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In vivo screening of modified siRNAs for non-specific antiviral effect in a small fish model: number and localization in the strands are important. PDF

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Published online 28 January 2012 Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, Vol. 40, No. 10 4653–4665 doi:10.1093/nar/gks033 In vivo screening of modified siRNAs for non-specific antiviral effect in a small fish model: number and localization in the strands are important Brian Dall Schyth1,*, Jesper Bertram Bramsen2,3, Malgorzata Maria Pakula2,3, Sekar Larashati1, Jørgen Kjems2,3, Jesper Wengel4 and Niels Lorenzen1 1Department of Poultry, Fish and Fur Animals, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Hangøvej 2, DK-8200 Aarhus N, 2Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, C.F. Møllers Alle´, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, 3Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C and 4Nucleic Acid Center, Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M Received January 30, 2011; Revised January 5, 2012; Accepted January 6, 2012 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are promising new Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) program specific gene active compounds in gene medicine but the induc- transcripts for destruction via the cellular RNA interfer- tion of non-specific immune responses following ence pathway (1). SiRNAs typically consist of two 21-nt their delivery continues to be a serious problem. long strands annealed to generate 19bp with a 2-nt Withthepurposeofavoidingsucheffectschemical- overhang at each 30-end (2,3). Upon delivery to the cell lymodifiedsiRNAsaretestedinscreeningassaybut cytoplasm, siRNA duplexes are taken up by the RNA often only examining the expression of specific im- induced silencing complex (RISC) (4–6) in which the munologically relevant genes in selected cell popu- Argonaute 2 component, cleaves one strand by its endo- nucleaseactivityleavingtheantisensestrand(AS)tobind lations typically blood cells from treated animals or and induce cleavage of the complementary mRNA tran- humans.Assaysusingarelevantphysiologicalstate scripts (7–10). As this enables down-regulation of specific in biological models as read-out are not common. genes (11) siRNAs are both regarded as valuable tools in Here we use a fish model where the innate anti- functionalgenomicsaswellaspotentialtherapeuticagents viral effect of siRNAs is functionally monitored as (12). However, the occurrence of cellular immune recep- reduced mortality in challenge studies involving an tors capable of recognizing single and double-stranded interferon sensitive virus. Modifications with locked RNA species (13–22) complicates the interpretation of nucleic acid (LNA), altritol nucleic acid (ANA) and siRNA experiments (23–25) as these receptors activate hexitol nucleic acid (HNA) reduced the antiviral pro- innateimmunedefencemechanismswhichcanpotentially tection in this model indicative of altered immuno- lead to physiological changes of the biological system genicity. For LNA modified siRNAs, the number and under investigation (26–28). Chemical modifications of siRNA duplexes have been shown to affect the regulation localization of modifications in the single strands of genes involved in innate immunological response using was found to be important and a correlation either cell cultures or specific cell types from treated or between antiviral protection and the thermal stabil- non-treatedmiceorhumanbloodcellstypicallyperipheral ity of siRNAs was found. The previously published blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s) or levels of immuno- sisiRNAwillinsomesequences,butnotall,increase logically relevant proteins in serum (18,29–37) but still theantiviraleffectofsiRNAs.Theappliedfishmodel little is known about the functional effects and conse- represents a potent tool for conducting fast but quences of such regulation in animal model assays where statistically and scientifically relevant evaluations chemically modified siRNAs are applied. In this study, of chemically optimized siRNAs with respect to we test a range of modified siRNAs for their ability non-specific antiviral effects in vivo. to induce a non-specific antiviral response in a small *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel:+45 35886890; Fax:+45 35886901; Email: [email protected] (cid:2)TheAuthor(s)2012.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress. ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc/3.0),whichpermitsunrestrictednon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 4654 NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 vertebratemodel.Weexploitourpreviousfindingthatthe with VHSV (27). Briefly, 1mg siRNA was mixed with activation of a functional innate immune mechanisms by 2mg DOTAP in 0.9% NaCl (physiological saline, delivered siRNAs can delay and reduce the mortality of Nycomed, Denmark). Fish were anaesthetized in 0.01% small juvenile rainbow trout challenged with the fish benzocaine (ethyl p-aminobenzoate, Sigma, Brøndby, pathogenic rhabdovirus Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Denmark) and injected intraperitoneally with 20ml of Virus (VHSV) (27). Our data indicate that the induced the formulated siRNAs using a 27G needled syringe immune effect of modified siRNAs in vivo is determined before adding them to the respective aquaria’s containing by several factors such as nucleotide sequence of the 8l of running tap water. A total of 2(cid:2)30 fish were siRNA,modificationchemistries,numberandlocalization included in each group. The water flow was stopped 24h of modifications and probably, as our results seem to post-siRNA injection followed by addition of VHSV indicate, the thermal stability of RNA bindings. isolate DK-3592B (45) to each of the experimental aquaria giving an approximate titre of 105 TCID /ml in 50 the water of each aquarium. After 2h of exposure the MATERIALS AND METHODS water flow was restarted. For the next 2 weeks, diseased fish were daily registered and removed from each Synthesis, purification and annealing of duplexes aquarium, examined for external signs of the disease and The synthesis of non-modified and chemically modified frozen down for later verification of VHSV infection. siRNAs was performed as described in Bramsen et al. Verification was carried out by testing material of (38,39) using previously published sequences designed homogenized whole fish (without tail fin) by a VHSV totargetthereportergeneenhancedgreenfluorescentpro- specific ELISA (46). Relative percent survival (RPS) at tein (EGFP) and the housekeeping gene Glyceraldehyde Day 10–12 post-viral challenge was calculated from the 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from mouse established mortality curves (Figures 2, 3 and 4) as RPS (39; appendix 2). Locked nucleic acid (LNA; 40) (%)=100*[1(cid:3)(mortalityfish/mortalitypositivecontrol modified oligonucleotides were obtained by using com- fish)]. The respective time points post-challenge for mercially available LNA phosphoramidite building calculating RPS were chosen because they corresponded blocks (www.exiqon.com). The chemical synthesis of the with nearly full mortality of non-treated positive control remaining modified phosphoramidites have previously fish challenged with virus as well as with near linearity of been described: HM (40-C-hydroxymethyl-DNA) (41), the rest of the mortality curves. OMe (20-O-methyl) (41), ANA (altritol nucleic acid) (42), HNA (hexitol nucleic acid) (43) and AEM Estimating the binding energy of annealed duplexes (20-aminoethoxymethyl) (44). Their structures are shown The thermal stability of annealed siRNA duplexes was inFigure1.Followingannealingofstrandstheformation estimated by analysis of dissociation curves generated in of double-stranded siRNAs was verified by 12% PAGE. a Stratagene Mx3000p RealTime PCR machine as has been described for annealed strands of DNA and RNA In vivo screening for the antiviral potential of duplexes (47). Briefly 5ml of the duplex dilution was added to a Duplexes were formulated in the liposome-formulated mixture containing 19ml physiological saline (0.9% polycationic transfection agent 1, 2-dioleoyl-3-trimethyl- NaCl) and 1ml SYBR Green (Molecular Probes, ammonium propane (DOTAP; Roche Diagnostics, Invitrogen, Denmark) pre-diluted 1:1000. A dissociation Basel, Switzerland), injected into the intraperitoneum curvewasrecordedwhileincreasingthetemperaturefrom (IP) of 1g large rainbow trout followed by challenge 25(cid:4)C to 95(cid:4)C at a temperature change of 1.8(cid:4)C/min. O O O CCHH bbase o2 CHo2 base CHo2 base O OH O OH O Non-modified ANA HNA RNA nucleotide nucleotide nucleotide O O O O CHoo2 base CHoo2 base CHo2 base CHo2 base HOHC O OCH3 O O 2 O O OCH2OCH2CH2NH3+ 2´OMe LNA HM AEM nucleotide nucleotide nucleotide nucleotide Figure 1. Chemical structures of the oligonucleotides used to modify siRNA strands in this study. See text for explanation of acronyms. RNA, ANA, HNA, 20-OMe, LNA, HM and AEM. NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 4655 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 