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Preview History: The Definitive Visual Guide (From The Dawn of Civilization To The Present Day)

HISTORY EDITORIAL CONSULTANT ADAM HART-DAVIS HISTORY t h e d e f i n i t i v e v i s u a l g u i d e from the dawn of civilization to the present day LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH, AND DELHI DORLING KINDERSLEY First American Edition, 2007 This edition published in 2012 Senior Art Editors Senior Editor Published in the United States by Ina Stradins, Maxine Lea Angeles Gavira Guerrero DK Publishing Art Editors Section Editors 375 Hudson Street Alison Gardner, Mark Lloyd, Nicola Hodgson, Rob Houston, Constance Novis, New York, New York 10014 Francis Wong Ruth O’Rourke, Rebecca Warren, Ed Wilson 07 08 09 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Designers Editors Brian Flynn, Kenny Grant, Sam Atkinson, Tom Broda, Kim Bryan, Mary 001–HD107–April/2012 Peter Laws, Matt Schofield, Lindsay, Ferdie McDonald, Sue Nicholson, Paula Copyright © 2007, 2012 Dorling Kindersley Limited Rebecca Wright Regan, Nigel Ritchie, Carey Scott, Giles Sparrow, All rights reserved Steve Setford, Alison Sturgeon, Claire Tennant-Scull, DTP Designers Miezan Van Zyl, Jo Weeks John Goldsmid, Laragh Kedwell, Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this Robert Strachan Editorial Assistants publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval Tamlyn Calitz, Manisha Thakkar system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, Jacket Designers mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the Lee Ellwood, Duncan Turner US Editor prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the Christine Heilman Cartographers above publisher of this book. Ed Merritt, John Plumer, Indexers David Roberts, Indexing Specialists (UK) Ltd. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Advanced Illustration Ltd: Production Paul Antonio, Russel Ikin A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Elizabeth Warman Picture Researcher Managing Editor ISBN 978-0-7566-7609-4 Louise Thomas Sarah Larter Senior Managing Art Editor DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for Publishing Manager Phil Ormerod sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, Liz Wheeler contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New Art Director Reference Publisher York 10014 or Editorial Consultant Adam Hart-Davis Main Consultants Professor Brian Fagan Dr. Karen Radner Professor Richard Lim Dr. Roger Collins Origins Rulers and Hierarchies Thinkers and Believers Warriors, Travelers, and Inventors Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Lecturer in the Ancient Near East, University Professor in the Ancient Mediterranean World Honorary Fellow, School of History and Classics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA College London, UK and Late Antiquity, Smith College, Massachusetts University of Edinburgh, UK Dr. David Parrott James Freeman Professor Richard Overy Renaissance and Reformation Industry and Revolution Population and Power Fellow and lecturer in Modern History, Postgraduate researcher, specializing in 18th and Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK New College, Oxford University, UK 19th century history, Cambridge University, UK Contributors and Specialist Consultants Contributors: Simon Adams, Lindsay Allen, Kriwaczek, Keith Laidler, Siobhan Lambert- Consultants: Early Mesoamerica and History, University of Oxford, UK; Japan and Robin Archer, Debbie Brunton, Jack Challoner, Hurley, Sarah Lynch, Margaret Mulvihill, Liz South America Dr. Jim Aimers, UCL Institute of Korea Dr. Angus Lockyer, Department of Nick McCarty, Thomas