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The Space in Between, or, Why ITAL Geographic Information Systems: Tools Automation and Quality Control, Matters, Truitt, Mark, 163-66 for Displaying In-Library Use Data, Walsh, Maureen P., 117-27 Why is ITAL Important?, Marmion, Mandel, Lauren H., 47-52 Koha (ILS) Dan, 167-68 Glossaries The Next Generation Library Cata- Editorial Board Thoughts An Evolutive Process to Convert Glos- log: A Comparative Study of the Adding Value in the Internet Age— saries into Ontologies, Hilera, José OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Libraries, Openness, and Program- R., Pagés, Carmen, Martinez, J. Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and mers, Mark Dehmlow, 103 Javier, Gutiérrez, J. Antonio, and Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 Issue Introduction to Student Essays, ae-Marcos, Luis, 195-204 Kurtz, Mary. Dublin Core, DSpace, Shores, Sandra, 6-7 Grant, Carl. A Partnership for Creating and a Brief Analysis of Three ITAL 2.0, Boze, Andy, 57 Successful Partnerships, 5, 7 University Repositories, 40-46 System Requirements, Farnell, Sha- Gutiérrez, J. Antonio, Hilera, José ron, 169-70 R., Pagés, Carmen, Martinez, Lawrence, Peg, and Weber, Lynne. E-Rate J. Javier, and dé-Marcos, Luis. Authentication and Access: BTOP, Broadband, E-Rate, and LITA, An Evolutive Process to Convert Accommodating Public Users in an Starr, Karen J., 162 Glossaries into Ontologies, 195-204 Academic World, 128-40 Evergreen (ILS). Levialdi, S., Malizia, Alessio, and The Next Generation Library Cata- Han, Yan. On the Clouds: A New Way Bottoni, Paolo. Generating log: A Comparative Study of the of Computing (Tutorial), 87-92 Collaborative Systems for Digital OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Hilera, José R., Pagés, Carmen, Libraries: A Model-Driven Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and Martinez, J. Javier, Gutiérrez, J. Approach, 171-86 Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 Antonio, and de-Marcos, Luis. Library Research An Evolutive Process to Convert An Evolutive Process to Convert Geographic Information Systems: Glossaries into Ontologies, Glossaries into Ontologies, 195-204 Tools for Displaying In-Library Hilera, José R., Pagés, Carmen, Hofmann, Melissa A., and Yang, Use Data, Mandel, Lauren H., Martinez, J. Javier, Gutiérrez, J. Sharon Q. The Next Generation 47-52 Antonio, and de-Marcos, Luis, Library Catalog: A Comparative Library Science Education 195-204 Study of the OPACs of Koha, System Requirements, Farnell, Sha- Evergreen, and Voyager, 144-50 ron, 167-68 Faceted Browsing Library Staff Training Usability Studies of Faceted Browsing: Integrated Library Systems (ILS) Bridging the Gap: Self-Directed Staff A Literature Review, Fagan, Jody The Next Generation Library Cata- Technology Training, Quinney, Condit, 58-66 log: A Comparative Study of the Kayla L., Smith, Sara D., and Fagan, Jody Condit. Usability Studies OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Galbraith, Quinn, 205-13 of Faceted Browsing: A Literature Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and LITA/Ex Libris Student Writing Review, 58-66 Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 Award. Farnell, Sharon, System Requirements, Internet. See also Web And Now for Something Completely 169-70 Adding Value in the Internet Age— Different, Truitt, Marc, 3-4 Frisque, Michelle Libraries, Openness, and Program- President’s Message: Join Us at The mers, Mark Dehmlow, 103 Malizia, Alessio, Bottoni, Paolo, Forum, 2 The Path toward Global Interoperabili- and Levialdi, S. Generating President's Message: The End and ty in Cataloging, Tolkoff, Ilana, 39 Collaborative Systems for Digital New Beginnings, 54 Tagging: An Organization Scheme for Libraries: A Model-Driven the Internet, Visser, Marijke A., Approach, 171-86 Galbraith, Quinn, Smith, Sara D., 34-39 Mandel, Lauren H. Geographic and Quinney, Kayla L. Bridging Issue Introduction to Student Essays, Information Systems: