Implications of interface conventions for morphometric thermodynamics Andreas Reindl,∗ Markus Bier,† and S. Dietrich Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Intelligente Systeme, Heisenbergstr. 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany and IV. Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany (Dated: 15 January,2015) Several model fluids in contact with planar, spherical, and cylindrical walls are investigated for small number densities within density functional theory. The dependenceof the solid-fluid interfa- 5 cial tension on the curvatureof spherical and cylindrical walls is examined and compared with the 1 corresponding expression derived within the framework of morphometric thermodynamics. Partic- 0 ularattention ispaid totheimplications ofthechoice oftheinterface location, which underliesthe 2 definition of theinterfacial tension. Wefind that morphometric thermodynamics is neverexact for b the considered systems and that its quality as an approximation depends sensitively on the choice e of theinterface location. F PACSnumbers: 68.08.-p,05.70.Np,05.20.Jj,61.20.Gy 6 ] I. INTRODUCTION quires the simple morphometric form [1] h c e γ =γ0+κH¯ +κ¯K¯, (2) In recent years morphometric thermodynamics has m been used to understand the influence of geometric con- where H¯ = C/A and K¯ = Y/A denote the averaged - t straints on the thermodynamic properties of fluids [1–5]. mean and Gaussian curvatures, respectively, of the con- a This approachhas been motivated by a theorem of inte- fining wall [1]. In the case of geometries with constant t s gral geometry which is often referred to as “Hadwiger’s curvatures,i.e., sphericalandcylindricalwallswith radii . t theorem” [6, 7]. For example, in Ref. [1] it has been ap- of curvature R, Eq. (2) can be written as a plied to a fluid of hard spheres bounded by a hard wall. m Based on the assumption of being an additive, motion- γ + γ1 + γ2, spherical wall nd- iwnavlalsr,iatnhte, agnrdancdonctainnuoonuicsaflupnocttieonntaialloΩf etqheosfhaapceonofifnthede γ =(γ00+ γRR1, R2 cylindrical wall, (3) o fluidisgiven,inaccordancewithHadwiger’stheorem,by where γ denote coefficients independent of the curva- 1,2 c a linear combination of only four geometrical measures ture 1/R and where γ = 0 in the case of cylindrical [ 2 which characterize the shape S of the confining walls: walls. 2 volume V, surface area A, integrated mean curvature C, On one hand morphometric thermodynamics has al- v and Euler characteristic Y: ready been applied to several physical systems confined 2 to geometries with complex shapes [2, 3, 5] and it has 7 Ω [S]=−pV[S]+γ A[S]+κC[S]+κ¯Y[S]. (1) been found to be in agreementwith certain data of hard 9 eq 0 3 spheres[1,4,8]andofhardrods[9]incontactwithhard 0 According to Eq. (1) the pressure p, the interfacial ten- walls. On the other hand, recently evidences have been 1. sion for a planar wall γ0, and the bending rigidities κ provided that a description as in Eq. (2), where the cur- 0 and κ¯, unlike the geometrical measures, do not depend vatureexpansionofthe interfacialtensionforaspherical 5 on the shape of the bounding container. This structure wallterminatesafterthequadraticandthatofacylindri- 1 turns morphometric thermodynamics into a very attrac- calwallafterthelinearorderin1/R,couldbeincomplete : [10–12]. v tive tool, because once the thermodynamic coefficients i p,γ ,κ, and κ¯ have been determined — preferably by Here we propose an explanation for the observation X 0 that for certain studies morphometric thermodynamics considering simple geometries S — the grand canoni- r cal potential can be readily calculated even for systems appearsto be applicable,whereasitis notforothers. To a thatend,weanalyzeseveralmodelfluidswithsmallnum- boundedbycomplexgeometriestheshapeS ofwhichen- ters Eq. (1) only via the measures V,A,C, and Y. This ber densities in contact with curved walls using density strategy has been used, e.g., in Refs. [2, 3, 5] in order to functionaltheory(DFT)withinthesecondvirialapprox- calculatesolvationfreeenergiesofproteinswithcomplex imation (see Sec. II). This technically simple approach shapes. allows us to study various kinds of interactions among As a thermodynamic quantity, which follows from the the fluid particles (Eq. (4)-(6)) with high numerical pre- grand canonical potential, the interfacial tension γ ac- cisionfor low densities (see, e.g., Fig. 3). For this reason we abstain from considering fluids with high densities as they occur, e.g., at two-phase coexistence. It turns out thatthosebasicfeaturesofmorphometricthermodynam- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] icsweareaimingatrevealthemselvesalreadyatlowden- †Electronicaddress: [email protected] sities for which one can control the numerical accuracy 2 sufficiently in order to address reliably the correspond- The geometrical properties of the walls enter the de- ingissues. Moreoverwepresentexactresultsforanideal scriptiononlyviatheexternalpotentialVext. Inorderto gas fluid confined by non-hard spherical and cylindrical determine the thermodynamic coefficients in Eq. (1) we walls. We focus onthe interfacialtensionγ andcompare consider the bulk fluid and the fluid in contact with pla- its curvature dependence with the one predicted from nar, spherical, and cylindrical walls exhibiting constant morphometricthermodynamics(Eq.(3), see Sec.III). It curvatures. For these choices the densities in Eq. (7) de- turns out that the morphometric form of the interfacial pend on a single spatial variable only. tensionisindeednotvalidexactlyandthatitsqualityas • The uniform bulk corresponds to a spatially con- an approximation depends on the choice of the location stant external potential, which can be set to zero oftheinterfaceunderlyingthedefinitionoftheinterfacial without loss of generality: tension (see Sec. IV). βVext(r)=0. (9) II. MODEL As a consequence the equilibrium density ̺ (r)= eq ̺bulk is independent of the position r. Weconsiderasimplefluidcomposedofparticleswhich eq interactviaanisotropicpairpotentialU(r)whichischar- • A planar wall leads to an external potential acterized by an energy scale U , a length scale L, and, 0 for technical convenience, a cut-off length Lc such that ∞, z <0 U(r >L ) =0. We focus on three distinct types of pair βVext(r)= (10) c (βV(z), z ≥0. potentials: • the square-well (U < 0) or square-shoulder (U > This potential implies that the equilibrium density 0 0 0) potential ̺ (z) is identically zero for z < 0. Therefore it is eq not possible for the centers of the fluid particles to βU(r ≤L )=βU (4) c 0 get closer to the wall than z = 0. In the following we call the set of accessible points of the centers with L=L , c ofthe fluidparticlesclosestto the geometricalwall • the Yukawa potential (U0 >0) surfacethe reference surface. InEq.(10)V(z)rep- resentsthe excesspartofthewallpotential(i.e.,in L r βU(r ≤L )=βU exp − , (5) excessofVext(z <0)=∞)asafunctionofthedis- c 0 r L tance z from the reference surface. Depending on (cid:16) (cid:17) • the Lennard-Jones potential (U >0) thewall-fluidinteractionpotential,thegeometrical 0 wall surface at position X in Fig. 1 and the refer- g L 12 L 6 encesurfaceatpositionX inFig.1canbedistinct. βU(r ≤L )=βU − . (6) c 0 r r (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ! • Aspherical wallwithradiusRofthereferencesur- face is characterized by an external potential In the following non-uniform number density profiles ̺(r) of the fluid in contact with walls are studied. To ∞, r<R this end density functional theory [13] offers a particu- βVext(r)= (11) larly useful approach. Since the present investigation is (βV(r), r≥R, focused on low densities, we use the density functional where V(r) representsthe excesspart of the exter- Ω[̺] within the second-virial approximation[14, 15]: nal potential as a function of the distance r to the βΩ[̺]= d3r̺(r) ln ̺(r)L3 −1−βµ+βVext(r) center of the sphere. Z (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1)(7) • A cylindrical wall with radius R of the reference surface is characterizedby an external potential of 1 + d3r d3r′̺(r)̺(r′)(1−exp(−βU(|r−r′|))), the same form as the one in Eq. (11); however, 2 Z Z in this case, r and R measure distances from the whereβ =1/(k T)istheinversetemperature,Vext(r)is symmetry axis of the cylinder. B theexternalpotentialduetowalls,andµisthechemical potential µ˜ shifted by a constant (with respect to r and In accordance with the variational principle underly- ingdensityfunctionaltheory[13]theequilibriumdensity ̺) given by the thermal de Broglie wavelength Λ and ̺ (r) minimizes the functional in Eq. (7). The corre- the length scale L of the pair potential among the fluid eq sponding Euler Lagrange equation particles: Λ δβΩ[̺] βµ:=βµ˜−3ln(cid:18)L(cid:19). (8) δ̺(r) (cid:12)̺eq =0 (12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 3 between the grand canonical potential Ωbulk, the fluid eq volume V, and the bulk pressure p has been used [16]. Thewall-fluidinterfacialtensionγ isnotanobservable because accordingto Eq.