sup- lian GPCRs, 2) do sponges hold mammalian-like subfam- ported by the recent genome release of Amphimedon ily level classifications for each major GRAFS families, 3) queenslandica (hereafter referred to as sponge), which are sponge GPCRs orthologous to those found in cnidar- belongs to one of the earliest diverging and oldest sur- iansandotherpre-bilaterianlineages. viving phyletic branches of Metazoa. The draft genome as well as the transcriptome profiling of sponge indi- Results cated the presence of several Rhodopsin-like GPCRs and IdentificationandclassificationofGPCRsinsponge anoverallcountofmorethan200GPCRs,includingAd- In order to generate a complete set of sponge GPCRs, hesion and Glutamate family GPCRs [11,12]. Additional we aligned the sponge proteome with Hidden Markov studies on some specific subsets of sponge GPCRs such Models (HMM) of the 14831 families contained within as Glutamate [13] and Frizzled [14] provided further in- the Pfam database (version 27). We retrieved all se- sights into the GPCR component in sponge. Taken to- quencesthatcontainedthePfam domains corresponding gether this suggests that the last common ancestor of to the various GPCR families (see Methods). This initial metazoans possessed a complex GPCR system, perhaps screen identified 282 GPCR sequences belonging to the withexpansionswithintheRhodopsinfamilyincompari- GPCR_A Pfam clan (CL0192). These numbers are simi- son to pre-metazoan lineages like Choanoflagellata [15] lar and comparable with previous studies where sponge and Filasterea [16]. Furthermore, genome data of species GPCR sequences were identified [10-12]. However, this that diverged after sponges provided valuable insights initial list of GPCRs included fragments and possibly into the evolution of the GPCR superfamily. Previous some false positives, and thus had to be refined before mining of GPCRs in a cnidarian, Nematostella vectensis performing phylogenetic analysis to obtain stable and and a placozoan, Trichoplax adhaerens revealed that consistent topologies. Therefore, we examined these 282 these pre-bilaterian metazoans contained a large GPCR GPCRs for the presence of seven transmembrane (TM) Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page3of16 helices using HMMTOP and Phobius servers. To re- Amphimedon, which may provide better resolution of the move fragments and false positives we excluded the se- fragmentary sequences/regions. To avoid possible confu- quences having less than five or more than eight TM sion in subsequent paragraphs, a whole family is denoted regions from the final dataset. To cross verify the list of usingthecorrespondingfamilynameinitalicswithanini- sponge GPCRs, we aligned each putative sponge GPCR tial capital letter (Rhodopsin), while the homologs/mem- sequence with our tagged human GPCRs using the stan- bers of a particular family are denoted as Rhodopsins or dalone BLASTP program (data not shown). Such step- AdhesionsorAdhesion-likereceptors. wise processes led to the verification and categorisation of a final dataset containing 220 GPCRs. A majority of PhylogeneticverificationofGRAFStopological these were categorised into four of the five main GRAFS classification families, including 126 Rhodopsin (7tm_1), 40 Adhesion The human GPCR repertoire can be classified into five (7tm_2), 33 Glutamate (7tm_3) and three Frizzled re- main groups (Glutamate, Rhodopsin, Adhesion, Frizzled ceptors. However, we did not find Secretin family recep- and Secretin; GRAFS) based on phylogenetic analysis [4]. tors in the sponge genome. It must be mentioned that Subsequent comparative phylogenetic studies in several an earlier report suggested that sponge has Secretin fam- vertebrate and invertebrate species have supported this ily GPCRs [12] possibly due to the presence of the HRM classification system and established that GPCRs indeed (hormone receptor motif) domain in their N-termini, formed distinct clusters corresponding to its five main which is a usual characteristic of Secretin GPCRs [4,25]. families[6,8,28].ToinvestigatewhethertheGPCRsidenti- However, Secretin family GPCRs are mostly activated by fied in sponge also exhibit distinct phylogenetic clusters peptide hormones, which to date have not been identi- corresponding to the GRAF classes (excluding Secretin, fied in the sponge genome [11]. Our finding that the which is absent in sponges), we performed a Bayesian sponge genome lack Secretins is also consistent with phylogenetic analysis using all sponge GPCR sequences. earlier studies which proposed that Secretin family