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India by Design: Colonial History and Cultural Display PDF

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IndbiyaD esign ColonHiiaslt aonrdyC ultuDriaslp lay SaloMnait hur UNIVERSITOYF CALIFORNIAP RESS Berelkey LoAsn gelesL ondon • • UniverosfiC tayl ifoPrrneiaso sn,eo ft hem osdti stin­ guishuendi verpsrietsysi ents h eU niteSdt ateensr,i ches livaerso untdh ew orlbdy a dvancsicnhgo larisnht ihpe humanitsioecsi,sa cli encaensdn, a tural sciaecn­ces. Its tiviatriese usp porbtyet dh Ue C PresFso undatainodnb y philanthropic cofnrtormii nbduitviiodanunsad il nss titu­ tionFso.rm orei nformatviioswwniw,t .ucpress.edu. Thef ollowing cwhearpept reervsi ously published in differenta nfdao prpme ahre rceo urtestyh eooifrr i gi­ nalp ublishcehrasp:t2 e ars " LiviEntgh nologEixc­al hibiTthse:C aseo fr 886,C"u ltuArnatlh ropol1o5g, y no.4 (2ooo): 492a-n5dc2 h4a;p t4e ars " WanteNda ­ tivVei ewsC:o llectCionlgo niPaols tcaorfd sI ndiina ," Gender, SexaunadCl oiltoyn,Mi oadle rniteideA.sn ,­ toineBtutret opnp,.9 5 -n5 (LondoRno:u tledge, 1999). UniversoifCt ayl iforPnrieas s BerkelaenydL osA ngeleCsa,l ifornia UniversoifCt ayl iforPnrieasL st,d . London, England © 2007b yT heR egenotfst heU niversoifCt ayl ifornia LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation MathurS,a loni. Indibayd esi:gc no lonhiiaslt ory and cultIu ral display SaloMnait hur. p. em. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dex. ISB9N7 8-o-s20-23(4c1l7o:-t a8hl kp.a per) ISB9N7 8-0-520-25(2p3b1k:-a. 8l kp.a per) r. India-aIrnt .2 .E asItn diainnas r t.3 .A rt, Victoria4n·A. r t, Indic. 5. iOnar rite­ntalism England-Historyc-e1n9ttuhr 6y..O rientailni sm art-England-Historcye-n2toutrhIy ..T itle. N6767.5.V52M3280 07 709.45-dc22 2006307599 Manufactuirnte hdeU niteSdt atoefAs m erica I6 15 14 13 12 II IO 09 08 07 IO 9 8 7 6 5 4 I 3 2 Thep apeurs eidn t hipsu blicamteieotnts h em inimum requiremoefnA tNsS I/N23I9S·O4 8-1(99R12 9 97()P er­ manencoefP aper).9 Contents LisoftF igures Vll Acknowledgments IX ItnorductCioolno.nP iaatlt eIrnndsiS,at ny les I TheI ndian iVnVi ilcltaogSrepi aacne : J. TheD eaprtmeSnttoa rnetd h Ceu lotft hCer aftsman 27 2." ToV istihtQe u een": OnD ispaltta hyCe o lonainaIdln diEaxnh ibiotfri 88o6n 52 3·T heD iscrePpoarnttr aoifEt mupri:er e OiPla intiinanG gl obFaile ld 8o CollecCtoilnognP ioaslt cards: 4· Gendert haen dV Airscuhailv e 109 5·A ParaobfPl oes tcoRleotnuiranl: Museuamnstd h Deis couorfRs ees titution 133 EpiloHgiuset.o Arfitcearli mages 165 Notes 171 Bilbioagprhy 179 Index 211 Figures I.I ndisaenc taitto hnGe r eEaxth ibiIt 8i 5o nI, I6 2.R udoSlwfo boAdP ae,e aptt hTera iIn8 ,9 2 20 3· LibrteyB'asz aPaarr,Ui nsi veErxspaols iIt8i8o9n, 34 4· "nIdiFaunr niatnuDdre ec ora"tL iiorbnte,y Co&m pany CataloIg u38e ,8 36 5· "nIdiPaynj amLaisb,e"r Ctoym p&a