IMITATING THE DISBELIEVERS by AL-HAFIDH ADH-DHAHAB! ( .748H) D Translated from the original Arabic by Ab۵Rumaysah Title: ImitatingthePolytheists by:ALLiafidhadh-Dhahabi(d.748H) TranslatedfromtheOriginalArabicbyAbURumaysah ©Copyright2002byDaarus-SunnahPublishers Allinquiriesmustbeaddressed to: ﺔﻨﻔﻌﻣ DAAR٧S-S٧NNAHPUBLISHERS P.O.Box 9818 Birmingham B114WA United Kingdom T:+4401217667993 F:+4401217667982 AllrightsreservedWorldwide.Nopartof thispublicationmaybe reproduced including the cover design, utilized or transformed in any form or means, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopy,recordingof anyinformation storageandretrievalsystem,nowknownortobeinventedwithouttheexpress permissioninwritingfrom thepublisher. BritishLibraryCataloguinginpublicationData. AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN1-904336-01-9 Paper-back Publishedby: Daarus-SunnahPublishers T^esetby: Daarus-SunnahPublishers Coverdesignby:AbUHafsah FirstEdition,1423AH/2002CE PrintedinMaltabyInterprintLimited CONTENT BIOGRAPHYOFTHEAUTHOR: AL-HAFIDHADH-DHAHABI(D.748H) 4 THETREATISE: IMITATINGTHE DISBELIEVERS 7 APPENDIX WHOEVER IMITATESAPEOPLEIS OFTHEM 38 INDEX OF AHADITH 45 - kreproduced BIOGRAPHIES 47 ormeans, ؟^formation ، ﺎطexpress BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 GLOSSARY 57-64 Unary. BIOGRAPHY AUTHOR OF THE . He is Muhammad bin Ahmad bin ‘Uthman bin Qaymaz at- Turkamani adh-Dhahabi, Shamsu-d-Din, AbU Abdullah, the Hadith Master 0hafidh), the eat scholar (ZallamaB) the histo- ) rian {muarrikh) and researchingscholar (muhaqqiq).Hewasborn ، in Kafarabatna, Damascus, in the year 673H and travelled to many different lands in the pursuit of knowledge. He studied under a galaxy of scholars, male and female, some of whom were Shaykh al-Isiam ibn Taymiyyah, ibn Daqiq al- ٤Eid, Ibrahim at-Iabari, ‘Umar bin al-Abbas, AbU al-Hajjaj al- Mizzi, Alamu-d-Din al-Barzaii, Khadijah bint YUsuf, Zainab bint Ahmad and Fatimah bint Ibrahim. an He excelled in the sciences of Qur’ recitation, hadith, jarh wa-t-ta٤dil,andhistory.Hewasappointedasteacherinanumber of hadith schools in Damascus such as Dar al-Hadith al- . ‘Arawi^ah, Dar al-Hadith an-Naflsi^ah and Dar al-Hadith al- Fadilij^ah. Hewashighlyrespectedand praised bymanyof the eatschol- ars,it is sufficient to mention that ibn Hajr al-AsqaHni used to drink Zamzam with the intention of attaining the rank of adh- Dhahabi in knowledge and he said about him, ‘he is among those who have total mastery in the field of critiquing hadith narrators.’ He had many students, some of whom were, Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Aia’i, ibn Kathir and Taqi-ud-Din as-Subki. ا BiographyoftheAuthor 5 He authored many invaluable works, exceeding two hundred, which were sought after in all the lands. Some of the more. ، ، ،ه،iQdayumia,ztahte- Tkanfaoqzuqs, Monilea؟n، &atle-T,taid؛-aA؛,rTkar،zinfebjtaShilJslaatmiJ,iS,iaya-r،UAt،،tami١aTna-nNqtztblittalat-* the histo- md Tadbfeiratw-JHw^adb. ئwasborn Itevelled to He became blind seven years before he passed awayin theyear 748H, may Allah have mercy upon him.