des- Totesttherobustnessofthetopologyaswellastoresolve cended from the Adhesion family after the split of the the orthology relationships between the members in cnidarians from other bilaterians and that the Secretin sponge and other bilaterians and pre-bilaterians, we ex- GPCRs are a bilaterian innovation [26,27]. Considering panded the dataset to include a few representative se- that Adhesion and Secretin families belong to the same quences from the Trichoplax, Nematostella and sea class of GPCRs (Class B) and encode a 7tm_2 trans- urchin GPCRs. This set contained equal proportion of membrane domain, it is sometimes difficult to distin- representatives from Rhodopsin, Glutamate and Adhesion guish between the families and they can be wrongly GPCR families. The overall unrooted topology indicated assigned. Since Adhesion is a parent family to Secretin thatthe Rhodopsin, Glutamate and Adhesion GPCRs des- GPCRs and due to the lack of experimental support for cend into separate and distinct clusters, whereas Frizzled the presence of Secretin GPCR activity in sponges we GPCRs were placed basal to the Adhesion GPCR node here label these class B (7tm_2) receptors as Adhesion (Figure1). family receptors. Nevertheless, the presence of an HRM domain in these Adhesion GPCRs is intriguing and Rhodopsinreceptorfamily should prompt further experimental verifications to pro- The human Rhodopsin family GPCRs are classified into vide evidence for GPCR mediated hormonal activity in four major groups termed α-, β-, γ-, and δ that are di- sponges. vided into 13 major subfamilies. Some of these 13 sub- Interestingly, in addition to the GRAFS families, we families like amine and peptide binding Rhodopsin identified 14 cyclic AMP-like receptors (Dicty_CAR; family receptors are present and seem fairly conserved PF05462), two intimal thickness-related-like receptors in most of the analysed bilaterians [4,6-8,28]. Similarly, (PF06814), and one lung-7TM-like receptor (PF06814) in order to categorize sponge Rhodopsins and explore in the sponge genome. Moreover, we identified a puta- their similarity to those found in other species, we tive homolog of GPR143 (PF02101), which in humans aligned each sponge Rhodopsin family sequence against and other mammals is associated with ocular albinism. a database of GPCRs containing complete repertories In summary, the proportion of sponge GPCRs to the from human, sea urchin, Trichoplax and Nematostella. genome size is comparable to several other metazoans The entire list of blast hits are provided in Additional and that it also constitutes a large expansion within the file2.Furthermore,weperformedBLASTsearchesagainst Rhodopsin family [11,13]. The complete set of sponge manually annotated and reviewed Rhodopsin (7tm_1) GPCR sequences identified in this study is available in GPCRs obtained from the Swiss-Prot database (available FASTA format (see Additional file 1). It must be noted in Additional file 3). This reviewed list of Rhodopsin herethatthenumbersprovidedinthisstudymayvaryfrom GPCRs included most of the GPCRs from well charac- futurepredictionsusingsubsequentgenomeassembliesof terised vertebrates, as well as from several well-known Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page4of16 Figure1PhylogeneticrelationshipsofGPCRsidentifiedinthespongegenome.Thetreetopologyshowsdistinctphylogeneticclusters belongingtotheGlutamate,Rhodopsin,Adhesion,andFrizzledfamiliesoftheGRAFSclassificationsystem.Thetreealsoincludesafew representativesofGPCRfamiliesfromothergenomes.Theedgesarecoloredaccordingtothefamilies,whiletheaccessionIDsarecolored differentlyforeachspecies.TheillustrationshowsputativeAdhesionlikeGPCRsthatlackstheconventionallongN-termini.However,these AdhesionGPCRscontainthecharacteristic7tm_2domainandplacedbasaltothemajornodethatcontainsalltheotherAdhesionsincludedin thephylogenetictreemaking.SpongespecificRhodopsinclusters(AqRho-AtoAqRho-E)withinthemajorRhodopsinclusterarehighlighted. invertebrate model organisms. From BLASTP search human and sponge GPCR repertoires was within the results we were unable to classify most of the sponge Rhodopsin family. Although a few of the spongeRhodop- Rhodopsin family sequences into any of the 13 known sins were placed in the same branch containing human Rhodopsin-likeGPCRssubfamilies.Thisisbecausesponge Rhodopsins, they lacked reliable confidence value sup- Rhodopsins failed to satisfy our classification criteria portfrom both treemakingmethods(ML andBayesian). that at least four of the first five hits must be from the Taken together, our results from the