2. The fish-virusmodelisabletodistinguishbetweenthelevelsofantiviralprotection inducedbychemically modifiedsiRNAs.Variantsof one siRNA targeting the VHS virus irrelevant reporter gene EGFP were formulated in DOTAP and IP injected into small rainbow trout prior to challenge with the fish pathogenic and interferon sensitive VHS virus (a). Sequences and modifications of strands used to generate the injected siRNAs can be seen in Supplementary Table S1, but are shown here diagrammatically (b). All strands were chemically modified variants of the siRNAsequenceseenintheupperpanel.Strandnumbersusedthroughoutthetextareplacednexttothediagrammaticrepresentationsofstrands. ThechemistriesusedtomodifyRNAstrandsareshowninFigure1(themeaningofwhite,greyandblackballshapesaswellasthelightningsymbol isexplainedinthediagram).Inordertogeneratemortalitycurves(c)thedeadfishfromthechallengestudywerecountedandmonitoredasmean accumulated mortality±SD(errorbars)oftreatedgroups.Eachgroupwasruninduplicatewith30fishperreplicate. (d)Knock-downactivityof themodifiedsiRNAswasexaminedbytheuseofaninvitroluciferaseassayasexplainedin‘MaterialsandMethods’section.Thecolourcodingused for the various modified siRNAsin (b)is equal tothe one used in themortality curves (c) andin the figure onthe in vitro knock-downeffect (d). 4656 NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 (a) EGFP targeting siRNA 5´-ACUUGUGGCCGUUUACGUC GCU-´3 3´-UCU UGAACACCGGCAAAUGCAG-´5 = RNA = LNA modified 100% PosC no siRNA W209 : W181 +2 +8 +2 yy 8800%% WW220099:: SS alit +4 +2 mort 60% AS : W181 c. +2 +4 c 40% a % W006 : W181 +2 +4 +2 20% siEGFPAS : SS W006 : SS 00%% ++22 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 days post challenge (b) GAPDH targeting siRNA 5´-AAUACGACCAAAUCCGUUG UU-´3 3´-UUUUAUGCUGGUUUAGGCAAC -´5 100% PosC no siRNA id1715 : W204 +2 +8 +2 80% yy iidd11771155::SS alit +4 +2 rt 60% o m AS : W204 c. 40% +2 +4 c a % W203 : W204 20% +2 +4 +2 siGAPDH AS : SS W203 : SS 0% ++22 11 33 55 77 99 1111 1133 1155 1177 1199 2211 days post challenge Figure 3. The number and localization of LNA modifications in the siRNAs seems to determine their antiviral effect in the fish-virus model. Screening of LNA modified variants of one siRNA-targeting EGFP (a) and of one targeting GAPDH (b) using the same pattern of modification showedthatthereisalsoaneffectofsequence.Rightpanel:diagrammaticrepresentationsofsiRNAswithwhiteballshapesasRNAnucleotidesand black ball shapes as LNA. Counts below the siRNA diagrams are counts of LNA modifications inside the duplex part and in the overhangs respectively.ChallengeexperimentsandmortalitycurvesweregeneratedlikeexplainedforFigure2.Colourcodeswereusedtodifferentiatebetween siRNAs. Detailed sequence information with annotation of modified bases can be found in Supplementary Table S2. Emitted fluorescence from SYBR Green bound to thermal stabilities of siRNAs were correlated with the duplexes was recorded every 0.5s. The FAM filter set RPS of fish treated with these siRNAs in the challenge with excitation wavelength at 492nm and emission wave- studies (see ‘Materials and Methods’ section above on length at 516nm was used. MxPro software (Stratagene, the in vivo screening of antiviral potential of duplexes). La Jolla, CA) was used for determining T by the –R0(T) m methods, where Tm is defined as the temperature where TNFa regulation in human PBMC treated with siRNAs the drop in fluorescence is maximal. As melting is per- PBMCs from healthy volunteers (200000/well) were formed relatively fast we cannot expect equilibrium treated with 100nM siRNA-targeting EGFP mRNA, between bound and unbound strands to be reached again using DOTAP as the delivery reagent. After 9, 12 during measurement which is why we do not regard and 18h the supernatant from the cells was collected and measured melting temperatures to be exact values but frozenin(cid:3)80(cid:4)Cuntiluse.Thesampleswerethenassayed rather relative approximations of thermal stability on humanTNF-aELISA MaxTMDeluxe Sets (Biolegend between differently modified siRNAs. The approximated #430205). NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 4657 (a) EGFP targeting siRNA 5´-ACUUGUGGCCGUUUACGUC GCU-´3 33´´-UUCCUU UUGGAAAACCAACCCCGGGGCCAAAAAAUUGGCCAAGG-´´55 100% W209 : W181 PosC no siRNA W209 : W178 / W179 80% y alit ort 60% AS : W181 m AS:W178/W179 c. c 40% a % 20% W006 : W181 siEGFP AS : SS W006 : W178 / W179 0% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 days post challenge (b) GAPDH targeting siRNA 5´-AAUACGACCAAAUCCGUUG UU-´3 3´-UUUUAUGCUGGUUUAGGCAAC -´5 100% id1715 : W204 PosC no siRNA id1715 : W214 / W216 80% y ortalit 60% AASS :: WW220144 / W216 m c. 40% cc a % 20% W203 : W204 siGAPDH AS : SS W203 : W214 / W216 0% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 days post challenge Figure 4. A knick introduced in the SS increases antiviral effect in the fish-virus model. (a) Screening of the LNA modified siRNAs W209:W181, AS:W181 and W006:W181 (from Figure 3a) against versions of the same siRNAs where the W181 strand was substituted with the two smaller strandsW178andW179.