(14)its value depends — viaV andA—onthearbitrarychoiceofaninterfaceposition. In order to characterize various interface conventions we introduce a parameter δ which measures the offset of a chosen interface position with respect to the reference surface (see Fig. 1). In addition to the interfacialarea A the choice of an interface position also determines what is called the fluid volume V, which refers to the set of all points being not closer to the geometrical wall sur- face than the interface. As a consequence A and V are functions of X +δ where X characterizes the reference surface (see Fig. 1). On the other hand Ω depends on eq X only, because due to Eq. (13) only the parameters of the substrate potential (i.e., X) enter Ω . Accordingly, eq one has βΩ (X)+βpV(X +δ) FIG. 1: The reference surface (solid line) at position X is L2βγ(X,δ)= eq . (16) determined by the external potential. It consists of the set A(X +δ)L−2 of all reachable locations of the centers of the fluid particles whichareclosesttothegeometricalwallsurface(dash-dotted Ourdataarecalculatedwithintheconventionδ/L=0 line) at position Xg. Depending on the wall-fluid interaction as this choice is convenient for various types of interac- potential, the geometrical wall surface and the reference sur- tionsU. Moreover,incertainstudies (see,e.g.,Ref.[17]) facecan bedistinct. Theinterfaceof areaA(dashedline) — this choice has been argued to be “the natural one from with respect to which the interfacial tension γ in Eq. (16) is the point of view of statistical mechanics”. Figure 2 defined—maydifferfrom thereference surface. Theparam- shows the interfacial tension γ for hard spheres in con- eterδ measurestheoffset of theinterface with respect tothe tactwithspherical(Fig.2(a))andcylindrical(Fig.2(b)) reference surface. This sketch refers to the cases of spherical walls with various radii R of the reference surface. The or cylindrical walls for which X ≡ R. However, the concept packing fraction η = π̺bulkL3/6 is chosen sufficiently involving the parameter δ is valid also for other geometries, eq small such that the second virial approximation is valid. in particular for a planarwall with X ≡z=0. If thedashed linerunswithin theinteriorofthereferencesurface,δistaken The plot for the cylindrical walls (Fig. 2(b)) reveals a to be negative. The fluid volume V, which refers to the set non-linear increase, similar to the case of spherical walls of all points being not closer to the geometrical wall surface (Fig. 2(a)). This means that the curvature expansion of than theinterface, is shaded in grey. γ interms of powersof1/Rdoes not terminate after the first-order term, in contradiction to the prediction from morphometric thermodynamics for cylindrical walls. is solved numerically. From the equilibrium density pro- Evaluating Eq. (16) for δ =0 and arbitrary δ 6=0 and file̺ (r),thegrandcanonicalpotentialΩ followsfrom eq eq exploiting that Ω does not depend on δ leads to eq [13] (Eq. (7)) A(X) Ω =Ω[̺=̺ ]. (13) L2βγ(X,δ)= L2βγ(X,δ =0) eq eq A(X +δ) (17) We have verified that the hard wall sum rule (see, e.g., L2βp + (V(X +δ)−V(X)). Ref. [8]) is fulfilled by the functional in Eq. (7). A(X +δ) According to Eq. (17) the interfacialtension γ(X,δ =0) III. DISCUSSION calculated for the convention δ/L = 0 can be translated to that for any other choice of the convention. For ex- The interfacial tension γ is defined by ample the convention δ/L = −0.5 is often used when discussing hard spheres confined by hard walls because L2βγ = βΩeq−βΩbequlk = βΩeq+βpV (14) this choice renders the interface to coincide with the ge- AL−2 AL−2 ometrical wall surface at position Xg in Fig. 1, which, in this case, is separated from the reference surface at as the work Ωeq −Ωbequlk per interfacial area A required position X in Fig. 1 by a distance given by the particle to create the interface [16]. On the right hand side of radius L/2. Eq. (14) the relation In Fig. 3 simulation results of Laird et al. [4] for hardsphereswithpackingfractionη =0.02656,obtained βΩbulk =−βpV (15) eq for δ/L = −0.5, are plotted together with the data of 4 (a) spherical hard wall, δ =0 (a) spherical hard wall, δ/L=−0.5 6 -1 −3 −2 5 0 0 /1 -1.03 /1 γ γ β β 4 2 2 L L -1.06 present study 3 Laird et al. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 L/(R+δ) L/(R+δ) -1.03 (b) cylindrical hard wall, δ =0 (b) cylindrical hard wall, δ/L=−0.5 4 3 2 − -1.05 − 0 0 1 1 / / γ γ β β 2 2 L L 3 -1.07 present study Laird et al. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 L/(R+δ) L/(R+δ) FIG. 2: The interfacial tension γ of hard spheres with di- FIG.3: ComparisonofthesimulationresultsofLairdetal. [4] ameter L for the convention δ/L = 0 as a function of the (squares (cid:3)) with thecorresponding data of the present DFT radius R of the reference surface forming the boundary of a study (crosses ×) for the packing fraction η ≈ 0.02656. The spherical (a) and a cylindrical (b) hard body. Polynomials latter have been obtained by translating the data displayed (lines)aspredictedbymorphometricthermodynamics(upto inFig.2(forδ=0) intotheconventionδ/L=−0.5byusing order1/(R+δ)2 forsphericalwallsanduptoorder1/(R+δ) Eq. (17). In contrast to Fig. 2(b), the plot of the interfacial for cylindrical walls) have been fitted to the numerical data tension in the case of a cylindrical wall (b) almost coincides (dots). In panel (a) the fit shows good agreement with the with a straight line. data, whereas panel (b) clearly shows deviations from the predicted behavior. This means that for the cylindrical wall thecurvatureexpansionofγ Eq.(3)doesnotterminateafter Fig.3exceptthat,asexpected,the resultsofthepresent the first-order term, in contradiction to the prediction from virialexpansiondeviatemoreandmorefromthe simula- morphometric thermodynamics. The hard spheres interact tion data upon increasing the density. among each other via the square-shoulder potential U(r) in Eq. (4) with βU0 = ∞. The chemical potential is chosen as Figures 2 and 3, which are based on the same micro- βµ = −2.768839 which corresponds to the low packing frac- scopic system, show that the interfacial tension depends tion η= π6̺bequlkL3 ≈0.02656. strongly on the choice of the convention for δ. Upon varying δ not only the sign of γ may change, as already noted in Ref. [8], but also the magnitude and even the Fig. 2 which have been translated into the convention qualitative functional form, which is revealed clearly in δ/L = −0.5 according to Eq. (17). The agreement with the case of cylindrical walls. the simulation data is very good. In particular, within Figure 4 shows the behavior of the same microscopic this convention for δ, in the case of a cylindrical wall system as above (hard spheres exposed to a hard cylin- (Fig.3(b))thedatapointsalmostcoincidewithastraight drical wall) described in terms of two conventions for line, in accordance with the prediction of morphometric η ≈ 0.01. The data are presented in log-log plots which thermodynamics. This finding has also been confirmed facilitate the identification of power laws in 1/(R+δ). for the packing fractions η ≈ 0.053 and 0.101, for which In this presentation the contribution γ (δ) of the planar 0 the respective plots are qualitatively similar to those in wall is subtracted so that the plotted quantity vanishes 5 more than the leading term ∼ 1/R which, according to (a) cylindrical hard wall, δ/L=0 morphometric thermodynamics, would be the only one allowed for the cylindrical configuration. The behavior 10−5 (βγ(R,δ)−βγ (δ))L2 is different within the convention δ/L = −0.5. There, 0 βγ (δ)L3/(R+δ) within this presentation, the interfacial tension is repre- 1 10−6 sented by an almost straight line throughout the whole βγ (δ)L4/(R+δ)2 2 rangeof(R+δ)/Lshown. Inordertoanalyzethecurva- 10−7 βγ3(δ)L5/(R+δ)3 turedependenceoftheinterfacialtensionmorequantita- tively, we assume that γ(R,δ) can be expanded in terms of a power series in 1/(R+δ): 10−8 ∞ βγ (δ) L2βγ(R,δ)=L2 Ln n . (18) 10−9 (R+δ)n n=0 X For variousradii R of the reference surfaceof the curved wall, the interfacial tension γ is calculated numerically 1 10 102 103 104 (reddotsinFig.4)andfittedtothecurvatureexpansion (R+δ)/L Eq. (18) with n ≤ 10. This way the coefficients γ (δ) n have been determined. Only the coefficient γ (δ), which 0 is the interfacial tension at a planar wall, can be ob- (b) cylindrical hard wall, δ/L=−0.5 10−1 tainedindependentlywithoutfitting. InFig.4theterms (βγ(R,δ)−βγ (δ))L2 Ln+2βγn(δ)/(R+δ)n corresponding to n ∈ {1,2,3} in 0 10−2 βγ (δ)L3/(R+δ) the curvature expansion of Eq. (18) are plotted as lines. 1 Within the convention δ/L = 0 the quadratic coeffi- 10−3 βγ2(δ)L4/(R+δ)2 cient γ2, which vanishes within morphometric thermo- −βγ (δ)L5/(R+δ)3 dynamics, is even larger than the linear coefficient γ ; 3 1 this explains the crossover between two power laws de- 10−4 scribing the numerical data (red dots). However, within theconventionδ/L=−0.5thefirst-ordercoefficientγ is 1 10−5 much larger than the higher order coefficients γ ,n≥2, n so that in this case morphometric thermodynamics is 10−6 a very good approximation of the exact curvature de- pendence of the interfacial tension. Within the class of systems with square-well-like or square-shoulder-like 1 10 102 103 104 particle-particleinteractions,we havestudieda largeva- (R+δ)/L riety of configurations within the convention δ/L= 0 in the same way as shown in Fig. 4. Fluids with packing FIG. 4: Dependence of the interfacial tension γ for hard fractions η ∈ {0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10} and with interac- spheres at a cylindrical