FULL PAPER British Journal of Cancer (2014) 111, 2328–2341 | doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.542 Keywords: Annexin A2; triple-negative breast cancer; Herceptin-resistant breast cancer; epidermal growth factor receptor; proliferation; migration Inhibition of triple-negative and Herceptin- resistant breast cancer cell proliferation and migration by Annexin A2 antibodies P Chaudhary1, S I Thamake1,2, P Shetty1,3 and J K Vishwanatha*,1 1Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Texas Center for Health Disparities and the Institute for Cancer Research, University of North Texas HealthScienceCenter, 3500 CampBowie Boulevard, Fort Worth,TX 76107, USA Background: Annexin A2 (AnxA2), a calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein, is abundantly present at the surface of triple-negativeandHerceptin-resistantbreastcancercells.Interactionsbetweencell-surfaceAnxA2andtyrosinekinasereceptors haveanimportantroleinthetumourmicroenvironmentandacttogethertoenhancetumourgrowth.Themechanismsupporting this role isstillunknown. Methods: The membrane function of AnxA2 was blocked by incubating cells with anti-AnxA2 antibodies. Western blotting, immunoprecipitation,immunofluorescence,1-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-3,5-diphenylformazan(MTT),flowcytometry,Clonogenic, andwound-healing assayswere performed inthis study. Results: We demonstrate that AnxA2 interacts with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) at the cell surface and has an important role in cancer cell proliferation and migration by modulating EGFR functions. Blocking AnxA2 function at the cell surface by anti-AnxA2 antibody suppressed the EGF-induced EGFRtyrosine phosphorylation and internalisation by blocking its homodimerisation.Furthermore,additionofAnxA2antibodysignificantlyinhibitedtheEGFR-dependentPI3K-AKTandRaf-MEK- ERK downstream pathways under both EGF-induced and basal growth conditions, resulting in lower cell proliferation and migration. Conclusions: These findings suggest that cell-surface AnxA2 has an important regulatory role in EGFR-mediated oncogenic processesbykeepingEGFRsignallingeventsinanactivatedstate.Therefore,AnxA2couldpotentiallybeusedasatherapeutic targetintriple-negative andHerceptin-resistant breast cancers. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death and are commonly referred to as triple-negative breast cancer among women in the United States of America. On the basis of (TNBC) (Yehiely et al, 2006; Stevens et al, 2013). Triple-negative gene expression profiles, breast cancer can be classified into four breast cancer are difficult to treat, as they do not respond to major subgroups: luminal A and luminal B types that express the hormoneandHerceptintherapiesandareespeciallyaggressivedue oestrogenreceptor(ER)andprogesteronereceptor(PR),thosethat to their frequent recurrence and high metastatic potential (Dent overexpressthehumanepidermalgrowthfactorreceptor2(ErbB2/ et al, 2007; Hurvitz and Finn, 2009). In ERþ, PRþ, and HER2þ HER2),andbasal-likecancersthatexpresscytokeratins5/6,14,17 breastcancers,alternativesurvivalpathwaysarecommonlyseento andepidermalgrowthfactorreceptor(EGFR/ErbB1/HER1)(Perou be upregulated upon inhibition of these receptors, and acquire etal,2000;Sørlieetal,2001).Approximately15–20%ofbasal-like resistance to such therapies over time (Pohlmann et al, 2009; cancer cases typically have low expression of ER, PR, and HER2 Osborne and Schiff, 2011). Therefore, the identification of *Correspondence:DrJKVishwanatha;E-mail:[email protected] 2Currentaddress:RadioMedixInc.,Houston,TX77042,USA. 3Currentaddress:DepartmentofBiochemistry,SDMCollegeofMedicalSciencesandHospital,Dharwad,India. Received26June2014;revised13September2014;accepted17September2014;publishedonline16October2014 &2014CancerResearchUK.Allrightsreserved0007–0920/14 2328 www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 AnxA2 antibodyinhibitsEGFRfunction BRITISH JOURNALOF CANCER common molecular markers in triple-negative and Herceptin- line JIMT-1 was procured from German Collection of Micro- resistantbreastcancersisnecessarytoenablethedesignofeffective organisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany). targeted therapies. Annexin A2 (AnxA2), a calcium-dependent phospholipid-bind- Materials. DMEM, DMEM/F12, epidermal growth factor (EGF), ing protein, exists as a heterotetrameric complex with the and fetal bovine serum were purchased from GIBCO (Invitrogen, plasminogen receptor protein, S100A10 (p11), at the cell surface Carlsbad, CA, USA). Antibodies against EGFR, Annexin A2 (H- and has a key role in several membrane-related events, including 50), early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), and glyceraldehyde-3- fibrinolysis, exocytosis and endocytosis, cell-cell adhesion, ion phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were obtained from Santa channel conductance, and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA), whereas p-EGFR (Ling et al, 2004; Flood and Hajjar, 2011; Valapala and (Tyr-845), p-EGFR (Tyr-1045), p-EGFR (Tyr-1068), phospho- Vishwanatha, 2011; Bharadwaj et al, 2013). It is aberrantly phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (p-PI3K) p85 (Tyr-458)/p55 (Tyr- overexpressed in patients with both invasive ductal mammary 199), phospho-Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (p-PDK1) carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In contrast, it is (Ser-241), p-AKT (Ser-473), AKT, and p-c-Raf (Ser-338) were undetectable in normal and hyperplastic ductal epithelial cells and fromCellSignalingTechnology(Danvers,MA,USA).AnnexinA2 ductal complexes, suggesting a pivotal role of AnxA2 in breast (clone 5), phospho-Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 tumourmalignancyandinvasiveness(Sharmaetal,2006).Whilethe (p-MEK1/2)(Ser-218/Ser-222),extracellularsignal-regulatedprotein expression of AnxA2 increases with the aggressiveness of breast kinase 1 (ERK1), and p-ERK1/2 (Thr-202/Tyr-204) antibodies cancer(Sharmaetal,2006;Shettyetal,2012),thesurfaceexpression were purchased from BD Pharmingen (BD Biosciences, San Jose, of AnxA2 increases with acute or chronic treatment of Herceptin