J. Anat. (1968), 102,2, pp. 257-273 257 With 6figures Printedin GreatBritain Innervation of the cat's adrenal medulla E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT Institute ofPsychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E. 5 INTRODUCTION The mode offunctioning ofthe adrenalmedulla can only be understood in terms of the properties of the nerves responsible for the activation and recruitment ofits secretory cells. A detailed knowledge of the innervation of the gland is therefore essential. The complex origin and course of the nerve supply to the gland can be revealed by gross dissection, but Langley's excellent accounts (Langley, 1894, 1896; Langley & Anderson, 1896) ofthe cat's autonomic nervous system do not consider the innervation of the adrenal medullae in detail. Moreover, this method fails to distinguish between secretomotor nerves and those unrelated to secretory function. Alternative techniques available for investigating adrenal innervation include the study of degeneration within the gland after denervation (Hollinshead, 1936; Swinyard, 1937; Young, 1939) and the relation between the effects of stimulation ofthe splanchnic nerves and the secretion ofsympathin (Maycock & Heslop, 1939). Provided that themethodsusedfordetectionofcatecholamines are sensitiveenough and extra-medullary sources of sympathin are excluded, the latter method should provide the most reliable criterion of functional innervation but the method of assay used by Maycock & Heslop, besides being relatively insensitiveincomparison to methods now available, was only semi-quantitative and did not permit identifi- cation ofthe particular amine secreted. Inthepresentexperimentsacombinationofanatomicalandphysiologicalmethods have been used involving acarefuldisplayandanalysis ofthesplanchnic nerves and the determination ofadrenal medullary secretory function by stimulation of these nerves. METHODS Macroscopic dissections ofthe sympathetic chain, splanchnicnerves, prevertebral ganglia and connexions to the adrenal gland were made in fifteen cats preserved in 5% formol saline. The anatomy ofthe nerves oneach side was recorded. The para- vertebral ganglia were designated by giving them the number of the spinal nerve with which they were connected by the grey ramus (Langley, 1891; Ranson & Billingsley, 1918). Secretion by the adrenal medulla on exciting the splanchnic nerves was tested in cats anaesthetized with chloralose (80mg/kg i.v) after induction withethyl chloride and ether. The vagi and cervical sympathetic nerves were divided in the neck and the cats artificially ventilated. The splanchnic nerves were approached through a lumbar incision, identified and then divided. In order to mobilize the splanchnic nerves for stimulation the intervening adrenolumbar vessels lateral to the gland were divided between ligatures. The sympathetic trunk was removed from the first 258 E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT to fourth lumbar sympathetic ganglia to exclude the possibility of activating the adrenal medulla through aberrant nerve pathways. In some cats the contralateral splanchnic nerves were also identified and divided and the sympathetic trunk excised. Theabdominalvisceraincluding thestomach, the smallandlarge intestines, pancreas, spleen and the adrenal gland not under test were removed; the renal vessels were then tied. By these means, sympathin release or secretion from sources other thanthe adrenal medulla under test would be unlikely. Heparin (10mg/kgi.v) was injected. The splanchnic nerves distal to the division were excited through platinum electrodes (cathode distal) with supramaximal rectangular (05 ms) pulses of 20V at varying frequencies. The optimum rate of electrical stimulation for eliciting maximum secretion of sympathin was 30-60/s for the first nerve but was usually slower for the smaller nerves (Marley & Prout, 1963); secretion was much smaller with faster or slower thanwithoptimalexcitation. Consequently, secretiononexcitingthesmallsplanchnic nerves might be so trivialas to bemissed ifexcitationwasnotnear the