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25 English: Ingley: English: Collet (Officer Ingley Page I oF 10 INTERVIEW WITH Officer Michael Ingley DATE July 12, 2018 So, ths isa Skelly hearing admonishment Today is July 12, 2018; uh, the times approximately 1422 hours. This s a predisposition hearing consistent ‘withthe findings and recommendation contained in anctice of intended iscipling; dated June 22, 2018; addressod to Officer Michae! Ingley; ID 11909. Excuseme, 1191. Present atthe hearing are Chief Roxana Kennody, Caplain Vern Sallee, Acting Lieutenant John English, Officer Michae! Ingly, ani attomey Brittany Collet. Officer Ingley, you are provided copies of all reports in this investigation and if you would like me to, I will read the notes of intended discipine, You can waive this reading ant get to the discussion on the faqs in this case if you want to Yes. I want to waive it Olay. Officer Ingley, a recommendation has been made by Captain Sallee that you be terminated fram employment. This is your opportunity 0 explain {your point of view on this discipline matter. Pm going to go ahead and take the lea. First off, we'd like to thank you samy for being here. Tknow it’s a busy, busy time ofthe year, so really ‘would like to thank you. I want to, kind of, personify Officer Ingley first ‘Um, been here both a litle over two years six years in the Navy prior to that, 1m discipline while he was in the Navy, m prior discipline here. It's not an issue of if abad docision was made Its clara bad decision was made, that's not what's going to be argued, that's not an issue, he fet en that, si, was 100 percent honest Acting Lieutenant English saw the honesty in the office ingey agp 20f10 1A; that it was having pull tah, b-fortigt man, te even brought font te nane of Mis ion, 1 I oc te pone number th eh ay bockd, he was ding eveything be could be as forhoning a te ould He knows heron uth a thee. Un, he icin thi at wef ts exsive te ena, ‘Theron bing. ft of hind of wat inthe 470), um, ht was mentioned inthe nse of neato disiptine Telast claentis nt thee, (i Pat ht he ttn sca hove naw ht yn wnt person who might have ben teal by the defn sx Behavior wa pest, The was nobody preent. Obvious, the nihb od ‘saw him gp up there, that’s how there was notification that this occurred, but obey mth xan act So, thar the 647-ne hve ia with ht isstore was ose of possibly being 290 estan he 67%) is ‘met. Um, furthermore, a precedent had been set in this department in regards to xsl as on dy by ether ofa nd how offs wore mat terminated. So, Ost nly undrounts ht be made abu eison. He yan an fom i Hous fil aera his cpartent He understate wana ogi at rut, He wat wor his tal of oes trust an show the i th pera at you rs Dit, Un, bl cl wen ghee bn wen hha why homade hb dekion, 1 ot an excusing ou es iti itofiight hs thought pros. She fa ol hin, in doe Hetitanallimelow, He as anal rm tht. He's and tht "hey you, ‘you cant make those type of rash decisions, you still neal to chock yourself Ingley: Cotet: English: Callet: English, Officer Ingley Page3 of 10 W's 2 learnings a learning curve; he’s young. Other officers in this epartment have done that andit's not been termination. He wants that same opportunity to not only show you guys the officer that he can be, but io also, ‘maybe, see someone that’sin the sme position he is inthe future, and be like, “bey, you can't gy down that road.” He's not the first~he won't be the last-that's going to have gex on duty. Ifhe can assist another officer, when he sees those signs, tha's a huge plus. Um, 99, the proposal that we have is 40 hours no pay and bring him back. Ifhe needs to go tuck onto probation ‘whatever it is--but he wants to be a Chula Vista Police Officer. And Officer Ingley has, has some things he would like t say. Pm not denying anything I did. I mean, I provided all the information you. guys need to know for your investigation, didn't hide anything. 1 did what 1 Gd and it's, uh, definitely the lowest point in my life, what I did. I've never been in any trouble for anything close to this before and, uly it's aiready affected every decision I've basically made since that moment here. While I ‘apt to work light duy again and came back, everything I did was different 1s like, its changed my perspective on everything, but I'm just hoping that 1 do not got terminate! as a result cfa bad decision I made in a very weak, low ‘moment in my life. That's it ‘Again, want thank you guys. Sure. ‘And we hope that you take cur recommendation in to account? Sure 1 Salle: Collet: Salle: Collet Sallee: Ingley Officer Ingley Page 4 of 10 Uh, so, the Captain who recommends the termination. Just to put some of my thought process on the record as well. And I certainly know what @ ub, um, heavy decision that is and that how it would impact you and I did not take that decision lightly, Some of the factors tat ub, [took info account, you know, you mentioned precedent, with the department, First off, the Factors are very different in each case as you [oterpesing] Right ~-well know. Ub, and, wh, those are confidential personnel records, so We really can't discuss it, However, there are, there're several things inthis case that are, um, very, very Serious, of @-of another onder of magnitude ‘compared to what we'd soon in the past in some, some areas. First of, the fact that you actually chose an area where you knew we-was secuded and that we had