CA,USA).LY294002waspurchasedfromCaymanChemical(Ann immunotherapyandchemotherapeuticdrugssuchasanthracyclines Arbor, MI, USA). Mouse anti-Annexin A2 (D1/274.5) antibody andtaxanes(Chuthapisithetal,2007;Zhangetal,2009;Shettyetal, wasakindgiftfromDrTonyHunter,SalkInstituteforBiological 2012).PreviousstudiesindicatethatAnxA2isapotentialtherapeutic Studies, LaJolla,CA,USA.Allotherreagents and chemicals were target to inhibit neoangiogenesisand itsdependenttumour growth purchasedfromSigma-Aldrich(StLouis,MO,USA).Recombinant and metastasis in patients with breast cancer and other malignant c-terminal His-tag EGFR (1–645 amino-acid residues) was diseases (Ling et al, 2004; Zhang et al, 2009; Kesavan et al, 2010; purchased from OriGene Technologies (Rockville, MD, USA). Valapala et al, 2011a). Treatment with angiostatin inhibits breast ON-TARGET plus non-targeting small-interfering RNA (siRNA), tumour growth and lung metastasis formation via its binding to ON-TARGET plus SMART pool EGFR, and tPA siRNA were AnxA2, thus inhibiting AnxA2-mediated plasmin generation purchasedfromGEHealthcare(Dharmacon,Lafayette,CO,USA). (Tuszynski et al, 2002; Sharma and Sharma, 2007). The adminis- EGFR dimerisation. Cells were grown to 80% confluence in tration of anti-AnxA2 antibody potentially inhibits the growth of 6-welltissue cultureplates. Afterovernight serumstarvation, cells human breast tumour in a xenograft model, suggesting a relevant were incubated with heat inactivated (D1/274.5) AnxA2 antibody role of AnxA2 in tumour progression (Sharma et al, 2012). This or AnxA2 antibody (2mgml(cid:2)1) for 2h followed by EGF effect is associated with a marked reduction in cell proliferation as (50ngml(cid:2)1) treatment for 20min. Cells were then washed twice well as angiogenesis in breast tumour. However, the molecular with ice-cold PBS and incubated with PBS containing sulfo-EGS mechanismsgoverningtheproliferativeresponsetoAnxA2inbreast (Ethylene Glycol bis (Sulfosuccinimidylsuccinate)) (5mM) on ice tumourremaintobeelucidated. for 2h to crosslink EGFR. The crosslinking reaction was The cell-surface AnxA2 levels were higher in metastatic breast terminated by adding Tris (10mM), followed by washing with cancer cells than in non-metastatic cells. However, little is known PBS,andwerelysedinRIPAbuffer.ThedimerisationofEGFRwas about the implications of this for breast cancer cell proliferation detected by western blotting. andmigration.Inourpreviousstudies,wehavedemonstratedthat treatmentwithHerceptinleadstooverexpressionandactivationof Clonogenic assay. In all, 500 cells were plated in 60mm tissue AnxA2 and EGFR, which further contributes to oncogenesis and culture dishes in full serum medium and allowed to adhere. After Herceptinresistance(Shettyetal,2012).Inaddition,wefoundan 12h of serum starvation, cells were treated with heat inactivated inverse correlation of HER2 and AnxA2 expression in various AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody or AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody breast cancer tumours and cell lines. We further extended our (2mgml(cid:2)1) and incubated for an additional 2h. After antibody studies to triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer incubation, one set of plates was treated with EGF (50ngml(cid:2)1) phenotype, where EGFR expression is upregulated, and validated andasecondsetofplateswastreatedwithPBSonlyandincubated the importance of AnxA2 in keeping EGFR signalling in an for 4 days. Colonies were washed with PBS, fixed with 4% activated state, leading to cancer cell proliferation and migration. paraformaldehyde, stained with crystal violet and quantified. Thepresentstudieselucidatetheroleofcell-surfaceAnxA2inthe regulation of EGFR signalling, and determine whether AnxA2 Immunofluorescence studies. Cells were grown to 50% conflu- antibody can inhibit thecell proliferation and migrationoftriple- enceonglasscoverslipsin12-wellplates.Thecellswereexposedto negative and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer cells. These studies EGForFITClabelledEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1).Untreatedcellsremained report a functional association of AnxA2 with EGFR at the cell as controls. Treated and untreated cells were washed twice with surface of triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer ice-coldPBS,fixedwith4%paraformaldehydefor30min,andthen cells. Further, we demonstrate that EGF-induced EGFR dimerisa- permeabilised with0.1% Triton X-100for 20minif required. The tion, and tyrosine phosphorylation and its internalisation, were slides were then washed with PBS, incubated with 5% goat serum inhibited with the pretreatment of AnxA2 antibody. inPBSfor2h,andthenincubatedwithanti-AnxA2,anti-EEA1,or anti-EGFRantibodiesthatwerediluted1:100inPBSovernightat 41C. After washing with ice-cold PBS three times, the coverslips wereincubatedwithAlexaFluor488goatanti-mouseIgGorAlexa MATERIALS AND METHODS Fluor 594 goat anti-rabbit IgG (Life Technologies, Eugene, OR, USA)thatwasdiluted1:400inPBSfor2hatroomtemperaturein Cell lines. MCF-7, T47D, MCF-10A, HCC-70, SK-BR-3, and darkness. Thecoverslips were then washed with ice-cold PBS and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines were purchased from the mounted on glass slides with ProLong Gold anti-fade reagent AmericanTypeCultureCollection(ATCC)andculturedaccording containing DAPI (1.5mgml(cid:2)1) (Invitrogen Inc., Eugene, OR, toATCCrecommendations. Herceptin-resistant breastcancercell USA). The slides were examined using LSM 510 Meta confocal www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 2329 BRITISHJOURNAL OF CANCER AnxA2 antibodyinhibits EGFRfunction system equipped with aninverted microscope (Axio Observer Z1, stimulation,whichsuggeststhatAnxA2isinherentlypresentinthe Carl Zeiss, Thornwood, NY, USA). EGFRproteincomplex.Toconfirmwhetherthisinteractionoccurs atextracellularorintracellular,weperformedimmunofluorescence Flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, western blotting, RNA studies in MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cell lines using C-terminal interference, wound-healing, and cell viability assays. Flow and N-terminal specific anti-EGFR antibody