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Holomorphic curves in low dimensions PDF

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by  Wendl C
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Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2216 Chris Wendl Holomorphic Curves in Low Dimensions From Symplectic Ruled Surfaces to Planar Contact Manifolds Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2216 Editors-in-Chief: Jean-MichelMorel,Cachan BernardTeissier,Paris AdvisoryBoard: MichelBrion,Grenoble CamilloDeLellis,Zurich AlessioFigalli,Zurich DavarKhoshnevisan,SaltLakeCity IoannisKontoyiannis,Athens GáborLugosi,Barcelona MarkPodolskij,Aarhus SylviaSerfaty,NewYork AnnaWienhard,Heidelberg Moreinformationaboutthisseriesathttp://www.springer.com/series/304 Chris Wendl Holomorphic Curves in Low Dimensions From Symplectic Ruled Surfaces to Planar Contact Manifolds 123 ChrisWendl Institutf:urMathematik Humboldt-Universit:atzuBerlin Berlin,Germany ISSN0075-8434 ISSN1617-9692 (electronic) LectureNotesinMathematics ISBN978-3-319-91369-8 ISBN978-3-319-91371-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91371-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018943453 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010):57R17,32Q65 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG,partofSpringerNature2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerInternationalPublishingAGpart ofSpringerNature. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To Clara,whoseentryintotheworldmay haveslightlydelayed thecompletionofthis book. Preface This book is an expanded version of a set of lecture notes for a minicourse I gave at IRMA Strasbourg in October 2012 as part of the MasterClasseson HolomorphicCurvesandApplicationstoEnumerativeGeometry,Symplecticand ContactTopology. The focus of the minicourse was on certain specifically low- dimensional aspects of the theory of pseudoholomorphic curves, which lend a distinctive flavor to the study of symplectic and contact manifolds in dimensions fourandthree,respectively.Whilemostofthesetopicsarecoveredtosomeextent elsewhereintheliterature(notablyin[MS12],thestandardreferencein thefield), they usually do not take center stage, and I have sometimes encountered experts in symplectic topology who seem only vaguely aware of why holomorphiccurve methodsaresomuchmorepowerfulindimensionfourthaninhigherdimensions. Asaconvincingdemonstrationofthispower,Ichosetoexplainthemainresults of McDuff’s classic paper [McD90] characterizing rational and ruled symplectic 4-manifolds. First proved around the end of the 1980s, these results are now considered fundamental in the study of symplectic 4-manifolds, and their proofs are quite beautiful and natural and, from a modern perspective, not conceptually difficult.A beginner,however,mightfind themunfairlyintimidatingif attempting toreadtheoriginalpapersonthesubject,whichwerewrittenbeforemanyofwhat we would now call the “standard” techniques had been fully developed. My goal therefore was to present these proofs in the most elegant way that I could, using modern techniques that I regard as essential for researchers in the field to learn. Since I had limited time and did not want to get bogged down with analysis, most of the necessary analytical background on holomorphic curves was stated without proofs, though I have endeavored in this book at least to give precise statements of all required results and brief informal explanationsof why they are true,withreferencestoothersourceswherethedetailsmaybefound.Incontrastto other available treatments of this subject (e.g., in [MS12, LM96b]), I have placed considerableemphasisonthenaturalroleplayedbyLefschetzpencilsandfibrations, a distinctlytopological(ratherthananalytical)topicwhichhasexerteda similarly largeinfluenceonsymplectictopologysincethe1990s. vii viii Preface Asecondobjectiveoftheoriginalminicourseandofthisbookisaddressedinthe lasttwochapters,whichdiscusscontacttopology.Myownmotivationtounderstand McDuff’s rational/ruled paper came largely from this direction, as it had become clear through the work of Hofer-Wysocki-Zehnder and others that the Gromov- McDufftechniqueoffoliatingsymplectic4-manifoldsbyholomorphiccurvesalso had many deep implications for contact 3-manifolds. In my own research, these implicationshavebeenmostapparentthroughtherelationshipbetweenholomorphic curves and Lefschetz fibrations on symplectic fillings, which connects naturally with the study of open book decompositions on contact manifolds. The so-called planarcontactmanifolds—thosewhicharesupportedbyplanaropenbooks—have turnedoutto playan analogousrolein the three-dimensionalcontactworldto the one played by rational and ruled surfaces in dimension four. The last chapter is an attempt to illustrate this analogy, focusing in particular on two problems of fundamentalimportance in the field: the existence of closed Reeb orbits (i.e., the Weinstein conjecture)andthe classification of symplecticfillings. I have included also in Chap.8 some general discussion of the context for these problems and the historical development of the techniques used to study them, reaching from Conley and Zehnder’s 1982 solution of the Arnol’d conjecture