Incommensurate quantum-size oscillations in acene-based molecular wires - effects of quantum fluctuations Peter Schmitteckert,1,∗ Ronny Thomale,1 Richard Koryt´ar,2,3 and Ferdinand Evers2 1Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Julius-Maximilians University of Wu¨rzburg, Am Hubland 97074 Wu¨rzburg, Germany 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany 3Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic (Dated: January 18, 2017) 7 Molecular wires of the acene-family can be viewed as a physical realization of a two-rung lad- 1 der Hamiltonian. For acene-ladders, closed-shell ab-initio calculations and elementary zone-folding 0 arguments predict incommensurate gap oscillations as a function of the number of repetitive ring 2 units, N , exhibiting a period of about ten rings. Results employing open-shell calculations and a R n mean-field treatment of interactions suggest anti-ferromagnetic correlations that could potentially a open a large gap and wash out the gap oscillations. Within the framework of a Hubbard model J with repulsive on-site interaction, U, we employ a Hartree-Fock analysis and the density matrix 7 renormalization group to investigate the interplay of gap oscillations and interactions. We confirm 1 thepersistenceofincommensurateoscillationsinacene-typeladdersystemsforasignificantfraction of parameter space spanned by U and NR. ] l l a I. INTRODUCTION rowest graphene nano-ribbons with zig-zag terminated h edges. Due to recent progress in synthesis methodology, - s oligoacenesuptolengthNR =9(nonacene)havealready e The question how properties of a macroscopic system been produced.10,11 m emerge when more and more atoms or molecules accu- Previously,wehavefoundthatlinear(oligo)acenesex- t. mulate exhibits many different facets and, for that rea- hibit oscillations in the NR (or length) dependence of a son,reappearseveryonceinawhileindifferentcontexts. optical excitation gaps.12 Oscillations of electronic prop- m Onthesimplestlevelof“emergence”, onecouldconsider erties with the geometric size of a nano-system are per - the appearance of band-structures in crystal growth. A se frequently encountered. An established example is d first qualitative description of this phenomenon can al- given by the threefold gap-oscillation of zigzag carbon n ready be given within a picture of non-interacting quasi- o nanotubes (armchair-ribbons) as a function of tube di- particles. A conceptually analogous situation arises in c ameter (width).13–15 In this context, the three-fold peri- [ mesoscopic physics: when a quantum dot couples to an odicity reflects the symmetry of the hexagonal Brillouin electrode, the dot states hybridize with contact states, zone, with the Dirac points located at the corners. A re- 1 thereby acquiring the level broadenings, Γ, that sig- v markable aspect of the acene oscillations is that they are nal finite lifetime effects. Qualitatively new physics 1 incommensurate in the sense that the oscillation period emerges upon accounting for interaction effects. For in- 6 is not dictated by lattice symmetry; it can reach periods 6 stance, inquantum-dots, theKondophenomenonresults of ten times the length of the unit cell. The oscillations 4 from the interplay of hybridization and the Coulomb- come with an important consequence, namely, a close-to 0 energy. Another example displaying the appearance of closing gap for molecules of certain (periodically repeat- 1. strong correlation effects with growing system size is ing) finite length. 0 superconductivity.1,2 There,oneisfacingacrossoversce- We have demonstrated that similar to the case 7 nario, where the super-conducting gap, ∆ , competes sc of the nanotubes, the acene-oscillations can likewise 1 with the single particle level spacing, ∆ (cid:29)Γ. : 0 be described (nearly) quantitatively by a selection v In this paper, we investigate an incarnation of a sim- rule (zone-folding) for the wave-vectors applied to the i X ilar motif as it appears in molecular electronics: we ask band structure of the underlying extended tight-binding howtheelectronicspectralpropertiesofamolecularwire model (Fig. 1). The procedure is analogous to the r a built out of N repetitive units (“rings”) evolve with in- threefold periodicity in band-gaps of nanotubes13 and R creasing N . Motivated by earlier experiments3–5, our nanoribbons14,15; in the acene case, however, incom- R specific example will be the acene-family such as ben- mensurate periodicity is reached because of the non- zene, naphthalene, anthracene, and others. Due to their universal position of k labelling the longitudinal mo- D peculiar electronic structure, oligo-acenes have received mentumattheacene-analogueoftheDiracpoint. Based a considerable amount of attention in organic chemistry on the computational analysis of the acene-like Hubbard over the past 50 years.6–8 A recent technological interest model, we find