Cnayt aloIg8u8e3, 37 6. "HandkercShaisehf&escs,., L, i"eb rt&y C ompany CataloIg8u8e3, 38 7· "MysoSriel dke"s iLginbse,&r Ctoym pany CataloIg8u8e3, 39 8.L ibye'rIstn diVainl laatBg aet tePrasreka, Illustrated LondNoenw Nso,v embIe8r58 40 9· SketocfIh n dicarna ftswmierinen, l afyreorUmst tar PradeIsnhd,iA aranttD elhIi9,0 3 44 IO.S ketocfIh n dicarna ftsemneanm,e lflreoRrmas j putana, IndiAarantt hDieI,9l 03 45 II.G andahnidh is spwihneneiLlnie,gf magaIz49i6n e, 47 I2. TheC olonainadIl n diEaxnh ibiIt8i8o6n, 53 I3.I nteerxihoirb Ciotlso,na inaIdln diEaxnh ibiIt i8o n8, 65 8 I4.C ourtyoaftr hdIe n diPaanl aCcoel,o nainaIdln dian ExhibiIt i8o n8, 6 59 I5." IndAiratni sfarnosem,x "h ibgiutiidoIen , 8 8 6 64 I6." ReNaaltv ies,s"k etcfhreotsmh eex hibiIt8i8o6n , 68 vii viii Figures I7· SundSeirn gIh8,8- 688 83 I8.S iriAnrbdaeisI h8i8-r68,8 83 I9.A ddIu,88 6-88 84 20. BakshiIr88a6-m8,8 84 2!. MiraIn 68,- 888 8s 22. Ram/Ia !68,- 8 8 8 88 2.3. GualmM uhammad IK h8 a8n ,6 -8 8 96 24. BulbGiurur ngI,8 8-688 97 25.G uizaIr 68,- 888 98 26.G hualmM utsaaf,I 88-897 IOO 27. KhazSainn gIh8,8- 688 I02 28.R avViar maa ndb rotRhaejrVa ar map aintiintn hge ir Bombasyt udIi98o4, 104 29· RavViar maA, GaloafMx uys iiacncsi,rr c8a8 9 I07 30· "DelhGia tAeg,r Fao r(tp"o stcard) II7 31· "LahoCreen tMruasle u(mp"o stcard) II9 32. "AH indFua mil(yp"o stcard) I22 3.3· "HinTdauyo lr("p ostcard) I22 34· Easatn dWe stS eri"eHso,wd oeyso uGra rden gro?w"( postcard) I23 35· "BatWoimaa n("p ostcard) 124 36. "Think(ipnogs"t card) I24 37· "AH indLua dy("p ostcard) I2J 38. "IndDiaannc iGnirg l("p ostcard) I2J .39· "DarjeeAl Dianngd:(y p"o stcard) I26 40." AroutnhdWeo rlwdi tWhi nfieBllda akneMd a ude Amber("pt ocsard) I27 4!. "PeopolfDe a rknaemsosnW gh omW eW ork" (missipoonsatrcya rd) I28 42." GreetfirnogImsn diCao'rsSa tlr and: aKnhHdue srh i Girls" (mpiosssticoanradr)y I28 4.3. Sancthhie, GSrteuapta J40 44·V ieowf r uiantSs a ncrh88io,s I42 45· MaisaenydC unninghdaramw'ison fcg ass kceotnst aining three loifcS sa riputMtoag gaanldl ana I43 46.D rawionfgr se lbiocx eexsc avaattS eodn ari I44 47· Drawings boofx eerxsec laivcaa ttS eadt dhara 145 48.M ahaB odhSio ciVeithya artSa a ncAhuig,u 2s0t50 163 Acknowledgments Theju ornferyo dmo ctodriasls erttoba otoimkoa nn ursicipast loonnge , anidht a tsa kmeent hroumguhl tirpelsee alrocchal liebsr,a urniievse,r ­ sitfiuensd,ia ngge ncjioetbsi ,t alnedse ,v en-unexpectedly-academic discipIlh ianvees .fb oeurentna tteog ain susttheurngoahntoct ueh is juornefyr ocmo untrleemsasr kianbdliev imdaunayol fsw ,h omh ave contriibnsu otmeed owraa yn otthoet rhf eo rmaotfim oytn h inkainndg reseairntc hhbi oso .k Ifi rasgmtr atteof utslht faeo f fn umerionuss­t itu tionIsn diBinra i,t aanitdnh ,Ue n itSetda wtheosh elpmeetd o n avigate theciorl onial collectthNieao tniso,An raiclnh cilvIuendsdi ,tin ohagfe JawahaNrelharMlue