Cussans, Erich DeWald, Mylod, Owen Miller, Sally Regan, Nigel Ritchie, J. Archaeology, UK; India Professor David Arnold, History SOAS, UK; How We Know Dr. Iain Brian Fagan, Emma Flatt, Abbie Gometz, Reg A.G Roberts, Natalie Sirett, Giles Sparrow, Paul University of Warwick, UK; Food and diseases Morley and Dr. Laura Preston, McDonald Grant, Alwyn Harrison, Ian Harrison, James Sturtevant, Jenny Vaughan, Philip Wilkinson. Professor Kenneth Kiple, Department of History, Institute for Archaeological Research, University Harrison, Michael Jordan, Ann Kay, Paul Bowling Green State University, US; Latin of Cambridge UK; Consulting editor Philip America Professor Alan Knight, Department of Parker; China J.A.G Roberts CONTENTS Precious Metal 42 The Writing on the Wall 62 THINKERS & From copperworking to the Bronze Age, the The independent development of writing impact of the discovery of metalworking. systems throughout the world, including BELIEVERS cuneiform and hieroglyphs. Town Planning 44 The development of increasingly complex and Egypt in Order and Chaos 64 700 BCE – 600 CE 84 expanding communities. The rise and fall of ancient Egypt from the order of the Middle and New Kingdoms Introduction and Timeline 86 to the chaotic Intermediate Periods. Frontiers of Power 90 ORIGINS N RAMESES II 66 How the vast ancient empires of Eurasia were shaped by the landscape and environment. The Realm of Osiris 68 4.5 MYA – 3000 BCE 12 The cult of the god Osiris, and the extensive The Persian Empire 92 Introduction and Timeline 14 r aintucaielsn st uErgroyputn.ding death and the afterlife in Tohf ew hAicchha wemase onnid aenm upnirper eocfe Pdeernstiae,d t hseca elex,t ent Our Remote Ancestors 16 stretching across Asia to the Mediterranean. The human family tree from our earliest N EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS 70 The Greek City-States 94 relatives to the dominance of Homo sapiens. Building for Eternity 72 The great city-states of ancient Greece, The Art of Communication 20 The architecture of ancient empires, including including Athens, Sparta, and Corinth. aTrhteis teicm aebriglietyn icne eoafr lsyp heuemcha, nlasn. guage, and RULERS & the mzigognuuramtse notfa Ml teosmopbos toafm aina.cient Egypt and N ALEXANDER THE GREAT 96 T yCehliamersa Itaecg eoc h Aangdge eh so twh atth ebye gaaffne catbeodu ht u1m.5a mnsi.lli2on2 3H0I0E0 R– 7A0R0 CBCHE IES 46 a tPThnhedeo CfiSphroslautev tgí hnor esAf.am t hceirveicil aiJz—atgihouen asO rol mf Mecess oanamd e rica 74 TtTchohenee q ca uGftelteursretrmsee siank t hst ha oeitf n aMA dAleiodxspdaitlenaed E eGar srteth eaekn Gdid rAeasaitsa’.s, and9 8 HTOhhuuem ntma toneig fcr oasAtl oifaornniizscda aft ri oGomna otAhff rEeicararet htrh.sa t resulted in 3204 ISIulnlnictderkesosrns,d tedausinscsdet aaiasonendn, d a t arneHdna etde ata hTrleltyimhm a .tetelminpets to 4528 ETMBhrueoedrn oMiztepinr rAeoag’nasene .saF,n iwr ishltoa n Cfldio vuoirfl iisCzhraedtei o odnnu rt ihneg the 76 TamTnhoceesi etd nBcetov iAemrtlohmhpe omnonsfe, fnwoDtr hmeoofm s otehfo epgc rodrinveacemcirpnyolme csrea intnictf o tsorymdsat ety1hm. e0 i0n T h Thuhene tpi nSrgep hfioisrrti otfo riWoc dwo. aryl do f life—foraging and 32 Thihgerei sr iCsaenr ado dfE clueopm horpaflt eeCxs i svroiivcleierzsta ieintsi oMbenets woepeonta tmheia 5. 