(b)InthesamewaytheLNAmodifiedsiRNAsfromFigure3b:id1715:W204,AS:204andW203:W204werecomparedto siRNAswhereW204hadbeensubstitutedwiththetwostrandsW214andW216.Challengeexperimentsandmortalitycurvesweregeneratedusing two duplicate aquaria of 30 fish per treatment group. Mean mortalities±SD. Colour codes were used to differentiate between siRNAs. Sequence informationforthesesiRNAstrandscanbefoundinSupplementaryTableS2.AnickintheSSisnotedbyalighteningsymbolinthediagrammatic representation of strands. Test of RNAi functionality of modified siRNAs in vitro RPMI per well. After 4h, the transfection mixture was substituted with growth medium containing serum. Cell Test for siRNA silencing activity was done using a previ- lysates were harvested after 48h and luciferase assays ously established protocol (48). Briefly, the human lung were performed using the ‘Dual-luciferase reporter assay cancer cell line H1299 was grown in RPMI-1640 contain- system’ (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s ing 10% FBS, 1% penicillin/streptomycin. A stable protocol on a FLUOstar luminometer (BMG labtech); luciferasereporterH1299celllinewascreatedbytransfec- Renilla luciferase signals (sample) were normalized to tion with a psiCHECK2 vector (Promega) modified to the firefly luciferase signals (transfection control). contain a perfect target site for the EGFP specific siRNA in the multiple cloning site (MCS) located in the 30-UTRoftheRenillaluciferasegene.Apuromycinresist- RESULTS ance cassette in the vector allowed for the selection of Chemical modifications of siRNAs modulate their stably transfected cells (1mg puromycin/ml medium). antiviral effects in a viral challenge model Evaluation of knock-down efficiency was performed using this cell line and transfections with EGFP specific In the VHS virus challenge model, rainbow trout injected siRNAs at 10nm concentrations in triplicates. with a non-modified siRNA targeting the virus-irrelevant Lipofectamine 2000 reagent (Invitrogen) was used in a reporter gene EGFP (RNA/RNA-targeting eGFP duplex 96-well format with 15000 cells in 100ml serum-free in Figure 2) experienced a lower degree of virus induced 4658 NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 mortality compared to buffer injected control fish (PosC their antiviral induction to different levels seen as varying no siRNA in Figure 2c). Initial experiments using 1–2mg degreesofreductioninthemortalitycurve.Duplexescon- siRNA did not show signs of concentration dependence taining an AS strand with only 30-end LNA modification upon mortality why we are probably working with a (W006:W181, W006:SS and W203:W204, W203:SS in saturated system (data not shown). We have previously Figure 3a–b) showed no abrogation of antiviral response shown indirect evidence that the non-specific reduction compared to the siRNA composed only of RNA. This of mortality was due to induction of an interferon was also seen when LNA substitutions where placed response (27). In order to determine whether chemical in both overhangs (W208:W194 in Figure 2) and modification could influence the antiviral effect, we did not seem to be related to whether the overhang was screened a range of modified versions of this siRNA 3- or 2-nt long. (Figure 2b) for their ability to protect fish from viral induced mortality (Figure 2c). Most of the modified A knick in the SS (sisiRNA) increases the antiviral effect siRNAs induced a high antiviral protection equal to or in some siRNAs in some cases even stronger than that induced by the non-modified siRNA indicative of a potent interferon As LNA nucleotide substitutions are known to increase response. However, three of the modified siRNAs, con- the thermal stability of RNA and DNA duplexes (40,49) taining LNA, HNA or AEM nucleotides respectively we checked whether a reduction of duplex stability exhibited a reduced antiviral effect as revealed by an through introduction of a destabilizing break in the pas- increased and more acute mortality in the challenge senger strands would be able to increase their antiviral model (lighter red, orange and yellow curves in effect (Figure 4a and b). This was the case, but the effect Figure 2c). Especially the sisiRNA (40), which was LNA was most pronounced for the GAPDH siRNA where the modified in the stem part and where the passenger strand sisiRNA design led to decreased mortality for all modifi- [sense strand (SS)] was replaced by two shorter 10-nt and cation patterns. 