that the zone-folding argument is not in- isbasedonsuggestionstousethemaslightharvestersin validated by interactions beyond the independent quasi- organicphoto-voltaicdevices.9 Besidesbeingasimplere- particlepicture;theoscillationspersistgiventheinterac- alization of nano-wires, acenes can be viewed as the nar- tion strength U does not exceed a threshold of the order 2 3 ε(+,+) 2 ε(-,-) t' t b) [t] 01 s, t' (k -1 ε t t" t" -2 ε(+,-) ⊥ ⨯ ε(-,+) -3 -π -π/2 0 π/2 π longitudinal momentum k FIG.1: (Left)Partsoftheoligoacenebackboneinthetight-bindingrepresentationwithanearestneighborhopping(t,yellow), hoppings to the second neighbor (t(cid:48), dashed blue) and third neighbor (t(cid:48)(cid:48), dotted black). On the left, we draw these hoppings for the ”outer” carbon site, on the right for the ”inner” carbon. t(cid:48)(cid:48) denotes the second neighbor hooping of the outer sites, t(cid:48)(cid:48) ⊥ × of the inner sites. In the present study we adopt t(cid:48)(cid:48) =t(cid:48)(cid:48) =t(cid:48)(cid:48) and, in contrast to Ref.12, t(cid:48)=0 ⊥ × (Right)Thetightbindingband-structurecorrespondingtothelong-wirelimitfort=1,t(cid:48) =0,andt(cid:48)(cid:48) =0.3. Thelinesarethe analytical result according to (2) with t(cid:48)(cid:48) =t(cid:48)(cid:48). The crosses are the results from a tight binding system consisting of N =31 ⊥ × R rings and periodic boundary conditions. The valence- and conduction-band are crossing at the Γ−point k . D of the bandwidth - at least as long as interactions are with Coulomb interactions: acene-ladders with onsite screened, i.e., short-ranged. Hubbardinteractionsexhibitanti-ferromagneticorderon Building upon our previous work, we intend to give a themeanfieldlevelalongwithalargechargegap,thereby comprehensivestudyofinteractionsandincommensurate diminishing IO. By microscopic DMRG analysis, how- oscillations (IO) of acenes by contrasting Hartree-Fock ever, we show that also in short ladders quantum fluctu- (HF) mean field treatments against microscopic numer- ations destroy the long-range order. In particular, they ical studies. We model acene-type molecular wires by significantly reduce the HF excitation gap, restoring the finite length Hubbard ladders. A principal physical in- IOsignatureanduptointermediateinteractionstrengths centive is given by the potentially rich phase diagram of the order of the bandwidth. of interacting acene wires16. In this context, one could hope to manipulate acenes via chemical synthesis, or en- gineering of the environment so as to explore some part II. MODEL AND METHODS of this phase diagram. (Admittedly before this is exper- imentally feasible, major technological difficulties have A. Model definition to be overcome that are realated to chemical stability. Momentarily, long acene wires need to be kept within a We study the acene Hubbard-ladder noble-gas matrix to prevent further reactions11.) Furthermethodologicalincentiveisprovidedbyrecent (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) open-shellscGW-calculationsfortheacene-series17;they Hˆ =(cid:88)t cˆ† cˆ +U(cid:88) nˆ − 1 nˆ − 1 (1) ij iσ jσ i↑ 2 i↓ 2 indicated that in short wires the IO might disappear in i(cid:54)=j i the presence of anti-ferromagnetic order in the ground state. At first sight, this result may look very plausi- at half filling, where the first term describes the tight- ble. However, effects of quantum-fluctuations are ne- binding dynamics, and the second term in Eq. (1) the glectedinitsderivationandinquasi-onedimensionalsys- onsite Hubbard repulsion with strength U. In the case tems their effect typically is very strong. Specifically, in of periodic boundary conditions (PBC), we have a linear the long-wire limit, quantum fluctuations tend to desta- length of L = 2N sites, where N gives the number of R R bilize mean-field ordered phases that break a continuous hexagon (benzene) rings. For hard wall boundary con- symmetry18. In this (quantum-disordered) phase, the ditions (HWBC), we complete the last ring leading to order-parameter exhibits significant short-range correla- L=N +1. Thetotalnumberofsitesis2L. Thenearest R tions that leave a characteristic signature in local probe neighborhoppingischaracterizedbyanamplitudet = (cid:104)ij(cid:105) measurements. −t, and the longer-range hoppings accordingly by t(cid:48), t(cid:48)(cid:48), ⊥ In this work, we clarify the fate of the anti- and t(cid:48)(cid:48) (Fig. 1). If not stated otherwise, t will be taken × ferromagnetic correlations in acenes-type ladders in the as the unit of energy and t(cid:48)(cid:48) = t(cid:48)(cid:48) = t(cid:48)(cid:48). Note that t(cid:48)(cid:48) ⊥ × ⊥ presence of quantum fluctuations, i.e., by providing a andt(cid:48)(cid:48) giverisetoanon-avoidedcrossingofconduction- × joint analysis from Hartree-Fock (HF) mean field and and valence band at non-commensurate wave-vectors k D density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). Within