optimal rate. For these reasons, output was tested with briefbursts ofsupramaximal stimuli over a range offrequencies to determine that which gave maximal spatial and temporal recruitment. Stimuli were counted on a 'Racal' high-impedance digital frequency meter in parallel with the stimulating electrodes. Blood pressure was recorded via acannulatiedintoacarotidarteryandwritingonasmokeddrum.Thebloodpressure ofthe cats prepared by the various methods lay between 75 and 125 mm Hg. Adrenal medullary secretion was measured in two ways. In the first (assay by superfusion) blood from the carotid artery or the adrenolumbar vein, or both, was allowed to superfuse an isolated stomach strip; in the second (assay of plasma samples) blood from the adrenolumbar vein was collected and assayed on the blood pressure and uterus ofthe rat. The number ofcats tested by the two techniques are given in the text. In the superfusion method (Vane, 1958, 1964) blood was pumped from a carotid artery into an extracorporeal circuit of silicone rubber tubing by a roller-pump, (Saxby, Siddiqi & Walker, 1960) driven by a Servomex motor controller. Thebloodwaswarmedinawater-jacket at40 °Cbefore superfusingarat isolated stomach strip (Vane, 1957) and then returned to a jugular vein. The tone ofthe stomach strip was recorded with an auxotonic lever (Paton, 1957) writing on smoked paper. The strip was normally contracted when superfused with blood but relaxed when sympathin was secreted into the circulation on splanchnic nerve stimulation. The amount of sympathin reaching the stomach strip was assayed against adrenaline or noradrenaline injected into the systemic circulation. To assay secretion ofverysmall quantities ofsympathinfrom theadrenalmedullathemethod was modified (Marley, 1961). In this case, adrenal venous as well as carotid adrenal blood was pumped in separate extracorporeal circuits and either mixed before superfusing a single rat stomach strip or the blood streams superfused strips in series, the upper strip receiving carotid arterial, and the lower adrenal venous as well as carotid arterial blood. Sympathin secreted from the adrenal medulla was estimated from the response of the strip superfused by adrenal and carotid arterial blood and which would detect as little as 1-5 ng adrenaline. Sympathin in the systemic circuit was estimated from the response of the strip superfused by carotid arterial blood and this would detect 50-100ng or more ofadrenaline secreted into Innervation of adrenal medulla 259 the general circulation. The arrangement of the extracorporeal circuits for assay of sympathin is described more fully in Marley & Prout (1965). When plasma samples were to be collected from the adrenolumbar venous blood for assay on the rat blood pressure and rat uterus, a siliconed polyethylene cannula described by Marley & Paton (1961) was tied into the adrenolumbar vein with the tipjustlateral toandpointingtowards theadrenalgland. Theopeningoftheadreno- lumbar vein into the vena cava was then closed and consequently the venous blood flow through the adrenal gland was diverted into the cannula. The blood was collected and centrifuged with precautions to prevent the development of vaso- pressoractivityunrelated to sympathin (Gaddum, Peart&Vogt, 1949).Theamounts of the two catechol amines in the plasma was calculated from the adrenaline and noradrenaline equivalents determined with two test organs by the graphic solution of simultaneous equations (Marley & Paton, 1961). Noradrenaline in the plasma was assayed by its pressor effect in pithed rats (Shipley & Tilden, 1947); adrenaline was assayed with the electrically stimulated uterus from a rat pretreated with stilboestrol 100 ,tgi.m. (Harvey & Pennefather, 1962). The present experiments were mostly concerned in quantitative comparisons of secretion obtained by exciting the different splanchnic nerves. They were also concerned in ascertaining which splanchnic nerves influenced adrenal medullary secretion. Since this was a mensural problem, data from previous studies (Marley & Paton, 1961; Marley & Prout, 1965) were used