phylogenetic ana- same subfamily. However, a few sponge Rhodopsins had lysis suggest that the sponge Rhodopsins lacked unam- their best aligned hits (E-values ranging from e-10 to e- biguous orthologous relationships to any of the known 20) to beta-adrenergic receptors, serotonin and opsin human subfamilies (see Figure 2). This is consistent with family receptors, among others (see Additional file 3). the BLAST results that could not classify sponge Rho- These BLASTP results were subsequently verified using dopsins into subfamilies. Moreover, it must be men- Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood (ML) based phylo- tioned here that a few of the sponge Rhodopsins had genetic analysis. their top hits (see Additional file 3) as amine and opsin- Phylogenetic analysis using Bayesian and ML methods like receptors in the blast search. However, these se- was performed to resolve the relationships between hu- quences failed to form a coherent group with the human man and sponge Rhodopsin GPCR family sequences Rhodopsin homologs. Instead, they clustered separately (Figure 2). The results obtained from both tree building and are found scattered within the major node that methods indicated that the largest differences between grouped the sponge Rhodopsins (see Figure 2). This Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page5of16 Figure2(Seelegendonnextpage.) Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page6of16 (Seefigureonpreviouspage.) Figure2PhylogenetictreeshowingrelationshipsbetweenRhodopsinfamilyGPCRsinspongeandhumangenomes.Thetreetopology wasinferredfromBayesiananalysiswithagammacorrectionusingMrBayessoftware.Thephylogenetictreeisbasedonlyonthetransmembrane region.TheMCMCanalysiswasusedtotesttherobustnessofthenodesandwassupportedbyanon-parametricbootstrapanalysiswith500replicates. TheedgescorrespondingtohumanRhodopsinfamilyGPCRsarehighlightedingreen.EdgescontainingspongeRhodopsinsarehighlightedinblue. SpongespecificclustersandarelabeledasAqRho-A–AqRho-E(whereAqstandsforAmphimedonqueenslandica,RhoforRhodopsinlikeGPCRsandA toErepresentthedistinctclustersinthephylogenetictree).ThevaluesindicatedatmajorbranchesareposteriorprobabilityvaluesfromBayesian analysisandpercentagebootstrapvaluesfromMaximumlikelihoodanalysis.Redasterisksymboldenotessequencesthathaveatleastfourofthetop fivehitsasbeta-adrenergic,serotoninandopsinfamilyreceptors(seeAdditionalfile3)inourblastsearch.However,theydidnotseemtoforma coherentgroupwiththehumanRhodopsins.Scalebarsindicatephylogeneticdistanceasnumberofsubstitutionspersite.Phylogeneticrelationships betweenspongeRhodopsins,theeumetazoans(NematostellaandTrichoplax)andsea-urchingenomesareprovidedinAdditionalfile4. distinctiverepertoire ofspongeRhodopsinshadrelatively human Group I and Group II Adhesions. This implies high similarity between them and form five observable that these sequences are putative ancestral representa- clusters (Figure 2). Here, we putatively labelled these tives of Groups I/II (Figure 3). A closer examination of spongespecific clusters asAqRho AtoE. the phylogenetic relationships showed that there were Since the phylogenetic distance between the GPCR several Adhesions from sponge, Trichoplax and Nema- dataset representing human and sponge was large, we tostella placed in a major node that contained human wanted to investigate whether similar phylogenetic rela- Adhesions from groups VI and VII (Figure 3). The re- tionships existed between sponge and other closely re- maining sponge Adhesions are most likely sponge spe- lated species. Therefore, we extended our study to three cific, since they clustered separately from any known additional species having completely sequenced ge- Adhesion groups. This observation was consistent with nomes. This included two non-bilaterian animals from other analysed metazoans, where most of the Adhesions the eumetazoan lineage, the placozoan Trichoplax and from sea urchin and other genomes clustered separately the cnidarian Nematostella, as well as the deuterostome from thehuman counterparts(see Figure3). bilaterian, sea urchin (Additional file 4). The phylogen- Another noteworthy observation was that some of the etic trees indicated a similar topology wherein sponge sponge specific Adhesions have short N-termini and lack Rhodopsins lackorthologousrelationshipstothosefound GPCR proteolytic site (GPS). However, these protein in Nematostella, Trichoplax and sea urchin (Additional transcripts contained the core 7tm_2 domain region, file4). characteristic to all Adhesion GPCRs. It is possible that these Adhesions