predicted for the case U=0.19 For t(cid:48)(cid:48),t(cid:48)(cid:48) =0, the system ⊥ × HF mean field analysis, we reproduce the observation features a quadratic band touching16. For U = 0, the made in the ab-initio study Ref. 17 for acene-molecules energy spectrum of (1) reduces to 3 (cid:15) (k)=2t(cid:48)cos(k)+ 1s(cid:0)t+t(cid:48)(cid:48) +2t(cid:48)(cid:48) cos(k)(cid:1)+ sb(cid:113)(cid:0)t−t(cid:48)(cid:48) +2t(cid:48)(cid:48) cos(k)(cid:1)2+8(1+cos(k))(t+st(cid:48))2, (2) sb 2 ⊥ × 2 ⊥ × where b,s=±1 denote a band and parity index, respec- Once the phase-diagram has been mapped out, it may tively, yielding four bands resulting from the four-site bepossibletopredictthequalitativebehaviorforagiven unit cell. experiment, even though the actual parameters repre- sentative for this situation may not be known with high Inthefollowing,weexcludenext-nearestneighborhop- ping, t(cid:48) =0, so there is no hopping between sites sharing accuracy, at least in those situations where very stable phases have been identified. the same sublattice; the model becomes bipartite and a chiral symmetry is imposed connected to the particle- hole symmetry of the spectrum (Fig. 1). This choice can be made without loss of generality regarding IO, as the B. Computational details maineffectofbreakingthechiralsymmetryinmoregen- eral models with non-vanishing t(cid:48) would be to shift the In this spirit, we continue our analysis and treat the position of the Dirac point kD. The corresponding ana- model Hamiltonian (1) numerically within DMRG20,21. lytical calculations are given in the Appendix A. Similar to previous authors22,23, we also observe that General comments on Hubbard-models. We briefly the ground state is a spin singlet independent of the comment about the applicability of Hubbard models to wire length. Thereby, we track the many-body Hamil- real systems. Indeed, models along the lines of (1) have tonian at fixed particle number (equal to the number of been investigated intensively over the last fifty years in lattice sites) and in the Sz =0 spin sector. By target- tot physics and in chemistry. They provide substantial sim- ing not only the ground state but also excited states, plifications by (a) ignoring the coupling to molecular vi- we obtain the optical gap by taking the energy differ- brations; (b) including only one orbital per atom and ence between the first excited and the ground state. (c) by including all other degrees of freedom in terms of Fornon-interactingsystems, theopticalgapcorresponds effective parameters, only, such as a short range interac- to the HoMO/LuMO gap, as it is given by the lowest tion that mimics screening. In fact, information about particle-hole excitation. Due to spin-rotational invari- the molecular geometry (e.g. the relative postion of the ance, the excited states of the model in (1) come in atoms) is absorbed in hopping parameters and interac- spin-multiplets according to irreducible representations tion matrix elements. These parameters span a multi- of SU(2). By performing reference calculations in the dimensional space which has a hyperplane that features spin-sectors Sz =1,2, we have ascertained that the low- tot those particular combination of parameters that can be estexcitationisatripletstate,andthatthegroundstate reached in realistic situations. isindeedasingletstate. DetailsoftheDMRGimplemen- tation are given in Appendix C. To investigate the effect In return, because Hubbard models are in a certain of quantum fluctuations, and to link with previous mean sense minimal, they allow for a numerically exact treat- field treatments, it is useful to compare the DMRG re- ment of the many-body problem, with a size of the com- sults to a HF description. We have also implemented a putationalHilbertspacethatismuchlargerascompared self-consistentHFcycletoobtainmeanfieldestimatesfor to most other many-body treatments that attempt to be the energy gaps, ground state, and magnetization (Ap- more “first principles” on the Hamiltonian level. pendix C). In HF theory, we look for the lowest lying Keeping this in mind, Hubbard models like (1) are by (charge-neutral) excitation energy to determine the en- no means as oversimplistic as they may appear at first ergy gap, for which we compute the difference in energy sight. First, if properly parametrized such models have between the lowest unoccupied and the highest occupied a good chance to give a realistic, sometimes even quan- eigenvalue of the Fock operator. tative description of low-energy excitations also in those situations where quantum-fluctuations are dominant, so that most competing methods fail. Second, one often is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION interested in the system behavior under varying exter- nal conditions, i.e. in the phase diagram of the model; one would like to figure out what phases exist, what are