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Homostyly and Autogamy in Ophiorrhiza pumila (Rubiaceae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago PDF

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Preview Homostyly and Autogamy in Ophiorrhiza pumila (Rubiaceae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 113-120(2006) Homostyly and Autogamy in Ophiorrhiza pumila (Rubiaceae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago Koh NAKAMURA\ Tetsuo DENDAb and Masatsugu YOKOTAb 'Graduate School of Engineering and Science,U niversity of the Ryukyus, 1,S enbaru,Ni shihara,O kinawa,9 03-0213 JAPAN; E-mail: [email protected] bLaboratory of Ecology and Systematics,Fa culty of Science,Un iversity of the Ryukyus, 1,S enbaru,Ni shihara,O kinawa,9 03-0213 JAPAN (Received on September 15,2 005) Floral morphology of Ophiorrhiza pumila from the Ryukyus was investigated to de- termine the presence/absence of heterostyly. The investigation indicated that O. pumila is not distylous,bu t is long-styled homostylous,w ith stigmata and anthers at almost the same height around the throat of corolla tubes. This agrees with ap revious description of O. pumila from continental China,bu t differs from that of heterostyly in O. pumila from Taiwan. This incongruence may be caused by in仕aspecificpolymo中hismsin heterostyly, however,O . pumila from Taiwan investigated here also showed long-styled homostyly. In ab agging experiment,th e reproductive success in fruit set and number of mature seeds was high,a nd comparable to open-pollinated individuals. In field observations,th e rate of f10wer visitation was low,a nd no pollen grains were found on captured insects. Because of self-compatibility and high autodeposition efficiency independent of insect pollination,a utogamy is thought to be the principal reproductive mechanism of O. pumila in the Ryukyus. Key words: Autogamy,f loral morphology,h eterostyly,O phiorrhiza pumila,R yukyu Islands. There are four taxa of Ophiorrhiza in the cymose inflorescences consist of 1-10 flow- Ryukyus,O . japonica Blume var. amamiana ers (Fig. 1). The genus Ophiorrhiza is Hatus.,O . japonica B1. var. japonica,O . heterostylous in general,a s is typical for the kuroiwai Makino,a nd O. pumila. Among Rubiaceae (Darwin 1976,L o 1990,L iu and them O. pumila is the most frequently ob- Yang 1998). In the Rubiaceae,4 16 species in served species in the area. Ophiorrhiza 91 genera are listed as heterostylous pumila Champ. ex Benth. (Rubiaceae) is a (Bahadur 1968), and there e more 紅 perennial herb,5 -20 cm in height,f ound in heterostylous species than in any other fam- the Ryukyus,T aiwan,s outhem China,n orth- ily of flowering plants (Ganders 1979,F aivre emV ietnam,a nd the Philippines (Hatusima and McDade 2001). In Taiwan,O . pumila is 1975,L iu and Yang 1998). In the Ryukyus, reported as heterostylous (Liu and Yang O. pumila is distributed in the south of 1998),b ut,L o (1999) described o. pumila Yakushima Is ,.1 northem Ryukyus,a nd is from continental China as having stigmata very common in south of Amamioshima Is ,.l and anthers at almost the same height in in the central Ryukyus. The plant bears white corollas. Because of the disagreement flowers approximately 5m ml ong,a nd its between these reports from Taiwan and -113- 114 植物研究雑誌第81巻第2号 平成18年4月 Fig. 1. Habit (A) and flowers (B) of Ophiorrhiza pumila in Mt. Nago,N ago-shi,O kinawajima Isl. on 4J une 2005. Scale bar = 3m m. continental China,it is of interest to deter- Materials and Methods mine whether O. pumila from the Ryukyus is Floral morphology heterostylous. There