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Preview Hodge Groups of certain Superelliptic Jacobians II

HODGE GROUPS OF CERTAIN SUPERELLIPTIC JACOBIANS II 1 1 JIANGWEIXUE 0 2 n a 1. introduction J 0 Throughout this paper C is the field of complex numbers, K ⊆ C is a subfield 1 of C, f(x) ∈ K[x] a polynomial without multiple roots and of degree n ≥ 4. Let p ∈ N be a prime that does not divide n and q = pr ∈ N an integral power of ] G p. We write C for the superelliptic K-curve yq = f(x), and J(C ) for the f,q f,q A Jacobian of Cf,q. By definition, Cf,q is the smooth projective model of the affine curve yq =f(x). The Jacobian J(C ) is an abelian variety over K of dimension . f,q h (n−1)(q−1) t a dimJ(Cf,q)=g(Cf,q)= . 2 m If q >p, the map [ C →C , (x,y)7→(x,yp) f,q f,q/p 1 v inducesbyAlbanesefuctorialityasurjectiveK-mapbetweentheJacobiansJ(Cf,q)→ 3 J(C ). We write J(f,q) for the identity component of the kernel. If q = p, we f,q/p 4 set J(f,p) = J(C ). It is follows easily that J(f,q) is an abelian variety over K of 7 f,p dimension(n−1)ϕ(q)/2,whereϕdenotesthe Eulerϕ-function. Moreover,J(C ) 1 f,q . is K-isogenous to the product r J(f,pi)(See [15]). 1 i=1 0 Since K ⊆C, we may viewQJ(f,q) as a complex abelian variety. We refer to [5], 1 [10,Sect. 6.6.1and6.6.2]forthedefinitionandbasicpropertiesoftheHodgegroup 1 (aka special Mumford–Tate group). In [9], assuming that n > q and some other v: conditions on n,q and f(x), the authors showed that the (reductive Q-algebraic i connected) Hodge group of J(f,q) coincides with the largest Q-algebraic subgroup X ofGL(H1(J(f,q),Q))that’s“cutout”bytheinducedpolarizationfromthecanonical ar principal polarizationof J(Cf,q) and the endomorphism ring of J(f,q). Notice that whenq =2(i.e.,inthe hyperellipticcase)thisgroupwascompletelydeterminedin [12](whenf(x)has“large”Galoisgroup). Inthis paper,westudysomeadditional properties of J(f,q) which will allow us to extend the result to the case n < q as well. This case is necessary in order to treat the infinite towers of superelliptic jacobians, which, in turn, are useful for the study of the ranks of Mordell-Weil groups in infinite towers of function fields (See [6]). To state our main result, we make explicit the endomorphism ring and the po- larizationmentionedabove. LetX beanabelianvarietyoverK¯. WewriteEnd(X) for the ring of all its K¯-endomorphisms and End0(X) for the endomorphism al- gebra End(X)⊗ Q. In a series of papers [11, 13, 14, 15], Yuri Zarhin discussed Z the structure of End0(J(C )), assuming that n ≥5 and the Galois group Gal(f) f,q of f(x) over K is, at least, doubly transitive. Here Gal(f) ⊆ S is viewed as a n permutation group on the roots of f(x). It is well known that f(x) is irreducible 1 2 JIANGWEIXUE over K if and only if Gal(f) acts transitively on the roots. For the sake of sim- plicity let’s assume that K contains a primitive q-th root of unity ζ . The curve q C :yq =f(x) admits the obvious periodic automorphism f,q δ :C →C , (x,y)7→(x,ζ y). q f,q f,q q Byanabuseofnotation,wealsowriteδ fortheinducedautomorphismofJ(C ). q f,q The subvariety J(f,q) is δ -invariant and we have