A. Hartree-Fock analysis their properties and, ideally, also where are the phase- boundaries located at. Since the qualitative aspects of Before investigating finite size features of the spec- phasediagramstendtobeveryrobustunderachangeof trum, we analyze the infinite wire limit. In Fig. 2 (top), theHamiltonian, oneoftenadoptsconvenientchoicesfor wedisplaytheevolutionoftheHFgapforrepulsiveinter- the model parametrization, even though they are some- action strength U. We extract the bulk gap from finite- times far from realistic. size calculations by extrapolating the finite size gap vs. 4 the inverse linear length of the system (Appendix B). While the non-interacting wire exhibits a band crossing 1 HF at the Fermi-energy and therefore is metallic, the repul- sive interaction U opens up a correlation gap. 10-1 DΔ1M,∞R G∝ U2 ] Within HF theory, the ground state is found to be un- U stableagainstantiferromagneticorder;thecorresponding [∞10-2 Δ1,∞ = 0.5 t2/U 1, staggeredmagnetizationisshowninFig. 2(bottom). As Δ 10-3 we will see in our DMRG-calculations below, this order will be destroyed by quantum fluctuations. We here wit- 10-4 ness the established fact that mean-field theories overes- timate the tendency for symmetry breaking, at least if 10-1 1 10 102 U [t] the interactions are short ranged. In passing, we men- tion that broken symmetries refer to the long-distance te 0.5 properties of a quantum state, which are not well de- r si ΔH1,F∞ / (2U) e 0.4 MHF scribed on the HF-level. In contrast, the total energy is p F predominantly dictated by the pair-correlation function HM 0.3 atshort-distances. Thelatterislargelyinsensitivetothe n o 0.2 global symmetries. Therefore, with respect to total en- ti a ergy calculations, HF can often give useful answers even tiz 0.1 e though the long-range physics is described qualitatively n g 0 incorrect. (L¨owdin’s “symmetry breaking dilemma” of a M 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 HF24) Δ1,∞ [U] In the perturbative limit of weak repulsion, U(cid:28)1, we can restrict ourselves to states with AF ordering on top of the non-interacting ground state. In this situation the FIG. 2: Top: Evolution of the excitation gaps ∆HF (U) (+) 1,∞ gap opens in long (but finite-length) wires as and ∆DMRG(U) (×) in units of the interaction U vs. the in- 1,∞ creasingstrengthoftherepulsiveHubbardinteractionU. For (cid:113) ∆HF = ∆2+(MHFU)2, (3) large U we recover the expected asymptotic behavior. For 1,NR 0 U →0thenumericalextrapolationisimpairedbytheIO;the asymptoticbehaviorisindicatedbythe(yellow)dashedline; where∆ isthefinitesizegapofthenon-interactingwire, 0 see text and for comparison Fig. 9. ∆0 ≡ ∆U1,=N0R; MHF denotes the staggered magnetization Bottom: Corresponding staggered magnetization MHF (◦) amplitude. We recall that at U(cid:28)1 the response of en- over the band-gap ∆HF (U) in units of U displaying a lin- 1,∞ ergies to the staggered field is linear in U, implying a ear dependence in the complete regime. quadratic gap opening ∆HF (U) ∼ U2 in the thermody- 1,∞ namic limit (where ∆ →0). 0 Atintermediateinteractions,theHFvaluesforthegap opening allow for a phenomenological two-parameter fit, For longer wires, however, the IO fade away, because −D ∆H1,F∞(U)≈0.5UeU2+D1U, (4) the native band-gap is suppressed as ∼ 1/NR and even- tually no longer overcomes ∆HF . As soon as ∆HF whereDisoftheorderofthenon-interactingbandwidth; exceeds the maxima of the nati1v,NeRband gaps, the IO1d,NisR- we obtain D ≈5.5±0.4 and D ≈1.0±0.1, provided U appear from the HF spectra. Indeed, the IO in ∆HF is not too small. As expected,1in the large U limit, the are seen to become weaker with increasing N (and1,NUR) R HF particle-hole gap is set by U. Its evolution follows (Fig. 3). This explains why large systems sizes N (cid:29)1 R closelytheoneoftheanti-ferromagneticorderparameter are needed in order to obtain the HF gap in the small U MHF(U), Fig. 2 (bottom). regime: the finite size induced gap has to fall below the We now turn to the HF analysis of acene wires with HF gap. finite length. In this case, one expects that the open- ing of the HF gap ∆HF decreases the ground-state en- Asthemagnetizationcloselyfollows∆HF ,itemerges ergyonlyif∆HF exc1e,NeRdsthenon-interacting(“native”) preferably in acene wires that exhibit a1r,eNlaRtively small 1,NR level-spacing∆ attheFermienergysignificantly. Hence, (native) band-gap (Fig. 3). Vice versa, the HF-ground 0 for shorter wires, the gap opening is most effective at state remains non-magnetized at wire-lengths, such as particular values of N that have an anomalously small N =11,19,28,..., where the native gap is particularly R R single-particle gap – and ineffective at the others. In large; there mean-field magnetism only appears at larger other words, only at N -values situated close to a mini- interaction values. In contrast, for large interaction val- R mum of the IO an AF-order develops and at the others uestheHFgapsurpassesthenon-interactinggapalready the non-interacting ground-state prevails. In this situa- for small system size (Fig. 4), and the IO disappear in tion IO remain visible even in ∆HF . that regime. 