is,h owever,n o detailed Mature flowers of Ophiorrhiza pumila description of flower morphology of these were collected during the flowering season plants. Here,w e examined the floral mor- from March to October of 2000 to 2005 in phology of O. pumila to clarify whether or native habitats or in the greenhouse of the not it is heterostylous in the Ryukyus. Faculty of Science, University of the Heterostyly is ar eproductive mechanism Ryukyus,O kinawajima Is ,.1 Japan. One to that promotes animal-mediated legitimate three mature flowers were randomly selected pollinations,i. e.,p ollinations between stig- per plant. Wea lso used specimens deposited mata of one floral morph and anthers at the in the herbarium of the Faculty of Science, equivalent level of another morph (Darwin University of the Ryukyus (RYU). In total, 1877,B arrett and Glover 1985,P iper and 109 individuals from 32 localities on five is- Charlesworth 1986,L loyd and Webb 1992), lands of the Ryukyus (Amamioshima, and the mo中hologicaltraits are usually ac- Tokunoshima, Okinaw吋ima,Ishigakijima companied by as elf-incompatibility system and Iriomotejima) and Taiwan were ob- that prevents self-and intramorph fertiliza- served for style mo中h(Table 1). Collected tion (B紅白tt1992). Thus,it is meaningful to flowers were preserved in 70 % ethanol or examine the breeding system in practice to used directly for observation. Corolla tubes understand the heterostyly of as pecies. To were cut and opened longitudinally with a do this,w e performed field observations and needle,a nd the relative positions of stigma conducted an experimental study of the and anther heights in the corolla tubes were breeding mechanism of O. pumila. examined under ab inocular microscope. A scanning electron microscope (JSM- 6060LV ,J EOL) was also used for detailed observation of some materials. Flowers were April2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 2 115 Table 1. Collection Iocalities of Ophiorrhiza pumil.α Amamioshima Isl. (Kagoshima Pref.): Shin-mura,S umiyo-son,( 1); Kawauchi Riv.,Y amato-son,( 1); Sumiyo Riv.,S umiyo-son,(1, 1a); locality unknown (2). Tokunoshima Is1. (Kagoshima Pref.): Mt. Inokawa,T okunoshima-cho,(1 ); locality unknown (la ). Okinawajima Is1. (Okinawa PrefよBenokiRiv. Kunigami-son,(1 b); Mt. Terukubi,K unigami-son,(1 b); Ada, Kunigami-son,(1 ); Mt. Yonaha,K unigami-son,(3 ,l h); Mt. Ibu,K unigami-son,(1 b); Fun Riv., Kunigami-son,(2 ,1 b); Mt. Nekumachiji,O gimi-son,(3 ); Ginoza,G inoza-son,( lり;Mt. Tano, Nago-shi,(1 a); Mt. Nago,N ago. 寸.圃叶. Attabaru,N ago-shi,( 3a Sukuta,N ago-shi,( 1"); Mt. Onna,O nnason,(2); Mt. Ishikawa, ); 同 Uruma-shi,(3 a ). Ishigakijima Is1. (Okinawa Pref.): Mt. Omoto,I shigaki-shi,( 4,1 "); Nagura Riv.,I shigaki-shi,( 1"); Buzama, Ishigaki -shi,(1 ). lriomo臼jimaIs1. (Okinawa Pref.): Mt. Komi,T aketomi-cho,(2 b); Urauchi Riv.,T aketomi-cho,(1", 2b); Hin泊ー sara waterfall,T aketomi-cho,(1 a); Hoshidate,T aketomi-cho,(1 ). Taiwan (mainland): Wulai Hsiang,T aipei Hsien,(1, 8a Bard-wen,T aipei Hsien,( 4); Mt. Yuanto, ); Ilan Hsien,(4 ). Numerals in pa問n出esesindicate the number of individuals examined in each locality. Individuals used for meas- urement of fruit set and number of mature seeds in bagging treatment (") and in open-pollination (b) are also indi- cated. Specimens are deposited in the herbarium of the University of the Ryukyus (RYU). dehydrated in an ethanol :t -butanol series St and freeze-dried using a t-butanol freeze- drying device (VFD-21S,V acuum Device, Inc.). Dried flowers were mounted on stubs and coated with gold using an ion sputterer (IB-3,E iko),a nd