morMiuasle uamn Ldi abrr(yT eMeunr Bthi avan), thLea tlK ialAac adeRmeya diRnogo mt,h Oer ienatnadIl n dOifaf ice Collecatti otnBhsre i tLiisbhr atrhyVe, i ctoarnidAa lb erMtu seum Archives Haotus eBt,lh Nyeat thieo AnraLtli braattr hyVe i tcorainad AlebrMtu seutmh,Re o yal LiWbirnadrsyCo aras ttt lhee, oCifWt esyt ­ minsAtrecrh iCveenst trheYe,al eC entfeorBr r itAirstth,h Gee tRtey ­ searIcnhs tiLtiubtreaa rnydt, h Ael kaCzoil lecotfPi hoont ogrianp hy NewD elahniNd e wY ork. Fufnodvria nrgi pohuass oefrs e search and writcianmgfe r otmh Seo cSicail enacnedHs u maniRteiseesa rch Coun­ ciolfC anadtahN,ee wS chofoolSr o ciRaels eatrhcVeha s,s aCro llege FacuRletsye aGrrcahnF tu ntdh,Ie tn ernatIinosntaialttt u htee Univer­ siotfyM ichitghaYneal, e C entfeorBr r itAirstah,n tdh Fea cuSletnya te atU CLAI.a lswoi sthot hatnhke CAlraItrn ks tiitnWu itlel iamstown, Massacthstua,sn etdh Cee ntfeorr MusPeruamc attit chSeem ithsonian IX Acknowledgments X Institfuootrfi efornir negs idefnetlilaolwt sosh puippostr htwe r itoifn g vaoruicsh aeprtosf mtahne uscervieptnth ,o uIgu hl timwaatsue nlay ble toa ccetphteo spep ortiuefnso irt perresaossnoa.nl Ther eseartchhib sof oowkra sn urtuartie tedsa rlsiteasbgtyem any unforgectotvnaebrlsoean sta indf riendships-tfhraIiwt ei nladlls ­hips waycsh iesrh-dumryi ndgo csttouredasiil na nthropionNl eowg yrY ko. Thaneksscp ieatloAl yyih saA brahJaemn,n BifuerrrM eilrlCh,ai k ir, Ka­ marCil arHkueg,Ch r eaAnl,l daenS ouzWaen,d Hya yton RMuasrs­ell, lenHei dalCghoa,rs l HeirhskcinMdi,c haHeolw leTye,r eHsuab el, TherKehsiem aCshiaan,d aMnaat huJri,tM ua yeYro,n gosonM ina,n d HyunYaahn g mfaokri tnhge yseesa s ruch foromnae.ts aiImvp ea rticu­ larilnyd ebttoSe tde Cvaet oFna,yG ei nsbRuarygn,Ra a ppa,n Dd ebbie Poofloetr h eeinorcu rageamneidnn tt ellmeecnttsuoharilwp h,i cIhh a ve valutehdr ougmhyop urteo sfisonlailfS eot.,o oI, agmr atteofm uycl o l­ leasgi une Dtehpea rtmoefAn rtHt i staotrU yC LAw,h oh avmea dteh e disciopfal rihtni es taonridyt c som munist piale atcheaI nt o wu nequiv­ ocalclayl l homea.l stToohc aonlklse aagttu heUesn iversMiitcyh io­f gana ndVa ssaCro llewgheom, a dmey v isilteicntgu raetst hhieipsnse­ sttiutsis oomn emoraibnml aen wya y.s There are sncuhmoelwraroriusts,ae rrtsi,as ntfdsr ,i efnrdoswm h om Ih avbee nefitetdh yeoe vaewrrhs e,t hoernr o t thaewya roaefir teIo. f fer gratiatnudsd pee ctihaalnt koNs a aziAstha -UlGleaohrB,ga ek eTri,m BarrinHgoemriB, h abha, JanaRkuis tBBohhmaa krlueAc,nh tao,i nette BurtDoinp,e Cshha krtaybP,aa rrtChhaa teteeD,re jborCahhe rJruyl,i e CadeIlflt,i DkahdaViri, d ya DehejiDae,s aNViii,csD khi arkkChsaa,r ­ olFea rbSetrta,h iGso urgoTuaripsaG,tu ih a-ThakAukrhtiGalu, p ta, KatheHraicnkeCe ra,t heHrailnSlea, l iHmaas hmKia,jJ raii Bna,r bara KirshenblatMti-wGoiKnmw bolne,t tP,u rnima ManMkietk­ar, Partha terF,r eMdy erSst,e vNeenl