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Human Relations, Vol. 46, Number 12, 1993 Author Index to Volume 46 ABRAHAM, MARCIA. The Concept of Intergroup Mirroring: Reality or Illusion? AGHO, AUGUSTINE O. Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Test of a Causal Model ARMENAKIS, ACHILLES A. Creating Readiness for Organizational Change ARYEE, SAMUEL. Dual-Eamer Couples in Singapore: An Examination of Work and Nonwork Sources of Their Experienced Burnout .. 1441 ATWATER, LEANNE E. Personal Attributes as Predictors of Superiors’ and Subordinates’ Perceptions of Military Academy Leadership .. 645 BARTUNEK, JEAN M. Scholarly Dialogues and Participatory Action Research 1221 BEEKUN, R. I. Business Strategy and Interorganizational Linkages Within the Acute Care Hospital Industry: An Expansion of the Miles and Snow Typology BHAGAT, RABI S. Organizational Contexts and Contingent Leadership Roles: A Theoretical Exploration BIES, ROBERT J. Social Accounts in Conflict Situations: Using Explanations to Manage Conflict BOWLES. M. L. Logos and Eros: The Vital Syzygy for Understanding Human Relations and Organizational Action BROWN, KAREN A. Organizational Obstacles: Links with Financial Performance, Customer Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction in a Service Environment BROWN, L. DAVID. Social Change Through Collective Reflection with Asian Nongovernmental Development Organizations BUCKLEY, PETER J. Economics as an Imperialist Social Science 1035 CARTWRIGHT, SUE. The Psychological Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Individual: A Study of Building Society Managers CASSON, MARK. Economics as an Imperialist Social Science .. . 1469 0018-7267/93/1200-1469$07.00/1 © 1993 The Tavistock Institute 1470 Author Index to Volume 46 CHISHOLM, RUPERT F. Emerging Varieties of Action Research: Introduction to the Special Issue CHISHOLM, RUPERT F. Features of Emerging Action Research . . COOPER, CARY L. The Psychological Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Individual: A Study of Building Society Managers COOPER, CARY L. The Relationship Between Work Stress and Leisure Style: British and German Managers CORDERY, JOHN. Correlates of Employee Attitudes Toward Functional Flexibility DESHPANDE, SATISH P. Pay-Allocations by Managers: A Policy-Capturing Approach DODGSON, MARK. Learning, Trust, and Technological Collaboration DUNPHY, DEXTER. The Strategic Management of Corporate Change DUTTON, JANE E. Making Sense of the Environment: The Role of Perceived Effectiveness EGGLESTON, KATHREYN K. Organizational Contexts and Contingent Leadership Roles: A Theoretical Exploration ELDEN, MAX. Emerging Varieties of Action Research: Introduction to the Special Issue ELDEN, MAX. Features of Emerging Action Research EMERY, FRED. An Appreciation: Eric Landsdown Trist (1909-1993) ENGELSTAD, PER H. Swedish Network Development for Implementing National Work Reform Strategy ETZIONI, AMITAI. Normative-Affective Choices FISHER, CYNTHIA D. Boredom at Work: A Neglected Concept FISHER, RONALD J. The Comparative Utility of Third Party Consultation and Mediation Within a Complex Simulation Bi ee eee eee eee FLETCHER, BEN (C). An Empirical Study of Occupational Stress Transmission in Working Couples FURNHAM, ADRIAN. Personality and Occupational Behavior: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Correlates of Managerial Practices in Two Cultures GINN, G. O. Business Strategy and Interorganizational Linkages Within the Acute Care Hospital Industry: An Expansion of the Miles and Snow Typology GRANT, PETER R. The Comparative Utility of Third Party Consultation and Mediation Within a Complex Simulation of Intergroup Conflict Author Index to Volume 46 GREEN, SHAWN A. The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Citizenship and Impression Management Behavior GREENWOOD, DAVYDD J. Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal GREGERSEN, HAL. Chaos Theory and Its Implications for Social Science Research GUSTAVSEN, BJORN. Action Research and the Generation of Knowledge GUSTAVSEN, BJORN. Swedish Network Development for Implementing National Work Reform Strategy HADLEY, ROGER. Involvement, Motivation and Reorganization in a Social Services Department HANSEN, CAROL D. Storytelling: An Instrument for Understanding the Dynamics of Corporate Relationships HARKAVY, IRA. Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal HARRIS, STANLEY G. Creating Readiness for Organizational Change HART, STUART L. Roles Executives Play: CEOs, Behavioral Complexity, and Firm Performance HASSARD, JOHN. The Invention of Corporate Culture: A History of the Histories of Cadbury HELLER, FRANK. Another Look at Action Research HOON, TAN HWEE. Rhetorical Vision of Men and Women Managers in Singapore HUGMAN, RICHARD. Involvement, Motivation and Reorganization in a Social Services Department JONES, FIONA. An Empirical Study of Occupational Stress Transmission in Working Couples KAHNWEILER, WILLIAM M. Storytelling: An Instrument for Understanding the Dynamics of Corporate Relations KALLEBERG, ARNE L. Contracts and Commitment: Economic and Sociological Perspectives on Employment Relationships . . . KEASHLY, LORALEIGH. The Comparative Utility of Third Party Consultation and Mediation Within a Complex Simulation of Intergroup Conflict KETS DE VRIES, MANFRED F. R. Understanding the Leader— Strategy Interface: Application of the Strategic Relationship Interview Method KIRKCALDY, BRUCE D. The Relationship Between Work Stress and Leisure Style: British and German Managers 1472 Author Index to Volume 46 KIRSCHENBAUM, ALAN. Gender and Turnover: A Re-examination of the Impact of Sex on Intent and Actual Job Changes LANDAU, JENNIFER. Organizational Change and Barriers to Innovation: A Case Study in the Italian Public Sector LEA, STEPHEN E. G. The Partial Unacceptability of Money in Repayment for Neighborly Help LEDFORD, GERALD E., JR. Looking Backward and Forward at Action Research LEDFORD, GERALD E., JR. Self-Design for High Involvement: a Large-Scale Organizational Change LEE, S. K. JEAN. Rhetorical Vision of Men and Women Managers in Singapore LEVIN, MORTEN. Creating Networks for Rural Economic Development in Norway LINSTEAD, STEPHEN. From Postmodern Anthropology to Deconstructive Ethnography LIPKUS, ISAAC. Reactions to Individuals Who Are Consistently Positive or Negative: The Impact of Differing Interaction Goals LIVINGSTONE, S. Savers and Borrowers: Strategies of Personal Financial Management LONG, RICHARD J. The Impact of New Office Information Technology on Job Quality of Female and Male Employees LOVERIDGE, RAY. Socio-Economics—A Bridge Too Far? LOWSTEDT, JAN. Organizing Frameworks in Emerging Organizations: A Cognitive Approach to the Analysis of Change LUNT, P. Savers and Borrowers: Strategies of Personal Financial Management MANGHAM, IAN L. Conspiracies of Silence? Some Critical Comments on the Action Research Special Issue, February 1993 MARQUAND, JUDITH. Mirrors, Butterflies, and Training Policy MARTIN, RODERICK. The New Behaviorism: A Critique of Economics and Organization MCCABE, DONALD L. Making Sense of the Environment: The Role of Perceived Effectiveness MILLER, DANNY. Understanding the Leader—Strategy Interface: Application of the Strategic Relationship Interview Method MITCHELL, TERRENCE R. Organizational Obstacles: Links with Financial Performance, Customer Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction in a Service Environment MOHRMAN, SUSAN A. Looking Backward and Forward at Action Research Author Index to Volume 46 MOHRMAN, SUSAN ALBERS. Self-Design for High Involvement: A Large-Scale Organizational Change MOORMAN, ROBERT H. The Influence of Cognitive and Affective Based Job Satisfaction Measures on the Relationship Between Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior MOSSHOLDER, KEVIN W. Creating Readiness for Organizational Change MUELLER, CHARLES W. Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Test of a Causal Model MUELLER, WALLY. Correlates of Employee Attitudes Toward Functional Flexibility NICHOLSON, NIGEL. Purgatory or Place of Safety? The Managerial Plateau and Organizational Agegrading NOEL, ALAIN. Understanding the Leader—Strategy Interface: Application of the Strategic Relationship Interview Method PARKER, SHARON. Correlates of Employee Attitudes Toward Functional Flexibility PETERSON, MARK F. Success Patterns of Cuban-American Enterprises: Implications for Entrepreneurial Communities 921 PHILIPS, AKE. Organizational Innovations in a Long-Term Perspective: Legitimacy and Souls-of-Fire as Critical Factors of Change and Viability PRICE, JAMES L. Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Test of a Causal Model QUINN, ROBERT E. Roles Executives Play: CEOs, Behavioral Complexity, and Firm Performance RAELIN, JOSEPH A. The Persean Ethic: Consistency of Belief and Action in Managerial Practice REASON, PETER. Sitting Between Appreciation and Disappointment: A Critique of the Special Edition of Human Relations on Action Research REVE, TORGER. Contracts and Commitment: Economic and Sociological Perspectives on Employment Relations ROQUEBERT, JAIME. Success Patterns of Cuban-American Enterprises: Implications for Entrepreneurial Communities ROWLINSON, MICHAEL. The Invention of Corporate Culture: A History of the Histories of Cadbury RUSBULT, CARYL. Reactions to Individuals Who Are Consistently Positive or Negative: The Impact of Differing Interaction Goals . 481 SABEL, CHARLES F. Studied Trust: Building New Forms of Cooperation in a Volatile Economy 1474 Author Index to Volume 46 SAILER, LEE. Chaos Theory and Its Implications for Social Science Research SCHNEIDER, SUSAN C. Conflicting Ideologies: Structural and Motivational Consequences SCHODERBEK, PETER P. Pay-Allocations by Managers: A Policy-Capturing Approach SEVASTOS, PETER. Correlates of Employee Attitudes Toward Functional Flexibility SHIM, J. P. A Comparative Examination of Attitudes Toward Software Piracy Among Business Professors and Executives SITKIN, SIM B. Social Accounts in Conflict Situations: Using Explanations to Manage Conflict SMITHER, ROBERT D. Authoritarianism, Dominance, and Social Behavior: A Perspective from Evolutionary Personality Psychology . STACE, DOUG. The Strategic Management of Corporate Change STJERNBERG, TORBJORN. Organizational Innovations in a Long-Term Perspective: Legitimacy and Souls-of-Fire as Critical Factors of Change and Viability STRINGFIELD, PAUL. Personality and Occupational Behavior: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Correlates of Managerial Practices in Two Cultures TAYLOR, G. STEPHEN. A Comparative Examination of Attitudes Toward Software Piracy Among Business Professors and Executives WADDOCK, SANDRA A. Lessons from the National Alliance Business Compact Project: Business and Public Education Reform WAYNE, SANDY J. The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Citizenship and Impression Management Behavior .. 1431 WEBER, JAMES. Exploring the Relationship Between Personal Values and Moral Reasoning WEBLEY, PAUL. The Partial Unacceptability of Money in Repayment for Neighborly Help WEISBERG, JACOB. Gender and Turnover: A Re-examination of the Impact of Sex on Intent and Actual Job Changes WHEELAN, SUSAN A. The Concept of Intergroup Mirroring: Reality or Illusion? WHYTE, WILLIAM FOOTE. Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal YAMMARINO, FRANCIS J. Personal Attributes as Predictors of Superiors’ and Subordinates’ Perceptions of Military Academy Leadership

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