observed using aS EM. Fruit and seed production To examine the breeding system of Ophiorrhiza pumila,e specially conceming Lh heterostyly,w e conducted ab agging treat- ment to exclude pollinators and to assess selfing ability by autodeposition, i. e., autogamy. Twenty-three individuals with a total of 159 flower buds were bagged (Table 1). Fruiting was checked intermittently until the end of infructescence,a nd fruit-set was examined. Fruit set was defined as the pro- portion of flowers that developed into cap- sules containing mature seeds. Fruit-set for open-pollinated flowers was assessed by fol- lowing the fate of 370 flowers of 47 marked Fig. 2. A longitudinally opened flower of Ophiorrhiza pumila (Mt. Omoto,I shigaki-shi, individuals (Table 1). The number of mature Ishigakijima Is1.; NK03308). Abbreviations: An, seeds per fruit in the bagged and open treat- Anther; St,st igma; Lh,lo ng-fascicled hairs. Scale ments was also determined. Maturity of bar= 1m m. seeds was checked by germination test. 116 植物研究雑誌第81巻第2号 平成18年4月 Observation of floral visitors Collected insects were dried using silica gel, In the Ryukyu Archipelago,O phiorrhiza mounted on stubs,c oated with gold,a nd ex 周 pumila is associated with subtropical broad- amined using SEM. leaved evergreen forests dominated by Castlαnopsis sieboldii (Mak.) Hatus. Results Ophiorrhiza pumila occurs in mountainous Floral morphology moist habitats with moderate sunlight,f or In all individuals of Ophiorrhiza pumila example,s ides of hiking trails and banks of examined from the Ryukyus and Taiwan, mountain streams. The present observations stigmata and anthers were found at almost were conducted along ah iking trail on Mt. the same height around the throat of corolla Nago (26034/99"'N,1 28000/43"'E; elevation, tubes (Fig. 2). Stigmata were included in,or 202 m),N ago-shi,O kinaw司imaIsl. We scarcely exsert from corollas. Stigmata of O. established ap lot (2 x5 m; sky openness, pumila were bilobed,a nd stigmatic lobes 10.9 %) along the hiking trail that included were ovate to nrowlyovate,a lthough they 紅 132 individuals of O. pumila,i ncluding 29 were sometimes coherent with each other flowering individuals. Direct observations of and appeared claviform. The tips of the stig- floral visitors were made during daylight for matic lobes exceeded anthers slightly; how- at otal of 10 ho n 3d ays in June 2005,t he ever,t he base of the stigmatic lobes did not middle of the flowering season. Insects that exceed the anthers. At the throat of corolla visited flowers were collected for identifica- tubes,l ong-fascicled hairs were observed at tion and for assessment of the presence or the same height as the anthers (Fig. 2). These absence of pollen grains of O. pumila. hairs,h owever,w ere not.so long as to cover Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of a longitudinally opened flower of Ophiorrhiza pumila (Mt. Yuanto,Il an Hsien,Ta iwan; NK05778). Abbreviations: An,An ther; St,st igma; Lh,lo ng-fascicled hairs. Scale bar =5 00μm. Apri12006 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 2 117 Table 2. Fruit set and number of mature seeds per fruit (mean士SD)in bagging treatment and in open-pollination Treatment N* Flowers Fruits 一FAm一比一間一tt-一mw Mature seeds Bagging 23 159 152 EJ昭9+一S1ω 89.0 :!:: 22.8 Open-pollination 47 370 341 EJ同4±003 91.6土35.2 *Number of individuals. Table 3. Flower-visiting insects and presence/absence of pollen grains of Ophiorrhiza pumu'αon them Species presence/absence of pollen grains Hymenoptera,H alictidae Lasioglossum sp. abscnt Diptera,S yrphidae Baccha nubilipennis absent