an embedding q Z[ζ ]֒→End(J(f,q)), ζ 7→δ . q q q In particular, the q-th cyclotomic filed E := Q(ζ ) is contained in End0(J(f,q)). q Zarhinshowed([11,15,17])thatEnd(J(f,q))is isomorphicto Z[ζ ]ifeither Gal(f) q coincides with the full symmetric group S , n ≥ 4 and p ≥ 3, or Gal(f) coincides n with the alternating group A (or S ), and n ≥ 5. This result has also been n n extended to the case Gal(f)=S or A , n≥5 and p|n in [7]. n n The first rational homology group H (J(f,q),Q) carries a natural structure of 1 E-vector space of dimension dim H (J(f,q),Q) 2dimJ(f,q) (n−1)ϕ(q) dim H (J(f,q),Q)= Q 1 = = =n−1. E 1 [E :Q] [E :Q] ϕ(q) Notice that if q >2, then E is a CM field with complex conjugation e7→e¯. Let E+ ={e∈Q(ζ )|e¯=e} q be the maximal totally real subfield of E and let E− ={e∈Q(ζq)|e¯=−e}. The canonical principal polarization on J(C ) induces a polarization on J(f,q), f,q which gives rise to a nondegenerate E-sesquilinear Hermitian form ([9]) φ :H (J(f,q),Q)×H (J(f,q),Q)→E. q 1 1 WewriteU(H (J(f,q),Q),φ )fortheunitarygroupofφ oftheQ(ζ )-vectorspace 1 q q q H (J(f,q),Q), viewed as an Q-algebraic subgroup of GL(H (J(f,q),Q)) (via Weil’s 1 1 restriction of scalars from E+ to Q ([5])). Since the Hodge group respects the polarization and commutes with endomorphisms of J(f,q), Hdg(J(f,q))⊂U(H (J(f,q),Q),φ ). 1 q If End0(J(f,q)) = E, then U(H (J(f,q),Q),φ ) is the largest connected reductive 1 q Q-algebraicsubgroupofGL(H (J(f,q),Q))thatboth respectsthe polarizationand 1 commutes with endomorphisms of J(f,q). The following theorem is a natural extension of [9, Theorem 0.1]. Theorem 1. Suppose that n ≥ 4 and p is a prime that does not divide n. Let f(x) ∈ C[x] be a degree n polynomial without multiple roots. Let r be a positive integer and q =pr. Suppose that there exists a subfield K of C that contains all the coefficients of f(x). Let us assume that f(x) is irreducible over K and the Galois group Gal(f) of f(x) over K is either S or A . Assume additionally that either n n n≥5 or n=4 and Gal(f)=S . 4 Suppose that one of the following three conditions holds: (A) n=q+1; (B) p is odd and n6≡1 mod q; (C) p=2, n6≡1 mod q and n6≡q−1 mod 2q. HODGE GROUPS 3 Then Hdg(J(f,q))=U(H (J(f,q),Q),φ ). 1 q Corollary 2. Corollary 0.3, Theorem 4.2 and Theorem 4.3 of [9] all hold without the assumption that n>q. Remark 3. We assume that n<q throughoutthe restofthe papersince the case n>q has already been treated in [9]. Remark 4. Since both Hdg(J(f,q)) and U(H (J(f,q),Q),φ ) are connected Q- 1 q algebraic groups, to prove Theorem 1, it suffices to show that dimHdg(J(f,q))≥dimU(H (J(f,q),Q),φ ). 1 q It is known that dimU(H (J(f,q),Q),φ )=dim E+· dim H (J(f,q),Q) 2. 1 q Q E 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Let hdg be the Q-Lie algebra of Hdg(J(f,q)). It is a reductive Q-Lie subalgebra of End H (J(f,q),Q) , and thus splits into a direct sum Q 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) hdg=c⊕hdgss, of its center c and the semisimple part hdgss =[hdg,hdg]. By [8, Theorem 1.3], if Gal(f) = S and n ≥ 4, or Gal(f) = A and n ≥ 5, the center c coincides with n n E−. Notice that dimQE− =dimQE+ =[E :Q]/2. Theorem 1 follows if we show that 1 (1) dim hdgss ≥ [E :Q] (dim H (J(f,q),Q))2−1 . Q E 1 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we study the Galois actions on certainvectorspaces. Insection3werecallsomefactsabouttheHodgeLiealgebra hdg. TheproofofTheorem1isgivenattheendofsection3exceptakeyarithmetic lemma, which is proven in Section 4. 