without permeabilis- cytometry,immunoprecipitation,westernblotting,wound-healing, ing thecellsin thepresence orabsence ofEGF (Figure 1C).After andcellviabilityassayswereperformedasdescribedearlier(Shetty confocalmicroscopic analysis,wefoundthatN-terminalantibody et al, 2012) showsthecolocalisationofEGFRwithAnxA2(yellowdots)which Statisticalanalysis. Dataareexpressedasthemean±s.e.foreach suggeststhatextracellularAnxA2bindstoextracellulardomainof group. Statistical significance was determined by Student’s t-test EGFR(Figure1C).However,wecouldnotobserveanysignal(red and was set at Po0.05. fluorescence)withC-terminalanti-EGFRantibodywhichsuggests that it does not cross the cell membrane. After quantitative analysis, we found 7.6% and 14.2% increased colocalisation of RESULTS AnxA2 with EGFR at the cell surface upon EGF stimulation in MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cell lines, respectively (Figure 1C). Annexin A2 is overexpressed at the surface of triple-negative Previously,ithasbeenshowninpancreaticcancercellsthatAnxA2 and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer cells and interacts with interactswithtissueplasminogenactivator(tPA)andtPAinteracts EGFR. In our previous studies, we have shown that expression of with EGFR (Ortiz-Zapater et al, 2007). To rule out the possibility AnxA2isinverselycorrelatedwiththeexpressionofHER2inbreast that tPA is not a bridging protein between AnxA2 and EGFR, we cancer clinical samples, as well as in cell lines (Shetty et al, 2012). performed the pull-down assay using purified C-terminal His-tag Furthermore, siRNA-mediated downregulation of HER2 or Hercep- EGFR (1–645 amino acids) protein. In this assay, we used equal tin-mediated inhibition of HER2 function in HER2þ cells induces amount of lysates of control and tPA-depleted JIMT-1 cells AnxA2 expression and its membrane translocation. In the present (SupplementaryFigureS1A)andincubatedwithHis-taggedEGFR study,wehaveexaminedwhetherincreasedexpressionofAnxA2in protein. The results of the western blot analysis showed that triple-negativeandHerceptin-resistantbreastcancercellsmobilisesit extracellulardomainofEGFRbindswithAnxA2ofthecelllysates to the outer membrane. First, we compared the cell-surface prepared from control and tPA siRNA-transfected JIMT-1 cells localisation of AnxA2 in triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant (Figure 1D). To analyse further these direct interactions, we breast cancer cell lines with non-tumourigenic epithelial cells and performed the colocalisation of AnxA2 with EGFR by immuno- ERþ, PRþ, and HER2þ breast cancer cell lines. We used Versene fluorescencemicroscopyintPA-depletedJIMT-1cells.Ourresults (0.53mM EDTA in PBS) to wash the cells. Because AnxA2 showed that AnxA2 interacts with EGFR at the cell surface heterotetramers are Ca2þ-dependentphospholipid-binding proteins, of JIMT-1 cells transfected with control or tPA siRNA the heterotetramer proteins should be stripped from the cell surface (SupplementaryFigureS1B).Afterquantitativeanalysis,wefound by Versene. We collected both total cell lysate and Versene-wash 13.9%and15.0%increasedcolocalisationofAnxA2withEGFRat fractions and analysed them with western blotting. The blots thecellsurface uponEGFstimulationin controlandtPAsiRNA- presented in Figure 1A show that in triple-negative, as well as in transfectedJIMT-1cells,respectively(SupplementaryFigureS1B). Herceptin-resistantbreastcancercelllines,alargeamountofAnxA2 is present in the membrane wash fraction. In ERþ, PRþ, and AnxA2 antibody inhibits EGF-stimulated cell proliferation and HER2þ cell lines, because of low expression, a minimal amount of migration. Annexin A2 and EGFR are the most frequently AnxA2 is present at the cell surface. In non-tumourigenic epithelial upregulatedproteinsintriple-negativeandHerceptin-resistantbreast cells,eventhoughtheexpressionofcellularAnxA2iscomparableto cancer and have also been shown to correlate with tumour grade, triple-negativeandHerceptin-resistantbreastcancercells,membrane stage, and metastasis (Shetty et al, 2012). Additionally, the knock- localisation is very low. These results suggest that in triple-negative down of AnxA2 inhibits the EGF-induced EGFR phosphorylation andHerceptin-resistantbreastcancercellsalargeamountofAnxA2 anddownstreamsignallinginMDA-MB-231cells(Shettyetal,2012). isspecificallytranslocatedtotheoutermembranedomain. In our earlier results, we observed that AnxA2 at the cell surface EpidermalgrowthfactorreceptorandAnxA2expressionatthe interacts with extracellular domain of EGFR. Therefore, we cell surface is required for tPA-induced activation of ERK1/2 that questioned whether inhibition of cell-surface AnxA2 function by leads tocell proliferation in pancreatic cancercells (Ortiz-Zapater AnxA2 antibody can suppress the EGF-stimulated cell proliferation et al, 2007). It is previously known that EGFR is localised in the and migration. Inhibition of EGF-stimulated cell proliferation by lipidraftdomain,whichbringsseveralsignallingproteinstogether AnxA2antibodywasevaluatedbyMTTandclonogenicassays.Here, and activates the downstream signalling upon ligand stimulation heat inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody was used as an (Yarden and Sliwkowski, 2001; Normanno et al, 2006; Lemmon immunoglobulin control and their epitope recognition property andSchlessinger,2010).Consistentwiththis,ourpreviousfinding towards AnxA2 protein was destroyed by heating. As shown in alsosuggeststheassociationofAnxA2andEGFRinthemembrane Figure 2A–D, the EGF-induced cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 complexandknock-downofAnxA2inhibitsEGF-inducedEGFR- andJIMT-1cellswasinhibitedinthepresenceofAnxA2(D1/274.5) mediated downstream signalling (Shetty et al, 2012). Considering antibody as compared with the control or with treatment with heat the multiple functions of AnxA2 in tyrosine receptor signalling inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody. The results of MTT assay complexes, we have further performed immunoprecipitation showedthatpreincubationofcellswithAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody experiments with membrane and cytosolic extracts of both in serum-free medium