hard wall on the radius R of the tion strengths βU ∈{−0.1,0.1, 1, ∞} have been exam- 0 reference surface and on the shift parameter δ. The con- ined near spherical and cylindrical hard walls. In addi- tribution of the planar wall γ0(δ), which corresponds to the tiontothe interfacialtensionγ,thedimensionlessexcess limit R→∞, has been subtracted. The numerical data (red adsorption Γ [16] dots) are obtained within the convention δ/L = 0 (a) and translated to the convention δ/L = −0.5 (b) via Eq. (17). N(X)−̺bulkV(X+δ) The three straight lines represent the terms n = 1,2,3 of L2Γ(X,δ)= eq , (19) A(X +δ)L−2 the curvature expansion in Eq. (18). In the case δ/L = 0 cthonetcriobeuffiticoiennβtγγ22((δδ))Li4s/(tRhe+laδr)g2esist tohnee,,infaonrtsomnaellsoRththaet has bde3ern̺(rca)ldcuenlaotteeds tfhoernuUm0be>r of0fluwidhepraertNicl(eXs.)Ou=r a deviation from the leading behavior ∼ 1/(R+δ) becomes V(X) corresponding observations can be summarized as fol- obvious for R/L . 3. Within the convention δ/L = −0.5 R lows: the leading coefficient γ1(δ) is the largest one, i.e., the lead- ing term βγ1(δ)L3/(R+δ) is the dominant one. Here U(r) • Apartfromopposite signs,both the excessadsorp- is given by Eq. (4) with U0 → ∞ and βµ = −3.88 so that tionΓandtheinterfacialtensionγ exhibitasimilar η ≈ 0.01. Note that at (R+δ)/L = 1 the plots render the dependence on the radius of curvature R. values of thedimensionless coefficients βγn(δ)L2. • The functional form of L2(βγ(R,0)−βγ (0)) is 0 similar when comparing fluids with the same bulk for R →∞. Within the convention δ/L= 0, at R ≈3L state near a spherical and a cylindrical hard wall. there is a crossover between two power laws. Thus the Becauseinallconsideredcasesthethirdordercoef- dependence of the interfacial tension on 1/R consists of ficient γ is smaller than γ and γ , morphometric 3 1 2 6 thermodynamics turns out to be a better approxi- and mation for spherical than for cylindrical walls. O((R+δ)−n),n≥1: (24) • Decreasing packing fractions η or interaction L3βγ′(δ)+(d−n+1)L2βγ (δ)=0. n n−1 strengths U > 0 result in a shift of the crossover 0 Integration of Eqs. (23) and (24) with respect to δ leads between the power laws describing L2(γ(R,0) − to the following iterative algorithm for determining the γ (0)) towards larger radii R, i.e., the second coef- 0 dependence of the coefficients γ (δ),n≥0, on δ: ficient γ becomes largerin comparisonto the first n 2 coefficient γ1. Apart from that, the behavior of n=0: L2(βγ(R,0)−βγ (0)) is similar to the one shown 0 δ in Fig. 4. For U < 0, L2(βγ(R,0)−βγ (0)) ex- L2βγ (δ)=L2βγ (0)−L3βp , 0 0 0 0 L hibitsazerobecausethecoefficientsγ andγ have 1 2 n≥1: opposite signs. δ • For some of the above systems the data have been L2βγ (δ)=L2βγ (0)+(n−d−1) dδ˜L2βγ (δ˜) n n n−1 translated to the convention δ/L = −0.5 by us- L Z ing Eq. (17). In these cases, for the spherical 0 wall configurations the third order coefficient γ3 is 2, spherical wall d= much smaller than γ and γ , and for the cylin- 1 2 (1, cylindrical wall. drical wall configurations the leading coefficient γ 1 (25) is much larger than the subleading ones. There- fore,within this conventionmorphometricthermo- The dependence of the coefficients γ (δ) on δ is fully n dynamics turns out to be a very good approxima- determined once in Eq. (25) the values of γn′(0) for all tion. n′ ≤nareknown. Herethevaluesγ (0)areobtainedby n fitting Eq. (18) for n ≤ 10 to the numerical data within ThecomparisonoftheplotsinFigs.4(a)and(b)shows the convention δ/L = 0. Considering terms in Eq. (18) that the coefficients γ (δ) in the curvature expansion n to such high orders was necessary in order to achieve a (Eq. (18)) indeed depend on the chosen convention δ. sufficiently high precision for the actually interesting co- In order to examine the implications of shifting the po- efficientsγ (δ),...,γ (δ)(seeFigs.4-9);takingthe addi- 1 3 sition of the interface (see Fig. 1) this dependence is in- tional terms of order n≥4 into account guarantees that vestigated more closely. The derivative of Eq. (16) with these coefficients γ (δ),...,γ (δ) are not affected by the 1 3 respect to δ for fixed R leads to fast-decaying contributions of the full curvature expan- sion. Therebywehavefoundthattheratiooftheleading ∂ L L L2βγ(R,δ)=−L3βp−d L2βγ(R,δ) coefficientsforthesphericalwall,γs(0),andforthecylin- ∂δ R+δ 1 drical wall, γc(0), takes the value γs(0)/γc(0)=2 for all (20) 1 1 1 2, spherical wall systemsconsideredhere,witharelativedeviationof10−7 d= (1, cylindrical wall, orless. Comparisonofthatnumericalresultwiththeex- act relation γs(δ)/γc(δ)=2, which follows from the fact 1 1 whereV′(R+δ)=−A(R+δ)andA′(R+δ)/A(R+δ)= that