2. Galois Actions Throughout this section, let E be a field that is a finite Galois extension of Q with Galois group G. Let V be a E-vector space of finite dimension. We write V for the underlying Q-vector space of V, and V for the C-vector space Q C V ⊗ C = V ⊗ C. Let Aut(C) be the group of all automorphisms of C. It Q Q Q act semilinearly on V = V ⊗ C through the second factor. More explicitly, C Q ∀κ ∈ Aut(C),v ⊗z ∈ V ⊗ C, we define κ(v ⊗z) := v ⊗κ(z). It follows that Q ∀x∈V⊗ Candc∈C,κ(cx)=κ(c)x. Ontheotherhand,E actsonV =V⊗ C Q C Q throughits firstfactor. ItfollowsthatV isafreeE⊗ C moduleofrankdim V, C Q E and the action of E = E⊗1 ⊆ E⊗ C commutes with that of Aut(C). In other Q words, κ((e⊗1)x)=(e⊗1)κ(x), ∀κ∈Aut(C),e∈E, and x∈V . C Let’s fix an embedding E ֒→C. This allowsus to identify eachGalois automor- phism σ : E → E with the embedding σ : E → E ⊂ C of E into C. It is well known that E :=E⊗ C= E⊗ C= C , where C :=E⊗ C. C Q E,σ σ σ E,σ σM∈G σM∈G 4 JIANGWEIXUE So every EC module W splits as a direct sum W =⊕σ∈GWσ, where W :=C W ={w∈W |(e⊗1)w =σ(e)w,∀e∈E}. σ σ Inparticular,VC =⊕σ∈GVσ,andeachVσ isaC-vectorspaceofdimensiondimEV. For each σ ∈G, let P : V →V be the C-linear projection map from V to the σ C σ C summandV . Similarly,foreachpairσ 6=τ,wewriteP =P ⊕P :V →V ⊕V σ σ,τ σ τ C σ τ for the projection map onto this pair of summands. We claim that Aut(C) permutes the set {V | σ ∈ G}, and the action factors σ through the canonical restriction Aut(C)։G, κ7→κ| . E Indeed, for all κ∈Aut(C),e∈E and x ∈V , σ σ (e⊗1)κ(x )=κ((e⊗1)x )=κ(σ(e)x )=κ(σ(e))κ(x )=κσ(e)κ(x ). σ σ σ σ σ Clearlyκσ(e)=((κ| )σ)(e). Byanabuseofnotation,wewriteκfortherestriction E κ| . So it follows that κ(x )∈V , and thus κ(V )=V for all κ∈Aut(C) and E σ κσ σ κσ σ ∈G. Let us define an action of Aut(C) on the set of projection P ={P |σ ∈G} by σ κ∗Pσ :=κ◦Pσ◦κ−1. Then for any element xσ ∈⊕σ∈GVσ =VC and Pτ ∈P, (κ∗Pτ)( xPσ)=κ◦Pτ κ−1(xσ) =κ(κ−1(xκτ))=xκτ, X (cid:16)X (cid:17) where all summations runs through σ ∈ G, and we used the fact that κ−1(x ) σ belongs to V if and only if σ =κτ. Therefore, τ κ∗Pσ =Pκσ. Clearly Aut(C) acts transitively on P. Since P =P ⊕P , we have similarly an σ,τ σ τ action of Aut(C) on the set PP :={P |(σ,τ)∈G2,σ 6=τ} by σ,τ κ∗Pσ,τ =κ◦Pσ,τ ◦κ−1 =Pκσ,κτ. TheAut(C)-orbitO ofeachP ∈PP consistsofallelementsoftheformP σ,τ σ,τ κσ,κτ with κ∈G. Lemma 5. Let W ⊆ V be any Q-subspace of V , and W := W ⊗ C ⊆ V Q Q Q C Q Q C be its complexification. (i) If there exists σ ∈G such that P (W )=V , then P (W )=V for all 0 σ0 C σ0 σ C σ σ ∈G. (ii) If there exists a pair (σ ,τ ) ∈ G2 with σ 6= τ such that P (W ) = 0 0 0 0 σ0,τ0 C V ⊕V , then P (W )=V ⊕V for all P ∈O . σ0 τ0 σ,τ C σ τ σ,τ σ0,τ0 Proof. Clearly,W is Aut(C)-invariant. Foreachσ ∈G, letus