significantly decreased EGF-induced MDA- MDA-MB-231 (triple-negative) and JIMT-1 (Herceptin-resistant) MB-231(Figure2A)andJIMT-1(Figure2B)cellproliferationby22% breastcancercelllines,withorwithoutEGFtreatment.Theresults and30%,respectively.However,nodifferenceincellproliferationwas of western blot analysis showed that AnxA2 binds with EGFR in observed in both cell types after AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody the membrane domain in both cell types (Figure 1B). When the incubation in the absence of EGF. The inhibition of EGF-induced immunoprecipitates obtainedusingEGFRantibodies wereprobed cell proliferation by AnxA2 antibody was further confirmed by with AnxA2 antibody, the results (Figure 1B) further confirmed clonogenicassay,whereMDA-MB-231(Figure2C)andJIMT-1cells binding of EGFR with AnxA2. Together, the results of these (Figure2D)werepreincubatedwithAnxA2antibodyinaserum-free experimentsindicatedthatAnxA2interactswithEGFRinbothcell medium that was supplemented, or not, with EGF. Although EGF types. Interestingly, this interaction was independent of EGF strongly promoted cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 2330 www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 AnxA2 antibodyinhibitsEGFRfunction BRITISH JOURNALOF CANCER 1 – – + + – – + + EGF 3 MCF-10A MCF-7 SK-BR-3 T47D JIMT-1 HCC-70 MDAMB-2 B-231 C M C M C M C M AEnGxFAR2 M AnxA2 Membrane wash A- Na+/K+ ATPase D AnxA2 Endogenous M GAPDH GAPDH Endogenous AnxA2 1 EGFR T- JIM IP by AnxA2 Ab Na+/K+ ATPase GAPDH IP by EGFR Ab – + EGF MDA-MB-231MT-1 N-terminal EGFRN-terminal EGFR AbC-terminal EGFR AbEAEAEAGnGnGnxxxFFFAAARRR222 EAEAEAGnGnGnxxxFFFAAARRR222 NA% Colocalization of% Colocalization ofnoxAnxA2 with EGFR/ cellAnxA2 with EGFR/ cell cAo2l4321322115o w0000050050500caitlhCiCz EoaontGniottFrrnooR llofEE*G*G**FF Recombinant EGFR (1–645aa) Total cell lysate 4th time wash (control siRNA) Elution (control siRNA) 4th time wash (tPA siRNA) Elution (tPA siRNA) REAGencxFoARm2 (b7in1a knDta) JI bEGFR EGFR AAnxA2 AnxA2 R F EG No colocalization of al AnxA2 with EGFR n mi er C-t Figure1.AnxA2expressionintriple-negativeandHerceptin-resistantbreastcancercelllinesanditsassociationwithEGFRatcellsurface. (A)EndogenousandcellsurfaceAnxA2proteinwasanalysedbywesternblottinginabreastcancercelllinepanelincludingnon-tumourigenic epithelialcelllineMCF-10A;ERexpressingMCF7;HER-2amplifiedSK-BR-3;ERandPRexpressingT47D;triple-negativeMDA-MB-231,HCC-70 andHerceptin-resistantJIMT-1.CellswereincubatedwithVersenefor10minandthensupernatantwascollectedbycentrifugationforwestern blotanalysis.Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase(GAPDH)wasusedasloadingcontrolfortotalcelllysate.(B)MDAMB-231and JIMT-1cellswereserumstarvedfor12h,thentreatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20min.Membrane/cytosolicfractionsand immunoprecipitationwereperformedandanalysedbywesternblotting.Thepurificationofthemembraneandcytosolicfractionswereanalysed byblottingwithNaþ/Kþ ATPaseandGAPDHantibody,respectively.Resultsarerepresentativeoftwoindependentexperiments.(C)MDA-MB- 231andJIMT-1cellswerestimulatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20minafter12hserumstarvation.Thecellswerefixed,blocked,and incubatedwithmouseorrabbitanti-AnxA2andrabbitC-terminalanti-EGFRormouseN-terminalanti-EGFRantibodywithoutpermeabilisation, followedbyanti-mouseorrabbitAlexa488andanti-rabbitormouseAlexa595secondaryantibody.TheslideswereexaminedusingLSM510 Metaconfocalmicroscopesystem.Yellowdotsrepresentthecolocalisationofgreenandredcolors,whichindicatesthatAnxA2iscolocalisedwith EGFR.Thepercentageofcolocalisationwascalculatedanalyzingaminimumof10cellsforeachtreatmentrandomlytakenfromthree independentexperiments.Eachbarrepresentsthemean±s.e.(**Po0.01vscontrol).(D)After72hofcontrolandtPAsiRNAtransfection,JIMT-1 cellswerelysed(lysisbuffer:10mMHEPES,pH7.4,150mMNaCl,10%glyceroland1%CHAPS{3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1- propanesulfonate})inthepresenceofaproteaseinhibitormixture(EMDMillipore)andsonicated.TherecombinantC-terminalHis-taggedEGFR (1–645aminoacids)protein(2.0mg)wasincubatedat371Cfor2hwithlysatesfromJIMT-1cellstransfectedwithcontrolandtPAsiRNAandthen incubatedwithTALONsuperflowmetalaffinityresin(Clontech,MountainView,CA).Beadswerewashedfourtimeswithlysisbuffersupplemented with5mMimidazoleandresuspendedinSDS-PAGEsamplebufferfollowedbywesternblotanalysis. cells, this effect was significantly reduced by 130% and 73%, with control siRNA-transfected cells (Figure 2E). Together, these respectively,afterAnxA2antibodytreatment.Todeterminewhether resultsfurthersuggestthatAnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-induced AnxA2antibodyinhibitsEGF-inducedcellproliferationviaEGFR,we cellproliferationofMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellsviaEGFR. further performed the MTT assay in JIMT-1 cells with EGFR WehavepreviouslyreportedthatknockdownofAnxA2inhibits knockdown.EGF-inducedcellproliferationwascompletelyabolished thecellmotilityandwoundclosureinmetastaticbreastcancercells in EGFR-depleted JIMT-1 cells (Figure 2E). In addition, preincuba- (Shetty et al, 2012). To further identify whether blocking cell- tionofcellswithAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibodydidnotaffecttheEGF- surfaceAnxA2functionsbyAnxA2antibodycaninhibittheEGF- induced cell proliferation of EGFR-depleted JIMT-1 cells compared induced cell migration in triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 2331 BRITISHJOURNAL OF CANCER AnxA2 antibodyinhibits EGFRfunction Control Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab Heat In. AnxA2 Ab 160 AnxA2 Ab * 160 AnxA2 Ab ** ntrol) 140 ntrol) 140 o o e c 120 e c 120 h h of t 100 of t 100 % % n ( 80 n ( 80 o o ati 60 ati 60 er er olif 40 olif 40 pr pr ell 20 ell 20 C C 0 0 EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 Control Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab Heat In. AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab ** AnxA2 Ab ** ntrol) 335000 ontrol) 225000 o c e c 250 he a (% of th 210500 ea (% of t 115000 vered are 15000 overed ar 50 o C C 0 0 EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 Control * ationntrol) 111142600000 AHnexaAt 2In A. AbnxA2 Ab Control cells Control siRNA EGFR siRNA Cell prolifer(% of the co 864000 Fold GchAEaPGnDFgHRe 1 1 0.08 20 0 EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 0 50 Control siRNA EGFR siRNA Figure2.AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedcellproliferationofMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.MDA-MB-231(A)andJIMT-1(B)cells (1(cid:3)103)wereplatedin96-wellplatesinafullserummedium.Nextday,cellswereserumstarvedfor12handthenincubatedwithheatinactivated AnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)orAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)for2h,followedbyEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)treatment.After4daysof incubation,MTTassaywasperformed.Resultspresentedarethepercentageofcellproliferationintreatedgroupswithrespecttocontrolcells (mean±s.e.