4 oTBhfr eco ivdniilpzizleaot miAonagtsie ct haCanotd el tlxraiaspdteisndeg i nc othmem Muindidtyle 78 FTanhrode mrthede M ischyoiftvth efr oyt mof Howriarsilt itnog r wiynr itatennci ehnistt oGrye.e1ce0 2 Early rituals and beliefs in the afterlife. East, and the mysterious colapse of the Triumphs of Greek Science 104 TFNhir eEs dtA eHRveaLloYrpv meSsOetn Ct IoEf TsoIEcieSt ies based on 364 bTEangahdnyep ks sta’D sow iOfv tlihdne Ke cNi noPiglnehds otRarmuirvcae,t riwoo, onhv iscoeh fr tfl2ho0eu0 pr0iys hryaemdar idso snb. ct5he,6e BRThruoenl egzreres aA tog Aef s sstyyhsrteiae nmI rE.omnp iAreg, ew hich dominate8d0 aTthnhese w arnoecrosite stn oot flGi fmere’ose dmkesyr nws thescori essno.tuifigch tm loegthicoadl lie with agriculture and the domestication of animals. Mysteries of the Indus 58 Itrhoen MAigded, lefr oEmas t hfoe r9 twtho c ceenntuturyri ebsc ed.uring the TFrhome Rhuismeb olef b Regoinmnien gs on the hills abo1ve0 6 V Thilel acugletiv aLtiifoen of domestic crops and livest3oc8k Tthhee Icnidtiieasn asnudb coivniltiiznaetinotn’s tIhnadtu dse Vvaelloepy.ed in Conquering Sea and Desert 82 the Tiber River, a mighty city and empire rose. brought about the first setled communities. Bronze Age China 60 dTheeve clopmepdl eoxv nere twheo rMk eodf itreardraen reoaunte Sse tah atn d N JULIUS CAESAR 108 Rites and Rituals 40 The Shang dynasty, which produced two major acros the deserts of Arabia and Africa. From Republic to Empire 110 Unraveling the mysteries of megalithic achievements: writing and bronze casting. The Roman empire gave rise to a remarkable structures such as Stonehenge. culture, whose influence is still seen today. The Roman Army 114 N BATTLE OF MILVIAN 148 The Ascent of Islam 174 The structure and organization of the BRIDGE The spread of the Islamic faith throughout professional Roman army. the world following the death of Muhammad. Decline and Fall? 150 Classical Art 116 The end of the Roman Empire, the changing N ISLAMIC TREASURES 178 The sculpture, pottery, painting, mosaics, and balance of power in the West, and the rise of architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. the Christian Byzantine Empire in the East. The Delhi Sultanate 180 The great Islamic kingdom that was founded Greek and Roman Egypt 118 in India. Egypt’s transition from a kingdom ruled by Greeks to a Roman, then Byzantine province. S Thoeu trahd iongf cthenete Srsa ahnadr eam pires of Africa1, 82 RENAISSANCE & N CLEOPATRA 120 including Great Zimbabwe, Songhay, and Mali. REFORMATION The Revival of Persia 122 The Silk Road 184 Persia after the Greeks—Parthian expansion The greatest trading route of the 13th–14th and the period of Sassanid rule. centuries, which spread from Europe to 1450 – 1750 218 India’s First Empire 124 East Asia. Introduction and Timeline 220 The Mauryan domination of the Indian The Black Death 186 Voyages of Discovery 224 Tsuhbec oUntniniefinct aatnido tnh eo rfis Ce hofi nBaud dhism. 126 WARRIORS, Tthhee mpleadgiueev athl pate rdioedci.mated Europe during Eanudro tpheea nd isecxopveedriyti oonf s“ naerowu wndo rtlhdes” .globe The “Warring States” period, which gave TRAVELERS, & Medieval Europe 188 N ISABELLA OF CASTILE 226 rise to the Qin state. The establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, and the feudal system in Europe. N COLUMBUS LANDS IN 228 The Centralized State 128 INVENTORS THE CARIBBEAN Han Dynasty China and the development N BATTLE OF HASTINGS 192 of its highly efficient civil service. 600 – 1450 152 The Power and the Glory 194 CThoen Stpaacntis Ah mcoenqriucisatasd ors in South 230 Classical Thought 130 Introduction and Timeline 154 The might of the Roman Catholic Church and Central America. The emergence of key philosophical ideas in medieval Europe. in ancient Greece, including the work of Diffusion of Knowledge 158 The Great Exchange 232 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Muslim scholarship and the spread The Byzantine Empire 198 The two-way exchange of plants, animals, and of ideas to the West. The great empire of the East, centered disease between Europe and the Americas. A