chooseκ∈Aut(C) C such that σ =κσ . Then 0 Pσ(WC)=(κ∗Pσ0)(WC)=κ◦Pσ0 ◦κ−1(WC)=κ◦Pσ0(WC)=κ(Vσ0)=Vσ. This proves part (i). Similarly, suppose that P (W ) = V ⊕ V . For all σ0,τ0 C σ0 τ0 P ∈O , there exists κ∈Aut(C) suchthat σ =κσ andτ =κτ . So we have σ,τ σ0,τ0 0 0 Pσ,τ(WC)=(κ∗Pσ0,τ0)(WC)=κ◦Pσ0,τ0 ◦κ−1(WC)=κ◦Pσ0,τ0(WC) =κ(V ⊕V )=κ(V )⊕κ(V )=V ⊕V , σ0 τ0 σ0 τ0 σ τ and part (ii) follows. (cid:3) HODGE GROUPS 5 Let R be a commutative ring with unity, and N be a free R-module of finite rank. We write Tr :End (N)→R for the trace map, and R R sl (N):={g ∈End (N)|Tr (g)=0} R R R for the R-Lie algebra of traceless endomorphisms of N. It is well-known that slE(V)⊗QC=slEC(VC)=slEC(⊕σ∈GVσ)= slC(Vσ). σM∈G We will denote the projection map sl (V) ⊗ C → sl (V ) again by P , and E Q C σ σ similarly for P . Clearly, each sl (V ) has C-dimension (dim V)2−1. σ,τ C σ E For the rest of the section, we assume additionally that E is a CM-field. For any σ ∈ G, let σ¯ : E → E be the complex conjugation of σ. In other words, σ¯ σ is the composition E −→ E → E, where the second arrow stands for the complex conjugation map e7→e¯. Lemma 6. Let k be a semisimple Q-Lie subalgebra of sl (V), and k := k⊗ C E C Q be its complexification. Suppose that the following two conditions holds: (I) there exists σ ∈G such that P (k )=sl (V ); 0 σ0 C C σ0 (II) For each pair (σ,τ) ∈G2 with σ 6=τ and σ 6=τ¯, there exists P ∈O σ0,τ0 σ,τ such Pσ0,τ0(kC) =slC(Vσ0)⊕slC(Vτ0). Then 1 dim k≥ [E :Q] (dim V)2−1 . Q E 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. Applying Lemma 5 with k in place of W and sl (V) in place of V, we see E that P (k )=sl (V ), ∀σ ∈G; σ C C σ P (k )=sl (V )⊕sl (V ), ∀(σ,τ)∈G2 with σ 6=τ and σ 6=τ¯. σ,τ C C σ C τ Let us fix a CM-type Φ of E. By definition, Φ is a maximal subset of G = Hom(E,C) such that no two elements of Φ are complex conjugate to each other. Clearly, |Φ|=[E :Q]/2, and 1 dim sl (V ) = [E :Q](dim (V)2−1). C C σ E 2 (cid:16)σM∈Φ (cid:17) Let k′C be the projection of kC on ⊕σ∈ΦslC(Vσ). It follows that the projection k′ → sl (V ) is surjective for all σ ∈ Φ, and k′ also projects surjectively onto C C σ C slC(Vσ)⊕slC(Vτ) for all distinct pairs σ,τ ∈Φ. Therefore, k′C = ⊕σ∈ΦslC(Vσ) by the Lemma on pp.790-791 of [4]. In particular, we get 1 dim k=dim k ≥dim k′ = [E :Q] (dim V)2−1 . Q C C C C 2 E (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) In the next section, we will show that our semisimple part of Hodge Lie algebra hdgss = [hdg,hdg] satisfies (I) and (II) of Lemma 6 and thus prove our Main Theorem. 6 JIANGWEIXUE 3. the hodge lie algebra Wekeepallnotationandassumptionsoftheprevioussections. Morespecifically, ζ is a primitive q-th root of unity, E = Q(ζ ) and G = Gal(E/Q) = (Z/qZ)∗, q q where each a ∈ (Z/qZ)∗ maps ζ to ζa. In order to simplify the notation, we q q write X for the abelian variety J(f,q), and V for its first rational homology group H (X,Q). In addition, we assume that End0(X)=E. 1 Recall that E = E ⊗ C. Let Lie(X) be the complex tangent space to the C Q originofX. Byfunctoriality,E actsonLie(X)andprovidesLie(X)withanatural structure of E -module. Therefore, Lie(X) splits