(errorbars);n¼8).Forclonogenicsurvivalassay,MDA-MB-231(C)andJIMT-1(D)cells(500cellsperwell)wereseededina60mm tissueculturedishandallowedtoadhereovernight.After12hofserumstarvation,cellswereincubatedwithheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5) antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)orAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)for2hfollowedbyEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)treatmentandincubatedfor4days.After paraformaldehydefixationandstainingwithcrystalviolet(0.05%inPBS),cellswerephotographedandquantified.Eachbarrepresentsthe mean±s.e.ofthreeindependentexperiments.(E)DepletionofEGFRwasperformedbytheON-TARGETplusSMARTpoolEGFRsiRNAasper themanufacturer’sinstructions(ThermoScientificDharmacon),andcontrolJIMT-1cellsweretreatedwithON-TARGETplusnon-targetingsiRNA inasimilarway.After48hoftransfection,thecellswereharvestedandtheexpressionofEGFRwasexaminedbywesternblotanalysis.After24h ofcontrolandEGFRsiRNAtransfection,1(cid:3)103JIMT-1cellsperwellwereplatedin96-wellplatesinafullserummedium.Nextday,cellswere serumstarvedfor12handthenincubatedwithheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)orAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1) for2h,followedbyEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)treatment.After4daysofincubation,MTTassaywasperformedasdescribedpreviously(mean±s.e.(error bars);n¼8).Eachbarrepresentsthemean±s.e.ofthreeindependentexperiments.(*Po0.05;**Po0.01vscontrolorheatinactivatedAnxA2 antibodytreatmentgroup). 2332 www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 AnxA2 antibodyinhibitsEGFRfunction BRITISH JOURNALOF CANCER breast cancer cells, we performed an in vitro scratch wound- theEGF-inducedcellmigrationofMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells resealingassay.Aftertime-lapseimaging,weobservedthatAnxA2 via EGFR. Previously, it has been shown that blocking AnxA2 (D1/274.5)antibodypreincubationresultedin15%and22%delay function by AnxA2 antibody inhibits cell migration via tPA inwoundclosureafter24hofwoundformationinMDA-MB-231 (Sharma et al, 2010). Additional experiments were performed to (Figure 3A) and JIMT-1 (Figure 3B) cells, respectively, as confirm whether inhibition of EGF-induced cell migration by compared with the control and with treatment with heat AnxA2antibodyisdependentorindependentofAnxA2-mediated inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody. However, no difference plasmin generation via tPA. We further performed the wound- inwoundclosurewasobservedintheabsenceofEGFwithAnxA2 resealing assay in tPA-depleted JIMT-1 cells in the presence or (D1/274.5) antibody pretreatment in both cell types. To assess absence of EGF and AnxA2 antibody. Our results clearly showed further the role of EGFR in inhibition of EGF-induced cell thatdepletionoftPAdidnotaffecttheEGF-inducedcellmigration migration by AnxA2 antibody, we performed an in vitro wound- of JIMT-1 cells compared with control siRNA-treated cells resealing assay in EGFR-depleted JIMT-1 cells. As shown in (Supplementary Figure S2A and B). After time-lapse imaging, we Figure 3C, EGF-induced cell migration was completely abolished found that AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody preincubation resulted in in EGFR-depleted JIMT-1 cells. In addition to this, preincubation 14.4%and12.3%delayinEGF-inducedwoundclosureafter24hof of cells with AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody did not affect the EGF- wound formation in control and tPA siRNA-treated JIMT-1 induced wound closer after 24h of wound formation in EGFR- (Supplementary Figure S2B) cells respectively, as compared depleted JIMT-1 cells compared with control siRNA-treated cells with the control and with treatment with heat inactivated (Figure 3C). These results indicate that AnxA2 antibody inhibits AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody. These experiments support a role of 0 h 24 h 120 * %) 100 d ( n 80 u o e w 60 h n t 40 a i Are 20 0 Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 120 0 h 24 h ** %) 100 d ( n 80 u o e w 60 h n t 40 a i e 20 Ar 0 Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab Control Heat In. AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 0 h 24 h # 120 * %) 100 d ( n 80 u o w e 60 h n t 40 a i Are 20 0 ControlHeat In.AnxA2ControlHeat In.AnxA2ControlHeat In.AnxA2ControlHeat In.AnxA2 AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab EGF (ng ml–1) 0 50 0 50 Control siRNA EGFR siRNA Figure3.AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedcellmigrationofMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.MDA-MB-231(A)andJIMT-1(B)cellswere grownin12-wellplates.Wound-healingassaywasperformed.Bargraphshowingthepercentagewoundclosureafter24hofwoundformation. Datawerecollectedfromthreeindependentexperiments,andthemean±s.e.werecalculated.(C)After48hofcontrolandEGFRsiRNA transfectioninJIMT-1cells,wound-healingassaywasperformed.Datawerecollectedfromthreeindependentexperiments,andthemean±s.e. werecalculated.