١ - ، ! male, some The title of this treatise is, Tashabbuh al-Khasis bi Ahli-l-Khamis jk-yd at-Tasbabbnb bi-Hwsbrifem icYv couYdk ttiAated ﺎھDaqiq al- *^Hajjaj al- as,٤thedisgracefulimitationof thosewhocelebrateal-Khamis2 . a refutation of imitating the polytheists.’ Zainab ' All footnotes in the following treatise are taken from the notes to it by K hadith, jarh Shaykh Ali Hasan al-Halabi, sometimes quoted verbatim and sometimes summarised.Additionalnoteshavebeenaddedbythetranslatorandtheseare هذanumber precededby«T». *Hadith al- r*Hadith al- 2Itiswritteninthemanuscript insmallwritingabovethistitle,٤i.e.Khamisal- Baydanditiswell-known.’ Isay:thisKhamisisdhtidedintotwocategories: a)TheLesserKhamiswhichreferstothelastThursdaytofallinthe hrgreatschol- daysinwhichtheChristiansfast. ﺪﻧ used to b)TheGreaterKhamiswhichfallsattheendoftheirdaysoffasting, took of adh- ؛ theycallthisoccasion‘theCelebrationoftheLastSupper’(،eidal-maidaB). is among ، Refer toibnTaymiyyah, اIqtiia*as-Sdratal-Mustaqim)؛1/3141and the qrang hadith ؛ notesofitseditor. «T» The days in which the Christians fast are known as Lent, they commence from Ash Wednesday,last fortyweekdays and end with Easter. Ahmad bin Easteris theChristianfestivalcelebratingthe‘resurrection’ofJesus.So the ! al-Aiai, ibn Khamiswhichtheauthor,mayAllahhave mercyuponhim,mentions most probablymeansEaster. TheMondaybeforeLent,CollopMonday,wasspentineatingmeat= 6 Imitating the disbelievers =andtheTuesdayineatingsweets—theoriginof Pancakeday. AnotherimportantChristianactionofworshipistheEucharist.This istheChristiansacramentcommemoratingtheLastSupperinwhichbreadand wineareconsecratedandconsumed.Theauthormakesfrequentreferenceto theconsumingofbreadinthistreatise,perhapsthisisinreferencetothisact andotherChristianworshipsinwhichbreadisconsumed. IMITATING DISBELIEVERS THE AL-HAFIDHADH-DHAHABI(D.748H) THE TREATISE All praise and thanks are due to the One who.favoured US with Islam, Who granted US sight after blindness Who guided US from misguidance and bestowed upon US blessings that allow us to abide by the upright and steadfast religion. I Peace and blessings be upon our master,Muhammad,who was sent as a mercy to all of the worlds, as an Imam for the pious and God-fearing, as an intercessor* for thesinners,as aWarner — warning against imitating the Jews, Christians and Sabians,2 and as a caller to Allah upon firm knowledge with the clearest peace of proofs and blessings be upon him], his familyand all , of his Companions. ؛ It is truly distressing to find the ignorant masses losing much [knowledge and understanding] of what the righteous Salaf 3 'ThescholarshaveclarifiedthattheMessenger(i)hasbeengrantedanumber of^esofintercession.Thesewere brieflymentioned byImamibnAbial- Tzzal-Danafi,Shar'h‘Aqidahat-lahkiyyah'mAmentionedindetailbyShaykh MuqbilbinHadial-Wadil,ash-Shifa‘a.Thislatterbookisabeneficialworkon thissubject. -- Eucharist.This 