into a direct sum C Lie(X)=⊕a∈GLie(X)a. where Lie(X) :={x∈Lie(X)|(ζ ⊗1)x=ζax}. Let us put n =dim Lie(X) . a q q a C a It is known that n =[na/q] (see [15, 16]), where [x] is the maximal integer that’s a less or equal to x, and we take the representative 1≤a≤q−1. Remark 7. By [9, Proposition2,1,2.2],the assumptions (A)(B)(C) ofTheorem1 guarantee that there exists an integer a such that 1≤a≤q−1, gcd(a,p)=1 and the integers [na/q] and dim V = n−1 are relative prime. We note that the E conditions (A)(B)(C) of Theorem 1 are equivalent to the conditions (A)(B)(C) of [9, Theorem 0.1]. Since V = H (X,Q) carries a natural structure of E-vector space, the first 1 complex homology group V = H (X,C) = H (X,Q)⊗ C carries a structure of C 1 1 Q E -module, and therefore splits into a direct sum C VC =⊕a∈GVa. Each V is a C-vector space of dimension dim V =n−1. a E There is a canonical Hodge decomposition ([3, chapter 1], [1, pp. 52–53]) V =H (X,C)=H−1,0(X)⊕H0,−1(X) C 1 whereH−1,0(X)andH0,−1(X)aremutually“complexconjugate”dim(X)-dimensional complexvectorspaces. This splitting is E-invariant,andH−1,0(X)andLie(X)are canonically isomorphic as E -modules. In particular, C dim H−1,0(X) =dim Lie(X) =n . C a C a a Let f0 =f0 :V →V be the C-linear operator such that H H,Z C C f (x)=−x/2 ∀ x∈H−1,0(X); f0 (x)=x/2 ∀ x∈H0,−1(X). H H Since the Hodge decomposition is E-invariant, f0 commutes with E. Therefore, H eachV isf0 -invariant. Itfollowsthatthe linearoperatorf0 :V →V issemisim- a H H a a ple and its spectrum lies in the two-element set {−1/2,1/2}. The multiplicity of eigenvalue −1/2 is n = dim H−1,0(X) , while the multiplicity of eigenvalue 1/2 a C a is dim V −n . Clearly, the complex conjugate of a ∈ Gal(E/Q) = (Z/qZ)∗ is E a a¯=q−a. It is known ([1], [2]) that (2) n +n =dim V. a a¯ E This implies that the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1/2 is n . a¯ HODGE GROUPS 7 TheHodgeLiealgebrahdgofX isareductiveQ-LiesubalgebraofEnd (V). Its Q naturalrepresentationin V is completely reducible and its centralizer in End (V) Q coincides with End0(X)=E. Moreover,its complexification hdg =hdg⊗ C⊂End (V)⊗ C=End (V ) C Q Q Q C C contains f0 [8, Sect. 3.4]. Recall that hdg = c⊕hdgss, with c being the center of H hdg and hdgss = [hdg,hdg] the semisimple part. Let c := c⊗ C be the com- C Q plexification of c and hdgss :=hdgss⊗ C the complexification of hdgss. Clearly, C Q hdgss ⊂sl (V), and thus E hdgsCs ⊂slEC(VC)=⊕a∈GslC(Va). We write hdgss for the image of projection P : hdgss → sl (V ). Clearly, each a a C C a hdgss is a semisimple complex Lie subalgebra of sl (V ). a C a Remark 8. Let us decompose f0 as f +f′ with f′ ∈ c and f ∈ hdgss. By H C C [9, Remark 3.2], the natural representation V of hdgss is simple for all a ∈ G. a a It follows from Schur’s Lemma that when restricted to each V , f′ coincides with a multiplication by scalar c ∈ C. Therefore, hdgss contains an operator (namely, a C f) whose restriction on each V is diagonalizable with at most two eigenvalues: a −1/2−c of multiplicity n and 1/2−c of multiplicity n =dim V −n . a a a a¯ E a Lemma 9. Let the assumptions be the same as in Theorem 