12-nt strands, showed a dramatically reduced antiviral effect compared to the non modified RNA/RNA duplex. In contrast, the siRNA which was LNA modified only in A high LNA load reduces knock-down efficiency but can the overhangs (W208:W194), showed no abrogation of be partly restored by the sisiRNA design antiviral response in our model. Except from the AEM We checked the knock-down efficiency of our siRNAs in modified version, all the siRNAs retained knock-down an in vitro assay using human cells and found that all functionality in vitro (Figure 2d), although the sisiRNA worked as potent inhibitors except for the highly LNA seemed less potent. Accordingly, our initial observations modified W209:W181 double-strand (Figure 5). On the show that it is possible to strongly reduce induction of other hand, the sisiRNA design of this duplex innate mechanisms while still retaining a significant (W209:W178/W179) increased the knock-down efficiency knock-downeffect.Interestinglywedidfindastronganti- from 0%to65%, which showsthat we can,aspreviously viral effect of our 20OMe nucleotide modified siRNA postulated, increase the knock-down efficiency of these despite that 20OMe has previously been shown to be a modified siRNAs by pre-cleaving the passenger strand potent antagonist of immunostimulatory RNA in the (39). The interesting finding here was that whereas this mammalian systems where it was tested (32,35). cleaving in many cases resulted in higher antiviral effect (lowermortalityinthechallengestudy)suchaneffectwas LNA modifications in the siRNA stem reduces not significant for the W209:W178/W179 duplex antiviral effect (Figure 4a) indicating that it might be possible in some The effect of introducing LNAs into siRNAs was cases to design LNA modified siRNAs causing none or investigatedbyvaryingthenumberandpositionsofmodi- only insignificant side effects while still retaining their fications in the EGFP-targeting siRNA (Figure 3a). In knock-down efficiency. order to control for sequence related effects we also included non-modified and modified versions of a previ- Discrepancies between the fish model and a mammalian ouslypublishedGAPDH-targetingsiRNAusingthesame in vitro system modification patterns as for the EGFP-targeting siRNA (Figure 3b). The setup included native strands, strands We investigated whether the innate immune response with four LNAs in the stem and two LNAs in the to the siRNA variants, as observed in the fish model, overhang and finally strands with only two LNAs in the could be recapitulated in human PBMCs using the level overhang (only AS). Pairing of AS and SS containing six of the proinflammatory molecule TNF-a as read-out LNAsinbothstrandsstronglyreducedtheantiviraleffect (Supplementary Figure S1). We saw the tendency of of both the EGFP and the GAPDH specific siRNA seen decreased immune stimulation with increased LNA load, as a higher mortality compared to the non-modified but whereas the immune stimulatory effect of siRNAs siRNAs (compare the siRNAs W209:W181 and containing LNA modifications in the overhang only id1715:W204 with the non-modified siRNAs called (siRNA harbouring the W006 strand) resembled that of AS:SS in Figure 3a and b respectively). When shifting theunmodifiedRNAduplexinthefishmodelthiswasnot strands to ones containing a lower number of LNA as clear in the human PBMC’s where only the W006:SS residues in the stem part of siRNAs these again resumed duplex was highly stimulatory. NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 4659 using TNF-a as a measurement of immune induction we found nearly similar results (Supplementary Figure S2). Single strands induce the antiviral response which can be abrogated by LNA modification We tested whether the single strands used to generate our siRNA duplexes could themselves induce the antiviral response in the fish model as has previous been shown in mammalian cells (18,21,33). This was also the case in the fish model where our results indicated that the anti- viraleffectoftheduplexescouldbeexplainedbytheeffect of the strongest inducer of the two strands [Figure 8a–b; AS from the AS:SS (non-modified RNA duplex), W006 from W006:W181 and SS from W006:SS]. This indicated strand competition for receptors rather than an additive Figure 5. Highly LNA modified siRNAs