1,NR 5 12 HF [U]1,NR 00..23 UUU===000...808,,, MΔΔ11H,,NNFRR//U0.8 00..115 HFzation M [t]N1R108 UUU===011...205 HHHFFF,,, UUU===101...025 optical gap Δ 0.1 0.05 ered Magneti L Δ1, 246 gg 0 0 0 ta 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 s 20 40 60 80 100 120 Number of Rings N R Number of rings NR FIG. 5: Evolution of the lowest lying excitation gap ∆ 1,NR for acene-ladders with increasing number of rings N , L = FIG. 3: Evolution of the HF-magnetization MHF and HF- R 2N +1, for varying interaction strengths U (+ : 0.2,× : gap∆HF withincreasingnumberofringsN atU=0.8and R 1,NR R 1.0;(cid:79):1.5). For comparison also the HF-result (◦) is shown. HWBC.Asisseen,theHFmagnetizationMHF oftheacene- IncontrasttothestronglyreducedIOonHF-level,theysur- wire (×) is non-vanishing whenever the HF-gap (◦) exceeds vive for not too large U in the DMRG calculations. thenon-interactinggap(+). Forthisreason, eventhemean- field magnetization exhibits the IO, in principle. They fade away only for large system sizes, when the non-interacting that have non-negligible weight in the reduced density finite site gap falls below the interaction induced HF gap. matrix. By comparing to the HF result, one directly observes the effect of strong quantum fluctuations in the DMRG- B. DMRG calculations trace shown in Fig. 2 (top). Fluctuation effects are vis- ible by a reduction of the excitation gap, but also by a We reignite the discussion from the viewpoint of modified gap evolution with U as compared to the HF DMRG by the infinite wire limit. Within our DMRG- trajectory. The asymptotic power-law at large U seen in implementation, this limit can only be achieved through Fig. 2 is readily understood in terms of the mapping to finite size extrapolation: for every value of U, the ex- the Heisenberg spin-chain. It proceeds via the effective trapolation is performed to yield one data point of the coupling constant J(U) = 4t2/U that sets the scale for bluecurvefortheexcitationgapinFig. 2(top),whereit ∆DMRG in this limit.25–28 As is seen in Fig. 2 (top), the 1,∞ is compared against the HF result. We mention that at Heisenberg limit is reached at values of U exceeding the small values of U numerical calculations are more chal- bandwidth, D, by about a factor of two.33 lenging to converge in DMRG, so that the low U asymp- Our final Fig. 5 displays the most important result of toticsisnotfullyresolvedinFig. 2(top). Thedifficultyis our work. It confronts the mean-field data for the exci- thatduetothemetalliccharacterofthewire, theentan- tation gaps with the results obtained from the DMRG- glementcontentisspreadoveralargemanifoldofmodes calculations for finite-length wires. Specifically, the evo- lutionoftheirDMRG-excitationgaps, ∆DMRG, isshown 1,NR for increasing length of the wire N at different U. It is R 0.25 F clearly seen there, that the DMRG-traces exhibit pro- 0.5 H U=2.0 M nounced IO even for those values of U at which the HFal gap Δ [U]1,NR 000...234 U=1.5 000...1125 Magnetization rawfldelueersnceiudtcaunyudadayote.lfiroosmVntseascernialyidlnna-mttfifiihoeunilnscidhtsreet-iihssnnuiezlot∆etrhiaH1ewe,sFsNisarRpteomisrh.ioatapnvToeiefnfheesatutyhlampetdoieleoosxsntnctirgofto-afawydtqiieuortdehannealgtiwmautepaminyst--,,, optic 0.1 U=1.0 0.05 gered tuhnebrreobkyenrepsthoarsien.g the IO as a hallmark of the symmetry- 0 0 g a 20 40 60 80 100 st Number of rings NR IV. CONCLUSIONS FIG.4: EvolutionoftheHF-magnetization(×)andHF-gap We have studied the acene Hubbard model for a large ∆HF (◦)withincreasingnumberofringsN ,L=2N +1, range of on-site repulsion U. The gap oscillations, that 1,NR R R at U=1.0, 1.5, 2.0. As in Fig. 3 the IO vanish if the HF gap arecharacteristicoftheweakly-correlatedphase, survive is larger than the non-interacting gap. Accordingly, at these as a periodic modulation also in the strongly-correlated instances the staggered magnetization MHF stays finite. phase. The latter still persist for sizable interaction 6 strength, as quantum fluctuations significantly reduce symmetry in the ground state is enough to also re- the formation of the correlation gap. storetheIO.Namely,evenassumingthatlong-rangeand With an eye on acene-molecules, we expect that our short-range models of molecular wires share the same results have the following implications. We have per- phases, it is still unclear whether the effective value of formed model-calculations employing short-range inter- U in the gas-phase calculations is small or large as com- actions. They may apply to acenes in the presence of pared to the (non-interacting) band-width. a screening environment, such as substrates or electro- Interestingly, the authors of Ref. 8 propose an expo- chemicalsolutions. WithscreenedCoulomb-interactions, nential decay of the lowest lying spin-triplet gap with the effective value of U should be significantly smaller increasing N saturating near N =11 at roughly 0.13 R R thanthemolecularbandwidth,implyingthatourweakly- eV without a trace of IO. If indeed correct, this finding correlated scenario should apply. In contrast, for gas- could still be interpreted within the short-range model. phase molecules screening is very weak and the applica- It could be taken as a hint that the effective interaction bility of our model-calculation is not immediately guar- U as it appears in the study Ref. 8 should be consid- anteed. ThisisthesituationinvestigatedinRefs. 