Tools for the Gap: Self-Directed Staff Shores, Sandra, 6—7 Displaying In-Library Use Data, Technology Training, 205-13 ITAL 2.0, Boze, Andy, 57 47-52 Generating Collaborative Systems for de-Marcos, Luis, Hilera, José R., Digital Libraries: A Model-Driven Knowledge Bank Pagés, Carmen, Martinez, J. Approach, Malizia, Alessio, Batch Loading Collections into Javier, and Gutiérrez, J. Antonio. Bottoni, Paolo, and Levialdi, S., DSpace: Using Perl Scripts for An Evolutive Process to Convert 171-86 Glossaries into Ontologies, 195-204 INDEX TO VOLUME 29 (2010) 225 Marmion, Dan On the Clouds: A New Way of President’s Message Tribute, 4 Computing (Tutorial), Han, Yan, BTOP, Broadband, E-Rate, and LITA, Marmion, Dan, Why is ITAL 87-92 Starr, Karen J., 162 Important?, 167-68 OPAC The End and New Beginnings, Fris- Martinez, J. Javier, Hilera, José R., Brown-Sica, Margaret, Beall, Jef- que, Michelle, 54 Pagés, Carmen, Gutiérrez, J. frey, and McHale, Nina. Next- Join Us at The Forum, Frisque, Mi- Antonio, and de-Marcos, Luis. Generation Library Catalogs and chelle, 2 An Evolutive Process to Convert the Problem of Slow Response Moving Forward, Starr, Karen J., 102 Glossaries into Ontologies, 195-204 Time, 214-23 Public Libraries McHale, Nina, Beall, Jeffrey, and Next-Generation Library Catalogs and Authentication and Access: Accom- Brown-Sica, Margaret. Next- the Problem of Slow Response Time, modating Public Users in an Aca- Generation Library Catalogs and Brown-Sica, Margaret, Beall, Jef- demic World, Weber, Lynne, and the Problem of Slow Response Time, frey, and McHale, Nina, 214-23 Lawrence, Peg, 128-40 214-23 The Next Generation Library Cata- Geographic Information Systems: Metadata Creation Practices in Digital log: A Comparative Study of the Tools for Displaying In-Library Repositories and Collections: OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Use Data, Mandel, Lauren H., Schemata, Selection Criteria, and Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and 47-52 Interoperability, Park, Jung-ran, Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 The Middle Mile: The Role of the Pub- and Tosaka, Yuji, 104-16 Usability Studies of Faceted Browsing: lic Library in Ensuring Access to The Middle Mile: The Role of the Public A Literature Review, Fagan, Jody Broadband, Visser, Marijke, and Library in Ensuring Access to Condit, 58-66 Ball, Mary Alice, 187-94 Broadband, Visser, Marijke, and Web Services and Widgets for Library Ball, Mary Alice, 187-94 Information Systems, Back, God- Quinn, Brian. Reducing Psychological Monitoring Network and Service mar and Bailey, Annette, 76-86 Resistance to Digital Repositories, Availability with Open-Source Open Source Library Systems. 67-75 Software, Silver, T. Michael, 8-22 The Next Generation Library Cata- Quinney, Kayla L., Smith, Sara D., log: A Comparative Study of the and Galbraith, Quinn. Bridging National Broadband Plan OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and the Gap: Self-Directed Staff BTOP, Broadband, E-Rate, and LITA, Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and Technology Training, 205-13 Starr, Karen J., 162 Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 Network Monitoring Systems. Reducing Psychological Resistance to Monitoring Networkand Service Avail- Pagés, Carmen, Hilera, José R., Digital Repositories, Quinn, Brian, ability with Open-Source Software, Martinez, J. Javier, Gutiérrez, J. 67-75 Silver, T. Michael, 8-22 Antonio, and de-Marcos, Luis. The New User Environment: The An Evolutive Process to Convert Shores, Sandra. Issue Introduction to End of Technical Services? Eden, Glossaries into Ontologies, 195-204 Student Essays, 6-7 Bradford Lee, 93-100 Park, Jung-ran, and Tosaka, Yuji. Silver, T. Michael, Monitoring Next-Gen Catalogs Metadata Creation Practices in Network and Service Availability Next-Generation Library Catalogs Digital Repositories and Collections: with Open-Source Software, 8-22 and the Problem of Slow Response Schemata, Selection Criteria, and Smith, Sara D., Galbraith, Quinn, Time, Brown-Sica, Margaret, Interoperability, 104-16 and Quinney, Kayla L. Bridging Beall, Jeffrey, and McHale, Nina. A Partnership for Creating Successful the Gap: Self-Directed Staff N, 214-23 Partnerships, Grant, Carl, 5, 7 Technology Training, 205-213 The Next Generation Library Cata- The Path toward Global Interoperability The Space in Between, or, Why ITAL log: A Comparative Study of the in Cataloging, Tolkoff, Ilana, Matters, Truitt, Marc, 163-166 OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and 30-33, 39 Starr, Karen J. Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and PERL President's Message: BTOP, Broad- Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 Batch Loading Collections into band, E-Rate, and LITA, 162 No More Silver Bullets, Please, Truitt, DSpace: Using Perl Scripts for President’s Message: Moving For- Marc, 55-56 Automation and Quality Control, ward, 102 Walsh, Maureen P., 117-27 System Requirements, Farnell, Sharon, 169-70 226 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | DECEMBER 2010 Tagging: An Organization Scheme for Vandenbark, R. Todd. Tending a Wild Next-Generation Library Catalogs and the Internet, Visser, Marijke A., Garden: Library Web Design for the Problem ofS low Response Time, 34-39 Persons with Disabilities, 23-29 Brown-Sica, Margaret, Beall, Jef- Technical Services. Visser, Marijke, and Ball, Mary Alice frey, and McHale, Nina, 214-23 The New User Environment: The End The Middle Mile: The Role of the Web Services and Widgets for Library ofT echnical Services? Eden, Brad- Public Library in Ensuring Access Information Systems, Back, ford Lee, 93-100 to Broadband, 187-94 Godmar and Bailey, Annette, Technology Training Visser, Marijke A. Tagging: An 76-86 Bridging the Gap: Self-Directed Staff Organization Scheme for the Weber, Lynne, and Lawrence, Technology Training, Quinney, Internet, 34 Peg. Authentication and Access: Kayla L., Smith, Sara D., and Accommodating Public Users in an Galbraith, Quinn, 205-13 Walsh, Maureen P. Batch Loading Academic World, 128-40 Tending a Wild Garden: Library Collections into DSpace: Using Perl WebVoyage (ILS). Web Design for Persons with Scriptfso r Automation and Quality The Next Generation Library Cata- Disabilities, Vandenbark, R. Todd, Control, 117-27 log: A Comparative Study of the 23-29 Web OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Tolkoff, Ilana. The Path toward Global Are Your Digital Documents Web Voyager, Yang, Sharon Q., and Interoperability in Cataloging, Friendly?: Making Scanned Docu- Hofmann, Melissa A., 141-50 30-33, 39 ments Web Accessible (Tutorial), Why is ITAL Important?, Marmion, Tosaka, Yuji, and Park, Jung-ran Zhou, Yongli, 151-60 Dan, 167-68 Metadata Creation Practices Tending a Wild Garden: Library Web Widgets in Digital Repositories and Design for Persons with Disabili- Web Services and Widgets for Library Collections: Schemata, Selection ties, Vandenbark, R. Todd, 23-29 Information Systems, Back, God- Criteria, and Interoperability, Web Services and Widgets for Library mar and Bailey, Annette, 76-86 104-116 Information Systems, Back, God- Truitt, Mare mar and Bailey, Annette, 76-86 Yang, Sharon Q., and Hofmann, And Now for Something (Completely) Web 2.0 Melissa A. The Next Generation Different, 3-4 Bridging the Gap: Self-Directed Staff Library Catalog: A Comparative No More Silver Bullets, Please, 55-56 Technology Training, Quinney, Study of the OPACs of Koha, The Space in Between, or, Why ITAL Kayla L., Smith, Sara D., and Evergreen, and Voyager, 141-50 Matters, 163-166 Galbraith, Quinn, 205-13 Zhou, Yongli. Are Your Digital The Middle Mile: The Role of the Pub- Usability Studies of Faceted Browsing: lic Library in Ensuring Access to Documents Web Friendly? Making A Literature Review, Fagan, Jody Broadband, Visser, Marijke, and Scanned Documents Web Accessible Condit, 58-66 Ball, Mary Alice, 187-94 (Tutorial), 151-60 INDEX TO VOLUME 29 (2010) 227

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