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Martin Heidegger History of the Concept of Time Prolegomena TRANSLATED BY Theodore Kisiel Indiana University Press Bloomington Preparation of this book was aided by a grant from the Program for Translations of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency. A translator's introduction to this volume, by Theodore Kisiel, is published separately as "On the Way to Being and Time: Introduction to the Translation of Heidegger's Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs," Research in Phenomenology XV (1985). Published in German as Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs © 1979 by Vittorio Klostermann © 1985 by Indiana University Press All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Association of American University Presses' Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition. Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. History of the concept of time. (Studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy) Translation of: Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeit begriffs. 1. Time-Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Phenome nology-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title. II. Series. B3279·H48P7613 1985 115 84-47703 ISBN 0-253-32834-9 2 345 89 88 87 86 85 Contents TRANSLATOR'S FOREWORD Xlll Introduction The Theme and Method of the Lecture Course § 1. Nature and history as domains of objects for the sciences § 2. Prolegomena to a phenomenology of history and nature under the guidance of the history of the concept of time 5 § 3. Outline of the lecture course 7 PRELIMINARY PART The Sense and Task of Phenomenological Research Chapter One Emergence and Initial Breakthrough of Phenomenological Research 13 § 4. The situation of philosophy in the second half of the 19th century. Philosophy and the sciences 13 a) The position of positivism 15 b) Neo-Kantianism-the rediscovery of Kant in the philosophy of science 16 c) Critique of positivism-Dilthey's call for an independent method for the human sciences 17 d) The trivializing of Dilthey's inquiry by Windelband and Rickert 17 e) Philosophy as 'scientific philosophy'-psychology as the basic science of philosophy (the theory of consciousness) 18 a) Franz Brentano 19 f3) Edmund Husser! 23 Chapter Two The Fundamental Discoveries of Phenomenology, Its Principle, and the Clarification of Its Name 27 § 5. Intentionality 27 a) Intentionality as the structure of lived experiences: exposition and initial elucidation 29 v VI Contents b) Rickert's misunderstanding of phenomenology and intentionality 32 c) The basic constitution of intentionality as such 36 a) The perceived of perceiving: the entity in itself (environmental thing, natural thing, thinghood) 37 ~) The perceived of perceiving: the how of being-intended (the perceived ness of the entity, the feature of bodily- ili~ ~ 'Y) Initial indication of the basic mode of intentionality as the belonging-together of intentio and intentum 44 §6. Categorial intuition 47 a) Intentional presuming and intentional fulfillment 48 a) Identification as demonstrative fulfillment 48 ~) Evidence as identifying fulfillment 50 'Y) Truth as demonstrative identification 51 8) Truth and being 53 b) Intuition and expression 55 a) Expression of perceptions 56 ~) Simple and multi-level acts 60 c) Acts of synthesis 63 d) Acts of ideation 66 a) Averting misunderstandings 68 ~) The significance of this discovery 71 § 7. The original sense of the apriori 72 § 8. The principle of phenomenology 75 a) The meaning of the maxim "to the matters themselves" 75 b) Phenomenology's understanding of itself as analytic description of intentionality in its apriori 79 §9. Clarification of the name 'phenomenology' 80 a) Clarification of the original sense of the component parts of the name 80 a) The original sense of 1patllo{-tBIIOIl 81 ~) Original sense of M'Yo~ (AO'YO~ &:1T01pall'TtKO~ and M'Yo~ CTT/{-tall'TtKo~) 84 b) Definition of the unified meaning thus obtained and the research corresponding to it 85 c) Correcting a few typical misunderstandings of phenomenology which stem from its name 88 Contents vii Chapter Three The Early Development of Phenomenological Research and the Necessity of a Radical Reflection in and from Itself 90 §1O. Elaboration of the thematic field: the fundamental determination of intentionality 91 a) Explication of the demarcation of the thematic field of phenomenology and fixation of the working horizons in Husserl and Scheler 91 b) Fundamental reflection upon the regional structure of the field in its originality: elaboration of pure consciousness as an independent region of being 94 §II. Immanent critique of phenomenological research: critical discussion of the four determinations of pure consciousness 102 a) Consciousness is immanent being 103 b) Consciousness is absolute being in the sense of absolute givenness 104 c) Consciousness is absolutely given in the sense of 'nulla re indiget ad existendum' 104 d) Consciousness is pure being 106 § 12. Exposition of the neglect of the question of the being of the intentional as the basic field of phenomenological research 108 § 13. Exposition of the neglect of the question of the sense of being itself and of the being of man in phenomenology 1 14 a) The necessary demarcation of phenomenology from naturalistic psychology, and its overcoming 115 b) Dilthey's endeavor of a 'personalistic psychology'-his idea of man as a person 1 16 c) Husserl's adoption of the personalistic tendency in the "Logos-Essay" 119 d) Fundamental critique of personalistic psychology on a phenomenological basis 123 e) Scheler's unsuccessful attempt in determining the mode of the being of acts and of the performer of acts 126 f) Result of the critical reflection: the neglect of the question of being as such and of the being of the intentional is grounded in the fallen ness of Dasein itself 128 Vlll Contents MAIN PART Analysis of the Phenomenon of Time and Derivation of the Concept of Time FIRST DIVISION Preparatory Description of the Field in Which the Phenomenon of Time Becomes Manifest Chapter One The Phenomenology That Is Grounded in the Question of Being 135 § 14. Exposition of the question of being from the radically understood sense of the phenomenological principle 135 a) Assumption of the tradition as a genuine