on the torus to the introduction in 2000 and (as of this writing not yet complete) subsequent development of symplectic field theory. These last two chapters are meant as a survey,sotheyallowthemselvestheluxuryofnotpresentingcompleteproofs,but covercorrespondinglymoreground. Chapter 7 is a later addition that was not part of the original minicourse, but fits in thematically with the material of the first six chapters. The subject here is therelationshipbetweenMcDuff’scharacterizationofrational/ruledsymplectic4- manifolds and the Gromov-Witten invariants, in particular the beautiful theorem thatasymplectic4-manifoldissymplecticallyuniruledifandonlyifitisablowup of a rational or ruled surface. Several results of fundamental importance can be understood as consequences of this theorem, e.g., that the class of (blowups of) symplectic rational or ruled surfaces is invariant under birational equivalence and thattheminimalblowdownofasymplectic4-manifoldisuniqueunlessitisrational orruled.Onegoodreasontowritethischapterwasthatwhilethetheorem“uniruled ñ rational/ruled”has evidently been known to experts for at least 20 years, I am notaware of any previoussource in the literature thatboth containsthe statement andexplainswhyitistrue.Moreseriously,McDuff’spaper[McD92]onimmersed spheres,whichcarriesoutthehardpartoftheproof,seemsnottohavepenetrated the public consciousness nearly as much as its predecessor [McD90]. One reason forthisissurelythatthemainproofin[McD92]issignificantlymoreintricatethan anything in [McD90], and another is that the result was superseded a short time later by developments from Seiberg-Witten theory. Since I had never planned to discuss Seiberg-Wittentheory in my minicourse, it therefore seemed natural after writing the notes that I should try to supplementthem with a readable accountof thecontentsof[McD92],andwhileIcannotsaywithanycertaintywhetherIhave succeeded,theoutcomeofthateffortisChap.7ofthisbook.Sinceitwasrelevant,I tooktheopportunitytoaddagentleintroductiontoGromov-Wittentheory,andthe Preface ix restrictiontodimensionfourallowedmetodothisinawaythatsomereadersmay findlessintimidatingthanthestandardpresentationin[MS12].Itshouldbeadded that my explanationof [McD92] would have been completely impossible without someextremelyvaluableinputfromMcDuffherself,whobecameenthusiasticabout thiseffortbeforeIhadquiteunderstoodwhatIwasgettingmyselfinto.Theproof I’vewrittenupinSect.7.3isessentiallyonethatsheexplainedto meaftershesat downtoreconsidertheoriginalargumentof[McD92]. There are several topics that might have seemed natural to include but have beenglaringlyomitted:foremostamongtheseisthesubstantialcontributionmade by Seiberg-Witten theory to the classification of symplectic structures on rational and ruled surfaces, including work of Taubes [Tau95, Tau00], Lalonde-McDuff [LM96a], and Li and Liu [LL95, Li99, Liu96]. I will mention a few such results in Sects.1.2 and 7.3.1, mainly for the sake of cultural knowledge, but without any serious attempt to explain why they are true. It would have been even more unrealistic to attempt a nontrivial discussion of Seiberg-Witten theory in contact geometry; thus, my exposition says almost nothing about Taubes’s solution to the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three [Tau07], nor its connections to the SFT-like invariant known as embedded contact homology (see [Hut10]) and its manyimpressiveapplications.Theinterestingtopicoffiniteenergyfoliations(see, e.g., [HWZ03, Wen08, FS]) will be alluded to briefly but then forgotten, and my discussionofLefschetzfibrationsonsymplecticfillingswillnecessarilyomitmany additionalapplicationsfor which they can profitablybe used, e.g., in the study of Steinmanifolds[ÖS04a]andLagrangianintersectiontheory[Sei08b].Ihavetried atleasttosupplysuitablereferenceswhereverpossible,sothereadershouldnever assumethatwhatIhavetosayonanygiventopicisallthatcanbesaid. The target reader for this book is assumed to have at least a solid background in basic differential geometry and algebraic topology (including homological intersection numbers and the first Chern class), as well as some basic literacy concerning symplectic manifolds (Darboux’s theorem, Moser’s stability theorem, the Lagrangianneighborhoodtheorem, etc.) as found e.g. in the early chaptersof [MS17]. Ihavetriedto avoidexplicitlyrequiringpriorknowledgeofholomorphic curves—hence the technical overview in Chap.2—but readers who already have suchknowledgewillprobablyfindithelpful(andsomeofthosewillbecontentto skipmostofChap.2). Acknowledgments I would like to thank Emmanuel Opshtein, IRMA Strasbourg, and the CNRS for bringingabouttheworkshopthatgaverisetothelecturenotesonwhichthisbook is based.Many thanksalso to Patrick Massotand Paolo Ghigginifortheir careful readingandhelpfulcommentsonvariouspreliminaryversions,JankoLatschevfor providing the proof of Proposition 8.10, and especially to Dusa McDuff for her x Preface invaluableexplanationsofthepaper[McD92]andformanyconstructivecomments onthefirstdraftofChap.7. MuchofthewritingofthisbookwascarriedoutatUniversityCollegeLondon, whereIwassupportedinpartbyaRoyalSocietyUniversityResearchFellowship. Berlin,Germany ChrisWendl

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