to supplement the present results. The amounts ofadrenaline ornoradrenaline found byassay orgivenbyinjection are given in terms of base. RESULTS Anatomical studies The splanchnic nerves In the 30 sides of 15 cats dissected, the upper splanchnic nerves varied from 3 to 4 in number on each side. There were 4 in 7 cats on the left side, and in 8 on the right, and 3 on the left in 8 cats and in7 onthe right. The highest root contributing to a splanchnicnerve was the 13th thoracic, and the lowest the 4th lumbar. Details aregiveninTable 1. Thesplanchnicnervespassed to theupperprevertebral ganglia, the renalplexus and intermesenteric nerves (Figs. 1, 2). Asimilarnumberofinferior splanchnicnervesarisingfromthelowerlumbargangliarantotheinferiormesenteric ganglia andintermesenteric nerves. The upper splanchnic nerves did not in any two cases exactly correspond, nor did the nerves ofone side mirror those of the other, theleftsideusuallybeingthemorecomplicated(Fig. 1).Astheterms'greater','lesser' or 'least splanchnicnerves' have little tocommend them, thenerves have beennum- bered 1-4from above downwards. Thefirst, or major, splanchnic nerve Thefirst splanchnic nerve left the sympathetic trunk at, or between the thirteenth thoracic and the second lumbar sympathetic ganglion, and in seventeen sides from or near the first lumbar ganglion (Table 1). The left and right nerves left the sympa- thetic trunk at the same level with the exception of one cat in which the origin differed by one segment. The first splanchnic nerve was the largest in diameter and 260 E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT always joined the superior lateral pole of the ipsilateral coeliac ganglion, although in five sides direct branches to the adrenal gland left the nervejust proximal to its junction with the ganglion. On 11 sides the first splanchnic nerve was a single trunk throughout its course but in 4 sides it divided into two at the diaphragm and in another4sidesjust distal to a ganglion onthenerve, thebranchesjoiningthecoeliac ganglion. In 6 sides it united with the second splanchnic nerve (Fig. 1) proximal to the coeliac ganglion. Variations in the anatomy of the upper splanchnic nerves are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Roots, distribution and variations in anatomy ofthe left and right upper splanchnic nerves infifteen cats (macroscopic analysis) (Abbreviations asinLegend toFig. 1. Roots originating from interganglionic segments allocated tonearest ganglion.) Splanchnic nerve Roots Distribution Variation 1st T XIII 11 Coeliacganglion Single nerve 11 LI 17 Divides at diaphragm 4 LII 2 Joins 2nd Spl.n. before 6 coeliac ganglion Ganglion onnerveafter 4 whichnerve divides Nervesto adrenal gland 5 proximal tocoeliac ganglion 2nd T XIII Coeliac ganglion 27 Singlenerve 13 1 LI 8 Aortico-renal ganglion 4 Splits intotwo 5 LII 20 Renal plexus 4 Splitsinto three 1 LIII Tworoots 5 1 Loop from adjacent 2 ganglion Branch frominter- 6 ganglionic segment Branchto 3rd Spl.n. 3 Joins4th Spl.n. to form ganglion 1 3rd LII 13 Adrenal gland 2 Singlenerve 11 LIII 17 Coeliacganglion 7 Splits into two 13 Aortico-renal ganglion 16 Splits into three 2 Coeliac-aortico-renal band 3 Splitsinto four 2 Renalplexus 11 Two roots 7 Kidney 4 Branch frominter- 1 Lateral intermesenteric 2 ganglionic segment nerve Branchto 4th Spl.n. 3 Joins4th Spl.n. 3 4th Lll Coeliac ganglion 3 Singlenerve 6 1 LIII 15 Aortico-renal ganglion 12 Splitsinto two 14 LIV 9 Renal plexus 11 Splits into four 1 LIII and IV Kidney 3 Tworoots 5 1 Lateralintermesenteric 8 Branch to lateral inter- 5 nerve mesentericnerve Medianintermesenteric 5 nerve Inferiormesenteric 4 ganglion Innervation ofadrenal medulla 261 The secondsplanchnic nerve In 28 sides, the second splanchnic nerve left the sympathetic trunk from or near the first or second lumbar ganglion. It joined the coeliac ganglion on 27 sides but on 6 sides branched to the aortico-renal ganglion or renal plexus (Table 1). It was smaller than, but could be almost as large as, the major splanchnic nerve. In 13 sides it ran as a single trunk; the commonest variations (Table 1) were branching rootlets, especially from the interganglionic segments, and connexions to the first and third nerves. Right Left S TXIIlt \ 1 Spin. LI Lk::' CG CN SMN CN \, Si. /SMN CG ~ LII ARG0 Ik~~~~~~R'NARG A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~3Spi.n. L;; II wAR ~~~~~K~KRNL SI I L 1II-' w L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LIV IV?