Epistrophe balteata absent the whole length of the anthers. Thus,s tig- Ophiorrhiza pumiladuring the 10 ho f obser- mata and anthers came in touch with each vation (Table 3): Lasioglossum sp. (Halicti- other (Fig. 3). Anthers sometimes adhered to dae),B accha nubilipennis (Syrphidae),a nd stigmata and deposited pollen grains on Epistrophe baZteata (Syrphidae). All the visi- them. tations were observed during 10 am-12 pm. However,n o pollen grains of O. pumila were Fruit and seed production observed on the three insect species (Table In the bagging treatment,1 52 of 159 flow- 3). ers developed into capsules with mature seeds,w hile in the open,3 41 of 370 flowers Discussion did so (Table 2). Thus,fr uit sets (mean :t The flowers of Ophiorrhiza pumila are not SD) were 95.9 :t 10.3 % and 94.4土 8.3% in distylous,bu t rather monomorphic,wi th stig- the bagged and open treatments,r espec- mata and anthers at almost the same height tively. There was no significant difference in around the throat of corolla tubes. Although fruit set between treatments (Mann-Whitney the tip of the stigmatic lobes exceeds anthers U test,P > 0.05). The number of mature slightly,m ost parts of the stigmata and an- seeds per fruit was 89.0 :t 22.8 and 91.6:t thers are at equal height,a nd therefore,t he 35.2 in the bagged and open treatments,re - floral morph of O. pumila is not long-styled. spectively (Table 2). Again,t here was no This is clear in comparison to the long-styled significant difference in number of mature morph of congeneric O. japonica var. japon- seeds between treatments (Mann-Whitney U ica,w hose stigmata obviously exceed the an- test,P > 0 .05). thers (Nakamura et al. unpublished data). Thus,t he floral morph of O. pumila is de- Flower-visiting insects fined as long-styled homostyly. This agrees Three species of insects (a small bee and with Lo's (1999) description of similar two syrphid flies) visited the flowers of heights of stigmata and anthers in O. 118 植物研究雑誌第81巻第2号 平成18年4月 pumila,b ut differs from the description of grains after visitation. The Ryukyus lie at the Liu and Yang (1998), who reported O. northem limit of the distribution range of O. pumila as heterostylous. Geographical pumila,w hich could lead to al ack of effec- intraspecific polymorphism in heterostyly tive pollinators that may be found in more have been reported in some taxa,e . g., southerly p紅白 ofits distribution. A detailed Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) in quantitative study of the pollination ecology Brazil,J amaica,a nd Nicaragua (Barrett et al. of O. pumila over its whole range of distri- 1989, Barrett and Husband 1990), and bution may reveal the cause of long-styled Turnera ulmifoliα(Tumeraceae) in the homostyly in this species. Caribbean (Barrett and Shore 1987). Dis- During examinations of floral morpho- agreement between Lo (1999),t his study, logy,w e found that some f10wers had pollen and Liu and Yang (1998) regarding the pres- grains from their own anthers deposited on ence or absence of heterostyly in O. pumila the stigmata. This phenomenon was ob- may be caused by geographical polymor- served not only in bagged individuals,b ut phism if O. pumila is monomorphic and also in individuals in native habitat for f1ow- homostylous in continental China and the ers collected in the field. Self-pollination in Ryukyus,w hile heterostylous in Taiwan. distylous taxa can result in stigma clogging, However, we investigated 17 specimens which reduces reproductive success (Darwin from three localities in Taiwan,a nd all indi 1877,L loyd and Webb 1992). However, 闇 cated