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Lessons from the Field APRIL 2016 2015 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT WWW.SONENCAPITAL.COM PUBLICATION DETAILS PUBLISHER Sonen Capital 456 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 [email protected] www.sonencapital.com PLEASE SEE IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS IN APPENDIX AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. This report was published in April 2016. AUTHORS Will Morgan Danielle Ginach PROJECT MANAGER & DESIGN Amando Balbuena DATA SOURCE MSCI ESG Research 2015 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 4 Leadership Perspective 6 Executive Summary 10 Sonen’s Impact Methodology: How Sonen Assesses Impact 14 Impact Investing in Fixed Income 20 Impact Investing in Public Equity 32 Shareholder Advocacy & Industry Engagement 38 Impact Investing in Global Sustainable Real Assets 58 Looking Ahead 60 Appendices PREFACE FROM WILL MORGAN, SONEN CAPITAL, SENIOR IMPACT ANALYST level. Second, we consider the degree to which a single investor’s resources can be connected directly to the positi ve outputs of any investment. Most exciti ng this year is our recent work using third party targets of impact creati on, namely the United Nati ons 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, released in September 2015. The UN Agenda includes We are proud to detail the social and environmental 17 specifi c Sustainable Development Goals that are impact performance of Sonen’s investment strategies intended to bring the world’s economy and ecosystem in our 2015 impact report, our third annual report to to full sustainability by the year 2030. Importantly, the investors. In additi on to our public equity and fi xed Sustainable Development Agenda includes a specifi c income investment strategies, this report also includes call to acti on for the private sector to a) ensure that our investment strategy focused on global sustainable normal business operati ons no longer result in negati ve real assets in the private markets, launched in 2014. social and environmental consequences and b) take a more direct role in providing goods and services that In order to understand the positi ve social and contribute to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable environmental impact that results from investments Development Goals. across diff erent asset classes, our internal impact evaluati on methodology includes three disti nct This report highlights the natural alignment between components: Sonen’s investment strategies and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We illustrate where 1. Environmental, Social and Governance data that our strategies make defi niti ve contributi ons to global relays measurable, quanti fi ed diff erences in sustainability across public equity, fi xed income and relati ve performance between Sonen’s strategies real assets investments. To improve the sustainability and conventi onal market benchmarks; profi le of our portf olios, Sonen conti nues to expand 2. Themati c qualifi cati ons of specifi c securiti es, our infl uence with the companies we invest in through conveying how underlying investments’ goods various forms of shareholder engagement and advocacy and services align with specifi c social and as well as parti cipati on in campaigns to improve environmental factors; corporate sustainability performance and corporate 3. Sonen’s proprietary AIMS impact evaluati on transparency. framework, which helps describes how impact manifests across diff erent asset classes in We are eager to share the results of our work, and we four dimensions: Additi onality, Intenti onality, regularly publish the methods by which we evaluate Measurability and Scale. impact investments and pursue positi ve impact on our website, www.sonencapital.com. During 2015, Sonen expanded on its proprietary impact evaluati on framework to include new considerati ons Thank you for your interest in Sonen Capital. on the kinds of impacts investors may pursue. First, we consider whether investments help create positi ve Best regards, impact at a systemic level, versus a more incremental WILL MORGAN Director Senior Impact Analyst Sonen Capital 4 2015 Annual Impact Report Data below refl ects fi rst fi ve investment made through Sonen’s sustainable real assets strategy during 2015 only CLEAN Energy Produceedd ffrroomm Total Reduction in Number of People with Renewable Soouurrcceess GHG Emissions Access to Clean Power POWER GHG NORTH 440,056 MWh 303,439 178,629 AMERICA Solar & Wind Metric Tons People UGANDA, 77,200 MWh 46,968 359,000 AFRICA Hydroelectric Metric Tons People Total Land Under Land Permenantly Jobs Sustained at Sustainable Management Conserved Supported Enterprises 136,695 314 15 Acres Acres Jobs SUSTAINABLE Operational 22,779 Ecological Restoration 20 Sustainability Acres Management Area Acres TIMBER Certifications Including Streams GREEN REAL Total Area with Percent of Properties Total Number Energy Efficiency with Sustainable of Units Improvements Certifications ESTATE UNITED STATES 92,657 m2 100% 433 Units SOUTH AFRICA, 38,514 m2 61% 1,209 Units AFRICA Source: Managers All impact indicators are IRIS compliant Sonen Capital 5 2015 Annual Impact Report 2015 IMPACT REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sonen Capital seeks to provide its clients with competi ti ve fi nancial returns alongside meaningful, positi ve social and environmental benefi ts. Sonen’s impact investments in public markets, encompassing public equity and fi xed income strategies, are intended to provide exposure to leaders in sustainability practi