/-- L I'l LIMNL LIMN IMG YFG Fig. 1. Arrangement ofthe splanchnic nerves and innervation ofthe adrenal glands in a cat (ventral aspect). The kidneys (K) and adrenal glands (A) have been reflected medially and ventrally. Abbreviations: LG, CG, ARG, IMG, lumbar sympathetic, coeliac, aortico-renal and inferior mesenteric ganglia. ST, Sympathetic trunk. W, White rami. Dotted lines, grey rami. LI-V, Firsttofifth lumbarnerves. Spl.n., Splanchnicnerves. CN, SMN, Coeliacandsuperior mesentericnerves.LIMN,MIMN,Lateralandmedianintermesentericnerves.RN,Renalnerves. The thirdsplanchnic nerve Thisleftthesympathetic trunkfromthesecond orthirdlumbarganglion (Table 1). In 11 sides it was a single trunk and in 13 formed two branches. It terminated in the aortico-renal ganglion (17 sides), the renal plexus (11 sides), but also joined the coeliac ganglion (7 sides), kidney (4 sides) and intermesenteric nerves. In 2 sides it innervated the adrenal gland directly. Thefourth splanchnic nerve This left the sympathetic trunk from the third or fourth lumbar ganglion. On 14 sides the fourth nerve divided into two and on one side divided into four. A single trunk from origin to distribution was found in only 6 sides. The categorization of the splanchnic nerves into upper and lower was made between the third and fourth lumbar ganglia. In 14 sides the nerves from the third lumbar ganglion joined the I7 Anat. 102 262 E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT coeliac and aortico-renal ganglia whereas those nerves which rose from the fourth ganglion passed to the intermesenteric nerves and inferior mesenteric ganglia. On 12 sides branches from the fourth lumbar ganglion passed forward to join the aortico-renal ganglia orbranchesfrom the third lumbar ganglion passed posteriorly to the intermesenteric nerves (Fig. 1, Table 1); this division into upper and lower splanchnic nerves was therefore not absolute. Branches from both ganglia passed to the renal plexus. Right Left Right Left ISi Fig. 2.Arrangementoftheupperprevertebral gangliaandconnexionsinthreecats seenfromtheventral aspect. Abbreviations asinFig. 1. Coeliacplexus andprevertebralganglia Thenerves to theadrenalglandarosemainlyfromtheupperprevertebral ganglia, which consists ofthe coeliac and aortico-renal ganglia interconnecting through the coeliac plexus. These ganglia lay ventral to the aorta and inferior vena cava close to the origins of the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries. The ganglia were joined through the intermesenteric nerves with the lower prevertebral group, the inferior mesenteric ganglia (Figs. 1, 2). The coeliac andaortico-renalganglia The right coeliac and aortico-renal ganglia were fused in 9 cats in a semilunar or comma-shaped mass but were connected by strands in 4. The left ganglia were Innervation ofadrenal medulla 263 less closely associated, being linked only by strands in 12 cats and fused in 3. The ganglia were irregularly shaped and either fenestrated or dense and homogeneous. The aortico-renal ganglia were linked in all specimens; in 6, the ganglia were united just totherightofthemid-lineandgaveconnectingbranches tobothadrenalglands; in 2, all the upper prevertebral ganglia were fused in a horse-shoe-shaped mass (Fig. 2c); in the remainder, the aortico-renal ganglia were connected by a stout band below and a smaller strand above the superior mesenteric artery. A caudal aortico-renal ganglion was found in two cats (Fig. 2b). The coeliac ganglia were directly interconnected in only one cat. The anterior extremity of the coeliac or of the fused ganglionic masses were prolonged into the coeliac nerves. The right nerve accompanied the coeliac and hepatic arteries