complaints tat the neighbors were talking about. Um, um, t0,t0 ‘ there jeopardized the, the, uh, reputation of this department and every single police officer ant it, literally the, the, the emails that we received talked about, you know, “I just saw a Chula Vista Police Officer go up the ‘ill with a woman;” you know “can't believe this, this is essentially, “continuing.” Righ?? And so, you struck our agency to the cor, in terms of public trust. By, uh, making a bad decision, we-you've acknowledge! that, and I- [Iaterposing] Right absolutely give you crest fr your honest {laterposing] Sure. mi - a ae aeew ecg eaacae ga aat aa aaaaa Collet Salle Kennedy, Callet: Sallee: f F E F J g 2 5 i a 5 : é 3 a : E i 5 d : z i : : : = 5 i : G F t i process mean, I'm the one rocommening you be terminated and I want Offer Insley Page 7 of 10 about and that is ruining, in ther minds, their neighborhood. And that's the reason that my recommendation tothe Chief was was the termination Certainly, the chief has the great discretion wo take all these things into account but I, certainly, want to just kind of getit on the record what these ‘issues were in the context of tha particular neighborhood, as well as the context of law enforcement, and then specifically to San Diego county, in ‘general, officer sexual miggonduct on duty. This certainly wasn't ofthe same magnitude of criminal activity; however, you know, their-you know, the judgement there is the~is a very close nexus. Right? Uh, that, hat is, you ‘know, slivers away from, you know, some really bad things that have ‘occurred in our county. So, 'm not saying that your conduct was of the same onder of magnitude on that aspect of thing; however, clearly, um, you have a lot of opportunity, sou know, during these messiging’s back and forth to realize and know that, you know, this conduct can", you know, oocur on duty. And, um, you know, it's fouro'eloek in the moring, your shift is yp im ‘wo or three hours, an if this gal is trying to hook up with you, you know, all you have to have is restraint and control for another couple hours. And then you're scotitee, doing your own personal business, which we don’t care ‘but I, Tdon' want to speculate on that, But the fac that this occurred on Collet: Ingley: Sallee: Ingle: Sallee: Ingky: Sallee: Kennedy: Officer Ingley Page 8 of 10 uty, the time and place and contest that we have in lw enforosment is, is very serious, ub, in my mind, Did you, did you want to say anything, Michae?? can, I can tell you why the time. Uh, she-her scheslle was polar apposite of mine, she works eatly, she road up an hour prior. Okay. Initial, she wanted to moet me near Jack-In-Tho-Bax, which is a neighborhood place close to where this food place I'm ats, 1 bring you Food And that’s where Iwas Alright. Yeah, so, l Tcan understand. So, isi, itjust, i's an issue inthe context of everything that, that [Unterposing] I'm not tying to minimize sir, just to clear Yeah, Absolutely, Which I appreciate and I respect. Um, from my perspective, this is an opportunity for you to, um, share with ‘me your insight, your thoughts, and to assure me as a Chief of Police, that this type of action would never occur again. Um, s, this is your opportunity to share whatever you want I'm not going to ask you any questions. This is ‘your opportunity. And then Thave to go back and look at everything and, and determine, The reputation of our organization and the, um, perception in the community is everything to Chula Vista Police Department, So, um, you ‘know, I just want t open it up that if you want~cither one of you want to say anything, but honestly, hearing from you is, is important to me So, um, because Ihave a big decision to make Py rn 8 Ingley: Collet Salle: English: Officer Inaley Page 9 of 10 ‘Yes, Chief. I mean, there didet establish some grand plan with the intent of ruining rdationships between the public and this police department ‘Thore's-that would never be in my mind, Md never ry and do that 1 don'-- {fm not from Chula Vista, so I don't know th, the depth ofthe public outcry and the complains an! the history thre that you da, sit. So, I don't have that perspective and I apologize for that I wish I did because! would've significantly affect where I chese to meet somebody for, a the time, 1 ‘thought was just © meet and-—food. But, what happened wasit was not ike a premeditated thing with negative, uh tension. If that makes sense. It was just a very, very low point where I made a bad, impulsive decision. And then-l have no excuse for what did, But i's never going to happen again. ‘Nothing even close {just want to reiterate, justin my conversation with Officer Ingly, the gusto that he has of his pride fr this department, And that he's even told me, “'ve lone noshing but think about this every day, and if coulve gone back ard changed this decision, I would've Obviously he ges, “but juste Jearnol from it. Twanta career here. Iwant to do everything | can‘* And he's the one that brought it tome, “want to regain that trust T want to do everything itis © regain that trust" And tha's something dat he's specifically told to me that I think he i totaly fine with me rang w you ys. And tha’ all at we have. Okay. Alright en. Um, aad and dhen ap off the record, the sine is approximately 1436. Officer Ingley Page 10 of 10 4 <End of interview> 2120 8ep0run ‘Transcribed by

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