ces and multi ple social and environmental impact themes. Impact investments in private markets provide access to highly themati c investments in sustainable real assets. Our equity holdings focus on corporati ons with In 2015 we saw what we believe is an historic turning leading sustainability practi ces that not only deliver point in the struggle to achieve a bett er future for all. superior ESG and impact performance, but also refl ect The 2015 United Nati ons Sustainable Development bett er management quality that we believe helps Summit, held in New York in September 2015, led to lead to improved fi nancial performance. Similarly, an internati onal agreement to pursue 17 Sustainable our fi xed income investments are selected for their Development Goals (SDGs) that address the most strong fi nancial profi les as well as for their support of important economic, social, environmental and important social or environmental needs. governance challenges of our ti me. The SDGs consti tute a multi -faceted approach to sustainable development, Sonen’s private markets investment strategy, focusing and include a clear case for businesses to take acti on on global sustainable real assets, provides investors with by improving their own sustainability performance and a clear connecti on to physical assets that contribute by investi ng in key impact themes identi fi ed by all 193 directly to global sustainability imperati ves, with an members of the United Nati ons. Throughout this report emphasis on large-scale impact outcomes relati ng to we will show how Sonen’s investment strategies across sustainability, renewability, effi ciency and restorati on. asset classes align with the United Nati ons’ SDGs. Sonen Capital 6 2015 Annual Impact Report In 2015, Sonen’s public market strategies provided ti me, and currently include: both comparable fi nancial returns (measured against traditi onal market benchmarks, as opposed » Sustainable ti mber operati ons, stream restorati on to sustainability indices) and compelling social and and miti gati on banking in the U.S.; environmental impact value. Relati ve to traditi onal » Green real estate, focusing on providing market benchmarks, Sonen’s investment strategies in environmentally sustainable housing in urban U.S. 2015 demonstrated signifi cantly bett er sustainability markets and green workforce housing in South performance evidenced through: Africa; and » Clean power, providing uti lity-scale solar and » Reduced carbon emissions; wind power generati on in the U.S. and small- and » Greater water effi ciency; large-scale clean power generati on in sub-Saharan » Higher health and safety rati ngs; and Africa. » Greater gender diversity on corporate boards. Public Equity Performance Discussion Specifi c themati c investments in public markets— In 2015, the Sonen Global Public Equity Strategy investments in fi xed income and equiti es that returned -0.39% (net of all fees) vs. -2.19% for the MSCI acti vely provide soluti ons for the world’s social and ACWI Index, outperforming by 1.80%. Since incepti on environmental challenges—focused on: (over the trailing three years1), the strategy returned an annualized 9.23% vs. 7.87% for the benchmark, an » Energy use and energy effi ciency; annualized outperformance of 1.36%, net of all fees. » Water infrastructure, technologies and uti liti es; » Waste and polluti on management; and In additi on to its fi nancial outperformance, the » Community development. public equity strategy included exposures to what we refer to throughout this report as either Sustainable To further enhance the overall impact performance or Themati c issue areas. Investments that Sonen of our public market strategies, in 2015 Sonen categorizes as Sustainable are those that do business in strengthened its acti viti es relati ng to shareholder a sustainable way as measured by our impact evaluati on advocacy, including: process. Themati c investments are those involved in a commercial enterprise that measurably contribute to » Engaging directly with company leadership to global sustainability challenges2. improve ESG practi ces and corporate transparency; » Co-fi ling six shareholder resoluti ons; and Sustainable holdings in Sonen’s public equity strategy in » Lead fi ling shareholder resoluti ons for the fi rst 2015 relied on the integrati on of various environmental, ti me. social and governance (ESG) data for investment selecti on and performance evaluati on. Sonen has In 2014 Sonen launched a new strategy focused on invested across several disti nct Sustainable strategies, global sustainable real assets. With fi ve investments each with diff erenti ated approaches to integrati ng ESG now included in the portf olio, we are taking this data into investment decisions. opportunity to report on this strategy’s impact creati on around global sustainability. Underlying investments in Sonen’s Themati c holdings emphasized goods and real assets target specifi c environmental outcomes over services provided by companies that we believe are Sonen Capital 7 2015 Annual Impact Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sonen Strategies Key For SUSTAINABLE investments, we are asking the questi on, “How does this company do business?” For THEMATIC investments, we are asking the questi on, “What specifi cally does this company do?” best positi oned to capitalize on long-term global trends, in Water and Renewable Energy themes (both of which such as resource scarcity, climate change, increased correlated with the fall in oil prices). urbanizati on and diets with higher protein contents Fixed Income Performance Discussion (which typically require