were incompletely modelled at the Adhesionreceptorfamily N-termini due to sequencing errors. An alternative ex- The human genome contains 33 Adhesion receptors that planation is that these sponge Adhesions may truly lack a phylogenetically cluster into eight main groups (I-VIII), GPS site and the N-terminal domains, since the diver- with VLGR1 placed as an out-group. Earlier studies gence is also reflected in the transmembrane helices that demonstrated that potential homologs of genes belong- were utilized for phylogenetic tree making. These se- ing to families I, III, IV, V, VIII and VLGR1 are present quences clustered separately from rest of the sponge in most invertebrates, whereas families II,VI and VII are Adhesion GPCRs (see Figure 3). However, future experi- more likely to be vertebrate innovations [6-8,26]. To ex- mental verification, as well as mining of Adhesions in plore whether sponge Adhesions show homologous rela- other sponge genomes, is required to confirm these attri- tionships to any known Adhesion GPCR groups, we butesofspongeAdhesions.Thismightalsoclarifywhether included 33 human Adhesions and all identified sponge the short N-termini are more prevalent in ancient Adhe- Adhesions for phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, we in- sion GPCRs and the long N-termini was later gained due cluded Adhesions from other metazoans to explore their toadditionandshufflingofkeydomainsduringthecourse relationship with sponge Adhesions. Phylogenetic ana- ofmetazoanevolution. lysis revealed that a few sponge Adhesions were placed Although, a few sponge Adhesions lack a GPS site and basal to the node that contained human Adhesions be- N-terminal domains, the rest show diverse domain longing to family VIII (Figure 3). This tree topology was architecture similar to that observed in other metazoan bettersupportedwhentheanalysiswasrestricted toonly Adhesions.TheGPS domain, acommon cleavagesitefor human and sponge Adhesions (Additional file 5). Also, many members of this family is present in 28 out of 40 the sponge Adhesion sequence Aq715659 clustered basal sponge Adhesions. Another interesting feature was the to the node containing human Group I and Group II presence of a HRM domain in at least eight of the Adhesion sequences (Figure 3). Additionally, two more sponge Adhesions although hormones have not been re- sequences from sea urchin (Sp00392) and Nematostella ported in sponges (Figure 4). Intriguingly, we could also (Nv24490) were placed in the same node containing identify sponge Adhesions (Aq712029 and Aq715659) Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page7of16 Figure3PhylogeneticrelationshipsbetweenAdhesionfamilyGPCRsinspongeandothergenomes.Thecolorschemeforthebranchesis accordingtospeciesused.Theposteriorprobabilityvalues>0.95;0.9-0.95and0.7to0.9arehighlightedinfilledgreen,orangeandgreycircles, respectively.AccessionnumbersformostoftheseaurchinAdhesionswereremovedfromthefinalrepresentationfordisplayreasons.Human AdhesionGPCRGroupsItoVIIIareheightedingrey. that harbour multiple repeats of the Scavenger receptor Glutamatereceptorfamily cysteine-rich protein (SRCR) domain (Figure 4). To the Glutamate receptors (GLRs) are crucial modulators of best of our knowledge identification of SRCR repeats is neurotransmission, and in humans there are 22 receptors unique to Adhesion GPCRs and it is worth mentioning consisting of eight metabotropic glutamate receptors that SRCR repeats are often associated with immune (GRMs), two GABABRs, the calcium-sensing receptor systemfunctions invertebrates[29,30]. (CASR),thesweetandumamitastereceptors(TAS1R1–3), Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page8of16 Figure4N-terminaldomainarchitectureofaselectionofspongeAdhesionGPCRs.Thedomainswereidentifiedbyaligningsponge AdhesionstothelatestversionofPfamlibrary.FewAdhesionGPCRsequencesthatlackN-terminaldomainsarenotshown.Thedomainsshown inthefigureinclude;7TM:seven-transmembranedomain,DUF:Domainofunknownfunction,EGF:epidermalgrowthfactor-likedomain,fn3: fibronectintypeIIIdomain,GPS:GPCRproteolyticsitedomain,HRM:Hormonereceptordomain,IG/IG_2/IG_3:immunoglobulindomains,I-set: ImmunoglobulinI-setdomain,SNARE:solubleN-ethylmaleimide-sensitivefactor(NSF)attachmentprotein(SNAP)receptordomain,SRCR:Scavenger receptorcysteine-richdomain,V-set:ImmunoglobulinV-setdomain. GPRC6A and seven orphan receptors [2,4]. Phylogenetic demonstratedthatamongthe33indentifiedspongeGLRs, analysis of the Glutamate family members from human only seven are homologous to GRMs, while the rest were and sponge (Figure 5) revealed