show low knock-down effi- effect of strands although this should be further ciency which is possible to regain by introducing a knick in the SS. investigated by using a larger set of sequences. The same Suchfindingshavepreviouslybeenshown(29)butwetesteditagainon was seen when using two strands of the same orientation thespecificstrandsusedinthisstudy.Thecellcultureassayisdescribed in‘MaterialsandMethods’section.Dataaremeanvaluesfortriplicate which are not expected to hybridize (Figure 8c; wells and error bars represent SDs. All values were normalized to the Combinations of the AS, which is the non-modified meansignalfromcellstreatedwithamismatchedsiRNAnotexpected RNA AS, the W006 strand which was only end modified totargettheluciferaseexpression.Anexpressionvalueof1isequalto by LNA and the W010 strand containing six LNA notargetreduction(100%luciferasesignal).Thestrandnumbersinthe leftpanelarethesameasusedthroughoutthetextandFigures3and4. modifications). DISCUSSION Antiviral effects of LNA modified siRNAs in the fish Viraldiseasesofrainbowtroutarewellstudiedduetothe model are correlated with their thermal stability use of this species in aquaculture. Good infection models The suggested relationship between duplex stability and existmakingthisaninterestinganimalmodelforthestudy immune stimulatory properties was further analysed by of antiviral medicines. Recently, the use of siRNA knock plotting estimated melting temperatures of siRNAs with down for targeting viral diseases has been tested in their corresponding effect on mortality in the infection rainbowtrout(27),but giventhestrong non-specific anti- trials. For LNA modified siRNAs (presented in viral effect, which are under some circumstances induced Figures 3 and 4) we found a positive correlation between by siRNAs, it can, like in the mammalian studies (23), be the relative thermal stabilities of LNA modified siRNAs difficult to get a relevant read-out of the specific effect and their antiviral effect seen in our infection model (26,27). In rainbow trout we have previously shown that (Figure 6b–c). Such a relationship should probably not IP injected siRNAs, when formulated by the effective be expected for all types of modifications as indicated by liposomal delivery reagent DOTAP, are first taken up by our initial screening experiments where thermal stability macrophage-like cells in the intraperitoneum followed by couldnotexplaindifferencesinimmunestimulationacross an antiviral immune response which is able to protect the different types of modifications (Figure 6a; siRNAs from fish against VHS virus induced mortality (27). Previously screening shown in Figure 2). IP injected mice were shown to take up DOTAP formulated siRNAs by the same route, but unfortunately LNAs in the siRNA stem can abrogate the effect of a the absence of an interferon response in this model was previously published immune stimulating motif onlystudiedinintravenously(IV)injectedmice(50).Ithas Toinvestigatethegeneralityofourobservationsinthefish previously been reported that introduction of chemical model, we tested an siRNA previously found to contain modifications into siRNAs were able to reduce their in- a mammalian immune stimulatory motif (‘GUCCUU duction of innate immune mechanisms in mammalian CAA’) in the SS and compared this to a modified systems (17,18,22,23,28–35). Here we used the fish-virus siRNA containing four LNA substitutions inside the model to screen for types of modifications which reduce motif as a means of abrogating the stimulatory effect theabilityofsiRNAstoactsasantiviralstimulantsinvivo (18). Using our in vivo model, we found that four LNA- without compromising their knock-down efficiency as modifications within the immune stimulatory motif evaluated in vitro in a mammalian system. The initial reduced the antiviral effects significantly (Figure 7a) in screenings clearly demonstrated that the fish-virus model agreement with the mammalian study (18). Notably, a could differentiate between different modified versions of similar reduction in antiviral effect was seen when the thesiRNAbasedontheirantiviraleffecttowardstheVHS LNA substitutions were placed in the AS of the region virus. Notably, the antiviral effect of the LNA modified complementary to the immune stimulatory motif. For sisiRNA, the HNA and the AEM modified siRNAs were these siRNAs melting temperature and %RPS was also significantly reduced compared to the effect seen when negatively correlated (Figure 7b). In the human PBMCs using the non-modified siRNA (Figure 2c), but only the 4660 NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 (a) siRNAstargetingEGFP (variousmodificationsfrom Fig. 2) Nonmodified RNA AS + SS Highantiviral 2nts in overhang LNA mod. 90 protection (W208:W194) 0 70 2´OMe 1 y ANA a AEM d 50 S HM P HNA R 30 % Lowantiviral sisiRNAhighLNA load 10 protection (W209 + W178 / W179) 45 55 65 75 85 95 (b) siRNAstargetingEGFP (LNA mod. from Fig.3-4 ) W006 : SS W006 : W181 W006 : W178 / W179 90 AS+SS 0 AS : W181 1 70 y AS : W178 / W179 a d 50 W209 : SS S P sisiRNAhighLNA load R 30 % (W209 : W178 / W179) 10 siRNAhighLNA load (W209 : W181) 45 55 65 75 85 95 (c) siRNAstargetingGAPDH (LNA mod. from Fig.3-4 ) W203 : SS 90 W203 : W204 AS + SS 12 70 W203 : W214 / W216 y a S d 50 AS : W204 P ID1715 : SS AS : W214 / W216 R 30 % sisiRNAhighLNAload 10 (id1715 + W214 / W216) siRNAhighLNA load 45 55 65 75 85 95 (id1715 + W204) Relative thermal stability of siRNAs in fysiological saline Figure 6. Antiviral effect of siRNAs in the fish-virus model showed a negative correlation with the estimated thermal stabilities for the LNA modified siRNAs (b–c) but not for the assembly of modified siRNAs screened in Figure 2 (a). RPS was calculated from the mortality curves shown in Figure 2 (6a) and 3–4 (6b–c) respectively using the procedure described in ‘Materials and Methods’ section and correlated with relative thermalstability ofsiRNAs estimated asthe meltingtemperature foundbydissociation curve analysis. Strandandmodification namesrefer tothe ones used in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Supplementary Tables S1 and S2. LNA modified sisiRNA and the HNA modified siRNA we were not able to show the same general effect of withoutabrogatingtheknock-downpotential(Figure2d). including the W006 strand in our human PBMC cell cul- We further investigated the role of LNA modification. tureexperimentswhereonlytheW006:SSsiRNAstrongly Our results indicated the importance of the modification induced the expression of TNFa (Supplementary pattern in our siRNAs. Introduction of LNAs inside the Figure S1). Discrepancies between the results from the stempartgenerallyreducedtheantiviralstimulationinthe mammalian in vitro models including our own and our fishascomparedtomodificationsintheoverhangs.Arole fish in vivo model systems could result from the former of LNA modifications in siRNA overhangs on cellular using human PBMC’s in in vitro systems and only stress has previously only been described with respect to assayingtheregulationofaspecificstressorimmunologic- reduced viability in HeLa cells (38; Here using the same ally relevant gene. One other interesting difference strands W006 and W203 as we used in our study). between the innate response in our model and previous This could potentially be due to the innate response we mammalian models included the absence of an effect by sawasa functional antiviralprotection inour model.But our 20-OMe modified siRNA. As we only included one NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 4661 (a) 100% 5´-UUGAAGGACAGGUUAAGCU dTdT-´3 PosC no siRNA 3´-dTdTAACUUCCUGUC CAAUUCGA -´5 80% Immune stim. Motif (Hornung et al, 2004) y rtalit 60% 3´-dT5d´T-UAUACGTAUACGCGUAGCUACG GCAUAUUAUACGGCAU -d´5TdT-´3 o mm c. 40% 5´-UTGAAGGACAGGUUAAGCU dTdT-´3 ac 3´-dTdTAACUUCCUGUC CAAUUCGA -´5 % 20% 5´-UTGAAGGACAGGUUAAGCU dTdT-´3 0% 3´-dTdTAACTUCCUGUC CAAUUCGA -´5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 days post VHSV challenge Underlined = LNA (b) 90 70 0 1 y a d 50 S P RR % 30 10 75 80 85 90 Relative thermal stability of siRNAs in fysiological saline Figure 7. The relation between thermal stability and antiviral effect in vivo was also found using LNA modifications of a previously published siRNA containing an immune stimulatory motif (13). Challenge experiments (a) and estimation of siRNA thermal stability was carried out as described in the text. The immune stimulating motif is boxed in grey in the sequence diagrams in (a). The first siRNA from the top is the non-modified siRNA. The second from the top is also a sequence from the Hornung et al. study where the immune stimulatory effect of the siRNAwasreducedbysubstitutingfourRNAnucleotideswithLNAnucleotidesinthemotif(LNAresiduesareunderlined).ThenextsiRNAwas our own design and included LNA modifications only in the strand opposite to the proposed motif. In the last siRNA (lower row) modifications wereintroducedintobothstrands.(b)WeshowthatRPSandthermalstabilityofthesesiRNAsarenegativelycorrelated.Methodsareasdescribed in the ‘‘Materials and Methods’ section’ section as well as in the text for Figure 5. Mortality curves were made from mean values for duplicate groups of fish with the same treatment. Error bars represent SDs of duplicates. 