(*Po0.05;**Po0.01vscontrolorheatinactivatedAnxA2antibodytreatmentgroup;#Pinsignificant). www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 2333 BRITISHJOURNAL OF CANCER AnxA2 antibodyinhibits EGFRfunction cell-surfaceAnxA2incontrollingEGFRfunctionintriple-negative significantly less fluorescentEGFand colocalisation withEEA1in and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer cell migration in an EGF- both cell types, suggesting that AnxA2 antibody pretreatment dependentmannerandthismechanismisindependentofplasmin inhibits the EGF-induced EGFR internalisation in MDA-MB-231 signalling. (Figure5AandB)andJIMT-1(Figure5AandC)cells.Tofurther confirm whether AnxA2 antibody treatment can regulate EGFR AnxA2 antibody inhibits the EGF-induced EGFR homodimer- internalisation, we also performed flow-cytometry analysis to isationandphosphorylation. Epidermalgrowthfactorreceptoris check the cell-surface expression of EGFR in MDA-MB-231 and composed of an extracellular ligand-binding domain and a JIMT-1cells.AsshowninFigure5DandE,bothcontrolcelltypes cytoplasmic C-terminal tyrosine kinase domain. Binding of werefoundtohaverelativelyhighamountsofEGFRexpressedon ligands, such as EGF, to the extracellular domain of EGFR, the cell surface. Stimulation with EGF ligand in control and heat induces the formation of homodimers, and leading to the inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody pretreated cells showed a autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues within the receptor’s significant decrease in the levels of EGFR on the cell surface. In cytoplasmic tail (Yarden and Sliwkowski, 2001; Lemmon and cells pretreated with AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody, although EGFR Schlessinger, 2010). First, we examined the effects of AnxA2 levels were reduced as compared with control, ligand stimulation antibody pretreatment on EGF-induced homodimerisation of the didnotsignificantlyaffectEGFRsurfaceexpressiononMDA-MB- EGFR by performing a crosslinking experiment in MDA-MB-231 231(Figure5D)andJIMT-1(Figure5E)cells,indicatinginhibition orJIMT-1cells.Comparedwiththerespectivecontrols,additionof of internalisation. EGF caused the dimerisation of EGFR in both cell types (Figure 4A). However, AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody pretreatment AnxA2 antibody inhibits the EGF induced AKT pathway. hindered the dimerisation of EGFR induced by EGF as compared Binding of EGF to the EGFR results in receptor dimerisation, with EGF alone or EGF with heat inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) autophosphorylation, and activation of various downstream antibody pretreatment. To prove that inhibition of EGF-induced signalling molecules including PI3K-PDK1-AKT pathway EGFR dimerisation was not an antibody-specific phenomenon (Vivanco and Sawyers, 2002; Normanno et al, 2006), which has limited to D1/274.5, we also used different monoclonal and aroleinitscellproliferationresponse.Wenextevaluatedwhether polyclonal AnxA2 antibodies (Figure 4A). Our western blot inhibitionofEGF-inducedcellproliferationbyAnxA2antibodyis analysis showed similar effects of inhibition of EGF-induced associated with reduced downstream kinase activity of AKT EGFR dimerisation upon pretreatment with AnxA2 antibodies in pathway. Functional activation of PI3K-PDK1-AKT pathway was both cell types, as is the case with AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody evaluated by western blot analysis, using phospho-specific pretreatment. The EGF-bound EGFR results in activation of antibodies. As shown in Figure 6A and B, AnxA2 (D1/274.5) tyrosine kinase activity and phosphorylation of multiple intracel- antibody pretreatment significantly inhibited the phosphorylation lular tyrosine residues (Yarden and Sliwkowski, 2001; Normanno of p85 (Tyr-458) subunit of PI3Kand AKT (Ser-473) in both cell et al, 2006; Lemmon and Schlessinger, 2010; Masuda et al, 2012). types as compared withcells treated withEGFalone orEGF with Therefore, we further examined the effect of pretreatment with heat inactivated AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody pretreatment. How- AnxA2 antibodies on EGF-induced phosphorylation of individual ever, the downregulation of phospho-PDK1 (Ser-241) was EGFR tyrosine residues (Tyr-845, Tyr-1045, and Tyr-1068,) in observedonlyinJIMT-1cellsafterAnxA2antibodypretreatment. MDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.Whencellswerestimulatedwith AnxA2 antibody treatment inhibits the phosphorylation of AKT EGF, EGFR was phosphorylated at Tyr-845, Tyr-1045, and Tyr- with no effect on total AKT protein levels. To further determine 1068inbothcelltypes(Figure4BandC).However,pretreatment whether EGF-induced phosphorylation of AKT was regulated via with different AnxA2 antibodies reduced the phosphorylation of PI3Kpathway,weexaminedtheeffectofthePI3Kkinaseinhibitor EGFR at Tyr-845 in both cell types, while inhibition of EGFR (LY294002) on phosphorylation of PDK1 and AKT in both cell phosphorylation at Tyr-1068 was only observed in JIMT-1 cells types(Figure6C).TheEGF-inducedphosphorylationofAKT(Ser- (Figure4BandC).Wedidnotfindanychangeinphosphorylation 473) was inhibited by LY294002 in both cell types, which was of EGFR at Tyr-1045 in both cell types after pretreatment with similartotheresultsobservedinAnxA2antibodypretreatedcells. AnxA2 antibodies (data not shown). However, we observed no However,consistentwithourpreviousresults,wedidnotobserve change in total EGFR protein level after AnxA2 antibody theinhibitionofphospho-PDK1(Ser-241)inMDA-MB-231cells, pretreatment. Pretreatment with heat inactivated AnxA2 (D1/ suggestingthatAKTphosphorylationisdirectlyregulated byPI3- 274.5) antibody did not affect the phosphorylation of EGFR as Kinase activation. compared with EGF alone. AnxA2 antibody inhibits the EGF-induced ERK pathway. AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedEGFRinternalisation. Ligand binding to EGFR leads to the activation of mitogen- Binding of EGF to EGFR triggers rapid dimerisation and activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, which have important phosphorylation, followed by receptor internalisation and down- roles in the regulation of cell proliferation, survival, and regulation from the cell surface (Yarden and Sliwkowski, 2001; differentiation (Normanno et al, 2006; Roberts and Der, 2007). Normanno et al, 2006; Lemmon and Schlessinger, 2010; Masuda The ERK pathway is one of the major signalling cassettes of the et al, 2012). To further examine whether