soGny,a nPa ndeNye,nP ia nourgia, An­ tonePlellai zRzuatrPhih ,i llCihprssi P,i nneGyy,a nP rakash, Susan SeizGeary,a Stpriiv Aankn,S tolSeurs,Ti hea ru,t halena dtE edw ard Saifdot rh eiisnrp iraatniidofn nl uceeTn.h ansak lstooU rvsahBiu talia, GeetKaa pur, KFhaarniN,di av edMietnao nA,d itNyiag aKma,v ita SingGha,y aStirnih aan,Vd i vaSnu ndaraNme wDi enl fhoier x tending thesmeltvoem sed urimnyvg i sitthse citirot y,e sapnedcP iaanlklBauyj­ talainadN i leorKf auBlu tafloitrah eliorv ihnogs pitKaaltihAtydy l.,e r TomW indroasnsdM, i chaWeill sforno tmh Nea tioGnaalrlly ie nL on­ doni nivtemde ctonos uolnt tehxeh ibi"tAinIo nnd iEannc ounPtoerr­: trsaf iotQru eeVni ctao"(r 02i02-)0.3 Itap lweaass tuowr oer wki th sucahn a ccompltiesahamen,dd t hree seaIcr ocnhd ucotnte hdpe o r- Acknowledgments Xl traoiftI sn dsib aynt hAeu strpiaainnR tuedro lSpwho bofdoatr h iesx ­ hibibteicoantm hebe a sfioscr h ap3to eftr h biso oFki.n alalmgy r,e aIt ly indebttome ydi ncompaerdaibtSlotera ,n HoaltUw niitvze rosfCi atlyi ­ fornPirae fsosr, whiisosdm ,g uidaanncgdeo ,o hdu moirne scormtei ng throtughrhei tuoafpl usb lisahnitdno g ,tm ayl enfrtieedAn bdrG ar upp for her dienisgsnpfsiot rrhe cedo voefr tbhoiosk . Foars loInc ga rnae sc amlycl ol,s efsatm ily-moftahtehsrei,rs ,t ers, grandpaaruetnn,stu sn,c laensdc, ou sins-hbaevedeni spearcsreods s mandyi ffecrouennttr IinedsCi:aa n,a ,dG areBarti tSawiint,z eranlda nd, the UnSittaetIade m sg .r atfeoftruh lii ms presksininev tew oarnkwd,i sh toa cknowlaeltdlhg Meea thuirnDs e lhLio,n doPna,r iGse,n evSaa,n Frasnccoia,n Cda lgamryy ,g oadrpenitnVsa nocuvearn,md y l oviinng­ lawisnC alifaonrKdna iraa fcohri ofmfeeh roimsnea glo lv etrhw eo rld. Mym othVeere,n aa,n mdy s istPeurnsaa,mn Bdi ndtuh,e mseslpvreesa d acrossc outnhtrrecieoe nst,it nobu eme y c losfersite. Dn edssptihtdeei s­ tancaemso nugs n,o at weceakgn o b yw ithtohurete assuraac naclel of formo n(eo arl olft) h etsher reeem arkwaobmleen wfhorot eivfeyar sy­ pecotf mlyiTf hei.s bofookr eivinesdr e bttote hde man,d t ot hmee m­ oroyf m y fatherB,a hKaidswuhhrao,nsl ei efned erde,g retattta hbel y, agoef f orty-wnhienhnee w, a sf atro yoo unagm anT.o m yl itJtallea l Baha-dbuorrtnh sep tiitnigm agoefh ifsa ther-ayroruiriv nattloh e worlddu ritnhgwe r itoifnt gh imsa nuscdreirpatii ltpesr do gssrf eor manmyo nthtshme,o sjtoo yusse tbIac coku elvdeh ra viem agibnaebda:. Myfi natlh asn,k howaervreee rs,e rfvoAerad m ir, wwhiot nheasss ed this pfrroobjmee gcitn ninga ntrdoe sepnoddn-,dt eruthfuelvleyr-yt o aspeocfwt h afto lslo.Hwe c ontitnou easm maezw ei thhi usn ocmpro­ misirnegl attoih oicnsar fatn;u tteirnplsiyr iinngt ellpercetsueaanllc­ e, wayrsa istihnbega i rn smuecahng ifnuwla y.s lAo vitanhngk -yfooaurl l ofi tA,a miarn,fd o trh eex traorldiifneah rawyvbe eu itlotg ether.

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