1. There exists an a∈G=(Z/qZ)∗ such that hdgss =P (hdgss) coincides with sl (V ). a a C C a Proof. The idea is to combine Remark 7, 8 together with Lemma 3.3 of [9]. This resultis alreadycontainedin the proofof[9,Theorem3.4],where wenote thatthe assumption n > q in [9, Theorem 3.4] is not used for this particular step of the proof. (cid:3) Notice that this is the place where assumptions (A)(B)(C) in Theorem 1 are used, since we need to make sure that there exists a∈G such that n and dim V a E are relative prime in order to apply Lemma 3.3 of [9]. Let h : (Z/qZ)∗ → R be the function such that for all 1 ≤ a ≤ q −1 with gcd(a,q)=1, 2 2 dim V n−1 na E (3) h(a)= −n = − . a (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:20) q (cid:21)(cid:19) By (2), n +n = dim V, so h(a) = h(a¯) = h(q−a), which is also easy to check a a¯ E directly from (3). The function h is non-increasing on the set of integers [1,q/2] :={a|1≤a≤q/2,gcd(a,p)=1}. Z By Remark 3, we have 4≤n<q. In particular, [n/q]=0. On the other hand, let t be the maximal element of [1,q/2] . Then t 6= 1 and [nt/q] 6= 0. It follows that Z h is not a constant function. Lemma 10. Let the assumption be the same as Theorem 1. Let (a,b) ∈ G2 be a pair such that h(a)6=h(b). Then P (hdgss)=sl (V )⊕sl (V ). a,b C C a C b Proof. By (3), h(a)−h(b)=(n −n )(dim V −n −n ). a b E a b Soh(a)6=h(b)if andonlyif n 6=n andn 6=dim V −n . Letkss =P (hdgss). a b a E b a,b C By Lemma 9 and part (i) of Lemma 5, both projections kss → sl (V ) and kss → C a 8 JIANGWEIXUE sl (V ) are surjective. By Remark 8, P (f) is a semisimple element of kss ⊆ C b a,b End (V )⊕End (V ) such that P (f) acts on V with (at most) 2 eigenvalues C a C b a,b a of multiplicities n and dim V −n respectively, and similarly for b. Lemma 10 a E a followsby setting d=2 in [9, Lemma 3.6]. Last, we point out that the assumption that the multiplicities a are positive in [9, Lemma 3.6] is not used in its proof, so i thelemmaappliestothecasethatn orn iszero,whichmayhappenifn<q. (cid:3) a b Proof of Theorem 1. As remarkedat the end of Section 2, Theorem 1 follows if we showthattheconditions(I)and(II)ofLemma6holdsfork=hdgss. Condition(I) holds by Lemma 9. To show that Condition (II) holds, by Lemma 10 it is enough to prove that for each (a,b) ∈ G2 with a 6= b and a 6= ¯b, there exists x ∈ G such thath(xa)6=h(xb). Supposethatthisisnotthecase,thenthereexistsapair(a,b) such that h(xa) = h(xb) for all x ∈ G. Without loss of generality, we may and will assume that b = 1 ∈ (Z/qZ)∗, thus a 6= ±1. It follows that h(xa) = h(x) for all x ∈ (Z/qZ)∗. Since h is not a constant function, such an a does not exists by Lemma 11 of next section. Contradiction. (cid:3) 4. Arithmetic Results Throughout this section, G = (Z/qZ)∗. For each a ∈ G, let θ : G → G be the a translationmap: b7→ab. Afunctionh:G→Rissaidtobeeven ifh◦θ−1=h. For any x≤y ∈R, we write [x,y] for the set of integers {i|x≤i≤y,gcd(i,p)=1}. Z Lemma 11. Let h : (Z/qZ)∗ → R be an even function that’s monotonic on [1,q/2] . If h◦θ = h for some a ∈ (Z/qZ)∗ and a 6= ±1, then h is a constant Z a function. Proof. We prove the Lemma in seven steps. Step 