AnxA2 antibody MAPK pathways. The ERK is a downstream component of an treatment also regulates the internalisation of the EGFR–ligand evolutionarilyconservedsignallingmodulethatisactivatedbythe complex, we analysed EGF-induced EGFR internalisation using Raf serine/threonine kinases. Raf activates the MAPK/ERK kinase immunofluorescence microscopy. To check the EGFR internalisa- (MEK) 1/2 dual-specificity protein kinases, which then activate tion, MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cells were incubated with ERK1/2. Therefore, we hypothesised a role for the Raf-MEK-ERK fluorescently labelled EGF (FITC-EGF) for 20min after pretreat- pathway in the inhibition of EGF-induced cell migration and mentwithorwithoutheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody proliferation in the presence of AnxA2 antibody. Western blot orAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody.Aftertreatment,cellswerewashed, analysis(Figure7AandB)showedthatpreincubationwithAnxA2 fixedandimmunostainedwithEEA1markertovisualisetheearly (D1/274.5)antibodyevidentlyreducedtheexpressionlevelsofp-c- endosomes, which is necessary for endosomal trafficking. In both Raf (Ser-338) p-MEK1/2 (Ser-218/Ser-222), and p-ERK1/2 controlandheatinactivatedAnxA2antibodypretreatedcells,EGF (Tyr-202/Tyr-204) but did not alter the expression levels of total wasinternalisedandshowedasimilarintracellulardistribution,as ERKinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellscomparedwithEGFalone evidenced by the colocalisation (yellow dots) of EGF with EEA1, orEGFandpreincubationwithheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5) while cells pretreated with AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody showed antibody. Although there is considerable experimental evidence 2334 www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 AnxA2 antibodyinhibitsEGFRfunction BRITISH JOURNALOF CANCER MDA-MB-231 JIMT-1 EGF – + + + + + – + + + + + AnxA2 Ab – – – BD D1 SC – – – BD D1 SC Heat In. AnxA2 Ab – – + – – – – – + – – – EGFR dimer EGFR monomer GAPDH Fold change in dimer 1 16.4 17.7 4.5 5.1 5.8 1 9.3 9.5 3.9 3.2 3.7 MDA-MB-231 JIMT-1 EGF – + + + + + – + + + + + AnxA2 Ab – – – BD D1 SC – – – BD D1 SC Heat In. AnxA2 Ab – – + – – – – – + – – – p-EGFR (Tyr-845) p-EGFR (Tyr-1068) EGFR GAPDH 12 p-EGFR (Tyr-845) p-EGFR (Tyr-1068) EGFR ol ntr10 o o c 8 e t 6 g n ha 4 c old 2 F 0 EGF – + + + + + – + + + + + AnxA2 Ab – – – BD D1 SC – – – BD D1 SC Heat In. AnxA2 Ab – – + – – – – – + – – – MDA-MB-231 JIMT-1 Figure4.AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedEGFRdimerisationandphosphorylationinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.(A)MDA-MB-231 andJIMT-1cellswereculturedovernightinmediumwithoutserum,andthenstimulatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20minafter2hof heatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)orAnxA2antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)pretreatment.EGFRdimerisationwasperformedas describedunder‘ExperimentalProcedures’andanalysedbywesternblotting.GAPDHwasusedasaloadingcontrol.BD,mouseanti-AnxA2 (clone5)monoclonalantibodyfromBDPharmingen(BDBiosciences,SanJose,CA);D1,mouseanti-AnxA2(D1/274.5)monoclonalantibody;SC, rabbitanti-AnxA2(H-50)polyclonalantibodyfromSantaCruzBiotechnology(SantaCruz,CA).(B)MDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellswereserum starvedovernight,andthentreatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20minafter2hofheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1) orAnxA2antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)pretreatment.ThecelllysatewasanalysedforphosphorylatedEGFRandEGFRbywesternblotting.(C)Abargraph showingdensitometricanalysisofbandsusedin(B).Eachbarrepresentsthemean±s.e.ofthreeindependentexperiments. that the Raf-MEK-ERK cascade is a critical mediator of Ras- regulatedbyEGFRinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1breastcancercell induced oncogenesis (Roberts and Der, 2007), previous studies lines. haveclearlydemonstratedthatRasalsoutilisesadditionaleffectors, includingPI3K,topromotetumourproliferation(Yartetal,2001; AnxA2 antibody treatment suppressed the proliferation and Sampaioetal,2008).Wethereforeinvestigatedwhetheractivation migration of MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cells by inhibiting of EGF-induced PI3K is associated with the activation of Raf- EGFR/AKT/ERKsignallingpathwaysinfullserummedium. In MEK-ERKsignallingpathway.WeexaminedtheeffectofthePI3K the above studies, we demonstrated that AnxA2 (D1/274.5) kinase inhibitor (LY294002) on phosphorylation of c-Raf-MEK- antibody preincubation inhibits EGF-induced EGFR dimerisation, ERK pathway in the presence or absence of EGF in JIMT-1 cell tyrosine phosphorylation, internalisation, and its downstream lines. Results of these experiments showed that addition of PI3- signalling pathways PI3K-AKT, and Raf-MEK-ERK that leads to kinase inhibitor (LY294002) nearly completely blocked the EGF- inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and migration. We further induced phosphorylation of c-Raf-MEK-ERK kinases (Figure 7C). investigated whether AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody treatment Together, these results suggest that activation of Raf-MEK-ERK inhibits the triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer kinases is dependent on the activation of PI3K whose activity is cellproliferationandmigrationinthebasalgrowthmediuminthe www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 2335 BRITISHJOURNAL OF CANCER AnxA2 antibodyinhibits EGFRfunction EGF+Heat In. EGF+AnxA2 Ab Control EGF AnxA2 Ab pretreatment 1 3 2 B- M A- D M 1 T- M JI 60 50 EGF 50 EGF 40 % Colocalization of with EEA1/ cell 43210000 *** % Colocalization of with EEA1/ cell 321000 *** 0 0 Control EGF EGF+ EGF+ Control EGF EGF+ EGF+ Heat In. AnxA2 Heat In. AnxA2 AnxA2 Ab AnxA2 Ab Ab Ab Control unstained Control unstained Control Control EGF EGF ber EGF+Heat In. AnxA2 Ab ber EGF+Heat In. AnxA2 Ab um EGF+AnxA2 Ab um EGF+AnxA2 Ab n n ell ell c c e e v v ati ati el el R R 0 101 102 103 104 105 106 101 102 103 104 105 106 Relative EGFR levels (FITC Relative EGFR levels (FITC intensity, a.u.) intensity, a.u.) Figure5.AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedEGFRinternalisationinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.