7,8,17; ered large. However, the authors’ data underlying their we conclude with a brief overview. exponentialfit(Table1inRef. 8)appearstobeinconsis- Concerning Ref. 17, it remains to be seen if quantum- tent with an exponential asymptotics. In fact, the data fluctuations can restore the spin-rotational symmetry forthespin-restrictedcasesexhibitsevennon-monotonic also in the presence of a long-range Coulomb interac- behaviour (upturn at large wire length), which is quali- tion. Very recent quantum-chemistry calculations on tatively consistent with the onset of IO as predicted by the level of density-functional multi-reference theory us. (DFT/MRCI)foroligoacenes(uptoN =9)andpp-RPA R (up to N =12) may give an indication that this indeed R could be the case.7,8 Acknowledgments The authors of Ref. 7 confirm earlier findings29 that best agreement between DFT/MRCI results and experi- We express our gratitude to Holger Bettinger, Rein- mental IR-excitation energies is achieved for closed-shell hold Fink, Steve Kivelson and Jan Wilhelm for enspir- referencestates(RB3LYP)eventhoughspin-unrestricted ing discussions. Also, we thank Jan Wilhelm for shar- calculations may produce a lower total energy. It is thus ing a manuscript17 prior to publication. PS and RT suggested that quantum-fluctuations are indeed strong are supported by DFG-SFB 1170 and the ERC start- in long acene-wires so that single-determinant approx- ing grant TOPOLECTRICS (ERC-StG-336012). FE ac- imations of the ground-state are not representative. In knowledgessupportoftheDFGunderprojectsEV30/8-1 agreementwiththisinterpretation,theseauthorsobserve andEV30/11-1. Mostofthecalculationswereperformed that the weight of the reference-state in the DFT/MRCI on the compute cluster of the YIG group of Peter Orth. ground state is progressively decreasing with growing wire length, so that more and more Slater determinants have to be included to accurately represent this state. The authors of Ref. 8 come to a qualitatively sim- Appendix A: Non-interacting band-structure and an ilar conclusion. The pp-RPA method is an interest- effective model ing variant of RPA-type approaches, since it incorpo- rates vertex-corrections that are missed, e.g., in stan- We consider a non-interacting (U =0) polyacene wire dardRPAbubble-summations. Thus,itallowstoinclude with the lattice and single particle Hamiltonian of (1) a certain amount of quantum fluctuations when treat- explained in Fig. 1. For this model, we derive analytic ing unscreened wires (i.e. with Coulomb-interactions) expressions for the wave number of the nodal point k , D that would otherwise be too long for more accurate ap- Fermi velocity v , and the oscillation period of gaps of F proaches. A certain drawback of the method is is that it finite chains. The ladder-like lattice features a symme- is uncontrolled: while it can singalize qualitatively that try with a line group D . An important member of ∞h quantum fluctuations are likely to be important, there is the group is a mirror symmetry with respect to the in- no way of telling with confidence what they actually do terchange of stringers which we call parity. The third- in that case, quantitatively. neighbor hoppings can be divided in two groups: a hop- On the qualitative level, the conclusions of Ref. 7 and ping that connects atoms related by the parity and the Ref. 8 are consistent. In particular, also the authors of two hoppings that connect different rungs (Fig. 1). We 8 emphasize that the multi-determinant character of the denote the former by t(cid:48)(cid:48) and the latter by t(cid:48)(cid:48). We label ⊥ × groundstate increases rapidly with growing wire length. the 4 Bloch bands (cid:15) (k) by the wave-number in units sb Ithinderstheformationoflong-rangemagneticorderand of a−1 (the inverse lattice spacing), a parity s = ±1 implies that mean-field results (i. e. unrestricted open- and a remaining band index b = ±1. The explicit ex- shell calculations) are to be interpreted with a grain of pression for the band dispersions is given in (2). The salt. bands are particle-hole symmetric only if t(cid:48) =0, whence It remains to be seen, however, if restoring the spin- (cid:15) (k)=−(cid:15) (k). sb −sb 7 The two bands with b = −1 give rise to a linear dis- 0.2 persion bvF(k −kD) at the Fermi level if the condition U=2.5 U=10.0 tt(cid:48)(cid:48) > 0 is met, as we will show below. We derive ana- U=5.0 U=50.0 ⊥ 0.15 lyticexressionsfork andv undertheconditiont(cid:48) =0. D F The nodal (“Dirac”) point k for t(cid:48) = 0 is the solution D L of the equation 1, 0.1 Δ t2− 1tt(cid:48)(cid:48) 0.05 cos(π−k )= 2 ⊥. (A1) D t2−t(cid:48)(cid:48)t(cid:48)(cid:48) ⊥ × 0 Inthelimitof(π−k )smallthenodal(Dirac)pointand 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 D the Fermi velocity are expressed by inverse length 1/L π−kD =(cid:114)tt(cid:48)⊥(cid:48) (cid:18)1− tt(cid:48)×(cid:48) (cid:19)·(cid:2)1+O(t(cid:48)(cid:48)/t)2(cid:3) (A2) FvaIlGu.es6:U (E(cid:3)x:tra2c.5ti,o◦n:o5f.t0h,e(cid:79)D:M1R0.G0,g(cid:5)a:p5f0o.r0)lavrgiaeaintlienreaacrtiofint of the finite site excitation gap ∆ vs. the inverse system (cid:113) (cid:20) t(cid:48)(cid:48) 9t(cid:48)(cid:48) (cid:21) 1,L v =2 tt(cid:48)(cid:48) · 1− × − ⊥ +O(t(cid:48)(cid:48)/t)2 . (A3) length 1/L, L=2NR+1. F ⊥ t 8 t For oligoacenes within the tight-binding approximation havebeenabletoinvestigate. AtvaluesU ∼1theband- parameterized as above, the band crossing implies gap structure deviates significantly from the massive Dirac- oscillations with the unit cell period of shape and Eq. (B1) no longer applies. (For instance we find a stronger damping of the oscillations as expected (cid:113) (cid:18) t(cid:48)(cid:48) (cid:19) from Eq. (B1) indicating an interaction induced flatten- (1−k /π)−1 =π tt(cid:48)(cid:48) 1+ × +O(t(cid:48)(cid:48)/t)2 . (A4) D ⊥ t ing of the band.) InthelimitoflargeinteractionU thefinitesizeoscilla- Intheequations(A2-A4)thesymbolO(t(cid:48)(cid:48)/t)2 denotes tionsarecompletelywashedoutandthethermodynamic all terms that are of second order in t(cid:48)(cid:48) and t(cid:48)(cid:48). We see limitoftheinteractioninducedgapcanbeextractedfrom ⊥ × that the band crossing sets in with (cid:112)t(cid:48)(cid:48), provided that a linear fit in the inverse system size 1/L, see Fig. 6. ⊥ the signs of t and t(cid:48)(cid:48) are equal. However note, that for U =2.5 an oscillatory part is al- ⊥ Thehoppingt(cid:48) preservesthebandcrossingandweakly ready visible for not too large system sizes. Therefore we take an heuristic approach modeling the decay of the renormalizes k and v . We remark that the low-energy D F oscillations with a power law decay behavior of the non-interacting polyacene model used in thepresentpapercanbemappedontoasimplereffective ∆ (L)=∆ +a/L+bcos(k L+η)/L1+α.. (B3) model with t(cid:48) = t(cid:48)(cid:48) = 0 and t and t(cid:48)(cid:48) non-zero, i.e. a 1 ∞ D × ⊥ ladder model with alternating rungs. This model has as shown in Fig. 7. Here, a/L describes the decay of the been introduced originally by Kivelson and Chapman19. non-oscillatorypart,whilethecosinetermdescribesade- cay of the oscillation faster than 1/L, i.e. α>0. b gives theamplitudeoftheoscillations,k givesperiodicityand D Appendix B: Extracting the bulk gap from η allows for the shifting the phase of the oscillation. α finite-size wires is an heuristic exponent modelling the damping of the oscillations. In our fits we always find α > 0 and α ap- Assuming that the gap opening only affects the band proaches zero for U →0. structureclosetotheDiracpoint,onewouldexpectthat The gaps shown in Fig. 2 are obtained from the linear the gaps are given by a minimal model of a type fits for U >2.0, see Fig. 6, and from fits of Eq. (B3) for U ≤2.0. We mention that the fit for U =1.0 is still sen- (cid:113) sitivetothefitrange,andtheresultshouldbetakenwith ∆DMRG(N ) = ∆(N )2+v2∆k2(N ) (B1) R R F R care. For this reason we refrained from including results π for U < 1.0. In addition, in that regime it is not suffi- ∆k(N ) = cos(k N +φ), (B2) R 2N +2 D R cienttofitasinglecosine, astheresultsaregettingclose R to the saw tooth like behavior as in the non-interacting that follows the zone-folding argument of Ref. 12. The case. In order to fit the results for small U we introduce sqrtterminEq.(B1)accountsforthelevelcrossingwith a (truncated) saw tooth function parameters ∆(N ), v , and φ; ∆(N ) and φ are fit- R F R parameters that accommodate additional finite-size ef- (cid:80)n cos((cid:96)x)/(cid:96)2 g(x)= (cid:96)=1,3,5,···, (B4) fects. Somewhat unexpectedly, our calculations indicate (cid:80)n (cid:96)−2 (cid:96)=1,3,5,··· that the band-structure underlying Eq. (B1) does not provide a faithful description of the true bandstructure and use it instead of the cosine in Eq. (B1). Here we of the infinite wire with the range of U-values that we imposed a limit of n=17. The results for U = 0.2, 0.5 8 where HˆU=0 denotes the non-interacting system accord- 0.2 U=1.0 U=1.5 U=2.0 ing to Eq. (1), σ denotes up and down spins, −σ the opposite spin to σ, and n¯ the expectation value of the σ,x 0.15 local density