Wider World 132 on Constantinople (Istanbul). Increasing commercial and cultural exchange, China’s Golden Age 160 Spanish Silver 234 forging links across the ancient world. The Tang dynasty’s rule of China, which The Crusades 200 The discovery and exploitation of South saw a great flowering of Chinese culture. The religious wars for control of America’s vast natural resources. Celtic Warriors 134 the Holy Land (Palestine). The spread of Celtic culture across Europe, The Song Dynasty 162 The Pilgrim Fathers 236 which leads to contact with Romans, Greeks, China under the Song, a period of upheaval Raiders and Traders 202 The religious refugees who became the and Christianity. and key reforms. The Vikings—the warrior tribes from founding fathers of the US and whose Scandinavia that spread across Europe. colonies set the tone for future colonization. N CELTIC METAL 136 N GENGHIS KHAN 164 N BATTLE OF ’AYN JALUT 204 Trade and Empire 238 N T suhoceh mt raiabs edtshs eo ofS tfch yteth vieans Sts gtaernapdss pKlaeunsdh sa onfs .Eurasi1a,3 8 CbTehcienaa mM ueni cndaegpr itDtahlye a nMnadins tgth,ye d Gurienagt wWhailcl hw Baes ibjin1ugi6l t.6 T nhoheme f aoRduicns dewa atoirorfino Oros fti ntho Aemn Oaatotnolim aP a(oTnuw Erkemeryp )ir.e b2y 06 Tsbtheretwt cvehaeesntd E tthuoer oA 1pfr5eictahan,– At1rsa8idathi,n acgne ednm ttuhpreiier eAs.sm tehraict as E AThmaere lcryiuc laAtu—mrMesea yoraif c,M Zaaenps oCateimvc,ei larinczada atNinoadzn cSaso. uth 140 tThheee de oRsmtiasbinelias tohiomfn et ohnfte toh Sfe t ahwmea rSurihorora gciu lansast ein a Jnadp 1a n6.8 C aTshi etGi ereisnseo ao nfa cdnod mT Vrmeandeicrecee , iann md ecidtyie-svtalt eEsu,r osupce2h.0 8 Tehxhpeea “ npTdrheodrspe teor oiEtusm sg arpegaet”re, oswtr hesex nte nCth. ina’s emp2ire4 0 G dTheoeitdi epso ltayhtnahted dis eGtivceo rldeolpdigeeidos nisns e athsne d apnacniethnet ownosr l1odf4. 2 KwThhoeirc aehs adce oinmnd ientnhactey d oM Kf oithdreda Cl euhn oAtsilog 1ne9 sk1i n0g. dom, 170 PT Ahzrte c-risCc,h oa nalunddm I ncbcoaimsa.pnle Ax msoceieriticeas so f the Ma2ya1, 0 TJfrahoepm aE tdnhoe’s pr eGsritro eodfa, twh ehP ewnao Jcraldep, a ann ids odlaetveedlo iptsed2lf a4 2 Spreading the Faith 144 Lost Empires 172 unique cultural identity. The emergence and expansion of the great The empires of Southeast Asia, including N AZTEC TO INCA 214 The Great Mughals 244 world religions. the Khmer, Pagan, and Dai Viet. Polynesian Expansion 216 The empire that at its peak ruled over 100 The colonization of the islands of the million subjects across the Indian subcontinent. South Pacific. The Ottoman Empire 246 N ABRAHAM LINCOLN 316 The Opium Wars 354 The Ottoman Empire at its height and the Conflicts between Britain and China during beginnings of its decline. Latin America Liberated 318 the 19th century. The struggle for freedom in the Spanish and N BATTLE OF LEPANTO 248 Portuguese colonies of South America. Rising Sun 356 Japan’s emergence as a modern industrialized The Renaissance 250 Completing the Map 320 power after centuries of isolation. The remarkable flourishing of European art, World exploration during the 18th and 19th architecture, and culture during the 15th centuries. The Young Turks Revolt 358 and 16th centuries. Islamic states and governments in the late N LEONARDO DA VINCI 254 INDUSTRY & CThiety u Lrbiavni negxp losion that took place in the3 22 19th century. 19th century throughout the world. The Scramble for Africa 360 The Reformation 256 REVOLUTION How Europe came to dominate and The immense religious changes that swept Germ Warfare 326 colonize the continent of Africa. through Europe during the 16th century. 