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History of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 2: From Late Antiquity to the End of the Middle Ages PDF

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History of BiBlical interpretation Volume 2: from late antiquity to tHe end of tHe middle ages resources for Biblical study susan ackerman, old testament/Hebrew Bible editor tom Thatcher, new testament editor number 61 History of Biblical interpretation Volume 2: from late antiquity to the end of the middle ages History of BiBlical interpretation Volume 2: from late antiquity to tHe end of tHe middle ages By Henning graf reventlow Translated by James o. duke society of Biblical literature atlanta History of BiBlical interpretation Volume 2: from late antiquity to tHe end of tHe middle ages copyright © 2009 by the society of Biblical literature original title: Epochen der Bibelauslegung Band II: Von der Spätantike bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters, by Henning graf reventlow, copyright © Verlag c.H. Beck oHg, munich 1994. english translation produced under license from the publisher. all rights reserved. no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permit- ted by the 1976 copyright act or in writing from the publisher. requests for permission should be addressed in writing to the rights and permissions office, society of Biblical literature, 825 Houston mill road, atlanta, ga 30329 usa. library of congress cataloging-in-publication data reventlow, Henning, graf. [epochen der Bibelauslegung. english] History of biblical interpretation / by Henning graf reventlow p. cm. — (society of Biblical literature resources for biblical study ; no. 50, 61–63) includes bibliographical references and indexes. isBn-13: 978-1-58983-202-2 (paper binding, vol. 1 : alk. paper) — isBn 978-1-58983- 455-2 (paper binding, vol. 2 : alk. paper) — isBn 978-1-58983-459-0 (paper binding, vol. 3 : alk. paper) — isBn 978-1-58983-460-6 (paper binding, vol. 4 : alk. paper) 1. Bible—criticism, interpretation, etc.—History. i. title. Bs500.r4813 2009b 220.609—dc22 2009045014 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 5 4 3 2 1 printed in the united states of america on acid-free, recycled paper conforming to ansi/niso Z39.48-1992 (r1997) and iso 9706:1994 standards for paper permanence. contents abbreviations ...................................................................................................vii introduction .......................................................................................................1 1. famous interpreters of late antiquity ..........................................3 1.1. it depends on the literal sense: theodore of mopsuestia .............3 1.2. the deeper sense is decisive: didymus the Blind .......................21 1.3. a Bible for the West: Jerome ............................................................32 1.4. an interpreter with the shepherd’s staff: ambrose of milan ......45 1.5. monastic life with the Bible: John cassian ...................................69 1.6. The Bible and the Thought of antiquity: augustine......................76 2. mediators between antiquity and the middle ages ...............97 2.1. a roman on the chair of st. peter: gregory the great .................97 2.2. a collector of antiquity’s Heritage: isidore of seville ................106 2.3. a learned monastic Brother in the northland: Venerable Bede .................................................................................110 2.4. a theologian in charlemagne’s service: alcuin ..........................118 2.5. authority and logical thinking: John scotus eriugena .............126 3. Bible and theology in the middle ages ......................................137 3.1. Ways of preserving tradition: catena and gloss .........................137 3.2. the Beginnings of scholasticism: sentences and questions ......141 3.3. dialectics and exegesis: abelard ....................................................143 3.4. monastic scriptural interpretation: rupert of deutz ..................151 3.5. History and deeper sense: Hugh of st. Victor .............................160 3.6. a monk expects the age of the spirit: Joachim of fiore ............170 3.7. the Bible and aristotle: thomas aquinas ....................................185 3.8. understanding the World from the Bible: Bonaventure .............201 4. Jewish interpreters of the middle ages .....................................219 4.1. Biblical literal sense and talmudic tradition: rashi ..................222 vi from late antiquity to tHe end of tHe middle ages 4.2. under the influence of arabic culture: abraham ibn ezra .......234 5. late medieval exegetes ....................................................................247 5.1. learning from the Jews: nicholas of lyra .....................................247 5.2. the Bible, god’s eternal Book: John Wyclif .................................259 concluding Word ......................................................................................275 selected resources and readings ................................................................281 index of names and