long-styled homostyly. An intensive bagged f10wers of O. pumila showed high survey of numerous specimens from addi- fruit-set and produced many seeds,e quiva- tional localities in Taiwan is necessary to lent to that of open-pollinated individuals. clarify the presence or absence of heterostyly High reproductive success in the bagged in Taiwan and,if it exists,th e geographical treatment indicates self-compatibility and trend of the f10ral morphology. high autodeposition efficiency in this spe- Correlation between the breakdown of cies, independent of insect pollination. heterostyly and intraspecific polyploidy has During the flowering season of O. pumila at been reported in some plants (Barrett and the study site,s ome other plants f10wered Shore 1987, Barrett 1988, Naiki and concurrently: Alpinia intermedia Gagnep. Nagamasu 2004). However,th e chromosome (Zingiberaceae), Antidesma pentandrum number of O. pumila from the Ryukyus was (Blanco) Me汀. (Euphorbiaceae), Ardisia examined and reported to be diploid,w ith pisilla DC. (Myrsinaceae),P sychotria rubra 2n =2 2 (Nakamura et al. 2003). Long-styled (Lour.) Poir. (Rubiaceae),a nd Scutellαria homostyles appear more frequently than do rubropunctatαHayata (Labiatae). In particu- , short-styled homostyles (e. g., Primula, lar,Al }フiniaintermedia bore many outstand- Emst 1955; Amsinckia,R ay and Chisaki ing white f10wers with strong scent,a nd 1957). Dowrick (1956) suggested that long- therefore,m any f1ower-visiting insects con- styled homostyles spread more rapidly than centrated on those f1owers. Inf10rescences of do short-styled homostyles when each morph O. pumila are less conspicuous because of is introduced singly into ah eterostyled popu- the small,u nscented flowers and the low lation under certain conditions,e. g.,l ow rate height of the plant. Considering the low rate of pollinator visitation. Long-styled homo- of f10wer visitation and the absence of pollen styly of O. pumila from the Ryukyus may be grains on the visiting insects in the natural an example of this. On Mt. Nago,o nly three condition in contrast to self-compatibility insect individuals visited 0,p umila in 10 h and high autodeposition efficiency,a uto- of observation,a nd they carried no pollen gamy is thought to be the principal reproduc- April2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 2 119 tive mechanism of O. pumila. of self-fertilization in tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae). Evolution 43: 1398- 1416. Wee xpress our sincere gratitude to Dr. G. Darwin C. 1877. The different forms of flowers on Kokubugata (Tsukuba Botanical Garden, plants of the same species. Murray,L ondon. The National Science Museum,T okyo),M r. Darwin S. P. 1976. The Pacific species of Ophiorrhiza T. Kudaka (Takamori Orchid Museum),a nd L. (Rubiaceae). Lyonia 1: 47-102. Dr. S. Matsumura (University of the Dowrick V. P. 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Bot. 44: 537-544. solution of ac omplex polymorphism: the evolution 120 植物研究雑誌第81巻第2号 平成18年4月 中村 剛 ,惇田哲郎 ,横田昌嗣 .琉球列島にお a b b けるチャボイナモリ(アカネ科)の等花柱性と自 動的自家受精 産チャボイナモリはいずれも等花柱性であった. 琉球列島産チャボイナモリについて,異型花柱 袋がけ実験の結果,チャボイナモリの結実率,成 性の有無に関して花形態を調査した.その結果, 熟種子数は,袋がけをしていない野外個体と同等 チャボイナモリは,柱頭と蔚が花筒喉部付近でほ に高い値を示した.一方,野外観察において,チャ ぼ同じ高さにある等花柱性で,二型花柱性を持た ボイナモリへの昆虫の訪花はまれで,その体表に ないことがわかった.この結果は,中国大陸産チャ チャボイナモリの花粉は認められなかった.自家 ボイナモリについてのこれまでの記述と一致した 和合性と虫媒によらない高い自家受粉率を考える が,台湾産チャボイナモリが異型花柱性であると と,チャボイナモリの主要な繁殖様式は自動的自 する記述とは異なった.この不一致は,チャボイ 家受精であると考えられる. ナモリの異型花柱性に地理的な種内変異があるた (a琉球大学大学院理工学研究科, めかも知れない. しかし,本研究で調査した台湾 琉球大学理学部海洋自然科学科) h

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