(A)ThemembranefunctionofAnxA2 wasblockedbythetreatmentofAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)for2hafter12hofserumstarvation.MDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellswere treatedwithorwithoutFITClabelledEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20minafterAnxA2antibodypretreatment.Thecellswerefixed,permeabilised,and incubatedwithrabbitanti-EEA1antibodyfollowedbyanti-rabbitAlexa595secondaryantibody.TheslideswereexaminedusingLSM510Meta confocalsystem.ThemergedpicturesofEGF(green),EEA1(red)andnucleus(blue)arerepresentativeimagesofthreeindependentexperiments. Yellowdotsrepresentthecolocalisationofgreenandredcolors,whichindicatesthatEGFiscolocalisedwithEEA1.Quantitativeanalysisofthe percentageofcolocalisationofEGFwithEEA1inMDA-MB-231(B)andJIMT-1(C)wascalculatedbyanalyzingaminimumof10cellsfromeach treatmentrandomlytakenfromtwoindependentexperiments(***Po0.001vsEGForEGFþHeatinactivatedAnxA2antibodypretreatment). InhibitionofEGF-inducedinternalisationofEGFRatcellsurfacebyAnxA2antibodywasmeasuredbyflowcytometryinMDA-MB-231(D)and JIMT-1(E)cells.ThecellswereincubatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for5minafter2hofheatinactivatedAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody (2mgml(cid:2)1)orAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)pretreatment.Afterfixation,cellswerestainedwithanti-EGFRantibodywithout permeabilisation,followedbyAlexafluor488-conjugatedanti-rabbitIgG.Afterwashing,cellswereanalysedbyflowcytometryusingtheFITC signaldetector(FL1)inBeckmanCoulterFC500flowcytometer.Thedataareplottedforcellnumbersvstheintensityoffluorescence.Resultsare representativeoftwoindependentexperiments. presenceof10%serum,wheredifferenttypesofgrowthfactorsare inhibition of cell proliferation was measured by MTT assay. present. Initially, to investigate the inhibition efficacy of AnxA2 Compared with its control, cell proliferation was suppressed by (D1/274.5) antibody on cell proliferation in complete growth 16%afterAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibodytreatmentinMDA-MB-231 medium, MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cells were cultured in the cells (Figure 8A) and 22% growth inhibition was observed after presenceofAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody.After4daysoftreatment, AnxA2(D1/274.5) antibody treatmentinJIMT-1cells(Figure8B). 2336 www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 AnxA2 antibodyinhibitsEGFRfunction BRITISH JOURNALOF CANCER A MDA MB 231 JIMT-1 EGF – + + + – + + + AnxA2 Ab – – – + – – – + Heat In. AnxA2 Ab – – + – – – + – p-PI3K p85 (Tyr-458) p-PDK1 (Ser-241) p-AKT (Ser-473) AKT GAPDH B 4 p-PI3K p-PDK1 p-AKT AKT ol ontr 3 c o e t 2 g n a h d c 1 ol F 0 EGF – + + + – + + + AnxA2 Ab – – – + – – – + Heat in. AnxA2 Ab – – + – – – + – MDA MB 231 JIMT-1 C MDA MB 231 JIMT-1 EGF (50 ng ml–1) – + + + – + + + DMSO (2 (cid:2)l ml–1) – – + – – – + – PI3K inhibitor (10 (cid:2)g ml–1) – – – + – – – + p-PDK1 (Ser-241) p-AKT (Ser-473) GAPDH Figure6.AnxA2antibodyinhibitstheEGF-inducedAKTpathwayinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells.(A)MDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellsafter70% confluencewereculturedovernightinserumfreemedium,andthenincubatedwithEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20minafter2hofheatinactivated AnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)AnxA2(D1/274.5)antibody(2mgml(cid:2)1)pretreatment.Westernblotanalyseswerecarriedoutwith indicatedantibodies.(B)Abargraphshowingdensitometricanalysisofbandsusedin(A).Eachbarrepresentsthemean±s.e.ofthree independentexperiments.(C)After12hserumstarvation,MDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cellsweretreatedwithorwithoutEGF(50ngml(cid:2)1)for20min after2hofPI3Kinhibitor(10mgml(cid:2)1)pretreatment.Thecelllysatewasanalysedforp-PDK1(Ser-241),p-AKT(Ser-473)bywesternblotting. The efficacy of AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody on inhibition of cell AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody also reduced the phosphorylation of migrationwasfurtherevaluatedinMDA-MB-231andJIMT-1cells PI3K-AKTandRaf-MEK-ERKpathwayinbothcelltypes.Together, by scratch wound-healing assay in complete growth medium. Our these results suggest that blocking the cell-surface AnxA2 function resultsshowedthatmigrationwasslowerinbothcelltypes(Figures by AnxA2 antibody significantly inhibits the cell proliferation and 7D and 8C) after treatment with AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody as migration via downregulation of EGFR phosphorylation and its compared with control or treatment with heat inactivated AnxA2 associated downstream AKT and ERK signalling pathways. More (D1/274.5) antibody. After AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody treatment, importantly,theseresultssuggestaroleforAnxA2intheregulation B25%and30%delayinwoundclosurewasobservedinMDA-MB- ofEGFR-mediatedcellproliferationandmigrationoftriple-negative 231andJIMT-1cells,respectively.Tofurthervalidatethatinhibition and Herceptin-resistant breastcancer. ofcellproliferationandmigrationbyAnxA2(D1/274.5)antibodyis associated with decreased phosphorylation of EGFR and its associated downstream signalling, we performed western blot analysis after treating the MDA-MB-231 and JIMT-1 cells with DISCUSSION AnxA2 antibody in full serum medium at a concentration of 2mgml(cid:2)1 per day for 4 days. Results presented in Figure 8E–G AlthoughthereisoverexpressionofAnxA2inbreastcancerandit showed that AnxA2 (D1/274.5) antibody treatment inhibited the hasasignificantassociationwithmetastaticdisease(Sharmaetal, phosphorylation of EGFR at Try-845 and Tyr-1068 in both cell 2006; Sharma and Sharma, 2007; Chuthapisith et al, 2009; Zhang types. However, we did not observe any change in total EGFR et al, 2009; Shetty et al, 2012), limited information is available expression ineither cell type. Likewise, we foundthat treatment of regarding its functional role in breast cancer, especially in the www.bjcancer.com|DOI:10.1038/bjc.2014.542 2337