the total curvatures J = 1/R1+1/R2 of a sphere, d/(R+ δ) have been used. The derivative of Eq. (18) Js, and of a cylinder, Jc, are related by Js = 2Jc (see with respect to δ gives Refs. [1, 10]), validates our numerical approach. Mo- tivated by this relationship between the leading coeffi- ∂ ∞ βγ′(δ) cients we have considered also the ratio of the next-to- L L2βγ(R,δ)=L3 Ln n leading coefficients. For small packing fractions we have ∂δ (R+δ)n nX=0(cid:26) (21) obtained γ2s(δ)/γ2c(δ) ≈ 8/3 for δ = 0, independently of −Lnn βγn(δ) . the particle-particle interaction potential U. The value (R+δ)n+1 ofthisratiodoesdependontheconventionforδ because (cid:27) the spherical coefficient γs(δ) varies with δ, whereas the 2 Equating Eqs. (20) and (21) and using Eq. (18) leads to cylindrical coefficient γc is constant (see discussion be- 2 low). Actually, the value 8/3 can be obtained from the ∞ Ln exactanalyticalexpressionsforthesurfacetensioninthe −L3βp=L3βγ′(δ)+ 0 (R+δ)n (22) low-density limit for a fluid of hard spheres [11]. More- nX=1 over,the exact expressionin Eq. (A7) (see Appendix A) × L3βγn′(δ)+(d−n+1)L2βγn−1(δ) describesthe deviationof the ratioγ2s(0)/γ2c(0) from8/3 for an ideal gas of particles as function of the strength for all R. C(cid:8)omparison order by order in (R +(cid:9)δ)−1 in βVyu of a short-ranged excess external potential in ad- p Eq. (22) renders dition to the hard wall potential. It is interesting to pay special attention to the coeffi- O((R+δ)0): −L3βp=L3βγ′(δ) (23) 0 cient γn=d+1 in Eq. (25) which is the coefficient of the 7 10−1 10−1 (a) spherical hard wall (a) spherical hard wall 10−3 10−3 10−5 10−5 |βγ (δ)|L2 |βγ0(δ)|L2 0 10−7 |βγ (δ)|L2 square shoulder |βγ1(δ)|L2 hard sphere 1 pair potential |βγ (δ)|L2 10−7 |βγ2(δ)|L2 fluid 10−9 |βγ2(δ)|L2 for the fluid |βγ (δ)|L2 3 3 10−11 10−9 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L δ/L 10−1 (b) cylindrical hard wall 10−1 (b) cylindrical hard wall 10−3 10−3 10−5 10−5 10−7 10−7 |βγ0(δ)|L2 |βγ0(δ)|L2 |βγ1(δ)|L2 hard sphere 10−9 |βγ1(δ)|L2 square shoulder |βγ (δ)|L2 fluid |βγ2(δ)|L2 pair potential 10−9 |βγ2(δ)|L2 10−11 |βγ3(δ)|L2 for the fluid 3 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L δ/L FIG. 5: Reduced coefficients γn(δ),n ∈ {0,1,2,3}, charac- FIG. 6: Reduced coefficients γn(δ),n ∈ {0,1,2,3}, charac- terizing the curvature expansion in Eq. (18) as function of terizing the curvature expansion in Eq. (18) as function of the shift parameter δ and as obtained from Eq. (25). The the shift parameter δ and as obtained from Eq. (25). The data correspond to a hard sphere fluid at βµ = −3.88, so datacorrespondtoafluidwithasquare-shoulderpairpoten- thatη≈0.01,exposedtohardspherical(a)orcylindrical(b) tial U(r) (Eq. (4)) with βU0 = 0.1 and βµ = −3.95 so that walls. η ≈ 0.01. The fluid is exposed to hard spheres (a) or hard cylinders(b). lowest order being not in accordance with morphomet- ric thermodynamics. For this order n = d+1 one has practical use, because, on the basis of numerical data, it n−d−1 = 0 and therefore γ is constant in δ (see isvirtuallyimpossibletoprovethatthereisaconvention d+1 Eq.(25)forn≥1). ThischeckswithFig.4(correspond- forδ within whichthe morphometricformofthe interfa- ing to d=1), where the values of the coefficients γ can cial tension is exact. In contrast, Fig. 4 shows that even 2 be read from the lines ∼ 1/(R+δ)2 at (R+δ)/L = 1. if the non-morphometric coefficients γn(δ) (n ≥ 2 for a The value of γ is not vanishing and it is the same in cylindricalwall)arenumericallysmallforoneconvention 2 both conventions for δ. This implies that within mor- for δ (see Fig. 4(b)) they may be large for another (see phometric thermodynamics the curvature expansion is Fig. 4(a)). The reason for this is that the operation of not exact for any convention for δ. On the other hand, approximating the curvature-dependence of the interfa- if, as a consequence of Eq. (25), the R-dependence of cial tension by the form predicted within morphometric γ(R,δ) within morphometric thermodynamics would be thermodynamics does not commute with the operation exact for any single convention for δ, it would be exact of shifting the interface. forallconventionsforδ. However,thisstatementisofno Figure5showsthedependenceofthecoefficientsγ (δ), n 8 10−1 10−1 (a) spherical hard wall (a) spherical hard wall 10−3 10−3 10−5 10−5 |βγ0(δ)|L2 10−7 |βγ0(δ)|L2 Lennard-Jones |βγ (δ)|L2 Yukawa |βγ (δ)|L2 1 pair potential 1 pair potential 10−7 |βγ2(δ)|L2 for the fluid 10−9 for the fluid |βγ2(δ)|L2 |βγ (δ)|L2 |βγ (δ)|L2 3 3 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L δ/L 10−1 10−1 (b) cylindrical hard wall (b) cylindrical hard wall 10−3 10−3 10−5 10−5 |βγ (δ)|L2 |βγ (δ)|L2 0 Yukawa 10−7 0 |βγ1(δ)|L2 pair potential |βγ1(δ)|L2 Lpeanirnaprodt-eJnotniaels |βγ (δ)|L2 for the fluid |βγ (δ)|L2 10−7 2 2 for the fluid |βγ (δ)|L2 10−9 |βγ (δ)|L2 3 3 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L δ/L FIG.7: SameasFig.6forafluidwithaYukawapairpotential FIG. 8: Same as Fig. 7 for a fluid with a Lennard-Jones pair (Eq.