and branches from it joined the left nerve which accompanied the splenic artery. The superior mesenteric nerves rose from the medial border of the aortico-renal ganglia and gave branches to circle the superior mesenteric artery. Two lateral and a median intermesenteric nerve originated from the lower poles of the aortico-renal and coeliac ganglia or their interconnexions (Fig. 2a). On the median nerve opposite the kidneys there was in sixcats anelongated ganglion giving renal, adrenal or testicular, ovarian and ureteric branches. Branches to the lateral intermesenteric nerves came from the renal plexus, the fourth and fifth splanchnic nerves, and in two sides from the third splanchnic nerve. Innervation ofthe adrenalglandandkidney Apart from the direct branches to the adrenal gland from the first splanchnic nerve in five cats and in two from the third splanchnic nerve, 4-6 adrenal nerves left the lateral border of the ipsilateral coeliac and aortico-renal ganglia (Fig. 2) just caudal to the junction of the first splanchnic nerve with the ganglia. These nerves overlapped the smaller splanchnic nerves joining the aortico-renal ganglia and entered the adrenal gland separately and postero-medially or coalesced in a longitudinal trunk on the posterior surface ofthe gland. Occasionally branches to theglandcamefromthecontralateralaortico-renalganglion(Fig. 2a,c)theipsilateral renal plexus or from the intermesenteric nerves. The renal nerves left the lateral border of the ganglia and ran into a plexus and in four cats a ganglion (Fig. 2c) between the renal artery and vein. The adrenal nerves in twenty-five sides and the third and fourth splanchnic nerves each oneleven sides gave branches direct to the kidney. As judged by gross dissection, the innervation of the adrenal medulla was pre- dominantly ipsilateral, the two largest splanchnic nerves passing to the coeliac ganglion, the smaller nerves to the aortico-renal ganglia. Inaddition, there appeared to be a number ofpossible pathways forcrossed innervation ofthe adrenal medulla. Fibres could readily pass within the macroscopically demonstrable nerve network found in all our dissections from the ipsilateral splanchnic nerves and aortico-renal ganglion to the opposite aortico-renal ganglion and adrenal gland or from the coeliac ganglion to anaortico-renal ganglion giving branches to both adrenal glands (Fig. 2a, b, c). In one cat branches passed from one coeliac ganglion to the other. No connexion between the splanchnic nerves above the diaphragm was found. 17-2 264 E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT Functional studies Ipsilateral innervation Stimulationoftheuppersplanchnicnervesofeithersideinvariablyelicitedsecretion of sympathin from the ipsilateral adrenal medulla (233 left or right first splanchnic nerves in 184 cats, 15 second left or right splanchnic nerves in 8 cats and 5 left third splanchnic nerves in 5 cats) whereas secretion on exciting the fourth splanchnic nerve was detected in only 2 of 6 cats. Secretion resulting from briefbursts ofstimuli (180 or 256 shocks) was greater on exciting the first than the smaller splanchnic nerves, and dwindled progressively asthesizeofnerveexciteddiminished.Therelativesizeofandtime-courseofsecretion were best shown in the same cat by using the superfusion method. As shown in Fig. 3A, B, D, secretion was greater with excitation at 10, 40, 80 or 160/s to the first splanchnic nerve than to the second orthird nerves. Secretion was mostmarked for all nerves with excitation at 40/s. The delay between stimulating the nerve and the beginning ofrelaxation of the rat stomach strip was due to the time taken for the blood to pass from the adrenal medulla to the carotid arterial blood super- fusing the rat stomach strip. The amount of sympathin secreted by the adrenal medulla could be gauged from the responses of the superfused rat stomach strip (Fig. 3C) to different doses ofadrenaline injected intravenously into the cat. Secretion on exciting the fourth splanchnic nerve was insufficient to be detected by a rat stomach strip superfused by carotid