places...........................................................................301 index of subjects ............................................................................................305 index of Biblical references .........................................................................308 abbreviations primary sources Abr. ambrose, De Abraham Acad. cicero, Academicae quaestiones Apol. Hier. rufinus, Apologia contra Hieronymum b. Babylonian talmud Brev. Bonaventure, Breviloquium (Brief Discourse) Cain ambrose, De Cain et Abel Cant. Venerable Bede, In Cantica canticorum Coll. Hex. Bonaventure, Collationes in Hexaemeron Comm. Apoc. rupert of deutz, Commentaria in Apocalypsim Comm. Joh. John scotus eriugena, Commentarius in Evangelium Johannis; rupert of deutz, Commentaria in Evangelium sancti Joannis; Bonaventure, Commentarius in Evange- lium Johannis Comm. Luc. Bonaventure, Commentarius in Lucam Comm. sent. thomas aquinas, Commentaria in Libros Sententiarum Conc. Joachim of fiore, Liber Concordiae Novi ac Veteris Tes- tamenti (Book of the Harmonies of the Old and New Testaments) Congr. philo, De congressu eruditionis gratia (On the Prelimi- nary Studies) Conl. John cassian, Conlationes patrum (The Conversations of the Fathers) Did. Hugh of st. Victor, Didascalion de studio legendi (Text- book on the Study of Reading) Div. praed. John scotus eriugena, De divina praedestinatione (On Divine Predestination) Dom. div. John Wyclif, De dominio divino -vii- viii from late antiquity to tHe end of tHe middle ages Enarrat. Ps. ambrose, Enarrationes in XII Psalmos davidicos; augustine, Enarrationes in Psalmos (Enarrations on the Psalms) Ep. miss. gregory the great, Moralia in Job, Epistola missoria ad Leandrum Ep. Epistula(e) Etym. isodore of seville, Etymologiae (Etymologies) Exc. ambrose, De excessu fratris sui Satyri Exp. Apoc. Joachim of fiore, Expositio in Apocalypsim (Exposition of the Apocalypse of John) Exp. Luc. ambrose, Expositio Evangelii secundum Lucam Exp. Ps. 118 ambrose, Expositio Psalmi CXVIII Expl. Apoc. Venerable Bede, Explanatio Apocalypseos Fasc. ziz. Fasciculi zizaniorum (Booklet about Weed) Fid. Grat. ambrose, De fide ad Gratianum Gen. litt. augustine, De Genesi ad litteram (On Genesis Literally Interpreted) gen. rab. genesis rabbah Glor. et hon. rupert of deutz, De gloria et honore filii hominis super Mattheum Glor. trin. rupert of deutz, De glorificatione trinitatis et processione Sancti Spiritus Hex. ambrose, Hexaemeron libri sex (Six Days of Creation) Hist. eccl. Venerable Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Church History of the English People) Hom. Ezech. gregory the great, Homiliae in Ezechielem Inst. John cassian, De institutis coenobiorum Inter. Gen. alcuin, Interrogationes et responsiones in Genesin Isaac ambrose, De Isaac vel anima (Isaac, or The Soul) Jac. ambrose, De Jacob et vita beata (Jacob and the Happy Life) Lect. Eph. thomas aquinas, Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios Lib. fig. Joachim of fiore, Liber figurarum (Book of Figures) Moral. Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (Magna moralia) lxx septuagint Off. ambrose, De officiis ministrorum Opif. ambrose, De opificio mundi (On the Creation of the World) Parad. ambrose, De paradiso (On Paradise) aBBreViations ix Patr. ambrose, De benedictionibus patriarcharum (The Patri- archs) Periph. John scotus eriugena, Periphyseon pesiq. rab. pesiqta rabbati prooem. prooemium Psalt. Joiachim of fiore, Psalterium decem chordarum (Psalter of Ten Strings) Quaest. isodore of seville, Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (Questions on the Old Testament) Quodl. thomas aquinas, Quodlibeta Retract. augustine, Retractationum libri II (Retractions); Vener- able Bede, Retractatio (Retractions) Ruf. Jerome, Adversus Rufinum (Apology against Rufinus) Sacr. ambrose, De sacramentis (The Sacraments); Hugh of st. Victor, De sacramentis christianae fidei Sanct. trin. rupert of deutz, De sancta trinitate et operibus eius (On the Holy Trinity and Its Works) Sanh. Sanhedrin Script. Hugh of st. Victor, De scripturis et scriptoribus sacris (On the Holy Scriptures and Their Authors) Summa theol. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica Sup. Rom. Thomas Aquinas, Super Epistolam ad Romanos lectura Tract. Joachim of fiore, Tractatus super quottuor Evangelia (Treatise on the Four Gospels) Ver. Thomas Aquinas, De veritate sacre scripture; John Wyclif, De veritate sacre scripture (On the Truth of the Holy Scriptures) Vict. rupert of deutz, De victoria verbi Dei Vita Ant. athanasius, Vita Antonii (Life of Antony) y. Jerusalem talmud yebam. yebamot secondary sources ALKG Archiv für Litteratur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelal- ters BgBH Beiträge zur geschichte der biblischen Hermeneutik Bgphma Beiträge zur geschichte der philosophie und theologie des mittelalters

Volume 2 of History of Biblical Interpretation deals with the most extensive period under examination in this four-volume set. It begins in Asia Minor in the late fourth century with Bishop Theodore of Mopsuestia, the founder of a school of interpretation that sought to accentuate the literal meanin
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