(5)) with βU0 =0.1, βµ=−3.94, and Lc/L=5so that potential(Eq.(6)) with βU0 =0.1, βµ=−3.92, andLc/L= η≈0.01. 5 so that η≈0.01. independently. Figure5demonstratesthattheinterfacial 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, of the curvature expansion Eq. (18) on the tension cannot be represented exactly by the form ob- shiftparameterδ. Exceptforthefirstnon-morphometric tained within morphometric thermodynamics, and that coefficient (i.e., γ for a sphere and γ for a cylinder), 3 2 the quality of the approximation of the interfacial ten- which is constant in δ, the coefficients γ (δ) vary over n sion by the morphometric form depends on the position several orders of magnitude upon changing δ. This is of the interface parameterized by the shift δ. particularly pronounced near δ/L = 0, where the mor- phometrically allowed coefficients are small; in the case So far we have mainly focussed on hard sphere fluids of a cylindrical wall γ is even smaller than the leading near hard walls. In the following we discuss to which 1 non-morphometric coefficient γ . However, apart from extent the aforementioned observations can be extended 2 this region around δ/L = 0, e.g., at δ/L = −0.5, the to other systems. This will be discussed along the lines morphometrically allowedcoefficients exceed the leading of Fig. 5. non-morphometric coefficient by several orders of mag- Figure 6 displays the corresponding results for a fluid nitude. These observations are in agreement with the which is governed by a square-shoulder pair potential of findings ofFig.4 whichisbasedonthe same systemand finite strength βU , acting as a representative for inter- 0 whereforeachconventionforδthecoefficients,thevalues action potentials of finite range. The comparison with of whichare renderedat (R+δ)/L=1, have been fitted Fig.5does notrevealqualitativechanges. Figures 7and 9 10−1 10−1 (a) spherical wall (b) spherical wall 10−3 10−3 10−5 square shoulder |βγ0(δ)|L2 10−5 among fluid |βγ1(δ)|L2 |βγ0(δ)|L2 particles and |βγ2(δ)|L2 Yukawa among |βγ1(δ)|L2 10−7 banetdwfleuenidwpaalrlticles |βγ3(δ)|L2 10−7 flbuetiwdepeanrtwicallelsaanndd |βγ2(δ)|L2 |βγ (δ)|L2 fluid particles 3 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L δ/L 10−1 (c) spherical wall 10−3 |βγ (δ)|L2 0 |βγ (δ)|L2 1 10−5 |βγ (δ)|L2 2 |βγ (δ)|L2 3 Lennard-Jones among fluid particles 10−7 and between wall and fluid particles -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 δ/L FIG. 9: Reduced coefficients γn(δ),n∈{0,1,2,3}, characterizing the curvature expansion in Eq. (18) as function of the shift parameterδ andasobtainedfromEq.(25). Panels(a),(b),and(c)belongtothesamesystemsasinFigs.6(a),7(a),and8(a), respectively,withanadditionalsoftpartV oftheexternalsubstratepotential: (a)V givenbyEq.(B1),(b)V givenbyEq.(B2), and (c) V given byEq.(B4). The data correspond tothefollowing choice of system parameters: βVsq =βVyu =βVLJ =0.1 p p p (see AppendixB), Lw/L=1, and Lcw/L=5. 8, respectively, display the corresponding results for a externalpotentialVext isconsidered. ThisexcesspartV fluidwithaYukawapairpotential,representingexponen- is obtained by integrating the pair potential U (r) be- w tiallydecayinginteractionpotentials,andforaLennard- tweenafluidparticleandawallparticleoverthe volume Jones pair potential, representing algebraically decaying V˜ of the wall: pair potentials. Although comparing them with Figs. 5 and 6 reveals certain differences, the main conclusions βV(r)=̺w d3r′βUw(|r−r′|), (26) remain the same: the coefficients γn(δ) are strongly af- ZV˜ fected by the choice ofthe conventionfor δ and, whereas for none of the systems considered here the curvature- where in V˜ the number density ̺ of the wall is taken w dependence of the interfacial tension is exactly in agree- to be constant. The particle-wall potentials U (r) are w ment with morphometric thermodynamics, the morpho- chosen to be of a similar form as the pair potentials metricformoftheinterfacialtensionmaybeanexcellent U(r) between the fluid particles (Eqs. (4)-(6)), with the approximation for suitable conventions for δ. exception that the Yukawa-like wall-particle potential In order to further assess to which extent the above is not truncated and the repulsive part of a Lennard- findings are generic, an additional excess part V of the Jones-like wall potential is replaced by a hard wall. The 10 pair potentials arecharacterizedby anenergyscale U , via a square-well or square-shoulder potential (Eq. (4)), 0w a length scale L and a cut-off length L such that a Yukawapotential (Eq.