repetition 138 b) Modification of the thematic field, the scientific way of treating it and the previous self-understanding of phenomenology by critical reflection on the fundamental question of being as such 139 c) Unfolding the question of being with time as our guiding clue 140 Chapter Two Elaboration of the Question of Being in Terms of an Initial Explication of Dasein 143 §15. Emergence of the question of being from an indeterminate preunderstanding of Dasein-question of being and understanding of being 143 §16. Interrogative structure of the question of being 144 § 17. Correlation of the question of being and the questioning entity (Dasein) 147 Chapter Three The Most Immediate Explication of Dasein Starting from its Everydayness. The Basic Constitution of Dasein as Being-in-the-World 151 § 18. Acquisition of the fundamental structures of the basic constitution of Dasein 152 a) The Dasein is in the 'to be it at its time' 152 b) The Dasein in the 'to be' of everydayness for its particular while 154 §19. The basic constitution of Dasein as being-in-the-world. The in-being of Dasein and the being-in of things on hand 156 Contents IX §20. Knowing as a derivative mode of the in-being of Dasein 160 §21. Worldhood of the world 167 a) World hood as the wherein for Dasein's leeway of encounter 167 b) World hood of the environing world: aroundness, the primary character of the space of the "around" as constitutive of world hood 170 §22. How the tradition passed over the question of the worldhood of the world. Descartes as an example 17 1 §2J. Positive exposition of the basic structure of the worldhood of the world 185 a) Analysis of the characters of encounter of the world (reference, referential totality, familiarity, 'one') 186 b) Interpretation of the structure of encounter of the environing world: the phenomenal correlation founding the characters of encounter themselves 189 a) The work-world: more detailed phenomenological interpretation of the environing world of concern 191 ~) Characterization of the specific function of encounter of this work-world for encountering the nearest things in the environing world- the specific character of reality of the handy 193 y) The specific function of encounter of the work-world for letting us encounter that which is always already there- the extant on hand 198 c) Determination of the basic structure of world hood as meaningfulness 200 a) Misinterpretation of the phenomenon of reference as substance and function 200 m Sense of the structure of encounter belonging to world as meaningfulness 201 y) Interconnection of the phenomena of meaningfulness, sign, reference, and relation 204 8) Being-in-the-world, as concerned and understanding, discloses the world as meaningfulness 209 §24. Internal structuring of the question of the reality of the external world 214 a) The reality of the external world is exempt from any proof of it or belief in it 214 b) The reality of the real (worldhood of the world) cannot be defined on the basis of its being an object and being apprehended 216 x Contents c) Reality is not interpreted by way of the in-itself; rather, this character is itself in need of interpretation 218 d) Reality is not to be understood primarily in terms of the bodily presence of the perceived 219 e) Reality is not adequately clarified by the phenomenon of resistance as the object of drive and effort 220 §25. Spatiality of the world 223 a) Highlighting of the phenomenal structure of around ness as such is constituted by: remotion, region, orientation (directionality) 225 b) The primary spatiality of Dasein itself: remotion, region, orientation are determinations of the being of Dasein as being-in-the-world 227 c) Spatializing the environing world and its space-space and extension in mathematical determination using Leibniz as an example 234 §26. The 'who' of being-in-the-world 236 a) Dasein as being-with-the being of others as co-Dasein (critique of the thematic of empathy) 237 b) The Anyone as the who of the being of with-one-another in everydayness 243 Chapter Four A More Original Explication of In-Being: The Being of Dasein as Care 251 §27. In-being and care-an outline 251 §28. The phenomenon of discoveredness 252 a) Structure of the discovered ness of Dasein in its world: disposition 252 b) Understanding: the enactment of the being of discoveredness 257 c) The cultivation of understanding in interpretation 260 d) Discourse and language 261 a) Discoursing and hearing 265 ~) Discoursing and silence 267 y) Discoursing and idle talk 268 8) Discourse and language 270 §29. Falling as a basic movement of Dasein 272 a) Idle talk 272 b) Curiosity 274 Contents XI c) Ambiguity d) The characters of the inherent movement of falling e) The fundamental structures of Dasein from the horizon of fallenness 282 §30. The structure of uncanniness 283 a) The phenomenon of flight and fear 283 a) Fear as being afraid of something considered in its four essential moments 284 (3) The modifications of fear y) Fear in the sense of fearing about b) Dread and uncanniness c) More original explication of falling and dread (uncanniness) as a preview of the basic constitution of Dasein as care §31. Care as the being of Dasein 293 a) Determination of the articulated structure of care 293 b) The phenomena of urge and propensity 295 c) Care and discoveredness 297 d) Care and the character of the 'before' in understanding and interpretation (prepossession, preview, preconception) 299 e) The 'Fable of Cura' as an illustration of an original self- interpretation of Dasein 30 I f) Care and intentionality 303 SECOND DIVISION The Exposition of Time Itself §32. The result and the task of the fundamental analysis of Dasein: elaboration of the question of being itself 305 §33. Necessity for the thematic development of the phenomenological interpretation of Dasein as a whole. The phenomenon of death 307 §34. Phenomenological interpretation of death as a phenomenon of Dasein 312 a) The utmost possibility of death in the mode of being of everydayness 315 b) The authentic relationship of the being of Dasein toward death 317 §3J. The phenomenon of willing to have a conscience and of being guilty 318 xu Contents §36. Time as the being in which Dasein can be its totality 319 EDITOR'S EPILOGUE 321 GLOSSARY OF GERMAN TERMS 325

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