that sponge had seven sponge specificreceptors(Additional file 6). However, the GLRshomologoustohumanmetabotropicGlutamatere- spongeGLRsthathadsimilaritytoGABABandtwoother ceptors (GRMs). In addition, phylogenetic analysis re- orphans (GPR158 and GPR179) failed to give stable or vealed that two sponge GLRs clustered with human consistenttopologyinalargerdatasetandclusteredsepar- GABAB receptors and another three were placed on the ately from the known Glutamate receptors, suggesting same node containing GPR158 and GPR179, but with a theyaredivergentfromothermetazoancounterparts. low posterior probability support (Figure 5). To test the robustness of these relationships, we included Glutamate Frizzledreceptorfamily GPCRs from Nematostella, Trichoplax and sea urchin. The sponge proteome dataset contained three full length An overall unrooted tree obtained from a large dataset members of the Frizzled GPCR family. A comparative Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page9of16 Figure5PhylogenetictreeshowingrelationshipbetweenGlutamatefamilyGPCRsinspongeandhuman.Theedgescontaininghuman GlutamatefamilyGPCRsarehighlightedingreen,whiletheedgescontainingspongeGlutamatearehighlightedinblue.Phylogeneticrelationships betweenspongeGlutamate,theeumetazoans(NematostellaandTrichoplax)andsea-urchingenomesareprovidedinAdditionalfile6. phylogenetic analysis with Frizzled receptors from sponge models that contained less than 4 TM regions. Similarly, and other metazoan genomes was performed. For the an earlier study identified eight Frizzled- like GPCRs in phylogenetic tree construction, we also included the the sponge genome[14].However, a few ofthese seem to closely related smoothened GPCR family members from be incompletely modeled and were not included in the human and other metazoans. Phylogenetic relationships finalspongeGPCRdatasetforbetterhandlingoftheMSA revealed that sponge Frizzled GPCRs are fast evolving or (Multiplesequencealignment)dataforsubsequentphylo- divergent from other metazoan counterparts (as indicated geneticstudies. by Long Branch lengths) (see Additional file 7). Two sponge Frizzled receptors were placed basal to the node OtherGPCRfamilies that contained human FZD9, FZD10 receptors. Also, one Our analysis revealed that the sponge proteome dataset Frizzledreceptoreachfromotheranalysedmetazoanswas also contains members of other GPCR families that do placed in the same node with human FZD9, FZD10 re- notbelongtotheGRAFS classification system.Thesein- ceptors. Interestingly, one sponge Frizzled-like receptor cluded cAMP-like, intimal thickness-related receptor was placed basal to the smoothened receptor cluster like (ITR-like), lung 7TM receptor-like and ocular albin- (Additional file 7). This finding was consistent with a re- ism like (GPR143) receptors. Subsequent cross-genome cent study that identified a smoothened receptor in phylogenetic analysis was performed on these GPCR sponges [31]. It must be mentioned here that our initial families with the corresponding family members obtained screenforFrizzledGPCRsidentified9Frizzled-likeGPCR from other species (Additional file 8). Protein sequences sequences,ofwhichsixwereremovedduetofragmentary belonging to these GPCR families were obtained from Krishnanetal.BMCEvolutionaryBiology (2014) 14:270 Page10of16 Nematostella, Trichoplax, and sea urchin using Pfam where phylogenetic analysis revealed that most members HMM profile based searches. Corresponding sequences of the Adhesion and Glutamate families grouped into from human wereobtained from the Swiss-Prot database. sponge-specificclusters.Insummary,thestudydescribes Overall phylogenetic tree topology indicated the presence the sponge GPCR gene families in detail and our phylo- of GPR143-like, lung 7TM-like and intimal thickness- genetic comparisons postulates a significantly diversified relatedreceptorsinsponge.Thesespongesequencesclus- subsetofGPCRsinsponge. tered with their corresponding family sequences obtained from otherspecies(Additional file 8).They formedsepar- SpongeRhodopsins ate clusters in the phylogenetic analysis with high confi- Comparative phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that dencesupport.Phylogeneticanalysisalsorevealedthatthe sponge Rhodopsin family GPCRs do not share ortholo- 14 cAMP-like receptors identified in the sponge genome gous relationship with those found in eumetazoans and form a separate cluster with high confidence support other bilaterians (see Figure 2 and Additional file 4). In (Additional file 8). These 14 cAMP-like sequences con- addition, sponge