1750 –1914 284 Tohf ea ninactoremays,i nmg ekdniociwnele, dingefe catniodn u, nadnedr sdtiasnedasineg. , N ELIZABETH I 260 Introduction and Timeline 286 Our Country 328 wThoerel dm 3 ho0asd t Y dyeeeavt arsset aeWtnin.agr a nd costly war the 2 62 TDhraem Fatoico indc rReaesveos liun tfiooond production tha2t 90 tThhee UidSe, aa nodf nitast icoonnasliesqmu einn cEeusr.ope and sustained a rapidly expanding population. Europe Redefined 330 T tThhhaeet wc Ehaanrn bggeleitdsw hethe eCn ifpvacailer l iWaomf aEernn gt land. monarc2h6y 4 Thhee t eIcnhdnuolsotgriicaal aRned vsocluialt idoenve l opmen2ts9 2 tHhoew 1 8Etuhr oapned’s 1 m9tahp c wenatsu trriaens.sformed in that transformed the Western world from an N KARL MARX 334 Scientific Revolution 266 agricultural to an industrial society. The radical breakthroughs in science and Workers Unite! 336 technology that changed our perception of The First Global Conflict 296 Political movements that aimed to organize our place in the universe. The Seven Years War—the first conflict the expanding working class and share the to be fought across continents. wealth of the Industrial Revolution. N LISBON EARTHQUAKE 268 US Declaration of 298 The Romantic Movement 338 POPULATION The Enlightenment 270 Independence Ideas of self-expression and imagination An intelectual movement born from scientific The war between the American colonies that led to a growing distinction between art & POWER method that dared to question the status quo. and Britain, which resulted in the formation and science. Masters of War 272 of the United States. Origin of Species 340 1914 – present 362 sAest twlinagr btreacdaem deis tphuet edso, msoin manilti tamrye thaoctdic os f BNA STOILRLME ING OF THE 300 Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. Introduction and Timeline 364 became increasingly sophisticated. Science vs. God 342 N THE ASSASSINATION AT N ARMS AND ARMOR 274 TRhev voioluletnito enve ints Farnadn tceero r that shook 302 Trehlieg ipounb ilnic tdheb waatek eth oaft spcitetendti fisc iaednvcaen acgeasi.nst SARAJEVO 370 T iaTnnhsdetei tetu hRmteioi esnbreseg.eg onincfn eiC noagf pothif etma floreidseem rmn afirnkeatn ceicaol no2m7y 6 FNTrha neNc eAN aPat pOthoLelE eeOondnN oi cfB tWhOeaN 1rA8st Ph AceRnTtuEry . 3064 IT1nh9egth e cnxepinlotusuirosyn. I onfv tecnhtniolnogsy in the 344 rTWEeuhsorheorladp pG eWe,r dwae rtia phI tie(n 1Wgm9 o1aup4rt – oa1fn 8t he),en w twirheoi crghlde .dnevratsiotant,e ad3n 7d2 N LOUIS XIV 278 bFreeynocnhd i mdupreinriga lN aampboilteions’s inre Eigunr.ope and Thee e Immppiresr ithaalt Wdoomrilnda ted the world m3ap4 6 Tehne d Rayus sthsaiat snh oRoekv tohelu wtoiorldn— the old or3de7r6 The Slave Trade 280 N WILLIAM WILBERFORCE 308 by 1900. in Russia overthrown and the foundation of The brutal trade that saw 10 million Africans the first communist state. shipped across the Atlantic to work in Expanding the Frontier 310 N QUEEN VICTORIA 348 Ecoxlopnlioalr ipnlagn tahtioen sP.acific 282 Tdhest iAnmy”e troic caonl opnioizne eanrs ,e antidre t hceoinr t“inmeant.ifest CThoel orenlaitaioln Rsheips ibsetawnecen t he colonial 350 NTh eJO HSaEmPmH eSrT aAnLdIN S ickle 38708 How European exploration and colonization of N AMERICAN INDIAN 300 powers and the indigenous populations The Soviet experiment—collectivization, the Pacific became viable with the invention CULTURE of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. industrialization, and the oppression of of an accurate device for measuring longitude. The American Civil War 314 The British Raj 352 Stalinist rule. The conflict that ripped the United States India as the jewel in the crown of the N SOVIET PROPAGANDA 382 apart between 1861 and 1865. British Empire.

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