1. Let h±ai be the subgroup of (Z/qZ)∗ generated by a and −1. Clearly h◦θ = h for any b ∈ h±ai since h◦θ = h and h is even. In particular, this b a holds true for the maximalelement b in the set in h±ai∩[1,q/2] . If b =1, max Z max the group h±ai is necessarily {±1}. Therefore, it is enough to prove that h being nonconstant implies that b =1. So with out lose of generality, we assume that max a = b throughout the rest of the proof. Notice that if a 6= 1, then 2a2 > q, for max otherwise it contradicts the maximality of a. Step 2. Lemma 11 holds if p=2. Every even function on (Z/qZ)∗ is constant if q is 2 or 4 so we assume that q = 2r ≥ 8. The group (Z/2rZ)∗ is isomorphic to Z/2Z×Z/2r−2Z, where the factor Z/2Z is generated by −1. Let us assume that h±ai has order 2s. Since h±ai⊇h±1i,itfollowsthath±ai∼=Z/2Z×Z/2s−1Z. Inparticular,ifh±ai6=h±1i, then Z/2s−1Z is nontrivial, therefore h±ai contains 3 elements of order two. But thereareexactly3elementsofordertwoin(Z/qZ)∗ :−1,2r−1−1,2r−1+1. Hence h±ai contains all the above elements of order 2. So a = 2r−1 −1 since it is the largest element in [1,q/2] . Therefore, Z h(q/2−1)=h(2r−1−1)=h(a)=(h◦θ )(1)=h(1). a Since h is monotonic on [1,q/2] , the above equality implies that h is constant on Z [1,q/2] and therefore a constant function. Z HODGE GROUPS 9 Step 3. Let p be an odd prime. Lemma 11 holds if either a is even, or a is odd and 3a≥q. It is enough to prove that if a 6= 1, then h(1) = h((q −1)/2). Since h(1) = (h◦θ )(1)=h(a), by monotonicity h is constant on [1,a] . Therefore it is enough a Z to find b such that h((q−1)/2)=h(b) and b∈[1,a] . Z First, let’s assume that a=2b is even. Then q−1 a· =(q−1)b≡−b mod q. 2 So h((q−1)/2)=h(a(q−1)/2)=h(−b)=h(b). Clearly b=a/2 lies in [1,a] . Z Next, assume that a is odd. Then q−1 qa−a q−a a· = ≡ (mod q). 2 2 2 So h((q − 1)/2) = h((q − a)/2). Let b = (q − a)/2. When 3a ≥ q, we have b=(q−a)/2≤a hence b lies in [1,a] as desired. Z Step 4. Lemma 11 holds if p=3. When p is odd, (Z/prZ)∗ is cyclic of order ϕ(pr)=(p−1)pr−1. For p=3, (Z/3rZ)∗ ∼=Z/(2·3r−1)Z∼=Z/2Z×Z/3r−1Z. In particular, if q ≥ 9, (Z/qZ)∗ contains a unique subgroup of order 3 which is generatedby3r−1+1. Ifthe orderofh±aiis coprimeto3,thenh±aiisnecessarily {±1}, which leads to an contradiction. If the order of h±ai is divisible by 3, then q ≥9 and h±ai contains 3r−1+1. By assumption on the maximality of a we must have a≥3r−1+1 and hence 3a>q. Step 5. Assume that both p and a are odd, p6=3 and 3a<q. Lemma 11 holds if 7a≥q. Sincep6=3,(q−3)/2liesin[1,q/2] . Itisenoughtoprovethata6=1impliesthat Z h(1)=h((q−3)/2). Indeed, itfollowsfromthe proofofStep3 thath((q−1)/2)= h((q−a)/2). Butifa6=1thena≥3 so(q−a)/2≤(q−3)/2. Ifweprovethath is constant on [1,(q−3)/2] , then h((q−1)/2)=h((q−a)/2)=h(1) and it follows Z that h is a constant function. By our assumption 3a<q, so (q−3a)/2 lies in [1,q/2] . Notice that Z q−3 q−3a a· ≡ mod q. 2 2 We see that h((q − 3)/2) = h((q − 3a)/2). Since h is constant on [1,a] , the Z inequality h(1) 6= h((q −3)/2) would imply that a < (q−3a)/2, or equivalently 5a < q. In particular, 2a < q/2. But 2 ∈ [1,a] since p is odd and a ≥ 3. So Z h(2)=h(1), therefore h(2a)=h(1) and h is constant on [1,2a] . But now by our Z assumption 7a≥q, or equivalently 2a≥(q−3a)/2, it follows that q−3 q−3a h =h =h(1). (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) Step 6. Assume that bothp anda areodd, p6=3,5and7a<q. Lemma11 holds. 