arterial blood (upper trace, Fig. 4.) If, inaddition, blood fromtheadrenolumbarveinwas superfused overarat stomach strip then secretion as shown by relaxation of the stomach strip was detected with excitation at 4, 32, 16 and 8/s (lower trace, Fig. 4). Although it was not possible to estimate the resting adrenal medullary secretion with the superfusion method, this could be estimated by assay of plasma samples obtained from adrenolumbar venous blood. The control secretion of combined amine after acute division of the splanchnic nerves and before stimulation ranged from 12-5 to 25 ng/min in the experiment ofFig. 5 and 35-47 ng/min in the experi- ment of Fig. 6. These values are similar to those reported by Vogt (1952) for the secretion from the chronically denervated feline adrenal medulla and indicated that secretion had not been adversely influenced by the operative procedures. Secretion was increased on exciting the splanchnic nerves. While it was possible with assay on the rat uterus and blood pressure to compare in the same cat the secretion obtained by stimulating the different splanchnic nerves at a certain fre- quency, to do this over a range of frequencies required comparison in different cats. Theconsiderably greatersecretion onexcitingthefirstthanthethirdsplanchnic nerve is shown in the two experiments of Fig. 5A, B. Thus 215 ng/min total amine was secreted on 32/s excitation ofthe first splanchnic nerve compared to 30 ng/min on excitation ofthe third nerve, and this calculation does not take into account the overflow ofamine in the subsequent 10 min collection period after exciting the first splanchnic nerve. The ratio of adrenaline to noradrenaline secreted varied, being predominantly noradrenaline in the cat from which Fig. 5A was obtained and predominantly adrenaline in the case of Fig. 5C. The relative amounts of amines secreted on stimulation of the splanchnic nerves at the different frequencies corre- Innervation ofadrenal medulla 265 sponded well with the results obtained from the superfusion experiments. The apparently longer time-course of secretion in experiments in which blood from the adrenolumbar vein was assayed on the rat uterus and blood pressure was due to r-MIi I-I-- l_ A 1st splanchnic nerve 0 0 * 0 10 80 40 160 2nd splanchnic nerve U , U . * 5 a 10 80 160 40 Ad Ad Ad 0.5 02 01 /pg pig lpig D 3rd splanchnic nerve V0 0 0 160 40 80 10 Fig. 3. Rat stomach strip; response to superfused blood from a carotid artery on electrical stimulation ofthe ipsilateral splanchnic nerves. Cat, 3-4kg; chloralose anaesthesia A, B, D. Sympathin secretion on exciting the left first, second and third splanchnic nerves respectively with 160shocksatfrequencies/s indicated. C, Calibration responses dueto adrenalineinjected intravenously. Time-marker, minutes. 266 E. MARLEY AND GWENDA I. PROUT therelatively slow bloodflow (0-5-2 0 ml/min) incomparison to that of5-10 ml/min for experiments with the superfusion method of assay. The greater secretion on sustained excitation at 32/s of the first splanchnic as compared tothat onstimulatingthesecondsplanchnicnerveisillustratedin Fig. SC. Excitation was for 8 min in each instance, the secretion ofadrenal medullary amines on exciting the first splanchnic nerve being 960ng/min compared to 445 ng/min on stimulating the second nerve. A B a a0 u a Ad S S S S 50 ng 4s 32s 16s 8/s 160 160 160 160 I I I--n Min Fig. 4. Adrenal medullary secretion on exciting the ipsilateral fourth splanchnic nerve. Cat, 2-4kg; chloralose. Upper rat stomach strip superfused by carotid arterial and lower strip by carotid arterial and adrenal venous blood. A, Calibration response toadrenaline injected into theadrenalcircuit.B,Sympathinsecretiononexciting(S)fourthsplanchnicnerveanddetected with strip inadrenal circuit butnot bystrip insystemiccircuit. Time-marker, minutes. Secretion was not detected on exciting the peripheral ends of the divided vagi (4catsinwhichtheabdominalviscerawereleftinsitu)thefirstofthelowersplanchnic nerves (3 cats), nor on splanchnic nerve excitation after removing the adrenal glands (2 cats).