more resources to produce). In 2015, the Sonen Global Fixed Income Strategy returned -4.20% (net of all fees) vs. -3.15% for the Major contributors to relati ve performance in 2015 Barclays Global Aggregate Index, underperforming included security selecti on in Healthcare and Informati on by -1.05%. Since incepti on, the strategy has returned Technology themes, while detractors included exposures -2.29% annualized vs. -1.81% for the benchmark, Chart 1 Sonen Global Equity Strategy (Net) vs. MSCI ACWI IMI ND Index Since Inception 1/3/2013 $140 $135 $130 $125 $120 $115 $110 $105 Sonen Global Equity Strategy MSCI ACWI IMI ND Index $100 $95 $90 DecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2013 2014 2015 Past performance is no indication of future results. Index returns are presented for comparative purposes only. The returns are unmanaged and do not refl ect the deduction of any fees or expenses. You cannot invest directly in an index. Foreign and emerging market securities involve certain risks such as currency volatility, political and social instability and reduced market liquidity. This performance is included for informational purposes only, to demonstrate that impact investing does not necessarily sacrifi ce strong investment performance. The performance shown does not necessarily refl ect the portfolio’s current performance, which may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For the most current performance, contact Sonen. Sonen Capital 8 2015 Annual Impact Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY underperforming by -0.48%, net of all fees. Real Assets Sonen’s fi xed income strategy is diversifi ed across During 2015, Sonen committ ed to fi ve diff erent sectors, with Sustainable investments in corporates and investments in its newest strategy: global sustainable high-ESG sovereign bonds, and Themati c investments in real assets. This strategy seeks to provide investors green bonds, municipals, and asset-backed securiti es. immediate and unambiguous connecti on to high- impact, themati c investment opportuniti es that Major contributors to relati ve performance in 2015 are strongly aligned with the global sustainable included an overweight to the US dollar, as well as development agenda. These fi ve investments include exposures in Themati c municipal bonds and aff ordable exposures to clean power, green real estate and housing bonds. Detractors included an overweight to sustainable ti mber in Africa and North America. emerging market currency-denominated green bonds Over the next 36 months, Sonen intends to make and select exposures in Sustainable corporate credit. approximately ten additi onal investments that will include sustainable agriculture, land and water, and environmental infrastructure across the globe. Chart 2 Sonen Global Fixed Income Strategy (Net) vs. Barclays Global Aggregate Bond TR Index Since Inception 12/10/2012 $105 $104 $103 $102 $101 $100 $99 $98 $97 $96 $95 $94 $93 Sonen Global Fixed Income Strategy $92 Barclays Global Aggregate Bond TR Index $91 $90 NovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 2013 2014 2015 Investments in bonds are subject to credit, prepayment, call and interest rate risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices will decline. Credit risk refers to the loss in the value of a security based on a default in the payment of principal and/or interest of the security, or the perception of the market of such a default. Sonen Capital 9 2015 Annual Impact Report SONEN’S IMPACT METHODOLOGY HOW SONEN ASSESSES IMPACT Sonen uses a series of proprietary tools and defi niti ons to explain, monitor and measure the impact created and delivered by our strategies and investments. This approach helps us create a standardized methodology to accomplish the following goals: 1. Evaluate the degree of impact in our strategies in a consistent, quanti fi able manner; 2. Evaluate the degree to which impact may be att ributable to any single investor or investment; and 3. Determine the breadth and depth of impact, as well as its durability over ti me. At the highest level, we classify our underlying that exhibit strong ESG att ributes. We believe that such investments as either Sustainable or Themati c. sustainability performance, as refl ected through ESG data, is indicati ve of bett er management quality overall. Sustainable We further believe this ulti mately results in improved Sustainable investments focus on how a company fi nancial returns and reduced overall fi nancial and conducts its business. Sustainable investments acti vely impact risks. integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data into investment decision-making to reveal related Thema(cid:415) c sustainability risks and opportuniti es. Sonen’s public Themati c investments focus on projects, goods and markets strategies consist of equiti es and fi xed income services, and how these goods and services relate to securiti es that exhibit industry leadership along ESG specifi c social or environmental challenges. These are dimensions such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, highly targeted exposures that help address issues such workforce safety, and corporate transparency. Sonen’s as climate change, resource scarcity or the needs of strategies are constructed specifi cally around exposures low-income communiti es. Themati c securiti es drive Sonen Capital 10 2015 Annual Impact Report

dimensions such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, .. reporting. Sonen's public equity portfolio exhibits significantly lower carbon emissions and
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