10 JIANGWEIXUE Since 7a < q and p 6= 5, (q−5a)/2 lies in [1,q/2] . By similar argument as in Z Step 5, h((q−5)/2)=h((q−5a)/2). We claim that now it is enoughto show that h(1) = h((q −5)/2). Indeed, by the proof of the Step 5, all we need to show is that h(1)=h((q−3)/2), but since a≥3, then (q−3a)/2<(q−5)/2. So h being constant on [1,(q−5)/2] implies that h(1)=h((q−3a)/2)=h((q−3)/2). Z Let S be the set of all integers S ={b|b≥1,p∤b,(2b+1)a<q}. Clearly 1 ∈ S so S is not empty. Let x be the maximal element of S. By Step 1, 2a2 > q so necessarily x < a. Since h is constant on [1,a] , we must have h(1) = Z h(x). Notice that xa<q/2 by assumption. So h(ax)=h(x)=h(1) and it follows that h is constant on [1,ax] . Assume that h(1) 6= h((q−5)/2). It is necessary Z thatax<(q−5a)/2,orequivalently,(2x+5)a<q. Butwecanchoosex′ fromthe two elements set {x+1,x+2} such that x′ is coprime to p. It follows that x′ ∈S. This contradicts the maximality of x. Step 7. Lemma 11 holds if p=5. If the order of h±ai is divisible by 5, then h±ai contains the unique subgroupof order5in(Z/5rZ)∗. Inparticular,2·5r−1+1∈h±ai. Itfollowsthata>2·5r−1+1 and therefore 3a>5r. The Lemma holds by Step 3. If the order of h±ai is coprime to 5. Then from the isomorphism Z/5rZ∼=Z/4Z×Z/5r−1Z, we see that h±ai is has either order 2 or 4. If h±ai has order 2, then h±ai is necessarily h±1i and this leads to a contradiction. So we assume that h±ai has order 4 and a is the unique element such that 1<a<5r/2 and a2 ≡−1 mod 5r. In particular, a2 + 1 ≥ 5r. If a is even then the Lemma holds by Step 3. In particular,thisworksforq =p=5sincea=2inthiscase. Weassumethatq ≥25 and a is odd through out the rest of the proof. First we claim that a≥7. Indeed, If q = 25, then a = 7 by direct calculation; if q > 25, then a > 7 since a2+1 ≥q. This implies that (q −a)/2 ≤ (q −7)/2. Therefore, it is enough to prove that h((q−7)/2)= h(1) since it then follows that h((q−1)/2)= h((q−a)/2) = h(1). By Step 5 we may also assume that 7a < q. It follows that (q−7a)/2 ∈ [1,q/2] Z and h((q−7)/2)=h((q−7a)/2). Let c = [q/a]. Since a2 + 1 ≥ q and a < q/2 we see that 2 ≤ c ≤ a. Let x = [c/2] if [c/2] is not divisible by 5, and x = [c/2]−1 otherwise. Notice that a > x ≥ max{1,(c − 3)/2} and xa ≤ q/2 by our choice of x. It follows that x ∈ [1,a] therefore h(x) = h(1), and therefore h(ax) = h(x) = h(1). So h is Z constant on [1,ax] . If h(1) 6= h((q −7)/2), we must have xa < (q −7a)/2, or Z equivalently, (2x+7)a<q. Then it follows that q c−3 q >2x+7≥2 +7=c+4= +4, a (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) hai which is absurd. Lemma 11 is proved by combining all the above steps. (cid:3) References [1] P.Deligne,Hodge cycleson abelian varieties(notes byJ.S.Milne).LectureNotesinMath., vol.900(Springer-Verlag,1982),pp.9–100.

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