operator nˆσ,x at site x with spin σ. We have checked that by breaking the remaining Sz con- tot servation, therefore allowing for Fock terms of the form L 1, 0.1 cˆ† cˆ ,weonlyfindsolutionswherethespinquantiza- Δ σ,x −σ,x tion axis is rotated with respect to the Hartree solution. Note that in this case the solution depends on the ini- 0.05 tialization of the self consistency loop. Since up and down spins do not mix in (C1), we can 0 represent the up and down spin sectors by independent 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 matrices. WestarttheHFcalculationsbyfirstdiagonal- inverse length 1/L izing the non-interacting system in order to obtain the ground state energy E as a reference. Note that in this 0 FIG. 7: Extraction of the DMRG gap ∆1,∞ for not too case we obtain a homogeneous solution n¯σ,x = 0.5. We large interaction values U (×: 1.0, +: 1.5, (cid:79): 2.0). The then explicitly introduce a staggered magnetic order by extrapolation is performed using Eq. (B3) for ∆ vs. the setting n¯ = 0.5 ± 0.01σ, where we take ’+’ on one 1,L σ,x inverse length 1/L, L = 2NR +1, and displayed by lines, sublattice of the bipartite system and ’−’ for the other while the symbols correspond to the DMRG results. sublattice (Fig. 1). With these initial values we diago- nalize HHF and calculate the locate densities n¯ which σ,x we then iteratively insert into (C1). We perform at least 0.25 U=0.2 U=0.5 fiveiterationsandcontinueuntilthegroundstateenergy EHF of Hamiltonian HHF changes by less then 10−10t. 0.2 In order to avoid getting stuck in an oscillation between two solutions, we damp the HF self consistency loop by 0.15 taking an average of 0.7 times the new density and 0.3 L Δ1, times the densities of the preceding iteration. 0.1 Finally,wecheckwhetherthegroundstateenergyEHF including the double counting corrections 0.05 UM (cid:88) EHF =ESC − + U n¯ n¯ (C2) 0 4 σ,x −σ,x 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 j inverse length 1/L is smaller than the ground state energy E of the non- 0 interacting system. Indeed we always find EHF ≤ E 0 FIG.8: ExtractionoftheDMRGgap∆1,∞forsmallinterac- The spin-averaged local density n¯↑,j + n¯↓,j of our HF tionvaluesfrom∆1,Lvs. theinverselength1/L,L=2NR+1. solution is homogenous and the total staggered magneti- For not too large U (×: 0.2, ◦: 0.5). The fits correspond to sation MHF is given by the difference between the mag- Eq.(B1)wherethecosineisreplacedbyasawtoothEq.(B4) netization of the two sub lattices 1 m = (n¯ −n¯ ), (C3) are displayed in Fig. 8. While the fits do capture the j 2 ↑,j ↓,j oscillationquietwell,thefinitesizeoscillationsareorders (cid:88) (cid:88) MHF = m − m . (C4) of magnitudes larger than the extracted gaps. In return j j we do not trust the extracted values and did not include j∈A j∈B them in Fig. 2. 2. Hartree-Fock: commensurate case Appendix C: Methodological details The main problem of obtaining the U (cid:28) 1 HF solu- 1. Numerical Hartree-Fock tions in Fig. 2 roots in the finite size oscillations being incommensurable. Therefore we need very large system sizes in order to start with an U = 0 finite size gap ∆ Due to SU(2) symmetry combined with a local on- 0 beingsmallerthantheinteractioninducedgapintheHF site interaction, we can restrict our HF equations to the calculations. This extraction of the HF gap gets simpli- Hartree terms fiedifweswitchtothecaseofcommensurateoscillations HHF =HˆU=0 + U(cid:88)(n¯ −0.5)nˆ , (C1) by choosing a fine-tuned t(cid:48)(cid:48) from our solution Eq. (A1). σ,x −σ,x InFig.9wedisplaytheresultsinthecaseofaperiodicity x,σ 9 in Fig. 2. 1 COHF 0.00323 U 10-1 exp( -D0/( U + D1U2)) 10-2 3. DMRG ] U [ 10-3 ∞ HFΔ1,10-4 Within our DMRG calculations we keep up to 8000 D0=3.01 statesperblock; thedimensionofthetargetspacegrows 10-5 D1=0.397 up to 4.6·107, the discarded entropies are considerably 10-6 below 10−4 for U >1.0, while for U ≤1.0 the discarded entropies reach 4.2·10−2 for systems with N > 20 in R 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 eachDMRGstep,typicallysignificantlysmaller. Weem- ploy at least 7 finite lattice sweeps with an optimized in- U finite lattice warm up for the smallest system sizes. In order to reach large system sizes we iteratively restart a FIG.9: TheHFgap∆HF asshowninFig.2,left,inthecase of commensurate oscilla1t,∞ions t(cid:48)(cid:48) =0.13 where the periodicity NR simulationinordertoinvestigateaNR+1ring. Note is given by 20 rings. The gap is obtained by HF calculations that for this we only have to deactivate the wave func- for N =20,40,60,··· ,200. tionpredictionintheinitialstepofarestart. Inorderto R initialize the simulations we apply a sliding environment block approach, that we already employed successfully oftwentyrings. Weobtainedthecorrespondingt(cid:48)(cid:48) =0.13 tofractionalquantumhallsystems.30–32 Insteadofusing by solving Eq. 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