2TheyareapeoplewhoworshipthestarsandAngels. kvfakhbreadand RefertorYafsiribnKathir[1/104]. treferenceto ٠ etothisact 3These are the people of those generations aboutwhom the Prophet ( ) testifiedtobeupongood,‘thebestofpeoplearemygeneration,thenthose= 8 Imitating thedisbelievers were upon comprising their holding firm to the Straight Path, their avoiding innovations and their shunning the distinguish- ing feamres of the denizens of Hell. Similarly it is distressing to find the i^orant ones of the Khalaf 4 followingeverysinful, misguided individual. There is no might or movement except with Allah, the Most High, the Great! ThatwhichtheNobleMessenger(i)warnedUSofhasoccurred when he said. ،؛ﺬﺜﻟﺈﺑ ؛ﺬﻔﻟا وﺬﺣ ﻢﻜﺋ نﺎﻛ ﻦﺗ ﺲﺳ ﺲﺒﻗ ﻦﯿﺑ : ﺎﯾ : ،هﻮﻤﺘﻠﺧد [ ﺐﺘﻧ ﻦﺤﺟ اﻮﺘﺧذ وًال ﺲﻧ ؟ :دﺎﻗ ؟ىرﺎﺼﺌﻟاو نﻮﻨﯾآ !ﷲ زﻮﺳذ ،You will surely follow the ways of those who came before you,inexactly the same fashion,to the point that were they to enter the hole of a lizard,you too would enter it.) It was asked of him, ،0 Messenger ofAllah!Doyou mean theJewsand Christians?)He whofollow,then thosewho follow...). Reportedbyal-Bukharf [Eng.Trans.3/498no.819,5/2no.2,8/292no.436] andMuslim png.Trans.4/1347no.’s6156-6158] from‘Imran.«T»Alsore- portedbyBukharipng.Trans.3/498no.820,5/2no.3,8/292no.437]and Muslim png. Trans. 4/1345 no.’s 6150-6153] from Abdullah bin MasUd؛ Muslim png.Trans.4/1346no.’s6154-6155]fromAbUHurayrah;andMus- lim png.Trans.4/1347no.6159]from‘A’ishah. 4TheyaretheonewhocameaftertheSalaf,thosewhoderiatedfromtheirpath andopposedtheirmethodology(manhaj).0Allah!WeaskYouthatwefollow thepathof theSalaf andwetakerefogewithYoufromtheinnovationsof the ) Kbalaf. ا Imitating the disbelievers 9 IStraight Path, replied,‘who else?’ مء distinguish- - ؛1is distressing Meaningwho else could I be referring to? ﻵلﻹsinful, ٠ . t except The Prophet ( said ﻢﮭﺌﻣ ﻮﮭﻓ مﻮﻘﯾ ﺔﺳﻰﻣ rfhasoccurred Whoever imitates a people is of them. . The Messenger of Allah (§) said نﻮﺋﺎﺘﻧ ىرﺎﺼﺌﻟاو ،ﺈﺜﮭﯿﻠﻋ بﻮﻀﺌﺗ بﻮﻘﺜﻟا wrj TheJews are those who have anger upon them and theChristiansare thosewhohave strayedd Dame §point ، ﻢﻟ too 5ReportedbyBukharipng.Trans.4/440no.662,9/314no.422]andMuslim He png.Trans.4/1403no.’s 6448-6449] fromAbUSaid.Itisalsoreported by Bukharipng.Trans.9/314no.421]fromAbUHurayrah. 6Aportionof ahadithreportedbyAhmad[no.’s5114,5115]fromibn‘Umar ة8/292no.436] vdthahasanisnad.Thisportionitself isreportedbyAbUDawud png.Trans. nBLa٠oT».4A3l7s]oarned- 3M/u1g1b2m7،anno.H4a0m20a]law٤-Aithsfaarh\aV،sa?n)4iTs\n.adanditwasdeclaredsahihbyal-‘Iraqi,al- - «T»Seeappendixforadiscussiononthishadith. it bin MasUd؛ ranh:andMus- 7Reportedbyat-Tirmidhi[no.2956],Ahmad [4/378]andibnUibban[no.’s 1715,2279]. Itsisnadcontains‘UbbadbinHubaysh,onlyonenarratorreportsfrom foeirpafo himandibnUibbandeclared himthiqah!Al-uafidhsaid,‘maqbuf.Isay:the ،thatwefollow hadithhas a number ofwitnesses, both mawqUfand marfo‘,that have been prionsof the mentionedbyas-SuyUti,ad-Durral-Manthur[1/42]. ThereforethehadithishasaninshaAllah.