Rhodopsin-like GPCRs form five distinct tainedthe coreregionencodedbyaPfamdomain(Dicty_ clusters that are most likely sponge specific (Figure 2). CAR; PF05462) characteristic to the Dictyostelium cAMP Here, we putatively labelled these sponge specific clusters GPCR family. Similarly, pairwise similarity search per- as AqRho-A to E. It must be mentioned here that several formed using these sequences as queries clearly demon- Rhodopsinsbelongingtothesespongespecificclustersare strated that cAMP family sequences are among the top contained in the same contig region and located adjacent hits. However, sponge cAMP-likereceptorsclustered sep- toeach other.Severaloftheflankingsequences arefound arately from the Dictyostelium cAMP GPCR sequences, as many as a cluster of 2 to 8 sequences and share rela- suggestingthattheyarequitedivergentorfastevolving.It tively high pairwise protein sequence identities ranging wouldthusbeinterestingtoexperimentallyverifywhether from 51% to 74%. This suggests that the expansions of the cAMP-like receptors in the sponge genome have spongeRhodopsinsarepossiblydrivenbygeneduplication analogous roles to the previously known functions of events and it seems most likely true for other pre- DictyosteliumcAMPGPCRfamily. bilaterianmetazoansas well. However, tofurther examine whether these sequences can be classified into any of the Discussion known13Rhodopsinsubfamilies,weperformedaBLASTP The draft genome, as well as the transcriptome of search against the Swiss-Prot database. The results ob- Amphimedon queenslandica (sponge), revealed the gen- tained from the BLAST search showed that a few etic complexity ofthis primitive animalindetail andcat- sponge Rhodopsin-like GPCRs had their top hits as ad- alogued the presence of several crucial gene families, renergic, serotonin, dopamine, and opsin-like receptors including GPCRs and other signaling system compo- (see Additional file 3). This is in line with the draft nents [11,12]. However, a detailed curation of sponge genome report of sponge (Amphimedon), which demon- GPCR families/subfamilies and phylogenetic compari- strated the presence of serotonin and dopamine-like re- sons with those versions found in eumetazoans and bila- ceptors [11]. This is also consistent with a recent study terians needs to be performed to better understand the that identified adrenergic-like receptors in sponges [31]. GPCR component in sponges from an evolutionary per- Althoughthepairwisesimilaritysearchresultssuggestthe spective. In this study, we curated GPCRs in the sponge presence of these putative receptors, our phylogenetic genome and have phylogenetically compared the recep- analysis was unable to reveal any clear orthologous rela- tors to those found in other metazoans. Our HMM tionshipsofthespongeRhodopsinstothebilateriancoun- basedsearchapproachandphylogeneticanalysisdemon- terparts. A possible explanation could be that sponge strates that sponge contains four of the five main Rhodopsins have diverged considerably, possibly based on GRAFS families, namely, Rhodopsin, Adhesion, Glutam- sponge specific physiology and behavior [19,20]. This hy- ate and Frizzled. It is noteworthy that the sponge gen- pothesis is plausible because species such as Trichoplax ome encodes one of the most ancient metazoan lineage and Nematostella, belonging to the eumetazoan lineage specificexpansionsoftheRhodopsinfamilyofGPCRs[11]. and diverged from sponges later in the metazoan species Moreover, our phylogenetic analysis with pre-bilaterian tree, contain Rhodopsin-like GPCRs more similar to bila- metazoans homologs clearly reveals that the Rhodopsin terians than sponges. In fact, earlier studies provided evi- family has undergone significant diversifications in these dence that eumetazoans do contain putative orthologues pre-bilaterian metazoans. Possible explanations could be for some of the amine and peptide binding receptors that they diversified due to the evolution of diverse mor- [34-37]. The recent genome release of Mnemiopsis leidyi phological characteristics and adaptations of these spe- suggests that ctenophores are the sister group to the rest cies during the course of the early metazoan evolution oftheextantanimals,includingsponges,andthatcompo- [23,32,33]. This is also evident in other GPCR families, nents of neuronal signaling were already present in an

2014 Krishnan et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Krishnan A, Almén MS, Fredriksson R, Schiöth HB: The origin of GPCRs: identification of
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