(5)), or a Lennard-Jonespoten- w cw U (r >L )=0: tial(Eq.(6)). AsshowninFigs.5-8thecoefficientsγ (δ) w cw n of the curvature expansion in Eq. (18) may depend sen- • the square-well (U < 0) or square-shoulder 0w sitively on the chosen interface convention, which is ex- (U >0) potential 0w pressedin terms of the shift parameterδ (Fig. 1). There are conventions for which the morphometrically allowed βU (r ≤L )=βU (27) w cw 0w coefficients are much larger than the morphometrically forbidden ones so that within them morphometric ther- with L =L , w cw modynamicsisareliableapproximationoftheinterfacial • the Yukawa potential (U >0, L =∞) tension. However, the opposite situation can occur for 0w cw other interface conventions,in which case morphometric L r thermodynamics has to be used with caution. In par- w βU (r)=βU exp − , (28) w 0w r L ticular the reliability of morphometric thermodynamics (cid:18) w(cid:19) as an approximation deteriorates in the presence of ex- cess contributions to the wall potential (Fig. 9). Based • the Lennard-Jones potential (U >0) 0w on these results, it turns out to be necessary in future βU Lw 12− Lw 6 ,L ≤r ≤L applicationsofmorphometricthermodynamicstoclearly βU (r)= 0w r r w cw state which interface conventionis chosenand why mor- w (∞ (cid:16)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) ,r<Lw. phometric thermodynamics is expected to be a reliable (29) approximationforthatparticularinterfaceconventionas compared with others. The resulting excess parts V of the substrate potentials asfunctionoftheradialdistanceztoasphericalreference surfaceofradiusRaregiveninEqs.(B1),(B2),and(B4) Appendix A: Ideal Gas in Appendix B. In Fig. 9 the results for systems with a non-vanishing excess part V of the external potential are shown. The In this appendix we analyze the exactly solvable case parameters are chosen such that, apart from V 6= 0, the of non-interacting particles. The density functional in same systems as in Figs. 6(a), 7(a), and 8(a) are ana- Eq. (7) with U(r) = 0 is minimized by the equilibrium lyzed. It again turns out that the coefficients γn(δ) ex- number density hibit a strong dependence on δ so that the quality of morphometric thermodynamics as an approximation de- ̺ (r)=̺bulkexp −βVext(r) with pends sensitively on the convention for δ. As a general eq eq (A1) trend, for all three examples shown in Fig. 9 the non- ̺bequlk =Λ−3exp(β(cid:0)µ˜). (cid:1) morphometric coefficient |βγ (δ)|L2 is not negligible in 3 wider ranges of conventions for δ than in the cases with- For pointlike ideal gas particles the convention δ = 0 is out an excess substrate potential V. In this sense the convenient and will be used throughout this appendix. quality of morphometric thermodynamics as an approx- For this choice the interface of areaA, the reference sur- imation deteriorates in the presence of excess parts V of face, and the geometrical wall surface are the same and the substrate potential. the interfacial tension γ is given by ̺bulk IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY βγ =− eq d3r(exp(−βV(r))−1),δ =0. (A2) A ZV By using density functional theory within the second virialapproximationwehaveanalyzedseveralmodelflu- The integrationvolume V inEq.(A2) equals the volume ids with small number densities in contact with planar, accessible to the fluid particles. Therefore the integrand spherical, or cylindrical walls. We have compared the dependsonlyonthe excesspartV ofthe externalpoten- curvature expansion in Eq. (18) of the interfacial ten- tial Vext (see Eqs. (10) and (11)). sion γ with the expression derived within morphometric In the case of a hard wall with V = 0 the interfacial thermodynamics(Eq.(3)). Particularattentionhasbeen tension of the ideal gas is zero, γ = 0, irrespective of paidtotheimplicationsofthechoiceofthepositionofthe the shape of the wall. Therefore the ideal gas is a useful interface,whichunderlies the definitionof the interfacial choiceforstudyingtheinfluenceoftheexcesspartV 6=0 tension(Eq.(16)andFig.1). Fornoneoftheconsidered ofanexternalpotentialonthemorphometriccoefficients. systemstheexpressionfortheinterfacialtensioninaccor- HereweanalyzeaYukawa-like interactionU (Eq.(28)) w dance with morphometric thermodynamics is exact, re- betweenthefluidparticlesandthewallparticles. Theex- gardlessofwhethertheparticlesinteractwitheachother cess part V follows from Eq. (26). For planar, spherical,