20-OMe modified duplex in our initial experiments we Furthermore, we found a correlation between thermal cannot safely say whether this is a general finding in the stability and antiviral effect of a previously published fish model or whether a different pattern of modification siRNAs harbouring animmunostimulatory motif (18). would have behaved different. One possible explanation for the influence of thermal LNAmodificationsinthestempartofdouble-stranded stability of siRNAs upon antiviral activation when de- nucleic acids are known to increase their thermal stability livered by DOTAP comes from recent findings that this which could change the siRNAs ability to react with cationic liposome based delivery reagent promotes effi- cellular receptors. For our in vivo model we found indica- cient delivery via uptake into endosome compartments tions that the thermal stability of LNA modified siRNAs of the vertebrate cell (21,51). Here they allow for the rec- could be a determinator of the degree of antiviral effect ognition of both double-stranded RNA and single- induced. First, we demonstrated that fish injected with stranded RNA species by TLR receptors 3, 7 and 8 all siRNAs containing more LNA modifications in the stem signalling the initiation of the interferon response experienced a higher mortality following viral infection (19; 51). At least in isolated mouse leucocytes the single indicative of a lower innate antiviral stimulation. strands of siRNAs have been shown to act as ligand for Secondly, the introduction of destabilizing nicks in the TLR-7 and 8 (18). This could explain the correlation stem part (the sisiRNA design) had the opposite effect. between thermodynamic stability and antiviral effect in Thirdly, the relative thermal stability between strands as our in vivo model. Importantly, fish also have TLR3, 7 estimatedbythedissociationcurvemethod(47)wasnega- and 8 although two forms of TLR8 are present in the tivelycorrelatedwiththeRPSintheviralchallengestudies. rainbow trout (52–54). 4662 NucleicAcidsResearch,2012,Vol.40,No.10 (a) 100% PosC AS : SS 80% y rtalit 60% AS o mm SSSS c. 40% c a W010 : W181 % 20% W010 0% W181 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 days post challenge (b) 100% PosC 80% y WW000066+:SSSS alit 60% rt o WW000066+:WW118811 m c. 4400%% ac W006 % 20% SS 0% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 W181 days post challenge (c) 100% PosC + 80% W006 + AS 60% WW000066 +/ WW001100 + 4400%% WW000066 20% AS 0% W010 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Figure 8. LNAmodificationisabletoreducetheantiviraleffectinducedbysingleRNAstrandsinthefishmodel.Theantiviraleffectofthesingle strandsseemstodeterminetheeffectofthecorrespondingsiRNAduplexinanon-additivemanner.StrandsscreenedweretheAS,SS,W010,W181 and W006 (siRNA-targeting EGFP; Figures 3a, 4a and Supplementary Figure S2) including combinations of these which were formulated in DOTAP and injected into rainbow trout subsequently infected with VHSV as described in ‘‘Materials and Methods’ section’. Mortality curves anderrorbarswheremadeasdescribedinpreviousfigures.TheW010strandresemblestheW209strandusedthroughoutthisstudy,butcontainsan extraUinthe30-end.Thethreegraphsa,bandcrepresentsdatafromthesameexperimentalset-upwhere2groupsof30fishwereusedtotesteach strand or strand combination respectively. In line with this hypothesis single strands were able to innate induction by LNA nucleotide chemistry on the induce the innate mechanisms and explain the antiviral one side and higher thermal stability introduced through effects of siRNAs in the fish. But, our finding that LNA LNA modification on the other side. But, this does not modification of single strands could also reduce the anti- explain why breaking the passenger strand as in the viral effect outside a duplex context shows that the effect sisiRNA design also increased the antiviral effect of of LNA can at least not exclusively be assigned to the siRNAs. Breaking one of the strands in a duplex would strengthening of the siRNA duplex. As the number of mean that three new strands would be responsible for LNAs in nucleic acid duplexes is strongly correlated increasing the antiviral effect and we have no evidence with their stability, the correlation we initially found of smaller strands being better at stimulating cellular re- between thermal stability and antiviral effect could ceptors for inducing an interferon response. In fact the partly be due to a secondary correlation between lower opposite is usually proposed (17,55).

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